MUE 413, Section 101 – LPAC 1234
Class Meeting Time – TBD on First Day of Classes
Dr. Luis Rivera
Phone: (251) 460-6247
Office Hours: By Appointment Only
COURSE DESCRIPTION: A comprehensive study of methods and materials used to teach
percussion instruments.
COURSE TOPICAL OUTLINE (items marked with * are for graduate students only):
1) 8/19
2) 8/26
Pedagogy Discussion
Snare Drum Methods
Berg Article
Snare Method Annotations
3) 9/2
Keyboard Methods
Snare Warmup Sequence
Keyboard Method Annotations
First Draft of CV
4) 9/9
Timpani Methods
Book Report Topic Submitted
Keyboard Warmup Sequence
Timpani Method Annotations
5) 9/16
Drumset Methods
Timpani Warmup Sequence
Drumset Method Annotations
6) 9/23
Accessory/Multi Methods
Drumset Warmup Sequence
Accessory Method Annotations
7) 9/30
World Methods
Percussion Encyclopedias
World Method Annotations
Encyclopedia Annotations
First Draft of Biography
8) 10/7
Fall Break – No Class
9) 10/14
Instrument Organization
First Draft of Teaching Philosophy
Percussion Repertoire List
HS Instrument Inventory List
9) 10/21
Marching Percussion
HS Instrument Budget
Drumline Warmup Packet
10) 10/28
Technology Integration
Pit Warmup Packet
Marching Percussion Inventory
Inner Game of Music (Ch. 1-3)
Effortless Mastery
11) 11/4
Performance Anxiety
Inner Game of Music (Ch. 4-6)
Effortless Mastery
Website Reviews
12) 11/10
Performance Anxiety
Inner Game of Music (Ch. 7-10)
App Reviews
13) 11/18
Inner Game of Music
Clinic Presentations*
Finish IGoM
Audition Repertoire List
Cover Letter*
14) 11/24
Mock Job Interviews*
Final Thoughts
15) 12/2
Notebooks, Written Book Reports, Portfolios
Monday, 12/1
Oral Book Reports to Percussion Studio
COURSE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: This course will discuss the methodology of studio
percussion teaching, survey pedagogical systems for teaching percussion, and examine concepts and
techniques for enhancing music learning and excellence in performance. Over the course of the
semester, students will also develop working resumés, curriculum vitae, cover letters, performance
biographies, repertoire lists, and other materials needed for their professional development.
(1) Textbooks (available at the USA Bookstore or online): Teaching Percussion (with DVD) by Gary D.
Cook (3rd edition, Thomson-Schirmer); Percussion Instruments and Their History by James Blades (4th edition,
Bold Strummer); The Inner Game of Music by Barry Green and W. Timothy Gallwey (Pan Books)
(2) USA Percussion Handbook and Curriculum
(3) Current membership with PAS
(3) At least one 3-ring binder, most likely two (preferably 2”)
(4) Access to music notation software (Finale, Sibelius, etc.)
UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE POLICY: An individual student is responsible for attending the classes in
which the student is officially enrolled. At the beginning of classes, instructors must define their policy on absences, and all
cases of illness and emergency shall be promptly reported and verified to the instructor. For excessive absences (two or three
consecutive meetings) due to illness, death in family, or family emergency, the Dean of Students’ office should be advised.
Absence notices will be sent to each instructor notifying him of the reason for and the approximate length of the absence.
This notification does not constitute an excused absence. Students attending authorized off-campus functions
or required activities shall be excused by the responsible University official through the Office of Academic Affairs. In case
of doubt, instructors my consult these lists in the office. Work missed as a result of these excused absences may be made up
(From the University of South Alabama Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin, pg. 30).
COURSE ATTENDANCE POLICY: Class attendance is required of all students and is necessary to
properly achieve the course objectives. Students are expected to arrive early and be prepared for class in
a timely manner. Students arriving after the instructor begins class are considered tardy, two (2)
instances of which constitute one (1) unexcused absence. Students are allowed one (1) unexcused
absence, and each unexcused absence beyond that will result in 10 points being subtracted from the
student’s final grade. Students should inform the instructor WELL IN ADVANCE prior to any
absence and are responsible for all work due and assignments given during the absence, which includes
obtaining all missed information from peers, not the instructor. An official excuse note/letter must be
presented to the instructor in order for an absence to be considered excused at the discretion of the
Book Report
Pedagogy Notebook
324-360 = A
288-323 = B
252-287 = C
290 pts.
20 pts.
30 pts.
20 pts.
360 pts.
216-251 = D
0-215 = F
1. Assignments: These various assignments are intended to help students in documenting, formulating
and articulating their teaching philosophies for their future students. All assignments must be submitted
in printed, hard copy format. Written assignments must have CLEAR and CONSISTENT formatting
and will be assessed for correct spelling and grammar. Music notation assignments will be assessed for
consistent formatting including stickings, articulations, dynamics, tempo and all other necessary musical
information. Website reviews must include lists of all sections on the site, including descriptions of
multi-link pages, any resources for educators and performers, blogs, articles, videos, etc. Application
reviews must discuss the individual components of the program and how each component is intended to
be used for performance and/or teaching. Late assignments will have the equivalent of one letter grade
deducted from the total assessed score for each week that it is late (ex. 3 weeks late, 3 letter grades
deducted from final score). The point values for each assignment break down as follows:
7 total (each worth 10 points)
Portfolio Documents*:
5 total (each worth 10 points)
Methods Warmups:
4 total (each worth 15 points)
Drumline/Pit Warmups:
2 total (each worth 20 points)
Instrument Inventories:
2 total (each worth 10 points)
Website Reviews:
2 total (each worth 10 points)
Application Reviews:
3 total (each worth 10 points)
2. Portfolio: Throughout the semester, students will be drafting and compiling various documents
needed for job applications and graduate school/professional ensemble auditions. Each individual
document is subject to the grading scale outlined in the previous section. All music compositions must
be submitted free of formatting mistakes as if ready for professional publication. Once students have
created all documents, they will submit corrected final drafts of all documents in a composite portfolio in
the following order:
1. CV*
2. Biography*
5. Audition Repertoire List*
3. Teaching Philosophy*
6. Drumline/Pit Warmups
4. Repertoire List*
7. 1-2 Representative
Portfolios are evaluated on organization and inclusion of all materials. Portfolios are due at the final
class meeting. (20 points)
3. Book Report: Students are required to submit one, written book report and orally present their report
to the USA Percussion Studio during the final week of the semester. A list of acceptable book report
topics are included in the USA Percussion Handbook though students may choose a book that is not
listed in the Handbook with the instructor’s approval. Students are strongly encouraged to choose
books that coincide with their future career goals. Refer to the Handbook for guidelines in choosing
book topics. Written book reports should be 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced, have correct grammar
and sentence structure, consistent formatting, and should include the following information:
Book title
Book’s subject description
Critical impression
Book author(s)
Publisher(s) information
General outline
Information learned
Overall recommendation
Written reports will be graded based on depth of observations and inclusion of the aforementioned
information. Hard copies will be provided for the entire Percussion Studio and instructor. Oral reports
will be presented on the final meeting time of Percussion Masterclass to the entire studio and should be a
summation of the written report, be 7-10 minutes in length, and also allow for questions from the
Percussion Studio. (30 total points – 20 points for written report, 10 points for oral report)
4. Pedagogy Reference Notebook: Students are required to submit a 3-ring binder Pedagogy Reference
Notebook, which is intended to be a compilation of all materials accumulated throughout the semester
that students will use as a reference source in the future. The Notebook must be organized using a large
three-ring binder and labeled section dividers with the following topic designations (in the following
1. Snare Drum Methods
2. Keyboard Methods
3. Timpani Methods
4. Drumset Methods
5. Accessory/Multi Methods
6. World Methods
7. Encyclopedias
8. Marching Percussion
9. Professional Development
Notebooks are evaluated on presentation, organization of materials, and the inclusion of class notes and
handouts. For ease of future reference, students are strongly encouraged to type class notes, but neat
handwritten notes are acceptable. Notebooks are due at the final class meeting. (20 points)
ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments are due on or before the date listed below on the Class Schedule.
Assignments turned in after the listed due date will automatically be deducted one letter grade per week. (See Course
Attendance Policy for information regarding excused absences.)
CHANGES IN COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Not all classes progress at the same rate, thus course
requirements might have to be modified as circumstances dictate. You will be given written notice if the
course requirements need to be changed.
ACADEMIC DISRUPTION POLICY: The University of South Alabama’s policy regarding
Academic Disruption is found in The Lowdown, the student handbook, Disruptive academic behavior is
defined as individual or group conduct that interrupts or interferes with any educational activity or
environment, infringes upon the rights and privileges of others, results in or threatens the destruction of
property and/or is otherwise prejudicial to the maintenance of order in an academic environment.
Students are expected to be cordial, courteous, and respectful of faculty members and fellow students.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell phones are to be turned off or set to vibrate with no noise during
class meetings. Cell phones are not to be used during class, unless special circumstances necessitate use
and are arranged with the instructor prior to class. Laptops and tablets are only permitted to take notes
or in giving presentations. If gaming and/or social media are seen by the instructor, the device(s) will be
taken away and returned at the conclusion of the class meeting. If there is a repeated offense of
disruption, the student(s) will not be allowed to bring the device(s) into the classroom for the remainder
of the semester.
STUDENT ACADEMIC CONDUCT POLICY: The University of South Alabama’s policy
regarding Student Academic Conduct Policy is found in The Lowdown, The University of South
Alabama is a community of scholars in which the ideals of freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought,
freedom of expression, and freedom of the individual are sustained. The University is committed to
supporting the exercise of any right guaranteed to individuals by the Constitution and the Code of
Alabama and to educating students relative to their responsibilities. Any student caught cheating will be
dealt with according to departmental and University protocol, at the discretion of the instructor.
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,
students with bona fide disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodations. The Office of Special
Student Services (OSSS) will certify a disability and advise faculty members of reasonable
accommodations. If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations,
please notify the instructor/professor and provide certification from the Office of Special Student
Services. OSSS is located at 5828 Old Shell Road at Jaguar Drive, (251-460-7212).
ONLINE WRITING SUPPORT: The University of South Alabama provides online writing tutoring
services through SMARTHINKING, an online tutoring service. SMARTHINKING is available at Students may enter the site by logging on with their Jag number and
using the last four digits of the social security number as the password. For log-on problems, technical
questions and/or on-campus writing assistance, contact the USA Writing Center at 251-460-6480 or email
Summary of Assignments
Assignment 1 – Curriculum Vitae (10 points)
Create a first draft of your current CV, fully updated, following the format shown in your
handout. Spell check, grammar check, date check EVERYTHING.
Assignment 2 – Snare Drum Methods (10 points)
Create annotations of 4 snare drum method books that you DO NOT currently own.
Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in total, and should include a brief description of the book,
techniques/rhythms utilized in the book, who is the target audience of the book (difficulty level),
and overall recommendation of the book (would you use it in your own teaching, why or why not?).
You must provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 3 – Snare Drum Warmup Packet (15 points)
Create a sequential snare drum warmup packet that focuses on different rudimental
categories (paradiddles, flams, rolls, etc.). Warmup packet must be completed and submitted in hard
copy from a music notation software program (manuscript will not be accepted and will be graded
as a 0). Warmup packets must include all necessary musical information for each exercise (tempo
ranges, stickings, dynamics, articulations, etc.). A minimum of 4 exercises is required. You must
provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 4 – Keyboard Methods (10 points)
Create annotations of 5 keyboard method books that you DO NOT currently own.
Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in total, and should include a brief description of the book,
techniques/rhythms utilized in the book, who is the target audience of the book (difficulty level),
and overall recommendation of the book (would you use it in your own teaching, why or why not?).
You must provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 5 – Keyboard Warmup Packet (15 points)
Create a sequential mallet warmup packet that focuses on the different stroke types (lateral,
double vertical, etc.). Warmup packet must be completed and submitted in hard copy from a music
notation software program (manuscript will not be accepted and will be graded as a 0). Warmup
packets must include all necessary musical information for each exercise (tempo ranges, stickings,
dynamics, articulations, etc.). A minimum of 6 exercises is required. You must provide enough
hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 6 – Timpani Methods (10 points)
Create annotations of 3 timpani method books that you DO NOT currently own.
Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in total, and should include a brief description of the book,
techniques/rhythms utilized in the book, who is the target audience of the book (difficulty level),
and overall recommendation of the book (would you use it in your own teaching, why or why not?).
You must provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 7 – Timpani Warmup Packet (15 points)
Create a sequential timpani warmup packet that focuses on the different stroke types (legato,
staccato, rolls, etc.). Warmup packet must be completed and submitted in hard copy from a music
notation software program (manuscript will not be accepted and will be graded as a 0). Warmup
packets must include all necessary musical information for each exercise (tempo ranges, stickings,
dynamics, articulations, etc.). A minimum of 5 exercises is required. You must provide enough
hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 8 – Drum Set Methods (10 points)
Create annotations of 4 drum set method books that you DO NOT currently own. Books
that focus on world music are acceptable as long as the instrument of development is primarily drum
set. Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in total, and should include a brief description of the
book, techniques/rhythms utilized in the book, who is the target audience of the book (difficulty
level), and overall recommendation of the book (would you use it in your own teaching, why or why
not?). You must provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 9 – Drum Set Warmup Packet (15 points)
Create a sequential drum set warmup packet that focuses on different feels and all of the
limbs (swing, rock, Afro-Cuban, etc.). Warmup packet must be completed and submitted in hard
copy from a music notation software program (manuscript will not be accepted and will be graded
as a 0). Warmup packets must include all necessary musical information for each exercise (tempo
ranges, stickings, dynamics, articulations, etc.). A minimum of 6 exercises is required. You must
provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 10 – Multiple Percussion and Accessory Percussion Methods (10 points)
Create annotations of 1-2 multiple percussion method books AND 1-2 accessory percussion
method books that you DO NOT currently own (3 books total). Accessory percussion is limited to
instruments primarily used in the Western classical tradition (triangle, castanets, tambourine, crash
cymbals, bass drum, etc.). Multiple percussion is also limited to instruments primarily used in the
Western classical tradition (the aforementioned accessory instruments, tom-toms and other drums
not set up in a drum set, etc.). Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in total, and should include a
brief description of the book, techniques/rhythms utilized in the book, who is the target audience of
the book (difficulty level), and overall recommendation of the book (would you use it in your own
teaching, why or why not?). You must provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 11 – World Percussion Methods (10 points)
Create annotations of 2 contrasting world percussion method books that you DO NOT
currently own. Books should concentrate on authentic instruments, not adaptations for drum set or
keyboard instruments. Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in total, and should include a brief
description of the book, techniques/rhythms utilized in the book, who is the target audience of the
book (difficulty level), and overall recommendation of the book (would you use it in your own
teaching, why or why not?). You must provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 12 – Percussion Encyclopedias (10 points)
Create annotations of 2 percussion encyclopedias that you DO NOT currently own.
Percussion encyclopedias are textual references (no etudes or technical exercises to develop) that can
discuss various topics including music history, instrument classification/history, orchestral/chamber
literature and/or solo repertoire, dictionaries, and others. Annotations should be 4-6 sentences in
total, and should include a brief description of the book, techniques/rhythms utilized in the book,
who is the target audience of the book (difficulty level), and overall recommendation of the book
(would you use it in your own teaching, why or why not?). You must provide enough hole-punched
copies for the entire class.
Assignment 13 – Performance Biography (10 points)
Create a first draft of your current performance biography, fully updated, following the
format shown in your handout. Biography should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. Spell check,
grammar check, date check EVERYTHING.
Assignment 14 – Teaching Philosophy (10 points)
Create a first draft of your teaching philosophy, following the format shown in your
handout. Philosophies should be at least a full paragraph in length. Spell check, grammar check,
Assignment 15 – Percussion Repertoire List (10 points)
Create a composite list of all percussion repertoire performed and/or studied during your
undergraduate career. All solo literature and method books should be included in this list, following
the format shown in your handout. Spell check, grammar check, EVERYTHING.
Assignment 16 – Concert Percussion Instrument Inventory for High School (5 points)
Create an ideal list of concert percussion instruments and hardware appropriate for a high
school percussion ensemble. Be specific with sizes of instruments, types of hardware, models of
implements, appropriate cases/covers, spare parts, heads, and quantities of each. Your inventory
should be representative of your teaching goals as a high school percussion instructor.
Assignment 17 – Concert Inventory Budget (5 points)
Find retail prices for ALL equipment listed in Assignment 16, include total budget price for
entire inventory at end of the document.
Assignment 18 – Drumline Warmup Packet (20 points)
Create a comprehensive warmup packet for a drumline including snares, tenors, and bass
drums (cymbals are optional) that focuses on different stroke types and rudimental categories (legato
strokes, double strokes, accent/tap, flams, rolls, etc.). Warmup packet must be completed and
submitted in hard copy from a music notation software program (manuscript will not be accepted
and will be graded as a 0). Warmup packets must include all necessary musical information for each
exercise (stickings, dynamics, articulations, etc.). A minimum of 5 exercises is required.
Assignment 19 – Front Ensemble Warmup Packet (20 points)
Create a comprehensive warmup packet for a front ensemble including keyboards (marimba,
vibraphone, xylophone), timpani, and an accessory rack (suspended cymbals, snare drum, tom-toms,
tambourine, drum set, etc.) that focuses on different stroke types, fundamental techniques, and
styles (2-mallets, 4-mallets, chorale, pop, etc.). Warmup packet must be completed and submitted in
hard copy from a music notation software program (manuscript will not be accepted and will be
graded as a 0). Warmup packets must include all necessary musical information for each exercise
(tempo ranges, stickings, dynamics, articulations, etc.). A minimum of 5 exercises is required.
Assignment 20 – Marching Percussion Instrument Inventory (10 points)
Create an ideal list of marching percussion instruments and hardware appropriate for a high
school percussion ensemble. Be specific with sizes of instruments, types of hardware, models of
implements, appropriate cases/covers, spare parts, heads, quantities and prices of each. Your
inventory should be representative of your teaching goals as a high school percussion instructor.
Assignment 21 – Website Reviews (10 points each, 20 points total)
You must visit 2 websites and review them including descriptions on the organization of the
sites, any resources aimed at percussion educators/performers/students, article postings, blogs,
forums, videos, and overall recommendations to your peers. Each website review must be at least 1
page in length and can include bulleted lists in conjunction with narrative prose in paragraph format.
Students are highly encouraged to use a laptop when presenting their reviews to the class. You must
provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 22 – Application Reviews (10 points each, 30 points total)
You must visit the Apple App Store or Google Play and review 3 percussion or music apps
that YOU WOULD USE IN YOUR TEACHING/PRACTICING, including descriptions on the
organization of the program, target audience, program features, program accessibility, and overall
recommendations to your peers. Each application review can be up to 1 page in length and can
include bulleted lists in conjunction with narrative prose in paragraph format. Students are highly
encouraged to use a smartphone or tablet when presenting their reviews to the class. You must
provide enough hole-punched copies for the entire class.
Assignment 23 – Audition Repertoire List (10 points)
You must visit 2 different websites of institutions that you would want to attend for a
master’s performance degree in percussion. Find their audition requirements and create an Audition
Repertoire List following the format shown in your handout. Spell check, grammar check,