Edge Effects Related to OHV Use and Roads References, last... (keyword searched: edge)

Edge Effects Related to OHV Use and Roads References, last update June 1, 2008
(keyword searched: edge)
1117. Ahlstrand, G. M., and C. H. Racine. 1993. Response of an Alaska, USA, shrubtussock community to selected all-terrain vehicle use. Arctic and Alpine research
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113. Allan, B. F., F. Keesing, and R. S. Ostfeld. 2003. Effect of forest fragmentation on
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705. Alldredge, M. W., J. M. Peek, and W. A. Wall. 2001. Shrub community
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1289. Baker, R. H. 1998. Are man-made barriers influencing mammalian speciations?
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1526. Baker, W. L., and R. L. Knight. 2000. Roads and forest fragmentation in the
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1290. Bakowski, C., and M. Kozakiewicz. 1988. The effect of forest roads on bank vole
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1129. Cameron, R. P. 2006. Protected area - working forest interface: ecological
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403. Campbell, Mike, and Mark Jones. 2003. Habitat fragmentation and birds. 2003.
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1162. Chen, Jiquan, Jerry F. Franklin, and Thomas A. Spies. 1992. Vegetation
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Applications 2(4): 387-396.
1163. Chen, Jiquan, Jerry F. Franklin, and Thomas A. Spies. 1995. Growing-season
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782. Edenius, L., and J. Elmberg. 1996. Landscape level effects of modern forestry on
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157. Ewers, R. M., and R. K. Didham. 2007. The Effect of Fragment Shape and Species
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159. Fahrig, L. 1997. Relative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on population
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428. Fletcher, Robert J., and R. R. Koford. 2002. Habitat and landscape associations of
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541. Forman, Richard T. T., and Robert D. Deblinger. 2000. The ecological road-effect
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500. Forman, Richard T. T., Daniel Sperling, John A. Bissonette, Anthony P. Clevenger,
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1165. Frederick, Glenn P. 1991. Effects of forest roads on grizzly bears, elk, and gray
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321. Freilich, J. E., and E. L. LaRue Jr. 1998. Amphibian movements in response to
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1091. Frey, S. Nicole, and Michael R. Conover. 2006. Habitat use by meso-predators in
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796. Fulbright, T. E. 1996. Viewpoint: A theoretical basis for planning woody plant
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1124. Gibbs, J. P. 1998. Amphibians movements in response to forest edges, roads,
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1427. Hannah, D. H. 1992. Fragmentation in the Ocala National Forest: a GIS Analysis.
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175. Harper, K. A., and S. E. Macdonald. 2002. The critical values program for
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176. Harper, Karen A., S. Ellen MacDonald, Philip J. Burton, Jiquan Chen, Kimberley D.
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1428. Harris, L., and G. Silva-Lopez. 1992. Forest fragmentation and the conservation
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179. Haskell, D. G. 1995. A reevaluation of the effects of forest fragmentation on rates
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833. Hessburg, P. F., B. G. Smith, and R. B. Salter. 1999. Detecting change in forest
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332. Huijser, M. P., and P. J. M. Bergers. 2000. The effect of roads and traffic on
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401. Jules, Erik. S., Evan J. Frost, L. Scott Mills, and David A. Tallmon. 1999.
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186. Jules, Erik S., and B. J. Rathcke. 1999. Mechanisms of reduced trillium recruitment
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506. Knapp, Shannon M., Carola A. Haas, Douglas N. Harpole, and Roy L. Kirkpatrick.
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1125. Kuitunen, M., E. Rossi, and A. Stenroos. 1998. Do highways influence density of
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196. Laurance, W. F., and C. Gascon. 1997. How to creatively fragment a landscape.
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655. Laurance, W. F., H. L. Vasconcelos, and T. E. Lovejoy. 2000. Forest loss and
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407. Laurance, W. F., and E. Yensen. 1991. Predicting the impacts of edge effects in
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207. Manolis, J. C., D. E. Andersen, and F. J. Cuthbert. 2000. Patterns in clearcut edge
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1098. Marsh, David M. 2007. Edge effects of gated and ungated roads on terrestrial
salamanders. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(2): 389-394.
342. Marsh, D. M., and N. G. Beckman. 2004. Effects of forest roads on the abundance
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216. Mills, L. S. 1995. Edge effects and isolation: red-backed voles on forest remnants.
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