WKB Homework #2 for Math 605 Due: March 16, 2005 It may be helpful to read Zauderer, Chapter on Asymptotic Methods, on reserve. 1. Assume that the plane wave uI = e−ikx is incident on the parabola C: x= 1 2 a y − 2a 2 , and that the total field u = 0 on C. Find an asymptotic expansion of the scattered wave uS valid fo k 1. 2. Assume that a wave uI = eikx for k 1 is incident on a circular cylinder of radius a C : x2 + y 2 = a 2 and that the total field satisfies ∇2 u + k 2 u = 0, outside C with u = 0 on C, and the scattered part uS is outgoing from C. a) Find and plot the rays x = x(s, τ ), y = y(s, τ ) with C parametrized by x = a cos τ and y = a sin τ for π/2 < τ < 3π/2. What are the rays for −π/2 < τ < π/2? b) Show that the caustic of these rays lies inside the circle but that the caustic intersects the circle at the points x = 0, y = ±a. Plot the caustic. c) Show that Snell’s Law (αI = αR ) holds for the rays at their intersection with the boundary. d) Calculate the leading order amplitude for the scattered wave, in terms of s and τ . e) Show that u = 0 in the dark region, and that the total field in the illuminated region is u = eikx v u u −t a/2 cos τ eik(2s+a cos τ ) a/2 cos τ − 2s for π/2 < τ < 3π/2. 3. Sketch the rays, orthogonal to the wave fronts, for the case of a stratified medium in the case when all the rays issue from the origin. That is, consider uxx + uyy + k 2 n2 (x)u = 0 for k 1, with n(0) x<0 n1 (x) 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 , n(x) = n2 x>2 for n2 < n(0) (both constants) and n1 (x) a monotonically decreasing function. In particular find an expression for y 0 (x) on the rays, with initial conditions y(0) = 0 and y 0 (0) = tan θ for 0 < θ < π. Use this to determine the behavior of the rays. Indicate illuminated and shadow regions.