University of South Alabama Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures

University of South Alabama
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
LG 490 /LG 590
Social conflict, Crisis and Literature in the Iberian Peninsula.
3 credit hours Section: 501
Room: HUMB 310
Fall 2015
Instructor Information
Dr. Roberto Robles–Valencia
Office: HUMB 328
Phone: 251-461–1461
Office hours:
T TH 10:00–11:00AM & 4:00–5:00PM or by appt.
Descripción del curso.
El curso pretende ser una reflexión sobre la crisis y los conflictos sociales en España a lo
largo de ciertos hitos de su historia. Pretende analizar cómo la literatura y la cultura
representan los periodos de crisis y los conflictos sociales en diferentes momentos de la
historia peninsular.
Objetivos del curso
Conocer algunos trabajos esenciales de la historia de la literatura española y
acercarse a otros productos culturales novedosos.
Entender la evolución básica de la sociedad española a través de algunos de sus
conflictos sociales y crisis.
Entender la contribución de la cultura y la literatura como expresiones artísticas
que aportan una mirada crítica a la realidad.
Desarrollar habilidades analíticas y de investigación, especialmente relacionadas
con aspectos culturales y literarios y el campo de las humanidades.
Desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento crítico y establecer conexiones entre
diferentes campos de conocimiento y expresión artística.
Mejorar el manejo del español en las cuatro habilidades básicas. Debido a ello la
participación es esencial para la clase. Se dará especial importancia a la escritura
como modo de desarrollo de habilidades críticas y analíticas.
Conseguir un mejor entendimiento del mundo contemporáneo, específicamente
España pero considerada en un contexto global.
Reflexionar sobre el papel de la literatura y la cultura como expresiones artísticas
a ser usadas en la enseñanza y el entendimiento de realidades complejas.
Haber completado satisfactoriamente LG 334 o LG 336, o por permiso expreso
del instructor.
Textos subidos a Sakai o facilitados por el instructor. Libros de la siguiente bibliografía:
• Calderón de la Barca, Pedro. La vida es sueño.
• Ortega y Gasset, José. España Invertebrada.
• Rodoreda, Mercé. La plaza del diamante.
• Méndez, Alberto. Los girasoles ciegos.
• Fernán Gómez, Fernando. Las bicicletas son para el verano.
• Gutiérrez, Pablo. Democracia.
Se recomienda un buen manual de gramática y un buen diccionario (monolingüe o
Class Attendance Policy
Attendance. It is required and fundamental for the course. The discussion is the
essential part of the course. One missing class is accepted without a justified
excuse. From the second missing class the final grade can be lowered in 2 points.
F*. If a student fails attend a half of the class meetings or fails to complete half of
the assignments he or she will be graded as F*.
Online participation is also essential. Failing to complete half of the online
assignments will also receive an F*.
Lateness. Arriving consistently late to class or arriving extremely late will have
the same effects as a missed class.
Remember that no late work will be accepted unless there is a documented
justification for it.
1. Final essay. 8-9 pages. (10-15 pages for Graduate Students)
2. Written responses and discussions.
Weekly Assignments. Short essays.
3. Presentation or educative project. (8–10 minutes minimum)
4. Mid-term exam.
5. Participation, Preparation for classes. Quizzies.
6. Final exam.
There will be no make-up exams unless there is an exceptional urgent cause and it
is documented properly. Additionally, every effort must be made to inform in
advance for taking the exam on a previous date.
No late work will be accepted unless there is a documented reason for it.
Grading scale.
90 +
Changes in Course Requirements
• Not all classes progress at the same rate thus course requirements might have to
be modified as circumstances dictate. You will be given written notice if the
course requirements need to be changed. Content could also be modified with
written notice.
Academic Disruption Policy
• The University of South Alabama’s policy regarding Academic Disruption is
found in The Lowdown, the student handbook. Disruptive
academic behavior is defined as individual or group conduct that interrupts or
interferes with any educational activity or environment, infringes upon the rights
and privileges of others, results in or threatens the destruction of property and/or
is otherwise prejudicial to the maintenance of order in an academic environment.
• At all times students are expected to be cordial, courteous and respectful of
faculty members and fellow students.
• Cell phones, laptops, videotaping and other electronic devices are not allowed.
Laptops might be allowed in certain cases if needed for the class discussion. At
any moment should the student use the computer for other purposes not related to
the course.
Student Academic Conduct Policy
• The University of South Alabama’s policy regarding Student Academic Conduct
Policy is found in The Lowdown The
University of South Alabama is a community of scholars in which the ideals of
freedom of inquiry, freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of the
individual are sustained. The University is committed to supporting the exercise
of any right guaranteed to individuals by the Constitution and the Code of
Alabama and to educating students relative to their responsibilities.
• Violation of academic conduct policy may result in receiving 0 credit for the
affected exam/assignment.
• Students enrolled in online courses are expected to adhere to the Academic
Conduct Policy. In particular, students are expected to complete their own
coursework and not provide unauthorized information or materials to another
• Policy on plagiarism software.
Students may learn about the meaning of plagiarism and how to avoid it at the
Students With Disabilities
• In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide
disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodations. The Office of Special
Student Services (OSSS) will certify a disability and advise faculty members of
reasonable accommodations. If you have a specific disability that qualifies you
for academic accommodations, please notify the instructor/professor and provide
certification from the Office of Special Student Services. OSSS is located at 5828
Old Shell Road at Jaguar Drive, (251-460-7212).
Course and Teacher Evaluation
• Student input for course improvement and instructor evaluations are taken
seriously and do effect change.
Additional Requirements and Recommendations
Online Writing Support
• The University of South Alabama provides online writing tutoring services
SMARTHINKING, an online tutoring service. SMARTHINKING is available at Students may enter the site by logging on with
their Jag number and using the last four digits of the social security number as the
password. For log-on problems, technical questions and/or on-campus writing
assistance, contact
the USA Writing Center at 251-460-6480 or e-mail
Information about the University Writing Center and Online Writing Lab can be
online at
Counseling and Testing Services
Counseling and Testing Services provides a variety of free and confidential
services for students. For further information regarding this resource go to or call the office at 460-7051.
Course Topical Outline.
Class discussion.
Semana 1
18 Ag.
20 Ag.
Semana 2
25 Ag.
27 Ag.
Semana 3
1 Sep.
3 Sep.
Semana 4
8 Sep.
10 Sep.
Semana 5
15 Sep.
17 Sep.
Semana 6
22 Sep.
24 Sep.
Semana 7
29 Sep.
1 Oct.
Semana 8
Readings completed before class.
Introducción a la clase.
Concepto de Crisis y Conflicto Social.
Algunos textos sobre las crisis.
Cervantes. D. Quijote. Cap. XXXVIII.
La crisis del siglo XVII. Decadencia del
Imperio español.
Quevedo. Arbitristas y textos históricos.
Investigar la figura de D. Quijote.
Discurso de las armas y las letras de
D. Quijote.
Textos históricos. Juan Pablo Fusi.
Introducción a Calderón. La vida es sueño.
La vida es sueño. Pgs.
La vida es sueño.
La vida es sueño. Pgs.
La vida es sueño.
La crisis y los conflictos del siglo XVII en
la literatura.
El 98 en España.
El siglo XIX. Conflictos y Crisis.
Clarín, Galdós.
El siglo XIX. Pardo Bazán.
Investigar la crisis del 98.
Unamuno. En torno al casticismo.
Investigar autores:
Clarín, Galdós. Cuentos.
Investigar Pardo Bazán.
Pardo Bazán. Cuentos
Investigar Ortega y Gasset.
España invertebrada. Fragmentos.
España invertebrada. Fragmentos.
El 98 y el siglo XIX.
Repaso. Conclusiones.
La plaza del diamante
La plaza del diamante
Investigar sobre la Guerra Civil. La
situación de Cataluña.
La plaza del diamante, págs.
La plaza del diamante, págs.
La plaza del diamante
6 Oct.
8 Oct.
15 Oct.
Semana 10
20 Oct.
22 Oct.•
La plaza del diamante, págs.
Semana 9
13 Oct.
La Guerra, sus versiones.
Réquiem por un campesino español
Franco. Manifiesto.
Sender, Requiem. Págs.
Requiem, págs.
Los girasoles ciegos.
Alberto Méndez, Los girasoles ciegos.
Fernán Gómez, Las bicicletas son para el
Las bicicletas. Págs.
Las bicicletas son para el verano.
Las bicicletas. Págs.
Max Aub. Relatos.
Max Aub. Fragmentos.
Semana 11
27 Oct.
29 Oct.
Semana 12
3 Nov.
5 Nov.
Semana 13
10 Nov.
12 Nov.
Semana 14
17 Nov.
19 Nov.
Semana 15
Semana 16
1 Dic.
3 Dic.
Guerra y dictadura. Representación
Las crisis actuales, finales del siglo XX y
siglo XXI.
Fátima de los naufragios.
Las crisis económicas. Los efectos y su
representación. Film:
Investigar sobre la España actual.
Lourdes Ortiz, Fátima de los
Gutierrez, Democracia
Democracia. Págs.
Democracia. Págs.
15M, movimientos sociales recientes.
Crisis económica y representación.
Democracia. Págs.
Investigar sobre la crisis española y el
Textos variados. Documentales.