ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF Al 203 VUV REFLECTIVITY MEASUREMENTS FROM ROOM TEMPERATURE TO 1100 OC by Roger Harquail French B.S. Cornell University, Ithaca (1979) Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 1985 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 Signature of Author Department of Materials Science and Engineering October 30, 1984 Certified by R. L. Coble Thesis Supervisor Accepted by B. J. Wuensch Chairman, Departmental Committ e0n Graduate Students ARCHIVES MASSACHUSEPIS INS ITUTE OF TFrHNOLOGY MAR 2 5 1985 U39.~ 2~ 3 - 1 - ABSTRACT Electronic Structure of Al203: VUV Reflectivity Measurements from Room Temperature to 1100 *C by ROGER HARQUAIL FRENCH Submitted to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering on January 11, 1985 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. the of The 0.1 A Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV) Spectrophotometer was built to measure near normal incidence reflectivity and transmissivity from 6 to 15 eV samples heated without contamination from room temperature to 1100 OC. relative energy resolution is 0.01 eV while the absolute resolution is eV. The temperature dependence of the electronic structure of single crystal Al203 was studied. Room temperature measurements on oriented samples show three main features: an 8.8 eV absorption edge corresponding to transitions from the 0 2p bands in the top of the valence band to the Al 3s bands in the bottom of the conduction band, a 9 eV peak which is attributed to exciton formation, and a 13 eV peak that is due to transitions to the Al 3p bands in the conduction band. The 13 eV peak shows orientation dependent features that have not been reported previously; for E perpendicular to the crystallographic c axis a shoulder at 12 eV and a peak at 13.1 eV are observed, while for E parallel to the c axis a doublet peak is observed at 12.9 and 12.3 eV. These features have been interpreted in terms of the available room temperature electronic structure models. Even though these measurements did not identify the direct or indirect nature of the minimum band gap of the material, the 8.8 eV edge is assigned to the room temperature optical direct band gap of the material. With increasing temperature the three features in the reflectivity broaden and shift to lower energies; the shifts were linear over the temperature range studied. The linear temperature dependence should hold up to 1500 OC where anharmonicity of the lattice vibrations becomes noticeable. The temperature dependence of the band gap is given by E (T), where P is the linear temperature coefficient of the band gapE and E (T=OK) is the T = 0 K apparent optical band gap of A1 2 03 ' E (T) = E "(T=0K) - $3= g g -3 -4 1.11x10 eV/K +1-li 10 - 2 PT o E "(T=OK) g = 9.1 eV +/- 0.25 The lattice stabilization energy (A) represents the difference between the optical and thermal band gap energies and arises W to the difference between the time scales of electronic fcitations (10 hz) and the concomitant response of the lattice (10 hz) to the excited carriers. A leads to a decrease in the carrier creation energy for thermal excitation processes. A was not determined in this work, and no reasonable estimates exist in the literature In previous attempts to analyze the high temperature intrinsic electronic conductivity of Al 03, the conductivity was used with assumed models for the carrier mobili'y to determine the band gap energy. With the knowledge of the high temperature electronic structure presented in this work, a different and more fruitful approach can be pursued. The character of electrons and holes, whether they are large or small polarons, determines their mobility. Information on the character and mobility of carriers in Al 2032is scant at best: electrons have mobilities on the order of 1 to 100 cm /V sec and appear to form large polarons, while the mobility of holes has yet to be observed. Therefore, it seems reasonable to use the results of conductivity measurements, with our knowledge of the high temperature electronic structure, to derive information about the electron and hole mobilities. This analysis suggests that the holes in Al203 form small polarons with a thermally activated mobility. Thesis Supervisor: Title: R. L. Coble Professor of Ceramics - 3 - Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 14 Chapter 2 Literature Review 17 2.1 Physical Properties 2.2 High Temperature Electronic Properties 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 Conductivity Results Mobility Measurements Photoconductivity Measurements An Electronic Defect Calculation Summary 2.3 Electronic Structure and Optical Properties 2.3.1 Electronic Structure Models Cluster Models Band Models Franck-Condon Effect Polarons 2.3.2 Optical Properties at Room Temperature Summary 17 20 20 23 25 25 27 29 29 30 32 35 36 39 42 2.3.3 Temperature Dependent Electronic Structure Theories 2.3.4 Temperature Dependent Optical Properties 2.3.5 Summary 43 48 52 Chapter 3 Research Goals 64 Chapter 4 Experimental Apparatus and Procedures 65 4.1 Literature Review - Techniques of VUV Spectroscopy 65 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 Light Sources Optical Elements Monochromators Detectors Optical Spectrometers 66 67 68 68 70 Room Temperature Spectrometers Temperature Dependent Spectrometers - 4 - 71 72 4.1.6 Special Problems of High Temperature Spectroscopy 73 74 4.1.7 Heating Methods 4.2 High Temperature Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer 75 4.2.1 CO2 Laser Heating Techniques 4.2.2 Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer 4.2.3 Data Acquisition and Signal Processing 75 77 80 4.3 Resolution and Accuracy 82 4.3.1 Energy E 4.3.2 Reflectivity R 82 83 Systematic Errors Random Errors Polarization Signal to Noise Ratio at High Temperature 84 85 86 87 4.3.3 Temperature T 87 4.4 Conclusions 89 Chapter 5 Experimental Results 95 5.1 Room Temperature Results 95 5.1.1 Reflectivity of Sapphire 5.1.2 Orientation Dependent Features 5.1.3 Transmissivity of Sapphire 5.1.4 Other Forms of Al 20 399 5.1.5 Other Materials 5.2 High Temperature Results 5.3 Calculated Results:The Temperature Coefficient S 5.4 Summary of Results Chapter 6 Discussion 96 97 98 99 100 101 105 118 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Room Temperature Optical Spectra and Electronic Structure 118 119 6.2.1 Comparison of Optical Spectra to the Literature 6.2.2 Room Temperature Electronic Structure Summary 119 120 124 - 5 - 6.3 Temperature Dependent Optical Spectra and the High Temperature Electronic Structure 124 6.3.1 Optical Results 6.3.2 Temperature Dependent Electronic Structure Models 124 127 6.3.3 High Temperature Electronic Structure of a Al2 03 23 6.4 The Role of High Temperature Electronic Structure and Lattice Properties in Determining Electronic Carrier Character and Creation Energy 6.4.1 Polaronic Nature of The Electronic Carriers 6.4.2 Thermal versus Optical Band Gaps 129 131 132 133 6.5 Intrinsic Electronic Conductivity in A1 2 03 135 6.5.1 Factors That Control Conductivity 135 Carrier Concentration Carrier Mobility 6.5.2 Calculation of a mg e Evaluation of A Derivation of ph Summary 138 e Chapter 7 Conclusions 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 135 137 139 140 142 145 Reflectivity Measurements at Room Temperature Temperature Dependent Reflectivity Measurements High Temperature Electronic Structure Implications for Conductivity - 6 - 145 146 147 148 List of Figures Page FIGURE 2.1 Coordination clusters Al2 0 . for Aluminum 53 coordination octahedra and oxygen coordination tetrahedra are shown. The two sets of Al - 0 bond distances are distinguished by Oxi, Ox1' and Ox2, Ox2'. From reference 12. FIGURE 2.2 Plots of refined thermal B factors as a function of temperature. Straight lines represent harmonic regions of thermal vibrations for Al and 0. From reference 11. 53 FIGURE 2.3 Diagram of conduction mechanism in single crystal From reference 13. 54 Al 20 3 FIGURE 2.4 Effect of 0 partial pressure single crystal Al 203 From ref 2erence 13. on conductivity FIGURE 2.5 Absorption (1) and photoconductivity of Al203 at 295 K. From reference 21. for 54 spectra 54 conduction ionization 55 (2) FIGURE 2.6 Optical energy levels in Al 20 3 the band edge E , the optical band gap E9 and the optical energy E.0. Cprom reference 22. FIGURE 2.7 Molecular orbital energies calculation of Brower. From reference 25. of the Al203 cluster 55 FIGURE 2.8a X-ray photoemission spectra (PES) of the valence band of Al 20 From Balzarotti, reference 26. 56 FIGURE 2.8b X-ray photoemission spectra band of Al 20 (PES) of the valence 56 From Kowalczyk, reference 27. FIGURE 2.9 Molecular orbital energies for the AlO6 calculation of Tossell. From reference 28. FIGURE 2.10 Band particular directions reference 31. structure of Batra in the rhombohedral for a Al203 Brillouin -9 cluster 56 along two 57 zone. From FIGURE 2.11 Batra's complete band structure of a Al203 along various directions in the rhombohedral Brillouin zone (shown as an inset). From reference 31. 57 FIGURE 2.12 Batra's total and orbital densities of states for 57 a Al 20 The broken curve in the top panel shows the XPS results of Balzarotti. From reference 31. - 7 - FIGURE 2.13 Ciraci's band structure of a Al203 along directions in the Brillioun zone (shown as an inset). reference 32. FIGURE 2.14 Ciraci's total for a Al2 0 From reference 32. and orbital densities of three From 58 states 58 FIGURE 2.15 Band structure and density of states of the ideal a Al203 (0001). Sd and S are the surface state bands. From reference 32. 58 FIGURE 2.16 Illustration of the Franck Condon Principle. The energy of the ground and excited states are shown as a function of the configuration coordinate x. The -energy of the fast optical process is E while the slow thermal process is shown as E . 59 FIGURE 2.17 Representation of the localized potential wells induced by electron-lattice interaction for (a) the large polaron-weak coupling limit and (b) the small polaron-strong coupling limit. From reference 18. 59 FIGURE 2.18 Reflectivity of Al203 with E perpendicular to the From Loh, reference 38. 60 c axis. FIGURE 2.19 Transmittance x) and reflectance at angles of incidence of Al 20 From Arakawa, reference 40. various 60 FIGURE 2.20 Dielectric constants of Al 20 . The dotted curves show Arakawa's separation of the exciton from &ie absorption edge. From reference 40. 60 FIGURE 2.21 Reflectance of Al 0 for E parallel and perpendicular to the c axis. From Rublof, 3 unpublished research. 61 FIGURE 2.22 Reflection (1) and absorption (2) spectra of Al 20 3 The continuous curves were taken at 295 K and the dashed curves at 4.2 K. From Abramov, reference 42. 61 FIGURE 2.23 Temperature dependent transmissivities of A12 03 from room temperature to 900 OC. From Gilles, reference 55. 62 FIGURE 2.24 Variation of an energy on the absorption edge with temperature using the results of Gilles as calculated by Harrop, reference 56. 62 FIGURE 2.25 Transmittance curves (a) of A12 03 as a function of temperature from 20 to 380 *C, and the temperature dependence (b) of the T equals 0.05 point on the edge. From Yakovlev, reference 57. r FIGURE 2.26 Transmittance curves of Al 0 as a function of temperature from 20 to 175 0 C. From Laufer, reerence 58. 62 - 8 - 63 FIGURE 2.27 Reflectivity of Al 0 as a function of temperature from 90 K to 400 K. From Rubloft, 3 unpublished research. 63 FIGURE 2.28 Reflectivity of Al 0 as a function temperature from 21 to 450 OC. From Blum, r 2eerence 62. of 63 FIGURE resolution. nm 91 FIGURE 4.2 High Temperature Spectrophotometer. Monochromator and sample chamber built by Acton Research. 91 4.1 H2 Lamp spectrum. FIGURE 4.3a Two file baseline. 100 gm slits, 0.4 R = rb / 'b. 92 FIGURE 4.3b Baseline of a four file background corrected reflectivity. Taken in transmission position with no sample, therefore T = 1. No offset is evident. Four file reflectivity calculated by R = (r/rb (ib /i). 92 FIGURE 4.4 Absolute different slit widths. for 93 temperature 93 FIGURE 4.5 calibration curve. Laser energy power resolution versus versus thermocouple FIGURE 4.6 Optical pyrometer thermocouple temperature calibration curve. energy 'temperature* versus 94 FIGURE 5.1a Reflectivity of laser float-zone grown sapphire: natural basal face, E perpendicular to the c axis, T equals 21 OC. 107 FIGURE 5.1b Reflectivity of Union Carbide sapphire: plane, E perpendicular to the c axis, T equals 21 OC. c in 107 plane, E 108 FIGURE 5.2b Reflectivity of Al 20 3: c in plane, E parallel to the c axis, T equals 21 OC. 108 FIGURE 5.2a Reflectivity of Al 0 perpendicular to the c axis, T equals 21 CC.2 3 0C. c in FIGURE 5.3 Transmissivity of Al 20 3: R plane, T equals 21 OC. 109 21 FIGURE 5.4 Reflectivity of gel-amorphous Al2 3: T equals 109 FIGURE 5.5 Reflectivity of Lucalox polycrystalline equals 21 CC. 0C. Al 0 : 23 T 110 FIGURE 5.6 Reflectivity of single crystal MgO: T equals 21 110 FIGURE 5.7 Reflectivity crystal LiF: T equals 21 111 of single 0C. - 9 - FIGURE 5.8 Temperature dependent reflectivities of Al 03: T (from bottom to top of figure) equals 21, 300, 500, 700, 90 , and 1100 OC. Each division on R axis equals 0.01. 112 FIGURE 5.9 Reflectivity of Al203: the c axis, T equals 300 OC. E parallel to 113 FIGURE 5.10 Reflectivity of Al203: c in plane, E parallel to the c axis, T equals 700 OC. 113 FIGURE 5.11 Reflectivity of Al203: c in plane, c in plane, E parallel to 114 c in plane, E parallel to 114 FIGURE 5.13 Demonstration of the method used to determine the energy of peaks: peak energies are 12.9 and 9 eV, T equals 21 OC. 115 FIGURE 5.14 Demonstration of the method used to determine an arbitrary energy on the absorption to determine the temperature coefficient: at R equals 0.20, energy is 8.7 eV, T equals 21 OC. 115 FIGURE temperature. 116 the c axis, T equals 900 *C. FIGURE 5.12 Reflectivity of Al203: the c axis, T equals 1100 OC. 5.15 Energy of FIGURE 5.16 temperature. Energy of the '13 eV' peak as a the '9 eV' peak as a function function of of 116 absorption 117 FIGURE 5.18 Energy of the '9 eV' peak as a function of temperature. This data is from a single closely controlled run; note the linearity of the results. 117 FIGUP 6.1 Relationship between optical band gap E 0, thermal band gap E and lattice stabilization A energies. g 144 FIGURE 6.2 Electronic conductivity versus partial pressure of showing the electronic and ionic compensation points. From Kroger, reference 104. 144 FIGURE 6.3 Compensation point conductivity plotted versus l/T to give the activation energy for conductivity. From Kroger, reference 104. 144 FIGURE 5.17 Energy of the R = 0.20 point on the edge as a function of temperature. H2 - 10 - List of Tables Page TABLE 2.1 Calculated A Values From Rubloff's Data TABLE Temperature 5.1 Linear Regression Fit Of Feature 51 Energy To TABLE 5.2 Standard Deviation And Standard Error Of p TABLE 5.3 TABLE 6.1 TABLE Lowering 6.2 104 p (Temperature Coefficient) Values For Al203 105 emg e Calculated 103 139 Mobility - 11 - Ratios And Fermi Energy 141 Acknowledgements I am throughout approach indebted this to to Prof. research R. L. project. formulating Coble In for his guidance addition he research problems. The taught and me guidance support a creative of Dr. Hans Jenssen was instrumental in my becoming an experienced spectroscopist. I would also like to acknowledge Prof. R. Raj of Cornell for my first exposure to research. The aid of Pat Kearney in teaching me the way around the lab was essential and I thank him. I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents who have supplied me with an education and an outlook that made this document possible. Their support and assistance throughout my life is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. The students in the department were a major asset both to my education and the quality of life during my tenure. I would like to thank Todd their Gattuso, Art Keigler and preparation of this document. thanks to Yet Min-Chiang, Morris for assistance In addition to these three people Alexana Dynys and many others for the Patti Roshko, technical - 12 - Jeff Gambino, and non-technical in I owe my Brint Corb, Joe discussions we had over the years, and the friendships we have built. I gratefully acknowledge through contract number the support DE-AC02-76-ER02390 possible. - 13 - of the Department of Energy for making this research Chapter 1 Introduction Aluminum Oxide (Al203) is an important ceramic material in both its single crystalline and polycrystalline applications. Traditionally used abilities or as a high temperature acquiring new module, importance in insulator) devices. polycrystalline ceramic ceramics research. a temperature temperature applications as structural insulator, a it is chip carrier crystal substrate material for SOI circuits, major as high and as applications prototypical an optical material worldwide ceramic for are in as a fundamental The ceramics research has focused on understanding high temperature defect of Al 203; Its and its and room a single integrated opto-electronic for electronic a thin film insulator, (silicon on forms for structural and electronic the structure, diffusion, sintering and creep behavior the defect formation energies, specific defects, their charges and mobilities are fundamental to all of these processes. Al203 system. per is a complex material; it is not an ideal isotropic model Anisotropic due to its hexagonal crystal structure, with 10 atoms rhombohedral unit cell, Al203 defies simple modeling. It is a highly ionic, highly insulating material, characterized by a large electronic band gap, where many properties are controlled - 14 - by trace impurity atoms. has been focused in the past 20 years research on Al203 Considerable The charged nature elucidating mass and charge transport in the material. of all atoms and defects controls on their transport properties, hence many studies have addressed the intrinsic and extrinsic defect structures. Conductivity has been the major scientific tool used the defect chemistry of Al 203 Various diffusion to understand experiments, and mass transport experiments such as grain boundary grooving, sintering and creep, have also been used to Al 20 3's explore fundamental defect chemistry. Surprisingly, the fundamental intrinsic disorder type (Schottky or Frenkel) is still have controversial. been The data inconsistent nonspecific: parameters and parameters of the collected inconclusive. measured sample, and on from different These depend on both ionic measurements intrinsic Without fundamentally characterizing the samples laboratories and it and are extrinsic electronic defects. has been impossible develop a coherent picture of the basic nature of Al203 too to and the processes that control its behavior. Toward this goal, necessary to separate data. Electronic in separated a I explore and ionic contributions conductivity is a Al203 Concentrating on the electronic of origins, electronic and Determination analysis. which mixed their electronic Significant progress experimentally to experiment by conductor conductivity, carriers, measure of the fundamental properties the superimposed processes experiment. number the identify mobilities structure toward identifies the - 15 - Al 203 in conductivity the conductivity a transference at high can temperatures. intrinsic specific of Al203 temperature or carrier in this dependence the extrinsic is required such is presented be number one wants to determine their in observed of bands. for such thesis, of the electronic structure of Al2 03 , from 25 - 16 - OC to 1100 OC. Chapter 2 Literature Review In this chapter the literature will be reviewed understanding of the electronic structure of Al203 at the first to develop high temperature. In section the physical properties of Al203 will be reviewed. the experimental electronic information that gives insight properties will be In presented. an Then into the high temperature the third section a more detailed discussion pursued. First, the room temperature electronic structure is discussed by considering the measurements. presented, of electronic electronic structure structure models and optical and the properties available is optical Next, the temperature dependence of electronic structure is consisting of the temperature dependent electronic structure theories and the available temperature dependent optical measurements. 2.1 Physical Properties a Al203 exceptional high is (9 on the high temperature mechanical quality single techniques a hard crystals of such as Verneuil, moh clear crystal, and electrical properties. a Al2 03 Czochralski 1 , - 17 - scale), can be grown by a with Large variety of Edge-Defined-Film-Growth 2 , and in a large variety of shapes and sizes. the Heat-Exchanger-Method are three stable major phases at phase all unstable intermediate hydrated aluminas, of A1 2 03 : temperatures, cubic and the the phase the a phase y phase temperature oxidation of aluminum metal. Pauling ionicity of 56%. transfer between ionicity. is low, Al phase formed amorphous is There the thermodynamically a thermodynamically is through the can be of dehydration formed by the low Al2 03 is an ionic material with a Effective charge calculations show a large charge and 0 atoms suggesting an even larger degree of The band gap is large and the lattice point defect concentration making Al203 a 'good' insulator. Its melting point is 2051 OC, while its Debye temperature has been variously reported to be 1050 K5, 935 K6 or 695 K . The index of refraction and dielectric constant at room temperature are respectively 1.7604 and 9.3 perpendicular to the c axis and 1.7686 and 11.5 parallel to the c axis. The a phase consists of a hexagonal close packed, AB oxygen stacking sequence, atoms. with two-thirds of the octahedral The presence of three aluminum layers - voids filled sites parallel atoms followed by a void. are occupied allows to the c axis P A y B a A P B y. there are aluminum-aluminum repulsion to is in distorted tetrahedral coordination with Al atoms. can be seen two aluminum The fact that only 2/3 of the octahedral sites distort octahedral (0 h point group) coordination of the aluminum. clusters aluminum in sequence a, A, y - leads to a unit cell with twelve layers in the sequence A a B Along the octahedral by in figure 2.1. the ideal Each oxygen ion These coordination The space group of Al203 is D63d or - 8 9 R3c. With two different Al-0 bond lengths of 0.186 nm and 0.197 nm. The fundamental atoms). unit cell is rhombohedral, containing two formula units (10 The hexagonal cell, containing 30 atoms has lattice parameters a = - 18 - 0.475 nm and c = 1.299 nm. The structural changes associated with changes thermal expansion of the lattice, changes are: in temperature in the distortion of the atomic coordination of the atoms and increasing atomic vibration as demonstrated by expansion the Debye Waller factors. Thermal temperature, and at 1100 OC is 8.84 x 10-6 /C and 7.96 x 10-6 /C parallel to the c of varies Al203 with perpendicular to the c axis, axis.10 There have been two diffraction studies performed to determine the structural changes occurring with temperature. showed the changes concentrated distance. on in the the the difference between distance. high temperature, for occurring each reported to change the two Al-0 bond and interatomic from 0.1971 and to 0.2024 and 0.1880 nm at 1900 OC. but the Al temperature. of The the Al The Debye sub-lattice At 1900 has increased, Debye-Waller thermal vibrations, were 0.33 OC. at lengths In other increases with The oxygen sub-lattice moves toward a more perfect hexagonal order with temperature, coordination lattice changes The Al-0 bond lengths were temperature. increasing crystal specific 0.1852 nm at room temperature words C1 1 High temperature x-ray diffraction results to 1900 OC factors, the distortion distortion with which an increases of the increase represent in the with octahedral the Al-Al magnitude of nm2 at room temperature and 2.25 nm2 at 1900 Waller factor B = 87 u , where u equals the rms thermal displacement, so these correspond to atomic vibrations of 0.0064 nm at room temperature and 0.0168 nm at 1900 Oc. The structural neutron diffraction. 2.2. this These are changes to 2000 OC were The Debye-Waller factors measured are shown in figure linear up to 1500 temperature is studied by Aldebert12 using attributed 0 C. The departure to - 19 - the onset from linearity above of anharmonic atomic vibrations. This implies are three higher energy phonon modes are temperature energy increases amplitude the vibrations lattice there become with the associated of the anharmonic. approach to regimes: below above 750 excited, modes present, and This melting, of region the although structure is maintained up to the melting point. the Debye OC thermal above 1500 OC anharmonicity corundum is crystal Aldebert also observed an increasing difference between the two Al-O bond lengths, and the increasing distortion of the Al Octahedral coordination. 2.2 High Temperature Electronic Properties In this section various results from the ceramics literature will be that cited give insight into the electronic properties of Al 20 3: the conductivity, the mobility of carriers, the energy for optical creation of carriers, and the difference between optically and thermally created carriers. 2.2.1 Conductivity Results There have been numerous studies done on the conductivity of A1 0 2 3 both in nominally pure or intentionally doped, samples. Most conductivity results reported were to due sample. surface It became and obvious gas conduction, that higher - 20 - single and polycrystalline in the 60's not the purity and and early 70's conductivity better of the characterized samples were needed to successfully model the defect chemistry. studied the conductivity and defect many different dopants, and has characterized samples. This has has shown the dopant activity electronic conductivity Still even Kroger's with understanding of the reported served of lowest chemistry of Al2 03 a large the quantity in Al203 and compensation extensive conductivity extensively, using of data on well to advance the modeling of Al 203 hydrogen at Kroger has study and we defect has measured point lack yet a structure the reported. comprehensive of A1 2 0 3 ; for example, different experiments still suggest different fundamental disorder mechanisms. energy The temperature dependence of the electronic carrier creation E (T) g is an important factor A1 2 0 3 , but conductivity behavior of necesary up for the to now such modeling information of has the been lacking. A1 2 0 3 understood 2.3). from indentified. constant At the numbers By ionic-electronic conduction Using a technique transference curves is a mixed at (see plot of behavior can be Kitazawa 1(see figure spurious conduction, experiments, temperature, corresponding mechanism to avoid looking conductor whose the three regions variation figure 2.4) to transitions of one ionic conductivity were of conductivity can from n to and performing see ionic the V with pO 2 shape of at the to p type conduction. low temperatures (T<1400 OC) the observed conductivity was predominantly ionic and independent of p0 2 . At higher temperatures and low pO2, the sample was an n type electronic conductor, while at high p0 2 the sample is a p type (hole) conductor. Kroger has observed conductivities Kitazawa and with a different contests Kitazawa's conduction lower transference number mechanism results. - 21 - than those behavior, Kroger15 reported and has by therfore used a different conductivity technique to extract a band gap carrier creation energy from conductivity measurements. or electronic The V shaped a vs pO 2 curves taken under non-equilibrium conditions, where new atomic defects are not created show the compensation point of the material at the base of the V, where sample. equal numbers Kroger used an of electrons acceptor hydrogen, which acts as a donor. and protons, and the analyzed, incorporating dominated holes sample are present and in the 'titrated' with The conductivities due to ions, electrons transferences identification of a due to e', and h', V were measured, ''', and Al.'''. allowing the The data was then the mobilities of the various defects, permitting the extraction of the equilibrium constants K for the mass action relations that then yield the carrier creation energies and defect If the electronic carrier creation energy is known, energies. formation and used in the calculation, then the mobilities can be determined. It is useful non-equilibrium between E and structure and to further analyze titration experiments, P (the models the theory because they show temperature coefficient of the material. of the The gap) behind these the relationship and the defect electronic and hole conductivities are given by: a =N[e]q# e , and ah=N[h]qVha Here N is the number of Al203 molecules per cm3, [e] and [h] are the concentration of electrons and holes per molecule, q is the electron charge and g is the appropriate mobility. eh 2 0 -> e' At the compensation point, ipeph + h' K.. 1 - 22 - a h creation of the mass one gives intrinsic electronic carriers. for equilibrium constant relation action Assuming large polarons this has the form K.=C T 1 3 -Eg/kT e = E 0(T=OK)-PT g 3 P/k -E0 /kT therefore K. = C e e g Now E g 1 K. ~ C e 1 or e (+.)/kT The linear model of E (T) is confirmed for Al203 in this work. analysis leads to values of 10 +/- 2.1 eV and 11 +/- 1 eV for E opt(T=OK) g and a value of 0.65 +/- 2.1 eV for A, and thermal gaps. the difference between the optical The large calculations raises doubt about For example, the assumption that both carriers well established analysis This but is instructive strongly number the of assumptions validity of affects the these are used in specific numbers. large polarons interpretation.. these is not But, the in showing the role of the temperature dependence of the electronic structure in defect chemistry. To modelling summarize Kroger's reported values of the band gap of Al203 conductivity data, the thermal gap energy, Eg, g the optical band gap, E 0, g was for 10.35 eV and was 9.7 eV Both of these energies correspond to a temperature of 0 K. 2.2.2 Mobility Measurements The mobilities of electronic carriers in Al2 03 have been measured in - 23 - Hall effect mobility photoconductivity related to the is In mass. and a large carrier type, band curvature of material, gap whether i.e. experiments. the the the carrier In 'band' semiconductors, through mobility affected by also or a band The mobility serves as a good indicator of carrier type. effective the is is a polaron the electron. Additionally, the mobility is required to estimate the conductivity. Hughes16 sapphire, measured inducing transient photoconductivity 2 sec, assigned to coduction band electrons. was independent temperatures, mobility, and is not large polaron without appropriate indicative mobility of from of temperature to photoconductivity of the intrinsic trapping would exhibit sapphire 100 to 300 K. and He notes that this may be 500 to at these low carrier mobility. 900 Dasgupta17 measured the K and observed electron mobilities, increasing with increasing temperat ure, of 0.1 to 5 cm /V Dasgupta results but states. At these the than temperatures or impurity phonons for majority the mobility scattered carriers observed a cm2/V mobility; hole of mobility 100 was not sec were should Green18 with observed. was At from the up His impurity to more the Hall to 1000 K, assigned a being studied high to correspond traps 19 sec. electrons. also at temperatures which contributed originated mobility, scattering. of optically created also carriers and may have mobility mobility may have mobility not optically created modulated efficient hole that concluded carriers were trap that considered A mobilities on the order of 15 to 100 cm 2/V sec due to optical phonon scattering. Hall Carbide He reported that the hole mobilities were not observed and therefore were much lower. trap-modulated Union free carriers with low energy x-rays from The mobility measured was 3 cm /V a in to and electron temperatures he concludes that phonon scattering is dominant and that the results represent - 24 - the intrinsic carrier mobility. 2.2.3 Photoconductivity Measurements is Photoconductivity a good to technique identify the energy required to optically create mobile electronic carriers that contribute to the observed conductivity. It has usually been used to study the carriers given off by color centers and other mid-gap states, but, higher energy optical which true there has excitation, valence band been some transitions to it can serve to identify the to conduction band ambiguity features excitation in assigning in if performed with the the optical occurs. energy spectra, the exciton peak observed in the optical differentiating absorption edge. energy at In Al 203 of band to specifically band in spectra from the Kuznetsov20 21 studied the photoconductivity of sapphire from 7.4 to 9.9 eV at room temperature (see figure 2.5). Here one can see the onset of photoconductivity between 8 and 9 eV going to a peak at 9.25 eV. At 9.4 eV the photoconductivity increases very rapidly due to band to band transitions edge. If one neglects the photoconductivity due to thermal dissociation of excitons, observe and the large joint density of states at the absorption and its projects onset, the one absorption finds that edge -photoconductivity back the to onset of band to band photoconductivity occurs at 9 eV. 2.2.4 An Electronic Defect Calculation The atomistic techniques used to calculate point defect - 25 - properties in ceramics and are generally electrostatic crude repulsion, atomic size defects. calculations their aim where a instructive electronic large to is an to calculate the point charges properties of But in the case of a material such as electron-lattice review 'defects'. techniques consider They do not operate on the correct scale to calculate electronic energy levels and states. Al2 03 is that the The results from calculation interesting interaction an It present, atomistic of electronic hybrid. is is calculation states with serves it to for atomistic highlight many characteristics that might be ignored if the problem were considered to be one of electronic states existing outside the context of the dynamic atomic structure (as exists upon invoking the Born Oppenheimer approximation of a static lattice). lattice calculation to determine relaxation, polarons. Colbourn and calculated and the Mackrodt22 have the differences relative performed the necessary introduced by the lattice stability of large and small hole They found the large hole polaron state to be 0.4 eV more stable than the small hole polaron state. They calculated the energy of electronic 'defects' by starting with experimentally determined electronic energies in their calculation and then determining electronic the lattice energies contribution in the calculation to the are the defect energy. optical The band gap, two E 0, g corresponding to conduction band the edge, valence E , band that is, to the conduction band energy between conduction band and the vacuum level ( see figure 2.6). optical ionization energy, E. 1 E.0 = E 0 decomposed the and the of the bottom They then define an that is the sum of these: + 1E 1. The optical be , energy into ionization energy two components, is experimentally determined. an - 26 - optical lattice term, EL, It can that Madelung includes and range short the electronic shell relaxation due to electron energy of the lattice polarization and contributions (the thermal version of this term, ELt would also contain the relaxation energy Lo due to ion core motion) , and an effective ionization potential a eff corrpponding to the reaction 0 (lattice) -> 0 + ev. vac Due to small potential differences also has a in the thermal final state, counterpart the effective that 8e differs ionization from the These energies are related to the optical optical one by 0.5 eV for Al 20 ionization energy by E=E 0 E The L lattice eff contribution potential is determined. is calculated, and the effective Then the thermal band gap E ionization can be calculated: g E t= E.t -E = E t+8e - E. g i c L eff c Using 9.5 eV for the optical band gap, band edge, EL equal to 18.4 eV, found to be -7.9 eV and Et and 1 eV for the conduction and ELt equal to 16.1 eV, is 8.4 eV. then e effis This leads to a thermal band gap of 6.7 eV, 2.8 eV less than the optical gap energy. These lattice calculations are done therefore, if the thermal will also g at 0 K only, the optical band gap energy changes with temperature, gap energy, shift at the temperature optical gap. gap, E 0, for a lattice is 9.5 eV, using this non-temperature-dependent same rate, and be 2.8 eV less and then calculation, than the high To summarize, Colbourn, assuming the optical band calculates a thermal band gap, E9, g of 6.7 eV which corresponds to the activation energy for carrier creation E crea at 0 K. 2.2.5 Summary - 27 - The conductivity results reveal creation and carrier mobility, but From effects. the mobility it the combined of effects is difficult to separate measurements we see that the carrier these mobility two of electrons has been studied, but the observation of hole mobility has been obscured by indication of the the electrons. The photoconductivty room temperature mobile carrier measurements creation give energy. an The calculation of polaron defect state energies demonstrates the importance of the lattice to the electronic structure at high temperature. - 28 - 2.3 Electronic Structure and Optical Properties Optical structure, energy measuring levels mobility Still, that property the a the while that is model energy avoiding and of the of is effects of presented. temperature involved electronic the room temperature in of is any the followed electronic material's electronic allowed factor of electronic the transport optical structure then a between optical properties This on probe additional interpretation review of Al203 can difference the necessarily analysis basic measurements electron measurement. measurements is available. and electronic by structure a Here a structure discussion and require the of the available temperature dependent optical measurements. 2.3.1 Electronic Structure Models There are two structure of solids: and the atomic distinct the band cluster chemistry. All vibrations allowed approaches used in modeling molecular the electronic structure calculation of solid state physics orbital calculation of these models are done for T = 0 K. in the models. The bond of solid state There are no atomic lengths used in the calculations are those appropriate to the material at room temperature. The band structure models can give the most complete description of the transport perspective properties highlights of bonding a solid, and real - 29 - while space the molecular structure. Band orbital structure bands. as carriers electronic cluster A bond between that occur is most bands are flat Neither of atoms. in a situation where tightly bound reside in a specific can the encompass changes interaction strong electron-lattice leads The cluster approach could model the before to relaxation of the lattice. and after electrons models these ionic an to appropriate and the free-electron-like curved, by highly demonstrated model the material where that exhibit delocalized to covalent materials models are most appropriate transition state calculation, state well through a but this has yet to be done for Al 203 Cluster Models The cluster, atomic molecular same cluster structure for coordination, by represented As separation. orbitals The without by the the interact atoms: calculation is atomic separation orbitals between with the infinite solid, the set of the real atoms The are popular octahedral space using a electrons at decreases, Exclusion bonding, nonbonding and antibonding orbitals. the in in periodicity. atoms Pauli The most surrounded, when the bulk. done long range calculating small cluster of atoms of the Al invoking in accord as an seven O's. six elements symmetry uses Al203 local perspective are and for method the solid by a electronic structure23 represents the orbital the Principle, infinite atomic forming In approaching the limit of molecular orbitals would broaden continuously into the bands of band structure theory. The ionic localized character of or molecular Al203 is nature. of demonstrated - 30 - the by electronic the fact that structure the and cluster models can compared reproduce the major features to the band of the electronic structure models. calculations on Al203 was the structure when The method used for both cluster Self Consistent Field, X a Approximation, Scattered Wave Cluster method of Slater and Johnson. 2 4 Brower's25 results for an Al203 in figure 2.7. In the model r like. cluster with D3 symmetry is shown is s like, r2 is pz like and r3 is p' p The atomic character of the various groups of levels is shown. top of the valence band is of eu 0 2p character. The The next available level is an Al 3s level at 8.75 eV followed by an Al 3p level at 9.4 eV. this one would deduce The cluster bulk; only for this study lacks the true 3s levels. coordination neither the Al or the 0 atoms have their full complement nearest bands chosen a band gap of 8.75 eV from 0 2p to Al are neighbors. Therefore sparse and the levels the bandwidths are of the valence too small. and From of the of first conduction The valence band is 1 eV wide and does not show the dual peak structure that is observed in the photoemission spectra (PES) of the valence band (see figure 2.8).26 27 Tossell cluster with 28 0h has calculated symmetry (see distortion (D3d) from octahedral the calculation. 4 eV wide valence levels: the molecular figure 2.9). orbitals He choose for to an A10 6 ignore 9- the symmetry present in sapphire to simplify The low lying 0 2s levels are separated by 14 eV from a band. The valence band consists of two groupings of the top of the valence band is 0 2p like while the bottom of the valence band is a mixture of 0 states with Al 3s and Al 3p states. This agrees with the PES results that show a 17 eV separation and a 6 eV wide valence band. to the large The successful characterization of the valence band amount of 0 - 0 interaction - 31 - in the cluster is due chosen. In there contrast, is no Al - Al interaction in this cluster, There is an Al 3s level at expect a narrow conduction band in the model. 3 7.6 eV and Al levels at p 11 eV, leading one to agreement with other in qualitative This cluster model would suggest a 7.6 eV band gap between 0 2p models. and Al 3s levels. Band Models Band structure models of the electronic insight By into the details of the electronic considering the flatness ionicity, covalency or carriers. The density of states structure can supply or of the invaluable structure than cluster models. the bands localized (DOS) structure can give greater one or can gauge delocalized the degree nature that can be derived of of the from the band information on the detailed structure of the bands and permit the calculation of the joint density of states (IDOS) that should between closely map the energy and intensity of possible the valence band and conduction band. transitions There have been four band structure calculations performed on Al203 in the past 15 years. performed got the results first calculation that calculation led bands. were unreasonable, but the ad hoc technique nature of that did used not a semi-empirical surpass method the knowledge that to calculate is derived a the 1982 Batra31 published the results of his Ciraci and Batra32 published - 32 - first principles band from the cluster models and in addition led to a forbidden gap of about 36 eV. and in 1983 and to excessive band widths of 16 and 17 eV for the valence Evarestov30 structure not in 1970 using a simplified Douglas 2 9 In calculation, the results of a semi-empirical calculation that also discussed much of the available on Al2 0 These calculations the art two that, in calculations while still our are both high spectroscopic quality, rudimentary in comparison understanding of SiO 2 , signal a complementary to the new data state of stage in our understanding of Al 203 Batra performed a first principles LCAO (linear combination of atomic orbitals) extended tight binding method calculation on a Al203 with an in understanding Al with reference interest oxidation of consistent or even though ionicity SiO 0 to iterated to determine it is a first and the principles bonding as relate This calculation was not stability of calculation, the answers. the exchange a is an input variable that can change the values of E the bandwidths. they to self Also, parameter the band gap and B The symmetries of the bands were not identified, so it is not possible to discuss optical transitions from individual bands. The band diagrams for selected directions (see figure 2.10) and all directions in calculated value of Caution of a the is 0.75, but appropriate, calculation. The 2.12. E is 8 Zone eV, (see figure while the 2.11) valence is called for with respect to these numbers. decreases to 5 eV. more Brillouin The with a 1, the gap Batra states a value of compensating for is in the 6 The eV wide. The accepted value to 11 ae= 0.95, and E problems of top frame of the states from this shows the total DOS, DOS on to the calculation eV while B = 9.5 may be techniques of the is shown in figure while the lower frames show the constituent lowest lying bands are 0 2s in character. character, increases band shown. The band gap is found to be direct, at the zone center. density decomposition = are atomic orbitals. The The valence band shows a 2 peak the bottom 4 eV of the valence band is made up of hybridized Al - 33 - while the top 2 eV of the valence band is comprised of 3s and 0 2p bands, PES results (see figure 2.8). while it is a large density of states There in the The bottom of the conduction band consists of Al top of the valence band. 3s states, is in good agreement with The structure of the valence bands 0 2p bands. major peak in the conduction is stated that the first band appears 4 eV above the conduction band edge, and would correspond to Al 3p states. The other recent band structure calculation was done by Ciraci and Batra. This was a semi-empirical photoelectric threshold energy, This and broad Only broad from PES experiments. used. calculation that used the band gap, study was performed features, features, no to interpret such specific the as the bandwidths, structure, available were experimental spectral results and to supply more insight into surfaces of Al203 and the The effects of effeptive charge on the atoms process of oxidation. covalency) and widths positions and variables, the the inter-orbital of the band structure matrix bands were model was elements on the investigated. then fitted valence Using to (i.e. the band these two previously mentioned experimental data. The band structure calculated the energy indirect, gap between valence with a value of 8.7 eV, value of 8.9 eV. band and 0 2p which 0-Al bands by Batra, assigned in Al203 band is found to have 3 different regions. followed with hybridized present conduction the direct gap would occur at of the valence band is due to hybridization were Ciraci found to be r with a The lowest lying bands are associated with 0 2s states. The valence band itself part the is shown in figure 2.13. as and Al 3p states. and the bands are non-flat. - 34 - The lowest of 0 and Al 3s states, Both of these regions, demonstrate the covalency The top of the valence band is of predominantly 0 2p character, In figure 2.14 total and orbital DOS are the band width calculated is 12 eV, energy (see Upon comparing figure of 3 shoulder excessive larger band of hybridization 0 contributes interpretation are very 2.8a) regions observed width and flat, width, in The valence A larger degree can be seen by the the conduction band in the valence band to the PES results of one sees in the in PES. shoulder shown. larger than Batra found. in accord with the this calculation. Balzarotti bands followed at higher energy by bands of Al 3p character. Al 3s character, greater degree the The bottom of the conduction band is of demonstrating their ionic nature. of covalency, and that the widths valence But in band recent in Balzoratti's agree, would work spectra while explain of the the low Tasker,33 the are attributed to experimental error. To study the defect introduced by structure see one edge. the dangling including surface mid-gap band Ciraci suggests normally attributed and states in A12 0 3 , Ciraci calculated bonds formed on a states 2 bands that the to exciton is shown that the (0001) surface. in figure 2.15. introduce states The band Here we can states below the band features observed near the band edge and formation may actually arise from these surface state bands. Franck-Condon Effect The electronic a static are lattice, outside their structure models discussed previously only consider the effects of lattice relaxation and atomic vibrations scope. When the lattice - 35 - changes configuration, the position of the electronic energy levels will shift. A qualitative model for this is given by the Franck Condon Principle. The large Franck Condon differences between observed for F centers the of case Principle alkali emission occurs at ( was first absorption energies ) anion vacancies halides, 1 eV. F center developed and to explain emission the energies in alkali halide crystals. absorption may occur The difference between these at In 2 eV while energies, 1 eV, is called the Stokes shift and represents the effect of lattice relaxation on the electronic energy levels. breathing mode displacements by a configuration Now referring excited total lattice, figure x 2.16 example, that which then these represents shows the can be the radial energy parameterized displacements. of the ground states as a function of the configuration coordinate x, state such The for coordinate energy minimum excited E . to If we consider the relaxation to consist of it occurs as lattice for an the ground at x . optical state occurring A transition that transition, will we see the while for the is fast relative to the occur will then relax with the emission at x 0 and vertically requiring of phonons to its new equilibrium position at x,, where the emission energy will be given by Ee. The difference between these energies is the 3 centers in Al203 it is on the order of 3.1 eV. Stokes shift, and for F 4 Polarons In ionic materials, with locally defined electronic structures, the interaction between the The carriers, charge electrons electrons and the or holes, - 36 - lattice can becomes very be dressed by important. phonons, or and a polaron created. lattice whereby the created.35 is Both the carrier energy of and electron hole is reduced can polarons be Large polarons are formed where there is a weak electron lattice interaction In fields, relaxation lattice and the relaxation (see figure 2.17), this case the field leading energy of is to small displacements the polaron relative to the nearest lattice atoms. of strong electron-lattice self-trapped spread over a large coupling, in its own lattice is independent of of in the the atoms. its position A small polaron occurs in the case and leads field. area to a particle The electron's its position, so it tends to reside near an atom. effectively energy depends on Large polarons can move ** in an applied field, but their effective mass m is larger than the band * effective mass m A small polaron can move only by a thermally activated . hopping process similar to that of an atomic defect. The strength of the electron-lattice interaction determines whether polarons should be considered in the strong interaction limit for small polarons, or in the weak limit for large polarons. polaron coupling constant a, determines these two limits. appropriate The Frohlich 36 It is a dimensionless measure of the lattice deformation or stabilization energy. a/2 = (deformation energy x 2n)/(h W) e 2m w 2n1/2 27 =-------------------- - 4hw h -1 x(e~, For a < are -1 -co0 1 we are in the large polaron limit, while for a > 10 we in the small polaron limit. a for Al203 was calculated by Hughes to - 37 - be 2.7, while Kroger calculated a value of 3.1. These were calculated without regard to the differences between the optical phonon frequency W most effective for lattice deformation around holes or and can electrons respective have character. distinct values of a electrons. that Holes determine The measured carrier mobility is a good their indicator of polaron type; mobilities below 0.3 cm2/V sec are associated with small polarons. The polaron rest mass is given by ** m or for a>1 * = m (1 + a/6) = m a < 1 (1-.0008a2)/(1-(1/6)a+.0034a2 ** This leads to a value of m Due to the sparsity electrons and holes polaron optical is temperature also the for Al 0 . 2 3 is useful for conductivity strongly controlled is S experimental it phonon branch that most frequency to of in A12 0 3, mobility models polarons of 1.75 m one that by the data on the of to refer to the theoretical calculations. vibrational strongly mobility couples should be used The mobility of frequency W0 to the to of carrier. determine the This the Debye BD. Reported values of the Debye temperature vary from 695 K 1000 K depending on the reference. The 'best' value may be 695 K because it was calculated from an experimental phonon spectra for Al 20337 But this value is much lower than the other values quoted, that For for MgO. large polarons, the fundamental equation given below. - 38 - mobility is and less than determined by the 4A plp O /T 1/2 3 () ** m 4 q 1/2 ip 3 (7) From a.0 this one calculated m can / [T0 WI -- aw see mobilities that by uncertainty an order of in 0 or magnitude. w can The change small the polaron mobility is not determined by a fundamental equation and is of the form: SP = 3/ 2 Ap -Eh/kT where Eh is the activation energy for hopping of the polaron. 2.3.2 Optical Properties at Room Temperature Over crystal the years there have been sapphire (A12 03 ) performed many optical studies to better understand as an optical window or a geological material. Most researchers studied the complexity of VUV measurements higher Only analysis. in the past single its applications only the absorption edge, energy of 15 become available over a considerable energy range. years have restricting measurements The measurement of the reflectivity or absorptivity of a solid is among the most direct means of measuring the Therefore the structure of energy difference optical the spectra valence and between allowed allow one conduction - 39 - electron energy states. to profile bands with the ease. electronic The room temperature spectra optical in energy the range to appropriate an intrinsic electronic structure study will be reviewed. studied Loh38 of surfaces natural the reflectance, of Al203 The sample spectra corresponds spectra (see was to figure to larger absent peak is at the features and shallow slope 7 13.2 eV. in R below results. lower in other work, such as surface Kramers Kronig In basal the plane c 9.1 eV, sample the the sharp 9 incidence, measurements axis. an edge was Cr surface, so the Apparent in his starting doped, absorption eV peak addition, at yet 10 eV conspicuously the are edge not in intensity of show prominent at 10 eV and agreement the with exciton of optics data, or but He sample. interpreted did most is problems not his data the peak and may have been due to experimental of his were taken point by transfer peak.39 His spectra contamination analysis of and a smaller peak at 12 eV followed by The but literature than eV, angle The (ruby). a to is a peak at eV Cr charge structure, present E perpendicular followed by a shoulder at 10.6 a 45 degree 6 to 14 eV and were covering cut 2.18) a doped with Cr performed at room temperature, point. at to perform show an exciton peak at 9.1 eV, and a 10 eV band gap. The most comprehensive done work was Williams 4 0 and by Arakawa studying anodized films on aluminum and single crystal Al2 03 oriented with the c axis lying polarization orientation and in the their plane of the spectrometer the machine. but surface. do They measured not oblique They do mention note the incidence their data refraction functions. n Their using +ik, the reflectivities Kramers Kronig dielectric for analysis, constant corundum - 40 - are a reflectance calculating and the shown in the sample transmission of corundum at room temperature from 8 to 28.5 eV. analyzed of of in the energy figure They index loss 2.19, where one peaks at a peak at 9.5 eV, can see an edge, 13, 16.5 and 20.5 shows a shoulder at 9 eV. of band correspond to band to peaks identified the plasma transitions in the joint occurring at 9.9 The eV. density of higher states. In energy for collective oscillations below the energy peaks addition of they the valence Beyond these three assignments of features spectra they were unable to identify any other peaks or attribute optical features to the electronic structure. found, the dielectric constant or bound electron pair, electrons as lying at 25.8 eV. in the In figure 2.20 They choose to assign this to a separate peak to an exciton, corresponding onset eV. a shoulder at 11.6 eV and One interesting result they which demonstrates the relationship between physical and electronic structure, was that in the anodized disordered films, the exciton appeared 1.1 eV lower transitions in they energy at considered 8.4 to eV, and the occur 0.5 eV onset lower of at band 9.4 to eV. band Other features in the spectra did not shift from film to crystal. Rubloff in unpublished from 8.3 to 27.5 and perpendicular energy so it measured the to the c axis. The temperature dependent They show (see figure 2.21) and an absorption edge at 10 eV. in results will an exciton peak The spectra do not go to low is not possible to determine if the absorption edge starts at 10 eV or if the exciton is superimposed on an edge. problem reflectivity of Al 203 eV from 90 K to 400 K and for light polarized parallel be discussed in section 2.4.4. at 9.2 eV, work deconvoluting the exciton and the Arakawa had a similar edge. dependent features of their spectra are pronounced. there is a broad peak centered at 12.8 eV, The orientation For E parallel to c, while for E perpendicular to c the peak is at 13.2 eV with a slight shoulder at 12.3 eV. Abramov42 in a paper on electronic structure and optical properties - 41 - measured transmission and reflectance from 4.2 to 20 eV from 4.2 to 295 K on a sample cut to present a basal plane. 2.22) shows an exciton peak at 9 eV, Their reflectivity (see figure a small shoulder at 10.4 eV, From the steepness of small peak at 11.7 eV, and a major peak at 12.8 eV. the absorption They absorption edge. exciton at 9.25 is less than 9.5 determine their exciton peak edge say an seems absorption eV at room temperature, eV. They measured to be superimposed starts edge and the It was more intense Rubloff's spectra. 8.5 optical The exciton peak the edge with a halfwidth of 0.6 eV and a low binding 0.1 eV). at photoconductivity, and an energy gap of 9.25 eV. another on the eV. The band gap from this is they is superimposed on energy (less than for E perpendicular to c which agrees with They also reported that the highest joint density of states occurs at 13 eV. Summary Even in the most recent work the identification of the 9 eV peak as arising from excitons is not definitively reported. observed arises from an exciton peak below as to whether the reflectance the onset of band to band transitions, superimposed on Investigators agree relative absorption upon energy shape of the reported electronic structure reflectivities observed the from to 8.8 models, different to 9.2 eV. Disagreement persists edge it is an exciton peak to band or whether of positions band of major transitions. features, but the reflectivities varies. Due to the lack of the not investigators transitions. Two groups - 42 - The did exciton observed a attribute peak small has the been shoulder at -10.5 eV. 12.3 eV, For E perpendicular and a major peak to c, a shoulder is seen between 11.6 and at 12.8 to 13.2 eV. For E parallel to c, a broad peak is observed at 12.8 eV. 2.3.3 Temperature Dependent Electronic Structure Theories In the past 30 years there have been many attempts to electron-phonon problem so as to understand, view, the cause of energy levels temperature in solids. This and pressure is a very point can address the shifts observed new material of technological from a fundamental point induced shifts of the theory has of electron complex problem which in most semiconductors, interest treat the at this but for each needed to be reformulated. Beyond the complexity of the calculations, it does not seem that necessary all the understanding terms have of the electron-phonon even b'een determined problem and the to allow temperature an induced shifts in solids. All of the theories separate the temperature induced shift in the band gap into two terms. dE dT The that dE P dT dE V dT ther. exp. temperature induced shift is separated is due to the electron-phonon into a term at constant volume interaction, and a second term due to the effect of lattice dilatation that accompanies thermal expansion. - 43 - Fundamental Models In the electronic fundamental structure approach considers the there of the temperature have been two approaches the effect chemical-thermodynamic of phonons on the approach considers dependence taken: the electronic physical states, only first work problem as work in are states that gap. the physical approach was done by Radkowsky 4 4 specifically at Muto from the uncertainty interacting with leads to energy and Fan phonons, Self-Energy theory the of phonons on the is added principle: undergoing developed effect He AE/At viewed = h/27r. transitions the The between in the band model served limited independently the electron's self-energy. This by the number of phonons to reasonably , while above 0 and leads shift of the D the shift is proportional to 2nkT/hw. explain results observed in Si and Ge. success with other materials because it and is an effect Their model predicts an exponential D Fan45 and emission independent band structure band gap below the Debye temperature 0 linear because of electron's on to the temperature to energy level shifts. has materials. level broadening and a decrease Oyama46 considers absorption is ionic This was This theory has not met with success and is no longer used. The that aimed resulting electrons while the effect of the electrons with the aim of understanding the shifts observed in insulators. the of The review here is after Cohen. 4 3 on the phonons. The models requires This Yet it a detailed knowledge of the electron-phonon coupling constants which are usually not known. The .47 Antoncik Brooks-Yu Debye Waller theory developed. independently by and Brooks and S. C. Yu in unpublished work 48 takes a different - 44 - point of view on the problem. Here they calculate temperature dependent band structures by modifying the crystal potential with structure or Debye Waller terms that represent with temperature. As the factors the vibration and shift of the atoms temperature increases the atomic potentials become shallower and more spread out, leading to spreading and shifting of In this theory, bands. temperatures far quadratically temperature, far above below with the the there are three distinct temperature regimes. the Debye temperature. shift Debye is temperature, For the temperatures band gap above temperature. Because the shifts the linear, becoming exponential for For Debye temperatures Brooks-Yu theory only requires modification of the potentials used in a standard band structure calculation, it semiconductors. has seen much application in Group IV, III-V, and II-VI This theory can supply results for some systems that are accurate to within +/- 30%. Even though calculating two the Brooks-Yu theory temperature dependent theories discuss two shifts, different ignored, the leads increasing to incorrect self-energy succeeded the shift, but terms greatest is the belief act use that in these in opposition. The theory even when the self energy in the atomic potentials in certain cases, results. The band gap with temperature decreasing band gap. the and These uncertainties are sufficient to cover up self-energy contributions, terms that lies in the uncertainties Debye Waller factors used. seen there terms reason for the success of the Brooks-Yu terms are has HgTe but the and ignoring self-energy CdTe alloys show an Brooks-Yu theory predicts a A study by Guenzer 4 9 showed that the neglect of Fan might explain the HgTe in uniting the two previous models demonstrating the uniqueness - 45 - and case. Allen and Heine 5 0 into one coherent model for complementarity of the two theories. This temperature theory dependent may be the correct shifts of the electronic semiconductors, but electron-phonon coupling because of the constants unified structure in difficulty it has theory not seen for the observed in determining much the application. Allen and Cardona performed the unified calculation for Si and Ge in 1981, and corrected it in 1983. They found that the self-energy terms could reduce the temperature coefficients by a factor of two. The chemical considers work to this area was done by Thurmond51 electronic thermodynamic potential approach problem is one the effect of electrons on the phonons of the solid. in this Various thermodynamic of structure variables, the features the carriers, followed are energy the band gap in corresponds corresponds Energy for creation of electron-hole pairs, and The first recently by Heine. identified Fermi that terms to to of the the therefore, 52 their chemical Gibbs the Free enthalpy and entropy due to carrier creation can be calculated and considered as a function of temperature. considers the effects Waller factors them. The because bonds thermal simultaneously due to excitation without the corresponds as the anomalous anti-bonding conduction observed it enters a bonding to is and explicitly the Debye consider softening of the This arises to breaking one from a bonding orbital. it or more valence band The thermodynamic and should also be able to explain in HgTe, increases due to mode stiffening. band band is that self-energy electron hole pairs. electron goes success in Si and Ge, results need of in the material, approach has met the and creation electron an of this method that must be determined an to advantage expansion, of orbital the of only thing phonon modes The major because in that case the gap When an electron enters the conduction orbital, - 46 - in distinction to the other semiconductors. determines Still, This the sign point of may the due to the difficulty be the fundamental temperature coefficient of determining the consideration in any electron's that material. role in mode softening, this method has not met wide acceptance. Empirical Models Due to the computational they are not readily applicable. that are basically fundamental models. to E curve complexity of the fundamental theories, Two empirical models have been advanced fitting models and The first by Varshni53 gives do not contradict a quadratic the dependence below the Debye temperature, and a linear dependence above the Debye temperature. It requires two parameters a and from experimental data. #, which are not derivable His equation is E =E -aT 2 /(T+A). g o Ravindra54 simplified Varshni's equation removing the parameters and replacing them with 0D' Eg=E0- ((2.25xlo-5D)-4.275x10-3 )T2 /(5(T+5sD-1135)) From the functional they only consider dependency of the Debye Waller term. these models, one can see that They have been applied by the authors to Si, Ge, SiC, GaAs, InP and InAs with reasonable results. Linear Models Most of the results presented in the literature use a simple linear - 47 - model for the assumed model temperature dependence of or the data itself may be the band gap. truly linear, This may be an a distinction that is. important. E (T) = E9 g - T g Here the linear temperature coefficient range 10 of to 10 eV/K and A is usually found to lie in the a positive decreasing band gap with temperature. value corresponds to a net The linear dependence should apply from theory for temperatures on the order of the Debye temperature. 2.3.4 Temperature Dependent Optical Properties Temperature dependent optical measurements have been performed on Al 0 over the years due to its use as an optical window material, and to 2 3 develop an understanding of the processes that lead to temperature induced shifts of absorption edges. Most of these studies have been performed below the exciton peak and absorption edge due to the difficulties of high energy spectroscopy. The transmittance was measured. T r Generally the falls below some arbitrary transmittance limit of the material limit is defined as the wavelength where value, usually between 0.1 and 5 percent. Because of the limited energy range covered, the specific character of the edge studied may not have been determined. what appears to be result fundamental arbitrary coefficient and can a chromium peak was to sapphire. affect the The In some cases the studied choice calculated shift of and then reported as a of a cutoff value value of the for T r is temperature 5, while any experimental uncertainty or drift in the absolute magnitude of the temperature T between runs also introduces error in - 48 - P. The first reported study on the temperature of sapphire was done by Gilles 5 5 transparency absorption coefficient of single crystal 5.9 to 8 energy eV (see figure to determine the 2.23) These origins of induced in 1952. She measured the sapphire from 20 to 900 OC from spectra the do not go absorption to studied, same time a peak at 6.9 eV would seem to be attributable These spectra were He results. second is analyzed by Harrop56 them and third to order a power terms, plotted nonlinearity. figure 2.24 while and at the to Cr impurity. conductivity found to use noticeable a linear model The data he extracted from Gilles versus energy and shows noticeable One of the complicating factors in using these measurements P is the low lying peak at 6.9 eV that is discrete at low to determine temperature in expression then proceeded eV/K. high enough to explain observed law but P value of 1.5 x 10 yielding a data fit shift of the while it is incorporated in the absorption edge at high temperatures. Yakovlev in 196157 measured transmission up to 8 eV samples heated from room temperature are shown in figure 2.25 along to 380 OC. with the nm) (140 on The transmittance curves temperature coefficient they calculated for Tr = 5%. From these one can see that the transmittance edge has not retained temperature its coefficient shape with increasing temperature. for their transmittance cutoff The measured and others chosen by this author give an idea of the scatter in the data. # (T =5%) = 1.5 x 10 -3 eV/ K r # (T =20%)= 1.4 x 10 -3 eV/ K for 85 r # (T =20%)= 2.0 x 10 No attempt was made eV/ K for 20 to explain C<T<380 OC 0 C<T<380 *C the data letter on an experimental problem of interest. - 49 - since this was a short Another material figure study, for high 2.26) the motivated by temperature transmittance an interest in photochemistry, edge by of sapphire, a suitable Laufer58 up to 8.75 window shows (see eV (140 nm) moving to lower energy for temperatures from 20 OC to 175 OC. The value of 0 calculated experiment by this covered author for T = r 10 % a small temperature is range. 1.9 x 10 trends is made in ion established. In size from peak shift. and exciton transitions, but is not rigorously Al2 03 is said to be different, and no explanation is given. 1969 sapphire Reilly60 specifically to explain their results on alkali halides in terms of Hunter59 studied the temperature transmittance limit of VUV window materials and eV/ K. The The authors mention the importance of distinguishing peak broadening An attempt -3 from 10 K to 373 K. explaining the observed A of such as the flourides, companion shifts dependence in paper terms was the quartz published by of photoexcitation of excitons of reduced energy at thermally distorted regions of the lattice. Hunter refers to the fact that chooses the materials they temperatures i.e. cut off wavelength, X found a linear approaching the value of the value 10 K, to be co range the of for slope P is not well defined, at 0.1<T <0.5. For all the X above r changed of shift in this case results for co was attributed sapphire, while zero, LaF3 was the induced shift. large at The impurity content . sapphire were taken for temperature, corresponding to 8.75 eV. below the exciton peak. to a eC, approached P decreased to zero at low temperatures. controlling the value of X The 20 and only material studied that did not show a temperature lack and a X co of 142 nm at room This is on the absorption edge and They do not show the actual Tr edge measured for but from the high temperature portion of the temperature - 50 - shift curve, a A value of 1.75 x 10-3 eV/ K from 250 K to 373 K can be deduced. This value is in agreement with those measured previously, and the change of 0 with temperature is a new finding. Rubloff61 studied the reflectance of single crystal Al 203 from 8.3 eV to 27.7 eV using synchrotron radiation and continuous scanning. detailed spectra were obtained and perpendicular to temperature dependent and 400 K. center the showing reflectivities c axis, curves were exciton peak, each of taken for 'fused' for E both parallel Al 20 for E parallel In addition, to c at 90, 300, From this small amount of data this author has calculated peak temperature coefficients calculated and Very the 13 eV Al by measuring the temperature figure 2.27). for 3 features 3p peak and geometric changes peak in the spectra, the 18 eV peak. centers at the the 9 eV These half maximum from 90 to 300 K and 300 were for to 400 K (see Due to the lack of multiple runs over which to average, the results are only accurate to within a factor of two. TABLE 2.1 -1.3 x 10 1.3 x 10-3 1.5 x 10-3 -6 x 10 -4 6 x 10 6 x 10 9eV peak 13eV peak 18eV peak Notice Calculated A Values from Rubloff's Data eV/K 90 - 300 K 300 - 400 K that A is larger with Hunter's findings. above room temperature It is very unusual to shift to higher energies with temperature, small scans. a size than below, in agreement that the exciton peak appears this may be due to the very of the exciton peak and its position at the beginning of the Blum calculated the A value of Rubloff's exciton peak and reported positive value of 5 x 10-1 eV/K in contradiction analysis of the data. - 51 - to this author's Blum62 measured the reflectivity 0 25 C, 275 OC, 10-4 eV/K and 450 for attributes it the 0 of sapphire C (see figure 2.28). rate of shift of his from 9 to 12.5 eV at He reports a value of 1.4 x spectra with to a decrease in the band gap. temperature and He also analyzed a series of peaks on the high energy of the exciton peak, at 9.5, 9.9, and 10.1 eV and attributes stated them to the that his data is excited states of a Wannier type exciton. He consistent with a room temperature band gap of 10.3 eV for Al 203 2.3.5 Summary From the literature results we can see that the room temperature optical properties of Al 0 are generally agreed upon, but the position of 2 3 the fundamental absorption edge is not well established. Some researchers have reported that the edge lies at 9 eV while others have reported a 10 eV This edge. studied. disagreement The assignment may be of the due to features the in limited the energy optical ranges spectra to electronic structure transitions has been retarded due to the lack of high quality electronic structure models. This has changed recently with the band structure calculations of Batra and Ciraci. The valence band is found to consist of two major sub-bands, - 0 character in the bottom of consists of two major sub-bands, of 0 2p character the valence band. from the 0 2p The conduction band of Al 3s charcter in the bottom and Al 3p character at the top of the conduction band. band gap of Al 0 23 at the top and of Al The reported T = 0 K optical lies between 7.5 eV and 9.5 eV and is due to transitions sub-band in the top of - 52 - the valence band to the Al 3s sub-band in the bottom of the conduction band. In terms electronic of structure, understanding the field the is temperature still young. dependence The theories temperature dependence are very complex and theorists are still with the simpler cases of the covalent semiconductors. results we temperature. know that This the band gap has been modeled of as Al203 reported from 1.4 x 10~4 to 2 x 10-3 eV/K. the of the struggling From experimental decreases a linear of with increasing process with P values None of the data has been of good enough quality, or over a large enough temperature range to determine if the true functional form of E (T) is linear. g The role of the lattice in the electronic seriously developed. Al203 where structure has not been This is a very important topic for materials such as strong electron-phonon interaction gives rise localized electron-lattice interactions. - 53 - to polarons and C 4 Ox Ox2 FIGURE 2.1 Coordination clusters for Al 0 Aluminum coordination octahedra and oxygen coordination tetrahedra are2 s own. The two setsof Al - 0 bond distances are distinguished by Ox1, Ox1' and Ox2, Ox2'. From reference 12. X102 1B(,n,) AL -AL .0 .5 - I 0 0 i'oa .T(60 2000 FIGURE 2.2 Plots of refined thermal B factors as a temperature. Straight lines represent harmonic regions vibrations for Al and 0. From reference 11. - 53.- function of. of thermal ELECTRONIC L) FIGURE 2.3 Diagram of conduction mechanism in single crystal Al 203 From reference 13. CONDUCTION 1600 w n-TYPE p-TYPE w 1400 23 aw IONIC CONDUCTION 1200- -14 -12 -I0 -8 -: LOG P.2 0 -2 -4 at -4 SINGLE-CRYSTAL A1,O, 1650 *C -5 -0.2 FIGURE 2.4 Effect of 0 partial pressure on conductivity oi single crystal Al 20 3 From reference 13. 0.2 1500*0 0 1- 3-r0 ~ ' A -61- -O'MATC ''' -0.15 ESIMT 0.15 0 0.2 1400 -C -7t- a 1200 C "0 0 an -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 LOG P 02 a- FIGURE 2.5 Absorption (1) and photoconductivity (2) spectra of A1 2 03 at 295 K. From reference 21. tu * q * , - S . a..., w 20 A, - 54 - cv 0 VACUUM E Ei CONDUC TION SAND Eg Ei 0 SAND OL2p, VALENCE FIGURE 2.6 Optical energy levels in Al 20 : the conduction band edge E , the optical band gap E 9 and the optical ionization energy E.. From reference 22. 0 ATM AlA CLUSTER r r, At ATOP r 45j- Xs 2P Al3s -Lo 1- -1.307 :A00326 -*.'395 FIGURE 2.7 Molecular orbital energies for the A1 2 03 cluster calculation of Brower. From reference 25. .. -1.295 * /00-00 L8 p-L3$ Z -LS 0 2p h -2.0 I- *2LdIO a 2s '000 -2.5 -LAN 0440 C W -.0 30 4-LI 41612 4.612 -5.612 .0.0, Al Al 2p u 4.0 21 -. 135 -L.35 Al2 - 55 - In E 65f-Z 7 I is - .02s . 0 U (b) A12 0 3 %0- 0 VB C S WS N75 1X 7485 Et4m - 24 1VB C '- 0 -Y Binding FIGURE 2.8a X-ray spectra photoemission valence (PES) of the From band of Al2 3. Balzarotti, reference 26. energy (eV) FIGURE 2.8b X-ray photoemission spectra (PES) of the valence band of From Al 0 Kowalczyk, reference 27. Oh point group orbital sy mmetry type --- eg tg tu + 161 Al 3p{ 12F FIGURE 2.9 Molecu1Dr orbital energies for the A10 cluster 6 calculation of Tossell. From reference 28. c.b. Al 3s 4- a) 0 2p f v.b. Al-C { r 0OW -*- -4 -12 - o 2s -16 -20 - 56 - p. - *0~ 14 12 FIGURE 2.10 Band structure of Batra for a Al 0 along two 23 particular directions in the rhombohedral Brillouin zone. From reference 31. 10 I 8 0 S-2 a) -4 -6 -14 Ar0 ~ 12 -16 E, =8 .- -18 4 -20 Z r x 0 PD FIGURE 2.11 Batra's complete band structure of a Al 0 3 along various directions in the rhombohedral Brillouin zone (shown as an inset). From reference 31. 4 -8 - '.9 16 KpDS 16 r i~ t X A MOPU-F Z A r a kv I Y Bond structure for A1203 0 I Oxygen 12p) a, a C FIGURE 2.12 Batra's total and orbital densities of states for a Al 2 03 * The broken curve in the top panel shows the IPS results of Balzarotti. From reference 31. C a Oxygen (2s) a Aluminium (3s) Aluminium 13p) -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 Energy (eV) - 57 - 8 12 4- CCB 0. FIGURE 2.13 Ciraci's bind structure of a Al 2 0j? along three directions in the illioun zone (shown as an inset). From reference 32. -4 '>>g8.7eV ,VBM' -8 >-12 >- -16 j -20 UVB -24LYB UVBm LVBM -28 TDOS (a) -32 -36 UVB LVB 000S :Oxygen Za j z A r XVBm __ xr i _Y A Y CB 2p (b) CM, U.' FIGURE 2.14 Ciraci's total and orbital densities of states for a A2 0. From reference 32. - LA Oxygen 2s -32 1c) Aluminum 3p Id) Aluminum 3s (e) -24 -16 -8 ENERGY (eV) 5 0 CB 0 \Sp '-- 5 FIGURE 2 .15 Band structure and density of s tates of the ideal a A12 0 3 (0001). Sd and S are the surface bands? From state reference 32. ASd ._10 UVB LV-15 u .20 =-25 -30, LVB -35, M r r - 58 - M K K r DOS Excited electronic state aIJ U I) E.E 0 Lowest electronic state X1 x FIGURE 2.16 Illustration of the Franck Condon Principle. The energy of the ground and excited states are shown as a function of the configuration coordinate z. The energy of the fast optical process is Ea while the slow thermal process is shown as E ve Lattim. sit" - a. % Latt pet atLal ~ea UmakLeaplia Yr b. Stteng Cap11ag FIGURE 2.17 Representation of the localized potential wells induced by electron-lattice interaction for (a) the large polaron-weak coupling limit and (b) the small polaron-strong coupling limit. From reference1 8 . - 59 - 24 020 -i - Is 2.18 FIGURE Reflectivity of Al 03 with E perpendicular to tie c axis. From Loh, reference 38. -- 4I - -03 ~6 S14 12 Sto I - I I I - a 6 5 - 14 15 A1 U U I 2 bID 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Photon Energy (eV) -,.oum 0.6 4 9C., II' -l Ii. 6 I-I FIGURE *J0#\. 0.4 2.19 (x) and Transmittance reflectance at various angles of incidence of A1 0 3 40. From Arakawa, reference 2 ha U z 4 0.2 a, 00 DO PHOTON DER.Y WA 6' CORUNDUM z z 0 C-) 0 10 15 20 25 30 PHOTON ENERGY (eV) FIGURE 2.20 Dielectric constants of Al 0 Arakawa's separation of the exciton from e reference 40. - 60 - The dotted curves show absorption edge. From 0.6 M 1 2 03 used 0.5 0.4 0.3 4E-. 0.2 0.1 0 10 15 20 25 30 Photon Energy(eV) 35 FIGURE 2.21 Reflectance of Al 03 for E parallel and perpendicular to the c axis. From Rubloff, unpublished research. FIGURE 2.22 Reflection (1) of and absorption (2) spectra Al 0 The continuous curves were taien at 295 K and the dashed curves at 4.2 K. From Abramov, reference 42. I 20% 2 #a - . U 10 . 4- 0 06 10 14 Energy (eV) - 61 - 0 2.0 1 U 18 a .2 FIGURE 2.23 Temperature dependent transmissivities of Al 0 from room temperature to 900 From Gilles, reference 55. - - In . 7.75 6.89 6.20 Energy (eV) p~11~11~ I 1000 FIGURE 2.24 Variation of an energy on the absorption edge with temperature using the results of Gilles as calculated by Harrop, reference 56. I I I I I I I 0 T (K) S .600 S 200I' 6I I 7.0 I I I I 8.0 7.5 E(eV) 0 I S.. 0. Ill' 'U a.. E-e .- liso U V V% 10 1451) I.. El ad 4, 106u /0o a /fee 1JIM Wavelength, A FIGURE 2.25 IS S.. I.. 1 - " - 100 Transmittance curves (a) of Al2 0 3 as a function of temperature from 20 to 380 *C, and the temperature dependence (b) of the Tr equals 0.05 point on the edge. From Yakovlev, reference 57. - 62 - -- 1OO jig 405 Temperature, 'C ' 50 40 FIGURE 2.26 Transmittance curves of Al203 as a function of temperature from 20 to 175 SC. From Laufer, reference 58. z20 I- t0 A 1400 0.20 I I 1450 1500 I~I * A12 U3 Lii| RS= 0.01 0.15/ Ve FIGURE 2.27 Reflectivity of Al 0 c 0.100.05 - 05 10 15 In 20 25 30 Photon Energy (eV). 13 I I I I Sample I 12 - o45t),&C CO FIGURE 2.28 Reflectivity of Al203 as a function of temperature from 21 reference as a function of temperature from 90 K to 400 K. From Rubloff, unpublished research. to 450 *C. From Blum, S 10 -V 62. 9 -I 8 9 - 63 - 10 I1 Photon energy (eV) 12 Chapter 3 Research Goals In an attempt and as an aid to improve our in the analysis fundamental understanding of conductivity results, the structure as a function of temperature was studied. the band temperature coefficient of determination of the electronic The major thrust of temperature vacuum ultraviolet incidence the reflectivity the carrier work from gap, involved to electronic This work determines thereby allowing the concentration at any temperature. the spectrophotometer 7 of Al 203 15 eV on development of to measure near samples heated a high normal from room temperature to temperatures above 1000 OC. Reflectivity measurements confirm the spectral features Experimental electronic cannot be electronic available electronic assigned to measurements structure structure. of models, electronic temperature supply on this temperature structure the derived, From room fundamental features, theoretically at a electronic structure can be developed, of considering and the structure which temperature picture performed dependent information, the were the observed features. shifts at this dependence high of of time the temperature the role of the lattice on the creation energy of the electronic carriers and their mobilities. - 64 - to Chapter 4 Experimental Apparatus and Procedures The incidence aim of this reflectivity wavelength range research from 6 has been to 15 eV, from 210 nm to 82 nm, heated from room temperature to in the measure and construction spectrophotometer. signal processing work. First optical New on oriented single crystal to temperatures greater and heating techniques optical VUV capabilities, will be vacuum spectrophotometer will Then be the samples ultraviolet geometries, have been developed reviewed. (VUV) They involved the the literature on VUV spectroscopy techniques spectrometers temperature elements, normal than 1000 *C. These of a custom high temperature optical near Vacuum Ultraviolet are. measurements that have never before been performed. design the design discussed, advanced during this and previous of followed the by high its resolution and accuracy. 4.1 Literature Review - Techniques of VUV Spectroscopy Due to the increasing need to understand the bonding and electronic properties of solids, liquids, gases the advent of high intensity tunable and molecules, in conjunction synchrotron sources, - 65 - with research in the VUV has been spectroscopy growing in techniques recent years.63 VUV 6 4 for the 65 There are various 65 67 which cover texts the on range of samples studied in the VUV. The most comprehensive work is that of Samson. 4.1.1 Light Sources The two major sources scanning, source or continuous, for continuum VUV radiation reflectivity measurements and the glow discharge are lamp used with flowing appropriate the to synchrotron hydrogen gas. The synchrotron source generates continuum high intensity radiation from 0.01 nm to 200 nm (100,000 eV to 6 eV) using electrons accelerated in a circular orbit at speeds greater than 0.99 times the speed of light.68 The phenomena of UV and X ray radiation from a cyclotron was first the 1940's69 synchrotron National 70 and light has sources Laboratory, Standards, now for Stanford and DESY in Hamburg, lead to the materials science University, Germany. construction The the light work noticed of is dedicated at National in Brookhaven Bureau of truly a continuum with no superimposed line spectra and only one broad hump in the spectrum related to the average energy of the electrons used to produce the lamp. For radiation. The other standard VUV source continuum radiation The gas choice. the order of applied. ground in the range of the glow discharge interest here hydrogen is the gas of flows through an insulating capillary, 1 torr, where a high field of The gas molecules are state is atoms lead at a pressure on approximately 400 V/cm is ionized and collisions to emission of - 66 - radiation. among The ionized atoms are and then reaccelerated by the field until radiation-producing collision. glow discharge continuum are their is sufficient for a new This leads to a dark-light banding of the down the length of a number of large energy approximately 0.01 nm intrinsic the capillary. intense halfwidth, Superimposed atomic leading hydrogen to rapid on the lines of variation of intensity with wavelength (see figure 4.1). This dense structure is one of the major difficulties encountered in radiation below applying this lamp to continuum spectroscopy. In addition, all 180 nm is strongly absorbed air, so all optics must be in vacuum of less than 5 x 10-5 torr. at wavelengths transparent below window 'windowless'. nm 105 (11.8 materials, This means the system at 10-5 torr. so lamp to attain the at the LiF cutoff, measurements the be are no performed 1 torr must look directly into the is required, necessary To work there must Differential pumping of a special between the lamp and spectrometer required eV), by high aperture mounted and high pumping speeds are vacuum with such a substantial 'leak'. 4.1.2 Optical Elements There are no transmissive in the VUV below 105 optimized for Coatings of function reflective this nm. optics Reflection optics region have 115 nm. coatings for Gold, and gratings and mirrors. - 67 - on the order of higher reflectivities but platinum for use such as mirrors and gratings reflectivities MgF 2 on aluminum can have below such as lenses or prisms osmium are Optical 30%. do not the preferred design therefore minimizes the Monochromators number of reflective use concave to surfaces focusing gratings that retain intensity. simultaneously disperse the light by wavelength and collect and focus it on the exit slit. 4.1.3 Monochromators The with most resolution Seya-Namioka simple; the popular the of a optical monochromator few tenths layout design of developed entrance and exit slits grating and gratings used only the grating a a nanometer in 1952.71 small is 72 monochromator based The on design are fixed on the Rowland circle is rotated to in these monochromators are concave combine the collimating optics, scan wavelength. focusing the is of The gratings, to the plane grating and the focusing optics all into one reflection from the grating. gratings for The major disadvantage of these is that they are highly astigmatic. This is partially corrected by using holographic, aberration corrected gratings. 4.1.4 Detectors There are various be separated events of into types of detectors photon counting and current measuring incident light. detectors detectors Only detectors for use in the VUV. to measure for measuring suited the They can single gross to current measuring photon intensity will be discussed here. The most popular detector uses a sodium salicylate phosphor, to translate the VUV radiation into visible light which is then detected by a - 68 - photomultiplier tube mounted system, in the The blue pipe (PMT) to visible and emits blue to the PMT. This it is The phosphor is struck by VUV photons. system through a window or light is Absorbed sensitive. response dramatically. Still, detector light. light when light is then sent out of the environmentally OC. sensitive simple water to and make, aging but will it is change its In addition it decomposes at temperatures above 80 the detector of choice since the active electronic detector, the PMT, is sealed and the phosphor may be redeposited at will. Another sealed detector utilizes a photomultiplier tube with a LiF In this case the photocathode window. to VUV photons. exposed to the This is a very system vaccum. of the detector responds stable But, detector because it because of the window, directly is never it does not function below 105 nm. Nude actual vacuum photodiodes are detector signal is created an They are very simple, with a voltage applied. sensitive, material their with detector where not on the them, whereby photons sensitivity is they incident low the in a sealed consisting of a cathode and anode They can be used with a phosphor evaporated or of a in the system vacuum, detector tube. salicylate) example at are more on metal. low energy (e.g. water With but no they sodium and age phosphor are more environmentally durable. Electron Multipliers can also be mounted directly in system vacuum, and are basically a photodiode with a 16 stage dynode chain to yield 106 higher gain than a diode. Electron multipliers are used predominantly as ion or electron detectors, but they will respond to high energy photons. They are response solar at blind if used energies below without the work a phosphor, function of - 69 - i.e. they have the dynode no materials. Typically the dynode material is BeO on copper, and has no response beyond 350 nm. Anyone who has used optical detectors such as PMT's will realize with horror the impact of having the detector mounted in the vacuum system and exposed therefore to air regularly. A PMT would be ruined the detector of choice For hostile applications if brought to air, is usually sodium salicylate with a PMT. electron multipliers with no phosphor have the advantages of high durability and high gain. 4.1.5 Optical Spectrometers The design of VUV reflectometers require that each feature be chosen to best compensate for the difficulties of working in the VUV. basic problems optics optical to overcome in a reflectometer and detection techniques. elements must be lie in the light Due to low reflectivity, kept to a minimum. The The source, the number superimposed spectrum of a H2 lamp, leads to a very dynamic lamp signal. of line Small errors in determining X will lead to large errors in the calculated division R = r/i of the reflectivity reflected r R. the Since and incident lamp i operates signals on a to determine flowing gas the design, instabilities in gas pressure or flow lead to random fluctuation in light intensity. Optical nude detectors their response. due to the radiation. age with time and sample and of system the and hard surfaces, vacuum cycling Alignment of optics, vacuum All surfaces sample - 70 - to be or leading in to and detectors to ascertain spectrometers detector phosphors due is changes difficult to lack of visible discussed perform normal incidence reflectivity, and some also measure transmissivity and variable incidence angle reflectivity. Room Temperature Spectrometers The most successful reflectometer design was developed by Rubloff 7 4 75 for near UV spectroscopy and then extended for use in the VUV to 36 eV with synchrotron detector, radiation. It is a single beam apparatus, used is a PMT with a sodium salicylate coated light pipe. the about an axis perpendicular incident and reflected rotation removes on-off nature of of i the to the intensity temporal simultaneous measurement the one and thereby avoiding the problems of matching or calibrating the optics and detector response of two dissimilar beam paths. rotates using 70 light, The light pipe alternately times a sec. instabilities, lamp The detector The high speed of and approaches and r of a dual beam system. detector signal collecting can be used for In addition AC detection techniques. They quote an accuracy in the absolute value of R of +/- and relative accuracy much better than that. They have data and reported no problems with their system. the 3%, taken very good The single beam rotating light pipe design has become very popular for VUV spectroscopy. A different approach, taken by single beam single detector apparatus, ellipsoidal or toroidal two separate the sample is focusing mirror. incident on the is a This mirror rotates, directing detector. visible PMTs were used to detect the VUV. - 71 - 77 where the light is incident on an the light alternately from the detector to the sample. from groups,76 The reflected beam Sodium salicylate Reported absolute and accuracy was +/- 3 %, and relative accuracy of +/- 0.2 %. Because of the existence of another reflecting surface, signal strengths are lower and system stability is reduced. C. F. Dickinson78 used a pulsed H2 lamp source to achieve greater intensity and, to compensate for the temporal they used a dual beam reflectometer. measuring fluorescence of sample where The incident signal was acquired by sodium salicylate that obstructed part of the beam. deposited on a nickel grid The rest of the light traveled to the the reflected beam hit fixed light pipe. instability of the source, sodium salicylate on the The signal was measured by a second PMT. front of a The r detector could be placed in a no-sample position and the two detector systems cross They calibrated. mention problems of aging and contamination of the optics and sample. Temperature Dependent Spectrometers Various of the measurements 'transparency have been made on the limit' of Al203 temperature dependence and other UV window materials over limited temperatures ranges.79 80 81 These were all performed with single beam spectrometers highest using temperatures one reached PMT with sodium were OC, 110 salicylate 180 OC and phosphor. 300 OC, The and no specific problems with the measurement were mentioned. Blum82 83 measured the reflectivity of Al203 from 9 to 12.5 ev from room temperature monochromator, salicylate a to 450 single rotating light OC. beam He used single a windowed detector pipe detector. - 72 - He H2 lamp, system used Seya-Namioka using a a molybdenum sodium heating element in alumina insulation as a mentions contamination of the sample In furnace. addition windowed lamp. the vacuum furnace to heat the sample. He surface, which may originate from the system contaminated the optics and the The maximum temperature of 450 OC was limited by the black body radiation from the hot sample saturating the visible PMT. 4.1.6 Special Problems of High Temperature Spectroscopy In high additional These temperature problems problems radiation system; on all are the are small *furnace to the occur, heating sample. There colder sample addition to will to the in in the be unintentional area, 0 C. with no furnace, Therefore detectors damage. sample anything and optics Assuming still the the system. For heat be doping at a from in of the the the hot the sample. The a a is the sample to the other Heating If there elements of the then temperature reflectance body on sample. flow to heating sample. black effects sample, are spectroscopy. of aging of higher the VUV effects severe heat must with there than the onto the sample problems in are sample of 2 cm2 requires on the order of 30 watts to get above 1000 exposed in a clean radiates used, to changes caused by the heat load from soley and the deposition to measurements, high temperature vacuum element leading method acquisition, used outgassing reflectivity associated heating related substantial the those signal is VUV all the to VUV sample of the its are sample must be very sensitive that does input heat very durable, not vaporize into the to yet environmental impurities, spectrometer. the This rules out the use of sodium salicylate or other phosphors because they are - 73 - unstable, surface decomposing exposed to the with a good heat Effects that be taken at low temperatures. sample's sink so black that the The body The radiation coatings must be on any in contact coating does not heat up and de-adhere. occur more slowly than these into consideration. optical catastrophic failures must also of the optics will vary characteristics slowly with time, and must be regularly calibrated. The effect of another concern. greater become from the effects visible than in the this background. on the sample's radiation The black body radiation intensity essential the light from situation The reflected to light signal. signals the If Lock-in incident radiation can the have this problem after the sample. is to use If the a is not solar blind), monochromator to are techniques light two detector signal separate responds to then the black body radiation will be detected as an incident light signal. avoid detected sample can be of 105 source. recover body it the from the a H2 black and IR radiation(i.e. on The normal way to discriminate the light incident radiation heats'the detector, then its dark current will increase dramatically due to the greater ease of thermal electron from the emission cathode. For successful high temperature VUV spectroscopy all of these problems must be addressed. 4.1.7 Heating Methods The various measurements above heating room indirect methods radiation from a furnace, where methods temperature the sample and direct that can is have be been separated heated by used into thermal heating methods using - 74 - for two optical types: contact light and incident upon the sample to heat it. Resistance furnaces using tungsten, molybdenum, or graphite elements, and alumina insulation have been used84 but the large outgassing thermal and mass of achieve the same system. The optical radiation the furnace temperature, and lasers the 1950's deposition on the requires thereby sample are severe. Also that greater power be used increasing the heat load on or direct heating methods have used both Xe arc of various sorts. to grow high purity float the Xe arc lamps have been used to the lamp since zone or skull melted crystals.85 The major difficulty is collecting the light from the arc and concentrating it on the sample. optical Being heat CO 2 source coherent gas lasers that has operating been used and nondiverging the at 10.6 microns for high purity laser radiation is are crystal another growth. relatively 86 simple to concentrate on the sample. 4.2 High Temperature Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer 4.2.1 CO2 Laser Heating Techniques A CO 2 temperature microns Al 20 microns, gas laser reflectivity was chosen as measurements. the heat The output source of the for laser the high is at 10.6 in the infrared and coincides well with the natural absorption of The it IR absorption is decreasing of sapphire with n the starts index - 75 - at 5.6 of microns refraction - and, 1. at 10.6 Therefore the incident reflected laser radiation beam being is totally absorbed, formed in the reflectometer. without a stray The laser is a Photon Sources, 400 watt, axial flow, continuous beam laser belonging to Dr. John Haggerty of non-tunable from 125 the Ceramics industrial watts to Processing welding 450 Research laser. watts, The but by Lab operating without reflective a operated power rear mirror of the laser. 0.5 watts. a to operate nitrogen, the meter placed Fluctuations at the were partially in the meter were +/power fluctuations were The laser beam was of high quality TEM00 mode above about 14 but below this power the beam had a dumbbell power distribution. The beam line to deliver the laser radiation to water cooled silver overcoated Si wafer mirrors. water cooled optics copper aperture before from being destroyed due into the system were beam thereby intersected minimizing oversplash entering the sample used The beam went through a the system, to protect to accidental misalignment. ZnSe high power with indium wire welds. CO2 is Power measurements The laser stability was much higher; negligible. watts, battery It Using a rudimentary pulsing ability the minimum stable power was 1.5 watts. with M.I.T. laser was designed continuous power could be lowered to 9 watts. done at IR laser windows The the widows sealed for vacuum The laser beam geometry was designed so that the the danger plane to of the beam on the of the the VUV delicate sample exited optics only detectors the at and the sample, optics. Any system through a window into a water cooled aluminum beam dump. To minimize the heat load in the spectrometer, heated, the sample stand having minimal only the sample was contact with the sample. Therefore the sample was mounted horizontally resting on three points of a sapphire tripod. Sapphire was chosen to - 76 - minimize contamination of the sample at surface high of the sapphire The incident. The temperatures. beam sample, diameter laser the was same the beam was incident surface where same as the on the top the VUV beam was wafer diameter. A nichrome heat shield surrounded the sample, with holes to allow access for the incident, sample reflected and transmitted VUV beams, tripod stand. A shutter was used optics from the black body radiation It was opened for temperature. the laser beam and the to obscure of the sample data taking. the detectors and during heating up to In addition the detectors had heatshields in front of them to reduce detector heating. 4.2.2 Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer The physical design of the The signal acquisition discussed. next section. spectrophotometer and processing will now will be covered be in the The design of the reflectometer VUV optics, the chamber and the monochromator was developed here at M.I.T. 8 7 in conjunction with Acton Research Corporation constructed figure The diffusion pump, and a foreline the Acton the reflectometer 4.2). system. of vacuum MA.88 chamber, system did optics consisted with a mechanical trap. ARC of the detailed design and the monochromator a 6 inch hydrocarbon and (see oil fore pump using low vapor pressure oil A liquid nitrogen trap was between the pumps and the Precautions were taken to minimize the back streaming of oil from pumps into the system. Only hydrocarbon oils were used; the silicone oils form SiO2 upon combustion by the VUV photons, destroying the optics. aperature A flowing-gas glow-discharge and separate mechanical source pump - 77 - with a differential allowed windowless pumping operation. These were made by VUV Associates.89 High purity hydrogen gas was used to create usable continuum radiation from 82.5 nm to 225 nm. Due to the horizontal sample geometry of the sapphire sample stand, and the demands of the VUV optics, the monochromator was mounted with the monochromator of the VUV incident slit horizontal, radiation on the top is or in other words the plane containing all vertical. In of the sample. surface this manner the radiation The monochromator is is an ARC model VM-502 0.2 meter Seya-Namioka type monochromator, with a holographic aberration corrected grating with 1200 grooves per millimeter. The inherent resolution of this grating is 4 nanometers per millimeter of slit width. The grating was overcoated reflectivity below 105 nm. motor drive were also used. with Bilateral osmium due adjustable slits A movable MgF 2 filter, to its high (30%) and a synchronous with a cutoff at 115 nm (10.7 eV) was installed in the monochromator so that during low energy scans, the higher order radiation could be blocked. is 7.5 to 15 eV while use of the filter allows The high energy range the low energy scan to cover 6 to 9.5 eV The reflectometer application dual beam of lock-in techniques, optical installed on the 400 hz. itself is designed setup. exit slit The to use chopped and uses subminiature a beam tuning of the monochromator, light for the splitter fork modulating to create chopper the The light is then incident on an osmium coated focusing mirror beam splitter. a is light at spherical The mirror is used so that its spherical aberration takes the image of the slit and focuses it to a square spot. One half of the beamsplitter takes one end of the slit image and directs it upward to the incident intensity detector, focusing to a spot on the detector. The other half of the slit image is directed down to the sample, where it is a - 78 - square spot approximately 4 mm on a side. to the reflected detector, through the sample stand. The optical reflected light. to is or alternatively the light can travel straight a transmitted path is then reflected upward lengths signal are detector identical for located below the both and incident The beamsplitter is movable along the length of the slit allow balancing beamsplitter to This the signal removable levels without or loss for of calibration purposes. alignment for The cleaning or replacement. The standard sample is a 1.12 cm diameter disk, polished on one side and typically 500 pm thick. sample tripod stand. The It rests on the 3 points of the sapphire sample stand is kinematically mounted in the reflectometer chamber, with micrometer adjustment from outside the system, to permit installed, adjusting the the sample is sample's tilted height with and the lamp angle of on until tilt. the Once light is incident on the reflection detector. After extensive measurements our high temperature measurements, chosen.91 These have 16 stages of dynode regenerated Their response nude metal have copper-beryllium 3000 volts applied. be on the various possible detectors by oxide electron multipliers dynodes, amplification yielding are for were solar blind and a gain of 2 x 106 with They are durable under incident IR radiation, and can heating in is not matched, oxygen at 400 OC to remove so a calibration procedure contaminants. was required, which is discussed in the section 4.2.3. Additional features of the reflectometer allow remote monitoring of the sample. A sapphire viewport window allows sighting on the edge of the sample for optical and IR pyrometry. allows for thermocouple measurement An 11 pin electrical feed-through and other electrical - 79 - measurements on the sample. 4.2.3 Data Acquisition and Signal Processing Lock-in signals detection techniques were from the black body radiation used of the to discriminate sample, the VUV and to improve the signal to noise ratio. Scans of 100 nm were taken from 80 nm to 180 nm for the higher energies and from 130 in the spectral range. computer using supply shaft The data was acquired on a Hewlett Packard92 87-XM two computer controlled lock-in amplifier, pulse nm to 230 nm for the lower energies corresponding to the encoder was trigger pulses simultaneously. digital installed to the voltmeters, one for each incident and reflected signals. on digital A the monochromator drive shaft voltmeters, were triggered To be able to accurately reproduce which to H the hig'hly dynamic lamp spectrum, so that the division of these rapidly varying signals would be flat, scan. data points were Since typical slit taken every width of 1/2 angstrom, the 2000 monochromator was points 100 to or a 500 microns leading to 4 to 20 angstrom resolution, a minimum of 8 points were used on each peak. To reduce the thermal noise of the detectors time constant was used in the lock-ins. and system, a 1 sec Scans were taken at 4 nanometers per minute, so this time constant, or integration time, did not remove any meaningful information from the signals. Due unmatched method of to the detectors fact that calibrating that are the this not is very system a stable without - 80 - dual a beam in spectrometer their sample response, present and with some to compensate for the detector behavior was needed. taking a detector spectra 'background' in the run with transmission files were acquired reflected path background, no sample position and ib, the and (below in this manner, This was accomplished by the the 'reflected' sample stand). one corresponding incident light Two to rb, path background the signal. The reflected detector would then be put in the reflected position (above the sample), a sample mounted and a sample run taken. The reflectivity R, referred reflectivity, to here as a four file background corrected would then be calculated by R = (r/rb ) x (ib / and Here each term, (r/rb) its characteristic (ib/i), response. compensates the appropriate path for A comparison of the uncorrected two file background and a corrected four file background of the spectrophotmeter is given in figure 4.3. In addition, a background run can also be taken after a sample run and the two background runs, used four to calculate corresponds These are to used the a file background spectrometer baseline, between every sample run the i.e. corrected since to no check: four files, can be reflectivity sample is the state that present. of the spectrophotometer, that no damage has occurred to the optics or detectors, or that present. the system gives a value The baseline of unity for the result with no sample value. is one because transmission position with no sample, has been a very powerful method the baseline hence no absorption is taken in the is seen. to compensate for many of the problems of VUV spectroscopy. - 81 - This inherent 4.3 Resolution and Accuracy Any consideration of experimental work must consider the resolution and accuracy of the results. VUV reflectivity of Al203, For this study of the temperature dependent the parameters were: E at which a spectral feature is observed, at and a certain energy, the the wavelength X or energy the value of the reflectivity R temperature T of the sample under study. Each of these will be discussed separately. 4.3.1 Energy E The resolution in energy can be determined in two ways: by the slit width of the monochromator system. The grating or by the spectral eV) were overall in the monochromator has a inherent resolution of 4 nanometers per millimeter of slit width. 15 resolution of the taken with 100 pm or 200 The higher energy scans (7.5 to gm slits, while the lower energy scans (from 6.5 to 9.5 eV) were taken with 500 pm slit width. In figure 4.4 the variation of energy resolution with photon energy is shown for the 3 slit widths used. scan the resolution At all energies except the high energy limit of the is always below 0.1 eV, and at all energies it is below 0.14 eV. The overall spectral resolution is worse than the due to noise in the reflectivity The hydrogen slit resolution remaining even after signal processing. lamp produces a very dynamic - 82 - ( 103 ) signal with very sharp features. Upon division reflectivity curves. Therefore 0.1 eV. these features The size of these it is hard to can appear lamp features attribute arising from the sample or the system. a in the calculated is on the order of feature of For this work, this size only features on the order of 0.3 eV or larger were considered to be representative sample. the of the The origin of a specific feature can be checked by comparison to lamp feature; as spectra, sample and by observing features shift, while position of a feature, once it to within an accuracy order of absolute The relative resolution. +/- 0.01 reproducibility the lamp dependence features do not. 0.1 relative is known eV as determined by the uncertainty the The energy has been attributed to the sample, of +/- of accuracy in energy is higher than this, This eV. temperature slit on the is determined by the of the grating position, which leads to a reproducibility of the monochromatized light wavelength of+/- 0.05 nm. It is the relative accuracy in energy that determines how accurately one can determine energy shifts between spectra, as one does in measuring the temperature induced shift of a feature. 4.3.2 Reflectivity R The resolution in the certain energy can be separated random. measurement of the reflectivity into two types of errors: R at systematic a and Systematic errors lead to an offset of R from the true value for the sample. Random errors are unpredictable data. - 83 - and lead to scatter in the Systematic Errors For optical a study spectra reflectivity, Ultraviolet the four number of the temperature only the relative is used in analysis. Spectrophotometer, induced shifts reflectivity, Still, absolute not present, system variables. The reflectivity magnitude could be determined by measuring standard. to Due the difficulties features the of a in absolute in the High Temperature Vacuum is calculated, file background corrected method, so as to of of using constrain a larger spectral offset, if the value of R for a reference of establishing VUV reference standards, and the fact that such knowledge was not needed for this study, this was not done. compare the values Instead, to determine if an offset is present, one can measured in this study Most measured reflectivities literature. to those for sapphire, reported in the at the top of the 13 eV peak, are less than 0.2. Arakawa93 measured reflectivities up to 0.3 in a very carefully controlled study. Some spectra taken in this work had reflectivities below 0.25, but most reflectivities 0.28 to 0.32 for the highest peak, other in agreement with Arakawa's work. studies probably had low light collection offset sample. of the measured R values were in the range from from the efficiency higher leading true values The to an for the The reflectivities measured in this work are of the correct order of magnitude so as to suggest that no fixed offset errors are present in the measurements. Another systematic error is due to the changes in the spectrometer during the actual spectra acquisition. by environmental exposure of the This is aging of the system caused optics and detectors, and aging induced - 84 - by the heat identical load state features on the system. from scan to scan, appearing Another in the baseline source of baseline errors, is scan to scan instabilities vacuum system detectors leaks. In they age leading due to exposed the time As in baseline, relative affected. The baseline order of +/- 5%. not in in the baseline the adsorbed the shift high to the of the as the run proceeds. then is gaseous temperature radiation of run, causing an and species. and consequently reflectivity baseline the system to tilts addition, during during the errors, in things such as gas flow in the lamp, and beamsplitter are therefore, Therefore scans, or the the sample, shifts in the long as these cause only smooth shifts observed reflectivity in these is not measurements adversely was on the A more serious problem was. observed in some runs where a notch would appear at 10.2 eV (124 This was not nm). sample dependent, appeared in some scans and not in others, and at times led to a depression or offset in R at energies below the notch. The notch would appear in the measured reflectivity as a feature approximately 0.4 eV wide and therefore precluded analysis of features it was present. Much work was done to determine the origin of the notch, but no explanation was found. aberration was in the area of the notch in spectra where definitively The fact that the notch was a spectroscopy established where all spectral features would shift, energy. In addition the notch in Random Errors - 85 - dependent runs but the notch stayed at the same appeared materials. temperature in spectra taken on other Random errors in R lead to fluctuations in the values of R measured over a set zero of errors of reflectivities. the lock-in These amplifiers in calculating R. Using can be due to leading to the change small drifts division in the and multiplication in R at 15 eV, this variation was found to be +/- 0.03 in R or +/- 12%. Polarization By varying the crystallographic orientation of the sample face, and relying on the inherent spectra were taken. as arising axis. polarization of the light, This allowed the differentiation of spectral features light, after being incident on the predominantly polarized with its electric vector transitions with c axis that occur parallel perpendicular to the grating permitted perpendicular to the broadens the features in the reflectivity, to determine grooves, a sample c it The same sample or a basal as face will show the transitions axis. Because temperature was not considered essential the exact polarization efficiency of the optical system. this had been needed it of is grating grooves will to the c axis. sample with the c axis as a sample face normal, are grating, E parallel to the grating of the sample and parallel with the show the that monochromator Then samples mounted on the sample stand with the c axis in the surface plane the dependent from transitions parallel and perpendicular to the crystal's c The grooves. orientation If could have been done by measuring the reflectivity a function of the angle orientations. - 86 - of incidence for two sample Signal to Noise Ratio at High Temperature At very high temperatures, calculated good Lock-in reflectivities. signal to noise ratio for the to noise improvement that can be the DC case is 105, i.e. still random noise was be discriminated. amplifiers were also present used spectrometer. Still, achieved using lock-in to establish techniques Operating near this condition, the appear as the a band of noise calculated smoothing R +/- 20% spectra function represent the slit on both sides of R. To would be smoothed that over the noise can be 105 larger than the signal and in the output. approach a the best signal subject to overload and random noise appears could in the encompassed determined of remove the or by are This would average value of R and average computer same lock-ins this with number of noise, a flat data points resolution of the monochromator. the box as Therefore no information from the sample was lost. 4.3.3 Temperature T The temperature of the sample is the third parameter measured. sample was heated with a this laser beam with a coupled with the radiation heat gaussian power distribution, lead to a radial temperature The VUV light reflected from the sample was only incident on a gradient. 4 mm by 4 mm gradient loss The square in the center of the 11 mm diameter sample, in the part of the sample actually used for measurement to be less than the uncertainty in the temperature. so the is taken The temperature of the sample was determined indirectly by performing calibration runs with a - 87 - thermocouple to determine the curve and the temperature vs. of a sample furnace, of this and made temperature geometry, a of a material thin that disc, is calibration The temperature contained transparent in in the a cold wall visible, is Optical methods are not reliable because the sample is not a black body ( emissivity e = the power optical pyrometer reading. very difficult to determine. instead laser vs. emissivity varies with 1 ) or a grey body ( z < 1 ), temperature. The problem is not a normal radiation heat loss problem, because a volume emissivity as opposed to a surface emissivity must be used. thermal mass is very sensitive In addition a sample of such low to, heat conduction losses, and may not be able to reach equilibrium with a thermocouple bead. The temperature of the center by installing (.010 inch) a 75 pm (.003 inch) region of the sample was calibrated Pt/Pt 10% Rh thermocouple in a 250 gm groove in the back side of the sample and firing it with alumina cement. The thermocouple reading is accurate in place to +/- 0.5 OC, and in this configuration thermal contact with the sample was assured, heat conduction thermocouple through temperature the was thermocouple then calibrated read on the laser power meter (accuracy +/parameters leads was against the one with the the laser on continuously. laser This power as 0.5 watt ) while other laser such as current and gas mixture were noted. sets of data are shown: minimal. and In figure 4.5 two laser in a pulsed mode and one with The curve is not linear when plotted power (q) vs T4 because the radiation is not normal radiation heat loss as mentioned earlier. sample used A used separate for to calibrate calibration spectra was done acquisition. the optical pyrometer The serve - as thermocouple reading pyrometer (see figure 4.6). - 88 - to a check on each temperature was of a microfocus optical All factors that could kept constant. change the heat controlled, all variables and reproducible this was obtained 900 OC sample were The setting of the laser power was kept constant, alignment on the sample checked regularly. reasonable from the The sample size, geometry, sample polish, the sample stand and heat shielding were kept constant. carefully loss temperature were other exactly. the laser beam With all of these precautions, from the reflectivities overlaid each and attained. taken; The A cross check on reflectivities taken at accuracy of the temperature measurement was +/- 25 OC. 4.4 Conclusions A high designed, beam temperature vacuum ultraviolet spectrophotometer built and used for optical measurements on Al2 03 spectrophotometer capable of measuring allows A focusing beamsplitter measurements in the range from been It is a dual polarization absolute reflectance and transmittance on high temperature normal incidence. has dependent samples at near is used and a windowless source 6.5 to 15 eV. Nude electron multipliers are used as solar blind detectors, and lock-in techniques are used to improve the signal to noise ratio. Spectra are acquired by computer, 2000 points per 100 nm, and to calculate the reflectivity a four file method is used that compensates for the variation in the base line of the spectrophotmeter absolute resolution resolution is +/- due to in energy 0.01 eV. aging is +/The of the optics 0.1 eV, system's - 89 - while ability and the to detectors. relative remove The energy the highly dynamic lamp signal from the calculated features over 0.3 eV wide were reflectivity dictated that only considered to arise from the sample. The reflectivity is accurate to within +/- 12 %. Spectroscopy can be performed on samples up to 1100 OC, without contamination. using a CO2 The accuracy laser to cleanly heat in temperature measurement OC. - 90 - the sample is +/- 25 3.0 14 - Energy (eV) 10 12 - 2.8 8 I I 2.6 2.4 2.2 Volts 2.0 1.8 I.e 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 .9 .6 .4 .2 I 0.0 -- 0 - 0 -0 d d~ g; nm FIGURE 4.1 H2 Lamp spectrum. CO 2 100 pm slits, 0.4 nam resolution. LASER H2 for diff. pump LAMP SAMPLE C3-AMR I det + 1beam / r det MONO ted -shuttersample / ros choper view port-, heat shield- '-tct / VACUUM SYSTEM / 4- FIGURE 4.2 High Temperature Spectrophotometer. sample chamber built by Acton Research. - 91 - Monochromator and 14 Energy (eV) 10 12 8 1.6 1.4 1.2 - Volts 1.6 .4 .2 _j 0.01 nm FIGURE 4.3a Two file baseline. 14 Energy (eV) 10 12 R = rb 8 1.20 1.15 Volts 1.10 1.05 1. 00 . 95 4 li .1 %11 .90 .90 .75 .70 .65 .60 .55 .50 .45 .40 .35 .30 .25 .20 .15 .10 .00 0.0 o 0 00 0 0 0 0 nm FIGURE 4.3b Baseline of a four file background corrected reflectivity. Taken in transmission position with no sample, therefore T = 1. No offset is evident. Four file reflectivity calculated by R (r/rb) (ib/i) - 92 - I I I I I I I I 0.16 500am 0.12 c 0 . 0.08 200p m - 0 100j m 0.04 * 0 6 7 8 FIGURE 4.4 Absolute slit widths. 30 9 10 11 E (eV) energy 12 13 14 resolution versus energy co nt inuous .. - 15 for different - .e 0 0 .* - 420 .* 0 puls0 s' 10 0 C 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 T (OCx102) FIGURE 4.5 Laser power versus thermocouple curve - 93 - temperature calibration 12001100 .* U .1000 -,. 0 0' 900 - 00 90 800 7 ' 9 11 13 15 I 17 a 19 -2 Real Temp. (oCxlO FIGURE 4.6 Optical pyrometer temperature calibration curve. - 94 - 'temperature' versus thermocouple Chapter 5 Experimental Results Temperature dependent reflectivities were taken on samples of Al 203 using the High Temperature Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer. The spectra were taken from 83 nm to 210 nm, corresponding to energies from 15 This energy eV to 6 eV. 130 to 230 nm. temperature up corresponds to experimental absolute +/- 0.01 The to eV, samples 1100 the were eC. absolute limits. accuracy range is The the reflectance value of is width 80 to 180 nm and contamination from room or the +/- 0.1 eV, minimum in two scans, heated without reflectivity in energy is and The covered transmittance property accurate to measured measured +/- within %, 12 the while the relative accuracy is for a spectral feature to be attributable to the sample is 0.3 eV. 5.1 Room Temperature Results The samples used in this study, unless otherwise noted, were single crystal A1 2 03 grown by the Czochralski method by Union Carbide. 9 high quality, optical scattering centers. grade crystals with no bubbles, striations The dislocation density is typically 10 /cm2, - 95 - They are or and the samples are loosely stated to be 99.99 % pure. The samples used for reflectivity measurements are polished on one side to a 1/4 micron finish with the back back side. surface side of the wafer The samples used roughened to reduce reflection from this are wafers with of the wafer and will be referred orienting the sample in the the c to here axis as spectrophotometer, 'c lying in the in plane'. reflectivities By both perpendicular and parallel to the c axis can be taken, due to the inherent polarization compared to of the spectrophotometer. spectra of high purity In ( < addition spectra 70 ppm cation taken were impurities )laser float zone grown and zone refined sapphires produced by Morris.95 5.1.1 Reflectivity of Sapphire Reflectivities sapphire laser and float a laser taken at float zone room temperature sapphire zone crystal had a natural basal sample surface). spectrometer so and a 13 face (c Union in figure that the predominate electric eV peak that The vector features consists of a peak at has not been used in the analysis because 'spectroscopy notch' (see this feature is low. for results are the section Carbide 5.1. axis normal The to the oriented in the E of the incident observed are 13 eV and There is also a suggestion of a shoulder at 10.4 eV, shoulder. identical shown a The spectra were taken with the sample light is perpendicular to the c axis. peak are on a 9 eV a 12 eV but this this is the area of the 10.3 eV; therefore, confidence in One can see from these spectra that the features are two intrinsic samples. This demonstrates that the reported to Al203 and independent of sample origin or trace - 96 - impurity content. natural, as dislocation In addition, grown, basal density or comparison of a basal since the laser float grown crystal has a face, the polishing face sample results damage are in the not controlled crystals to a c in plane sample used. by The also supplies useful information on the polarization efficiency of the spectrometer. can be seen from the Union Carbide spectra, the polarized to excite only transitions perpendicular light is As sufficiently to the c axis, leading to results that are comparable to those from a true basal face. In room temperature Carbide sapphire, 9 eV peak samples and without reflectivities on 7 samples of Union the major features were an absorption edge below 9 eV, a broad 13 eV peak. These regard to orientation, the geometrical center of the peak. for samples taken of one orientation, a features were common to all and were measured by determining The variability of the peak positions reported as the standard deviation u n-l' was +/- 0.025 eV for the 9 eV peak and +/- 0.1 eV for the 13 eV peak. 5.1.2 Orientation Dependent Features In figure 5.2 room temperature reflectivities from UC c in plane sapphire are shown. while curve show the a, Curve a was taken with E perpendiculaT b corresponds to orientation dependent excitations features for E perpendicular to the c axis, parallel to the to the c axis c axis. observed for sapphire. These In curve there is superimposed on the broad peak a small peak at 13.1 eV and a shoulder at 12 eV. In curve b, for E parallel to the c axis, the broad peak has two small peaks superimposed on it at 12.9 eV and 12.3 eV. Looking - 97 - at curve b one can see that the structure shoulder peak. is more complicated suggesting a third than peak summarized at higher Due to the emphasis on temperature here; there is a energy in the 13 eV broad dependent features are only noted in passing in this study. slight spectroscopy, these Such fine features will broaden and disappear with increasing temperature. 5.1.3 Transmissivity of Sapphire Measuring the transmissivity of a sample determine the energy of the absorption edge. the absorption transmissivity coefficient (clear) rapidly sapphire is shown. One can see T and then a strong decrease There sample the is still some is opaque. region leads r 57.52 to 0 to a transition (opaque). from In figure 5.3 high the to the c axis) Union Carbide decreasing slowly from 7.5 to 8.5 eV, in Tr starts, leading to Tr = 0.01 at 8.8 eV. transmission present up to 9.5 eV, whereupon the The absorption edge energy is determined by projecting of abrupt decrease absorption process (1102, technique In transmission a change in to low transmissivity transmissivity Tr of R plane is a useful responsible in Tr, corresponding for the edge, gives an absorption edge energy of 8.8 eV. pm (0.020 inch) thick. to the onset of the to Tr = 0. In this case this The sample used here was 500 The value of the absorption coefficient a could be determined by measuring Tr for samples of varying thickness, but this was not done. - 98 - 5.1.4 Other Forms of Al 203 It effects is of structure. interesting structural to at other differences Reflectivities polycrystalline look alumina. have been The on the below 600 OC, amorphous to the a phase. It therefore is believed, (< and of to see electronic or y Al203 Al203 was 5.5 shows a and formed the phase transformation from x-ray diffraction measurements, to In the reflectivity shown in one can see that the absorption edge has shifted to 8 eV, energy peak which is at 12 eV, the 200 *C) and then dried at inhibiting a peak is not observed above this edge. Figure Al203 spectra sample96 be amorphous with very small y crystallites. figure 5.4, of taken on amorphous through a sol-gel process at low temperature temperatures forms and Also the center of the broad high is shifted 1 eV from the crystalline case. reflectivity taken from a sample of Lucalox, a polycrystalline Al203 that is doped with MgO so as to yield a fully dense translucent material. shifted to 8 eV, there Here again one can see that the absorption edge has is a peak at 9 eV, and the broad high energy peak is centered at 13 eV. 5.1.5 Other Materials To confirm that the Al203 correspond to unique features observed characteristics in the reflectivities of of A1 2 03 , reflectivities taken with the spectrophotometer on other materials are shown. The reflectivity of one single crystal MgO is shown in figure 5.6. Here can absorption edge starting at 7.4 eV, increasing to a peak at 7.6 eV. - 99 - see an There is a series of peaks up to 11.5 eV, and then a single large peak at 13.5 eV. of single Figure gradually 5.7 is the reflectivity increasing reflectivity up to short broad peak at 14.2 eV. on Al203 are unique to crystal LiF. a single This shows a peak at 12.7 eV, and a These examples demonstrate that the results the material and not a function of the spectrometer. 5.2 High Temperature Results Temperature dependent reflectivity measurements were taken on Union Carbide c in plane sapphire crystals at temperatures up to 1100 *C. These measurements were taken with the polarization of the spectrometer. c axis parallel to the predominant This orientation was chosen so that the 13 eV peak would have the doublet structure and broaden into a symmetrical peak, and the problem of having to measure the shift of an asymmetrical peak and shoulder as would occur for spectra taken perpendicular to the c axis, could be above 800 OC, close to overload, Spectra taken showed no avoided. The and at 1100 OC, which samples were glowing red at temperatures the Lock-in amplifiers were operating very required at room temperature substantial on change in the reflectivity, not controlled by changes in polishing smoothing samples before demonstrating of and that damage or surface the after spectra. heating the results are structure due to annealing. Spectra taken at many temperatures are they have been displaced in R to show the - 100 - shown in figure 5.8 , where temperature dependent shifts. All of these curves, with the exception of the 900 OC curve, were taken as one set in two major runs over two weeks. low experimental uncertainty. absorption shifting being edge below intensity with From these to 8 eV at 1100 lower OC. increasing The is still 'notch' that with increasing 9 eV peak broadens temperature. The 9 eV 8.8 eV temperature, and decreases peak to has in shifted 10.5 eV shoulder, which to lies in the and has been attributed to a spectroscopy aberration, observable reconfirming spectra one can see the energy approximately 8 eV at 1100 OC. The area of the Therefore they are subject at high it is temperature, and has a machine dependent which for this sample orientation not shifted feature. has a doublet The structure, 13 in energy, eV peak, broadens with increasing temperature and shifts to lower energy. More detailed reflectivities. analysis In figure 5.9 is possible by looking a reflectivity taken at The doublet structure of the 13 eV peak is still shifted to 12.7 eV. figure 5.10) 13 to 12.4eV. to 12.3 eV, and decreased ev peak is at At 900 OC (see At 700 OC (see figure 5.11) the 9 eV peak to 8.2 eV, in intensity. At 1100 12.2 eV, the 9 eV peak is temperature the absorption edge is below 7.7 eV. 5.3 Calculated Results:The Temperature Coefficient - 101 - unstacked visible,but the peak has the 9 eV peak has broadened and shifted to 8.3 eV, peak has shifted the the 300 *C is shown. The 9 ev peak has shifted to 8.75 eV. 13 eV peak has shifted has broadened at P while the the 13 ev and the 9 eV peak OC (see figure 5.12) at 7.9 eV. At this The high temperature to the temperature reflectivities shift coefficient functional of Efeature(T), dependence. analyzed for the three major fact that no theoretical models dependence were the For this was analysis edge were determined by two techniques. the explicit analyzed the extract spectral features. predicted data to to energies Due functional determine of a its the peaks and For the peaks, see figure 5.13, the geometrical center or center of mass of the peak was determined. This was done by drawing a line under the peak, determining the half maximum of the peak, and measuring peak at half maximum. reproducible manner the To determine of needed. Geometrical Instead an energy for energy of the midpoint the did a not characteristic yield edge was determined set of runs where the magnitude of R was a The eV peak, energy (eV) versus temperature energy. from a closely controlled accurate within +/- 2.5 %. In figure 5.14) was used (K) for the 3 features, spectra is given in figures 5.15 through 5.17. and 9 eV peaks, shift rate of the peak center, average edge was This was midway up the absorption edge. peak position for the 13 is energy a the 13 the 9 eV peak and the absorption edge from all of the temperature dependent This edge systematic these the energy at which R on the edge was 0.2 (see as an edge energy. width of the the energy of the absorption edge, determining methods of the most appropriate transition broadening and the of shift shift are the minimum In value of 0 corresponds to and ignores the effect of peak broadening, for determining energy. the By measuring the the included case the of temperature the absorption in the calculated transition energy. Due P, to reproducibly measuring the shift of the absorption edge, edge were determined only up to 700 OC. - 102 - shift of edge, the both corresponding the difficulty to of P values for the But due to the fact that the P of the edge is similar to that of the peaks, in unison, the result for the edge is and the three features stated to hold for shifted the complete temperature range studied, up to 1100 OC. The complete data shows temperature a predominantly range. A linear linear relationship regression fit of over these the data was performed to yield an equation of the form: Efeature (T) = Ef(T=OK) Here E f(T=OK) the linear - 3 T. is the energy position of the feature at T =0 K, temperature coefficient of edge calculation, E (T=0K) was done below, with along correlation the coefficient demonstrating In the case of the is not a relevant number since the calculation an arbitrary with the feature. while 0 is energy on the correlation in all edge. The coefficient cases was results of quite the are given data. The +/- 1, that for a linear model the data was highly correlated; in close all cases the probability that the data is uncorrelated to is less than 1 % and in most cases less than 0.1 %. TABLE 5.1 Linear Regression Fit Of Feature Energy To Temperature 13 eV peak E(T) = 13.18 - 7.3 x 10-4 T c.c. = -.93 9 eV peak E(T) = 9.32 - 9.9 x 10 T c.c. = -.98 abs. edge E(T) = 8.56 - 1.1 x 10-3 T c.c. = -.97 The standard deviations aen-1 determined by calculating the value of of f for the 3 features were P for each high temperature spectra relative to room temperature and then determining the standard deviation of these results. From these values a standard error can be determined, - 103 - which considers points for points the number of data points N used to determine the 13 eV peak, 14 data points for the for the absorption edge were used. as: standard error = a- /N1 /2 9 eV peak and 4 data The standard error is defined The values are given below. 9 Standard Deviation And Standard Error Of A TABLE 5.2 an-1 (eV/K) Standard Error (eV/K) 13 eV peak 1.5 x 10~4 4 x 10-5 9 eV peak 1.2 x 10-4 3 x 10-5 abs. edge 1.9 x 10~4 1 x 10-4 To P. 13 data confirm the linear relationship between feature temperature the data was fitted to a second order polynomial the magnitude of the second order term. energy and to determine This was done for the 13 and 9 eV peaks: 13 eV peak E(T) = 12.93 - 7.4 x 10-4 T + 6 x 10-8 T2 9 eV peak E(T) = 9 - 8.7 x 10 -4 T - 7 x 10 -8 T2 . In each case the second order term is very small, there believe Additional that the relationship given by considering to earlier. is second order. is no reason to support is the data from the one set of two major runs referred These spectra were very closely controlled and in figure 5.18 we can see that the data fall on a straight line with the exception of one Additionally, point. data is measurement attributable figure to techniques used, 5.18 demonstrates systematic errors that the arising 'spread' from the in the peak not from actual variability of the properties of Al2 03 - 104 - From this one can conclude measured that the energy of the three features is linearly dependent on the temperature from 300 to 1400 the linear temperature coefficient for each feature 0 C. 0, is given in the table below. TABLE 5.3 $ (Temperature Coefficient) Values For Al 203 +- 1 x 10 eV / K 1.1 x 10 Absorption Edge +/-3 x 10-5 1.0 x 10-3 eV /K 9 eV Peak 7 x 10 13 eV Peak +/-4 x 105 eV /K 5.4 Summary of Results Reflectivities were measured of single crystal sapphire, with light polarized both parallel and perpendicular oriented with the c axis parallel spectrophotometer observed to the c axis, and on samples to the predominant polarization from room temperature to 1100 OC. The major at room temperature are an absorption edge at 8.8 eV, the absorption edge at 9 eV, and a broad peak at 13 eV. of the features a peak on The 13 eV peak excitation parallel to the c axis there is a doublet peak, while with excitation perpendicular to shows orientation dependent the c axis, there features, for optical is a higher energy peak, and a shoulder evident at lower increasing temperature energy. With energy. At 1100 OC the absorption all three features shift edge has shifted to 7.6 eV, - 105 - to lower the 9 eV peak decreased in intensity and has shifted to 7.9 eV, shifted to 12.2 eV. The relationship between the energy of the and temperature is found to be linear. A for these and the 13 eV peak three features The linear temperature coefficient are given in table 5.3. edge is 1.1 x 10-3 eVK. - 106 - features P for the absorption 111111111111111111 illilillillI jill jill liii 1111111111111111111111111 .15 I I I Ref 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 111111 0 0 liii 0 Ln 0 IllilIll _______________________________________________________ 0 Ln 0 0 0 0 cyi (*Ti 0 0 CJ 0 in 0 0 LA 0 LA 0 0 C; d 0 0 LA 0 0 0 LA r- C6 eV Energy FIGURE 5.1a Reflectivity of laser float- zone grown sapphire: natural basal face, E perpendicular to the c axis, T equals 21 OC. - .30 - .25 Ref 1. 20 15 0 0 Ii LA LA 0 0 0 LA) o 0 o LA Ct; 8 S d 8 0 LA 0 LA 0 0 0 LA CS eV Energy FIGURE 5.1b Reflectivity of Union Carbide perpendicular. to the c axis, T equals 21 *C. - 107 - sapphire: c in plane, E 1111111111111 i i il I I I 1111 1 1 1 111111T 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I .30 .25 Refi. -I _J JJL .20 15 0 8 0 0 'u4 'i (Vi rri (Ij 0 6;; .. 8 0 0 C5 0; 0 C5 0 0 0 -V Energy FIGURE 5.2a Reflectivity of Al 203 LXiS, T equals 21 OC. the c c in plane, E perpendicular to .30 .25 Refi. .20 .15 SI 0 C3 I II I I I C) 0) C) 0 U) I I I I I 0 0 1 C) (Vi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AI I I A A I I 8 WV Energy FIGURE 5.2b Reflectivity of Al 203: axis, T equals 21 2C. - 108 - 0 U) 8 63 0 I 86 I I . . C) .. 0 0 U) 0 0 rl c in plane, E parallel to the c 1.00 . 95 . 90 . 85 . 80 . 75 . 70 . 65 . 60 . 55 Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIi i i i I I r - 50 Trans .. . 45 . 40 . 35 . 30 .25 . 20 . 15 .10 . 05 0. 0 1 I - I I I I 0: 0 0 Un 0 0 -4 1 ui I I I I I I 0 In I I I 0 0 I I I I J 0 J J A 0 0 UO I 0 1 0 0 U) Pi c4 J I I I i 0 I 0 0 U) 0 0 0 U) d~5 6 - - 0 0 0 U) -- 0 In r- - ev Energy FIGURE 5.3 Transmissivity of A12 0 T I 1 II II I I I II I 1 III II III I I I I I I I I I I I R plane, T equals 21 OC. Iti i i a aa a i1 1 u 1 1 a I a .01[ Ref1. a a I 8 a aa aa aA 8 53 8 a a a a - E 8 A 5? d a. I 8 5? 8 49 8 8 a; Cd Energy FIGURE 5.4 Reflectivity of gel-amorphous Al203: T equals 21 OC. - 109 - lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllIllllIllllllillllliIlllil 111111111111111111 .15 Reft. .10 till .05 0 I LI 0 0 0. 0I U*O I * I I I 0 0f 0 in (1; I I I I 80 I I I I I 8 ev I I I 0 In) CS I I 0 0 I I I I I I I 0 0 0 0) 0 U.) 0 0 a; a; 0 U.) Energy FIGURE 5.5 Reflectivity of Lucalox polycrystalline A2 03: T equals 21 OC. .15 Ref I. .10 .05 0 LI U*) 8 U, C,; 59 8 O 59 8 8 U) Cd 0 U') Energy FIGURE 5.6 Reflectivity of single crystal MgO: T equals 21 OC. - 110 - 0 0 .30 .25 .20 Ref 1. . 15 .10 .05 C, *0 0' 1~- 0 0 0) ev Energy FIGURE 5.7 Reflectivity of single crystal LiF: T equals 21 *C. - 111 - p 11000C 900 *C \ 50 O*C Ref I. 3 0 O*C- 20-r .05 1 I 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .I .IIIIIIIIII r ai eaaa a a a 11 I I I I I I I I I I II I I A 8 0 Energy 8 8 CS Ci 8 0 eV FIGURE 5.8 Temperature dependent reflectivities of Al 0 T (from bottom to top of figure) equals 21, 300, 500, 700, 900, and A&" OC. Each division on R axis equals 0.01. - 112 - .................. .35 . 30-- .25 Ref 1. .20 .15 0 iLl 0 0 0 I 0 0 a; cS 0 I 0 .. .-. 0 0 d dto0; ton0 n 0 CS Bn CA d 0 MO d 0 0 0 WE r- 0 0 Energy FIGURE 5.9 Reflectivity of A1 2 0 3 : c axis, T equals 300 OC. .30 in plane, E parallel to the c - .25 Ref 1. .20 .15 8 o 8 S 8 5 8 5 8 69 8 59 8 5 Iav Energy FIGURE 5.10 Reflectivity of Al203: axis, T equals 700 OC. 113 - c in plane, E parallel to the c .25 .20 . i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I i i i i i i i l Ref I. i i i i i i i i ii0 iiI iii iii iIi iiii! iiiiI____ iiii iiiii .15 0 in 8 U) 0T 8 "3 U) 8 O) my Energy FIGURE 5.11 Reflectivity of Al 0 axis, T equals 900 Oc. 23 8 d C9 6 C6 CS 0 0 0; U) r- E parallel to the c : c in plane, .30 .25 l - ~ l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 5III5 1 1 - .20 Ref 1. .15 - .10 - - 8 0 U) 8 U) CT 8 0 in 0 0 0' 0 0 CD U)v In d 8 c; 0 0 M) 8 0 U) CD 0 ai Energy FIGURE 5.12 Reflectivity of Al203: axis, T equals 1100 OC. - 114 - c in plane, E parallel to the c .25 1lt~ 9 1aI I l11 mm191 I Im Il I v ......... ...aIIMIIIIIIII911 ,. 1 11111 fill 1 11,111 1 .20 I -- Ref 1. .15 . 10 IIIIfIIIIIII I II IIII III I I I~ S 8 53 4 8 8 Cd 8 S Lon 0 8 d 04 2 8 of d 0a di 59 g 8 Od Energy eV of the method used to determine Demonstration 5.13 FIGURE 0 energy of peaks: peak energies are 12.9 and 9 eV, T equals 21 C. 8 1-Z the .30 .25 Ref 1. .20 .15 amaaI.,at 9 b; 0; Ia 53 amI am.aIGa a IIIa&IIaI 9 8 5 8 8 C3 ,: It- am 5E II..II...II, S 4d Energy II a I ImmIaIm 8 5 (d V; V 4V Iam. 8 5 1 1 m iia m 8 I a in s , A 161111kIIII a 8 0 vi eV FIGURE 5.14 Demonstration of the method used to determine an temperature arbitrary - energy on the absorption to determine the coefficient: at R equals 0.20, energy is 8.7 eV, T equals 21 OC. - 115 - I IIII - 1300 1100 I a IIII 0 - 900 T 700 S C 500 S 300 *0 100. Mel I 12 .0 FIGURE temperature. 5.15 12.4 of Energy - 12.8 Energy eV the '13 eV' 13.2 peak as a function of 1300 0 - 1100 -0 0 - 900 -0 T -0 700 -S cc - - 500 -S e '0 - 300 - - 100 7.4 FIGURE temperature. 5.16 7B Energy of 9.0 8.2 Energy eV the - 116 - '9 eV' peak as a function of I 1300 I I I I I I 11001- 900 T 700 -0 cc 500 300 - . . 100 8. 7.2 7.6 8.0 8.4 Energy eV FIGURE 5.17 Energy of the R = 0.20 point on the absorption edge as a function of temperature. 1300 - -I 1100 900 - - T 700 *C 500 300 100 7.4 7.8 FIGURE 5.18 Energy of temperature. This data is from the linearity of the results. 8.2 8.6 9.0 Energy eV the '9 eV' peak as a function of a single closely controlled run; note - 117 - Chapter 6 Discussion 6.1 Introduction In this chapter reflectivity of Insight into structure the measurements single crystal V~ the electronic with of Al 0 will be 2 3 structure temperature will be and the vacuum compared the developed to the changes using of the ultraviolet literature. the electronic results of the temperature dependent reflectivity measurements. The aim is to understand the to electronic considering crystal structure the relationship lattice, contribute temperature. to at to develop the Using observed this temperatures between a the picture electronic of up electronic the OC and structure electronic conductivity information, some 1500 of at the that high conductivity results will analyzed to extract information on carrier character and mobility. - 118 - and carriers Al203 then, be 6.2 Room Temperature Optical Spectra and Electronic Structure 6.2.1 Comparison of Optical Spectra to the Literature The room temperature orientation intrinsic dependent features spectra taken 8.8 leading eV, shows at 12 eV, at 12.3 features the taken which optical from 7 to 15 eV, dependent to the c on axis have spectra these the of These been demonstrated single orientation (figure 5.2a) there orientation study have crystal shown to a Al 20 absorption be In edge at At 13 eV there is a broad peak which while for E parallel to the c axis eV. in this show a prominent into a peak at 9 eV. features perpendicular of reflectivities dependent of the sample, is a shoulder (figure features 5.2b) have for E in the peak there is a peak not been reported previously in the literature. In energy the range results. literature and taken most point by point, Still, there is results reported here; the changes of the reflectivity for E perpendicular 9 eV, good is found agreement caused by to the c axis in this have reducing are systematic (figure 2.18) been our between only discrepancies 12 eV and 13 eV features, shoulder reflectivities the over a confidence literature attributable errors. Loh's limited in these and to the shape results are in agreement with the except that he shows a 12 eV peak, where a work.. In leading to a 10.6 eV shoulder that addition he shows is not reproduced here, - 119 - a prominent edge and below the 9 eV peak edge. the reflectivity only a gradual decrease instead of an a 9.5 eV This is probably caused by the chromium doping of his sample. Arakawa peak, shows (figure 2.20) does show a prominent a 11.6 eV shoulder and a 12.8 eV peak. edge below Their results don't go to low enough energy to see the absorption edge below the 9 eV peak, but they hypothesize that don't the show it is there prominent from edge at transmission 10 shoulder peak structure they observed, with E perpendicular (figure 2.21) shows perpendicular to c, parallel to c, doublet to the c axis, peak a 9.2 eV eV that measurements, Loh observed. observed this From in agreement with this work. peak, an edge at 10 the work. He also eV, Rubloff and at 12.3 eV. a single broad peak at 12.8 eV, in they I believe their sample was oriented a peak at 13.2 eV and a shoulder he shows and does for For E not showing not B extend the his measurements to low enough energy to determine whether the absorption edge starts below the 9..2 eV peak. a small shoulder at 10.4 eV, Abramov (figure 2.22) shows a peak at 9 eV, a peak at 11.7 and a broad peak at 12.8 eV for a sample oriented with E perpendicular to c. this work shows a shoulder and peak. He shows a doublet where He shows a prominent absorption edge below the 9 eV peak. All of these results are this study,.or in cases where in agreement with the there is disagreement, spectra some taken in other spectra show features similar to those observed here. 6.2.2 Room Temperature Electronic Structure Using the band structure and atomic - 120 - cluster models of a Al 203 reviewed in section 2.3.1, optical spectra is Al203 an in terms ionic it of material is now possible the room with to interpret temperature electronic carriers localized in retaining much of their atomic character and origin. where the formation of The expected. excitons, localized nature rise to the polaronic nature observed in yet of identified reflectivity as forming to be definitively localized the hydrogenic structure been structure. space and This is a material electron hole electronic has previously pairs, also is gives The 9 eV peak attributed to exciton in this material; both MgO and SiO2 have excitons. identified Still, as in Al2 03 arising require high resolution low temperature the real of the free carriers in Al 20 This seems plausible formation. been the or the observed (10 K) from the 9 eV peak has excitons; this would optical studies to document levels of the excitons.98 A separate possible explanation was put forth by Ciraci that the excitons are due to surface state bands, which does not seem plausible due to the low density of such states, does demonstrate that the spectral features are still open but to interpretation. Pending future work to identify or refute the excitonic nature 9 of the eV peak, the 9 eV peak is attributed to exciton formation. The existence of the 9 eV exciton peak has made the absorption edge difficult. covered the showing an exciton reflectivity of where the Previously peak of In addition most optical studies have not the full energy range from 7 to 15 eV, structure present. identification below the a 10 spectra eV sapphire at room temperature exciton peak has broadened therefore omitting some of has been edge. If interpreted we and 900 *C (see and decreased compare as the figure 5.8) in intensity (due to the difficulty of forming the exciton with such a high phonon density), we - 121 - can that see there is a large still edge absorption It present. has shifted to about 7.8 eV but is the same edge that at room temperature lies at 8.8 eV. the Now the question arises whether, exciton to be interpreted, In formed below the for this material, fundamental band edge, as previously or do the exciton states superimpose themselves both MgO99 and SiO2100 the exciton superimposed on the absorption edge. fundamental absorption edge below states are to expect on the edge? observed as a peak Therefore the observation of a large the exciton peak, which becomes fully exposed at high temperature, is reasonable. Further confirmation of the existence of the fundamental edge at 8.8 eV can be gained from looking at the (see figure energy 5.3). and then Here we decreases transmissivity of A12 03 see the transmissivity to 0.01 between absorption 8.5 equal and to 8.8 0.75 at eV. The low edge positiQn determined in this work is given as 8.8 eV +/- 0.25 eV. The absorption corresponds to the edge at 8.8 fundamental eV in Al203 absorption edge at of room the temperature material. It In demonstrates the onset of valence band to conduction band transitions. Al203 this absorption edge corresponds at the top conduction than the of band. the valence band The intensity low density of corresponds confirmation states of the to Al or higher energy features to transitions from the 0 2p bands 3s height of observed Al bands the in the 3s bands. this is interpretation photoconductivity results of Kuznetsov 101 , temperature photoconductivity to occur at 9 eV. this work corresponds to an optical - 122 - absorption 8.8 gap, is by found the smaller due to the eV absorption in the material. found who the bottom of reflectivity The to the band gap at room temperature of in edge Further considering the onset of the room The band gap measured since it was measured in at relatively low temperature do not allow In addition the the it determine relaxation processes phonons that to change the indirect or direct; absorption shape edge to conclude possible to k involved optical of and by optical in a thermal the low temperature the measurement It electron. that The uncertainty Calcul.ating the this would which at room temperature. Kronig permit ) D means that gap process. does of is not supply the not indirect possible with these measurements whether the minimum fundamental Al203 is due 0 to is a direct gap because necessary transitions (compared in the accuracy of this the or constant scope of this work. gap of a Al203 direct separating in involve detailed analysis of the beyond the optical dielectric analysis would more is gap to number exciton index of accurately determine is 0.25 from refraction is is at 8.8 eV low (+/- peak It the eV), edge. using Kramers but was not the band gap, performed in this work. The third major feature 13 eV peak which shows the most intense peak structure calculation states lie bands. to Al lying in the bands orientation found eV above the the this peak reflectivity energy in conduction is features. dependent in observed in the the range. The 13 eV peak Batra conduction band edge, the broad is in his band band density of arising from Al 3p With a band gap of 8.8 eV, the Al 3p bands should lie at 12.8 eV, corresponding the 4 observed 3p states states joint to sub-band, to excitations in the from the conduction top of band. the valence Other in the valence band are also occurring density of states the Al 3p bands due is dominated to the - 123 - transitions (0 2p) from to lower at 13 eV, but the peak by transitions from high density giving rise to the 13 eV peak. band of states of the 0 2p the 0 2 p Summary Through the use of the electronic structure models for a Al2 03 , measured reflectivity spectra at room temperature have been The 9 eV peak is attributed evidence The is presented at the present absorption fundamental time to substantiate lies edge at 8.8 interpreted. though no exciton formation, to eV, and the definitive the assignment. to corresponds transitions from the 0 2p states at the top of the valence band to the Al 3s states at the bottom of the conduction band. Al203 is The optical direct gap of even though no statement 8.8 eV at room temperature, is made as to the direct or indirect nature of the minimum band gap in the material. The 13 eV peak observed corresponds to transitions to the Al 3p states in the conduction band. 6.3 Temperature Dependent Optical Spectra and the High Temperature Electronic Structure 6.3.1 Optical Results Optical reflectivities taken from room temperature to 1100 OC, 7 to 15 temperature. shoulders showed eV on single crystal a Al 0 2 3 were The detailed lost, due shape to the of peaks effects - 124 - the following changed, of phonon for from changes with example broadening small on the electronic states. The peak centers, or centers of mass, shifted to lower energies with increasing temperature. the bands leading to a decrease peaks also broadened, This corresponds to the in the band to band energy gap. corresponding shift of The basic to spreading of the bands. Measuring .the temperature coefficient of the peak center, as was done for the 13 and 9 eV peaks, the determines temperature coefficient shift and spreading. interest and the temperature of the coefficient absorption for peak shift, edge combines while both band For the band gap the minimum transition energy is of both band measured results, between the temperature spreading and shift should be considered. The taken on many samples showed a very linear relationship temperature and coefficients the energy determined of a spectral in this work feature. The are given in table 5.3. The absorption edge temperature coefficient is 1.1 x 10-3 eV/K. To compare to the literature will be used since The experiments. the work edge of the absorption edge shift Gilles, as is what was analyzed shift coefficient measured in previous by Harrop, was largest temperature range, and yielded a value of 1.5 x 10 -3 is the value of for Al 20 figure improved The value spectra show statistics, the present reported from which associated a nonlinear energy versus relationship. one could determine seems the reasonable, data was This change in the even where absorption nonlinearity and the magnitude of the result. - 125 - temperature more samples is in disagreement but though extracted are the Cr peak in the area gross With if this finding of a linear relationship, existence of eV/K. the P that has been referenced in the conductivity literature The results, when plotted as 2.24) over this and with is not possible. high, cause (see but for the actual concern. The the data was taken, and the edge the shape may explain The rest of the data discussed here was analyzed by this author to extract values demonstrates the of 0 for comparison. the variability importance of in A's error bars taken over a small This was calculated in these data. temperature range, of values from 1.4 to 2 x 10-3 eV/K for P. 1.3 x 10-3 eV/K, it from one set The data of Yakovlev was of data and and These lead to a wide range Laufer's data suggests a value Hunter and Rubloff each suggest 1.75 x 10-3 eV/K and and report that temperature. The latter value eV/K measured in this work. which is very low, because as was all the subsequent data, had noticeable absorption edge shape changes. of 1.9 x 10-3 eV/K. instructive, the value of A decreases below room is quite close to the value of 1.1 x 10 Blum determined a value of 1.4 x 10-4 eV/K but he was working over a very limited energy range and therefore it is hard to determine what feature was shifting. Most of these values are of the same order as the results reported The values of A extracted here. few runs, and variability of the demonstrated. analysis do of demonstrated the advantage peak the absorption which ignores in good edge broadening. the order of statistical the center internal expect confidence have results due to arbitrary One both not from the literature of shift consistency shift to be The and of the larger of work Also decisions has absorption calculated magnitude qualities. analysis present are taken from very has been been edge measurements. that the shift has One would than a peak center shift literature the effect while values the give superior statistics of the present work give confidence in the reported values. - 126 - the 6.3.2 Temperature Dependent Electronic Structure Models It is useful to review the findings of the work on the temperature dependence control the structure of of the electronic electronic techniques have interaction of structure to structure at addressed electrons develop high an idea of what temperatures. the problem, and phonons. considering effects Only band in terms it This work was done mostly for the covalent semiconductors which show delocalized electron and phonon states as opposed to the bond distortions of Al 203 lattice localized oriented Therefore effects electrons Due to the localized and lead The that, for example, to polarons. structure in determining the electronic properties will be discussed complexity of lattice they are unable to address the gross interaction of the lattice and the electronic high temperature and in section electron-phonon calculations, they have 6.4. never been attempted for Al2 03 band structure The E (T). g of the decreasing yield three basic is the effect on the electronic The first expansion models lattice; this will tend to the band width of the valence two terms produce effects that are the exponential shift. it. It behavior Debye far temperature, above it. The to E (T) g that as has The other larger than that of thermal expansion. linear above It is proportional this temperature, electron self-energy terms the 3 terms been determine the band gap by and conduction bands. They are exponential below the Debye temperature is plausible that structure of the thermal increase The Debye-Waller term leads to band broadening. below terms found can in - 127 - superimpose this work to T and lead to band and linear above to give a linear from below the Debye temperature to above it. thermodynamic The importance Here of the local effects approach effects of bond that are the valence band (anti-bonding orbitals), change effecting the process will of be corresponding (bonding the electronic greater problem the demonstrates the not well treated in a covalent case. breakage, electron from thereby to orbitals) phonon energy to to the in The of an conduction band properties levels. importance excitation of the effect materials with system of this localized electronic structures. The atomic appropriate been done molecular-orbital to localized materials using electronic localized cluster this method structure. electronic periodicity electronic and Because to such as Al 203, study the structure averaged orbitals to the in temperature they the of changing expansion the bond and atomic experimental data. the time a that in in Thermal band the gap accompanies allow states. With formation cluster can expansion be bond localized This electronic of polarons, In addition, effects the bond of thermal directly lengths, from but, in atomic vibrations can lead to length, information the a the introduced increases excitation, instantaneous energy. the the vibrations frame of the electronic decrease reduced lengths the translational relaxation is a noticeable portion of the electronic energy. by of allow the creation of can excited more dependence the requirements structure, seems even though no work has cluster models without relax approach leading about the the to a atomic relaxation thermally relaxation energy gained due to polaron formation could be calculated directly. The interpreting fact the that bond length temperature is a useful induced - 128 - changes method in for optical qualitatively spectra and electronic structure can be confirmed by considering the effects of bond length changes on samples at room temperature. Other forms of A12 03 which have varying bond crystal grained lengths polycrystalline relative a Al2 0 3, to single amorphous derived A1 2 03 , and anodized films of Al 20 these materials length is centers. lucalox will different lead to band from single figure crystal 5.5) and the y are fine crystallite sol-gel The strained bonds present in spreading This effect has been observed (see or a Al203 a and, if the shift A12 03 , average bond of band the in this work for polycrystalline (see sol-gel Al203 figure 5.6), which show absorption edges at about 8 eV. It is useful to apply the of Al 2 03 . This is fitting which model empirical model of Ravindra to the case a model with only no depends essentially linear with temperature. fundamental basis; on the eV while for 0D equal to is a curve temperature and is Calculating the decrease of the band gap with temperature up to 1500 OC, for a 0 1.33 Debye it 1000 K, D of 695 K, the gap decreases the decrease Experimentally from this work the gap is predicted is 1.53 to decrease eV. 1.65 eV over 1500 K. So, Ravindra's model underestimates the shift, but then it is the only predictive model available and is not grossly inadequate. The fact that such a naive model can predict the temperature dependence of the band gap suggests that not essential the complexity of the electron-phonon modeling to understand the effect, and that the simplicity of is the localized cluster approach which considers bond length changes may be more appropriate. 6.3.3 High Temperature Electronic Structure of a Al 203 - 129 - the From the temperature coefficient and determines the broadening and features. The shift of the 0 2p the minimum transition energy for valence band to conduction band transitions. of the band gap. structure of three electronic absorption edge shift demonstrates and Al 3s bands optical measurements we determine temperature dependent It gives the temperature dependence The shift of the 9 eV peak demonstrates the temperature coefficient of the average energy of the exciton state. The shift rate of the 13 eV peak demonstrates the rate of shift, without broadening, for the 0 2p and Al 3p bands. It is now of interest measured; temperature. Al203 around The no change next determine The data was linear function of temperature. range to of mode fundamental was change the band *C, so there temperature coefficient confidently use the up is no to these P value of reason the lattice to x 10-3 as a ev/K the Debye properties of lattice vibrations expect temperatures. 1.1 near observed in energy over the total temperature has been observed to be the onset of anharmonic 1500 gap a change Therefore as the in the one can temperature coefficient of the band gap energy up to 1500 *C. The room temperature gap To determine the 0 K value of the gap determined in this work was 8.8 eV. we can use A to project back to 0 K. Hunter found, the 0 value determine E (T=OK) g may be is the and, one more importantly, that would be As but decreases Therefore the application of a constant incorrect. But with the emphasis work on the high temperature conductivity of sapphire, small, of 9.1 eV. is linear above room temperature, to zero below room temperature. to This gives a value the of P this the error would be linearly extrapolated T = 0 K band gap determined in a - 130 - high temperature conductivity In this work the measurements. linearly extrapolated T = 0 K bnad gap to as the apparent T = 0 K band gap. will be referred Combining this information, with energy in eV and temperature in K yields: E [T(K)] = 9.1 eV g while This and, It E [0 K] =9.1 eV E [273 K] = 8.8 eV E [1500 K] g = 7.15 eV. is the minimum optical energy gap of the electronic since thermal 1.1 x 10-3 T - it was experimentaly measured, expansion, Debye-Waller effects is an optical band gap because automatically and the of the can be From these indirect, then at high temperatures, optically measured gap is indirect, the minimum band it if direct with gap will the or large is of optical reduce the gap measurements, determine present, the seen. for self-energy. frequency measurements; no effects of lattice relaxation, which may energy, accounts electron's high structure not possible but if it to is numbers of phonons be equivalent to the indirect gap. 6.4 The Role of High Temperature Electronic Structure and Lattice Properties in Determinini Electronic Carrier Character and Creation Energy Up to this point the temperature dependence of the optical band gap - 131 - has been determined, producing a value for the T = 0 K optical band gap The carriers that and the linear temperature coefficient of the band gap. are created optically are free band electrons created in a static lattice, which can then undergo lattice application of these results relaxation to understand forming polarons. high temperature For the conductivity, the thermal band gap and the properties of the carriers with their lattice relaxation fields must be considered. This is because the time scale of the carrier creation in a thermal process will be that of the lattice, and the energy required to create the resulting polaronic carrier will be the thermal gap energy. determines the the properties of the interaction In other words electronic creation carrier of the it is not carriers at the band high temperature, structure with the lattice energy, the carrier structure that and character that but the determines the carrier mobility. 6.4.1 Polaronic Nature of The Electronic Carriers The first major effect the lattice has on the electronic structure is in determining the character and mobility of the carriers: whether they are band electrons polarons. sapphire many with The polaron coupling is years Colbourn or, constant a material that forms has been calculated polarons. strong The suggesting the large that relative the electron-lattice a equals or literature. - 132 - of are small in sapphire that suggesting small polarons. carriers stability idea of polaron formation 2.7, interaction, Kroger polarons, and large is accepted for while hole in the The carrier mobility is another good indicator of the polaronic nature of the carriers, but we have such information only for electrons in For electrons the measured mobilities sapphire. to 100 cm2/V sec suggesting that the lie in the range electrons are of 0.1 large polarons. hole may be a small polaron with a thermally activated The hopping mobility. These results are very similar to those found in amorphous and crystalline SiO2 where the holes are small polarons with a mobility of 10-5 cm 2/V sec while electrons are large polarons with a mobility of 20 cm2/V sec. have no information from the band structure calculations masses * of m electrons in the carriers, but from naive band on the effective curvature * the bottom of the conduction band have m holes in the top of the valence band m < m arguments , while for * > me due to the very flat bands. ** The polaron effective mass m We * 1.75 m . = In the rest of this work the band effective mass will be taken to be m e 6.4.2 Thermal versus Optical Band Gaps The other major electronic properties to lattice effect of the lattice on the high is the reduction of the carrier creation energy due stabilization of the carrier. This- is embodied difference between the thermal and optical band gap energies. materials direct gap which do or vertical corresponds materials not form transitions to temperature polarons, in the phonon-assisted any assumed equivalence and indirect gaps is not correct. the optical band structure, indirect gap in the In covalent corresponds while transitions. of optical and direct gaps, the In to thermal ionic and thermal In materials with localized electronic - 133 - structures, the optical gap corresponds electron, while the polaron directly. thermal gap is If we define A to the energy to create the energy (analogous required to the band create to the Stokes Shift) the to be the difference between the optical and thermal gap energies, then A is the lattice stabilization energy imparted by the forming the polaron. lattice to the band carrier, The Franck Condon Model then allows us to show the relationship between optical and thermal gaps, A as in figure 6.1. the band electron, and lattice relaxation and In the fast optical process, E 9 is required to create g which then relaxes to the polaron, while in the slow thermal case, the lattice relaxes during the time period of the excitation requiring only E t to create the polaron directly. g Kroger estimated A for Al203 to be 0.65 eV +/- From experimental data 2.1 eV while Colbourn theoretically calculated the value of 2.8 eV. In energy, an attempt which to determine encompasses both A the true and A, Colbourn's calculation of A for Al 20 the causes thermal it is carrier useful creation to consider In Colbourn's T = 0 K calculation, of A are electron shell relaxation after excitation for large polarons, and Therefore one additionally, can see that temperature dependent demonstrate the atom motion for the small polaron. this calculation is very different from the electronic differences core structure between the calculations. causes of A, It serves which are averaged thermal bond length changes leading to increased orbital to the overlap and energy level shifts and A which is due to localized lattice relaxation around the carrier, after excitation, the thermal carrier creation energy. leading to an overall reduction in Colbourn found that A was 2.8 eV for band to band transitions, and 1.2 eV for optical versus thermal excitation of Ti 3+ to Ti 4+ . In the paper they compared their value of a thermal gap - 134 - (9.5 2.8 = 6.7 eV) to a value of 6.5 to 7 eV computed by Kroger102 as - This was the gap of Al203 at 1600 K, and stated that there was agreement. because what they compared was E in error, -A; P term. they neglected the 0 A to E (T=OK) - g A. from Therefore using their value this E t(T=1500K) g work, = OT the t(T)=E 9(T=OK) - PT of A, and the value of E 4.35 eV. value This (T=OK) - P and A, considering both Instead, high temperature carrier creation energy is given by E - 0 g 0 g (T=OK) and of the P carrier creation energy will be evaluated in the next section. 6.5 Intrinsic Electronic Conductivity in Al 0 -3 How can the Al2 03 be used conductivity? 103 temperature dependence to understand First determined to illustrate the terms that Finally are the or controlling data and alumina's role the of the electronic of high E (T) g in roles of E (T=OK), g the the mobility (p) E (T) values Carrier Concentration - 135 - electronic temperature controlling P and A. terms - will be c will be Then the other will be discussed. used information on the mobility of electronic carriers in Al 203 6.5.1 Factors That Control Conductivity structure of to extract To determine the conducitivity aelec(T) role of E (T), from 1400 to 1600 OC, It is easier to consider the product, ahe 2 a~n h e pe~h consider where aelec the = electronic nqj e + pphe h Se Ih q2Nc Nv,-Eg/kT * where setting me=11 * =e then N N =(2nmk/h2 ) 3T3 c v and putting in E (T)=E9(T=0K)-PT-yT2_A g g one arrives at 3 (a ah )/T 3 2 2 3 h q (2nmk/h ) -A)/kT e0/k eyT/k e-(E Plotting this function as log (a ah/T ) versus 1/T one can extract useful information about the carrier creation energy. note is that slope E 0 g of the the activation curve, is E g The first thing to energy for carrier creation, t(T=OK) the thermal band gap as given by the at zero K, or (T=OK) - A the zero K optical gap minus A. The effect of the nonlinear term y in the temperature dependence of the band gap is considered next. the conductivity can have The only way that an Arrenhius plot of noticeable curvature is due to a nonlinear P term factors out front as a temperature independent term. The linear term. The y term does give a temperature dependent exponential term, but in the case of Al2 03 this term is too small to give noticeable curvature. Using the results of the nonlinear analysis of the 9 eV peak, in yT 2 from 1400 to 1600 to the experimental 0 the change C is only 0.04 eV, much too small in comparison inaccuracies to be observed - 136 - as curvature. Therefore due to the T2 insignificant conductivity component of should plot as a straight E (T), g one can that the line in this type of analysis. As analysis of E (T) g stated earlier, the nonlinear is say rejected, and only a linear dependence is found for E (T). g The true effect of E (T) g in the slope (or pre-exponential sensitive E crea) of fl/k term. E is due to the A term and is not observed the conductivity equals 3.5 x used leads exponential to 2 orders making factor, 5 a large , instead of in the factor and very P. A's role, in the pre-exponential, to the value of is similar A one third change in the value of to that of the carrier mobility terms. A 10 plot but magnitude change in of meaningful extraction the value of the mobility information very difficult. for E Good values value of A is estimated to be that should 0 g not confirmed; .65 eV. have only and A (T=OK) it is are presented calculated small effect. to be 2.8 eV, The and for the effective masses but Values are lacking a in this work. The only modeling assumptions employed up to this point are in the use of semiconductor theory, which is well accepted, to determine the number carriers of There created. has been no need to make any choices between competing models. Carrier Mobility There is a lot of controversy about ge and gph. Measured values of g for electrons determine suggest whether holes large polarons are large but polarons or no small polarons. lack hard experimental evidence of the mobility of electronic - 137 - exists information to Since we carriers, it seems to use fruitful a data and E (T) data to g the elucidate carrier mobilities. To extract information on mobility we must invoke models, not necessarily well-founded, the holes, different the models functional for for the polaron mobilities small and dependencies, while not demonstrate polaron model does large polaron for the which are In the case of . mobility show very electrons, the large observed temperature dependence. the The large polaron mobility is given by a fundamental equation that depends first two constants strongly affect p, while the third is unknown and the last agreed polaron mobility, on D D, , m ,and upon. a. For exists, only depends on polaron model a the The small the phenomenalogical type equation fitted p sp and for value of electrons, and are no fits that can can derive equation to data, assume the and is at least fundamental Ehop. We then we not well-known a and large parameters for hole mobility. In controlled summary, by concentration mobility the carrier terms high temperature concentration are controlled terms are controlled by 0 and by E conductivity electronic mobility , g , D, w , a, p, terms. A, m * e h, me The and is carrier . m and mh. The Most of these parameters are not well-known at the present time but progress is being made. 6.5.2 Calculation of a mg e Using calculated the available a from 1400 information, to 1600 an OC in Al203 - 138 - attempt to will compare to made to the data of be Kroger on nonequilibrium titrated with hydrogen. 104 105 These measurements minimum, or compensation point, 1600 (see OC figure 6.2). measurements titration of Ti doped showed the conductivity from 1400 to as a function of temperature The point compensation sapphire can then be plotted versus l/T to give the total activation energy for conductivity(see figure 6.3). Since data and a model exist with the Fermi energy correspond other to words, for p the , electronic a mg will be calculated. at mid-gap conductivity This may not a at the compensation point if L e does not equal ph. In at the compensation the point, Fermi energy is not necessarily mid-gap. For the calculation of the carrier concentration, both A = 0 eV and A = 2.8 eV are used. These correspond to thermal gaps of 7.15 eV and 4.35 eV at 1500 *C. For the electron mobility values of K, with the related values of w , are used. temperature, OC, in D of 695 K and 1000 With this spread in the Debye the calculated mobilities were 12.1 or 1.6 cm 2/V sec at 1500 the same range as the experimental values. this range of input parameters are given below. TABLE 6.1 emg 695 (0cm) A=2.8 eV A=0 eV 0 D (K) e 1000 695 1000 -5 14000C 8x10 -9 lxlO -9 lxlO -4 lxlO 15000C 5xlO8 7x10~9 4x10~4 5x10-5 16000C 3x10 -7 4x10 -8 1x10 -3 2x10 - 139 - -4 The values of a mg for Evaluation of A Comparing the calculated to the measured 2x10-10 (16000C) of magnitude values ), values of a mg computed using A = 2.8 eV of Kroger ( -1 a in ((cm) ) = 5x10 -12 (14000C), one sees that the calculated values are 7 or 8 orders too high. If we make an extreme case calculation where ph = 0, then the creation energy for electrons will be E , and the Fermi energy g will lie at the top of the valence band. In this case, with A = 2.8 eV, to 10-10 (0cm)~ , which are still the calculated values decrease to 10 larger than the measured values. extreme, but Therefore it even then The assumption that p h = 0 is obviously a values cannot be brought the seems that the value of 2.8 eV for A, the optical and thermal gap energies, to fit the available data. into agreement. the difference between is too large, and it cannot be used From now on in this work A will be assumed to be zero for lack of any reasonable estimate. Derivation of ph e The amin measured by Kroger is determined by the condition ae = This will correspond to a mg only if Ai = h f h a. then EF <E /2, ge i.e., a larger number of low mobility holes must be created to balance the (higher) electron conductivity. By comparing the a mg values to e value of the conductivity at the compensation point, do not agree. Depending on the choice of 0 of -magnitude of disagreement. the hole mobilities must be The value of lower than - 140 - the ammn ., the we can see that they D, there are 2 to 3 orders a mg is too high, therefore electron mobilities, as is expected the from literature. The degree of level Fermi lowering directly controlled by the ratio of the hole and electron mobilities, is and is manifested by the difference between o mg and c . . The mobility ratio e min and amount of Fermi level lowering are given by the following: (E /2) For o / mg)2 e= Ah e - F = -.5kT ln (Ah/ * D = 695 K, the mobility ratios at the three temperatures are on the order of 10-5 . Since these calculations are admittedly crude, and the value of 10on the order of 10 seems more while for 0 D = 1000 K, the results reasonable, for they are 0D = 1000 K (assumed) will be shown. TABLE 6.2 Temp0 C h e E /2 - EF g (eV) These Calculated Mobility Ratios and Fermi Energy Lowering 1400 1500 1600 1.8X10-5 3x10-5 4.7x10-5 .788 .796 .805 mobility calculations, ratios, strongly suggest that thermally activated mobility. the literature. even considering the holes the are inaccuracies in the small polarons with a This is in agreement with information from In addition the degree of the Fermi level shift, on the order of one volt, is consistent with one's feeling that in the large band gap ionic materials, it is very difficult - 141 - to shift the Fermi level far for which hopping eV T = 9.1 the in observed is 1.4 eV. eV activation between the 10.5 and ph (T) Upon evaluating from mid-gap. is This 0 K band gap of the difference added the Therefore is the in his measurements observed Al 20 3 conductivity measurements the just obviously energy Kroger energy the activation one can derive activation slope energy for hopping of the holes. A product that this E . result that Assuming g a the holes may be intercept in the contained of values on check the of we deriving Kroger's data electrons polaron model, small by gotten the using no mobility assumed a large polaron model, fit the data can plot according and to the following: 1/2 a . /T mmn o o ) x = 1540(p p sp ip e-(Eg+Eh) /2kT The intercept of the log versus which can be used, are found these to be values l/T curve gives a mobility product with a suitable p e values, to derive values of p h.These .4 and 3 do not cm 2/V support the sec. is There previously a contradiction derived mobility here, ratios, as and are on the borderline of small to large polaron mobilities. Summary These calculations our understanding been expected have been performed of the electronic to provide to serve as conductivity of Al2 0 exact numbers an overview of They have not for the mobilities of carriers but - 142 - instead to fundamental determine parameters difficult. electronic More derive required The making is and conductivity, information on the Knowledge does results. about serve the to This is: to definitively understand many of the mobility. conductivity, mobility show a of the reasonable to use the carrier both reasonably well carrier of further numerical analysis more needed calculation evaluate conductivity concentration to conclusions. is lacking, information carriers. approach to plausible founded More but at present, information the knowledge is of A and E (T=OK) allows us to know the carrier concentration and increases our g understanding of electronic conductivity in this material. - 143 - ------- c.b. Relationship 6.1 FIGURE E 0 gap bard optical between and lattice thermal band gap E stabilization A enerlies. t Et EO 9 EE 1 v.b. unrelaxed state relaxed state band polaron carrier ICm t FIGURE 6.2 Electronic conductivity versus partial pressure of H showing the electronic and ignic compensation points. From Kroger, reference 104. z Txm -- -0- *4bk NO" -X.- 111iI 1111 I I Iii 10 -4-P (PO) l I1 I I 10P 1q0 -w-TO C ism0 "at) 1450 1400 169 FIGURE 6.3 Compensation .'.' point conductivity plotted versus l/T to give the activation energy From Kroger, conductivity. for reference 104. I - 5.3 - 144 - 5.4 5.5 --. I 5.6 5.7 10/T.( K) I 5.8 5.9 6.0 Chapter 7 Conclusions A High built that samples Temperature is capable Vacuum Ultraviolet of measuring the Spectrophotometer reflectance from 6 eV to 15 eV (210 nm to 85 nm) and has been transmittance of in the VUV on samples heated without contamination from room temperature up to 1100 OC. The temperature dependence of structure the electronic of single crystal Al203 has been studied with this facility. 7.1 Reflectivity Measurements at Room Temperature At room temperature, 9 eV exciton peak, energy, of the shows three main features: superimposed on a 9 eV absorption edge, a 13 eV peak. orientation the reflectivity The 13 sample. parallel to the c axis, eV peak shows A doublet peak and, a at higher features that depend on the appears for light incident while a peak and a shoulder are observed for light perpendicular to the c axis. The absorption edge is due to transitions to the Al 3s sub-band of the conduction band, while the main peak at 13 eV corresponds to transitions to the Al 3p sub-band of the conduction band. The valence band has a lower lying Al-0 - 145 - sub-band, with the top of the valence band being of 0 2p character. Transmission measurements show the This corresponds to absorption edge to lie at 8.8 eV at room temperature. This measurement provides a direct (8.8 eV) band gap at room temperature. no information about the nature (direct or indirect) of the minimum band These results are in agreement with band gap of the material. structure and atomic cluster models of the T = 0 K electronic structure of Al 203 7.2 Temperature Dependent Reflectivity Measurements With increasing to lower are shifts These energies. in the reflectivity shift the features temperature due This may be explained energy level bands and shifts of the band centers. either the from instantaneous temperature linear bond sub-bands different of effects superimposed range with thermal lengths have studied, temperature, in expansion the different and atomic experimentally determined values of arising It temperature dependencies. order was found were 3s abs. edge) = 1.1 x 10-3 eV/K j (9 eV Exciton Peak) = 1.0 x 10-3 eV P (13 eV Al3p Peak) = 7 x 10 - 146 - eV/K on the that the Over the negligible. temperature coefficient expressed in eV/K are: p (Al the the shift was found to be terms the linear from vibrations material. (25 OC to 1100 OC), second as or interaction, electron-phonon of the electronic to spreading + 1 x 104 +- 3 x 10-5 +-4 x 10-5 The J, 7.3 High Temperature Electronic Structure To understand the role of the lattice must be carriers the high temperature interaction The lower electronic carriers can mobility. Mobility measurements their structure creation the of of Al 203 the electronic of the properties in determining considered. electronic with lattice and energy affect the their polaron coupling constant point to the formation of polarons which are electronic carriers surrounded by a stabilizing and the value of field due to lattice the relaxation. The degree of electron-phonon coupling determines whether large polarons with a band type mobility or small polarons with a thermally activated mobility are The lattice stabilization imparted to the carrier also determines formed. the difference (A) between the energies of the optical gap and the thermal gap. The that create determine energies reported carriers in this work correspond without relaxation. lattice to optical In an attempt the thermal band gap energy a theoretically calculated value of A was used in an analysis of conductivity measurements. to conductivities orders of magnitude larger than observed energies to (2.8 eV) This led in Al 203 No reasonable values exist for A. The room temperature band gap measured temperature coefficients, extrapolated to T = 0 K, using the gives 9.1 eV for the T = 0 K apparent optical band gap of A12 0 3 . Ignoring the contribution of A, this is the carrier creation energy that will appear in the exponential factor of high - 147 - temperature The carrier creation conductivity equations. energy at 1500 OC is 7.15 eV, as determined by extrapolation from these measurements. 7.4 Implications for Conductivity Intrinsic carrier models electronic concentration with energy. the to large is Al203 controlled Previously, have to been determine deduced or the from a by the theoretical which assume the carrier type scattering mechanism (thermal Electron mobilities the in carrier mobility. conductivity measurements mobility measurements, Due and the for the carrier mobility, small polaron) and used conductivity (large impurity), carrier or were creation small number of but the mobility of holes has yet to be observed. number of carrier mobility models and the lack of experimental data, it is misguided to analyze conductivity measurements in Al203 assuming a specific mobility model and thereby to deduce the carrier creation energy. From the present work we know the carrier energy creation electronic conductivity, dependence A which pre-exponential information term (the band and the due of has been used to gap) to the activation energy value of the band temperature its the contribution of the linear character conductivity equation. with the conductivity appears is results form of We tentatively conclude the this Kroger to The mobility of found to be much higher than hole mobilities, with mobility measurements. in Therefore, derive insight into the electron and hole mobility terms. electrons gap for in agreement that the electrons large polarons with a band-type mobility while the holes form small - 148 - polarons with a thermally-activated mobility. high temperature mobility measurements. - 149 - This could be confirmed by References 1. Union Carbide, San Diego CA, 92123. Electronic Materials Division, 8888 Balboa Ave, 2. Saphikon, Division of Tyco Labs, Milford NH 03055. 3. 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Soc., May 3 1984. 96. A. C. Pierre, D. R. Uhlmann, 'Super-Amorphous Alumina Gels', in Better Ceramics Through Chemistry, Materials Research Society, Boston, 32, 1984. 97. J. R. Taylor, An Introduction to Science Books, Mill Valley Calif., 1982, p 89. Error Analysis, University 98. V. SaileR. H. French, R. L. Coble work in progress. 99. D. M. Roessler, W. C. Walker, 'Electronic Spectrum and Ultraviolet Optical Properties of Crystalline MgO', Phys Rev, 159, 3, July 15 1967, p 733. 100. R. B. Laughlin, 'Optical Absorption Edge of SiO 2 ', Phys Rev B, 22, 6, Sept 15 1980, p 3021. 101. E. R. Il'mas, A. I. Kuznetsov, 'Photoconductivity of Al 0 the Region Near the Intrinsic Absorption Edge', Sov Phys Sol Stat, _4, Nov 1972, p 1255. in 5, 102. S. K. Tiku, F. A. Kroger,'Energy Levels of Donor and Acceptor Dopants 4nd Electron and Hole Mobilities in a A12 03 ', J Amer Ceram Soc, 63, 1-2, (1980), p 31. 103. The author acknowledges helpful discussions with Cannon(Berkeley), D. Monroe (M.I.T.) and H. L. Tuller (M.I.T.). R. M. 104. M. M. El-Aiat, F. A. Kroger, 'Determination of the Parameters of Native Disorder in a A12 0 3 ', 3 Amer Ceram Soc, 65, 3, Mar 1982, p 162. 105. F. A. Kroger, 'Electrical Properties of a A1 2 0 3 ', in Advances in Ceramics, 2, Ed by W. D. Kingery, Amer Ceram Soc, 1984. - 156 - Biographical Note The author was born in Rochester graduating Before from High Brighton semester of Mechanical Engineering School at LaSalle in 1975, Science and University in Mexico graduated He Engineering. with 1957. one attended he He then entered Cornell University School of Engineering where in Materials 29, New York on December City. he majored Bachelor a of Science degree with distinction in 1979. He then entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979 where he pursued graduate work in Materials Science with Prof. R. L. Coble. Currently a member of the American Ceramics Physical Society, Society, he Al 20 3 the Optical Society of America has presented three papers on the Society, the American and the American Vacuum Electronic Structure of In addition during his undergraduate years he published two papers on crack propagation in aluminum epoxy bonds. These were titled 'Use of Holographic Interferometry to Study the Crack Propagation in Metal Plastic Composites' for the TMS-AIME Study Crack Propagation and 'Use of the Double Torsion Technique in an Adhesive Layer' and Evaluation. - 157 - for the Journal to of Testing - 158 -