BIBLIOGRAPHY Accountability and Accreditation in Higher Education

Accountability and Accreditation in Higher Education
Books and Documents Owned by Rod Library
Published after 1990
Alstete, Jeffrey W. Accreditation Matters: Achieving Academic Recognition and
Renewal. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2004.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .A42 2004
---. College Accreditation: Managing Internal Revitalization and Public Respect. New
York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.615.U6 A45 2007
Bloland, Harland G. Creating the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 2001.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.615.U6 B56 2001
Bogue, E. Grady, and Robert L. Saunders. The Evidence for Quality: Strengthening the
Tests of Academic and Administrative Effectiveness. San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass Publishers, 1992.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2806.22 .B64 1992
Borden, Victor M. H., and Trudy W. Banta, eds. Using Performance Indicators to Guide
Strategic Decision Making. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1994.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.62 .U85 1994
Brennan, Robert L., ed. Educational Measurement. 4th ed. Westport, CT: Praeger
Publishers, 2006.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB3051 .E266 2006
Burke, Joseph C. Achieving Accountability in Higher Education: Balancing Public,
Academic, and Market Demands. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers,
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2806.22 .B87 2005
Burke, Joseph C., and Henrik P. Minassians. Reporting Higher Education Results:
Missing Links in the Performance Chain. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Publishers, 2003.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .B87 2003
Charting Higher Education Accountability: A Sourcebook on State-Level Performance
Indicators. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States, 1994.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2806.22 .C53 1994
Christal, Melodie E. State Survey on Performance Measures, 1996-97. Denver, CO:
SHEEO, 1998.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .C47 1998
Coffey, Kitty R., and Ellen M. Millsaps. A Handbook to Guide Educational Institutions
Through the Accreditation Process: The ABCs of Accreditation. Lewiston, NY: E.
Mellen Press, 2004.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.615.U6 C64 2004
Dew, John Robert, and Molly McGowan Nearing. Continuous Quality Improvement in
Higher Education. Westport, CT: American Council on Education/Praeger, 2004.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2341 .D47 2004
Dooris, Michael J., and John M. Kelley, eds. Successful Strategic Planning. San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2004.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2341 .S852 2004
Gaither, Gerald H., ed. Quality Assurance in Higher Education: An International
Perspective. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2806.22 .Q355 1998
Gaither, Gerald, Brian P. Nedwek, and John E. Neal. Measuring Up: The Promises and
Pitfalls of Performance Indicators in Higher Education. Washington, DC: Association
for the Study of Higher Education, 1994.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2806.2 .G34 1994
Gardiner, F. Lion. Redesigning Higher Education: Producing Dramatic Gains in Student
Learning. Washington, DC: Graduate School of Education and Human
Development, George Washington University, 1994.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2822.75 .G37 1994
Gardiner, Lion F., Caitlin Anderson, and Barbara L. Cambridge, eds. Learning Through
Assessment: A Resource Guide for Higher Education. Washington, DC: American
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UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .L427 1997
Gates, Susan M., et al. Ensuring Quality and Productivity in Higher Education: An
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UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2806.22 .E57 2002.
Global University Network for Innovation. Higher Education in the World 2007:
Accreditation for Quality Assurance: What is at Stake?. New York, NY: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2007.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.6 .G56 2007
Globalization and the Market in Higher Education: Quality, Accreditation and
Qualifications. Paris, France: UNESCO, Editions Economica, 2002.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.6 .G59 2002
Gronberg, Timothy J., and Dennis W. Jansen, eds. Improving School Accountability:
Check-Ups or Choice. Oxford, England: Elsevier JAI, 2006.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: HB172 .A38 2006 v.14
Haworth, Jennifer Grant, and Clifton F. Conrad. Emblems of Quality in Higher
Education: Developing and Sustaining High-Quality Programs. Boston, MA: Allyn
and Bacon, 1997.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2385 .H39 1997
Hernon, Peter, Robert E. Dugan, and Candy Schwartz, eds. Revisiting Outcomes
Assessment in Higher Education. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2006.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .R48 2006
Johnson, Valen E. Grade Inflation: A Crisis in College Education. New York, NY:
Springer, 2003.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2368 .J65 2003
Jones, Elizabeth A., et al. National Assessment of College Student Learning: Identifying
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UNI Documents and Call Number: ED 1.302:C 68/7 1995
Kapper, Christopher, and Patricia Cranton, eds. Fresh Approaches to the Evaluation of
Teaching. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2001.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331 .F73 2001
Kells, H. R. Self-Study Processes: A Guide to Self-Evaluation in Higher Education. 4th
ed. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1995.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .K443 1995
Kuh, George D., et al. Assessing Conditions to Enhance Educational Effectiveness: The
Inventory for Student Engagement and Success. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Publishers, 2005.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2343.32 .A76 2005
---. National Survey of Student Engagement: The College Student Report: NSSE
Technical and Norms Report. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Center for
Postsecondary Research and Planning, 2001.
UNI Reference and Call Number: LB2324 .N38 2001
Lewis, Karron G., ed. Techniques and Strategies for Interpreting Student Evaluations.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2001.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331 .T43 2001
Lyons, Richard E., Meggin McIntosh, and Marcella L. Kysilka. Teaching College in an
Age of Accountability. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2003.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331 .L96 2003
Maki, Peggy L. Assessing for Learning: Building a Sustainable Commitment Across the
Institution. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2004.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2366.2 .M35 2004
Marcus, Dora, Eulalia B. Cobb, and Robert E. Shoenberg. Lessons Learned from
FIPSE Projects II. Washington, DC: Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary
Education, U.S. Dept. of Education, 1993.
UNI Documents and Call Number: ED 1.23:L 56/PROJEC.2 1993
---. Lessons Learned from FIPSE Projects III. Washington, DC: Fund for the
Improvement of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Dept. of Education, 1996.
UNI Documents and Call Number: ED 1.23:L 56/PROJEC.3 1996
---. Lessons Learned from FIPSE Projects IV. Washington, DC: Fund for the
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UNI Documents and Call Number: ED 1.23:L 56/PROJEC.4 2000
Massy, William, F. Honoring the Trust: Quality and Cost Containment in Higher
Education. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co., 2003.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2341 .M33 2003
Meyerson, Joel W., and William F. Massy, eds. Measuring Institutional Performance in
Higher Education. Princeton, NJ: Peterson’s Guides, 1993.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2341 .M367 1993
Naples, Caesar J., ed. Collective Bargaining and Accountability in Higher Education: A
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York, NY: National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
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UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2334 .N18 1999
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (U.S.). Commission on Institutions of
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Improvement: Quest for Quality: Mission, The Commission and a New Century.
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UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.63 .N67 2000
Penn, Garlene. Enrollment Management for the 21st Century: Institutional Goals,
Accountability, and Fiscal Responsibility. Washington, DC: George Washington
University, 1999.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2351.2 .P45 1999
Quality Review. Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Washington, DC : The
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UNI Reference (2005) / Stacks (2003) and Call Number: LB2331.615.U6 Q35
Richlin, Laurie. Blueprint for Learning: Constructing College Courses to Facilitate,
Assess, and Document Learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2006.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2361 .R476 2006
Roth, Robert A., ed. The Role of the University in the Preparation of Teachers. London,
England: Falmer Press, 1999.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2165 .R65 1999
Scarlett, Mel. The Great Rip-Off in American Education: Undergrads Underserved.
Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2004.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LA227.4 .S33 2004.
Skelton, Alan. Understanding Teaching Excellence in Higher Education: Towards a
Critical Approach. London, England: Routledge, 2005.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331 .S54 2005
Sorensen, Charles W., Julie A. Furst-Bowe, and Diane M. Moen, eds. Quality and
Performance Excellence in Higher Education: Baldrige on Campus. Bolton, MA:
Anker Publishing Co., 2005.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2341 .Q34 2005
Taylor, Barbara E., Joel W. Meyerson, and William F. Massy. Strategic Indicators for
Higher Education: Improving Performance. Princeton, NJ: Peterson's Guides, 1993.
UNI Stacks and Call Number: LB2331.62 .T39 1993
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and the Workforce.
Subcommittee on Postsecondary Education, Training, and Life-long Learning.
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UNI Documents and Call Number: Y 4.ED 8/1:105-116 1998
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and
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Quality and Accountability? Hearings 108th Congress, 2nd session. Washington, DC:
GPO, 2004.
UNI Documents / Link to online document in UNISTAR record and Call Number: Y
4.L 11/4:S.HRG.108-434 2004
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Human Resources.
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United States Government Accountability Office. Transfer Students: Postsecondary
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Basing Determinations on Accreditation: Report to Congressional Requesters.
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2005.
UNI Documents Internet with link to online document in UNISTAR record
Prepared by Ellen Neuhaus
Reference Librarian and Bibliographer
Rod Library – University of Northern Iowa
May 26, 2006, updated August 27, 2008