Born: October 6, 1942. Philadelphia, PA.
Present Position:
University Chair in Human Rights and International Justice
and Director, Center for Human Rights and International Justice
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA 02167-3806 USA
TEL.: (617) 552-8855 FAX: (617) 552-0716
E-Mail: hollenb@bc.edu
Other Positions:
August—December, 2009; January—April, 2006; August—December, 2003; August—
December, 2000
Visiting Scholar and Lecturer
Hekima College, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
August, 1996—January, 1997:
Fulbright Visiting Scholar
Hekima College, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Nairobi, Kenya
Professor of Moral Theology
Weston School of Theology
Cambridge, MA
Research Fellow
Woodstock Theological Center
Georgetown University
Department of Philosophy
Georgetown University
Education and Degrees:
Ph.D., 1975:
Yale University (Religious Ethics)
Department of Religious Studies
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
M.Div., 1971:
Woodstock College
M.A., 1968:
St. Louis University
Department of Philosophy
Ph.L., 1968:
St. Louis University
College of Philosophy and Letters
B.S., 1964:
St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia
Publications (exclusive of reviews):
公共信仰的全球面相﹕政治,人權與基督教倫理 (Chinese translation of The Global Face of Public
Faith - Politics, Human Rights and Christian Ethics, with new Foreword by the author). 公共神學系列
(Series on Public Theology). 香港 (Hong Kong): 漢語基督教文化研究所 (Institute of Sino-Christian
Studies), 2013.
Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants. David Hollenbach, S.J., editor.
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2010.
Refugee Rights: Ethics Advocacy, and Africa, David Hollenbach, S.J., editor. Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press, 2008.
Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations, edited by Kenneth R. Himes (lead
editor), Lisa Sowle Cahill, Charles E. Curran, David Hollenbach, S.J., and Thomas Shannon.
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2005.
The Global Face of Public Faith: Politics, Human Rights, and Christian Ethics. Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press, 2003.
The Common Good and Christian Ethics. New Studies in Christian Ethics. Cambridge University Press,
Catholicism and Liberalism: Contributions to American Public Philosophy. Edited with R. Bruce
Douglass. Cambridge Studies in Religion and American Public Life. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
Includes two essays by D. Hollenbach: "A Communitarian Reconstruction of Human Rights," and
"Afterword: A Community of Freedom."
Justice, Peace, and Human Rights: American Catholic Social Ethics in a Pluralistic World. New York:
Crossroad, 1988; second printing: 1990.
Nuclear Ethics: A Christian Moral Argument. New York: Paulist Press, 1983.
Claims in Conflict: Retrieving and Renewing the Catholic Human Rights Tradition. Woodstock Studies
#4. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Articles and Chapters in Books:
"Jesuit Ministries for the 'More Universal Good': Global Contributions at Vatican II and After," In Jose
Casanova (ed.), The Jesuits and Globalization. Fall, 2015.
"A Future with(out) Borders? Migration, Refugees, and the Nation State in Christian Ethical
Perspective," In ed. Agnes Brazal and M. T. Davila (Ed.), Catholic Theological Ethics on the Migrations
of Peoples: Living with(out) Borders. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2015.
"Religious Freedom in Global Context Today: Some Contributions by Vatican II and John Courtney
Murray." In Massimo Faggioli and Andrew Vicini, eds., The Legacy of Vatican II. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist
Press, 2015, 248-272.
"Religion and Forced Migration," In Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, and Nando
Sidona, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, Oxford, UK, Oxford
University Press, June, 2014, 447-459.
"Foreword" to John R. Donahue, Seek Justice that You May Live: Reflections and Resources on the Bible
and Social Justice. New York: Paulist Press, 2014.
"Human Dignity in Catholic Thought." In M. Düwell, J. Braarvig, R. Brownsword, D. Mieth, eds.,
Cambridge Handbook on Human Dignity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2014, 250-259.
"Foreword" to Meghan J. Clark, The Vision of Catholic Social Thought: The Virtue of Solidarity and the
Praxis of Human Rights. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2014, ix-xi.
"Human Dignity: Experience and History, Practical Reason and Faith," In Christopher McCrudden, ed.,
Understanding Human Dignity. Proceedings of the British Academy, no. 192. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2013, 123-139.
"Peace, Justice and the Global Common Good: Pacem in Terris and Governance Today." In Vittorio V.
Alberti, ed., Il Concetto di Pace: Attualità della Pacem in Terris nel 50o Anniversario (1963-2013)
Vatican City, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace: Libreria Vaticana, 2013, 299-316.
"Sustaining Catholic Social Engagement: A Key Role for Movements in the Church Today." Journal of
Catholic Social Thought, 10, no. 2 (2013), special issue on “Social Movements in Context,” edited by Johan
Verstraeten , 431-447.
"Accompaniment, Service, and Advocacy: Responding to Global Poverty and Displacement," Conversations on
Jesuit Higher Education 44 (August, 2013): 10-12.
"Pacem in Terris and Human Rights." Journal of Catholic Social Thought, 10, no. 1 (2013), 5-15.
"The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Social Justice, and the University." C21 Resources, Spring, 2013,
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
12-13. Reprinted from Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, 36 (Fall, 2009): 20-22.
"Economic Justice and the New Challenges of Globalization." In Mark J. Allman, ed., The Almighty and
the Dollar: Reflections on Economic Justice for All. Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2012, 98-113.
"A World Church." In William Madges and Michael J. Daley, eds., Vatican II: Fifty Personal Stories.
Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2012, 241-244.
“The Promise and Risk of Charity.” In Daniel K. Finn, ed., The Moral Dynamics of Economic Life: An
Extension and Critique of Caritas in Veritate. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2012, 39-43.
“Religious Freedom, Morality, and Law: John Courtney Murray Today.” Journal of Moral Theology
(Inaugural Issue), 1, no.1 (2012): 69-91. Online at: www.msmary.edu/jmt
“A Balancing Act: Catholic Teaching on the Church’s Rights—and the Rights of All.” With Thomas A.
Shannon. America, 206, no. 7 (March 5, 2012): 23-26.
“Migration as a Challenge for Theological Ethics.” Political Theology, 12(6), Dec. 2011: 807-812.
“Soudan du Sud: nouvelle nation, nouvelles responsabilités: Comment la doctrine catholique peut aider à
façonner la vie de la nation.” Published on the Ceras/Projet website. Paris: Centre de recherche et
d’action sociales (Ceras), December 1, 2011, at: http://www.ceras-projet.org/index.php?id=5560
“Creating South Sudan: The Challenges of Nation-building.” America, 205,14 (November 9, 2011): 2226.
"New Nation, New Responsibilities How Catholic Teaching Can Help Shape the Life of South Sudan."
America, online edition, October 29, 2011, at:
"Expérience des chrétiens [comme source de discourse social de l'Eglise catholique]." In Bertrand
Cassaigne, Bertrand Heriard Dubreuil, Christian Mellon (Ed.), Discourse Social de l'Eglise Catholique
(web-based resource on the study of Catholic social thought). Paris: Centre de recherche et d’action
sociales (Ceras). October, 2011. At http://www.discours-social-catholique.fr/
"Reports: Exploring the Heights and Depths: Boston College Center for Human Rights and
International Justice," Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 40 (2011), Article 13.
Available at: http://epublications.marquette.edu/conversations/vol40/iss1/13
“Caritas in Veritate: The Meaning of Love and Urgent Challenges of Justice,” Journal of Catholic Social
Thought 8/1 (Winter, 2011): 171-182.
“Human Rights in a Pluralist, Unequal Globe: Contributions of Jesuit Universities,” Catholic Education:
A Journal of Inquiry and Practice 15 (2011): 338-345.
“Humanitarian Intervention: Why, When, and How?” Commonweal 137, no. 19 (November 5, 2010): 911.
“Ethical Globalization and the Rights of Refugees,” Grace and Truth: A Journal of Catholic Reflection
for Southern Africa 27, no. 2 (August, 2010): 29-42.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
“Comparative Ethics, Islam, and Human Rights: Internal Pluralism and the Possible Development of
Tradition.” Journal of Religious Ethics 38:3 (2010): 580-587.
“John Courtney Murray: Theologian of Religious Freedom,” in Reclaiming Catholicism: Treasures Old
and New. Edited Thomas H. Groome and Michael J. Daley. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2010, 79-83.
“Reconciliation and Justice: Ethical Guidance for a Broken World,” Promotio Justitiae 103 (Rome: 2009,
no. 3): 71-74 .
“Response to V. Bradley Lewis on Theory and Practice of Human Rights: Ancient and Modern,” Journal
of Law, Philosophy and Culture III, no. 1 (Spring 2009).
“U.S. Walks Tightrope on Sudan and Uganda,” America, November 2, 2009: 6-8.
“Corruption and Inaction Leave Kenya on the Brink,” America, September 28, 2009: 8-9. Republished in
Jesuit Refugee Service-Eastern Africa Headlines, October 31-November 6, 2009, electronic bulletin.
“The Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Social Justice, and the University,” Conversations on Jesuit Higher
Education 36 (Fall, 2009): 20-22.
“The Rights of Refugees in a Globalizing World.” Marianist Award Lecture/2008. Dayton, OH:
University of Dayton, 2009.
“An Advocate for All: How the Catholic Church Promotes Human Dignity,” America, December 1, 2008,
“The Common Good and Issues in U.S. Politics: A Critical Catholic Approach,” Journal of Religion and
Society 4 (2008), 33-46.
“Economic Justice for All Twenty Years Later: Keynote Address at Symposium on Catholic Social
Teaching on the Market, the State, and the Law, Villanova University School of Law, September 21,
2007,” Journal of Catholic Social Thought 6, no.1 (2008): 315-321.
“Humanitarian Crises, Refugees, and the Trans-national Good: Global Challenges and Catholic Social
Teaching,” in Scrutinizing the Signs of the Times in Light of the Gospel: Proceedings of the Expert
Seminar, Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, 9-11 September 2004, Johan Verstraeten, ed. Leuven, Belgium:
Peeters Publishers, 2007, 221-245.
“Catholic Ethics in a World Church: A U.S. View,” in Catholic Theological Ethics in a World Church:
The Plenary Papers from the First Cross-cultural Conference on Catholic Theological Ethics, James F.
Keenan, ed. New York: Continuum, 2007, 140-146.
“Human Rights and Women’s Rights: Initiatives and Interventions in the Name of Universality,” in A
Just and True Love. Feminism at the Frontiers of Theological Ethics: Essays in Honor of Margaret A.
Farley, Maura Ryan and Brian Linnane, eds. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press,
2007, 47-74.
“Ecumenical Perspectives on Human Rights and Religious Freedom: Response to John Witte,” in
Violence and Christian Spirituality: An Ecumenical Conversation,” Emmanuel Clapsis, ed. Geneva:
World Council of Churches (WCC) Publications, 2007, 212-214.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
“Lessons from the Wounded Edge,” The Tablet (London), August 11, 2007, 8-9.
“More Than One Way of Dying: Living Conditions of Forcibly Displaced People Violate Human Rights,”
America, January 15-22, 2007, 15-19.
“The Common Good and Globalization,” in Robin Gill, A Textbook of Christian Ethics, third edition.
London and New York: T & T Clark, 2006, 184-187.
"Catholicism and American Political Culture: Confrontation, Accommodation, or Transformation?" in
Inculturation and the Church in North America, T. Frank Kennedy, S.J., ed. New York: Herder & Herder,
2006, 7-22. The Boston College Church in the 21st Century Series.
“New Directions for the Church and the Ignatian Family,” Promotio Justitiae 92 (Rome, 2006, no. 3), 8692. Review of John A. Coleman and William F. Ryan, eds., Globalization and Catholic Social Thought:
Present Crisis and Future Hope. Also published in Italian, French, and Spanish.
“Human Rights, Justice and the World Church,” America, October 30, 2006, 10-12.
“Globalization, Solidarity, and Justice,” East Asian Pastoral Review 43, 1 (Manila, Philippines, 2006):
“Gaudium et Spes: Commentary and Interpretation,” in Modern Catholic Social Teaching: Commentaries
and Interpretations edited by Kenneth R. Himes (lead editor), Lisa Sowle Cahill, Charles E. Curran,
David Hollenbach, S.J. and Thomas Shannon. Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press, 2005,
“Joy and Hope, Grief and Anguish: ‘Gaudium et Spes’ 40 Years Later,” America, December 5, 2005, 1214.
“Human Rights in Catholic Thought: A New Synthesis,” America, October 31, 2005, 16-18.
“Military Intervention in Darfur?” Vital Theology 1, no. 18, Feb. 1, 2005, 3.
“The Search for Universal Values: Religious Contributions.” In Universal Values: Proceedings of
International Symposium in connection with the 2004 Olympics at the Academy of Athens, Loucas G.
Christophorou and George Contopoulos, eds. Athens: Academy of Athens, 2004, 295-303.
“A Response to Denise Ackermann’s ‘Reconciliation as Embodied Change: A South African
Perspective,’” Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America 59 (2004): 68-70.
“Freedom for Humanity--Response to Clifford Green.” In For the Sake of the World: Karl Barth and the
Future of Ecclesial Theology, George Hunsinger, ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2004, 109-114.
“The Hard Lessons of Kakuma: The Suffering of Refugees Should Raise New Questions about the Use of
Military Force,” America, February 9, 2004, 13-15.
“Christianity in a Community of Freedom: An Interview with Professor David Hollenbach, S.J.” Hekima
Review 30 (Nairobi, Kenya: December, 2003): 92-99.
“Strength in Mission through Solidarity: Catholic Higher Education in a Divided World,” Current Issues
in Catholic Higher Education 23, no. 2 (Summer, 2003): 5-14.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
“Mercados, Justicia y Bien Común,” Mensaje 52, no. 517 (Santiago, Chile: Marzo-Abril, 2003): 31-34.
“The Common Good and Christian Ethics,” Woodstock Report, 74 (June, 2003): 3-8.
"Response" [to essays by Nancy Rosenblum, Miera and Sanford Levinson, and Amy Gutmann]. In School
Choice: The Moral Debate, Alan Wolfe, ed. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003, 149-152.
"The Life of the Human Community: How Can We Pursue a Ministry of Solidarity," America November
4, 2002, 6-8.
"Justice and Solidarity in an Age of Globalization," Revue de Philosophie et de Critique Sociale de
Kimwenza (Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo: 2001), 95-107.
"Réponde aux attaques: Perspective éthique," Projet N° 268 (Paris: Hiver, 2001-02), 19-23.
"Responder a los ataques terroristas: una perspectiva ética y religiosa desde los Estados Unidos," Sal
Terrae: Revista Hispanoamericana de Teologia Pastoral (Madrid: Noviembre 2001), 901-909.
"Responding to the Terrorist Attacks: An Ethical Perspective," America, October 22, 2001, 23-24.
"Catholicism's Communitarian Vision: The Church in the Modern World." In As Leaven in the World:
Catholic Perspectives on Faith, Vocation, and the Intellectual Life, Thomas M. Landy, ed. Franklin, WI:
Sheed and Ward, 2001, 167-176.
"Religion, Morality, and Politics." In The Catholic Church, Morality, and Politics, Readings in Moral
Theology, no. 12, Charles E. Curran and Leslie Griffin, eds. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press,
2001, 60-76. Originally published in Theological Studies 49 (1988).
"The Pope and Capitalism." In The Catholic Church, Morality, and Politics, Readings in Moral Theology,
no. 12, Charles E. Curran and Leslie Griffin, eds. New York/Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2001, 284-287.
Originally published in America, June 1, 1991.
"Common Good," Collegeville Catholic Reference Library, CD Rom, version 1.0 (Collegeville, MN:
Liturgical Press, 2000).
"Catholic Higher Education in a Globalizing World," Hekima Review 24 (Nairobi, Kenya: Dec., 2000):
"Catholics as Citizens: Pastoral Challenges and Opportunities," Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought
and Culture 3:4 (Fall, 2000): 57-69.
"The Common Good and Urban Poverty," Dimensions of Poverty and the Common Good, 1999
Vincentian Chair of Social Justice Presentations, vol. 5 (Jamaica, NY: St. John's University, 2000): 4-9.
"Contexts of the Political Role of Religion: Civil Society and Culture." In Reasonable Pluralism, vol. 5 of
The Philosophy of Rawls, Paul Weithman, ed. New York: Garland Publishers, 1999. Reprinted from San
Diego Law Review" 30 (1994): 879-901.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
“Virtues and Vices in Social Inquiry.” In The Nature of Moral Inquiry in the Social Sciences: Essays by
Clarke E. Cochrane, David Hollenbach, Alan Wolfe, and Robert Wuthnow. South Bend, IN, Occasional
Papers of the Erasmus Institute, 1999 series, no. 2, 45-61.
“Civil Rights and the Common Good: Some Possible Contributions of Religious Communities.” In
Religion, Race, and Justice in a Changing America, Gary Orfield and Holly J. Lebowitz, eds. New York:
Century Foundation Press, 1999, 169-174.
“The Common Good and Urban Poverty,” America, June 5-12, 1999, 8-11.
“The Common Good in a Divided Society,” The Santa Clara Lectures 5, no. 3 (April 1999): 1-12.
“Fidelity to the Gospel/Respect for the Other.” In Faith in the Public Forum. Neil Brown and Robert
Gascoigne, eds. Adelaide, Australia: Australian Theological Forum, 1999, 1-27.
“Is Tolerance Enough? The Catholic University and the Common Good.” In Judith A. Dwyer, Vision and
Values: Ethical Viewpoints in the Catholic Tradition. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press,
1999, 179-195. Reprinted from Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education 13 (Spring, 1998): 5-15.
“Spécificité de la pensée sociale catholique et bien commun de l’humanité.” In Église et société: un
dialogue orthodox russe - catholique romain. Jean-Yves Calvez and Anatole Krassikov, eds. Paris: Les
Éditions du Cerf, 1998, 91-108.
“Solidarity, Development and Human Rights: The African Challenge.” The Journal of Religious Ethics
26:2 (1998): 305-317.
"Christian Social Ethics after the Cold War." In John Paul II and Moral Theology. Readings in Moral
Theology, no. 10. Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, eds. New York: Paulist Press, 1998,
352-375. Reprinted from Theological Studies 53 (1992): 75-95.
“The Common Good and the Recovery of Public Life.” Regis University President’s Newsletter,
November, 1998: 1-5. Lecture presented at the inauguration of The Institute on the Common Good,
Regis University, October 13, 1998.
“Is Tolerance Enough? The Catholic University and the Common Good.” Conversations on Jesuit
Higher Education 13 (Spring, 1998): 5-15. With responses by Charles J. Dougherty, Elizabeth Murray
Morelli, Roberto S. Goizueta, and Ali Banuazizi, 16-26.
“Human Rights in Social Development.” The Independent Review 1, no. 2 (1997): 154-60. [Nairobi,
"The Catholic University and the Common Good." In Catholic Higher Education at the Turn of the New
Century. Ed. Joseph M. O’Keefe. Chestnut Hill, Mass.: Center for International Higher Education,
School of Education, Boston College, in cooperation with Garland Publishing, 1997, 273-85. Reprint
from Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education 16, no. 1 (Summer, 1995).
“The Gospel of Life and the Culture of Death: A Response to John Conley.” In Choosing Life: A
Dialogue on Evangelium Vitae. Ed. Kevin Wm. Wildes and Alan C. Mitchell. Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press, 1997, 37-45.
“On Afropessimism: Hope in the ‘Heart of Darkness.’” Boston College Magazine, Summer, 1997, 7-8.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
"The Market and Catholic Social Teaching." In Outside the Market No Salvation? Ed. Dietmar Mieth
and Marciano Vidal. Concilium 1997/2. London/Maryknoll, NY: SCM Press/Orbis books, 1997, 67-76.
Also published in Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
“The Fire This Time: Life in a Postmodern World.” Boston College Magazine, Winter, 1997, 17.
“Politically Active Churches: Some Empirical Prolegomena To A Normative Approach.” In Religion
and Contemporary Liberalism. Ed. Paul Weithman. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press,
1997, 291-306.
“The Catholic University, Human Suffering, and the Crisis of Humanism.” Hekima Review 16 (January,
1997): 91-95 [Nairobi, Kenya].
"Freedom and Truth: Religious Liberty as Immunity and Empowerment." In John Courtney Murray and
the Growth of Tradition. Ed. J. Leon Hooper and Todd Whitmore. Sheed and Ward, 1996, 129-148.
"The Catholic University under the Sign of the Cross: Christian Humanism in a Broken World." In
Finding God in All Things: Essays in Honor of Michael J. Buckley, S.J. Ed. Stephen Pope and Michael
Himes. New York: Crossroad Publishing Company, 1996, 279-298.
"Tradition, Historicity, and Truth in Theological Ethics." In Christian Ethics: Problems and Prospects.
Ed. James M. Childress and Lisa Sowle Cahill. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1996, 60-75.
"Social Ethics Under the Sign of the Cross.” Presidential Address to the Society of Christian Ethics. In
The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 1996. Ed. Harlan Beckley. Washington, DC: Society of
Christian Ethics, 1996, 3-18.
“Etica social bajo el signo de la cruz.” Revista Latinoamericana de Teologia 37 (San Salvador, El
Salvador, April, 1996): 43-58. Translation of "Social Ethics Under the Sign of the Cross.”
“Report from Rwanda: An Interview with Augustin Karekezi.” America, December 7, 1996, 13-17.
"The Common Good in the Postmodern Epoch: What Role for Theology?" In Religion, Ethics, and the
Common Good. Ed. James Donahue and M. Theresa Moser. Annual Publication of the College Theology
Society, vol. 41. Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications, 1996, 3-22.
"The Common Good, Pluralism, and Catholic Education." In The Contemporary Catholic School:
Context, Identity, Diversity. Ed. Terence H. McLaughlin, Joseph O'Keefe, S.J., and Bernadette O'Keefe.
London/Washington, DC: Falmer Press, 1996, 89-103.
"Passion and Compassion: Human and Divine: A Response to Susan A. Ross." Catholic Theological
Society of America Proceedings 50 (1995): 64-70.
"The Catholic University and the Common Good." Current Issues in Catholic Higher Education 16, no. 1
(Summer, 1995): 3-15.
"Virtue, the Common Good, and Democracy." In New Communitarian Thinking: Persons, Virtues,
Institutions, and Communities. Ed. Amitai Etzioni. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia
Press, 1994.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
"The Foundation of Theological Knowledge." In Christianity and Civil Society: Theological Education
for Public Life. Ed. Rodney L. Peterson. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995, 89-99.
"Civil Society: Beyond the Public-Private Dichotomy." Responsive Community 5 (Winter, 1994-95): 1523.
"Contexts of the Political Role of Religion: Civil Society and Culture." San Diego Law Review" 30
(1994): 879-901.
"Public Reason/Private Religion? A Response to Paul J. Weithman." Journal of Religious Ethics 22/1
(1994): 39-46.
"Common Good." In The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought. Ed. Judith A. Dwyer.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1994, 192-197.
"Liberty's Bonds." Boston College Magazine 53/2, Spring 1994, 8-9.
"The Roots of Respect." Review of On Human Rights. Ed. by Stephen Shute and Susan Hurley.
Commonweal, May 6, 1994, 27-28.
"Positions chrétiennes concernant la violence." In Dictionnaire de Spiritualité, vol. XVI. Beauchesne:
Paris, 1993, 909-917.
"Intellectual and Social Solidarity." In Catholic Universities in Church and Society: A Dialogue on Ex
Corde Ecclesiae. Ed. John P. Langan. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 1993, 90-94.
"Christian Social Ethics after the Cold War." Theological Studies 53 (1992): 75-95.
"The Role of the Churches in the American Search for Peace." In The American Search for Peace: Moral
Reasoning, Religious Hope, and National Security. Ed. George Weigel and John P. Langan. Washington,
DC: Georgetown University Press, 1991, 237-65.
"The Pope and Capitalism." America, June 3, 1991, 590-91.
"Cities, Suburbs, and 'The Common Good': Boundaries of Moral Responsibility," with Anthony Downs
and Amitai Etzioni. A Woodstock Occasional Paper. Washington, DC: Woodstock Theological Center,
Georgetown University, 1991.
"Religion and Political Life." Theological Studies 52 (1991): 87-106.
"Social Morality in the Catechism." In The Universal Catechism Reader. Ed. Thomas Reese. San
Francisco: Harper and Row, 1990, 152-165.
"Faith, Justice, and the Jesuit Mission: A Response to Avery Dulles." In Assembly 1989: Jesuit Ministry
in Higher Education--Faith/Justice Mission in Higher Education. Washington, D.C.: Jesuit Conference,
1990, 26-29.
"The Common Good Revisited." Theological Studies 50 (1989): 70-94.
"Fundamental Theology and the Christian Moral Life." In Faithful Witness: Foundations of Theology for
Today's Church. Ed. Leo J. O'Donovan and T. Howland Sanks. New York: Crossroad, 1989, 167-184.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
"'For the More Universal Good': Recovering the Idea of the Commonweal," Regis College Chancellor's
Address, and "Solidarity and Ministry," Regis College Convocation Address. Toronto: Regis College,
"Justice as Participation: Public Moral Discourse and the U.S. Economy." In Community in America: The
Challenge of Habits of the Heart. Ed. Charles H. Reynolds and Ralph V. Norman. Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 1988, 217-229.
"Notes on Moral Theology: 1987." Theological Studies 49 (1988): 67-150, with William C. Spohn,
Edward C. Vacek, and John Langan.
"Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Bishops' Pastoral Letter on the Economy." The Annual of the
Society of Christian Ethics (1987), 19-40. Reprinted in Mary C. Segers, ed., Church Polity and American
Politics: Issues in Contemporary Catholicism, Garland Reference Library of Social Science, vol. 455.
New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1990, 99-118.
"The Church's Social Mission in a Pluralistic Society." In Vatican II: The Unfinished Agenda. Ed. Lucien
Richard, Daniel Harrington and John W. O'Malley. New York: Paulist Press, 1987, 113-128.
"War and Peace in American Catholic Thought: A Heritage Abandoned?" Theological Studies 48 (1987):
"AIDS Education: The Moral Substance." America 157, December 26, 1987, 493-94.
"Eine Soziallehre nur für die USA?" In Dein Reich Komme, 89. Deutscher Katholikentag,
Dokumentation, Teil II. Paderborn: Verlag Bonifatius-Druckerei, 1987, 881-85.
"Preaching and Politics, Consistency and Compromise." Church 3, no. 2 (Summer, 1987): 11-19.
"Pastoral on Economy Shapes Moral View of Public Policy." Woodstock Report 12, May 1987, 3-5.
"Ethics in Distress: Can There Be Just Wars in the Nuclear Age?" In The Nuclear Dilemma and the Just
War Tradition. Ed. William V. O'Brien and John Langan, S.J. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, D.C.
Heath, 1986, 13-29. Reprinted in Ethics in the Nuclear Age: Strategy, Religious Studies and the
Churches. Ed. Todd Whitmore. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist University Press, 1989, 59-78.
"Both Bread and Freedom: The Interconnection of Economic and Political Rights in Recent Catholic
Thought." In Human Rights and the Global Mission of the Church. Ed. Arthur J. Dyck. Boston
Theological Institute Annual Series, vol. 1. Cambridge, MA: Boston Theological Institute, 1986, 31-34.
"Notes on Moral Theology: 1985." Theological Studies 47 (1986): 69-133. With Richard A.
McCormick, William C. Spohn and Lisa Sowle Cahill.
"The Growing End of an Argument." America 153 (1985): 363-366 (special issue on "The Legacy of
John Courtney Murray").
"Notes on Moral Theology: 1984." Theological Studies 46 (1985): 50-114. With Richard A.
McCormick, Lisa Sowle Cahill and John Langan.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
"Unemployment and Jobs: A Theological and Ethical Perspective." In Catholic Social Teaching and the
U.S. Economy: Working Papers for a Bishops' Pastoral Letter. Ed. John W. Houck and Oliver F.
Williams. Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1984, 111-138.
"Choix de textes de Magistere de Jean XXIII, Paul VI, Jean-Paul II et Vatican II." In Droits de l'homme:
Approche Chrétienne. Fédération Internationale des Universités Catholiques, Centre de Coordination de
la Recherche. Rome: Herder, 1984, 199-251.
"Deterrence - The Hardest Question." New Catholic World 226, 1983, 254-257. Reprint of an excerpt
from Nuclear Ethics: A Christian Moral Argument.
"The Challenge of Peace in the Context of Recent Church Teachings." In Catholics and Nuclear War: A
Commentary on "The Challenge of Peace": The U.S. Catholic Bishops' Pastoral Letter on War and
Peace. Ed. Philip J. Murnion, New York: Crossroad, 1983, 3-15.
"Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear War: The Shape of the Catholic Debate." Theological Studies, 43 (1982):
"Courage and Patience: Education for Staying Power in the Pursuit of Peace and Justice." In Education
for Peace and Justice. Ed. Padraic O'Hare. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983, 3-13.
"Human Work and the Story of Creation: Theology and Ethics in Laborem Exercens." In Co-Creation
and Capitalism: John Paul II's Laborem Exercens. Ed. John Houck and Oliver Williams. Washington,
DC: University Press of America, 1983, 59-77.
"Nuclear Weapons Policy and Christian Conscience." New Catholic World 226, Jan/Feb, 1983, 17-20.
"The Bishops and the Nuclear Policy Debate." News from Weston, Fall/Winter, 1982, 3-4.
"Human Rights and Religious Faith in the Middle East: Reflections of a Christian Theologian." The
Human Rights Quarterly 4 (1982): 94-109, Johns Hopkins University Press.
"Global Human Rights: An Interpretation of the Contemporary Roman Catholic Understanding." In
Human Rights in the Americas: The Struggle for Consensus. Ed. Alfred T. Hennelly and John P. Langan.
Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1982, 9-24. Reprinted in Perkins Journal 39, no. 4,
(Oct., 1986): 1-10; and in Readings in Moral Theology No. 5: Official Catholic Social Teaching, ed.
Charles E. Curran and Richard A. McCormick, New York: Paulist Press, 1986, 366-83.
"Human Rights and Interreligious Dialogue: The Challenge to Mission in a Pluralistic World."
International Bulletin of Missionary Research 6 (1982): 98-101.
"The Politics of Justice." Theology Today 38 (1982): 489-493. Reprinted in Border Regions of Faith: An
Anthology of Religion and Social Change. Ed. Kenneth Aman. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1987, 41822.
"Reflections on Conscience, Registration and Conscription." Current Issues in Catholic Higher
Education 1 (Summer, 1980): 14-17.
"Human Rights." New Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 17 (supplementary volume), 1979.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
"Plural Loyalties and Moral Agency in Government." In Personal Values in Public Policy:
Conversations on Government Decision-Making. Ed. John Haughey. New York: Paulist Press, 1979.
"Theology and Philosophy in Public: A Symposium on John Courtney Murray's Unfinished Agenda."
Theological Studies 40 (1979): 700-715. With John A. Coleman, J. Bryan Hehir and Robin W. Lovin.
"Modern Catholic Teachings Concerning Justice." In The Faith That Does Justice: Examining Christian
Sources for Social Change. Ed. John C. Haughey. New York: Paulist Press, 1977, 207-231.
"A Prophetic Church and the Catholic Sacramental Imagination." In The Faith That Does Justice. Ed.
John C. Haughey. 234-263.
"Public Theology in America: Questions for Catholicism after John Courtney Murray." Theological
Studies 37 (1976): 290-303.
"Impressions from Detroit." America, January 17, 1976, 28-29.
"Moral Claims, Human Rights and Population Policies." Theological Studies 35 (1974): 83-113. With
Drew Christiansen, Ronald Garet and Charles Powers.
"Corporate Investments, Ethics and Evangelical Poverty." Theological Studies 34 (1973): 265-274.
"Burma Story: Rice and the Buddha." America, September 9, 1972, 140-143.
"On 'From Natural to Legal to Human Rights': A Response to Professor Jenkins." In Human Rights. Ed.
Erwin Pollack. Jay Stewart, 1971.
Ph.D. Dissertation: "The Right to Procreate and Its Social Limitations: A Systematic Study of Value
Conflict in Roman Catholic Ethics." Yale University, 1975.
M.A. Thesis: "The Aesthetic Basis of Whitehead's Speculative Philosophy." St. Louis University, 1968.
Academic Lectureships:
20th Annual Markoe DePorres Social Justice Lecture, ""Pacem in Terris at 50: Catholics and Human
Rights in the 21st Century," Creighton University, Omaha, NE. (November 14, 2013).
Joan and Bill Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage Lecture, "The Challenge of Global Jesuit
Education: Responses to Poverty and Displacement," Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
(November 13, 2013).
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Jesuits and Globalization Conference, ""The Future Global Role of
the Jesuits"," sponsored by Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown
University, (October 26, 2013).
Boston College Sesquicentennial Conference on The Legacy of Vatican II, ""Religious Freedom in
Global Context Today: Some Contributions by Vatican II and John Courtney Murray"," School of
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Theology and Ministry, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. (September 26, 2013).
Bi-annual conference on Justice in Jesuit Higher Education, "The Challenges of Jesuit Global Education:
Responses to Poverty and Displacement," keynote address, Association of Jesuit Colleges and
Universities, Creighton University, Omaha, NEB. (August 2, 2013).
British Academy, University of Oxford, and Bishops Conference of England and Wales, An
Interdisciplinary Conference on Understanding Human Dignity, presented paper on "Dignity as the
Foundation of Human Rights and the Foundations of Dignity," University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. June
Collegium: Faith and Intellectual Life, 20th Anniversary Celebration Lecture, "Human Rights and
Contemporary Catholic Thought: Some Urgent Challenges," College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA.
September 18, 2012.
Mission and Ministry Lecture, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, March 19, 2012. “‘Pacem in Terris’
and Human Rights––50 Years Later.”
Catholic University of Sudan, "The Common Good and Human Rights in South Sudan Today,” three
lectures," Juba, South Sudan. (March 6, 2012).
Richard A. McCormick Lectures, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, November 10, 2010. “Human
Rights and Response to the Poor: A Catholic Perspective” and “The Human Rights of Refugees in a
Globalizing World.”
Marianist Award Lecture, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, January, 2009. “The Rights of Refugees in
a Globalizing World.”
Charles Owen Rice Lecture, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, March 26, 2009. “Forced Migrants,
Human Rights and Global Justice.”
Fairfield University, June 19, 2009. Conference on Justice in Jesuit Higher Education, Presentation, “The
work of the Center for Human Rights and International Justice.”
Keynote Lecture, Loyola University of Chicago, November 6, 2007. President's Leadership Retreat for
faculty, administration, and staff, “The Catholic University and the Common Good.”
Keynote Address, Villanova University Law School, Villanova, PA, September 21, 2007. Symposium on
the Market, the Law, and Catholic Social Thought, “‘Economic Justice for All’ 20 Years Later.”
Lecture series, East Asian Pastoral Institute, Ateneo de Manila, Manila, Philippines, August, 8-12, 2005.
“Social Ethics at Vatican II and into the Future.”
Lecture Series, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne, Australia, August 2225. “The Common Good in a Divided World,” “Humanitarian Crises, Refugees, and the Transnational
Good,” and “Human Rights and Women’s Rights: The Search for Universal Norms.”
Presentation, Fairfield University, June 10, 2005. Conference on the Collaboration of Jesuit Universities
Regarding Migration, “Ethical Issues for Policy regarding Refugees.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Faith and Justice Lecture, St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, April 23, 2001. “The Common Good in a
Divided Society: Taking Poverty Seriously.”
Lecture, Faculté de Philosophie St. Pierre Canisius, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, December
20, 2000. “Globalization, Justice, and Solidarity: The Challenge to Higher Education.”
Keynote address, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, November 3, 2000. Symposium
on Catholic Higher Education in a Globalizing World.
Lecture, Zaidi Center, Nairobi, Kenya, November 18, 2000. “Working for Social Justice in a Wounded
Presentation, Permanent Commission for Human Rights, the Republic of Zambia, Lusaka, October 27,
2000. “The Challenge of Human Rights in Africa Today.”
Lecture, Jesuit Center for Theological Reflection, Lusaka, Zambia, October 26, 2000. “Globalization and
Justice: Challenges for Development.”
Loyola Lecture, Lemoyne College, Syracuse, NY, May 4, 2000. “The Common Good in a Divided
Santa Clara Lecture, University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA, April 18, 1999. “The Common Good in
a Divided Society.”
University Convocation Lecture, St. John’s University, NY, January 28, 1999. “The Common Good and
Urban Poverty.”
Chancellor's Lecture and Convocation Address, Regis College, Toronto, November 24-25, 1990.
Willis M. Tate-Willson Lectures, Southern Methodist University Graduate Program in Religious Studies,
April 7-9, 1987. “Justice as Participation: Recovering the Idea of the Commonweal.”
Kellogg Lectures, Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, May 6-7. 1986. “Economic Justice for
Sorenson Lecture, Yale University Divinity School, October 17, 1985. “Justice as Participation: A
Christian Challenge to the U.S. Economy.”
Van Christoph Lecture, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, February 22, 1985. “Can The Upwardly
Mobile Professional Be Saved?”
Isaac Hecker Lecture, St. Paul's College, Washington, DC, January 27, 1984. “Just War Theory and
Pacifism: The Continuing American Debate.”
D. R. Sharpe Lectureship in Social Ethics, University of Chicago Divinity School, 1981. “Human Rights
in a Pluralistic World: The Conflict of Civil Community and Religious Traditions.”
Presentations to Professional Societies:
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 7, 2014. Paper
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
presentation, "State Sovereignty and the Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees in Catholic Perspective.
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 8, 2012. Book discussion of D.
Hollenbach, ed., “Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants."
The Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH, June 12, 2010.
Presentation on “Economic Justice and the New Challenges of Globalization."
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, January 9, 2010. Presentation to Caucus of
Student Members, “My Work in Christian Ethics.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, Comparative Ethics Interest Group, Chicago, IL, January 9,
2009. Presentation on “Comparative Ethics, Islam, Human Rights: Internal Pluralism and the Possible
Development of Tradition.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, January 10, 2009. Participant in discussion of my book
Refugee Rights: Ethics, Advocacy, and Africa.
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, January 10, 2009. Respondent to two papers on this topic,
“Is the Just War Tradition Still Viable.”
The Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 8, 2007.
Presentation on “Just War, The Responsibility to Protect, and Humanitarian Intervention.”
The Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, June 12, 2004. “A
Response to Denise Ackermann’s ‘Reconciliation as Embodied Change.’”
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Annual Meeting, Washington DC, January 26, 2003.
Plenary lecture, “Solidarity and the Common Good: Implications for Catholic Higher Education.”
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, June 8-11, 2000. Respondent to paper of
Robert Gascoigne, “Public Theology and the Communication of Ethics,” and chair and respondent to
paper of Michael Perry, “Catholics in Public Life: Ethical/Legal Debates.”
American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 22, 1999. Presentation on
“Development as Participation: On Amartya Sen’s Recent Work.”
American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, November 23, 1998. Presentation on “The
Common Good and the Market Economy.”
American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, November 22, 1998. Respondent to papers
on Religious Freedom and Human Rights, Seminar on Religion and Human Rights.
Australian Theological Forum, Conference on Faith in the Public Forum, Sydney, Australia, January 2-5,
1998. Presentations on “Faith in Public: Fidelity to the Gospel and Respect for the Other” and on
“Contested Space: alternative Models of the Public Sphere.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Journal of Religious Ethics Forum, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 811, 1998. Presentation on “Human Rights and Social Development in Africa.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Society of Christian Ethics, 37th Annual Meeting, January 6, 1996. Presidential Address, “Social Ethics
Under The Sign Of The Cross.”
National Association for Women in Catholic Higher Education, Third Annual Biennial Symposium,
Boston College, July 12-13, 1996. Panel presentation, “Reflection on the Jesuit document on ‘The
Situation of Women in Church and Society,’” and Roundtable discussion “Dialoging about the Jesuit
College Theology Society, Annual Meeting, Worcester, MA, June 1, 1995. Opening plenary address,
“The Common Good in the Postmodern Epoch: What Role for Theology?”
Catholic Theological Society of America, New York, NY, June 10, 1995. Plenary address, “Passion and
Compassion: Human and Divine.”
Catholic Theological Society of America, Baltimore, MD, June 9-12, 1994. Chair, plenary panel on Jesus
and Ethics, Hispanic Theology Continuing Seminar, Presentation on Hispanic Feminist Theology in the
work of Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz and Pillar Aquino.
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA, January 9, 1993. “Human Rights and the
Pursuit of a Just Peace.”
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA, June 12, 1992. “The
Common Good in a Community of Freedom.”
Catholic Health Association, Annual Colloquium, St. Louis, MO, May 14, 1992. “The Preferential Option
for the Poor and the Common Good.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, South Bend, IN, January 15, 1989. “Remarks on Alastair
MacIntyre's Whose Justice? Which Rationality?”
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, January, 1987. Plenary address, “Liberalism,
Communitarianism and the Bishops Pastoral Letter on the Economy.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, Chicago, January, 17, 1986. Chair and respondent to paper
by Arthur Dyck, “Human Rights and Human Community.”
Catholic Biblical Association, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 14, 1985. “The Use of the Bible in
the U.S. Bishops' Letter.”
Association of Puerto Rican Economists, Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, May 4, 1985. “The U.S.
Bishops Letter on the Economy: Its Relevance for the Caribbean.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Working Group on War and Peace, Indianapolis, IN, January, 1983. “The
Churches and the Nuclear Debate.”
Society of Christian Ethics, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, January, 1983. Response to paper by John
Langan, “Catholic Anthropology as a Basis for a Theory of Human Rights.”
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1982. “The Future Agenda of Catholic Moral
Theology in America.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1981. “Just War Theory vs. Pacifism: The
State of the Question in American Catholic Thought.”
American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Ethics Section, 1981. “Ethics as the Retrieval of
American Academy of Religion, New England Regional Meeting, 1981. “Ethics and Human Rights:
Basic Needs and Problems of Power in the Americas.”
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Moral Theology Section, 1978. “American
Catholicism and Human Rights: John Courtney Murray's Unfinished Agenda.”
Catholic Theological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Moral Theology Section, 1975. “The Right to
Procreate and Its Social Limitations.”
Other Academic Positions and Responsibilities
Board of Trustees, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, 1999—2007; 1972––1978.
Loyola College, Board of Trustees, Baltimore, MD, 1983––1989.
Boston Theological Institute, Peace Education Task Force, Chair, 1982––1984.
Boston College, Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, Summers 1980,
1982, 1986, 1994.
Harvard Divinity School and Harvard University Center for International Affairs, sponsored jointly by
Interreligious Peace Colloquium, Executive Director, Seminar on “Muslim Jewish Christian Faith
Communities as Transnational Actors for Peace and Justice,” 1979.
Woodstock Theological Center, Participant, Project on Human Rights, Needs and Power in an
Interdependent World, 1977––1981.
National Catholic Educational Association, Member, Task Force on Justice in Higher Education, 1976––
Georgetown University, Chairman, Committee on the Teaching of Medical Ethics, 1975––1976.
Yale University Medical School, Member, Task Force on Genetics and Ethics, 1971–-1975.
Editorial Responsibilities:
Advisory Board, The Von Hügel Institute, St. Edmund’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge,
UK, 2014—present.
Journal of Religious Ethics (USA), Editorial Board, 1989––present.
Political Theology (UK), Editorial board, 2007––present.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Journal of Catholic Social Thought (USA), Editorial board, 2008––present
The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, Editorial Board, 1981––1983.
Membership in Professional Societies:
Catholic Theological Society of America. Vice President, 2014-15 (will become President Elect in 2015
and then President in 2016). Board of Directors, 1982––1984.
Society of Christian Ethics. President, 1995––1996. Vice President, 1994--1995. Board of Directors,
1987––1991. Chair of Search Committee for Editor of The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics,
American Academy of Religion. Member of the Steering Committee for The Consultation on Religion
and Human Rights, 1997—2002.
Boston Theological Institute Ethics Colloquium, 1976—present.
Travel to South Sudan, March 2012 and August 2011, for lectures to National Legislature of the Republic
of South Sudan, Caritas Internationalis, Catholic University of Sudan, and Archdiocese of Juba.
Travel to Kenya, Uganda, and Sudan. September, October, and November, 2009 to further develop the
cooperative relationship between the Center for Human Rights and International Justice and the Jesuit
Refugee Service in Eastern Africa and the Center for Peace Studies and International Relations at Hekima
College of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi. Consulting with Jesuit Refugee Service
on modes of advocacy for human rights, conflict prevention and avoiding further displacement in
southern Sudan in response to the 2011 referendum on southern Sudanese self-determination.
Workshop on the Human Rights of Forced Migrants, principle presenter, for staff of Jesuit Refugee
Service, Bangkok, Thailand, July 9-12, 2009.
Visiting Professor, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Hekima College, Nairobi, Kenya, August–
–November, 2009; January––April, 2006; August––December, 2003; August––December, 2000;
September 1996––January, 1997. 1996––1997 teaching supported by a Fulbright Scholar Award for
Lecturing and Research.
Leadership Team, Advanced Workshop on Peacemaking in a Divided World, sponsored by the Social
Justice Secretariat of the Jesuit Order (Society of Jesus), Rome, Italy, September 3-17, 2005.
Visiting Professor, Ateneo de Manila, East Asian Pastoral Institute, Manila, Philippines August, 2005.
Teaching course on Social Ethics.
Visiting Professor, June––July, 2009; June, 2000: Jesuit College, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam.
Teaching courses on Human Rights and Social Ethics.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
South Africa and Lesotho, "21st Annual Winter School of Theology," a series of five-day workshops on
Contemporary Moral Theology conducted with Edward Vacek in six cities: Pretoria, Capetown, Durban,
East London, and Kimberley (South Africa), and Roma (Lesotho). Sponsored by the South African
Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Research Travel on Human Rights in Comparative Ethical Perspective: Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan,
and Egypt, September--November, 1979. Supported by a Walsh-Price Fellowship.
Research and Lecturing on Population Ethics, India, Summer, 1975.
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, May 17, 2014.
Marianist Award. University of Dayton, January 29, 2009, Dayton, OH. Award given annually to a
Roman Catholic whose work has made a major contribution to the intellectual life.
Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, Ohio Dominican University, Columbus, Ohio, May 12, 2007.
Doctor of Divinity, honoris causa, Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, May 23, 2002.
 (Phi Beta Kappa), National Honor Society for the Arts and Sciences. Inducted as Foundation
Member of the St. Joseph's University Chapter ( Chapter of Pennsylvania), May 9, 2001.
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, Saint John’s University, New York, NY, January 28, 1999.
John Courtney Murray Award for Distinguished Achievement in Theology, awarded by the Catholic
Theological Society of America, June 13, 1998.
Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, Christ the King Seminary, Buffalo, NY, 1991.
Catholic Press Association, second prize for best book of 1983 in the category of Professional and
Educational Resources, for Nuclear Ethics: A Christian Moral Argument.
Grants Received:
2013-2014. Principal Investigator, grant of €100,000.00, received by the Center for Human Rights and
International Justice from a Foundation that wishes to remain anonymous. The grant supports a project
called "Continued Initiative on Research and Education on Human Rights of Migrants and Refugees in
Collaboration with Practitioners, Including Jesuit Refugee Services,” sponsored by Center for Human
Rights and International Justice, January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2014. The project, coordinated by David
Hollenbach, S.J, Center Director, is a continuation of current Center initiatives, commencement of new
initiatives, and will allow an expansion of the Center’s partnership with Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS).
The foundation has also supported the work of the Center in the past.
2010. Grant of $5,000 was received from the Boston College Institute of the Liberal Arts to enable
Michael Delaney, Director of Humanitarian Programs at Oxfam America, to help David Hollenbach
design and co-teach a new course on Human Rights, Humanitarian Crises, and Refugees: Ethical,
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Religious, and Political Perspectives. The new course was co-taught by Delaney and Hollenbach to 34
students in the fall of 2010.
2019-2012. Principal Investigator, grant of $197,000 received by the Center for Human Rights and
International Justice from a Foundation that wishes to remain anonymous. The grant is for the Center’s
Human Rights Research and Education Initiative on human rights research and education related to the
rights of forced migrants. It will expand the Center’s engagement with practitioners, including the Jesuit
Refugee Service and other human rights organizations working with migrants and refugees around the
2007––2009. Grant for project on Human Rights of Forced Migrants as an Ethical Framework for
Advocacy, Boston College Center for Human Rights and International Justice, from a foundation that
wishes to remain anonymous.
2005––2007. Grant for project on Ethical Responsibilities toward Forced Migrants as a Framework for
Advocacy: African Perspectives, Boston College Center for Human Rights and International Justice, from
a foundation that wishes to remain anonymous.
2005––2007. Grant for project on Ethical Responsibilities toward Forced Migrants as a Framework for
Advocacy: African Perspectives, Boston College Center for Human Rights and International Justice, from
Catholic Relief Services.
Fulbright Scholar fellowship, 1996––1997, for lecturing and research on "Human Rights and Communal
Solidarity: Contributions from Western, African, and Christian Traditions," Hekima College, Catholic
University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.
Association of Theological Schools, Theological Scholarship and Research grant, 1991.
Walsh-Price Fellowship, Maryknoll Center for Mission Studies, for comparative study of human rights in
Christianity, Judaism and Islam, June, 1979––January, 1980.
Other Presentations and Academic Responsibilities:
"Justice, Poverty, and Immigration Reform," at Catholic-Evangelical Summit of Overcoming Poverty,
Georgetown University Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life and National Association of
Evangelicals, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. (May 12, 2015).
"Right to Religious Freedom: Origins and Development," conference on Religion and Rights: Freedom
and Authority in Faith and Politics, Center for Theological Inquiry, Princeton, Princeton, NJ. (April 27,
Hollenbach, D., Project on Catholic Social Teaching and the Global Future of Development,
"Understandings of justice and development," 5 blogs published online by Berkley Center for Religion,
Peace, and International Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, DC., February—March, 2015.
“Jesuits and the Global Common Good," Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, part of lecture series on “Is
there a Distinctive Jesuit Ethics, " February 12, 2015.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Panel participant, “Jesuits and Globalization: Contemporary Challenges," at conference on The Jesuits
and Globalization: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, sponsored by Pontificia Universita
Gregoriana and Georgetown University, Rome, Italy. (December 12, 2014).
Presentation, St. Louis University Alumni Association Dinner, "Jesuit Refugee Service: Responding to
Global and U.S. Crises of Displacement," Boston, MA. (October 14, 2014).
Presentation, “The Common Good as Participation in Community: A Theological/Ethical Reflection on
Some Empirical Issues”," at conference on The Common Good: Empirical and Theological Perspectives,
Center for Advanced Catholic Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. (June 26,
Graduation address, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, May 17, 2014, “Justice, Education, and the
Common Good.”
Berkley Center for Peace, Religion and International Affairs, Villa le Balze, Fiesole, Italy. "The Global
Role of the Jesuits at and since the Second Vatican Council," Georgetown University, (May 9, 2014).
Georgetown University and the European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy. Presentatin on "The Jesuits
and Globalization at and since the Second Vatican Council," May 8, 2014.
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and International Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
April 14, 2014. Presentation on "Religious Approaches to Understanding Human Dignity,"
Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. April
9, 2014 Presentation on "Catholic Efforts on Poverty Issues: Learning from the Past."
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and International Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
March 28, 2014. Presentation on "Evangelii Gaudium: Where Does the Church Go From Here?"
Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. March
19, 2014. Presentation on "Ethical Criteria for the Responsibility to Protect."
Center for German and European Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. November 20,
2013. Lecture in Course on Movements for Peace in Italy and Europe, ""Pacem in Terris--Pope John
XXIII's Encyclical in the Italian and Global Contexts,"
Jesuit Refugee Service Roundtable on Catholic Response to the Crisis in Syria, “Current Challenges and
the Road Ahead,” Catholic University of America. October 15, 2013.
Jesuit University Humanitarian Action Network, “The Human Rights of Refugees-A Jesuit's Perspective,"
Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT. (June 14, 2012).
Jesuit University Humanitarian Action Network, “Jesuit University Humanitarian Action Network,
“Jesuits and Social Justice," Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT. (June 13, 2012).
Catholic Conversation Project, "The Public Role of the Church," School of Theology and Ministry,
Boston College, Connors Retreat and Conference Center. August 13, 2012.
Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. March 23, 2011. Migration, Theology and Faith Forum,
Conference on Borders and Transnationalism: Religious Perspectives, presentation, "Experience, Faith,
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
and Policy: Perspectives on Migration."
National Legislature of the Republic of South Sudan, Juba, South Sudan. March 5-9, 2012. Five lectures
to members of the Legislature on: 1. Respect for dignity and ethnic identity as keys to building national
unity. 2. Justice, the common good, and the use of resources (land, oil, water) to benefit all. 3. Human
rights, empowerment of the people and building sustainable democracy. 4. Civil society, governmental
accountability, and the dangers of corruption. 5. Restorative justice, reconciliation, and building longterm peace, "The Challenge of Human Dignity, Justice, and the Common Good in South Sudan."
Caritas Internationalis (Catholic development and relief agencies from Europe and North America) and
Southern Sudanese partners, Juba, South Sudan. March 7, 2012. Presentation, "Catholic Social Thought in
the New South Sudan."
Catholic University of Sudan, Juba, South Sudan. March 6, 2012. Three lectures, "The Common Good
and Human Rights in South Sudan Today.”
Archdiocese of Juba, South Sudan, Staff Retreat, "Human Rights, the Common Good and the Role of the
Church in South Sudan." March 8, 2012.
South Sudan Catholic church leadership meeting, Juba, South Sudan. March 5, 2012. "Catholic Social
Thought and the Pastoral Mission of the Church in South Sudan."
Boston College Center for Human Rights and International Justice and Jesuit Refugee Service, Boston
College. November 2011. Conference on The Theological, Spiritual, and Ethical Dimensions of the Work
of Jesuit Refugee Service, “Theological and Ethical Grounds of Response to Refugees.”
Center for Catholic Social Thought, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. October 30, 2011.
Expert seminar on Catholic Social Thought: Learning from the Movements, presentation on “The
Contribution of the Social Movements to Catholic Social Thought and Action––A Synthesis of
Conference Discussions.”
Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA. September 22, 2011. Symposium on Afghanistan: An Ethical
Inquiry, presentation on “The Goals of Afghan Intervention: Ethical Implications.”
Parliament of South Sudan, Juba, South Sudan, August 18, 2011. “The Role of Human Rights and Moral
Values in the Life of the New South Sudan.”
Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat of the Society of Jesus, Loyola, Spain, June 2011. Workshop
planning the formation of the Global Ignatian Advocacy Network, “Human Rights Advocacy.”
University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, March 26, 2011. Conference on 120 Years Since Rerum
Novarum, “War, Refugees, and Human Rights in Africa: Global Challenges and Catholic Social
Center for Catholic Social Thought, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, October 27-30,
2011. Presentation to conclude expert seminar on Catholic Social Thought: Learning from the
Boston College, October 7-9, 2011. Convenor, with research professor Maryanne Loughry, three day
conference co-sponsored with Jesuit Refugee Service on the Theological, Spiritual, and Ethical
Dimensions of the Work of Jesuit Refugee Service, 25 participants from diverse parts of the world.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, September 22, 2011. Lecture, “The goals of Afghan
Intervention: Ethical Implications.”
Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat of the Society of Jesus, Loyola, Spain, June 17-24, 2011.
Participant in meeting of the Core Design Group for the formation of the Global Ignatian Advocacy
Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies of the University of Southern California at the Pontifical Council
for Justice and Peace, Rome, Italy, October 15-16, 2010. Symposium, Paper and presentation, “Caritas in
Veritate: Love and Urgent Challenges of Justice.”
Jesuit Refugee Service and Catholic Relief Services, Washington DC, October 7, 2010. Consultation
with U.S. government officials, Sudanese church leaders, and representatives of U.S. church agencies on
US Policy toward Sudan.
Oxford University Refugee Studies Center, Oxford, UK, September 22, 2010. Panel presentation at a
conference, “Catholic Responses to Forced Migration: Jesuit Refugee Service as a Case Study.”
The Boisi Center, Boston College, September 16, 2010. Panel discussion of The Responsibility to Protect
and Humanitarian Intervention, “The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ in Catholic Tradition.”
Trento, Italy, July 27, 2010. Presentation at the international conference on Theological Ethics for a
World Church, “The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and the Catholic Ethical Tradition.”
Georgetown University, June 4-6, 2010. Plenary presentation at the Jesuit University Humanitarian
Action Network Conference, “Refugees and Humanitarian Crises—A Jesuit’s Perspective.”
Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, April 21-25, 2010. Paper prepared for international conference
of presidents and representatives of Jesuit universities from around the world on "Shaping the Future:
Networking Jesuit Higher Education for a Globalizing World, “Human Rights in a Pluralist, Unequal
Globe: Contributions of Jesuit Universities.” Paper available online at:
Boston College, March 11, 2010. Human Rights Conference, organized by graduate students in Political
Science, response to Prof. Susan Shell, “Are All Rights Human Rights?”
Boston College Theology Department, February 19, 2010. Presentation to faculty, “Theological
Responses to Forced Migration.”
Porticus Foundation and the Brenninkmeijer family, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, January 8, 2009.
Presentation on “The Rights of Refugees in a Globalizing World.”
University of Oxford Refugee Studies Center, December 7–8, 2007. Participant in conference, “An
Unsettled Future? Forced Migration and Refugee Studies in the 21st Century.”
University of Notre Dame, June 7, 2007. Symposium for Campus Ministers, “Evangelization and Social
International Institute for Justice and Development, Boston, October 27, 2006. International Conference
on the State of Affairs of Africa, “Ethical Responsibilities toward Forced Migrants.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Padua Italy, July 8-11, 2006. Plenary presentation at the international conference “Catholic Theological
Ethics in the World Church”, “Social Ethics in a World Church: United States Perspectives.”
Merrimack College, North Andover, MA, November 7, 2005. Lecture, “Humanitarian Crises in a Divided
World: Contributions from Catholic Social Thought.”
World Council of Churches, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, Brookline, MA, October 28, 2005.
Conference on Peacemaking in a Violent World, “Human Rights and Christian Ethics: A Response to
John Witte.”
Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne, Australia, August 22-25. Lecture
Series. “The Common Good in a Divided World,” “Humanitarian Crises, Refugees, and the Transnational
Good,” and “Human Rights and Women’s Rights: The Search for Universal Norms.”
Fairfield University, June 10, 2005. Presentation at conference on the Collaboration of Jesuit Universities
regarding Migration, “Ethical Issues for Policy regarding Refugees.”
Social Justice Secretariat of the Society of Jesus, Rome, Italy, September 3-17, 2005. Leadership Team,
Advanced Workshop on Peacemaking in a Divided World.
Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece, May 25-28, 2004. Lecture at The International Symposium on
Universal Values, held in connection with the 2004 Olympics, “The Search for Universal Values:
Religious Contributions.”
The Centre for Catholic Social Thought, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, September 911, 2004. Presentation, conference on forthcoming “Scrutinizing the Signs of the Times and interpreting
them in Light of the Gospel.” Conference commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Second Vatican
Council’s Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, “Humanitarian Crises, Refugees,
and the Transnational Good: Global Challenges and Catholic Social Teaching.”
St. Norbert College, DePere, WI. February 6-7, 2003. Lecture at Faculty Seminar, The Common Good
and Higher Education. “Globalization, Justice, and the Common Good.”
Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. June 12-14, 2003. Planning meeting at Catholic Peace
Center for Social Ethics and Social Justice, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya,
November 30, 2003. Lecture, “Markets, Justice, and the Common Good.”
Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. December 12, 2002. Lecture,
“The Common Good and the Challenges of Pluralism.”
University of Notre Dame, April 4-6, 2002. Lecture presented at conference on New Developments in
Catholic Social Thought, “Globalization, Solidarity, and Justice.”
Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, May 23, 2002. Commencement Address, “A Mission of Solidarity
in a Divided World.”
Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, May 23, 2002. Address to the President's Council, “Responding to
Terrorism: a Christian Ethical Perspective.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Boston College, April 19, 2001. Lecture in Globalization and Inequality Series, “Justice and the Global
Common Good.”
Hauser Center for the Study of Not-for-Profit Organizations, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
University, 1999 to 2000. Project participant in ongoing study of the Role of Faith-Based Organizations
in Social Change.
Catholic Health Association, Phoenix, AZ, February 11, 1999. Presentation to the Board of Directors,
“The Common Good and Health Care Reform––Catholic Contributions to the Debate.”
Erasmus Institute, University of Notre Dame and The Jesuit Institute, Boston College, March 19, 1999.
Presentation, Conference on Moral Inquiry in Social Research, “Virtues and Vices in Social Inquiry.”
Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Cambridge, MA, April 8, 1999. “The Rwanda Genocide: A
Challenge for a New World Order.”
Fairfield University, June 16, 1999. Plenary Lecture, Collegium Program on Catholic Higher Education,
“The Catholic Communitarian Vision of the Church in the World.”
Princeton Theological Seminary. June 17-19, 1999. Response to presentation of Clifford Green,
Conference, Karl Barth and the Future of Ecclesial Theology, “The Future of Social Witness: Karl Barth
and the Politics of the New World Order.”
St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, June 25-29, 1999. Response to presentation by William Spohn,
Conference on Jesuit Higher Education in the 21st Century, “The Moral Development of University
Center for Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, October 28, 1999. Consultation, Project on Theological
Understanding of the Common Good in American Culture.
Harvard University Law School and Graduate School of Education, February 28, 1998. Conference on
Religion and Civil Rights, Presentation, “New Catholic Initiatives for Civil Rights.”
Center of Peace and Justice, Villanova University April 1, 1998. Lecture, “Human Rights and Communal
Solidarity in Africa.”
Duquesne University, April 2, 1998. Academic Vice President’s Lecture, “The Struggle for Human
Rights in Developing Counties: The View from Africa.”
Regis University, Denver, CO, October 12, 1998. Inaugural Lecture of the Institute for the Common
Good on “The Common Good or the Death of Public Life.”
Loyola University of Chicago, October 14, 1998. Two faculty seminars, Lake Shore Campus and Water
Tower Campus, on “Is Tolerance Enough: the Catholic University and the Common Good.”
Georgetown University, March 5-6, 1997. Guest lecturer with Archbishop Rembert Weakland, “The
Bishops’ Economic Justice Pastoral Letter, 10 Years Later.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
The Center of Concern,Washington, DC, May 27-30, 1997. Principal drafter of final document of the
conference, Conference on The Globalization of the Economy and the Evolution of Catholic Social
Loyola Marymount University, May 30-June 2, 1997. “Transitions” Program for Younger Jesuits
Interested in Higher Education, participant and lecture on “The Jesuit Educational Mission in a Pluralistic
“Collegium” and the Lily Foundation, Fairfield University, June 19-22, 1997. “Renewal” Program in
Faith and the Intellectual Life, resource person and author of one of three conference background
documents, “The Catholic University Under the Sign of the Cross.”
Center for Civil and Human Rights, University of Notre Dame, October 16, 1997. Faculty seminar on
Human Rights and Social Development in Africa.
University of Notre Dame, February 23-25, 1996. Conference on Religion and Contemporary Liberalism,
lecture, “Politically Active Churches: Some Empirical Prolegomena to a Normative Approach.”
University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, March 4, 1996. Lecture, “Social Ethics under the Sign Of The
Faculties of Law and of Philosophy, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia, August 22, 1996. Lecture,
“Liberal Human Rights and African Communitarian Values.”
Division of Philosophy, Religion, and Classics, Arrupe College, University of Zimbabwe, Harare,
Zimbabwe, August 28-September 3, 1996. Four lectures, “Christian Social Thought in Africa Today.”
Hekima College, Nairobi, Kenya, October 29, 1996. Faculty seminar presentation, “Christian Social
Ethics under the Sign of the Cross.”
The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, November 8, 1996. Graduation Keynote
Address, “The Catholic University, Human Suffering, and the Crisis of Humanism.”
United States Information Service and the United States Embassy, United States Cultural Center, Nairobi,
Kenya. December 10, 1996. International Human Rights Day Lecture, to commemorate the United
Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Respondents: Prof. Onesimus Mutungi, Chair, Standing
Committee on Human Rights, Government of Kenya; Hon. Moses Wetangula, M.P., Chair, Kenya
African National Union (KANU, the governing party of Kenya) Human Rights Committee; Mr. Maina
Kiai, Executive Director, Kenya Human Rights Commission; Ms. Nancy Baraza, Chair, FIDA. “Human
Rights in Social Development: Some Challenges in Africa and the World Today.”
Boston Theological Institute Ethics Colloquium, October 11, 1995. Presentation, “Civil Society and
Culture: Contexts for the Political role of Religion."
Georgetown University, November 10-12, 1995. Conference on the Papal Encyclical Evangelium Vitae,
Lecture, “The ‘Gospel of Life’ and the ‘Culture of Death’.”
Wheeling Jesuit College, March 23, 1995. Jesuit Lecture, “The Catholic University and the Common
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Boston College, February 23, 1995. Jesuit Institute Lecture, “The Catholic University and the Common
Creighton University, October 27, 1994. Markoe-DePorres Lecture, “The Catholic University and the
Common Good.”
University of Connecticut, March 9, 1994. Aquinas Lecture, “Economic Justice and Human Rights.”
Boston Theological Institute Ethics Colloquium, October 6, 1993. Presentation on Stephen Mott,
Christian Perspectives on Politics.
Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA, November 18-19, 1993. Lecture, “Christian Economic
Ethics after the Cold War,” faculty seminar on “Religion and Political Life in the United States Today,”
and visiting presenter on two undergraduate classes in the Department of Religion.
Boston Theological Institute, October 6, 1993. Presentation on Stephen Mott, “Christian Perspectives on
Georgetown University, May 3, 1993. Conference on Ex corde Ecclesiae, respondent to paper by Michael
Buckley's paper on “The Catholic University: The Promise Inherent in its Identity.”
University of Dayton School of Law, Dayton, OH, April 24, 1993. Lecture, “Religion, Politics, and the
St. Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA, March 25, 1993. Two lectures, “Religion and Democracy:
Adversaries or Allies,” and “The Political Role of Religion.”
Elms College, Chicopee, MA, February 8, 1993. Lecture, “Christian Social Ethics and the Pursuit of
Maryknoll School of Theology, July 6-8, 1992. Three lectures, “Human Rights, the Common Good, and
the Option for the Poor.”
University of San Diego, April 10-12, 1992. Presentation at a conference on The Role of Religious
Arguments on Public Policy in a Pluralistic Society, “Civil Society, Culture, and Reason: Contexts of the
Political Role of Religion.”
University of Notre Dame, April 3-5, 1992. Conference on Social Ethics in the Murray Tradition, paper
on “Freedom and Truth: Religious Liberty as Immunity and Empowerment.”
Harvard Program on Business, Economics and Values, Feb. 18, 1992. Presentation on “Ethical Questions
for a Market Economy after the Cold War.”
Merrimack College, North Andover, MA, Sept. 19, 1991. Lecture, “Social Solidarity and the Common
National Office of Jesuit Social Ministries, University of Detroit, June 23, 1991. Faith Doing Justice
Conference, presentation on “Social Solidarity and Social Sin.”
Christ the King Seminary, East Aurora, NY, May 19, 1991. Commencement Address.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Cato Institute, Washington DC, May 9, 1991. Presentation on “John Paul II's Centesimus Annus.”
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, December 10, 1990. Humanities Faculty Seminar, presentation on “The
Common Good Revisited.”
Fordham University, December 10, 1990. Jesuit Philosophy Program, lecture, “Social Analysis, Moral
Values, and Urban Poverty.”
Boston Theological Institute Ethics Colloquium, October 17, 1990. “A Communitarian Reconstruction of
Human Rights.”
University of Detroit, October 17, 1990. Lecture, “The Future of Human Rights.”
Woodstock Center and the German Catholic Bishops Conference, Woodstock Theological Center,
Washington, DC, September 28-30, 1990. Conference on the Social Contributions of the Church after the
Cold War, presentation on “Human Rights and Ethnic Conflicts.”
Hekima College, Nairobi, Kenya, June 19, 1990. Faculty Seminar on “The State of Moral Theology
St. Joseph's College, Rensselear, IN, March 26, 1990. Faculty seminar on social justice in higher
education and public lecture, “The Common Good Revisited.”
Woodstock Center and the Catholic Bishops' Conference of West Germany, Woodstock Theological
Center, Washington, DC, September 28-30, 1990. German-American Colloquium on The Ethics of Peace
After the End of the Cold War, presentation on “Human Rights and Ethic Conflicts: Global Perspectives.”
Boston Theological Institute, October 17, 1990. Ethics Colloquium, paper presented, “A Communitarian
Reconstruction of Human Rights.”
Harvard Divinity School and the Barone Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, Kennedy School
of Government, Harvard University, April 17-18, 1989. Conference on Values and Images in Presidential
Politics, lecture, “Presidential Politics: Toward a More Substantive Treatment of Values.”
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, February 6, 1986. “The U.S. Bishops and Economic Justice.”
Nichols College, Sturbridge, MA, November 5, 1985. “Economic Justice and Economic Rights.”
University of Scranton, October 24, 1985. “The U.S. Bishops on Economic Justice.”
Fairfield University, September 26, 1985. “The U.S. Bishops on Economic Justice.”
The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, September 10-12, 1985. Respondent at conference on
Religion and American Politics.
LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA, July 13, 1985. “Economic Justice in the Bishops' Letter.”
John Carroll University, June 26, 1985. “Doing Justice to the Bishops.”
Boston College, May 11, 1985. “A New American Experiment: Participation in the U.S. Economy.”
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, May 8, 1985. “Economic Rights and the U.S. Economy.”
U.S. Department of State, Foreign Service Institute, Roslyn, VA, January 2, 1985. “The Ethics of the
Distribution of Wealth.”
Georgetown University, March 15-17, 1984. Conference on Justice and War in the Nuclear Age,
presentation, “Ethics in Distress: Can There be Just Wars in the Nuclear Age.”
University of Notre Dame, December, 1983. “Unemployment and Jobs: A Theological and Ethical
Antwerp, Belgium, April, 1983. Seventh Biennial Colloquium of the Russian Orthodox Church and Pax
Christi International, “Human Rights and the East/West Conflict.”
Boston, MA, April, 1983. National Jewish/Christian Conference, “The Contributions of Religious
Communities to Human Rights: A Catholic Perspective,” and “Religious Agendas in the Social/Political
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, May, 1982. “Church versus State: What Catholic
Leaders Are Saying about the Arms Race.”
Boston Museum of Science, June, 1982. “Toward a Nuclear-Free World.”
Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University, May, 1982. “Human Rights in an
Interreligious Perspective.”
School of Business Administration, University of Notre Dame, May, 1982. “Human Work and the Story
of Creation.”
Center for Pastoral Ministry, University of Notre Dame, May, 1982. “Catholic Tradition and the Ethics of
the Arms Race.”
St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL, July, 1982. Three lectures on “Moral Norms and Civil
Ditchley Park, Enstone, Oxfordshire, England, June, 1981. Ditchley Foundations Conference on “Human
Rights and World Peace.”
Courses Taught at Boston College (1991-2012)
The Common Good
Human Rights
Human Rights: Interdisciplinary Seminar
Refugees, Humanitarian Crises, and Human Rights: Ethical, Religious, and Political Perspectives
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Contemporary Theories of Justice
Christian Ethics: Major Figures
Christian Ethics and Social Issues
Public Theology and Public Philosophy
Christian Social Thought and Economic Justice
Reinhold Niebuhr and John Courtney Murray
Ethics Doctoral Seminar
Introduction to Christian Theology
Christian Ethics and Social Issues
Religion and Politics
Christian Ethics of War and Peace
Ethics of War and Peacemaking
Ethics, Religion, and International Politics
Humanitarian Crises and Refugees: Ethical, Religious, and Political Perspectives.
Human Rights
Service at Boston College
Director, Boston College Center for Human Rights and International Justice, 2005––present.
Chairperson, BC Sesquicentennial, Committee on Migration event. (November 2010––present).
Gasson Chair Search Committee, 2002––present.
Jesuit Institute, Advisory Board, 2002––present; Acting Director, Spring 2004.
International Studies Major Academic Policy Committee, 1997––present.
College of Arts and Sciences Humanities Strategic Planning Committee, Boston College Assessment
and Planning Initiative, April 2003––April 2005.
International Studies Advisory Committee, 1997––2002.
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Participant, Jesuit Institute faculty seminar on Justice in Jesuit Higher Education, 2000––2004.
University Academic Planning Council (UAPC), consultant to the Committee on Catholic and Jesuit
Identity, appointed by chair of the committee, Richard Cobb-Stevens, 1995––1996.
Consultant to Brennan Chair Search Committee, School of Education, 1995––1996.
Search Committee for University Librarian (1995).
Search Committee for Dean of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences/Associate Academic Vice
President for Research (1994).
Baccalaureate Sermon, Commencement Liturgy, May 22, 1994.
Jesuit Institute Seminar on the Alienation of Intellectuals from Religion, 1993––1998.
Convenor, Faculty Study Seminar on papal encyclical Veritatis Splendor 1993––1994.
Boston College Law School, lecture on Human Rights and the Common Good, March 1, 1994.
Boston College Committee on Sexual Diversity, response to lecture by Andrew Sullivan,
“Homosexuality and the Catholic Church,” April 14, 1994.
Carroll School of Management, Faculty seminars on Leadership for the Common Good, (1994).
School of Education, Participant in project on Catholic Schools and the Common Good.
Boston College Magazine Advisory Board. 1991––1994.
Theology Department:
Co-chair, Theology Department External Review Committee, 2011––2012.
Convenor, Theological Ethics Section, 2010––present; 2011––present; 2002––2003.
Ph. D. Admissions Committee, Ethics Section, annually.
Executive Committee, 2000––2006; 1993––1995.
Curriculum Committee, 2001—2003.
Graduate Admissions Committee, 2002––2004.
Steering committee for Ph.D. Program redesign, 1994––1996.
Coordinator, Ethics section planning committee for Ph.D. revision, 1994––1996.
Ad Hoc Committee on Ex Corde Ecclesiae (chair), 1993––1994.
Steering Committee for Ph.D. Programs, 1994––1996
Curriculum Vitae, David Hollenbach
Policy Committee for Boston College-Weston Jesuit School of Theology Joint Doctoral Program in
Theological Ethics. 1991––1995.
Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, Summer course on Social Ethics, June, 1994.
Institute of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry sabbatical program, two presentations on
Contemporary Christian Social Ethics, annually.
Consultant to Search Committee for faculty appointment in Christian Ethics, Andover Newton
Theological School.
Related to the Society of Jesus:
Entered: September 7, 1964.
Ordained to the Priesthood: June 5, 1971.
Society of Jesus Higher Education Secretary, advisor on global collaboration of Jesuit universities on
human rights.
Leadership Team, Advanced Workshop on Peacemaking in a Divided World, sponsored by the Social
Justice Secretariat of the Society of Jesus, Rome, Italy, September 3––17, 2005.
Other Church-Related Positions:
Consultant, Catholic Relief Service, Human Rights and Peace in South Sudan, 2011––present.
Consultant, Jesuit Refugee Service, Human Rights of Refugees, and Theological and Ethics Basis of work
of JRS, 2007––present.
Consultant, National Conference of Catholic Bishops (U.S.) and Mexican Bishops Conference, on Church
responses to proposed U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement, May, 1991.
Consultant, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee on Catholic Social Teaching and the
U.S. Economy, 1983––1986.
Consultant to National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Ad Hoc Committee on the Moral Assessment of
Deterrence Policy, 1987.
Consultant to Humberto Cardinal Medeiros on pastoral letters: “Choose Life: A Pastoral Letter on the
Threat of Nuclear War,” Easter, 1982, and “Stewards of This Heritage: Religious and Moral Reflections
on the Dignity and Responsibility of Public Office and Citizenship,” July 4, 1983.
St. Ignatius Church, Chestnut Hill, MA, regular celebrant and preacher at parish liturgy, 1991––present.
[April, 2015]