BOSTON COLLEGE URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS …………………...………………………………………………………………………… URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS (UCTC) APPLICATION Mission: UCTC forms excellent Catholic school teachers and actively engages in the ministry of teaching for and with the urban students of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Goals: 1) Provide academically rigorous and experientially rich, Catholic school teacher preparation based in a uniquely Catholic formative context; and 2) Actively engage in the ministry of Boston Catholic schools serving urban students. Core Values: 1) Ministry - Members minister full-time as teachers in Boston Catholic schools serving urban students; 2) Simplicity - Members commit to an intentional, simple lifestyle inspired by Catholic social teachings; 3) Community - Participants live together, actively engaging in an intentional, faith-based living and learning community where faith is actively engaged with, individuals are loved and supported, and all experiences and perspectives are shared and respected; and 4) Spirituality - Individual and community spirituality and faith is formed through faith sharing, retreats, prayer, pilgrimage, and spiritual direction. …………………...………………………………………………………………………… LEGAL NAME: LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE EMAIL ADDRESS: DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH/DAY/YEAR): HOME ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: GENDER: ETHNICITY (OPTIONAL): RELIGION (OPTIONAL): ARE YOU A UNITED STATES CITIZEN? Y N UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATIONS DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1; FINAL DEADLINE JANUARY 30 WHICH LANGUAGES DO YOU SPEAK FLUENTLY? HIGH SCHOOL: GRADUATION DATE: TYPE OF HIGH SCHOOL (PLEASE CHECK ONE): PUBLIC CATHOLIC DID YOU STUDY ABROAD? PRIVATE NON-CATHOLIC YES HOME SCHOOLED NO IF YES, WHERE? HAVE YOU COMPLETED, OR WILL YOU COMPLETE, A STATE CERTIFIED PRE-TEACHING PROGRAM BEFORE JUNE 1? YES NO PLEASE TELL US ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS: PLEASE LIST ANY COMM UNITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES, SOCIAL JUSTICE, OR FAITH-RELATED ACTIVITIES OR GROUPS THAT YOU HAVE PARTICIPATED IN: PLEASE LIST ANY OTHER GRADUATE PROGRAMS, TEACHING PROGRAMS, OR OTHER POSITIONS THAT YOU PLAN TO APPLY FOR (OPTIONAL): PLEASE TELL US HOW YOU FIRST HEARD ABOUT UCTC? UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATIONS DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1; FINAL DEADLINE JANUARY 30 ESSAYS PLEASE CLEARLY AND CONCISELY ANSWER BOTH OF THE ESSAY QUESTIONS BELOW AND SUBMIT THEM W ITH YOU UCTC APPLICATION MATERIALS. 1. State your teaching philosophy and how it informs your teaching. 2. Explain your views of the benefits and challenges of faith-based education. 3. Describe a recent, formative experience in your faith and how this experience has impacted your relationship with God. LYNCH SCHOOL OF EDUCATION APPLICATION CHECKLIST PLEASE CHECK OFF EACH ITEM BELOW CONFIRMING THAT YOU HAVE SUBMITTED THEM TO THE BOSTON COLLEGE LYNCH SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF GRADUATE ADMISSIONS [PLEASE FOLLOW ALL LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THESE M ATERIALS]: A PPLICATION *: O FFICIAL GRE T EST S CORES : R ESUME : O FFICIAL U NDERGRADUATE T RANSCRIPT : L ETTERS OF R ECOMMENDATION FOR THE L YNCH S CHOOL (2): P ERSONAL S TATEMENT : *N OTE : T HE APPLICATION FEE FOR THE L YNCH S CHOOL OF E DUCATION IS WAIVED FOR UCTC APPLICANTS , BUT IF ADMITTED YOU WILL NEED TO PAY THE DEPOSIT . URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS APPLICATION CHECKLIST PLEASE CHECK OFF THAT YOU ARE SUBMITTING ALL MATERIALS NOTED BELOW. MAIL IN THESE ITEMS IN ONE ENVELOP TO UCTC AT THE ADDRESS NOTED BELOW. A PPLICATION : E SSAYS : R ESUME : S UPPLEMENTAL LETTERS OF R ECOMMENDATION (3)*: *NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT BEGIN YOUR FULL-PRACTICUM STUDENT TEACHING UNTIL THE SPRING SEMESTER, YOU MAY SEND YOUR SUPERVISING TEACHER RECOMMENDATION LETTER NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 15. PLEASE CONTACT THE UCTC DIRECTOR AND MAKE NOTE IN THIS APPLICATION THAT YOU WILL BE SENDING IT BY THE LATER DATE. UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATIONS DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1; FINAL DEADLINE JANUARY 30 I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION INCLUDED IN THIS APPLICATION IS COMPLETE, ACCURATE, AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE SIGNATURE MAIL APPLICATION AND ALL OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTS TO: URBAN CATHOLIC TEACH ER CORPS THE ROCHE CENTER FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION BOSTON COLLEGE 25 LAWRENCE AVENUE CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATIONS DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1; FINAL DEADLINE JANUARY 30 BOSTON COLLEGE URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS …………………...………………………………………………………………………… URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS OF BOSTON COLLEGE (UCTC) LETTER OF REFERENCE FROM ROOMMATE/HOUSEMATE The applicant is applying to be a member of UCTC of Boston College. UCTC is a two-year graduate degree program combined with two years of full-time teaching in Boston Catholic schools. Mission: UCTC forms excellent Catholic school teachers and actively engages in the ministry of teaching for and with the urban students of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Goals: 1) Provide academically rigorous and experientially rich, Catholic school teacher preparation based in a uniquely Catholic formative context; and 2) Actively engage in the ministry of Boston Catholic schools serving urban students. Core Values: 1) Ministry - Members minister full-time as teachers in Boston Catholic schools serving urban students; 2) Simplicity - Members commit to an intentional, simple lifestyle inspired by Catholic social teachings; 3) Community Participants live together, actively engaging in an intentional, faith-based living and learning community where faith is actively engaged with, individuals are loved and supported, and all experiences and perspectives are shared and respected; and 4) Spirituality - Individual and community spirituality and faith is formed through faith sharing, retreats, prayer, pilgrimage, and spiritual direction. ................................................................................................................................................................................... TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT: LEGAL NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ EAGLE ID (IF APPLICABLE): _____________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH/DAY/YEAR): __________________________________________________________________ TO BE READ BY THE APPLICANT AND RECOMMENDER Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students enrolled at Boston College have access to their admission records, including letters of recommendation. However, students may waive their right to see letters of recommendation, whereupon such letters will be held in confidence. If the applicant has not signed a waiver, it is assumed that this letter is submitted with the recommender’s understanding that the applicant, once registered at Boston College, may request to see the letter. The alternative selected will not affect consideration of the application for admission. I have retained my right of access to this recommendation. I have waived my right of access to this recommendation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT DATE UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1, 2015; SECONDARY DEADLINE JANURARY 30, 2016 UCTC would appreciate your evaluation of the applicant’s capacity for success as a graduate student participating in the UCTC program. Please submit your letter of recommendation on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this form. Please address the following questions within your letter: 1. What did you like most about living with this person? 2. What can at times be challenging about living with this person? 3. Do you have any concerns about this person living in intentional community and his or her ability to appropriately address conflict? Please attach this form with your letter in a sealed envelope with your signature across the back. Thank you for providing us with your recommendation. RECOMMENDER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________TITLE: ________________ RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT: _________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________TELEPHONE: __________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE RECOMMENDER DATE The applicant is to send the unopened envelope with the remaining application materials to the address below. URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS THE ROCHE CENTER FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION BOSTON COLLEGE 25 LAWRENCE AVENUE CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1, 2015; SECONDARY DEADLINE JANURARY 30, 2016 BOSTON COLLEGE URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS …………………...………………………………………………………………………… URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS OF BOSTON COLLEGE (UCTC) LETTER OF REFERENCE FROM STUDENT TEACHING SUPERVISOR The applicant is applying to be a member of UCTC of Boston College. UCTC is a two-year graduate degree program combined with two years of full-time teaching in Boston Catholic schools. Mission: UCTC forms excellent Catholic school teachers and actively engages in the ministry of teaching for and with the urban students of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Goals: 1) Provide academically rigorous and experientially rich, Catholic school teacher preparation based in a uniquely Catholic formative context; and 2) Actively engage in the ministry of Boston Catholic schools serving urban students. Core Values: 1) Ministry - Members minister full-time as teachers in Boston Catholic schools serving urban students; 2) Simplicity - Members commit to an intentional, simple lifestyle inspired by Catholic social teachings; 3) Community Participants live together, actively engaging in an intentional, faith-based living and learning community where faith is actively engaged with, individuals are loved and supported, and all experiences and perspectives are shared and respected; and 4) Spirituality - Individual and community spirituality and faith is formed through faith sharing, retreats, prayer, pilgrimage, and spiritual direction. ................................................................................................................................................................................... TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT: LEGAL NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ EAGLE ID (IF APPLICABLE): _____________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH/DAY/YEAR): __________________________________________________________________ TO BE READ BY THE APPLICANT AND RECOMMENDER Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students enrolled at Boston College have access to their admission records, including letters of recommendation. However, students may waive their right to see letters of recommendation, whereupon such letters will be held in confidence. If the applicant has not signed a waiver, it is assumed that this letter is submitted with the recommender’s understanding that the applicant, once registered at Boston College, may request to see the letter. The alternative selected will not affect consideration of the application for admission. I have retained my right of access to this recommendation. I have waived my right of access to this recommendation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT DATE UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1, 2015; SECONDARY DEADLINE JANURARY 30, 2016 UCTC would appreciate your evaluation of the applicant’s capacity for success as a graduate student participating in the UCTC program. Please submit your letter of recommendation on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this form. Please address the following questions within your letter: 1. What do you see as this applicant’s strengths and weaknesses as a potential teacher? 2. Has this person interacted appropriately with you, other faculty members, supervisors, and students in the building? Do you have any concerns about this applicant’s ability to work as a part of a team of teachers? 3. If admitted, this person will be the teacher of record in their own urban Catholic school classroom next year. Do you have any concerns about this person’s ability to manage their own urban Catholic school classroom or to be an effective teacher? Please attach this form with your letter in a sealed envelope with your signature across the back. Thank you for providing us with your recommendation. RECOMMENDER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________TITLE: ________________ RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT: _________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________TELEPHONE: __________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE RECOMMENDER DATE The applicant is to send the unopened envelope with the remaining application materials to the address below. URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS THE ROCHE CENTER FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION BOSTON COLLEGE 25 LAWRENCE AVENUE CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1, 2015; SECONDARY DEADLINE JANURARY 30, 2016 BOSTON COLLEGE URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS …………………...………………………………………………………………………… URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS OF BOSTON COLLEGE (UCTC) LETTER OF REFERENCE FROM SPIRITUAL ADVISOR The applicant is applying to be a member of UCTC of Boston College. UCTC is a two-year graduate degree program combined with two years of full-time teaching in Boston Catholic schools. Mission: UCTC forms excellent Catholic school teachers and actively engages in the ministry of teaching for and with the urban students of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. Goals: 1) Provide academically rigorous and experientially rich, Catholic school teacher preparation based in a uniquely Catholic formative context; and 2) Actively engage in the ministry of Boston Catholic schools serving urban students. Core Values: 1) Ministry - Members minister full-time as teachers in Boston Catholic schools serving urban students; 2) Simplicity - Members commit to an intentional, simple lifestyle inspired by Catholic social teachings; 3) Community Participants live together, actively engaging in an intentional, faith-based living and learning community where faith is actively engaged with, individuals are loved and supported, and all experiences and perspectives are shared and respected; and 4) Spirituality - Individual and community spirituality and faith is formed through faith sharing, retreats, prayer, pilgrimage, and spiritual direction. ................................................................................................................................................................................... TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT: LEGAL NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ EAGLE ID (IF APPLICABLE): _____________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH (MONTH/DAY/YEAR): __________________________________________________________________ TO BE READ BY THE APPLICANT AND RECOMMENDER Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, students enrolled at Boston College have access to their admission records, including letters of recommendation. However, students may waive their right to see letters of recommendation, whereupon such letters will be held in confidence. If the applicant has not signed a waiver, it is assumed that this letter is submitted with the recommender’s understanding that the applicant, once registered at Boston College, may request to see the letter. The alternative selected will not affect consideration of the application for admission. I have retained my right of access to this recommendation. I have waived my right of access to this recommendation. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT DATE UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1, 2015; SECONDARY DEADLINE JANURARY 30, 2016 UCTC would appreciate your evaluation of the applicant’s capacity for success as a graduate student participating in the UCTC program. Please submit your letter of recommendation on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this form. Please address the following questions within your letter: 1. How would you describe the level of engagement of the applicant in their faith-formation? 2. What do you see as the potential for spiritual growth of this applicant? Please attach this form with your letter in a sealed envelope with your signature across the back. Thank you for providing us with your recommendation. RECOMMENDER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________TITLE: ________________ RELATIONSHIP TO APPLICANT: _________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________TELEPHONE: __________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF THE RECOMMENDER DATE The applicant is to send the unopened envelope with the remaining application materials to the address below. URBAN CATHOLIC TEACHER CORPS THE ROCHE CENTER FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION BOSTON COLLEGE 25 LAWRENCE AVENUE CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 UCTC AND LYNCH SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINES: PRIORITY DEADLINE DECEMBER 1, 2015; SECONDARY DEADLINE JANURARY 30, 2016