Problem #2: checkpoint mechanism Li et al Trends Cell Biol 13 553 2003 Shah and Cleveland Cell 103 997 2000 Facts: F t a single i l unattached tt h d KT prevents t anaphase; h rapid id reactions ti off involved i l d proteins t i diffusing diff i iin th the cytoplasm; in fused cells with two spindles in the same cytoplasm, anaphase can initiate in one spindle even if the other has unattached chromosomes: Presumably, this reflects competition between the short half-life of Mad2* and its finite diffusion rate from the last unattached KT Questions: 1) What is the composition of the reactions in the “wait anaphase” signal? 2) How is the tight inhibition of APC is maintained throughout the cell/nucleus? 3) How is this inhibition removed fast upon attachment of the last chromosome? What is really happening at the kinetochore? Shah and Cleveland Cell 103 997 2000 Ibrahim et al 2008 PLoS ONE 3: e1555 d [ APC : Cdc ] dt = −k−8 [ APC : Cdc ] + k8 [ APC ] × [Cdc ] mass action Ibrahim et al 2008 PLoS ONE 3: e1555 Result of the simulations for WT cells Ibrahim et al 2008 PLoS ONE 3: e1555 Result of the simulations for mutant and biochemically inhibited cells Note that most, but not all parameters were known. Four unknown parameters were found using genetic algorithm by fitting the data (to be explained in later lecture) Ibrahim et al 2008 PLoS ONE 3: e1555 So far, we did not discuss where the reactions take place; how the molecules go where they are needed. The following two papers examined two central requirements: (i) capacity of single kinetochore to maintain tight inhibition of the APC–Cdc20 complex throughout the nucleus, (ii) the rapid removal of this inhibition once the final kinetochore is attached without assuming the exact form of reactions (this is what physics is good for) Yeast cell: mitosis in the nucleus Doncic et al PNAS 102 6332 2005 Direct Inhibition Self-Propagating Inhibition Emitted Inhibition Doncic et al PNAS 102 6332 2005 ∂C * ∂ 2C * =D − αC * 2 ∂T ∂X 0≤ X ≤ L X = Lx, T = t / α , C* = Cc * ∂c * ∂ 2c * D = D 2 − c*, D = 2 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 ∂t ∂x Lα % ca - active; ci - inhibited a = 0; b = 1; t0 = 0; t1 = 6; k = 0.1; h = 0.0005; D = 10; D = D*h/k^2; N = (b-a)/k; M = (t1-t0)/h; ca = ones(M+1 ones(M+1,N+1); N+1); ci = ones(M+1,N+1); ones(M+1 N+1); % Init Cond %-------------------------MainLoop-------------------for i = (1:M/2) ca(i+1,2:N) = ca(i,2:N) + h*ci(i,2:N) + ... D*(ca(i,1:N-1) + ca(i,3:N+1) - 2*ca(i,2:N)); ci(i+1,2:N) = ci(i,2:N) - h*ci(i,2:N) + ... D*(ci(i,1:N-1) + ci(i,3:N+1) - 2*ci(i,2:N)); ca(i+1,1) = 0; ci(i+1,1) = ci(i,1) + D*ca(i,2) + D*(ci(i,2) - ci(i,1)); Boundary conditions: no flux at the right; activated concentration is zero at the left; activated ‘flux in’ i equall tto iinactivated is ti t d ‘fl ‘flux out’t’ att the left. ca(i+1,N+1) = ca(i,N+1) + h*ci(i,N+1) + D*(ca(i,N) - ca(i,N+1)); ci(i+1,N+1) = ci(i,N+1) - h*ci(i,N+1) + D*(ci(i,N) - ci(i,N+1)); end for i = (M/2+1:M) ca(i+1 2:N) = ca(i,2:N) ca(i+1,2:N) ca(i 2:N) + h*ci(i h ci(i,2:N) 2:N) + ... D*(ca(i,1:N-1) + ca(i,3:N+1) - 2*ca(i,2:N)); ci(i+1,2:N) = ci(i,2:N) - h*ci(i,2:N) + ... D*(ci(i,1:N-1) + ci(i,3:N+1) - 2*ci(i,2:N)); D ~ 1μ m 2 / s D > 10 for effective inactivation D 1 α< ~ 0.1 s , L ~ 1 μ m , T ~ > 10s 2 10 L α Where are 100’s of sec in the paper coming from? ca(i+1,1) = ca(i,1) + h*ci(i,1) + D*(ca(i,2) - ca(i,1)); ci(i+1,1) = ci(i,1) - h*ci(i,1) + D*(ci(i,2) - ci(i,1)); ca(i+1,N+1) = ca(i,N+1) + h*ci(i,N+1) + D*(ca(i,N) - ca(i,N+1)); ci(i+1,N+1) = ci(i,N+1) - h*ci(i,N+1) + D*(ci(i,N) - ci(i,N+1)); end %------------------------GraphicOutput----------------plot((0:N)/N,ca(M/2,:),'r--',(0:N)/N,ci(M/2,:),'m--',... (0:N)/N,ca(M/2+1000,:),'r',(0:N)/N,ci(M/2+1000:),'m') 2 ∂c * ∂ 2c * = D 2 − c * + rcc * ∂t ∂x ∂c ∂ 2c = D 2 + c * −rcc * ∂t ∂x 1.8 Simplest model Red – activated, blue – inactivated Solid – after, dashed – before D=10 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 08 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 D ~ 1, r >> 1: decent spatial inhibition; alpha does not have to be small anymore, so switch can be fast. But: ‘Auto-lock’ in an inhibited state; do not need KT anymore: 2 18 1.8 1.6 c * − rcc* = c * (1 − rc ) = 0, c + c* = 1 Simplest model Red – activated, blue – inactivated Solid – after, dashed – before D=3 1.4 1.2 1) c* = 0, c = 1 1 1 2) c = , c* = 1 − r r 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 Self-propagating inhibition Red – activated, blue – inactivated Solid – after, dashed – before D=1, r=4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Emitted inhibition: α c * −γ ce* = 0 α c * +λ e* = 0 λ e * −γ ce* = 0 c* = 0 c + c* = 1 e + e * +c* = 1 e =1 Inhibition range: Switching time: c =1 e* = 0 D / λ or D /α 1/ λ or 1/ α So, benefit is not obvious… just twice better? Small yeast; big animal cells nonautocatalytic amplification Doncic’s scheme does not catalytically amplify the inhibitory g One e* molecule can interact with only y one c signal. molecule. In Sear’s scheme, a single e* molecule can convert many molecules into the inhibiting form, thereby producing amplification. Sear and Howard PNAS 103 16763 2006 Can we figure out the type of certain reaction from a general requirement? Doncic et al Molecular Systems Biology 2 1 2006 There is a considerable noise in protein expression Doncic et al examined the capacity of the mitotic spindle checkpoint to buffer temporal fluctuations in Cdc20 production rate. Their results suggest that inhibiting Cdc20 through a sequestering mechanism allows for a significant buffering of protein production noise. Noise N i iin th the Cd Cdc20 20 production d ti iis th thus b buffered ff d by its tethering to the activated complexes Doncic et al Molecular Systems Biology 2 1 2006 o k1 k2 k2 c k 4 k3 ddc = k1 − ( k2 + k4 ) c + k3 m dt dm = k 4 c − ( k 2 + k3 ) m dt m Degradation: perturbation decays with rate k2 k2. Sequestering: perturbation decays with rates k2 and k2+k3+k4. We can keep k2 low, if k4 is high, and k3 is medium – then most of c is in the form of m, m and average c is low low. Noise is ‘filtered filtered out’ out then, because very small in amplitude perturbation of c decays rapidly, with rate k2+k3+k4, while greater in amplitude perturbation of m decays with slow rate k2. k2 C =c+m dc = ( k1 + k3C ) − ( k2 + k3 + k4 ) c dt dC = k1 − k2C dt k1 k1 + ε k1 = 1;k2 = 0.1;k3 = 1;k4 = 10;eps=0.1; h=0.01; t = (0:h:100); c = ones(size(t)); m = 9*ones(size(t)); for n = (1:length(t)-1) c(n+1) = c(n) + h*(k1+3*randn-(k2+k4)*c(n)+k3*m(n)); m(n+1) = m(n) + h*(k4*c(n)-(k2+k3)*m(n)); end plot(t,c), axis([0 100 0 2]) 1.12 1.1 1.1 1.08 τ ~1 1.08 1.06 1.06 τ ~ 10 1.04 δ c ≈ 0.09 1.04 k1 = 1;k2 = 1;k3 = 0;k4 = 0;eps=0.1; 1 02 1.02 1.02 δ c ≈ 0.1 1 1 0 98 0.98 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 98 0.98 k1 = 1;k2 = 0.1;k3 = 1;k4 = 10;eps=0.1; 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 2 2 1.8 1.8 k2 = 0.1;k3 = 1;k4 = 10; k2 = 1;k3 = 0;k4 = 0; 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100