SI110: Introduction to Cyber Security, Technical Foundations Fall AY2013 — 6­Week Exam Individual work. Closed book. Closed notes. You may not use any electronic device. Your answers must be legible to receive credit. Each of the 25 problems is worth 5 points. On the front of every sheet, legibly write your Name: _____________________________________, Alpha: _____________, Section Number: _____________ name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 2 1) Digital Data Show (as bits) the byte representing the number 78. 2) Digital Data Write the decimal number represented by the byte 00011101. 3) Digital Data What is the hex representation of the byte 01001101 ? 4) Digital Data What ASCII character is represented by the byte 01001101 ? 5) Digital Data Suppose you downloaded a file called foo.html to your computer. The safest and most trustworthy way to identify the type of this file is to open it with: a. Notepad b. Windows Photo Viewer c. Google Chrome d. Frhed e. Microsoft Word and then to ... _______________________________________________. 6) Architecture Identify the following pieces of PC hardware: _______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 3 7) Architecture Consider the following diagram of the basic architecture of a computer. Fill in the blanks below with the proper letters: i. Before the program is launched, its location is _____ ii. When a program is launched, the program instructions are copied to _____ iii. In the fetch/decode/execute cycle, the fetch copies the next instruction from ____ to ____ iv. In the fetch/decode/execute cycle, the decode and execute occur in ____ 8) Operating Systems Notepad is running on a computer. Within the Notepad program, the user tries to open a file foo.txt but the operation fails — the file is there, but access is denied. What must have gone wrong? [ Note: Variations of "The user didn't have permission to access foo.txt" will not be accepted as an answer. This wouldn't explain what circumstances must have led to not having permission to access foo.txt. ] For the next problems, consider the filesystem shown in the following diagram: 9) Write out the full absolute pathname for the folder or file marked ex.txt 10) In the diagram above, draw a circle around the folder or file named C:\SI110Programs\ex.txt 11) Suppose your current directory is C:\Users\wcbrown. Write a command to copy the file qw.jpg into the directory C:\Users\wcbrown\Desktop. 12) Suppose the current directory is C:\Users\m169999\Downloads. Write the absolute path naming the directory you will be in after giving the command: cd ..\.. name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 4 13) Suppose that a friend­of­a­friend­of­a­friend wanted to borrow your laptop to write a paper. You have three options (assuming you want to say yes): a. create a new regular user account for her b. create a new administrator user account for her c. log her in on the regular account you already created for your roommate. Rank this: best idea is _____, middle idea _____, worst idea is _____. Justify! 14) What is the difference between a Program and a Process? 15) Programs var a = 10; var b = "73"; var c = "0"; Value of a | Type of a | Value of b | Type of b a = a + 2; ­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­ <­­­ | | | b = b + a; ­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­ <­­­ | | | c = a; ­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­­­+­­­­­­­­­­ <­­­ | | | ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ 16) Programs Consider the following program, whose output is shown to the right. var wp = 0.08818490495171681; var np = Math.ceil(130 * 16 / wp); var d = np / 100; alert("A 130 pound person weighs $" + d + " worth of pennies"); Annotate the program to show how you would modify it so that the target person's weight is entered by the user. Note, the outputted text as a whole, not just the dollar value, must correctly reflect the value entered by the user. name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 5 17) Programs Consider the following program: var x = prompt("Enter a positive number ... please"); var y = Number(x); if (isNaN(y) || y <= 0) { alert("blue"); } else { alert("gold"); } a. If the user enters ­5 and clicks OK, output is ________ b. If the user enters 0 and clicks OK, output is ________ a. If the user enters BEAT ARMY and clicks OK, output is ________ a. If the user enters 23 and clicks OK, output is ________ a. If the user enters one and clicks OK, output is ________ 18) Programs Consider the following program: var s = prompt("enter a string"); var c = 0; var i = 0; while(i < s.length) { if (s[i] == 'x' || s[i] == 'X') { c = c + 1; } i = i + 1; } alert("There were " + c); What message would the show in its final alert box if the user entered: I was anxious about EXACTLY how much taxes I owed. name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 6 19) Programs If a user clicks OK in a prompt() box without having typed anything, the prompt() function returns the empty string, "". However, if a user clicks Cancel in a prompt() box, the prompt() function returns the value null. In the following program, if a user clicks Cancel in the prompt() box, the program crashes. Modify the program so that it prints the message Error! when the user clicks Cancel (just like the empty string case). var s = prompt("Enter a non­empty string!"); if (s == "") { alert("Error!"); } else { alert("The first character is: " + s[0]); } 20) Programs What is the output of "YODELTIME".charCodeAt(4)? ________________ What is the output of String.fromCharCode(56)? ________________ name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 7 21) Web Intro Which one or more of the below is/are actual uses of the world wide web? a. You use the ssh command to login to rona, and cat the file /home/si110/www/index.html. circle one: is web / is not web b. You type in your browser's address bar and press enter. circle one: is web / is not web c. Dr. Hong at NC State e­mails and asks him to send back an e­mail with the file history.html as an attachment. circle one: is web / is not web d. You type in your browser's address bar and press enter. circle one: is web / is not web e. You type file://C:/Users/m169999/Desktop/si110/www/index.html in your browser's address bar and press enter: circle one: is web / is not web 22) Web Intro In the following URLs, underline the protocol part, box the server part, and circle the file path part. a. file:///C:/Users/m169999/Downloads/art.pdf b. c. 23) Web Intro & Build­a­webpage lab Draw what the browser renders for the following html code: <html> <head></head> <body> To be or not to be, <p>That is the question.</p> <p><u>Hamlet</u> Act 3, scene 1</p> </body> </html> name: ________________________________________ alpha: _____________________ page 8 24) Web intro Suppose the HTML source for looks like this: <html> <head></head> <body> I like <a href="">sports</a> and cats. <img src=""> </body> </html> If all you did was enter the URL, which one or more of the following represents an order that your browser might send out GET requests in order to render the page: answer:___________________________________________ a. b. GET /index.html GET /~wcbrown/last.html GET /photos/cat.jpg GET /photos/cat.jpg c. d. GET /~wcbrown/last.htmlGET /~wcbrown/last.html GET /index.html GET /index.html GET /photos/cat.jpg e. f. GET /index.html GET /~wcbrown/last.html GET /~wcbrown/last.htmlGET /photos/cat.jpg GET /index.html 25) Client­Side Scripting (Non Event Driven) Describe what happens when this page is loaded. <html> <head></head> <body> <script type="text/Javascript"> var i = 0; while(i < 10) { document.write("0"); document.write("<u>0</u>"); i = i + 1; } document.location = ""; </script> </body> </html>