Lynch School of Education Program of Study / 2014 M.S.T. / Secondary Education CLASS ENTERING 2014 TO BE SUBMITTED DURING THE SECOND TERM OF ENROLLMENT IN THE PROGRAM, PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF REGISTRATION FOR THE THIRD TERM OF ENROLLMENT NAME ANTICIPATED COMPLETION DATE SEMESTER/YEAR BC ID COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS DATE MONTH/YEAR _____TELL (TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS) *** ______DONOVAN Course Number and Title Credits APSY 7419 Applied Adolescent Development 3 EDUC 7435 Social Contexts of Education (Donovan Only: EDUC 7435.08) EDUC 7438 Instruction of Students with Special Needs and Diverse Learners (Donovan Only: EDUC 7438.08) Spring T/W* 3 3 One of the following: EDUC 6300 Secondary and Middle School Science Methods EDUC 6304 Secondary and Middle School Mathematics Methods 3 EDUC 6346 Teaching Bilingual Students 3 EDUC 7621 Bilingualism, Second Language and Literacy Development (Only TELL) Fall 3 EDUC 7447 Literacy and Assessment in Secondary Education EDUC 6589 Teaching and Learning Strategies (all programs EXCEPT TELL) Summer 3 EDUC 7431 Inquiry Seminar 1 EDUC 7429 Pre-Practicum 1 EDUC 7432 Inquiry Seminar 2 EDUC 7420 Practicum 6 Electives (minimum of 5) from Graduate School of Arts & Sciences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 15 EDUC 8100 Masters Comprehensive Examinations 0 Total Credits 46*** *Insert a T (transfer) or W (waiver) as appropriate. If seeking a transfer of credits, you must also fill out a “transfer request form” available online. If requesting a waiver, you must attach an official transcript to this form. **TELL: Participants are expected to work with ELL students during the course of their studies. Consult with your advisor. STUDENT SIGNATURE APPROVAL ADVISOR ASSOCIATE DEAN OF GRADUATE STUDIES YES YES DATE NO NAME SIGNATURE NAME SIGNATURE NO