PERSONNEL ACTION FORM RESEARCH FOUNDATION THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK 230 WEST 41st STREET NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10036 The Research Foundation is an E-VERIFY Employer EMPLOYEE I.D. NO.: EMPLOYEE SOCIAL SECURITY NO: Employee Name as recorded on the Social Security Card (and Visa where applicable) LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: RF Job Title (From PVN): Home » Guides & Forms » Project Director's / Employee Guide » Human Resources » Personnel Vacancy Notice (PVN) Procedures Supervises Employees? Yes Bi-Wkly Work Schedule Hours per day: Wk. 1: PVN Nu m be r: 4 Digit RF Job C o de (From PVN or attached) RF Position Title... MIDDLE INITIAL: Sponsor’s Func tio nal Ti tl e : Choose Title... Immediate Supervisor: No M T W Th F Sa Wk. 2: Su M T W Th F Sa Su COLLEGES: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Baruch College BMCC Bronx CC Brooklyn College Other: □ □ □ □ City College CUNY Central CUNY Law Graduate Center □ □ □ □ Hostos CC Hunter College John Jay College Journalism □ □ □ □ Kingsborough CC LaGuardia CC Lehman College Medgar Evers College □ □ □ □ NYC College of Technology Queens College Queensborough CC RFCO Staten Island CC S&C Guttman CC York College CUNY ASRC Employee’s Physical Work Location/Campus if not the campus selected above: ACTION TO BE TAKEN: New Hire: (Attach New-Hire paperwork from the RF website to avoid outdated forms and send together with this PAF to the Research Foundation) Rehire: (Call the Rehire Team for instructions) Leave of Absence: Type of Leave: ______________ Date Leave Began: ______________ Date Returned From Leave:____________ Other/Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ STATUS OF POSITION: REGULAR: These positions have a predefined work schedule and a predefined appointment period (usually more than 90 days). TEMPORARY: Employees are employed on a full-time or part-time basis for one job only for a set duration of no more than 19 weeks in any 12month period, have no substantial expectancy of continued employment, and have been notified of this fact. These employees are not eligible for annual leave. ON CALL: Employees are employed for no more than 19 hours a week, working sporadically with no established pattern of regular continuing employment. They do not have a fixed schedule, are not required to be at or near the work site, can refuse an assignment when offered, and are only paid for hours actually worked. These employees are not eligible for annual leave. STUDENT Status:*** Check (Circle item(s)) One: Undergrad VISA Status : F1 J1 Masters H1B PhD Post Doc Other ( s p ec i f y ) : ***IS EMPLOYMENT CONTINGENT UPON MAINTAINING STUDENT STATUS? (Check one) Is employee currently employed on CUNY or TAX LEVY Payroll? *Yes □ No □ □ YE S □ NO *If yes, you MUST include a Multiple Positions Letter. Project # Sub Yr. Title Code** Start Date End Date mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yy Rate of Pay Bi-Wkly Hrs/P.P. Salary Encumbrance <38 = PT-B 39-69=PT-A >70=Full Time Salary less Fringe Benefit and MTA tax Salary: RF Use Only G&C HR $ Hrly: Fin **Log- onto RF website – or follow these links: Home>> Guides & Forms>> Project Director’s/Employee Guide>> Human Resources>> Select: Project Employee > Title and Suggested Sal. Guidelines PROJECT DIRECTOR: Date: AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY: Employee Initials:_______ Date: Christine Spicknell Signature Print Name Phone Re s e arch Fo un da tio n of C UNY Revised: 11/10/2014 E-Mail Address Signature 718-631-6357 Phone Print Name E-Mail Address PAF Page 1 of 2 Important Information Regarding Your Employment with The Research Foundation of The City University of New York (RFCUNY) Please initial each statement in the space provided and complete the signature section at the bottom of this page. I am I am not employed on another RFCUNY project concurrently. (*See PAF page 1 if employed concurrently.) Initials: I certify that my scheduled hours for this appointment do not conflict with any other concurrent RFCUNY appointment or other employment including a CUNY or Tax Levy position. I understand that any conflicts of this nature may result in the immediate termination of this or any subsequent appointments. Initials: I accept the position and salary described above w ith the understanding that my employment is subject to availability of funds. I understand that in this position, or any subsequent position, I am an employee of RFCUNY. I acknow ledge that this Personnel Action Form (PAF) is NOT a contract of employment and that my employment is not fixed for any period or term. Initials: I understand that unless otherwise governed by terms of a collective bargaining agreement, all decisions respecting my employment and terms of my employment including but not limited to decisions respecting job promotions, salary increase and terminations are at the sole discretion of RFCUNY. Initials: I understand that if I am employed in a position that is covered by a collective bargaining agreement between RFCUNY and the Professional Staff Congress which requires the payment of union dues or any agency fee, my failure or refusal to timely pay such union dues or agency fees may result in the termination of my employment. ` Initials: I understand that regular attendance is a requirement for all RFCUNY employment and that I am subject to RFCUNY policies, procedures, rules and regulations for employees. Initials: I acknowledge that I have been informed that RFCUNY is an E-Verify Employer and that as a condition of my employment my work authorization documents will be verified through the Social Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security. Initials: I acknowledge that as a condition of employment with RFCUNY, I must sign a disclosure notice and authorization for a background check. In addition, RFCUNY administers program that are funded by the US Governement, either directly or as pass-throughs. Pursuant to Executive Order 13224, new hires and rehires are checked against lists of restricted parties maintained by the US General Services Administration (GSA), US Office of Foreign Assests Control (OFAC), and the System for Award Management (SAM), among others, to determine their eligibility to receive federal funds through the Research Foundation. I understand that my employment is contingent upon the outcome of these checks. Initials: I acknowledge that if I am eligible to accrue annual leave, the payment of any remaining balances of accrued leave at the end of my appointment is not guaranteed and is subject to sponsor regulations and availability of sponsor funds. I also acknowledge that if I am advanced any type of leave, I will either accrue or repay the amount of leave that was advanced on or before my appointment end date. I agree that the dollar amount of advanced leave may be deducted from regular pay for this purpose. Initials: I acknowledge that if I am employed on a project sponsored by the NYC Dept. of Ed., or any other project sponsor and am deemed by them to be ineligible to provide services under the project, I am subject to the immediate termination of my appointment and will not be entitled to receive any additional compensation. Initials: I acknowledge that if my duties and responsibilities expose me to confidential, private or proprietary information, I agree to maintain such information in confidence and not to disclose it other than to RFCUNY employees or its agents who have a legitimate business need to know. Initials: I acknowledge that where an appointment letter or PAF makes my position contingent on the maintenance of graduate student status, suspension or loss of student status shall constitute sufficient cause for RFCUNY’s suspension or termination of my employment. Initials: I acknowledge that as a condition of employment, I am required, if eligible, to participate in RFCUNY’s Retirement Program. If TIAA-CREF does not receive investment instructions from me via their on-line enrollment process, my plan contributions will be invested in the plan's default investment option. I further understand that should my employment end before I have completed the vesting requirement, I will not receive any benefits attributable to the employer contributions made on my behalf. If I later return to work, however, I may be entitled to have the benefits attributable to my earlier service restored (see the Summary Plan Description for further details). Initials: I acknowledge that I have been given a copy of RF Policy No. 548, Combating Trafficking in Persons , and agree to its terms. Initials: I acknowledge that I have received the “Notice of Employee Rights” under the “NYC Earned Sick Time Act.” Initials: I have been given a copy of this PAF (Employee Signature ): Telephone Number: Research Foundation of CUNY Revised: 06/03/2015 Date: E-mail Address: PAF Page 2 of 2 Policy No. 548 mbatting Traffficking in Peersons Policcy Com PURPOSE E The Researrch Foundation n (hereinafter referred r to as “Foundation”) iis committed too the adoption of a zero-tolerrance policy com mbatting the traafficking of perrsons. By adop pting a policy eenforcing the ssafeguards impposed by law, thhe Foundation n informs its em mployees of th heir obligationss under law andd raises the aw wareness of a prroblem that afffects the human rights of millions of personss worldwide. BILITY APPLICAB This policy y is applicable to all individuals engaged in the performannce of any Founndation award,, including uncompenssated individuaals whose serviices are contrib buted as either in-kind or cosst matching serrvices. DEFINITIONS Foundation n “employee” is i defined as an ny individual directly d engageed in the perforrmance of a graant, contract orr cooperative agreement ad dministered by y the Foundatio on, including unncompensated individuals whhose services aare d as either in-k kind or cost maatching servicess. contributed n “federal conttract employee”” is defined as any individuall directly engagged in the perfformance of a Foundation federal con ntract administered by the Foundation, inclu uding uncompeensated individduals whose services are contributed d as either in-k kind or cost maatching servicess. EMENTS REQUIRE All Foundaation employeees are prohibiteed from engagiing in severe foorms of traffickking in persons during the performancce of the award d; procuring co ommercial sex acts during thee performance of the award; and from usingg forced labo or of any kind in i the performaance of the aw ward. v of thiis policy immeediately to the H Human Resourrces All Foundaation employeees are required to report any violation Departmen nt at the Found dation. ontract employ yees are requireed to sign a staatement acknow wledging this ppolicy and agreeeing All Foundaation federal co to its termss. ONS SANCTIO Any Found dation employeee who violatess this policy may m be subject tto disciplinary action, includiing terminationn. Any employee convicted c of a violation of an ny criminal Traafficking in Perrsons statute foor activity whicch contraveness this policy willl be subject to similar s discipliinary action. ENTATION IMPLEME This policy y will be impleemented immed diately. NOTICE OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO SICK LEAVE, WHICH YOU CAN USE FOR THE CARE AND TREATMENT OF YOURSELF OR A FAMILY MEMBER. AMOUNT OF SICK LEAVE: January 1,2015 RATE OF ACCRUAL: DATE ACCRUAL BEGINS: DATE SICK LEAVE IS AVAILABLE FOR USE: ACCEPTABLE REASONS TO USE SICK LEAVE: December 31,2015 FAMILY MEMBERS: ADVANCE NOTICE: DOCUMENTATION: UNUSED SICK LEAVE: YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE FREE FROM RETALIATION FROM YOUR EMPLOYER FOR USING SICK LEAVE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO FILE A COMPLAINT.