Bi-Weekly Payroll Web Time Entry Guidelines OPENING YOUR TIME SHEET Non-Exempt Employees 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Go to and log into PAWS. Click on Enter Secure Area link. Enter your JAG ID (J00…#). Hit tab. Enter your six digit PIN. Click on Employee Services. Click on Time Sheet. 7. Click the My Choice radio button associated with the Position Title and Department, and choose the Pay Period for which you want to enter time. Click Time Sheet button. ENTERING HOURS DAILY 1. Click on the Enter Hours link under the date worked and in the row for the Earnings Code (i.e., Regular Pay). 2. If an Earnings Code is not available, use “Other.” Comments are required for any hours entered in the “Other” Earnings Code to indicate purpose. Your approver will allocate “Other” hours to the appropriate Earnings Code. 3. In the Hours box, enter the hours for the selected day to the nearest quarter hour (x.00, x.25, x.50, x.75). ENTERING HOURS FOR MULTIPLE DAYS If you are reporting the same number of hours for multiple days, you may copy those hours. 1. Click Enter Hours under the date worked and in the row for the Earnings Code. 2. If an Earnings Code is not available, use “Other.” Comments are required for any hours entered in the “Other” Earnings Code to indicate purpose. Your approver will allocate “Other” hours to the appropriate Earnings Code. 3. In the Hours box, enter the hours for the selected day to the nearest quarter hour (x.00, x.25, x.50, x.75). Click the Copy button. 4. Click in the “Copy from date displayed to end of the pay period” checkbox, or check the box for each day that is applicable. 5. Click the Copy button. 6. Look for the verification message that says the hours have been successfully copied. 7. Click the Time Sheet button and verify hours. CORRECTING HOURS 1. Click the Hours link for the date that needs to be corrected. 2. In the Hours box, enter the correct hours. 3. Click the Save button. ENTERING COMMENTS ON YOUR TIME SHEET 1. Click the Comments button at the bottom of the time sheet page. 2. In the Comments box, type your message. 3. Click the Save button. 4. Click the Preview button to view your comments. 5. Click the Previous Menu button to return to your time sheet. PRINTING YOUR TIME SHEET (if needed) 1. Click the Preview button at the bottom of your time sheet. 2. Select File, then Print from the browser menu. 3. From the printer settings, select “Landscape” for Paper Layout. 4. Click the OK button to save your paper layout setting. 5. Click the OK button to print your time sheet. SUBMITTING YOUR TIME SHEET 1. Preview your time sheet prior to submittal. Click Previous Menu button to return to Time Sheet. 2. Click the Submit for Approval button at the bottom of your time sheet. 3. Enter your PIN for certification of time and click the Submit button. 4. Once you click the Submit button, you should receive verification that your time sheet has been submitted successfully. You may click Return Time to make changes as long as the Time Sheet has not been approved. DEADLINE FOR TIME SUBMISSION 10:00AM Monday of pay week. QUESTIONS Send inquiries via e-mail to To ensure a prompt response, please include your full name, JAG number, campus telephone number, along with information on the problem you are experiencing. Payroll deadlines and additional information regarding web time entry may be found here: