Regularity of powers of edge ideals Huy Tài Hà Tulane University Joint with Selvi Beyarslan and Trân Nam Trung Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals 1 Problem and Motivation Asymptotic linearity of regularity Stabilization index and free constant 2 Literature Reviews Polynomial ideals Edge ideals Known answers 3 Results Regularity of powers of forests Regularity of powers of cycles Methods and general bounds Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Asymptotic linearity of regularity R a standard graded algebra over a field k m its maximal homogeneous ideal M a finitely generated graded R-module end(M) := max{l | Ml 6= 0} The regularity of M is reg(M) = max{end(Hmi (M)) + i}. Theorem (Cutkosky-Herzog-Trung (1999); Kodiyalam (1999); Trung-Wang (2005)) Let R be a standard graded k -algebra, let I ⊆ R be a homogeneous ideal and let M be a finitely generated graded R-module. Then reg(I q M) is asymptotically a linear function in q, i.e., there exist a and b such that for q 0, reg(I q M) = aq + b. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Asymptotic linearity of regularity R a standard graded algebra over a field k m its maximal homogeneous ideal M a finitely generated graded R-module end(M) := max{l | Ml 6= 0} The regularity of M is reg(M) = max{end(Hmi (M)) + i}. Theorem (Cutkosky-Herzog-Trung (1999); Kodiyalam (1999); Trung-Wang (2005)) Let R be a standard graded k -algebra, let I ⊆ R be a homogeneous ideal and let M be a finitely generated graded R-module. Then reg(I q M) is asymptotically a linear function in q, i.e., there exist a and b such that for q 0, reg(I q M) = aq + b. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Asymptotic linearity of regularity R a standard graded algebra over a field k m its maximal homogeneous ideal M a finitely generated graded R-module end(M) := max{l | Ml 6= 0} The regularity of M is reg(M) = max{end(Hmi (M)) + i}. Theorem (Cutkosky-Herzog-Trung (1999); Kodiyalam (1999); Trung-Wang (2005)) Let R be a standard graded k -algebra, let I ⊆ R be a homogeneous ideal and let M be a finitely generated graded R-module. Then reg(I q M) is asymptotically a linear function in q, i.e., there exist a and b such that for q 0, reg(I q M) = aq + b. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Stabilization index and free constant The constant a is well understood (Trung-Wang (2005)) The free constant b and the stabilization index q0 = min{q 0 | reg(I q M) = aq + b ∀ q ≥ q 0 } are not known. Problem Understand b and q0 from invariants and properties of I and M Explicitly compute b and q0 for special classes of ideals and modules. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Stabilization index and free constant The constant a is well understood (Trung-Wang (2005)) The free constant b and the stabilization index q0 = min{q 0 | reg(I q M) = aq + b ∀ q ≥ q 0 } are not known. Problem Understand b and q0 from invariants and properties of I and M Explicitly compute b and q0 for special classes of ideals and modules. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals 1 Problem and Motivation Asymptotic linearity of regularity Stabilization index and free constant 2 Literature Reviews Polynomial ideals Edge ideals Known answers 3 Results Regularity of powers of forests Regularity of powers of cycles Methods and general bounds Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Polynomial ideals R = k [x1 , . . . , xn ] and I ⊆ R a homogeneous ideal. Römer (2001); Eisenbud-Harris (2010); Hà (2011); Chardin (2013): if I is equi-generated then b is related to the regularity of fibers of certain projection map Eisenbud-Ulrich (2012); Berlekamp (2012); Chardin (2014): if I is m-primary then q0 can be related to “partial” regularity of the Rees algebra of I. In practice: regularity of fibers of projection maps and “partial” regularity of Rees algebras are difficult to compute. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Polynomial ideals R = k [x1 , . . . , xn ] and I ⊆ R a homogeneous ideal. Römer (2001); Eisenbud-Harris (2010); Hà (2011); Chardin (2013): if I is equi-generated then b is related to the regularity of fibers of certain projection map Eisenbud-Ulrich (2012); Berlekamp (2012); Chardin (2014): if I is m-primary then q0 can be related to “partial” regularity of the Rees algebra of I. In practice: regularity of fibers of projection maps and “partial” regularity of Rees algebras are difficult to compute. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Polynomial ideals R = k [x1 , . . . , xn ] and I ⊆ R a homogeneous ideal. Römer (2001); Eisenbud-Harris (2010); Hà (2011); Chardin (2013): if I is equi-generated then b is related to the regularity of fibers of certain projection map Eisenbud-Ulrich (2012); Berlekamp (2012); Chardin (2014): if I is m-primary then q0 can be related to “partial” regularity of the Rees algebra of I. In practice: regularity of fibers of projection maps and “partial” regularity of Rees algebras are difficult to compute. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Edge ideals of graphs V = {x1 , . . . , xn } ←→ R = k [x1 , . . . , xn ] G = (V , E) a simple graph The edge ideal of G is I(G) = xi xj {xi , xj } ∈ E . Example x1 v v x5 @ @ x2 @v x3 v v x4 @ @ @v x6 I(G) = (x1 x2 , x2 x3 , x2 x4 , x4 x5 , x4 x6 ) ⊆ k [x1 , . . . , x6 ]. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Edge ideals of graphs V = {x1 , . . . , xn } ←→ R = k [x1 , . . . , xn ] G = (V , E) a simple graph The edge ideal of G is I(G) = xi xj {xi , xj } ∈ E . Example x1 v v x5 @ @ x2 @v x3 v v x4 @ @ @v x6 I(G) = (x1 x2 , x2 x3 , x2 x4 , x4 x5 , x4 x6 ) ⊆ k [x1 , . . . , x6 ]. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Asymptotic linearity of edge ideals Know: for q ≥ q0 , reg(I(G)q ) = 2q + b. Problem Relate q0 and b to combinatorial data of the graph G For special classes of graphs, compute q0 and b explicitly. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Asymptotic linearity of edge ideals Know: for q ≥ q0 , reg(I(G)q ) = 2q + b. Problem Relate q0 and b to combinatorial data of the graph G For special classes of graphs, compute q0 and b explicitly. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Known answers Herzog-Hibi-Zheng (2004) + Fröberg (1990): if the complement graph Gc is chordal then I(G)q has a linear resolution for all q ≥ 1; that is b = 0 and q0 = 1 Ferró-Murgia-Olteanu (2012): if I(G) is an initial or final lexsegment edge ideal then b = 0 and q0 = 1 Alilooee-Banerjee (2014): if G is a bipartite graph and reg(I(G)) = 3 then b = 1 and q0 = 1. Problem Characterize graphs for which b = 0. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Known answers Herzog-Hibi-Zheng (2004) + Fröberg (1990): if the complement graph Gc is chordal then I(G)q has a linear resolution for all q ≥ 1; that is b = 0 and q0 = 1 Ferró-Murgia-Olteanu (2012): if I(G) is an initial or final lexsegment edge ideal then b = 0 and q0 = 1 Alilooee-Banerjee (2014): if G is a bipartite graph and reg(I(G)) = 3 then b = 1 and q0 = 1. Problem Characterize graphs for which b = 0. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals 1 Problem and Motivation Asymptotic linearity of regularity Stabilization index and free constant 2 Literature Reviews Polynomial ideals Edge ideals Known answers 3 Results Regularity of powers of forests Regularity of powers of cycles Methods and general bounds Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Forests and induced matching number Definition Let G = (V , E) be a graph. A matching in G is a collection of pairwise disjoint edges An induced matching in G is a matching {e1 , . . . , es } ⊆ E such that these are also the onlySedges in the induced subgraph of G over the vertices si=1 ei The induced matching number of G is the maximum size of an induced matching in G The graph G is a forest if it contains no cycles. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Induced matching number Example Consider the graph G as follows: x1 v v x5 @ @ x2 @v x3 v v x4 @ @ @v x6 {x1 x2 , x4 x5 } forms a matching, but not an induced matching in G The induced matching number of G is 1. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Regularity of powers of forests Theorem (Beyarslan, —, Trung (2014)) Let G be a forest and let ν denote its induced matching number. Then b = ν − 1 and q0 = 1. That is, for all q ≥ 1, reg(I(G)q ) = 2q + ν − 1. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Regularity of powers of cycles Theorem (Beyarslan, —, Trung (2014)) jnk Let G be an n-cycle and let ν = denote its induced 3 matching number. Then b = ν − 1 and q0 = 2. In fact, ν + 1 if n ≡ 0, 1 (mod 3) reg(I(G)) = ν + 2 if n ≡ 2 (mod 3), and for all q ≥ 2, we have reg(I(G)q ) = 2q + ν − 1. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals General lower bounds Theorem (Katzman (2006)) Let G be a graph and let ν denote its induced matching number. Then reg(I(G)) ≥ ν + 1. Theorem (Beyarslan, —, Trung (2014)) Let G be a graph and let ν denote its induced matching number. Then for any q ≥ 1, we have reg(I(G)q ≥ 2q + ν − 1. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals General lower bounds Theorem (Katzman (2006)) Let G be a graph and let ν denote its induced matching number. Then reg(I(G)) ≥ ν + 1. Theorem (Beyarslan, —, Trung (2014)) Let G be a graph and let ν denote its induced matching number. Then for any q ≥ 1, we have reg(I(G)q ≥ 2q + ν − 1. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Methods Methods: to establish the upper bound reg(I(G)q ≤ 2q + ν − 1. G is a forest: let G0 and G00 be induced subgraphs of G with no edge in common and whose union is G, and consider ideals of the form J = I(G0 ) + I(G00 )q . reg(J) ≤ 2q + ν − 1. G is a cycle: make use of Banerjee’s recent work, which states that if {M1 , . . . , Ms } are minimal generators of I(G)q then reg(I(G)q+1 ) ≤ max{reg(I(G)q ), reg(I(G)q+1 : Mi ) + 2q}. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Methods Methods: to establish the upper bound reg(I(G)q ≤ 2q + ν − 1. G is a forest: let G0 and G00 be induced subgraphs of G with no edge in common and whose union is G, and consider ideals of the form J = I(G0 ) + I(G00 )q . reg(J) ≤ 2q + ν − 1. G is a cycle: make use of Banerjee’s recent work, which states that if {M1 , . . . , Ms } are minimal generators of I(G)q then reg(I(G)q+1 ) ≤ max{reg(I(G)q ), reg(I(G)q+1 : Mi ) + 2q}. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Methods Methods: to establish the upper bound reg(I(G)q ≤ 2q + ν − 1. G is a forest: let G0 and G00 be induced subgraphs of G with no edge in common and whose union is G, and consider ideals of the form J = I(G0 ) + I(G00 )q . reg(J) ≤ 2q + ν − 1. G is a cycle: make use of Banerjee’s recent work, which states that if {M1 , . . . , Ms } are minimal generators of I(G)q then reg(I(G)q+1 ) ≤ max{reg(I(G)q ), reg(I(G)q+1 : Mi ) + 2q}. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Hamiltonian paths and cycles Definition Let G be a graph. A Hamiltonian path in G is a path that goes through each vertex of G exactly once A Hamiltonian cycle in G is a cycle that contains all the vertices of G (and thus, each exactly once). Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Hamiltonian paths and cycles Figure: Graph with Hamiltonian path and cycle. Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Regularity of graphs with Hamiltonian paths and cycles Theorem (Beyarslan, —, Trung (2014)) Let G be a graph over n vertices. If G contains a Hamiltonian path then reg(I(G)) ≤ jn + 1k 3 + 1. If G contains a Hamiltonian cycle then jnk reg(I(G)) ≤ + 1. 3 Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals Huy Tài Hà Regularity of powers of edge ideals