Local cohomology at determinantal ideals Uli Walther Purdue University

Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Uli Walther
Purdue University
With Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag Singh.
AMS Eastern, Halifax, October 2014
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
R = Z[X ], X = m × n matrix of indeterminates.
Rp = R/pR;
R0 = Q ⊗Z R.
It =ideal of t-minors of X .
Object of desire:
HI•t (R), local cohomology modules.
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
R = Z[X ], X = m × n matrix of indeterminates.
Rp = R/pR;
R0 = Q ⊗Z R.
It =ideal of t-minors of X .
Object of desire:
HI•t (R), local cohomology modules.
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Local cohomology
A = Noetherian ring, √
a = A-ideal,
f1 , . . . , fk ∈ a with a = f1 , . . . , fk .
Cfs =
A[1/(fi1 · · · fis )].
Cfs −→ Cfs+1 sum of signed localization maps
Gives complex Cf• such that
cohomology is supported inside a,
different choices of f give homotopic complexes,
even if they generate different ideals.
Notation: H s (Cf• ) =: Has (A) for any choice f .
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Local cohomology
A = Noetherian ring, √
a = A-ideal,
f1 , . . . , fk ∈ a with a = f1 , . . . , fk .
Cfs =
A[1/(fi1 · · · fis )].
Cfs −→ Cfs+1 sum of signed localization maps
Gives complex Cf• such that
cohomology is supported inside a,
different choices of f give homotopic complexes,
even if they generate different ideals.
Notation: H s (Cf• ) =: Has (A) for any choice f .
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Local cohomology
A = Noetherian ring, √
a = A-ideal,
f1 , . . . , fk ∈ a with a = f1 , . . . , fk .
Cfs =
A[1/(fi1 · · · fis )].
Cfs −→ Cfs+1 sum of signed localization maps
Gives complex Cf• such that
cohomology is supported inside a,
different choices of f give homotopic complexes,
even if they generate different ideals.
Notation: H s (Cf• ) =: Has (A) for any choice f .
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Local cohomology, II
Some properties:
Local cohomology vanishes beyond arithmetic rank.
Alternatively: Has (−) = Rs (Γa (−)) where
Γa (M) = {m ∈ M | supp(A · m) ⊆ Var(a)}.
It is the algebraic geometer’s version of relative cohomology:
Y ⊆ X closed; F sheaf on X , then get exact natural
HYs (X , F) −→ H s (X , F) −→ H s (X r Y , F) −→ HYs+1 (X , F)
Has (A) = lim
H s (A, {f1r , . . . , fkr }).
related to:
topology if Q ⊆ A;
tight closure if Z/pZ ⊆ A.
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Some methods
Has (A) is usually not Noetherian.
Frivolous example: A = k[x], a = (x).
Then Has (A) = 0 for s 6= 1 while Ha1 (A) is
khx,∂x i• x1
e (A/F
if Q ⊆ A,
if Z/pZ ⊆ A,
and equal to r <0 k · in either case.
Lessons from the example:
Has (A) is module over A[F ]
Has (A) is module over D(A, Q)
Has (A) is module over D(A, Z)
if Z/pZ ⊆ A,
if Q ⊆ A,
in any case
These rings are bigger, not commutative, not always
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Some methods
Has (A) is usually not Noetherian.
Frivolous example: A = k[x], a = (x).
Then Has (A) = 0 for s 6= 1 while Ha1 (A) is
khx,∂x i• x1
e (A/F
if Q ⊆ A,
if Z/pZ ⊆ A,
and equal to r <0 k · in either case.
Lessons from the example:
Has (A) is module over A[F ]
Has (A) is module over D(A, Q)
Has (A) is module over D(A, Z)
if Z/pZ ⊆ A,
if Q ⊆ A,
in any case
These rings are bigger, not commutative, not always
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Some history in the determinantal case
In any characteristic: (but over a domain)
It is prime
(de Concini–Eisenbud–Procesi)
of height ht := (mt + 1)(nt + 1)
and arithmetic rank mn − t 2 + 1.
In positive characteristic,
Frobenius powers of It are also perfect.
So HI>h
(Rp ) = 0.
In characteristic zero,
Powers of It or (f1r , . . . , fkr ) not CM, even for
m = 2 = n − 1 = t.
(R) not necessarily zero.
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
If m = 2 = n − 1 = t, (“the 2 × 3 case”) then h2 = 2,
ara(I2 ) = 3.
HI32 (R0 ) 6= 0
(Hochster, -).
Huneke, Katz, Marley: if φ : R0 −→ A ⊃ Q with
dim(φ(R0 )) < 6 then HI32 (A) = 0
Does not follow from general vanishing theorems á la
Back to R:
there is an exact sequence
0 −→ Z-torsion ,→ HI32 (R) −→ HI32 (R0 ) −→ Z-torsion −→ 0
Singh proved: HI32 (R) is Q-space, so ι iso!
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
If m = 2 = n − 1 = t, (“the 2 × 3 case”) then h2 = 2,
ara(I2 ) = 3.
HI32 (R0 ) 6= 0
(Hochster, -).
Huneke, Katz, Marley: if φ : R0 −→ A ⊃ Q with
dim(φ(R0 )) < 6 then HI32 (A) = 0
Does not follow from general vanishing theorems á la
Back to R:
there is an exact sequence
0 −→ Z-torsion ,→ HI32 (R) −→ HI32 (R0 ) −→ Z-torsion −→ 0
Singh proved: HI32 (R) is Q-space, so ι iso!
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Main results:
R = Z[X ], It as above.
HIkt (R) is Z-torsion-free for all t, k.
If k 6= ht , then HIkt (R) is a Q-space, iso to HIkt (R0 ).
Consider the N-grading on R with [R]0 = Z and deg xi = 1. If
2 ≤ t ≤ min(m, n) and t < max(m, n) then
2 +1
(Z[X ]) ∼
= ER0 (Q)(mn)
Uli Walther
(this is a shift!)
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Main results, II:
As a consequence, one obtains:
Let a = t-minors of M ∈ Am×n , A Noetherian, 1 ≤ t ≤ min(m, n),
t < max(m, n).
If dim A < mn then Hamn−t +1 (A) = 0.
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Frobenius techniques
Frobenius functor F : (−) −→ A0 ⊗A (−)
A0 left A-module as expected; the right action a0 a = ap a0 .
F -module is a direct limit
M −→ F (M) −→ F (F (M)) −→ · · · −→ M
for some A-module M and some A-morphism M −→ F (M).
F -finite if M is Noetherian.
A{f }-module is a module over A{f } = Ahf i/{r p f − fr }.
F -finite modules are finite length as F -modules.
Hxr (k[x]) ∼
= Ek[x] (k) not injective as F -module
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals
Main technical results in char p > 0
Rp = (Z/pZ ⊆ k)[x]; m = (x), I graded.
∀k ≥ 0, TFAE:
The D(Rp , k)-module HIk (Rp ) has a composition factor with
support {m}.
The graded F -finite module HIk (Rp ) has a composition factor
with support {m}.
HIk (Rp ) has a graded F -module quotient with support {m}.
The natural Frobenius action on [Hm
(Rp /I )]0 is not
Hxr (k[x]) injective as graded F -module.
Uli Walther
Local cohomology at determinantal ideals