Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Uli Walther Purdue University With Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag Singh. AMS Eastern, Halifax, October 2014 Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Notation R = Z[X ], X = m × n matrix of indeterminates. Rp = R/pR; R0 = Q ⊗Z R. It =ideal of t-minors of X . Object of desire: HI•t (R), local cohomology modules. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Notation R = Z[X ], X = m × n matrix of indeterminates. Rp = R/pR; R0 = Q ⊗Z R. It =ideal of t-minors of X . Object of desire: HI•t (R), local cohomology modules. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Local cohomology A = Noetherian ring, √ a = A-ideal, √ f1 , . . . , fk ∈ a with a = f1 , . . . , fk . L Cfs = A[1/(fi1 · · · fis )]. Cfs −→ Cfs+1 sum of signed localization maps Gives complex Cf• such that cohomology is supported inside a, different choices of f give homotopic complexes, even if they generate different ideals. Notation: H s (Cf• ) =: Has (A) for any choice f . Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Local cohomology A = Noetherian ring, √ a = A-ideal, √ f1 , . . . , fk ∈ a with a = f1 , . . . , fk . L Cfs = A[1/(fi1 · · · fis )]. Cfs −→ Cfs+1 sum of signed localization maps Gives complex Cf• such that cohomology is supported inside a, different choices of f give homotopic complexes, even if they generate different ideals. Notation: H s (Cf• ) =: Has (A) for any choice f . Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Local cohomology A = Noetherian ring, √ a = A-ideal, √ f1 , . . . , fk ∈ a with a = f1 , . . . , fk . L Cfs = A[1/(fi1 · · · fis )]. Cfs −→ Cfs+1 sum of signed localization maps Gives complex Cf• such that cohomology is supported inside a, different choices of f give homotopic complexes, even if they generate different ideals. Notation: H s (Cf• ) =: Has (A) for any choice f . Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Local cohomology, II Some properties: Local cohomology vanishes beyond arithmetic rank. Alternatively: Has (−) = Rs (Γa (−)) where Γa (M) = {m ∈ M | supp(A · m) ⊆ Var(a)}. It is the algebraic geometer’s version of relative cohomology: Y ⊆ X closed; F sheaf on X , then get exact natural HYs (X , F) −→ H s (X , F) −→ H s (X r Y , F) −→ HYs+1 (X , F) Has (A) = lim H s (A, {f1r , . . . , fkr }). −→ r related to: topology if Q ⊆ A; tight closure if Z/pZ ⊆ A. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Some methods Has (A) is usually not Noetherian. Frivolous example: A = k[x], a = (x). Then Has (A) = 0 for s 6= 1 while Ha1 (A) is khx,∂x i• x1 A S e (A/F if Q ⊆ A, e if Z/pZ ⊆ A, (a)) L xr and equal to r <0 k · in either case. Lessons from the example: Has (A) is module over A[F ] Has (A) is module over D(A, Q) Has (A) is module over D(A, Z) if Z/pZ ⊆ A, if Q ⊆ A, in any case These rings are bigger, not commutative, not always Noetherian. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Some methods Has (A) is usually not Noetherian. Frivolous example: A = k[x], a = (x). Then Has (A) = 0 for s 6= 1 while Ha1 (A) is khx,∂x i• x1 A S e (A/F if Q ⊆ A, e if Z/pZ ⊆ A, (a)) L xr and equal to r <0 k · in either case. Lessons from the example: Has (A) is module over A[F ] Has (A) is module over D(A, Q) Has (A) is module over D(A, Z) if Z/pZ ⊆ A, if Q ⊆ A, in any case These rings are bigger, not commutative, not always Noetherian. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Some history in the determinantal case In any characteristic: (but over a domain) It is prime (de Concini–Eisenbud–Procesi) Cohen–Macaulay (Hochster–Eagon) of height ht := (mt + 1)(nt + 1) and arithmetic rank mn − t 2 + 1. (Bruns–Schwänzl) In positive characteristic, Frobenius powers of It are also perfect. t So HI>h (Rp ) = 0. t In characteristic zero, Powers of It or (f1r , . . . , fkr ) not CM, even for m = 2 = n − 1 = t. t HI>h (R) not necessarily zero. t Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Motivation: If m = 2 = n − 1 = t, (“the 2 × 3 case”) then h2 = 2, ara(I2 ) = 3. HI32 (R0 ) 6= 0 (Hochster, -). Huneke, Katz, Marley: if φ : R0 −→ A ⊃ Q with dim(φ(R0 )) < 6 then HI32 (A) = 0 Does not follow from general vanishing theorems á la Grothendieck–Faltings–Huneke–Lyubeznik. Back to R: there is an exact sequence ι 0 −→ Z-torsion ,→ HI32 (R) −→ HI32 (R0 ) −→ Z-torsion −→ 0 Singh proved: HI32 (R) is Q-space, so ι iso! Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Motivation: If m = 2 = n − 1 = t, (“the 2 × 3 case”) then h2 = 2, ara(I2 ) = 3. HI32 (R0 ) 6= 0 (Hochster, -). Huneke, Katz, Marley: if φ : R0 −→ A ⊃ Q with dim(φ(R0 )) < 6 then HI32 (A) = 0 Does not follow from general vanishing theorems á la Grothendieck–Faltings–Huneke–Lyubeznik. Back to R: there is an exact sequence ι 0 −→ Z-torsion ,→ HI32 (R) −→ HI32 (R0 ) −→ Z-torsion −→ 0 Singh proved: HI32 (R) is Q-space, so ι iso! Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Main results: Theorem R = Z[X ], It as above. 1 HIkt (R) is Z-torsion-free for all t, k. 2 If k 6= ht , then HIkt (R) is a Q-space, iso to HIkt (R0 ). 3 Consider the N-grading on R with [R]0 = Z and deg xi = 1. If 2 ≤ t ≤ min(m, n) and t < max(m, n) then HImn−t t 2 +1 (Z[X ]) ∼ = ER0 (Q)(mn) Uli Walther (this is a shift!) Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Main results, II: As a consequence, one obtains: Theorem Let a = t-minors of M ∈ Am×n , A Noetherian, 1 ≤ t ≤ min(m, n), t < max(m, n). 2 If dim A < mn then Hamn−t +1 (A) = 0. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Frobenius techniques Frobenius functor F : (−) −→ A0 ⊗A (−) A0 left A-module as expected; the right action a0 a = ap a0 . F -module is a direct limit M −→ F (M) −→ F (F (M)) −→ · · · −→ M for some A-module M and some A-morphism M −→ F (M). F -finite if M is Noetherian. A{f }-module is a module over A{f } = Ahf i/{r p f − fr }. F -finite modules are finite length as F -modules. Hxr (k[x]) ∼ = Ek[x] (k) not injective as F -module Uli Walther (Lyubeznik) (Ma) Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Main technical results in char p > 0 Theorem Rp = (Z/pZ ⊆ k)[x]; m = (x), I graded. ∀k ≥ 0, TFAE: 1 2 3 4 The D(Rp , k)-module HIk (Rp ) has a composition factor with support {m}. The graded F -finite module HIk (Rp ) has a composition factor with support {m}. HIk (Rp ) has a graded F -module quotient with support {m}. dim(A)−k The natural Frobenius action on [Hm nilpotent. (Rp /I )]0 is not Theorem Hxr (k[x]) injective as graded F -module. Uli Walther Local cohomology at determinantal ideals