ENERGY LABORATORY INFORMATION CENTER I THE FEA PROJECT INDEPENDENCE REPORT: REVIEW AND EVALUATION AN ANALYTICAL by MIT Energy Laboratory Policy Study Group May 1975 . This Report was prepared under sponsorship from the Office of Energy Research and Development Policy, National Science Foundation, under contract NSF C-1030. PARTICIPANTS The following members of the Policy Study Group of the MIT Energy Laboratory participated in the preparation of this report. Morris A. Adelman, Professor of Economics Sidney S. Alexander, Professor of Economics and Management Martin L. Baughman, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering Richard A. Charpie, Research Assistant in Physics Robert E. Hall, Associate Professor of Economics Ogden H. Hammond III, Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Jerry A. Hausman, Assistant Professor of Economics William J. Jones, Research Associate, Energy Laboratory Paul L. Joskow, Assistant Professor of Economics Henry D. Jacoby, Professor of Management Paul W. MacAvoy, Professor of Management David C. White, Ford Professor of Engineering and Director of the Energy Laboratory David 0. Wood, Director, Energy Management and Economics Program of the Energy Laboratory Martin B. Zimmerman, Research Associate in Management i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express our appreciation to William Hogan, James Sweeney, David Nissen, John Kraft, and other members of the FEA Office of Policy and Analysis for their efforts in facilitating our review of the Project Independence Report. We have not always agreed on every point, but there is no doubt that our report is much the better for their willing cooperation. ii OUTLINE Page 1. 2. LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF TABLES vii SUMMARY viii OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT INDEPENDENCE REPORT 1-1 1.1 Policy Strategies Studied 1-1 1.2 Project Independence Evaluation System 1-5 Data 1-5 1.2.1 Input Models and Associated 1.2.2 The PIES Integrating Model 1-7 1.2.3 Interpretive Models 1-9 DOMESTIC SUPPLY ESTIMATES 2-1 2.1 2-1 2.1 2.3 2.4 Crude Oil FEA Forecasting 2.1.2 Alternative Forecasts: Evaluation Natural 2-1 Method 2.1.1 Comparison and 2-7 2-8 Gas 2.2.1 FEA Forecasting Method 2.2.2 Alternative Forecasts: Evaluation 2-8 Comparison and Coal 2-9 2-10 2.3.1 FEA Forecasting Method 2.3.2 Alternative Forecasts: Evaluation 2-10 Comparison and 2-14 Electricity Supply 2-15 2.4.1 Supply Forecasts 2-15 2.4.2 Alternative Forecasts: Evaluation .iii Comparison and 2-17 Page 2.4.3 3. 3-1 3.1 3-1 3.3 5. 2-19 DEMAND ESTIMATES AND INTERACTION WITH THE INTEGRATING MODEL 3.2 4. Financing Expansion Methodology of the FEA Demand Simulation Model 3.1.1 Description 3.1.2 Inputs To the Integrating Model 3-3 3.1.3 The Use of Regional Demand Functions Within the Integrating Model 3-5 Evaluation of the Model of the FEA Methodology 3-1 3-7 3.2.1 Estimation Problems 3-7 3.2.2 Effect on the Overall Demand Estimate 3-11 Summary Evaluation 3-14 CONSERVATION 4-1 4.1 FEA Conservation Initiatives 4-1 4.2 FEA's Intended Methodology 4-3 4.3 The Actual FEA Calculations and Evaluation of Results 4-4 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENTS AND POLICIES 5-1 5.1 Impact 5-1 5.2 Long-Run Implications of High Energy Prices and of Alternative Energy Policies of the Oil Embargo 5-5 6. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 6-1 7. INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENT 7-1 7.1 FEA Estimates of World Oil Supply, Demand, and Price 7-1 7.2 Forces Influencing the Future Path of World Oil Prices 7-3 7.2.1 Net Demand Faced by the Cartel 7-4 7.2.2 Strength 7-7 7.2.3 Conclusions of the Cartel 7-12 iv Page 8. 9. LINKS TO THE PERIOD BEYOND 1985 8-1 8.1 The Period Until 1985 8-1 8.2 The Post-1985 Period 8-4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 9-1 BIBLIOGRAPHY v LIST OF FIGURES Page 1.1 Blueprint of the Project Independence Evaluation System 1-6 (PIES) 1.2 Schematic 2.1 Cause-Effect Relationship in Actual Markets 2-5 2.2 Procedure for Evaluating Individual Drilling Projects 2-5 2.3 Regional Cost Function for Coal 2-11 2.4 Structure 3.1 A Sample Regional Natural Gas Demand Functions for 1985, Using the National Elasticity 3-6 3.2 Regional Demand Functions in 1985 Under Two Price Trajectories 3-8 4.1 FEA Demand Curves For a Given Product With and Without a Given Conservation Initiative 4-5 Representation of the PIES of the FEA Electric Power vi Integrating Model Model 1-8 2-16 LIST OF TABLES Page 1.1 Assumptions Underlying Basic FEA Strategies 2.1 Exploratory Footage to 1988 In District 1-3 2-2 Stipulated For the Years 1974 3 Under BAU, and Estimated Drilling Under Alternative Prices 2.2 Electricity Supply & Fuel Requirements: A Comparison of the FEA $11.00 BAU Case With Two Forecasts MIT Model for 1985 and $15.00 Crude 2-18 From Scenarios 3-4 3.1 Prices for $7.00, $11.00 3.2 Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Fuels, $11 Scenario 5.1 Changes 5.2 Comparison 6.1 1985 Pollution 7.1 FEA and OECD Estimates of Demand, Indigenous Supply, and Resulting Imports for Non-OPEC Oil in 1985 at $3, $6, and $9 per Barrel 7-2 7.2 Reserves, Production, and Capacity for Key Exporters 7-9 8.1 Typical 8.2 Effect of Rate of Return Eastern U. S. in Price and Consumption the Embargo Period 5-2 DRI Forecasts 5-4 for Two FEA Cases 6-3 of Alternative Loadings Over 3-10 Costs of Synthetic 8-2 Fuels on Cost of Fuel vii ($/mmBTU), 8-3 SUMMARY The Project Independence studies carried out by the FEA during the past year are an important step in the nation's attempt to understand our emerging energy problems and to formulate policies to deal with them. The principal object of this review is the Project Independence Evaluation System (PIES) which is the overall analytical apparatus developed by the FEA to support their studies. The system consists of three groups of interrelated models and associated data. The centerpiece of the system is a large linear programming model which is used to estimate domestic energy consumption, production, prices, and imports for different regions of the country. This integrating model uses as inputs estimates from models of domestic demand and production of oil and gas. Other important inputs include price-sensitive estimates of coal production, estimates of the availability of other fuels (solar, geothermal, hydropower, nuclear), information on transportation costs between regions, and estimates of the associated requirements for equipment, labor, capital, and water. Submodels of the electric utility and refining sectors are included in the integrating model itself. Once the integrating model has been solved for a given year, the results may be further analyzed to obtain information on macroeconomic and environmental effects; and on resource and financing requirements for the calculated energy production schedule. The FEA uses the PIES apparatus to evaluate four broad policy strategies that the U.S. might adopt for the next ten years: (1) A "Business as Usual" strategy, which assumes the removal of oil price controls in 1975, and phased deregulation of natural gas prices. (2) An Accelerated Development strategy, involving removal of obstacles to the development of offshore gas and oil, synthetic fuels, and nuclear power. (3) A Conservation strategy, involving specific conservation initiatives--such as 20 mile-per-gallon auto standards and improved heating and lighting standards for new homes--and "demand management" measures which entail increasing electricity usage, with supply from coal-fired electric power. (4) A Demand Management initiative to force the substitution of coal and electricity for oil. Each of the scenarios is analyzed for the years 1977, 1980, and 1985. The basic external condition that influences the analysis is, of course, the price of world oil. The FEA study assumes that the world price will converge on some value in the near future, the precise level of that price being unknown. The comparisons are done under the assumption of world prices of viii $7.00 and $11.00 (in 1973 prices) delivered to U.S. shores. The key results of the overall analysis are: settles at $11.00 in 1973 prices (which is roughly if the world price $13 to $14 per barrel in today's prices), then by 1985 under "Business as Usual" we will be importing 3.3 million barrels per day (about half of today's level). If the world price drops to $7.00 per barrel in 1973 prices (or roughly $8 to $9 in 1975 prices), then by 1985 our imports will be up to 12.3 million barrels day. per With conservation or accelerated development measures, these imports can be reduced by various amounts. Overview of the FEA study Now since this report is a critical review and evaluation, it does by its very nature tend to focus on specific points of weakness in the material being reviewed. It is well to start, therefore, by putting this work in context and commenting on the overall effort as a whole. Several points are worth mentioning. First, at the time the study began, there was no coherent data base for analysis of the many facets of the U.S. energy sector, its relation to the economy, and the federal and state policies that influence energy supply and utilization. No doubt PIES is only a step in the process of creating a data base adequate for federal analysis and monitoring of national policy; but it is a critical step. Moreover, a set of analytical models has been formulated for utilizing these data to forecast future energy conditions. Heretofore there were scattered modeling efforts, but nowhere within the government had it all been put together into a coordinated framework for analysis. No doubt there are differences of opinion about the overall design of the PIES system (and below we level strong criticism at specific parts of its current structure). But the fact remains that the various pieces have been brought into a coherent system which can provide a framework for managing data, coordinating judgements, and forcing consistency in assumptions. Having said that, we must look at the work as it stands and evaluate it from three points of view: (1) Did the FEA study illuminate the most important questions, and did it adopt the proper set of assumptions and conditions to be analyzed? (2) Was the analytical apparatus adequate to the-task? (3) Are the correct implications drawn from the analysis? As one might anticipate, the reviews are mixed, and there is no clear answer to the effect "yes, they did it right", or "no, they did it wrong." None the less, an attempt to answer these questions gives a feel for how wide a band of error should be put around the FEA estimates, in what directions the possible bias may lie, and where more work must be done in order to do better in the future. Our list of the most important points to worry about is the following: ix The Oil and Gas Supply Estimates The supply estimates for domestic oil and natural gas are based on a modified version of a model developed originally by the National Petroleum Council. Under this procedure, oil and gas supplies are calculated by assuming the amount of drilling that is profitable in each of 12 regions in each year, multiplying this by stipulated rates of reserves-added per foot drilled to get total reserves, and then assuming that reserves are produced at a certain rate. At higher oil or gas prices more drilling becomes profitable, and production rises. It is a method that is almost totally dependent on the judgement of the analyst feeding in drilling and discovery rates to the computer program. There are systematic problems with this analysis. The method has been applied in a way that appears to underestimate the likely response of oil and natural gas supplies to price changes. This occurs because, under the FEA procedure, an increase in price in 1975 brings about increased drilling only after 1980 or even later. This belies the activity we see taking place in the domestic petroleum industry today. In particular, the method seriously underestimates the likely level of exploratory activity for natural gas by basing the expected drilling rates on the experience of the early 1970's, when gas drilling was dampened by the effects of field-price regulation. Taking these considerations into account, one can argue in the case of oil that the responsiveness of investment to price is underestimated in the model. On the other hand, it is not clear whether adequate weight was given to certain opposing influences--in particular, the declining responsiveness of supply to investment because discovery will continue its decline, and because improved recovery out of a given amount of oil in place will come at sharply higher real costs. On balance, then, there is little solid ground for arguing that the estimates are high or low overall. An MIT model forecasts supplies very similar to the FEA results at $7.00, and other estimates are scattered above and below it. But the uncertainty is great, and we would not use the FEA forecasts for policy analysis without considering that the estimates of, say 11.9 million barrels per day in 1985 at $7.00 per barrel, can easily be off by 1.5 million barrels either way. In natural gas, on the other hand, the FEA analysis seems unduly pessimistic. Here the error band is also wide, but would extend from somewhere in the neighborhood of the FEA estimate (11.9 million barrels per day (oil equivalent) in 1985 at $7.00 per barrel) to two or three million barrels per day above this level. Perhaps as important as the potential errors and biases in the FEA estimating method is the fact that the most important issue of the day, the effect of price controls on the supply of these fuels, was not satisfactorily analyzed. We have argued that the analysis tends to understate the importance of higher prices even in the $7 to $11 range. We also believe that continued price controls on oil and field-price regulations of natural gas would have a significant dampening effect on the domestic supplies of these fuels. Unfortunately, the fact that the study contains practically no analysis at all of the potential significance of price controls, coupled with supply estimates that show very little response to price, gives the erroneous impression that price deregulation is not an important issue influencing x future U.S. energy sufficiency. We do not believe the FEA intends to convey this impression, but it is there nonetheless, given the structure of the analysis, the particular assumptions made, and the scenarios chosen for detailed analysis. The Electric Power Sector One of the very good features of the PIES integrating model is the way it handles the electric power sector. The analysis is sound, given its assumptions. Unfortunately, the assumptions tested in the FEA analysis fail to illuminate the most critical problems of this sector and one of the key determinants of its future growth, i.e., the financial health of the investorowned utilities. It is now apparent that without substantial rate increases allowed by the state regulatory commissions, it is unlikely that they will be able to raise sufficient capital to expand their systems to the levels implied in the FEA analysis, or with the technology mix assumed (i.e., heavy investments in capital-intensive coal and nuclear units). These financial difficulties, if they continue, will lead to reduced levels of system reliability and will reduce the desirability of electricity to consumers. This will curtail demands for this form of energy (and thus call into question the "demand management" strategy presented in the Project Independence Report), but may also raise demands for other fuels, most notably imported oil. Of course, the FEA report discusses this problem; but it does not analyze its quantitative significance. The lack of analysis of this issue--its implications, and what it might be worth to avoid its occurrence--is an important shortcoming in the FEA's study as it stands. The Demand Analysis and its Interaction within the Integrating Model In estimating the future demands for energy in the U.S., the FEA used a three-step form of analysis whereby (1) aggregate national energy demand was estimated given a forecast of the average energy price, (2) this overall BTU demand was split up amount fuels using a separate estimating model, and (3) national demands for specific fuels were divided amoung regions according to their historical proportions. When applied to the data for U.S. energy--clouded as it is with regu- latory interventions and rapid growth in the network of natural gas pipelines--this procedure did not yield results that were consistent with what one would expect to be the behavior of this sector under alternative prices. For example, the analysis showed natural gas demand falling in certain use sectors when prices of distillate oil rose. Since these two fuels are close substitutes for one another, one would expect the opposite result. Attempts were made to correct the deficiency (and this effort continues at the present time), but even given these efforts, the interaction of the flawed demand model with the integrating framework leads to an identifiable bias in the results. xi In essence, the problem is that, since natural gas demand is assumed not to rise as oil prices rise, then the price of natural gas is never driven to levels that are consistent with the high price of the substitute In effect, the price of natural gas stays at a level appropriate to fuels. a world with $7.00 oil even when the price of oil from the world market This means, (which determines the domestic price) is assumed to be 11.00. in turn, that the price of an average BTU in 1985 with $11.00 oil is under- stated, and the overall demand is thus overestimated. When these problems are corrected, we expect the FEA will find that oil demand as estimated in the November report is biased upward, both due to the upward bias in overall energy demand, and due to the inaccurate representation of how much of this total demand will show up as a demand for natural gas. Another problem that tends to an underestimate of the dampening effect of higher oil prices is the fact that the FEA was unable to take account of the fact that overall GNP growth will be affected in some measure by No doubt this is not a phenomenon that anyone has higher oil prices. but the fact that it does exist should be kept modeled very satisfactorily, in mind when applying the appropriate error range around the FEA's forecast. The International Assessment It appears that the FEA devoted the great bulk of its resources to the domestic aspects of the energy problem, and applied only a small fraction to the international phenomena that are the immediate cause of current difficulties and the driving force behind their evolution. sis is based on a set of judgemental estimates of oil demand The FEA analyin the world and oil supply from non-OPEC countries, which yields a residual demand for This net demand is then compared with the potenthe exports of the cartel. tial supply from cartel nations (which is very great, and at a cost far below current prices) in order to get an idea of how big a problem the car- tel may have in avoiding a flooding of the market with oil, and consequent erosion of price. The analysis assumes that the world price will gravitate to one level or another; it may stay near $11.00 per barrel (in 1973 prices), These longor more likely it will settle to a price around $7.00 a barrel. term price scenarios then provide the link between the international assessment and the domestic evaluation discussed above. this vision of a smooth evolution of prices to some Unfortunately, In fact, there are of reality. stable value is a serious oversimplification forces at work in this market which make it more likely that the price will fluctuate over time. For example, as prices rise there are factors that tend to reduce supply and drive prices still higher. Oil-rich exporters find their revenue needs are easy to satisfy under rising prices, and they can more easily afford to cut production. Outside the cartel, in those nations where oil exploitation is in private hands, rising prices present serious equity problems due to the excess profits that accrue to private corporations. Governments of these countries are led to impose tax schemes which have the side effect of reducing the incentive to expand oil supply. (Our own struggle in the U.S. with this issue xii is all too evident; the problem is duplicated in Canada, in the nations surrounding the North Sea oilfields, To the extent these phenomena lead to reduced supply, it and elsewhere.) becomes easier to maintain high prices, or further increase them. On the other hand, it is likely that prices eventually will turn down from current levels, for in time high prices lead to reduced demand, to gradually increasing supplies from outside the oil cartel, and thus to a sagging demand from the cartel members. Once price begins to erode--perhaps due to a buildup of excess capacity and an attempt by some cartel members to compete for a larger share of a depressed market--forces are set in motion which tend to drive the price down further. Oil-rich countries will have built up domestic spending programs and high imports under high prices, and if prices fall these governments will be under strong pressure to increase oil production to pay the bills. Further price shading will be required to move larger quantities of oil, and so the process feeds on itself. Naturally, if the cartel should break, and prices fall considerably, immediate efforts would be made to reconstitute the cartel and raise prices again. There is no inherent reason why, over a short-run period, they should not once again be successful. If in fact it is true that this market and the cartel structure that dominates it are likely to prove unstable, then the world oil price could, over the period to 1985, fluctuate over a range significantly wider than the $7 to $11 range used by the FEA as a basic assumption of their work, and at the very least the price is unlikely to gravitate to a level which is in fact stable, and which people believe is stable. In these circumstances there is no reason to expect that a reduction or increase in import demand by any one country will have any effect on the world price. This is a persistent notion: one of the major conclusions in the Executive Summary of the PIR is that our actions to achieve selfsufficiency could have an apprecia-bleeffect in bringing the world price down to $7 per barrel. But there is no analysis in the FEA Report to support this assertion, and we believe it is mistaken. Conclusions Considering the state of the data and available models when work began and the short time available, the FEA's Project Independence study is an impressive accomplishment. It seems clear that the government needs the in-house capability to do this kind of analysis, and that these efforts should be continued and improved. In viewing the results of the work as of today, however, several points are worth keeping in mind. (1) There is considerable uncertainty in the estimates of domestic supply and demand; net imports, being the residual, is subject to even greater uncertainty. However, given the assumptions behind the analysis, the FEA estimates of U.S. import dependence in 1985 xiii appear to be biased upward. At $11.00 per barrel oil prices, the U.S. is more likely to be self-sufficient in energy than the FEA indicates; at lower oil prices, imports are likely to be smaller than forecast by the current PIES apparatus. (2) Due to various shortcomings and difficulties in the PIES analysis, it appears that the likely responsiveness of the U.S. energy sector to price increases has been underestimated. Problems in the demand analysis, when corrected, are likely to show a stronger adjustment to price change, and the particular method used to estimate oil and natural gas supply tends to underestimate the effect of price on domestic fuel supply. (3) The likely underestimate of supply responsiveness, coupled with the fact that the analysis does not deal with the effects of price controls on demand and supply, means that the Report as it now stands gives an inadequate appreciation of the stakes that are involved in current policy discussions about price control or decontrol. (4) In the set of PIES results presented in the Project Independence Report, it is assumed there are no problems of capital availability that impede desired investments in the energy sector. There are several points where this assumption might be questioned (and where, indeed, the FEA study worries about it), but nowhere is it more limiting than in the case of the electric power sector, where some of our gravest energy problems arise. The study does not indicate the degree to which a faltering of investment in electric power may reduce the use of domestic coal and nuclear energy and increase dependence on foreign oil. (5) The report focuses on policies to deal with an external world where there may be a threat of short-term market disruption (for example, through boycott) and a foreign exchange drain if prices are high, but where the price is reasonably stable and where investors and consumers have a stable expectation of what it will be in the future. This means the report as it stands does not provide the analysis to aid decisions on policy issues--such as tariffs, import quotas, subsidies and guarantees for synthetic fuels, etc,--that are required in a world of fluctuating uncertain oil prices. xiv 1. OVERVIEW In November, OF THE PROJECT 1974, the Federal INDEPENDENCE REPORT Energy Administration completed its Project Independence Report, a multi-volume document which presents the results of a six-month study of the U.S. energy economy. The core of the FEA effort is a set of engineering process models, econometric models, and a mathematical programming model, which together have been named the Project Independence Evaluation System, or "PIES". The purpose of PIES is to provide an integrated, comprehensive system for evaluating current and projected energy conditions, and to assess the impact upon these projected conditions of alternative policy initiatives. The system is intended to be sensitive to changes in energy prices and to incorporate recent information on projected costs and technologies for energy production and use. In the sections to follow, PIES and the data used to support it are subjected to critical review and evaluation. Since it is the nature of a critique to focus on specific points of weakness in the material being reviewed, it is well to start by putting the FEA work in context and by commenting on the overall effort. Several points are worth mention. First, at the time the study began, there was no coherent data base for analysis of the many facets of the U.S. energy sector, its relation to the economy as a whole, and the federal and state policies that influence energy development. Scattered data series existed, many collected by federal agencies; but for coordinated analysis such as that called for in the Project Independence study a massive data collection and processing effort had to be carried out. No doubt it is only a step in the process of creating a data base adequate for federal analysis of policy in this sector; but it is an important step. Moreover, a set of analytical models has been formulated for analyzing these data. Heretofore there had been scattered modeling efforts, both in and out of the government. Indeed, given the time constraints, much of the PIES system had to be a patching-together of analytical models drawn from other sources. But nowhere within the government had it all been put together into a coordinated framework. So although there are differences of opinion about the overall design of the PIES system (and below we level strong criticism at specific parts of its current structure) the fact remains that the various pieces have been drawn together into a coherent system which can provide a framework for managing data, coordinating judgements, and forcing consistency in the various assumptions that must be made in any analysis of a system as complex and interdependent as the energy sector. 1.1 Policy Strategies Studied The PIES system has been used by FEA to assess four broad strategies for developing a national energy policy. The assessments, for the years 1977, 1980, and 1985, include: 1-1 1-2 (1) A "Business-As-Usual" (BAU) scenario, in which the U.S. economy is projected to adjust to a given price for foreign crude oil and petroleum products, and assuming only those changes from current policy which are "certain" to occur. The assumed policies include deregulation of natural gas and crude oil prices. (2) An Accelerated Development case (AD) in which the process of adjustment to a higher foreign crude price is modified by new policies designed to remove technological and institutional barriers to increased domestic energy production (shift the supply curve). (3) Introduction of energy conservation initiatives designed to reduce the demand for particular fuels, given a particular set of fuel prices (shift the demand curves). (4) Demand management initiatives designed to force the substitution of coal and electricity for petroleum (shifts in both demand and supply curves). The basic assumptions underlying each of these strategies are summarized in Table 1.1.1 While it is not our purpose to evaluate the strategies chosen by FEA, it is worthwhile to point out two assumptions underlying the strategies which severely limit the ability of the FEA analysis to cover the full spectrum of possible energy futures. First, the assumption of deregulation of natural gas and crude oil prices in the BAU case means that FEA has provided no analysis of the implications of continuing the current policy of controlling prices in this area. In fact, there is strong disagreement as to whether this policy should be changed, particulary considering its income distribution implications. Secondly, there is an assumption underlying all of the strategies that the world price of oil will approach smoothly some given real price. Though it is convenient for analytical purposes, this view may be very misleading. In Section 7 we consider the implications of this assumption in more detail. For the present we note that there is a good chance that the world oil price will not gravitate to some stable value but may oscillate over time in response to world economic conditions and the fortunes of the oil cartel. In omitting this possibility, the FEA analysis misses the opportunity to illuminate some of the policy questions of the day, e.g., guarantees against down-side price risk in order to spur domestic supply. 1 For each strategy an independent assessment is performed assuming imported crude oil prices of $7.00 and $11.00 (1973 dollars), except in the case of the demand management strategy. For that strategy the business-asusual assessment is modified via application of assumptions about the extent of substitution which could be "forced", within technological constraints, by institutional changes. 1-3 Table 1.1. Oil 2. Natural Gas Accelerated Development Assumption Business-as-Usual Assumption Energy Source 1. Assumptions Underlying Basic FEA Strategies Moderatg OCS leasing program (1-3xlO acres/yr); Prudhoe Bay development with one pipeline. Phased deregulation of new gas; LNG facilities in Alaska. Same Federal coal land leasing; phased implementation of Clean Air Act with stack gas controls; moderate strip mining legislation. No licensing changes; added enrichment and reprocessing capability. 3. Coal 4. Nuclear 5. Synthetic No change from current policy. 6. Shale No change from current policy. 7. Geo- Continued thermal leasing programs. Solar Continued R & D program. 8. R & D and Federal Accelerated OCS leasing in Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf; expanded Alaskan pipelines and development of NPR #1 and NPR #4. Deregulation of new gas; addiitional Alaskan pipeline; gas from tight formations. Same as BAU with additional leasing and larger new mines. Increase of nuclear capacity 15% by 1985 due to streamlined licensing and siting; additional uranium availability. Streamlined siting; financial incentives. Additional leasing; modification of Colorado air quality stan-. dards; financial incentives. Streamlined leasing, licensing, and regulatory; financial incentives. Additional R & D and financial incentives. Other Assumptions: 9. 10. 11. Price controls removed by 1975. Tax laws (depletion allowance) unchanged. Imported Canadian gas available at $1.20/mcf. 12. LNG available at $2.00/mcf. Same as BAU. Same as BAU. Same as BAU. Same as BAU. Equipment allocation to achieve critical levels needed for oil/ gas drilling. 1-4 Table 1.1 (continued) Demand Management Assumption Conservation Initiatives Assumption Reduce demand via -- Reduce petroleum demand by -- 1. Mandate 20 MPG auto standards. 1. 2. Gasoline taxes. 3. Financial incentives for R&C retrofit. 4. National thermal standards for new homes. 5. National commercial lighting standards. 6. Appliance efficiency standards. Converting growth in industrial demand oil/gas R & D for efficiency Convert existing utilities to coal. 3. Make all new R&C heating, electric heating. No significant changes portation sector. in industrial processes. 8. ov- 2. 4. 7. to coal by ernment intervention. Demonstration of efficiency measures at electric utilities. I in trans- 1-5 1.2 Project Independence Evaluation System The Project Independence Evaluation System (PIES) is organized into three groups of models. As illustrated in Figure 1.1, the system includes input models and associated data, a linear programming model which includes submodels of refinery operations and electric utility generation, and models to facilitate interpretation of the results produced by the LP model. 1.2.1 Input Models and Associated Data There are four basic input models to PIES including a macroeconomic model, an industrial production model, an annual demand model, and a supply model for oil and gas production. Associated input data include estimates of coal production at alternative prices, and a major data base of resource input requirements per unit of activity output. The macroeconomic model used by FEA is the Data Resources, Inc. (DRI) Long Term Growth Model [3]. The outputs from the model used as inputs to the Demand and Industrial Production Models include macroeconomic and demographic variables such as the level and distribution of real GNP, the rates of inflation and unemployment, population, real personal income, and housing starts.1 The DRI Industrial Production Model [4], using estimates of the level and distribution of real output from the macroeconomic model, is used to estimate the Federal Reserve Board Industrial Production indices. The FEA Demand Simulation Model is a dynamic econometric model which is used to forecast demands for 47 primary and derived energy products conditional upon assumed energy prices, industrial activity levels, the level and distribution of real output, and certain technology data relating to energy consumption. The model distinguishes among fuel and power demands in each of three major consuming sectors (residential and commercial, industrial, and transportation) and industrial raw material uses. In PIES the demand model is used to forecast annual quantities demanded, by census region, and national demand elasticities for the 47 products and nine prices in the model. The structure of the model and the procedures by which the model is used in the Project Independence Evaluation System are reviewed and evaluated in Section 3 of this report. The Oil and Gas Supply Model is an adaptation of a process model developed by the National Petroleum Council (NPC). engineering The model 1 For a listing of all variables see PIR [8, Table AII-8]. A listing of all variables used by the Demand Model from the DRI Macroeconomic and Industrial Production Models, as well as the variable classification for the Demand Model itself, is also given in the PIR [8, Appendix II]. 1 -6 () w E: 2 (n z w n ° > o a. U) G 0c0 0_ > 0 ir z z OU z 2i zo )-JoWU) o nt L E C,, U) zW 2 II U W D c .x : Om u Q: 04 U) S WW MrO -J oxe w _o0 ~O a l :) P 0'w >- (n i w aw ,- co zcadIz >: I W UPUWL CD I I U)oa ) ws I V) -o 0 i w 2U w r 0 O L w Ld 0r: 2m Zir < in u LL =) a. (), c 2 a. w 0 z w -J W U ci L 0 I0 tz z CL w -J fn -i a: 0, 8 6a: 14r uz) w z I r I I< IJ eI <I 40 W Cr- 1-7 estimates additions to reserves and production levels for 12 supply regions, given assumptions about crude oil prices, regional drilling programs, required rate of return on investment, the expected success ratio per foot drilled, and the projected reserve/production ratio. The structure of the model and the results presented in PIR are reviewed and evaluated in Section 2 of this report. While no formal model was developed by FEA to project coal production levels, a set of production estimates for three different minemouth prices was developed by a task force of experts. These estimates and the underlying methodology are reviewed and evaluated in Section 2 as well. The final set of input data in the PIES are resource requirements for each of the energy production and conversion technologies. The data were developed for materials and equipment, other capital inputs, labor, water, and transportation, as indicated in Figure 1.1. Originally the resource requirements data were to be incorporated into the PIES, together with data on resource availabilities, in order to analyze the possible effect of resource restrictions upon the energy production and consumption process. However, in the results reported in the PIR these restrictions have not been imposed. Rather, the data have been used to calculate the resource requirement levels associated with a given production/consumption schedule, and this is followed by a separate analysis of resource availability to determine if effective resource constraints exist. Resource requirements data were developed only for energy supply technologies. For an analysis of the implications of excluding resource requirements from the evaluation of conservation technologies, see Section 4 of this report. 1.2.2 The PIES Integrating Model The heart of the PIES is the integrating model, a linear programming (LP) model which, given estimates of regional demands, prices and elasticities, regional supply schedules, and resource input requirements, calculates an energy market equilibrium. The outputs from the model are listed in Figure 1.1. A schematic representation of the logic of the model is presented in Figure 1.2. The relation between the demand model and the LP submodel which incorporates the supply schedules and conversion processes may be summarized as follows: the demand model is used to calculate a price-quantity coordinate on the demand curve for each of the primary and derived energy products in the system. Associated with each of these coordinates are measures of the sensitivity of the quantities demanded to small changes in each of the prices in the demand model (own and cross price elasticities). In the first iteration of the integrating model an LP problem is solved in which the minimum cost schedule of production, distribution, and transportation necessary to satisfy the given demand levels is calculated. Associated with the calculated supply quantities are implicit prices. If these supply prices differ from the original demand prices, then the solution does 1 -8 -j 0 z L- -J W 0 2 CO Ct U I IrULO 0n- C 1-9 not represent market equilibrium and a new problem must be structured and solved. The procedure is to calculate new demand prices, equal to one-half the difference between the last iteration's supply price and demand price, apply the own and cross price elasticities to calculate the new demand quantities,and finally to solve a new LP problem for the new production, distribution, transportation schedules, and supply prices. This process is continued until the demand and supply prices are equal, at which point the energy market is assumed to be in equilibrium. Section 3 or this report provides a detailed critique of this part of the PIES system. 1.2.3 Interpretive Models The output from the integrating model is used as input to a number of submodels which provide interpretation and analysis of results. The first is a combined interindustry and macroeconomic model, different from the macroeconomic model used to provide inputs to the demand model, which is used to reintegrate the energy market with the capital, labor, and financial markets. However, as is discussed in Section 3 of this report, the adjusted estimates of the levels and distribution of real output are not used to adjust the initial solution for energy markets. An environmental assessment model is used to calculate the levels of pollutants and environmental wastes associated with the energy production schedules. The model is characterized by an array of order 15 by 15, indi- cating the pollutant and waste production levels for each of 15 pollutants and waste categories per unit of output for each of 15 energy production technologies. The methodology and results are reviewed and evaluated in Section 6 of this report. Although not characterized by a formal model, an important application of the output results is in the analysis of potential limitations imposed by the availability of resources. In the PIR independent estimates of the supplies of the various resources are compared with the requirements calculated from the output of the integrating model. The projection of potential resource supplies to the energy sector is based upon extrapolation of historical trends in total resource availabilities and shares to the energy sector, conditioned by examination of the macroeconomic environment and independent expert judgement. A final model in the PIES is the International Assessment. pose of this model is to provide a framework in which the world The purdemand for and supply of energy may be analyzed in relation to U.S. domestic energy conditions. The model draws heavily upon the framework and data developed for the recent OECD Study [37]. Section 7 of this report reviews and evaluates the PIR international assessment. 2. DOMESTIC SUPPLY ESTIMATES As noted in the previous section, the supply side of the integrating framework is made up of separate estimates of the likely availability of domestic crude oil, natural gas, and coal by 1985 under a range of assumptions about the price of imported oil and other conditions external to the domestic fuel sector. Each of the supply estimations was supported by a separate task force study, each of which had its own data collection effort and procedures for modeling and forecasting. In this section we review these efforts, evaluate the methods used, and indicate the confidence to be placed in the resulting estimates of supply. The key energy processing activities--most importantly electric power production--are part of the internal workings of the integrating model, and the details of that procedure also are reviewed below. 2.1 Crude Oil 2.1.1 FEA Forecasting Method The PIR forecasts 11.9 million barrels per day of oil production from domestic sources at $7 per barrel, and 15.0 million barrels per day at $11 per barrel in 1985. This analysis is based on an approach developed by the National Petroleum Council (NPC) whereby a computer routine is used to project recent experience. The computer program takes (a) estimates of drilling in each of 12 regions; (b) estimates of discovery of reserves per foot drilled in those regions; (c) estimates of drilling costs and (d) a stipulated discount rate 6]. These estimates are used to calculate the present value of net cash flow for each region separately each year at $7 per barrel. If the present value at $7 is positive, then all of the stipulated drilling and discovery for one year takes place in that region. Discoveries are added up across regions to give total reserves and, given stipulated production-reserve ratios for each region, total production. Then the same calculations are made for $11 per barrel. More regions show positive net present cash flows for a year's drilling at the higher price, so that total production is forecast to be 3.1 million barrels per day greater at the $11 price than at the $7 price. The actual pattern of computations across regions and years is formalized within the computer program. The details of the method can be illustrated using data for exploratory footage drilled in District 3 from 1974 to 1988 under the BAU case. These data are shown in Table 2.1. Under the FEA method, the footage shown for a year is either drilled that year if net present value (npv) is positive, or no footage is drilled, if npv is zero or negative. For example, 1470 thousand feet are drilled in 1974 if npv is positive or none is drilled if npv is negative in the calculations. Similarly, 2380 thousand 2-1 2-2 Table 2.1. Exploratory Footage Stipulated For the Years 1974 to 1988 In District 3 Under BAU, and Estimated Drilling Under Alternative Prices (a) Stipulated Footage Exploratory Year Footage (Thousands) 1974 1975 1976 1977 1470 1523 1581 1601 1978 1544 1979 1980 1981 1660 1634 1757 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1839 1967 2105 2380 2523 2842 2998 TOTAL (b) Subtotal 7,719 16,546 29,424 29,424 Drilling Response to Price Footage Dri 11 ed Price $7 (Thousands) 0 $8 $9 7,719 16,576 $10 29,424 2-3 feet are drilled in 1985, or none at all, depending on whether npv is positive or not. As the assumed price increases, npv in some years and regions changes from negative to positive, so that footage drilled goes from zero to stipulated levels, reserves increase, and finally production increases. The way in which the computer program adds to supply is highly artificial, however. Because drilling costs are assumed to be higher in later years, the npv of a year's drilling in a region is greater in the early years. Because of this, the computer code calculates an npv which is positive in early years and negative in later years for low prices in some regions. For example, npv is positive at a price of $8 per barrel for 1974 to 1978 in Region 3, but negative after 1978; drilling occurs at 1470, 1523, 1581, 1601, 1544, a total of 7719, for the first five years, and is zero thereafter. Additions to supply from price increases thus are assumed to occur through drilling in later years only. When price increases throughout the period, more drilling occurs and production is added after 1978 because drilling in later years increases from zero to stipulated levels. For example, as price in 1974 increases from $8 to $9 per barrel, total drilling in District 3 increases from 7719 to 16,546; but this is entirely the result of drilling increasing from zero to the stipulated levels only in the years 1979 to 1983 [10, Exhibit III-16]. A price increase from $9 to $10 has only the effect of increasing drilling in the years 1984 to 1988, from zero to the levels shown in the series above. In fact, the Oil Task Force Report [10, Exhibit III-16] shows that Region 3 neatly increases its drilling in five-year packages as prices increase by one dollar. All the regions do the first few years' drilling when there are increases in present prices. This computer routine might make sense for a field, when a full drilling pattern for one year has been laid out, and the only issue is whether the price level warrants secondary recovery later on. But as a regional pattern it involves shortcuts in execution that abstract from reality in several important ways. The conceptually correct "supply function" for oil at the regional level is replaced with an incorrect "average cost" function. Important parts of the decision-making process are assumed away--in particular, feedbacks from net present value to drilling assumptions are left out. Working with "regions" rather than "wells" for present value calculations results in aggregation or "summing up" errors. In fact the whole process in practice is an artifact for what are actually a series of drilling judgements that need no computer modeling assistance; the process is one of "assumptions in" produces "assumptions out" without the benefit of a model's logic as a deciphering or integrative device. We deal with these problems here by considering in detail the implications of FEA treatment of drilling sequences, drilling costs, and uncertainty. Drilling Sequences The FEA procedure takes as given a target value for exploratory footage to be drilled in a region for a given year. The expected success ratio per foot drilled is also specified. These data, together with crude prices, 2-4 drilling costs, production (equal to a fixed proportion of reserves) and a discount rate of 10% are used in calculating the net present value (npv) for the target level of drilling. The decision to actually drill in that year depends upon whether npv is positive or negative. With npv >0, all the target footage is drilled. If npv <0 no footage is drilled. As noted above, the FEA procedure imposes a very unusual restriction upon the time distribution of exploratory activity. A permar. nt increase in price from $9 to $10 in 1974 results in increased exploratory activity of 12,848,000 feet in Region 3 all during the period 1984-1988. Thus, ten years must elapse before the 1974 price increase has an impact upon exploratory activity, and therefore production levels, since the relation between production and reserves is assumed to be independent of price. A second difficulty with the FEA procedure involves the relationship between the geographical level of aggregation and the decision agent used in the model. The problem may be interpreted by means of Figures 2.1 and 2.2. Figure 2.1 depicts relationships for actual market behavior in the exploration for reserves. Crude prices and drilling costs determine the distribution of drilling activities between the intensive (development drilling in old fields) and extensive (drilling in new fields) margins, thereby determining both the number of wells drilled and the average success ratio for the region. In turn these variables determine the additions to reserves from exploratory activity. Now, firms engaged in exploratory activities may be viewed as ordering potential drilling projects using the npv calculation described above. Figure 2.2 depicts the appropriate calculation for evaluating an individual drilling project. Price of crude, drilling costs, the expected success ratio and size of find for the project are used in calcuating the npv. The project will be initiated if npv >0. For the individual drilling project, Figures 2.1 and 2.2 are consistent. The difficulty arises when the logic of Figure 2.2 is applied in evaluating an aggregate of the potential drilling prospects in a region. There is no way to analyze the appropriateness of stipulated regional drilling schedules and success ratios since they are not logically derived from an analysis of the decision process by individual drilling projects as initiated. In any region there will be many combinations of individual projects, some with npv >0, which would produce a regional npv <0. Yet in these cases the FEA procedure will set the drilling activity equal to zero, thereby contributing to an underestimate of additions to reserves and subsequent production. Costs All costs are included in the FEA calculations--except lease rentals. Given that the drilling in a region is zero or the stipulated level, then the comparison is between costs at zero and costs at one level of drilling only in that region. Thus the cost calculation in the routine is average non-rental costs and price in present value terms. But in competitive 2-5 FIGURE FIGURE 2.1 2. 2 CAUSE-EFFECT MARKETS RELATIONSHIP IN ACTUAL PROCEDURE FOR EVALUATING INDIVIDUAL DRILLING PROJECT 2-6 markets, price will equal marginal expected cost (or the supply curve is the marginal expected cost curve). The FEA procedure, when taken to the point where the last region comes in that year with npv slightly greater than zero, implies at any price, that the FEA cost curve implying greater supply lies below the marginal cost curve This FEA curve at the same price. is appropriate if "all-or-nothing" choices are being made for all of the region's drilling, as when the government permits or prohibits all drilling. curve for analyzing the impact of price changes But it is not the appropriate in the onshore regions of the lower 48 at least on reserve accumulation, It results in point estimates of discoveries that are too high at states. low prices since there is no intensive drilling beyond the assumed levels that "come in" at the lower prices. But at the same time, the FEA cost calculation shows too little supply As forecast prices rise, it should be expected that drillat high prices. ing will increase on the "extensive" margin (in new areas) or the "intensive" The FEA procedure accounts margin (in smaller known fields in old areas). for some increases in these categories, but not in the expected way. The procedure holds back later years' drilling so that it will occur only at higher prices. For example, none of the stipulated exploratory footage is drilled in Region 2 at $7 per barrel, but 12.7 million feet are drilled at $11 per barrel and 9.6 million feet more are drilled in that The region at prices ranging from $12 to $20 per barrel [10, p. III-23]. the for drilling increases occur by taking as given the total lifetime region, but only completing the last few years' drilling at the assumed rate at $11 per barrel. Given these patterns of drilling, there is a significant downward bias in estimates of the elasticity of production response to price increases. With very few districts showing any variation from "zero" to "full" drilling, the supply curve is a series of discontinuous steps. The production increases at higher prices only occur in later years, so that any price change in 1975 is assumed by the process to result in drilling This is mitigated later, and production some time after that. ten years by secondary and tertiary recovery, which occurs only on another schedule. Since these are very uncertain, compared to primary recovery, however, they have to be greatly discounted as the crucial marginal supplies at higher prices. The elasticities are products of assumptions built into the computer program, and are not indicative of real-world processes. Treatment of Uncertainty Drilling is affected not only by the expected returns from a well at some location but also by expected risk--as measured, say, by forecast variance of the returns. Some locations are more risky for drilling than others, because they have not been gone over by geophysical research groups as thoroughly, or because of other factors such as the trap or dome structure, and interstital fluid movement. No attempt is made in the analysis to 2-7 differentiate regional drilling based on relative riskiness.1 In addition, the FEA computer program assumes that there is no difference between the economics of drilling exploratory wells and production or development wells. Exploratory drilling activity is undertaken when the expected value of returns is higher than the expected cost after discounting returns for significant risk in exploration. The drilling of development wells involves less risk, and takes place depending on whether it is profitable now to remove oil from the reserve base or to wait and produce it later. If price goes up, even with little exploratory drilling, production can rise due to developmental drilling in old regions. This source of supply in a five-year period is ignored by the model, even though it is critical for dealing with problems of supply interruptions in the period 1975-1985. 2.1.2 Alternative Forecasts: Comparison and Evaluation There is considerable variation in forecasts of production at $7 per barrel. While FEA forecasts that production in 1980 will be 11.1 million barrels per day, the MIT econometric model forecasts production at 10.6 million barrels [33]. The Lawrence Laboratory Report (done on an NPCderived computer program as well) shows production at 12.5 million, while the Davidson study shows production at 15.4 million barrels per day [32;5]. Both the high and low forecasts are useful in establishing the range, since they are based on economic models and historical data (with a minimum of "stated" values of critical parameters). But the high forecast is based on very little research effort, and has to be discounted. Altogether, the forecasts suggest tentatively that the FEA forecasts at $7 per barrel may be from half a million barrels high to 1.5 million barrels low. There are very few forecasts based on prices over the $7 to $11 range. The forecasts that are available are all judgemental in nature. The time period of 5 years or more is too long for accurate forecasts to be developed on the basis of judgement alone. The lack of previous experience over this range of price changes makes econometric modeling very problematical as well. Forecasts from one other important source--the companies carrying on the drilling--differ widely. This difference, of course, "makes markets" for exploration and development in this country. But in a recent survey of a half-dozen sources of information and analysis of exploration within the industry, we found that there was a tendency to be more pessimistic than FEA on future supplies. The judgemental forecasters doubted that gains from lIt has been suggested that risk discounts have been "built into" the analysis by scaling down the stipulated recovery factors in more risky areas. If so, only the risk-free discount rate should be used in npv calculations-rates lower than the 10% actually used. 2-8 secondary recovery, and from exploring new areas in OCS, would be as great as forecast by the FEA. Their concensus was that the FEA forecast was on the high side, in contrast to the consensus from computer and econometric analyses. Thus the "error band" on the low side of the FEA would be as large as on that on the high side. Our-rough judgement is that the error of forecast of the FEA prediction at either $7 or $11 per barrel is more than +1.5 million barrels per day in 1985. The forecast process used by FEA understates the elasticity of supply response to price, but given stipulated drilling it overstates quantity at low prices. Of course the stipulated drilling may be too high or too low; judgements on that vary as well, although the "mean judgement" seems to suggest no FEA bias there. The values of parameters are so arbitrary that, according to the Oil Task Force Report itself [10] the "range of reasonable assumptions could affect the quantities predicted by 1985 by 10 to 40 per- cent." Altogether, we would not use the FEA forecasts for policy analysis without considering, as an important part of the analysis, quantities plus or minus 1.5 million barrels per day. 2.2 Natural Gas 2.2.1 FEA Forecasting Method The FEA model predicts, with stipulated drilling and discovery rates, that production of natural gas in the United States will decline slightly over the next few years, over the entire range of forecast prices [11]. The computer program generating these predictions is the same as that for crude oil. But, in contrast with the crude oil forecasts, the stipulated values of certain important parameters are exceedingly low compared to recent experience. Model estimates of recoverability of gas are much lower than of oil production from forecast reserves. Also, drilling is assumed to increase at 5.75 percent annually and exploration in offshore areas is assumed to be limited. These restrictive conditions produce, as "assumption in, assumption out", estimates of little supply responsiveness to price. Once the range of 60 cents to 70 cents per thousand cubic feet--now being experienced under regulation--forecast lower-48 production is between 15.9 and 17.2 trillion cubic feet in 1985. At (deregulated) prices from 60 cents to $1.10, production increases from 17.2 to 17.4 trillion cubic feet. Because of the assumed constraints on drilling, the production of natural gas from nonassociated reservoirs increases only by one percent while assumed prices increase by 60 percent. In effect, drilling assumptions imply an inelastic supply of natural gas with respect to oil and gas prices. The FEA computer exercise is a classic example of using a complicated program to assume certain results. Drilling rates are assumed to increase at 5 percent per year, as in the earlier NPC study, even though they actually have been increasing at four times this rate in the last few years. Recent high drilling rates have been assumed away by the FEA Gas Task Force. At the same time the Task Force assumes that very recent increases in drilling 2-9 costs hold over the next ten years. The FEA in effect assumes the worst-that FPC price controls, which had frozen drilling for more than a decade, do make much difference in drilling when removed, but that costs of drilling stay at present high levels (levels caused in part by the increased drilling ignored 2.2.2 in the FEA analysis). Alternative Forecasts: Comparison and Evaluation The FEA forecast can be compared with those of the econometric gas and oil model built at MIT for the National Science Foundation (NSF Grant GI-34936) [33], and with earlier forecasts of the National Petroleum Council [35]. On the basis of millions of barrels per day oil-equivalent, the FEA forecasts domestic supply at 9.6 million barrels per day. The MIT econometric model forecasts supplies of 14.7 million barrels per day in 1980. The earlier NPC forecasts, under similar conditions, were for 11.5 million barrels. All forecasts assume prices close to $1.00 per thousand cubic feet for new discoveries in the early 1980's, while oil prices are at or below $7 per barrel. It is clear that the FEA is on the low side of these estimates, by amounts of great significance--the equivalent of 2 to 5 million barrels of oil per day. The FEA computer program should be useful for indicating effects on the supplies of gas as oil prices increase over the $7 to $11 range. But the FEA studies do not show how much more gas would be delivered as oil prices increase. It is apparent from the MIT model that demands for natural gas are substantially increased (by 3 trillion cubic feet per annum) as oil prices rise over this range, so that it can be expected that gas prices would rise in response to the increased demand. But the FEA model cannot now be used to track the size and magnitude of the response. However, it is clear that the FEA model as constructed predicts no response in gas supplies from changes in either gas or oil prices. This is contrary to most judgemental forecasts, and even to common sense. The FEA forecasts too little gas, because constraints on drilling have been placed without regard to the more recent growing attractiveness of gas discovery projects (due to partial deregulation and higher interstate prices). The FEA forecast is lower not only than the MIT forecast, but from 1 million to 2 million barrels per day lower than other widely-known forecasts (the Ford Energy Policy Project forecasts range from 10.4 to 10.9 million barrels per day [6] and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report shows 11.9 million barrels per day [32]). This range of forecasts is wider than in the case of oil, and the FEA forecast of gas is below that of others, while in oil it is in the middle of those surveyed. The choice of a higher forecast for gas is critical for the evaluation of the effects of various policies to "close the gap" between domestic energy supplies and demands. If the MIT forecast is to be believed, there are the equivalent of 5 million barrels per day of production over and above those forecast in the FEA analysis. 2-10 If a judgemental estimate is used rather than the MIT estimate, the weight of the forecasts still indicates that gas supply will be above the FEA forecast. In short, the FEA forecasts are based upon unrealistic conservatism in discovery activity. At the least, the error band for the FEA forecasts lies from zero to 3 million barrels per day above the forecasts. 2.3 Coal The major finding of the PIR analysis is an elastic supply curve for coal. Output is forecast to expand greatly with no pressure on price. The projections call for constant real prices of coal throughout the 1975-1990 period. The result is puzzling in light of the representational supply curves depicted in the Task Force Report [9, p. 27]. These curves slope upward, indicating that higher rates of output are obtainable only at higher prices. The answer to this puzzle lies in the method by which the curves are constructed. 2.3.1 FEA Forecasting Method The Coal Task Force begins by asking what output will be produced in each region in each period. This assumed output is called the "production target". The output is then allocated to the different types of mines. A certain amount is produced by existing strip and deep mines, and the difference is made up by new surface and underground mines. The Task Force uses engineering cost estimates to determine the minimum acceptable selling price. Costs are calculated for deep mines producing 1 to 3 million tons per year exploiting coal seams of 4 feet and 6 feet with conventional or continuous mining techniques, and using either drift, slope, or shaft entries to the coal. Similarly, surface mine costs are calculated for various ratios of overburden to seam thickness. The assumed breakdown of output according to mine type, together with these cost estimates, determines the steps of the regional supply curve, as shown in Figure 2.3. For example, in Region 3 in 1985, new strip mines are assumed to open and produce 100 million tons at a cost of about $9 per ton. Similarly, it is assumed that deep mines open at a cost of $11 per ton and produce 50 million tons. The important question is what in the model determines the amount of coal that can be produced by each type of mine. Several possibilities exist. The length of each step could be determined by reserve constraints. That is, the lower-cost strip reserves are exhausted first and then further increments come from deep mines. This is not the case, however. In each period it is assumed that there are high-cost new underground mines opened together with new lower-cost strip mines, indicating that the high cost reserves are brought into production before the low cost reserves are 2-11 S/T 0 N NEW DEEP MINES IIII NEW STRIP MINES r~~~~~~~~~~I OLD DEEP MIN ES OLD STRIP MINES OUTPUT FIGURE 2.3 REGIONAL COST FUNCTION FOR COAL 2-12 exhausted.1 A second explanation is that short-run constraints cause costs to rise when output of new mines expands to a certain point. This would mean there is a short-run supply function as well as a long-run function. However, the model posits no short-run supply function, and at several points the Task Force comments that equipment, etc., is assumed to be available. In fact, in the model the mix of mines, and thus the steps, reflects an extrapolation of past production trends tempered by judgement about new developments [9, p. 20]. The key point in the construction of the supply curves is that deep mines (except in the West) must always be opened to satisfy demand, and thus the price of coal is always the cost of production from a new deep mine. The assumed costs of new deep mines differ slightly among supply regions. This difference reflects the judgement of the coal task group as to whether the costs of mining are above or below the national average. This cost difference between regions remains constant throughout the projection period. The cost depends upon the seam thickness mined. In each case, the choice of the "incremental" mine was based on judgements about the characteristics of the mines in the supply region. The result was a mine somewhere between 48 and 72 inches in thickness, and producing something between 1 and 3 million tons per year. Having determined that at the margin new deep mines determine the cost of coal, the FEA then must determine how these costs will behave as output expands. Two important assumptions are made that affect the forecasts: no substantial depletion of marginal supplies in the next few years, and constant real factor prices. These assumptions lead to the condition of perfectly elastic supply over the 15-year period; the marginal mines are never depleted, and never realize higher costs.2 Negligible Depletion In support of this assumption, the PIR cites reserves of 433.9 trillion tons in seams greater than 28 inches in tiTckness at a depth of less than 1000 feet. However, these figures include a great deal of coal not economic at today's prices. The costs of mining, all other things equal, are inversely related to seam thickness. Currently, few high-sulfur deep mines are opened in seams of less than 48 inches thickness. The average is closer to 60 inches for high-sulfur steam coal. More recently available data indicate 1 The Task Force is aware of the anomaly. They offer an explanation based on transport cost differentials and quality differentials favoring deep mines. While this is likely to be true in specific instances, these factors do not systematically favor deep reserves. 2 We cedure. and deep be small should not push a too literal interpretation of the Task Force proA reasonable interpretation of all this is that both strip reserves reserves will experience depletion, but the overall effect will or negligible. 2-13 large amounts of coal in seams of 42 inches or above, though the distribution of reserves in the 48 to 72 inch range is not known. Since the mines used in the PIR are somewhere between 48 and 72 inches in seam thickness, depending on te area, there remains the possibility that depletion could be significant in certain regions, and that mining of something closer to 42 inch coal may be implied. Constant Real Factor Prices Underlying the estimates is the assumption that real wages and productivity are constant. Wages constitute about 35% of coal costs and have been rising rapidly. The Task Force Report even points out that wages will have to increase to expand the amount of labor supplied [9, p. 17]. Furthermore, the United Mine Workers can be expected to raise wages as oil prices increase, making any output level more expensive. The second area in which rising energy prices will have direct impact on coal costs is in the transport sector. On average, rail tariffs account for 40% of delivered price. Railroads are in a position to increase tariffs as oil prices increase, since utilities are willing to pay more for delivered coal. Research at MIT indicates that railroads in the past have charged relatively higher rates to utilities less favorably situated with regard to alternative fuels [38]. As these alternatives increase in cost, rates can be expected to rise. The ICC has jurisdiction over these rates, although it rarely exercises its authority. In fact, the past performance of this commission suggests that higher coal rates might be encouraged as a means of subsidizing less profitable railroad services. Below we discuss the implications of these factors for alternative forecasts. Other Factors Serving to Increase Costs The question of sulfur in coal was dealt with by assuming that stackgas scrubbing devices are used. This adds to the capital and operating cost of the electric plant, but allows the use of all coal. There are real problems: at present, the reliability and usefulness of these devices is subject to great controversy. Even if this controversy were resolved and the devices proved, the capacity to produce them in sufficient quantities by 1980 is surely limited. Consequently, the supply of coal must also consider the supply of low-sulfur coal. At present, low-sulfur deep mines producing steam coal are being opened in seams 36 inches thick and the average is about 48 inches. This implies costs much higher than those for high-sulfur coal. Furthermore, substantial reliance on low-sulfur coal would force the exploitation of yet thinner seams leading to significant depletion. A second important policy issue is the question of strip mining. this model, the effect of a complete banning of strip mining would be In 2-14 negligible everywhere except in the West where almost all coal is produced by stripping. This occurs because of the assumption of perfectly elastic deep reserves. In fact, stripping in the East is superfluous in this model. The only reason strip coal is produced is that a certain number of strip mines is assumed to open in each region in each year. If no strip mines were to open, the price of coal would be unaffected in the long run. The price is set by the incremental deep mine which is always available at constant costs. 2.3.2 Alternative Forecasts: Comparison and Evaluation In the case of high-sulfur coal, due to its elastic supply the most meaningful comparison is not what output would be forthcoming at FEA projected prices, but rather what are alternative price estimates for the projected output rates. Rather than compare specific engineering calculations, we compared forecasts on the basis of the behavior of prices as output expands over time. The range in alternative forecasts is due basically to differing assumptions about the behavior of input prices. The National Petroleum Council projected constant prices as output expanded from 1975 to 1980, at output levels similar to the FEA [35]. This result, though, depends on productivity increasing to its pre-1969 rate. The FEA forecast assumes no productivity increase in the incremental mine. Thus, using the FEA productivity assumption in conjunction with the NPC assumption implies a 14% increase in price above the FEA forecast. A much wider range is projected by R.L. Gordon [27]. Assuming real wages maintain their historical trend and productivity increases are moderate, Gordon estimates that prices could increase by as much as 48.5% by 1980. He suggests only the most favorable developments could lead to an increase as low as 14%. Neither Gordon nor the NPC include transport rate increase in their estimates. Even a moderate increase of 12% in coal transport rates by 1980 would We conclude lead to a 4% increase that the FEA underestimates in delivered prices. prices by at least 18%. The upper end of the range is based on very unfavorable developments, so a most likely estimate of the bias would be in the neighborhood of 25-30%. However, based upon the general agreement that the aggregate coal supply function is highly elastic, this significant underestimate of price does not seriously affect the supply of coal. The major gap in the model is the inability to deal with the effects of environmental legislation. The key policy questions in coal supply relate to the effects of strip mining regulation and limitations on the permissible sulfur content of coal. Changes in these regulations will significantly affect the price of coal in the period under consideration. 2-15 2.4 Electricity Supply The role of electricity in attaining energy independence is critical. This is because this form of heating, cooking and illumination can be provided from the use of coal and nuclear fuels, rather than imported oil, at roughly comparable (if not lower) costs to the economy. Thus, higher growth rates in the consumption of electricity directly reduce the need for imports. 2.4.1 Supply Forecasts Forecasts of electricity supply presented in the PIR follow from an FEA model which is essentially a constrained cost minimizing model. The model seeks to meet a particular demand or "load requirement" with the least cost combination of existing and incremental plant capacity. Fuel prices to the electric utility sector and demands for electricity are exogenous to this model. The capital costs of alternative types of generating equipment, sys- tem load factors,1 and annual carrying charge rate 2 and the maximum amount of nuclear capacity that can be added in any one year are also exogenous to the model. Finally, the proportions of new capacity that will be added to meet incremental load (plus retirements in each supply category--base, intermediate, and peak) are also specified exogenously. Given the fuel costs, capital costs and the heat rates associated with each type of plant, peak, intermediate, and base load requirements are met with the minimum cost combination of plants. These conditions are illustrated in Figure 2.4. There are a number of difficulties that arise with the model as presented. It does not seem to be strictly appropriate to specify exogenously the capacity factors of peak, intermediate and base load equipment. given fuel prices, heat rates, maintenance costs, etc., it would Rather, be prefer- able to construct a merit order of plants economically according to the actual load. We realize that the FEA has chosen their approach for simplicity, but additional modeling of economic dispatch would increase the realism by making these "factors" part of the system equilibrium (as it now is in regional and systems center dispatch). In a similar vein, the exogenous specifications of proportions of new capacity that will be added as base, intermediate, and peaking capacity is not consistent with actual planning. Capacity decisions are a result of forecasts of least cost combinations, so that there are "feedback" loops as indicated by the dotted lines. Both the types of plant and the proportions lIn addition, the capacity factors at which peak, intermediate, and base load plant will be run are taken as given. 2 They use 20 percent, which is quite high--17 percent is probably more reasonable after taking account of various tax benefits even at today's high interest rates. 2-16 POSITED CONDITIONS MODEL OUTPUT MINIMUM COST PLANT CAPACITY MIX I ] .~~~~~~~ ro I FIGURE l I I I - 2.4 STRUCTURE OF THE FEA ELECTRIC POWER MODEL 2-17 of various types of plant capacity that are added are derived endogenously as an outcome of long run cost minimization. It is difficult to tell exactly how sensitive the results of the stimulation are to these simplifications. We do feel, however, that efforts could be directed towards having plant utilization and capacity expansion decisions determined within the model as they should be in a consistent cost minimizing framework. There would appear to be at least one unsatisfactory forecast from the model resulting from these simplifications. In the $11 BAU case, electricity demand grows at 5.6 percent per year, while capacity grows at 6.3 percent per year. Exactly why the FEA model behaves in this way is not clear since no special assumptions regarding load factors, reserve margins, or heat rates are specified. But it seems that much too much coal capacity is being built and run at too low a usage factor--too much to be consistent with true long run cost minimization. We suspect that this result emerges because of the modeling simplifications that are discussed above. While the total coal consumption figures approximately 85,000 MW predicted by the model appear to be accurate, too much actual coal capacity has been predicted by the model for 1985. eThis amounts to about $30 billion in excess capital requirements in 1973 dollars. In referring to this problem [8, p. 421] FEA indicates that this difference in growth rates is due to ". . . different interpretations of historical figures for distributed electricity and the assignment of transmission losses." Apparently transmission losses were accounted for differently in the demand model and integrating model. The effect of this has been to overstate the investment requirements for plants using the marginal 2.4.2 fuel type, coal. Alternative Forecasts: The MIT electricity model Comparison & Evaluation [1] is conceptually similar to the FEA model except that the simplifications noted above have been avoided as dispatching and expansion decisions are endogenous to the cost minimization routine. We present two simulations to compare with the FEA results. The first has fuel cost and capital cost inputs similar to those of the FEA $11 BAU case. The second is identical to the first except that the costs of coal and oil burning capacity have been increased to reflect additional outlay for air pollution control equipment. We call the first the MIT Base Case and the second the MIT High Air Quality Case. These results are presented for comparison purposes and to examine the sensitivity of the supply results to small changes in two important variables. The simulations are reported in Table 2.2. There are several differences in forecasts worth noting in Table 2.2. First, the total electricity demand predicted by the MIT model is over 10 percent lower for the Base Case and 15 percent lower in the High Air Quality case than that predicted by the FEA model and nuclear energy consumption slightly higher. Nuclear energy consumption is slightly higher even though nuclear capacity is lower in the Base Case because the nuclear plants run at slightly higher capacity factors in the MIT model. Since electricity 2-18 A Comarison Electricity Supply & Fuel Requirements: -.,ompais . .: of the FEA $11.00 BAU Case With Two Forecasts From -- Table 2.2. for 1985 MIT Model FEA $11 BAU Total Capacity MIT $11-Base MIT $11-High Air Quality 922 820 809 456 387 361 327 216 156 Gas 48 67 67 Oil 81 104 137 Peaking 162 151 147 Hydro 100 89 89 Nuclear 204 193 212 3615 3225 3096 1.64 1.16 .87 .55 .42 .46 1.25 1.30 1.43 (KW x 106) Fossil Total Coal Generation (KWH x 109) Fuel Consumgtion (BTU x l101 ) Coal Oil & Gas Nuclear (Fossil equivalent) 2-19 prices are higher in the High Air Quality Case, both electricity demand and fossil fuel consumption are lower than in the Base Case. Thus, fossil fuel consumption by the electric utility industry is very sensitive to the price sensitivity of electricity demand and the prices expected for electricity. A comparison of the base cases with the MIT High Air Quality Case is also of interest. Considerably less coal burning capacity is built, more oil burning capacity built and both oil and gas burning capacity are used more intensively in the High Air Quality Case. Since the costs of coal burning capacity required to meet air pollution requirements were not dealt with in detail in the PIR, this gives some feeling for the magnitude of the effects on electricity supply decisions of higher air pollution control costs than are assumed in the FEA analysis. These conditions may well be more realistic over the coming decade. Another uncertainty involves the reliability of nuclear power plants. Current planning decisions assume that nuclear plant capacity factors will increase above average historical rates. If capacity factors should fall far below the anticipated 70 percent level, additional capacity would be required to meet any level of load. More work should be done on forecasting utilization for those new plants, before any capacity expansion forecasts are taken seriously. In summary, the FEA model gives reasonable results, but is subject to a number of conceptual difficulties. Those appear to lead to over-building of coal burning capacity and may lead to other difficulties that are not completely obvious. More important, results of sensitivity experiments of the FEA electricity supply model to examine the effects of the likely uncertainties have not yet been reported. We have used the MIT model to give some feeling for how large the effects might be from small changes in costs of capacity and in the demand for electricity. The effects are certainly not trivial for the 1985 period and are likely to be considerably magnified in years subsequent to 1985, as lead time constraints become unimportant and capacity existing in 1974 becomes a smaller proportion of the total capability. As a result, we would encourage more analysis and considerable extension of the FEA supply model. 2.4.3 Financing Expansion The major problem for the electric power industry is finding the financing to build the minimum cost mix of generating facilities. The Project Independence Report is concerned with the possibility that there may be financial problems, but does not deal in any analytical way with the nature and extent of these problems. But it is now apparent that without substantial rate increases allowed by the state regulatory commissions, so as to increase the earnings and cash flow of the electric utilities, it is unlikely that they will be able to raise sufficient capital to expand their systems to levels necessary to both meet "minimum cost requirements" and maintain current levels of system reliability at forecast demands. 2-20 There have been a number of recent studies indicating that this is a likely set of conditions for the late 1970's-early 1980's. A detailed review by the Electric Power Financing Sub-Committee of the Federal Power Commission's National Power Survey shows that a continuation of present circumstances, without rates of return being increased more than two percentage points, is impossible [26]. Other studies show that, given recent cancellations and construction delays, nuclear capacity additions could fall short of the FEA projections by as much as 30,000 megawatts-more than 15 percent of capacity needs by 1985. Most observers believe that these nuclear cancellations will be made up in part, mostly by gas turbines and overaged fossil fuel plants, so that fossil fuel demand will have to increase beyond the amounts shown in the PIR. The fossil fuel demand increase could be as much as 1 million barreTs of oil per day equivalent--a large part of which would have to come from additional imports. Therefore there is a "feedback" from financial problems largely ignored in the PIR to the forecasts of the exogenous factors in the electric power suppTy-system. Alternatively, plants being deferred or cancelled may not be replaced at all. A study by Professors Joskow and MacAvoy at MIT shows in preliminary reviews that application of financial analysis to the twelve largest electric power companies finds most of them with negative earnings per share and a lack of ability to float any kind of securities in national capital markets by 1980 [31]. The largest companies in the Midwest and South will probably not be able to obtain the capital needed for any capacity expansion in 1980 at either the current allowed rate of returns or rates or return of 12 or 13 percent on equity after taxes. Extending this study to more large companies would seem to indicate that the country as a whole may be short as much as 25 percent of forecast capacity additions in the early 1980's. This will lead to reduced levels of system reliability and an increasing number of voltage reductions and load curtailments. All of these reduce the desirability of electricity to consumers and would greatly curtail demands for this form of energy. 3. DEMAND ESTIMATES AND INTERACTION WITH THE INTEGRATING MODEL As described in Section 1, the FEA Demand Simulation Model is used to compute the regional demand estimates and national price elasticities which are inputs to the integrating model. Each solution of the linear program is based on a particular set of regional demands for various fuels which in turn is based on certain assumed energy prices. Subsequent solutions of the overall integrating framework are performed until the system has attained "equilibrium" in the sense that the prices implicit in the demand figures for a particular solution are consistent with the implicit supply prices of domestic energy sources. Hence the structure of the demand model (as summarized in the elasti- city measures) and the detailed mechanisms of the procedure by which the system iterates to an equilibrium solution are as important to the process of estimating energy production and consumption levels as the supply functions discussed in Section 2. 3.1 Methodology of the FEA Demand Simulation Model1 3.1.1 Description of the Model The model developed by the FEA involves first estimating energy demands at the national level, conditional upon macroeconomic and demographic variables, energy prices, and technology variables, and then disaggregating to the Census region level of detail. Fuel and Power demands are estimated for three major consuming sectors: household and commercial, industrial, and transportation. Industrial demands for fossil fuels for use as raw materials are estimated separately 2 The transportation demand equations are based upon differing specifications depending upon the particular fuel. For example, gasoline demand per capita is a function of gasoline price and income per capita. Demands for liquified gases and residual fuel oil are functions of prices, but jet fuel demands are independent of price, depending only upon assumptions about route miles and load factors. 1 The FEA Demand Simulation Model is described in PIR [8, Appendix II]. Footnote 1 of that index indicates that two technical reports will be published describing the model, including reports by Data Resources, Inc., and FEA, but as yet these reports have not been released. 2 Raw material demands are assumed to be a function of industrial activity levels, lagged consumption levels, and time. Prices are not included in these equations. 3-1 3-2 The demand equations for the household and commercial and the industrial sectors employ a common specification. The FEA procedure involves a threestep process: (1) Total energy demand. The total demand for energy is estimated from aggregate time-series data, using an energy price index (calculated with actual energy shares and prices year to year) and other variables representing economic and industrial activity. (2) The demand for fossil fuels. The demand for electricity is estimated as a function of its price and other variables. The difference between total fuel and power demand estimated in Step 1 and the demand for electricity is the economy's direct demand for fossil fuels. The demand for fossil fuels in electrical generation is taken into account in the electrical generation sub-model of the integrating framework LP. (3) Fossil fuel shares. fossil fuel demand After electricity has been subtracted off, is divided into its component shares. For example, in the household and commercial sector six share equations are used to estimate the shares of seven fuels: anthracite coal, bituminous coal, natural gas, liquified gas, kerosene, resi- dual fuel, and distillate fuel. The last share, for distillate fuel, follows from the adding up criterion that fuel shares must sum to unity. To estimate the shares, a derived demand framework is used with an econometric specification similar to a conditional logit probability model. Each energy share is estimated conditional on its own characteristics (price) and the characteristics of the base fuel, distillate. The prices of other competing fuels do not directly enter the equation.1 The results of the three-step process are estimates of total national energy demand, national electricity demand, and national energy demand for the principal fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, and petroleum These national estimates are disaggregated down to the level demand functions at a later point for use in the integrating 1 This econometric specification imposes very strong products. of regional model. assumptions on the structure of underlying demands. For instance, the specification imposes the restriction that all cross price elasticities with respect to a given price change are identical. Therefore, the cross-elasticity of anthracite coal and natural gas with respect to residual are assumed to be the same. An improvement in the demand equations would be to include other prices beside only the own price and base fuel price in the specifications. Then the cross-elasticities would not be constrained to have identical values. 3-3 3.1.2 Inputs to the Integrating Model The national (aggregate) demand system forecasts national demands and own price and cross price elasticities in each of the three sectors. The procedure used is to specify an exogenously given path of energy prices over the period 1974-1985. National demand forecasts and elasticities are estimated for each year on the price path. Forecasts of demands and elasticities are made on the regional level from these national forecasts, and those forecasts provide the basic demand input data to the integrating model which solves the system to find an equilibrium. The procedure used to estimate the regional demand curves is as follows. National Demand Forecast. A set of prices for different energy sources for the period 1973 to 1985 is specified, based on a terminal (1985) price of crude oil (either $7, $11, or $15 per barrel). The sets of prices used in the PIR analysis are shown in Table 3.1. The prices in the table for oil products, residual fuel, distillate, and gasoline are determined from the crude oil price and by a constant markup assumption. The natural gas and coal prices are set at values exogenously determined by the analyst. The time path of prices for oil products and electricity between 1973 and the assumed price in 1985 is based on an exponential trajectory, with 90 percent of the 1973 to 1985 price change achieved by 1977, as shown in Table 3.1. These vectors of energy prices are then used to compute price indices akin to the ones used in the original model estimation. The shares of energy demand do not change over the 1973-1985 period in constructing this index; 1972 weights are used throughout. Total energy demand for each year is then estimated from Step 1 of the national demand system using the total energy demand equations for each sector with values of the independent variables being the composite energy price index and indices of economic activity, such as disposable income exogenously forecast by a macroeconomic model. Individual energy product demands are then computed using Step 2 to estimate electricity demand and Step 3 to estimate individual fossil fuel shares, with the 1973-1985 prices for the separate energy products being input as independent variables. Demand Elasticities Each own and cross price elasticity then is calculated by changing the price of one fuel at a time by 5 percent and observing the set of quantity changes each year that result. A separate set of these calculations is done under the $4, $7, $11, and $15 ultimate oil price. For the household and commercial and the industrial sectors, the quantity change which is observed under this procedure is composed of two parts: (1) the change in total energy demand from Step 1 which is a function of the composite fuel index derived from the individual energy prices, and (2) a 3-4 Table 3.1. Prices for $7.00, $11.00 and $15.00 Crude Scenarios* Prices for $7.00 Crude Scenario (1973 Dollars) 1973 4.001 Crude Oil (S/Barrel) 10.44 Coal ($/Ton) Natural Gas (S/1000 Cu. Ft.) 1.254 Household & Commercial 0.6425 Industrial 4.581 Residual (S/Barrel) 5.584 Distillate (S/Barrel) 0.3971 Gasoline ($/Gallon) Electricity (/kWh) Household & Commercial 1.430 Industrial 1.931 1977 1980 1985 7.001 10.44 7.001 10.44 7.001 10.44 0.6423 7.001 9.491 0.4368 1.254 0.6423 7.001 9.143 0.4237 1.254 0.6423 7.001 8.680 0.4063 1.430 1.930 1.430 1.930 1.430 1.930 1 .254 Prices for $11.00 Crude Scenario (1973 Dollars) 4.001 Crude Oil (S/Barrel) 10.44 Coal ($/Ton) Natural Gas (S/1000 Cu. Ft.) 1.254 Household & Commercial 0.6425 Industrial 4.581 Residual (/Barrel) 5.584 Distillate (S/Barrel) 0.3971 Gasoline ($/Gallon) Electricity (/kWh) Household & Commercial 1.430 Industrial 1.931 9.376 10.44 10.34 10.44 10.86 10.44 1.254 0.6423 9.376 11.87 0.4933 1.254 0.6423 10.34 12.48 0.5033 1.254 0.6423 10.86 12.53 0.4981 1.630 2.200 1.681 2.269 1.708 2.306 Prices for $15.00 Crude Scenario (1973 Dollars) 4.001 Crude Oil (S/Barrel) 10.44 Coal (/Ton) Natural Gas ($/1000 Cu. Ft.) Household & Commercial 1.254 Industrial 0.6425 Residual (S/Barrel) 4.581 5.584 Distillate (S/Barrel) Gasoline (S/Gallon) 0.3971 Electricity (/kWh) Household & Commercial Industrial 1.430 1.931 11.75 10.44 13.68 10.44 14.71 10.44 1.254 0.6423 11.75 14.24 0.5498 1.254 0.6423 13.68 15.82 0.5827 1.254 0.6423 14.71 16.38 0.5897 1.830 2.470 1.932 2.608 1.986 2.681 *Reproduced from PIR [8, Table AII-9]. 3-5 change in the fuel shares through Step 3 with the logit fuel split equation. These own price elasticities and cross price elasticities are then used in the integrating model to move from the initial approximation to the equilibrium. Regional Demands National demand for each fuel is divided into a set of regional demands and regional prices using coefficients calculated from 1960-1972 data. The regional share coefficients are calculated using regional value weighted shares of national demand, and the regional price coefficients are calculated by using the average relationship of regional to national prices. These regional share and price coefficients remain fixed over the 1973-1985 period regardless of changes in relative energy prices. Then, given a regional demand calculated in this way and a regional price again calculated by a fixed weight index, the demand curve for the regional price-quantity pair is fixed by assuming that the demand elasticity is constant over the whole demand curve and is identical for all regions. Thus, say for the MidAtlantic region, the natural gas demand function is as shown in Figure 3.1. The regional price (from the trajectory) and quantity (using 1973 weights) determine the point A, and the slope of the straight line (in logs) is determined by the national elasticity. The demand functions for all regions by assumption will have the same slope with their distance from the origin determined by the regional share and regional price coefficients. As can be seen in Figure 3.1, this assumption of parallel demand curves across regions is very stringent and likely to be a serious distortion of the actual situation. 3.1.3 The Use of Regional Demand Functions Within the Integrating Model Given these regional demand curves (with elasticities) as specified by the demand model, and given the supply curves (discussed in Section 2), a Marshallian adjustment process is used to equilibrate the integrating model. That is, starting with a set of demands which result from the initial price trajectory shown in Table 3.1, the least cost supply distribution is calculated using the linear program integrating model. The integrating model produces "shadow prices" which are the implicit marginal prices of the regional energy supplies. These regional supply prices are compared to the demand prices on which the initial regional demand quantities were based. If the prices agree, a regional and national equilibrium has been attained and no adjustment is made. If the prices differ, then there is a two-step process to approach overall equilibrium. First, a price-half-way in between the demand and supply price is used to calculate new regional demands using the national elasticity matrix: log D = log D + M [log P - log P], where D is the vector of regional demands, P the vector of the new regional demand prices with P the old price vector. With the new demands, a new 3-6 LOG PRICE MID ATLANTIC PRICE PAST NPRTH CENTRAL WEST SOUTH CENTRAL FL ANT IC W^ I lTIr - _AA |Ad I I FIGURE 3.1 MID ATLANTIC LOG DEMAND DEMAND A SAMPLE REGIONAL NATURAL GAS DEMAND FUNCTIONS FOR 1985, USING THE NATIONAL ELASTICITY 3-7 LP solution is computed, and if the model and data are well behaved, the solution should converge to an overall supply-demand equilibrium. If equilibrium is attained, it will be characterized by different regional prices and energy shares, depending on the different transport costs and the characteristics of the M matrix.1 Even if equilibrium is attained in the LP solution, there still may exist a disequilibrium in the system, for the resulting prices may drift far from the price assumptions that went into the original price index used in estimating aggregate national energy demand and national price elasticities. In this case, it would be necessary to cycle back through the whole demand forecasting model--starting with new trajectories and computing new demand paths and elasticity matrices. The reason this step is needed for equilibrium is that the positioning of the regional demand curves--not only the elasticity, but more importantly, their position in price-quantity space--depends on the original price trajectory chosen. This can be indicated in Figure 3.2, where DDf and DDS are 1985 demand functions resulting from two alternative price trajectories. Both the position of the demand function and its slope depend on the prices chosen. Given a regional supply curve, it is very unlikely that it would pass through the intersection of D1 D' and D2D2. To insure a full equilibrium once the integrating model provides equilibrium prices for, say, 1985, these prices would need to be used to generate a new set of prices with new regional demand curves computed. The equilibrium solution of these new demand curves would be used to form another new price set. If the procedure converged, a full equilibrium would be attained. Another similar shortcoming is that once a full equilibrium of the supply-demand system is found, in principle these results should affect the level of macroeconomic activity which is used in forecasting total energy demand. That is, the forecasts of aggregate demand and investment should be sensitive to factor prices in the economy. Thus if the assumptions used to make the macro forecasts are not consistent with the energy prices and quantities, serious biases could result. The PIR assumes that the level of macroeconomic activity remains constant while the world oil prices varies from $4 to $15. This assumption should be replaced by integrating the macroeconomic model with the energy model, a very difficult task. 3.2 Evaluation of the FEA Methodology 3.2.1 Estimation Problems The FEA method for introducing demand into the integrating framework appears satisfactory in principle, but in practical application, given the lOutput for the $11 "Business As Usual" scenario by demand region and products is presented in [8, Appendix IV, pp. 269-275]. 3-8 I? LOG PRICE )r -2 LOG DEMAND FIGURE 3.2 REGIONAL DEMAND FUNCTIONS UNDER TWO PRICE TRAJECTORIES IN 1985 3-9 data available during the study period, a number of encountered. 1 Attempts were made to compensate for that arose in connection with the demand model, but remain that the overall results must be viewed with serious problems were some of the problems sufficient difficulties caution. The essence of the first problem that arose can be seen in Table 3.2, which presents the own and cross elasticities for the household and commercial sector and the industrial sector. As can be seen, the model produces the counter-intuitive result that, in the household and commercial sector, natural gas and coal are complements of residual and distillate fuels rather than substitutes for them (that is, the cross elasticities are negative when they would be expected to be positive), so that as the price of oil rises the demand for natural gas falls in this model. Even in the industrial sector, the cross elasticity of coal demand to oil price is negative, and the cross elasticity of natural gas demand is essentially zero. 2 Now it is not altogether obvious what all the various factors are that contribute to this result, but clearly one very likely problem is that many of the observations on natural gas demand are on the supply rather than the demand curve. In the estimation procedure, the FEA properly omitted data from the early 1970's, when markets could no longer be assumed to be in supply-demand equilibrium due to FPC price regulation. The esti- mation of the fuel-split equations used data from the late 1950's and 1960's. During this period natural gas was simply unavailable in many areas of the country, although markets were expanding rapidly as new In the months since the PIR was published, the FEA analysts working on ways to correct some of the problems detailed here. have been 2 The problem arising in this demand estimation can be seen in the following example considering a change in the demand for fuel oil. A rise in the price of natural gas decreases total energy demand (since the price index rises), but for a given total demand increases the share of residual fuel oil which is a close substitute for natural gas. Thus the cross price elasticity of residual demand with respect to natural gas price is: png . d Res _ RES d png where demand d Tot d Pindex + ares d Pindex for residual d png is Res = ares ares . T d png ' Tot, and po Res E = 1. It is expected that the sign of the total derivative is positive, given that residual and natural gas are close substitutes. In fact, the FEA demand estimates must have the first term, the "output or income effect" being large and negative, for their estimates show natural gas and residual to be complements, not substitutes. While in theory the sign of the derivative is indeterminate, most analysts would find it very surprising that these fuels are complements. This problem likely arises from the restriction inherent in the demand share specification that the cross share elasticities are identical across all fuels for a given change in price of one fuel. Thus the second term is an average across all fuels and may not be large enough to give the expected relationship of substitutes. 3-10 Table 3.2. Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Fuels, $11 Scenario* Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Fuels in tne Household and Commercial Sector 1985, $11 Scenario ELCH NGH BITH LGH KH DFLH RFLH PNGHC PELCH PBIT .128 -.444 .602 -. 368 .888 .358 .014 .289 .262 .135 .011 .341 -.618 .012 .137 .005 .001 .110 .009 .099 .008 PDFL .084 -.063 -1.384 .847 -.029 -.638 -.275 PRF POTH .054 -.058 -.147 -.058 -.002 -.047 -.345 .032 .040 .101 -1.605 -.087 .033 .029 Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Fuels in the Industrial Sector 1985, $11 Scenario PNGIND ELCH NGI BITI LGI KI DFLI RFLI .294 -1.506 .816 1.164 1.956 1.158 1.176 SrGI 1.926 PCI 1.830 PELCIND -1.356 .324 .008 .008 .016 .008 .008 .016 .016 PBIT .149 .067 -.593 .171 .622 .225 .593 .369 -.027 -.052 PDFL PRF POTH .056 .128 .029 .085 .152 .076 -.087 -.074 -.128 -1.147 -.076 -.126 -.119 -.179 -.258 -.446 -1.148 -1.092 -1.697 -.437 -.124 -.126 -2.058 -.415 -1.568 -. 257 Long Run Elasticities of Demand for Fuels in the Transportation Sector 1985, $11 Scenario PGAS GAST LGT DFLT RFLT PNGI PDFL PRF -.355 -. 069 -. 367 -. 258 .191 -. 191 -.758 *Reproduced from the PIR [8, Tables AII-4, AII-5, and AII-6]. 3-11 pipelines opened up new markets. As a result, one year there was no demand in a region and the next year--after the pipeline was opened--there was a significant change in the fuel share of natural gas, without any change in relative prices. If the estimation was regionally disaggregated, then it would be possible to introduce the fact that the gas price is essentially infinite before the pipeline is built to a region, but in an estimation based on national aggregates this essential fact is obscured, and the result is that a supposed estimation of the demand curve is confounded by estimates that really are points on a shifting supply curve. In addition to the problem of complementarity between gas and oil pro- ducts, many of the own price elasticities occur because of fuel availability and locational effects, while in transportation they likely stem from the problem of disentangling price and income effects in the demand for gasoline. These problems require careful treatment in any case. However, in a logit analysis they are difficult to find because shares change very slowly over time. Another problem may arise due to the specification of energy demands in the industrial sector. Energy is an intermediate good, and the usual way of dealing with derived or intermediate demand is to estimate final goods consumption as a function of income and final goods prices, and then determine demand for factors (e.g., energy) through a production technology which is a function of output and price of (all) factors of production. It is legitimate to collapse demand for final goods and the production technology into derived demand for factors; but then the derived demand must be a function of income and all factor prices. Using only energy prices in specifying demand constitutes a misspecification because the other factory prices (e.g., wages, cost of capital, cost of other raw materials) have been omitted. Ideally, the energy prices would be determined from crude oil, wellhead gas, and minemouth coal prices by refining and transportation technologies. While lack of data often precludes correct econometric practice, this consideration would be important in determining the interaction of energy prices and GNP growth. 3.2.2 Effect on the Overall Demand Estimate Given the underlying structure implied by the results shown in Table 3.2, it is not surprising that the initial demand forecasts prepared by FEA using the model gave what appeared to be serious underestimates of the demand for natural lIndustrial gas, particularly coal demand at high oil prices.; also drops as oil prices rise, (For example, for the same reason, although the significance of this effect is dampened somewhat by the fact that so much coal demand handled in another way. is in the electric sector, which is 3-12 the model has the equilibrium price of natural gas more expensive with $4 oil than with $11 oil, and more natural gas is consumed with $4 oil than with $11 oil!) It is apparent that some considerable effort went into attempts to correct the problem once the counter-intuitive nature of the results was seen. For one thing, the elasticity matrix that resulted from the procedure described above was "doctored" to force the model to yield more reasonable results. Thus, as pointed out in the PIR [8, Appendix, p. 87] the elasticities of demand to industrial electricity price and household and commercial natural gas price (Table 3.2) were scaled down by factors of six and four respectively as part of this process of imposing judgement on the econometric results. The precise reason for this adjustment, and its effect on the results, are not known. Another form of adjustment of the model to this problem of the dis- appearance of natural gas demand at high oil prices was in the handling of the original price trajectories shown in Table 3.1. In this case the effect on the results is more clear, and damaging. As can be seen in Table 3.1, the natural gas prices were held constant under all oil price scenarios at a price roughly equivalent to $7 per barrel oil. The endpoint of the natural gas price trajectory is not raised when oil prices rise to $11 per barrel for the reason noted earlier, i.e., the natural falls to unreasonably low levels when this is done. gas demand It is important to notice the effect of this assumption about price trajectory for natural gas, coupled with the elasticities in Table 3.2 on the solution to the integrating model. As oil prices rise, natural gas demand does not rise. As a result the price of natural gas in the inte- grating model is never driven away from this starting assumption because, in effect, gas supply is never driven up onto the inelastic portion of the supply function.1 In fact in some regions gas prices fall below those implicit in the vector of initial demands. Three points need to be made about this set of problems: (1) Failure to Achieve BTU Equilibrium Under the "deregulation" assumptions of the PIR, by 1985 sufficient time should have passed so that energy sources which are nearly perfect substitutes for each other (e.g., natural gas and distillate) should be in equilibrium with respect to BTU price (after counting in all transportation and distribution costs). Using the PIR BTU conversion rates [8, p. A281] and the citygate equilibrium prices for distillate for, say, the Mid-Atlantic region, the BTU price of distillate is $2.04/million BTUs [8, p. 273] and the price of natural gas is $1.14/MCF [8, p. A272]. 1 This cheap gas is not picked up by the electric power sector because the model is constrained not to install gas-fired generating capacity. 3-13 Therefore, a BTU of gas costs fuel oil. From elementary cost minimization assumptions, an industry only 54% of a BTU of distillate buying at the city gate should buy only natural gas. Household and commercial users, even after allowing for within city markups and retail delivery costs, should also buy only natural gas. Yet the model has 3,130 million BTUs of distillate being consumed in 1985 in the Mid-Atlantic region. 1 The notion of a BTU equilibrium is a subtle concept. All appropriate costs including transportation, storage costs, etc., plus the effects of long-term contracts, must be taken into account. Still, the most powerful notion of the economic calculus states that close substitutes cannot have greatly different prices. Thus, even when all the complications are considered, the large price disparity between, say, distillate and natural as could not exist in a true equilibrium under deregulation. This consideration must be of extreme importance in determining the role of alternative fuels such as coal, natural gas, and synthetics in 1985. (2) Overestimation of Overall Energy Demand Since the natural gas price is never raised above the level shown in Table 3.1, the price index used in forecasting a national energy demand is underestimated in relation to what it would be if the model were yielding something closer to BTU equilibrium, and thus the aggregate (3) demand is overestimated. Underestimate of Natural Gas Consumption The problem of lost demand for natural gas remains, and in effect the share of oil (and thus of imports) in overall aggregate demand also appears to be overestimated. As the oil price rises, the share of natural gas must increase, not decrease, as the PIR forecasts. The PIR in effect continues the natural gas shortage due to current regulatory policies. To appreciate the effect of regulation and the size of the natural gas shortage if it is continued, the model must be corrected so that reason- able demand forecasts are made. These problems are critical for policy simulation. In an experiment suggested by the MIT group in which approximate BTU equilibrium prices for gas, coal, and electricity for $11 oil are used in the original price trajectory, the final equilibrium gas price rises 25% above the PIR estimate. Furthermore, equilibrium oil imports are reduced by almost a million barrels a day. If the cross elasticity of natural gas with oil products had the correct sign, it is likely that oil imports would have fallen even further. 2 The situation for coal is less clear due to different burning efficiency and capital cost requirements, but again the price of coal seems well out of equilibrium even allowing for these additional complications. 3-14 3.3 Summary Evaluation Due to the complex modeling methodology, it is hard to say what the effect of these problems is on the final forecasts. But at any given level of total energy demand, the PIR probably underestimates the amount of natural gas consumed and overestimates oil products consumed, thus giving an upward bias to oil import forecasts. Since the oil price is set exogenously, the correct equilibrium quantity of natural gas must increase if the gas supply function is upward sloping and if regional prices are in BTU equilibrium and natural gas is a substitute for petroleum products. The effect on total energy demand is much more difficult to disentangle. Conflicting biases seem to make it impossible to calculate the final bias. 1 However, one prediction may safely be made. The PIR predicts 12.4 million barrels of petroleum imports per day in the $11 case. Both these numbers are biased upwards due to the problems in the demand modeling methodology. Unless one assumes very price inelastic supply curves for coal and natural gas, and a large underestimate for total demand, both coal and natural gas will be consumed in sufficiently greater quantities so that oil imports will be less than the PIR indicates. Under deregulation and easin of environmental standards, coal and natural gas will have a larger share in energy consumption than the PIR indicates. 1 Since total energy demand is closely linked to the growth rate of the GNP which is assumed to be the same in the $4, $7, and $11 cases, another element of uncertainty is introduced. been done on the interaction To date very little analysis has of increased energy prices and growth of GNP. 4. CONSERVATION In the previous section we discussed the FEA analysis of demand, where "demand" is concerned with the amount of energy that consumers desire to purchase at some given price. In addition, the PIR outlines the energy savings that will be realized from the implementation of a variety of conservation initiatives, including legislative and regulatory actions designed to mandate reductions in energy consumption beyond those to be expected as a result of higher energy prices. In this sectionwe review and evaluate this aspect of the FEA methodology and results. 4.1 FEA Conservation Initiatives The PIES provides an analysis of a number of important conservation initiatives. In this section, we summarize for the $11 scenario the initiatives included in the Blueprint, the energy savings associated with each initiative, and other expected impacts of the initiative. (1) Establish a mandatory 20 MPG auto efficiency standard-1.9 quads. If the sales-weighted average MPG is increased to 20 MPG by 1985, vehicle fuel use will be decreased 19% from the 1985 BAU case. The efficiency standard will have a negligible effect on vehicle miles travelled (VMT), GNP, and unemployment. New car sales are expected to be reduced about 3% per year. (2) Enact legislation which would substantially increase use public transit and discourage inefficient use of automobiles -- 1.2 quads. of If transit service is improved via legislation and subsidy, while autos are discouraged via parking fees, tolls, licensing fees, and gas taxes, then ridership will increase at least 20% over existing levels and vehicle miles travelled (3) will be reduced 25% tax credit, to expire 20% in 1980 and 9% in 1985. in 1980, for retrofit to improve thermal efficiency of residential buildings -- 0.9 quads. Estimated government cost for this program 4is $800 million (4) per year in lost tax revenues by 1980. Enact legislation requiring federal minimum efficiency standards for all new residential and commercial construction -1.0 quads. 4-1 4-2 Report The use of the ASHRAE as a basis for minimum efficiency standards would lead to these savings by 1985; the cost to develop, implement, and monitor the stan- dards would be $300 million. 15% tax credit, (5) expiring structures -- 0.2 quads. revenues would in 1980, to retrofit commercial Cost in terms of lost government be $40 million per year by 1980. Enact new legislation requiring mandatory minimum performance (6) standards for new manufactured appliances shipped and sold in interstate commerce -- 0.5 quads. Energy savings up to a maximum of 25% of overall appliance energy usage would be achievable. Costs to the Federal Government would be $3-5 million per year for research and administration. Enact legislation mandating lighting standards for commercial buildings -- 1.4 quads. (7) The cost of enforcement would be $25 million annually. Aggressive conservation program assured by research, development, and demonstration for increased efficiency in industrial processes -- 1.5 quads. (8) Direct governmental costs for RD&D would be $250 million in 1977 and should decrease after that. Demonstration of energy conserving practices and technologies in support of amendments to the Federal Power Act -- 0.9 quads. (9) Activities to flatten load peaks including alternative rate structures, cooperative arrangements between transmission systems with complementary peaking characteristics, and RD&D in thermal storage devices should reduce end-use demand. Marketina solar collectors and equipment for waste heat recuperation could reduce electrical demand. The cost in direct Federal outlays would be approximately $100 million per year. FEA also estimates the effects of a demand management strategy which focuses directly upon substituting coal for oil and gas in utility and large industrial uses and on stimulating the use of electricity, rather than oil and gas, in the residential and commercial sector. This demand management strategy is implemented by forbidding direct use of oil and natural gas as fuels in new or replacement housing -- all new-buildings would be Thus a large part of the anticipated growth in petroleum demand in the industrial sector is converted into coal demand, and utilities are converted from petroleum to coal. No significant change in the transportation 4-3 sector's energy use is expected to occur through 1985, since there is no possibility of converting transportation vehicles from petroleum to other fuels. In total, the strategy could reduce petroleum use by 1.0 quads and natural gas by 2.5 quads; and utilities would total 6.11 quads. 4.2 increased coal use by industry FEA's Intended Methodology FEA's procedure for developing estimates of energy savings through various conservation iniatives involved the development of special models for each of the major consuming sectors. Models were developed for the industrial sector [25], the transportation sector [24], and the residental and commercial sector [23]. These models were intended to be sensitive to the set of conservation initiatives so to be evaluated, that the various policy instruments could be made explicitly exogenous variables in the analysis. It was recognized that some initiatives -such as research, development, and demonstration of more efficient technologies and industrial processes, or demonstration of energy conservation practices in general -- would be difficult to include in a modeling framework. However, initiatives such as miles-per-gallon (MPG) regulation or tax credits to induce investment in insulation could be explicitly modeled. If properly specified and estimated, the FEA energy conservation submodels would essentially replace the econometric demand model described and evaluated in Section 3. However, in the development of these models the FEA encountered a number of very difficult problems relating to model specification in a circumstance involving the inte- gration of behavioral assumptions with engineering/process types of information. As a consequence, the decision apparently was made to try to develop the conservation models as fully as possible independent of the national econometric demand model, and then integrate the two models to produce demand estimates for each of the conservation initiatives. This was done in the following way. First, the same macroeconomic and demographic scenarios were used in both the national econometric demand model and each of the conservation models. These data included assuming crude oil proces of $4, $7, and $11. The conservation models were solved using these input data to produce independent estimates of the "Business as Usual" demands. Next, each independent conservation initiative was introduced into the model, and the resulting model solution compared with the BAU solution for assumed crude oil prices of $4, $7, and $11. The difference between the two solutions at each of the assumed prices was the estimate savings due to that specific conservation initiative. of the This procedure 4-4 provides a means for disentangling the effects of changes in demand due to price changes versus changes due to the conservation initiative, without developing a single demand model which is sensitive both to prices and to instruments for introducing conservation initiatives. Of course, there was no reason to expect that the BAU solutions of the national econometric demand model and those of the conservation models would turn out to be equal. Since the conservation modeling effort tended to focus upon the special problems associated with introducing conservation policy variables into a modeling framework, FEA assumed that the econometric forecast discussed in Section 3 gave the better estimate of unconstrained demand for .the BAU case. The conservation model estimate of the demand associated with a given initiative was apparently reconciled with the econometric demand model BAU estimate in one of two ways. (1) The difference between the conservation model BAU solution and the initiative solution was subtracted from the national demand model BAU solution. That is, the conservation model estimate of the magnitude of the savings was assumed to apply regardless of the initial level of demand. (2) The percentage reduction in demand associated with the conservation model solution was taken to apply. In this case, the national demand model BAU solution was reduced by this percentage. In either case, points on the new demand curve, corresponding to assumed crude oil prices of $4, $7, and $11 dollars, were obtained. Figure 4.1 summarizes the relationship of the two demand curves for the $11 scenario. The FEA assumed that the elasticity at each of the three crude oil prices (as evaluated by the econometric demand model) also applied to the points on the new demand curve as adjusted for conservation. The procedure used imposes no restrictions to insure that price elasticities associated with any one of these points will in fact trace out a demand curve which also passes through the two points associated with the other two prices. The only condition under which this restriction is imposed is if the conservation savings are a constant percentage reduction from the original demands. 4.3 The Actual FEA Calculations and Evaluation of Results The PIR has "order of magnitude" estimates of the size of energy savings that may be anticipated following a large-scale commitment to energy conservation. However, the basis for projecting the expected savings reflects considerable subjective estimation. The model described in the Task Force Reports [23, 24, 25] were not applied in evaluating the initiatives summarized in Section 4.1. In all cases, the Task Force reports do not present detailed information on the particular initiatives evaluated in the PIR. This is not to assert that the conservation models were not used extensively to inform the subjective estimates presented in the PIR. However, the fact remains that the "positioning" of the demand 4-5 LOG PR ICE DEMAND CURVE FROM NATIONAL MODEL ECONOMETRIC INED BY ADJUSTING ON WITH THE BAU INFORMATIC )N FROM F CONSERVATION. CURVE MODEL USING NATIONAL ES - LOG DEMAND FIGURE 4.1 FEA DEMAND CURVES FOR A GIVEN PRODUCT WITH AND WITHOUT A GIVEN CONSERVATION INITIATIVE I 4-6 curves associated with each of the conservation initiatives for crude oil price scenarios of $4, $7, and $11 is based on essentially subjective evaluation. Our essential point here is that the conservation results in the PIR cannot be replicated. This is in direct constrast to most other components of the PIES where estimates can be potentially reproduced by application of the appropriate model. Secondly, insufficient information was developed relating to the investment and social costs associated with a particular conservation initiative. There are three important consequences of this omission. (1) The costs of implementing the iniative cannot be evaluated. As a consequence, investment levels necessary to implement alternative initiatives cannot be compared among themselves and with investments necessary to increase energy supplies. Such comparisons are necessary in order to choose a least-cost combination of conservation and supply initiatives to achieve a given import reduction. (2) The relationship between the initiatives and the consequent requirements for non-energy inputs (and their prices) and the resulting effect upon the level and distributon of real output cannot be evaluated. The PIES system includes no capability for assessing the consistency of the energy quantities and prices, and the associated quantities and prices of investment goods and other inputs, with the assumed level and distribution of real output. (3) The procedure by which FEA traces out the demand curves associated with the conservation initiatives under each of the crude oil price scenarios seems incorrect. Recall that the three conservation demand curves will coincide only when the conservation initiative produces a constant percentage reduction in the original demand. Nothing in the FEA procedure ensures that this restriction was imposed. It would be more appropriate to estimate the elasticity associated with a segment of the conservation demand curve by calculating the arc elasticity between the two continguous points. This would insure that all the information produced by the conservation models was incorporated in the conservation demand curve, and would also insure that a single conservation demand curve was produced. In summary, FEA's approach to the incorporation of conservation initiatives into the PIES seems reasonable. However, difficulties seem to have arisen in implementing the procedure. The conservation models were not accepted as providing reasonable estimates of the conservation savings, and so were significantly supplemented, if not eliminated, through the application of subjective information. The PIES does not provide a framework within which these subjective estimates of the impact of selected conservation initiatives can be evaluated. 5. ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENTS AND POLICIES Since the Project Independence Report is intended to evaluate various options for U.S. policy, one critical input to the analysis is the estimation of the larger cost to the economy of the more important policies that might be adopted to achieve sufficiency, or the possible cost of continued exposure to the vagaries of the world oil market. Analysis of these matters is difficult under the best of conditions, and not surprisingly we find this to be one of the weakest aspects of the PIR effort. 5.1 Impact of the Oil Embargo Evaluation of the costs of the embargo of 1973-1974 is an important element of any appraisal of energy policy. Investment in facilities and programs for protection against future embargoes is justified only if there is evidence that the economy can be hurt by an embargo. The Project Independence Report contains estimates of the impact of the economy. It concludes that the cost of the embargo was substantial, and that the adverse effects continued and even grew after the end of the embargo. In evaluating this conclusion, it is important to remember that two events coincided in the fall of 1973. Certain Arab governments imposed restrictions on the quantity of oil supplied to the United States, and simultaneously raised the price of oil to all customers by a substantial amount. It is important to avoid confusion of the effects of the two events. It appears that the great bulk of the disruption of the U.S. economy during and after the embargo was in fact attributable to the price increases and not to the embargo itself. And thus the U.S. economy is vulnerable to future embargoes only to the extent that they bring about further price increases by new restrictions on world supply. It is unfortunate that the FEA report does not make this important distinction, for a review of the materials in the PIR itself supports the hypothesis that the disruption followed primarily from price increases. The FEA estimates that oil consumption in the U.S. was 5.8 percent below trend in the fall of 1973, 13.9 percent below in January 1974, and 16.7 percent below in February. Actual demand fell below trend during the period because of voluntary and mandatory conservation measures, of uncertainty of supplies, and because the prices of products rose substantially. With an elasticity of demand in the short run for petroleum products of -0.2, the price increases necessary to reduce demand by price pressures alone would have been 29 percent, 69 percent, and 83 percent, respectively, in the three periods. The actual price increases for some products were in this range, though the average was somewhat less, as shown in Table 5.1. 5-1 5-2 Table 5.1. Changes in Price and Consumption Over the Embargo Period Nov.-Dec. 1973 Jan. 1.974 Feb. 1974 5.8% 13.9% 16.7% 29.0% 69.0% 83.0% Gasoline 14.0% 30.0% 37.0% Kerosene 10.0% 19.0% 42.0% Distillate (No. 2) 13.0% 34.0% 61.0% Residual 33.0% 74.0% 127.0% Percent reduction in actual consumption below trend Price increase necessary to reduce demand by amount in first row Actual price increases, selected products, relative to September 1973 Source: Survey of Current Business, 1973-1974 (Various issues). 5-3 Little is known about the quantitative impact of conservation programs during the embargo; the FEA report contains almost no information on this subject. It is entirely possible that the combination of price increases and conservation policies depressed demand to the level of actual consumption, so that FEO allocation and other quantity controls were not actually necessary. This would be consistent with the observation that products were generally available in unlimited quantities. No attempt was made or was needed to enforce restrictions on the consumption of heating oil. Gasoline was freely available throughout the period in many parts of the country. Even in the most seriously affected northeastern urban areas, waiting times for gasoline rarely exceeded shortfall of 1 or 2 percent. 10 or 20 minutes, corresponding to a quantity Thus there is little evidence that the embargo alone had an important effect on the U.S. economy. The very real dislocation suffered by the economy was in the response to the price increases, not the embargo itself. FEA's estimates of the impact of OPEC's actions are consistent with that view. They continue to be large well after the end of the embargo, and in one set of estimates reach their peak a full year after the embargo. Those estimates, prepared by the Department of Commerce by a method that is not described in the PIR, suggest that real GNP was reduced by $2.1 billion in the fourth quarter of 1973, $10.4 billion in the first quarter of 1974, and $9.7, $10.2, $14.5, and $15.0 billion in the next four quarters respectively. Evaluation of these estimates requires a study of the model used to prepare them and the assumptions about fiscal and monetary policy underlying them--a study which can be undertaken as soon as the method is made known by the Department of Commerce. The FEA made a second, larger set of estimates using a very simple technique. They compared a forecast made by Data Resources, Inc., just before the embargo (October 24, 1973) to one made well after it (May 21, 1974). They attribute all changes in the forecasts to the embargo. Since this method takes account of all influences on the economy that changed over the period, it is clear th-atit measures the combined influences of the embargo, energy price increases, and events not directly connected with the OPEC action, such as the tightening of monetary policy during the spring of 1974. Some idea of the magnitude of the errors in this procedure can be gained by comparing the two forecasts used by the FEA with the actual behavior of the economy and DRI's current forecast for real GNP. These data are shown in Table 5.2. By the third quarter of 1974, differences between forecasts (before vs after embargo) were smaller than errors in forecasts. For the later quarters, errors in the forecasts dwarf the changes in the forecasts from October 1973 to May 1974. Many determinants of economic activity change from one forecast to the next, quite apart from dramatic actions like those of OPEC. Little confidence can be put in estimates derived from comparisons of forecasts that attribute all of the differences to a single influence. The US. economy entered a deep recession after the embargo and price increase of 1973-1974. Though energy problems are given a large role in 5-4 Table 5.2. Comparison of Alternative DRI Forecasts Date of forecast 73IV 741 7411 74III 741V 751 10-24-73 848.4 851.8 855.7 862.5 869.7 879.9 5-21-74 844.6 831.0 836.2 845.4 855.6 864.2 12-28-74 845.7* 830.5* 827.1* 823.1* 804.4 794.8 *Actual data 5-5 popular accounts of the recession, experts in macroeconomics generally find that they are of minor importance. The prevailing expert view is that the current recession is basically similar to earlier recessions in resulting from a reduction in aggregate demand. Contractionary monetary and fiscal policies are the fundamental cause of the current recession, in this view. The embargo and price increase brought about an unusually difficult choice for policy-makers between high levels of inflation and high rates of unemployment, but they could have chosen a more expansionary policy and thereby prevented the recession. The recession should be viewed as the method chosen by policy-makers to deal with inflation (only part of which is attributable to the oil price increase), not an inevitable result of the embargo. Arthur Okun argues for this interpretation and provides considerable evidence in a recent paper [36]. Existing macroeconomic models are poorly suited to the analysis of the impact of energy problems because they are too highly aggregated to deal in detail with the energy sector and interactions with other inputs and the prices or quantities of outputs. The disaggregated models do not treat short-run adjustment in enough detail to make useful estimates.1 Work should be undertaken to disaggregate the macro-models, and to make the energy-oriented market or sectoral models more dynamic. This has to be done before reliable forecasts of the effects of sectoral policies can be undertaken. 5.2 Long-Run Implications of High Energy Prices and of Alternative Energy Policies Over the longer run, to 1985 and beyond, the economy responds more flexibly and efficiently to large changes in the prices of energy. Workers laid off from energy-sensitive industries find work in other sectors, new industrial processes are developed to use more of other inputs and less energy, and houses, automobiles, and other consumer products are redesigned to use less energy. High energy prices are much less costly and disruptive in the long run than in the short run. The FEA's report agrees with other studies that the total volume of output of the U.S. economy is hardly affected 1 The FEA report does contain a good deal of data on the impact of the oil price increase on specific industries. According to a study conducted by the Department of Labor, quoted by the FEA, about 500,000 workers were laid off as a direct or indirect result of reduced consumption of oil. Most had been employed in the automobile and related industries. These layoffs were less than the normal layoffs that occur each week in the U.S. economy, and did not have an important impact on the national unemployment rate. Higher energy prices called for a reallocation of resources from energysensitive industries to other industries, and the layoffs and subsequent re-employment of workers that took place in early 1974 was the working out of this process. The cost of the sudden increase in energy prices was the transitional unemployment of workers taking part in the process. 5-6 by high energy prices or by alternative energy policies. According to the FEA's study (based on models provided by Chase Econometrics Associates and by Clopper Almon), real GNP will grow at a rate of 3.7 percent per year over the period 1973 to 1985, whether or not a policy of accelerated supply is adopted, if the world price of oil is $7 per barrel. At $11 per barrel, growth would be 3.2 percent per year. A second major study, carried out by Edward Hudson and Dale Jorgenson of Data Resources, Inc., for the Energy Policy Project of the Ford Foundation [6] is somewhat more optimistic. It projects a growth rate of real GNP over the period 1975-1985 of 3.6 percent per year assuming a continuation of past trends in energy consumption, 3.5 percent if high prices and other influences depress consumption below its historical path, and the same 3.5 percent even if strong policies keep energy consumption constant rather than growing at all. Neither of these studies uses a fully integrated model of energy use and economic growth, so there may be a considerable margin of error. However, both analysis conclude that there is no fixed relation between energy input to the economy and total output, so the economy can continue to grow even with substantially less energy. High energy prices depress the real incomes of Americans even though they have little effect on real output. This is simply the counterpart of the dramatically increased real incomes of nations that export oil. Real wages in the United States are now over five percent below the smooth trend they followed before 1973.1 The FEA study seems to have overlooked this effect altogether. With oil at $7 per barrel, they project a rate of growth of the real wage of 1.5 percent per year, precisely the same as at $11 per barrel. Again, the lack of integration of the energy model into the macroeconomic mode prevents a satisfactory analysis of the impact of energy prices on overall prices and wages. It is generally thought that high energy prices have a differentially adverse impact on consumers with low incomes. The FEA report presents a good deal of evidence supporting this view. Families with incomes below the median spend about 11 percent of their income in gasoline, electricity, heat, and other forms of energy. The fraction declines with rising income-families with incomes of $12,000 spend a little less than 8 percent on energy, and those with incomes of $20,000 around 5 percent. It appears to us, however, that the FEA substantially overstates the distributional effects of an increase in energy prices. The Energy Policy Project studied the issue more carefully using a survey of energy consumption made recently. They conform the FEA's finding that direct consumption of energy does not rise in proportion to income. However, the EPP study shows that consumption of energy through the purchase of goods that are produced with energy is twice as important as direct consumption, and does rise more nearly in 1 The ratio of hourly compensation in the private non-agricultural sector to the consumer price index rose smoothly in the period 1954-1972 at an annual rate of 2.4 percent. Since the second quarter of 1973, the ratio has dropped 2.1 percent, while its past rate of growth would have had it rise by 3.1 percentage points. 5-7 in proportion. Further, both the FEA and EPP studies suffer from an impor- tant technical defect that biases them toward overstating expenditures in lower income groups and understating them in high income groups. The lower income groups contain many families who are normally better off but have suffered a temporary reduction in income. These families consume more than do the genuinely poor. Similarly, the upper income groups contain families who are only temporarily well off and cannot consume as much as the genuinely rich. An important next step in research should be the adjustment for this bias by methods of budget analysis that are currently available. It is not at all unlikely that a refined study would reveal that total energy consumption is the same fraction of income in all groups, and that an increase in energy prices does not have an adverse effect on the distribution of income. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT As was pointed out in Chapter IV of the PIR, environmental goals are not necessarily consistent, indeed, are sometimes exactly inconsistent with objectives of reduced dependence on foreign energy resources and a robustly operating economy. Two indisputable conclusions are drawn in the PIR. Environmentally, low demand growth is superior to high demand growth and importing to the environment fuel is less detrimental than producing it domestically. The problem, therefore, is one of advancing on the path of increased economic and energy welfare, while at the same time not sacrificing "too much" gain in quality of the natural environment, human health, and safety. There are obviously difficult choices existing at all levels of decision making--locally, regionally, nationally, and in some cases worldwide. PIR does not deal with these trade-offs. Obviously, action on the exigent energy and economic problems of the country cannot wait for extensive and complete analysis of the environmental implications. Neither the techniques of evaluation nor the data exist in a quality or scale necessary to accomplish a complete determination of optimal imports and environmental quality. But very little of what could be done is attempted in the FEA policy analyses. No conclusions are possible from the results reported. The analytical approach used by the FEA relates fifteen environmental residuals to the alternative supply and demand strategies analyzed in the PIR. The fifteen residuals include: - Water Pollutants 1. Acids 2. Bases (equivalent tons/day) 3. Total Dissolved Solids (tons/day) 4. Suspended Solids (tons/day) 5. Organics or Oil Spills (tons/day) 6. Thermal (BTU's/day) - Air Pollutants 7. Particulates (tons/day) 8. Nitrogen Oxides (tons/day) 9. Sulfur Oxides (tons/day) 10. Hydrocarbons (tons/day) 6-1 6-2 11. Carbon Monoxide (tons/day) 12. Aldehydes (tons/day) - Solid Wastes 13. Solids (tons/day) 14. Fixed land (acres/year)--fixed land is that for which - Land alternative uses are precluded for many years, such as land on which new, permanent facilities are constructed. 15. Incremental land (acres/land)--incremental land is the maximum acreage that is excluded from alternative uses at any time prior to reclamation, such as land on which It is not the quantity of surface mining has occurred. land disturbed each day. Critical to the approach is a set of assumed effluent factors. Each of these effluent factors (with units of, for example, tons/year of acids emitted per 1012 BTU's of coal produced from underground mines) related the rate of emission of each pollutant (or land requirements for the land categories) to an activity measure in each of the supply or consuming sectors. The activities, or basic processes, to which individual effluent factors are associated are consistent with the aggregation of supply and consumption used in the integrating model. These individual activities include: supply activities: natural gas (offshore, onsore), oil (offshore, onshore, Alaska, imported), coal (underground mines, surface mines), and shale oil. They also cover conversion activities (electricity, coal gasification) and consumption activities: residential and commercial, industrial and transportation. For each of the fifteen activities and fifteen residuals listed, an effluent factor is estimated,' yielding 225 effluent factors. "Pollution loadings" are then estimated by transforming an energy supply and demand balance [8, p. 282] into environmental "loadings" of the residuals via this matrix of effluent factors. The results of this matrix multiplication for the FEA supply and demand strategies are displayed in the PIR [8, pp. 217-220]. Table 6.1 illustrates some of these results for the two basic FEA scenarios, $7 BAU and $11 BAU. The numbers presented are nationally aggregated and represent the rate of emission of the physical quantities noted into the environment. The development of the data for the residual matrix was jointly sponsored by the Council on Environmental Quality, Environmental Protection Agency (or matrix of effluent factors), and the National Science Foundation, and done by Hittman Associates, Inc. 6-3 Table 6.1. 1985 Pollution Loadings For Two FEA Cases $7 BAU $11 BAU Water Pollutants 1. Acids (tons/day) 2. Bases - (tons/day) - 31 42 5222 5809 4. Suspended Solids (tons/day) 237 301 5. Organics (tons/day) 296 318 24,509 23,975 2181 2273 8. Nitrogen Oxides (tons/day) 41,804 46,713 9. Sulfur Oxides (tons/day) 47,091 53,657 18,819 18,824 1002 1357 431 392 852 1130 35,597 35,770 3. Total Dissolved Solids (tons/day) 6. Thermal Discharge (Billion BTU'sday) Air Pollutants 7. Particulates (tons/day) 10. Hydrocarbons (tons/day) 11. Carbon Monoxide (tons/day) 12. Aldehydes (tons/day) Solid Wastes 13. Solids (1000 tons/day) Land 14. Fixed Land (1000 Acres/year) 15. Incremental Land 1000 Acres/year) 1501 2668 6-4 The problem with the FEA analysis is not with what was done, but rather with what wasn't done. First, the data base of effluent factors developed by Hittman Associates, Inc., encompasses more than that used by the FEA-- effluent factors for ten forms of water pollution were derived, where only six were used by the FEA, and three occupational health impact factors (for deaths, injuries, and man-days lost per unit of activity in each supply sector) were derived, and none of these were used by the FEA. Also, each effluent factor has associated with it a hardness factor, i.e., a subjective evaluation of the relative confidence that can be placed in each number. As might be expected, there is substantial justification for some, while for others there are very low confidence levels. The FEA has used the numbers with no qualifications for probability of accuracy. Finally, no analysis has been done of the very controversial issues that surround nuclear waste disposals, radioactive emissions, or nuclear safety. The substantive policy problem with the FEA analysis, however, goes beyond criticism of the aggregation levels or particular numbers. The crucial question in environmental analysis revolves around the identification and ranking of effects that various supply and demand strategies have on public health, safety, and the natural environment. The pollution loadings derived by the FEA are only a first step in an attempt to carry out these analyses. Some of the effluents they incorporate in their analysis are much more localized in their effect on ambient conditions than the FEA analysis provides for. Some have much more harmful effects on the receptor population than others. The FEA makes no attempt to evaluate these impacts, either quantitatively or qualitatively. Until the analysis is carried into this domain, the acceptance or rejection of alternative strategies put forth by the FEA can only be made for reasons other than the environmental effects. Finally, in the integrating model no provision is made to force the scenarios to be consistent with the capacity of the environment to acceptably absorb the emissions that result. For the most part this reflects the limits of existing capability to perform systematic environmental analyses in a systems-oriented context, and for this the FEA cannot be faulted. Nevertheless, concern for the environment is real, and the future policies adopted in the energy domain will have a large impact upon the condition of the environment. Both methodologically and empirically, further capability to perform systematic environmental analysis needs to be developed. 7. INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENT The expected future price of world oil is of critical importance to the Project Independence studies. To the extent that domestic prices are influenced by the cost of imports, the world oil price will affect domestic supply and demand, and the net demand for imports. Moreover, the world price, and its likely fluctuations in the future, have an important influence on the development of energy sources, and on the policies needed to assure these developments. 7.1 FEA Estimates of World Oil Supply, Demand, and Price The FEA study approaches the analysis of this circumstance by dividing the world into two camps--members of OPEC and everybody else. Demand estimates for 1985 are made for the non-OPEC countries; this demand is then assumed to be partially served by the indigenous supply within each country, or by imports from some non-OPEC net exporter (e.g., Norway). The residual demand then is interpreted as a demand for imports from OPEC as a group, and this net demand is compared with the potential supply from the OPEC countries at various prices. The net surplus of potential supply over expected demand in the OPEC camp is taken as an indication of the degree of strain that the cartel will experience, and (implicitly) as a predictor of its success in sustaining or raising the world oil price. Table 7.1 shows the FEA estimates for the non-OPEC countries. the OECD study that preceded it [37], the FEA analysis uses prices As did of $3, $6, and $9 per barrel in 1973 prices, (or approximately $3.45, $6.90, and $10.35 at last quarter 1974 prices), at Persian Gulf ports. With transport costs added, these prices are consistent with domestic U.S. prices of $4, $7, and $11 per barrel used elsewhere in the Project Independence studies. The demand estimates in the table take account of the likely effect of higher prices on energy growth. Similarly, the estimates of indigenous supply are based on an analysis of the responsiveness of suppliers to higher prices, for at higher prices higher-cost resources become worth exploiting. So, for example, the OECD estimates of supply and demand for the U.S. come directly from "Base Case" assumptions in the analysis of the domestic market. Recall that the "Base Case" assumes price deregulation for oil and other energy resources, and the FEA analysis shows that supply increases as prices rise from $4 to $11 per barrel of oil because these prices justify moving farther out along the cost curves for domestic oil and gas. The FEA estimation procedure for other countries is not explained, but it is reasonable to presume that similar assumptions were made for all the areas shown in Table 7.1. The table also shows the OECD projections for its member nations (i.e., the U.S. and Canada, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and Japan). The OECD estimates of demand are higher than those from the FEA study, but 7-1 .* . 7-2 I 4Q ) > E .U o 4-) C CO C) n rl C\j kD c\J LA- C C'J m C\JN cc Cui Ln 0= a o CY) 4D C co C, cc Ea, Wn n 10 C\ L C\J - L 10 C\J C.j 4-) E -C , E ai aM C f cO o om C F-LO LL rl C _ cc N c6 o o C 1L o. , Ea 0 , o) (a . +j E ., LO a (1 0. C co E co 10 n ~~~~~~~~ v o-W C a CD a) co - - ~1 m ~~ .Ln0 co S.- C co c I-* t.A A.0' (A w= e 4-)aj co - 0 Ln - a CO C S- Cr) Cj v L) C) C .- 0aa) 0Z: LL L 0s5- *,J c u-i 0 E LAa a) 4) ( S.S.- n (O CM - C) f j rO0 (N Ln O a) >0 D .E n 4a) (A ko m CCi Ln r) 4- c, 0 0. 42 oC-4 o: a LO c c M c- Ln 4 -. LO o, T 0 L an L a) *I. * 4-)a.) -)O 'U 0( ) <V * * +I a oa E cv-) -0 eo C >, E M- CO "I Ln c0 ( C LL $_ -o I- -a tc -r E .-n f 4 E (A 8 w 1 M !'- cc 0' C~ (NJ 10 co cN C- 0 a 0) eo V n m =) C-) Qcj a - _ U 4-) 0 0.o a- co. I-) () a) E nc.- ouJCi L) C r- ) a a O -j I-0 7-3 so are the anticipated indigenous supplies. The net result is that the OECD estimates of net imports are slightly below those prepared by the FEA for the corresponding area. The FEA study then estimates that the maximum potential production from OPEC countries by 1985 is 53.1 million barrels per day, which implies a potential excess capacity at $11 per barrel of 24.8 million barrels per day (53.1 minus 28.3). This 46 percent excess capacity is then taken as "indicative of the degree of OPEC collaboration necessary to maintain current oil prices" [8, p. 360]. The clear implication is that the $9 price (approximately $10.35 at last-quarter 1974 prices) is not likely to be sustainable, or at least it is sustainable only with a high degree of internal organization and discipline within the cartel. At the $6 price path the potential surplus is only 9.6 million barrels today (53.1 minus 43.5), an excess capacity of 18%. This is judged to be "a substantial surplus capacity...which still requires some cooperative effort between some OPEC states" [8, p. 360]. 7.2 Forces Influencing the Future Path of World Oil Prices The impression given by the FEA analysis is that the world oil price may stay in the range around $9 per barrel, but it is perhaps more likely to decline because of the pressures noted above to a level nearer $6 per barrel. These basic price paths form the link between the international assessment and the entire domestic analysis, which uses this price (converted to a price for oil delivered to U.S. shores) as the fundamental exogenous condition. This implicit assumption that the world price will gravitate to one level or another may well have been essential to the integration of a study as complex as that undertaken by the FEA. Unfortunately, there is no necessary reason why the world price should behave in this way. Indeed, over a period of five to ten years a pattern of fluctuation is quite probable. The implications of such an outcome for the FEA analysis, and for national policies that may be derived from it, are sufficiently important that it is worth a brief description of how this fluctuation may come about. 1 Estimates of 1980 worldwide demand for OPEC oil, in millions of barrels per day, include the following. Source W.J. Levy Consultants Ford Foundation Project Brookings Project OECD FEA (1985) Price (1974 dollars) Demand $8 6.89 7 10.50 38 28 33 21 7 6.61 28 44 9.92 Implied Elasticity 281.1 Obviously, the variation among the four sources assuming 1980 prices between $6.89 and $8 is much greater than can be explained by the variation in price; in fact, the highest price goes with the largest quantity. 7-4 The world price will be the result of a struggle among several competing On the one hand, the history of international and opposing sets of forces. cartels reveals an inherent tendency to develop excess capacity and for this excess to lead to erosion of the cartel price; the basic task of the cartel On the other hand, there are forces that is to prevent this from happening. determine the net demand faced by individual cartel members, and by the cartel The difference is excess capacity; if it is small, then the cartel's as a whole. But to the extent that world demand is discipline problem is less serious. reduced by the high cartel price (either due to reduced demand or to increased supplies from non-cartel sources) the task of cartel discipline is made more there is no reason In general difficult. for these factors to remain in balance over time, and so the resulting price is fundamentally unstable. 7.2.1 Faced by the Cartel Net Demand In the cartel model used in the FEA analysis, the net demand on the cartel is simply the residual of world demand less the supplies from all non-OPEC sources, as shown in Table 7.1.' On the demand side, the FEA and OECD analyses represent about the best that can be done given the condition of readily available data bases and analyses. Nonetheless, the results for world demand in 1985 must carry a wide band of uncertainty. Moreover, the path from the present to whatever the demand will be in 1985 will not necessarily be a smooth one. At present, world demand is sluggish due to recession in key industrial economies; during recovery the rate of demand growth could be rapid, though no one can predict with confidence when this may come or with what strength. In the estimates of indigenous non-OPEC supply there are similar factors that not only make 1975 estimates uncertain but also indicate that the path to 1985 may not be a smooth one. Take, for example, the outlook for supply from those countries in Table 7.1 that have significant petroleum resources. All the major ones (the U.S., Norway, Canada, and the United Kingdom) petroleum industries that are essentially in private hands. private oil companies do not respond to real resource have Naturally, cost in making their exploration and production decisions, but to pecuniary costs, or profits after taxes. And therefore any estimate of likely future output is confounded by two phenomena: new taxation and rising input prices. Taxation. The incidence of taxes in the countries listed above varies taxes to greatly, but it is clear that it is possible for supplier country cost below price. render much production uneconomic despite real resource of special problem have a private oil sectors with In effect, the countries managing the adjustment acceptable way. This simple to dramatically increased oil prices in a politically Even in conditions of unchanging price levels, costs vary model has some limitations, as noted below. i:1, 7-5 enormously from field to field and even within fields. Hence a price sufficient to bring in production at the margin means very large profits earned in low-cost fields. Under normal conditions this may be politically tolerable, especially where the industry is well enough developed to make it clear that while some fields earn enormous profits, others make equally impressive losses, so that the prospective rate of return with which the whole industry must operate is not necessarily higher than other industries. In the circumstance of this past year, however, the old political equilibrium has been disturbed, particularly in areas where there have been striking successes in oil exploration. Expected production cost may be far below oil price, and under pre-existing tax systems the return to private corporations can be very large. Generally, this result has proved to be politically intolerable, and governments are taking steps to alter the tax system to capture as large a portion of these rents as possible. In the normal course of events, one would expect a government to attempt some kind of graduated tax which would remove most of the "excess profits" but not affect the scale of output. Crudely oversimplified, this would mean that a project whose real resource costs were just equal to the price would pay a zero tax, while a concern making a very large return would pay a much higher tax rate. Whether such a system could be calibrated finely enough is an interesting question, but not immediately relevant because it does not appear that this will be accomplished in the near future in the countries at issue here. Taxes are not that delicately conceived an instrument. As a result of these tax changes, it is quite possible, at least in the short run, for investment and production to decline as a result of higher prices in the world market! And, in fact, the most probable estimates of 1980 and 1985 production from some of the most promising areas, particularly 1 the North Sea, are substantially less than would be reckoned by simply comparing real resource costs with price. The same can be said of Canada; the U.S. response is still being hotly debated in the Congress. The Canadian case is an interesting example of how this process appears to take place. Higher oil prices in 1973-74 resulted in windfall gains for Canadian producers, and the response was a steep, per-barrel export tax. The new tax apparently made production unprofitable for a considerable part of Canadian output, for between March and December 1974 oil output dropped by 24% from 1.9 to 1.4 million barrels per day. This change made the development of new producing capacity exceedingly unattractive, which naturally led to a decline in drilling activity; the number of operating rigs fell from 259 in March to 151 in December, a 48% drop in 9 months. (Meanwhile, the number of rigs operating in the U.S. increased 20% over the same period.) A drastic decline in drilling effort insures a corresponding decline in expected reserves. This appears to have accentuated the fear or "running out of oil," and hence hastened a restriction on Canadian exports to the U.S. This last step brings further reductions in production and seems likely to lead to a continuing decline in Canadian investment and production, at least on the short run. 7-6 These recent developments in national government policy would call for a reduction in the OECD and FEA estimates of supply from these countries, for the method used in constructing the numbers shown in Figure 7.1 does not take these factors into account. On the other hand these restrictive policies could change in a matter of months or weeks, again revising the outlook. Rising Factor Prices. Over the past year, the prices of inputs to energy supply industries have begun to rise much more rapidly than the general price level. Evidence of the rate of increase is mostly fragmentary or anecdotal, but it is impossible to doubt: in particular, project estimates appear to be escalating at considerably more than 25% per year. Between 1969 and the end of 1973, the implicit GNP price deflator for non-residential fixed private domestic investment increased by 22 percent. BLS indexes of oil field machinery, oil well casing, and line pipe increased respectively by 18, 27, and 29 percent, or only slightly more. But by December, 1974, they were above 1969 levels by 60, 85, and 101 percent respectively. The IPAA index for 19 important materials purchased rose 37 percent, payments to drilling contractors by 33 percent, in 1969-1973; by late 1974, materials prices were 64 percent above 1969 [30]. Obviously, the worldwide boom in hydrocarbon exploration and development must be expected to result in higher prices of input factors in the short run. This is the natural result of a circumstance where demand for equipment and manpower rises rapidly but supply can expand only slowly. Moreover, where some monopoly power is present it is reasonable to expect this price pressure to be increased by the attempts of factor suppliers (such as labor) to capture part of the windfall gains resulting from higher oil prices. It is not clear, however, what will happen over a period of five or ten years, when there is time to expand the supply of input factors. In competitive markets one would expect inflation-adjusted factor prices to describe a parabola, first rising sharply because of immediate scarcity, slacking, and then decreasing as bottlenecks are widened and supplies became adequate, and eventually approaching a new equilibrium level no higher than the old in terms of relative prices. Furthermore, one should expect rather important learning effects, especially in offshore and Artic technology which is now in a rapid state of evolution. It may be, therefore, that FEA and others are correct in neglecting the steep rise in factor prices in 1974 when analyzing events to take place out to 1985. But the fact that this rapid price rise is taking place in the short run does influence the calculations of oil companies and does affect the path of development in response to higher oil prices. As a net result, these changes in factor prices and tax policy, and uncertainty about their future course, may have a strong influence on the path by which world net demand for cartel oil will develop over the next decade. They add to the uncertainty introduced by our lack of knowledge of the true nature of the resource base worldwide, the rate of growth in the world economy, and the lack of certainty about what world oil prices 7-7 will be year to year; taken together these influences provide the cartel with a changing 7.2.2 environment to which it must adapt if it is to survive.' Strength of the Cartel Whatever the net demand for oil from the members of OPEC, there remains the question of the mechanism of supply and price determination, for supply definitely has the potential for outstripping demand at current prices, creating a world oil surplus. To be clear at this point, it is necessary to distinguish three kinds of "surplus." One is of actual current production in excess of sales or consumption. Such a surplus cannot be maintained for more than a very short period--weeks, or at best months--because it is physically impossible to store more than a small percentage of the output. The next concept is that of surplus capacity, i.e., resources developed into reserves by installation of wells, gathering systems, and transport systems which permit a given level of output without injury to the producing formations. Finally, there is the concept of "supply potential" which indicates the amount of productive capacity which would be renumerative to install, given the resource endowment. Cartel Production Capacity. The FEA estimates the supply potential of OPEC as being 53.1 million barrels daily in 1985. Since current capacity is not much under 40 million barrels, the estimate is conservative. However, potential capacity will not be translated into actual capacity unless there is a reasonable assurance of selling enough of the output at a good enough price to return the investment. Where the investment requirements are very low, this need not be a very strong restraint. For example, where requirements are $300 per additional daily barrel, then at current Persian Gulf prices, the investment would be paid back in 30 days. This would assure the maintenance of a considerable cushion, if the prospective investors are governments who receive all the prospective returns. Private companies, which bore the risk but received only a modest fraction of the return, would have no such incentive. 1 The FEA supply figures do not take explicit account of either the Soviet Union or China, very likely on the assumption that their effect on the world scene will be small. Here too there is uncertainty, however. For the Soviet Union it appears that oil resources can only be made into reserves to a limited extent, at rising costs. This does not seem to be the case with natural gas, where the deposits are apparently very large, but where the limitation is in available technology, manpower, and materials. If the pace of development were stepped up, gas resources could serve as a very large scale replacement for oil, both in the Soviet Union (releasing crude oil and products for shipment) and also in Eastern and Western Europe. Regarding China, there seems to be a general consensus that oil deposits are very large and accessible without any unusual effort or expense, though rapid development would require a heavy infusion of foreign technology and equipment. Preliminary indications are that decisions have been made to go ahead with a substantial oil program, and hence estimates of 2 to 4 million barrels per day from China, much of it going to Japan, seem reasonable by 1980. By 1985 the amount could be much larger. 7-8 At any rate, the FEA report has given a seriously misleading impression in suggesting (doubtless inadvertently) that at current price levels the OPEC countries will be faced by a huge buildup of actual operating capacity, with 46% of the total in surplus in 1985. What the calculation does indicate is a tendency to develop some level of excess capacity--an expectation that is consistent with the events of the past year. At the end of 1973, OPEC daily capacity was approximately 4 million barrels above actual production, while at the end of 1974 a continuing buildup and stagnant output had brought it to at least 8 million barrels daily, as shown in Table 7.2. The table presents end-1974 reserves, December output, and December capacity (the difference being excess capacity), for Canada as well as the members of OPEC. The production figures are fairly precise, capacity is at best an approximation. Since roughly 10% spare capacity is needed to take care of seasonal and irregular fluctuations, it would be nearer the truth to reckon that the true excess was only about 1 million barrels per day (4 less 3) at the beginning of 1974 and 5 million at the end. (February excess capacity is estimated at 4 million barrels per day above that of December, about 12 million barrels altogether.) It is possible to forecast the production capacity of these key nations for only a short distance into the future, on the basis of announced plans and observed drilling activity and commitments. And, once again, it is possible for the outlook to change significantly over short periods of time. For example, there is a general consensus that Iraq resources could be turned into reserves at least twice as great as current (35 billion barrels) and which could support a level of output three times current rates of around 2 million barrels daily. Accordingly, the announced goal of the government of Iraq of 6 million barrels by 1981 was taken to be altogether feasible. The FEA projection of 4.8 mbd 1985 is therefore a very conservative measure of potential. But Iraq had had great difficulty selling its oil output, since only a minor portion is now transferred through the integrated channels of the international oil companies. They could sell all their oil at lower prices, but they have declined to do so. The trade press now reports that the 1980-1981 goal has been scaled down to 4 million barrels daily. In Abu Dhabi, the goal of 3 million barrels daily in the late 1970's and 5 million in the early 1980's has been abandoned, and there is a freeze at the current 2 million So although barrels. it is reasonable to expect there will be some level of excess capacity in the cartel at any time, there is need for much better analysis than has been available to date in order to forecast the magnitude and distribution of the excess for any distance into the future. Cartel Discipline. The next key question, of course, is how discipline is imposed on the cartel under current surplus conditions, and how the structure of the group is likely to evolve in the future. As noted earlier, the FEA analysis speaks of the cartel's success in terms of "internal organization and discipline" and "cooperative effort." Although organization and cooperation may become important issues in the future, the cartel does not now depend on any multi-national production allocation agreements for its current success. 7-9 U) 0n r- 0 O cu a) O Clc LO Cn r- r-O N Ln 3 C as tL -4-i) Ln u 0 to X It o CoM - -r- r ., r-i D 0 to C 4- a, u x 0) n U c OO 0 o C'O LO C),--%'. 00 OOI~ tD ,-co O N o -, C c-CD c ( LO C c Cn a, C) C.- - 4O 4-'O C*-rds)1- cc7j Cl) S. 0 CJ to u a0 a, S- m 0 t I 4-) ac (D 4L 4- C) C-- 00 r-. k C t 0) c _Ur\ 7-- 7-0 C ")M On C\JV C r-. (M L r S.- 3 co a C( U) s., Ln 0 C'n C- C) O LnO C\ ° rb Ln C- (c0 NC- C) D C C r- n0 . - O SU- LLU.9' Ln COO, c, 0 .4-' -0 0 cL C to C,, a, SC c- E E u -0 LO a) -D E a, a, a-0 W 0 - 0CO c r0 E r-_ 0n0 . C r0 , LnCL a S- a, 0) a, un o ..- O4-N cn 0 4--. to a, C: 01 r- cc O) r ; INd r1-t 4J C D 'o c-ir a cn 03 a- 0 c -,I c 03 u C) C U) r-. N- NLn L¢)C to r C i CO %0~ a .- O0,~ >a, a 0 c 0 -0 En ' ' 4'-U) 'o0 O4- a,) a,- r'w 1- - CD0 c:- Ln OC) jva cj N- V) C= o .-D S ~ID "n 0MIn COd .7- o]..,I -t c 0O (3 4S- (.D w C) c- CT ro -C rD LU n -- c to 3 : o 1- - LL o,3--3 .- a C) a CD 0 >r CY) 0 c ._ a 0 cm- * S a - ' S-S.a, CD u -- C t o aN a, ..a -C o L.) * to - --.)CO VZ u 4-t S,- oto c (--t< Ota 04a, a) 7--. to nrOa -Cto O - O- 4- --Ln ) ) o CD a, S- Q C 3E xI -,_ O . :(O C a 0 "o- .7-OaN CN rCldr; C\J C S.. 4-' -J 7-to . ~ .0 to U E 0 ^ O C Cto D t O L '= , C U) 0 t1 X O 7 E aJ._ a). _ 13--1,O O0_.Dc u <31 7-10 At the present time, the international companies still appear to play the strategic role in limiting output and dividing markets. Roughly 85% of world oil output still moves through the integrated channels of these companies, and probably another 5-10% of the OPEC crude oil is sold by them to independent refiners, public and private. These companies themselves, reckoning the government take as a unit cost, produce all they can sell. The companies need not communicate with each other, and presumably do not. If therefore the producing governments are content to accept the "solution" that emerges as the haphazard result of the companies' sales positions, the resulting division of markets is quite stable. The oil lifted and either sold or transferred by the multinational companies is proof against any substantial price reduction, because the companies' margin is or soon will be very small. If their margin does not exceed 30-50¢, the reduction they make for most favored purchases cannot exceed some fraction of that amount. This is an additional reason why maintenance of the multinational oil companies in place as sellers and refiners of crude tends to insure the continued efficiency of the cartel. The cartel may face real strain in the near future, however. Some of the producing nations have truly nationalized, in the sense of investing their own money and selling the oil. All of them seem to feel a powerful attraction towards doing so as an assertion of their control of their resources, though there is conflict on this issue not just among the cartel nations but within every nation. To the extent that producing countries market their output directly, the opportunities for discrimination increase, and the cartel is faced with substituting some other form of quantity control. Though there is little evidence to date of significant erosion, there are several important channels for discriminatory sales which have been used extensively in the past by the companies, and which bear watching today. (1) Credit Terms. As a rule of thumb, if oil is worth $10 per barrel, and short-term interest rates are around 1 percent per month, then each additional 30 days of credit is worth 10¢ per barrel. (2) Tanker Rates. Price discrimination can be achieved by quoting artificially low tanker rates in order to reach lower delivered price. With tanker rates from Persian Gulf to Western Hemisphere or Rotterdam in the range between a low of about $.40 for shipment in superabundant VLCC's and a high of about $2 for shipments in small tankers, the possibilities for discrimination would seem to be as great as $1 per barrel. 1 Some price reductions are being reported, but they appear to represent the elimination of excessive premia for sulfur and location advantages, with no effect on the cartel "marker crude," i.e., Saudi Arabian light. 7-11 (3) "Downstream" Operations. Producers also can discriminate by going "downstream" into refining and selling the crude as products, whether manufactured at home or elsewhere. A low-cost supplier going downstream could also make longerterm contracts with marketers of gasoline and with users of heavy and light heating oils, and there are myriad possibilities for price shading in these circumstances. Other possible forms of discrimination include exchanges of crude oil on terms which amount to a price reduction, and also joint ventures whereby the supplier loans money or takes an equity position much larger than the share of his receipts. Still another form of discrimination (potentially the most important) is possible when the operating oil company is paid for various non-oil services as well. For example, the Saudi Arabian Petroleum Minister has indicated that Aramco has a profitable future both in oil and in non-oil ventures.. It is easy to grant a price rebate to Aramco in the guise of higher fees for some non-oil service. A similar circumstance is offered by the new 3-year sales contract between Kuwait and Shell. Nothing has been revealed about the payments due Shell for the "commerical know-how" and "training and other services" it is to provide Kuwait. These possibilities for discrimination are important because even small price reductions are a very efficient way of obtaining additional sales, since they are so large in relation to the refining margin. Given the current weakness in product markets, many refiners are losing money or barely covering their variable costs. In the steady state, the U.S. margin probably need not exceed $2 in order to pay an adequate return. With the range, therefore, of margins under depressed and sustainable conditions, a price reduction of 50¢ would make the difference between profit and loss for nearly all refiners in the consuming countries.' It is entirely possible that these various forms of discrimination could grow into a major erosion of cartel price. In this event,'several possible responses could be expected. There could be an attempt to organize an allocation mechanism within the cartel to substitute for the role now being played by the international companies. The history of international commodity cartels offers a rich store of possible arrangements, though few actually worked for more than a few years. Failing an effective group control scheme, Saudi Arabia and other low-population oil-rich countries could take on the role of balance wheel. Obviously the greater the excess capacity, the more 1 The possibility of producer-government discrimination also has a direct bearing on security policy for the U.S. If an oil import tariff is enacted, with an equalizing excise on domestic production, this affords a very strong competitive advantage for any OPEC nation which wants to sell additional quantities of crude oil. For example, if the OPEC nations produce approximately 30 million barrels per day in the near future, and market directly as much as 20%, this would amount to 6 million barrels per day. On this portion, or approximately U.S. 1974 total imports of crude and products, their power to discount is unbounded. A tariff plus counterveiling excise may restrict total consumption by raising the price to consumers, but it does not serve as an effective barrier to imports. 7-12 severe must be the cutbacks, and there are unknown limits to the tolerance of any given country. Rising expenditures, commitments, and expectations tend to lower the threshold of retaliation. But under some conditions of demand, OPEC and non-OPEC supply, and price, such an arrangement might suffice for some length of time. On the other hand, the cartel could collapse completely, even suddenly, the price falling below $6, which is the lowest price given serious attention in the FEA study. In such an event, attempts to regroup and reformulate the cartel would have begun even while the collapse was taking place; and if these efforts were successful, the price could rise again.' There are various hints, more prominent in the Executive Summary than in the full text of the PIR, of the need for political cohesion among cartel countries, or of some decisions being more political than economic. These hints are too vague for analysis, and are perhaps an unnecessary complication. The greater the exporters' revenues, the greater their political power, either on the local or the world scene; hence political goals coincide with economic ones and need not be made more explicit. Moreover, the willingness of the Soviet Union to cooperate with cartels during the 1920's and 1930's shows that even very strong antipathies are no barrier to cooperation. 7.2.3 Conclusions. Several conclusions follow from this brief survey of the determinants of the world oil price. First, the concept used in the PIR studies of a "price path" of $6 or $9 per barrel over a ten year potentially damaging simplification of reality. on a "$6 world" and a "$9 world," period is a serious and The PIR essentially focuses and the uncertainty that is dealt with in the analysis (albeit implicitly) had to do with the problem of not knowing which of the two worlds will come about, and with the construction of means of hedging against guessing wrong. This is not the same thing as worrying about the implications of living in a "$10 world" with significant probability that it could shift to a "$15 world" or a "$5 world" for a few years and then back to a "$10 world." The implications of this difference in viewpoint for domestic supply alternatives, domestic taxation, and international trade policy are evident. Second, in a circumstance like this, a reduction or increase in demand for world oil by any one country or even a group of countries will not necessarily or even probably have any effect on the world price. This is a persistent notion which shows up most notably in the PIR analysis of the effect on world price of increased U.S. imports that might result from the adoption of a storage program [8, p. 390]. It is, however, unsupported analysis and appears unlikely. 1 Moreover, a successful cartel may deliberately cut price to chill investment in conventional or new energy sources, only to raise it again later. by y_- ·-- 8. 8.1 LINKS TO THE PERIOD BEYOND 1985 The Period Until 1985 The PIR and the supporting Task Force reports recognize the restricted potential for synthetic fuels and alternative energy sources. The report assumes that under the accelerated supply case synthetic fuels could supply 1.5 million barrels per day by 1985. Two-thirds of this total will be products derived from oil shale. Even this limited contribution, however, could prove to be overly optimistic. Experience since the completion of the PIR has led to significant upward adjustment in cost estimates. Table 8.1 reproduces cost estimates for the synthetic fuels as of 1973. These estimates were done at MIT and are in general consistent with the PIR estimates allowing 10% to 12% rate of return [34, 17]. What has happened since then is illustrated by the experience of the El Paso Natural Gas Company's coal gasification project. The 1973 capital cost estimate of Table 8.1 is 290-390 million dollars. By early 1975 the cost estimate had reached 1 billion dollars [28]. This large an increase came about as earlier projections based on bench-scale data were reevaluated in light of more recent experience. It is not unrealistic to assume similar increases for the other synthetics. In short, the new technologies represent high-cost alternatives. Uncertain environmental effects and regulations could further increase costs. This is compounded by uncertainty with respect to oil prices. Only if oil prices are expected to remain stable at high levels is commercial investment likely to be forthcoming. Furthermore, many of the new technologies are unproven. Given these uncertainties, private investors will demand high rates of return to justify the risk. The 15% allowed for in synthetics in the policy simulations, and even the 21% return to oil shale at $11/barrel prices, will be too low. Given the high capital intensity of the technologies, total costs are very sensitive to the rate of return. It is shown in Table 8.2 that a required rate of return of 20% increases costs from $2.73 per million BTU to $3.06 in the case of pipeline gas. Shale oil and gasification are the most advanced of the new energy technologies. Uncertainties for less advanced technologies, such as geothermal and solar energy, are even larger. In light of these costs and uncertainties, pre-1985 commercial development of a synthetic fuels industry or of other new technologies is unlikely. The present activity is limited to gasification plants planned by regulated natural gas pipeline companies. These companies are able to roll the high costs of these plants into their rate base. The real importance of these energy technologies lies in the post-1985 period. However, because of the long lead time involved in both research and development, decisions made today will determine the future options available. 4- 8-2 o S0 C) r"'" P- C.) - Ln4.J . r--. c 0 0 CDo ro in a') CM ) Co CM r- C 0 - O CM~ -_ 0- r ) - 4 . . 4-J U O_r L I_ c. 4-- 0- -' O'CD U O C 0 0 CM LO I L- L) - a 0 . ro H- 0~ 4-' . c) CM CM M r-. LI) CM CM C C) ) (NJ C) Ln LO C) LO Od (NJ~ (0 4V C) r- C) C 0o C) Co co I" 4- m C"I. O C) C) m- LI L) I 0 t - = i- ioo i CO 0 - -" c:: Es-) B..B,4) .9, Ln Co LI) C) C) C) C) C) C) C) r..I C) O 00O o O' Co 00OE D r"7 rB Ir t I C? 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IC CD El. a) 4-J -n 0) 0) (U *V C · ,--J * *Q. 4' .Ct 3 o .:: xs XU; C ( -- -P- z -0<-0 C)~ 4JCn *Ca ,-~ a) E - &.. -- CO4--' O0 ro CC) nJ .- -C3: (1 4--)- 4-+j>1 ~ V) ~(Z U~~ a) a) *r- .),... 0 C (D C 4 :0 (0 (AO S -J 4-):3+ CU) *- '-Z3 4-) CO ( (a.- *,-.I CD :3 C3 . . E ,r. C u (a a) As 4._ - .0 3 0 O ~ *0 o~9 o 0 C =3 0 - CM 9 ) C 9- C a) S- C J 440~ E Cr O~~~~(0 CO r~~~ C ~ ~ ~~~ CM '"'7 -t $.- Lf 0 0 C) C) C-C') ^ 0C)r C:) *- c~~~~~V-4 U J r. C0 D CD riq ) co CT CM Iz,- OC 0 4- 0Ij Q a: C=C O o=En-)Wa 0J ::* *Q 4J 0 o0))or-.)oL.) C) C C) O- 4 -): 4(-'C cEs.-) c ') t 4 -i-S. C C) C) C) C) m C) C) (n vto C) tC)4 W QQ L0 oI"-- Co '"3, i.) ) > 4- I S'"'r-- C) L-) 4C) 4~~~~~~~~~~C Z4J CmM OD c O 1. I- 4q 4 - 00 LO CM C) C) rC--CM C) -r~ 0 = E CL -4-}$: -B I9--~ wp(_) 4-D ~~U_ C?) C) r-"4-0,: u ) -. v C0 I C) C C) o D~-U a ' Cm Cm O3 rCO ) 0' D ~ -J C o r4-- SaO r- I D N C) C) C- r_ ) o ,.D '"'0" ,- O <C L L 0Z Wa o C?) CM .. 0? .. 0) CMj CMj _ o4--W3 -4 - 4cl ~/) < VI LU r C .- u) 0 c- S r - C\M C) -U-r- IB u3 .-C0 r 4-V0 r--4-) c~_ Ooh C)A a)C - (U) LQ o~~~~ CM C LO) C?)c s: § -§- .9 ~~~~.- · C U t. 4 * C - ~ ~O )(~~~ c~~~-~~ C~~)C C-, CC 0 (t)' O C a) 11 *~~~L~ 0 0 I Co C CM u L. 5- 4-- 0\ c v C)rC, O0 I CM - C ro a) 4-) +- 4--)4-)O B CC c. o *I C E0 -- LL)4a O S.- *4 -Q aC * a9 -t)-4 >Fn )O* r'CD C .L Co cl~ I CM)C In > oo Lo OI r I M C), Om l c",o' C OJ I rLo) LC) r. C,)I C) 1C,) (. ~J 4-0 r -I\ ~r0C:. r-..:~ .I * 0 4-o "7 C) C')rGC CT) Ci I Z - r -P S- 0 4J c· ~r 04 co o.?... 3 t) ~~~~~ r-- U.C cC r,. ~ _S 0 (Q-) 0~L S- C) CJ a L~ U:3) CD I C) , -C) c-r E 0 4-' a) Lo C c- I p.. 4-' 0 CM cn - a1) - = 0r co 4-3 cot^ rU ° CT) C) * r- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', -0 CL T0 CD C,) *r n L 7 CDJ C5> N,J CO o, CY) - ~ r-r m. 00 ) 9- °-fCM : UL C\M CMj cn m coc Co CJ LI) r- C,) C\J n CD cl: ,tz- CM CMj Ln o CO v) 00 n t).,_U 1J q-O~~~~~~~~~~~C a- OQ rn '-t~ LO U 8-3 Table 8.2. Effect of Rate of Return on Cost of Fuel - - $/mmBTU), - - - M Eastern U.S. Rate of Return Fuel 20% 12% 15% 2.46 2.73 - 3.56 Utility Gas 1.11 1.18 1.39 Liquid From Coal 1.81 1.97 2.48 Pipeline Source: Gas [17], p. 35. 8-4 8.2 The Post-1985 Period The PIR briefly touches upon the post-1985 period. It projects the increasing importance of synthetic fuels and new energy technologies. Production of synthetic fuels is projected at 25 million barrels per day by the year 2010. This scale of operation brings to the fore a series of questions not considered by the PIR. But only if these questions are answered in the next few years, will the transition to large-scale production of alternative fuels be a smooth one. The very high costs of these sources raises some fundamental issues of technology assessment. However, the PIR provides no such consideration. In the first instance, which technologies offer promise? These priorities must be established in order to develop a coherent research and development policy. Preliminary research at MIT, for example, indicates that present high-BTU gasification processes might be too costly to be economic [28]. What should be the government's role in bringing these technologies to the point of commercialization? What combination, over what time period, of subsidies and research funds will be necessary? Concomitant with these economic issues are a series of crucial institutional questions. For example, is present R & D strategy artificially forcing the synthesis of fuels in the form which is optimum, not from a long-range point of view, but for current market structures? Can these new fuels penetrate the present structure of the energy industries, or is a new set of institutions required for their smooth introduction? In short, the links from the pre-1985 period to that point in the future when synthetic fuels will be used on a large scale are complex. They involve a set of economic, technical, and institutional factors that receive scant attention in the PIR. Yet these issues have to be confronted now if the transition is to take place. In summary, the PIR is right about the limited pre-1985 role of new technologies. And, in pointing to the importance in later periods of these fuels it serves to introduce a series of unanswered questions of major importance to long-run energy policy. 9. A key question SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS is whether the PIES system was the best way to go about analyzing the issues raised in the Project Independence studies. The PIES structure, and the linear programming integrating model on which it was based, was one of several ways to set up the problem. Alternatives would have involved more use of econometrics and simulation rather than the optimizing approach. On balance, considering the many objectives the study was to serve, this cannot be called an improper way to approach the task, although simplifications were called for at some point in order to allow time and funds to investigate more fully some of the phenomena that are, in effect, assumed away in setting up the study. For example, much might have been sacrificed elsewhere in the analysis to develop some set of results on the following issues: - oil price controls; - natural gas price deregulation; - capital expansion problems in the electric power industry; - the effect of possible environmental constraints; and - the implications of fluctuating international oil prices. Although key issues are yet to be analyzed, and many problems remain to be ironed out, the method is worth pursuing. Among the most critical aspects of PIES requiring further research are: (1) The supply estimates for domestic oil and natural gas are based on a methodology that is only a minor improvement over the NPC model on which they are based, and the results are heavily dependent on the judgements of the analyst inputting the data. This work should be replaced by a combination of econometric models and engineering-geological analysis of this sector. Both can make economic choice explicit and provide a structure for testing and validation of forecasts. Engineering-geological analyses are essential for improved cost and supply functions of producing from existing oil deposits. (2) The demand estimation technique and interaction with the integrating model contain inconsistencies which lead to identifiable biases in the final results. The three major problems are: use of the two-level approach to estimate separate energy demands, use of national demand equations for separate regional demands, and 9-1 9-2 lack of a BTU equilibrium for competing fuels. Given adequate data, a better approach would probably be to estimate separate regional demand equations, paying careful attention to fuel availability and to the substitution possibilities for energy over (3) a period as long as ten years. The conservation initiative evaluation is based upon a conceptually sound procedure, which, however, was not adhered to in the results presented in the PIR. Additional work is required to develop the conservation assessment models to the point of inclusion in an overall, improved demand framework. (4) The international assessment is little more than an adding up of a set of judgemental estimates and contains no evidence of work on the determinants of supply and demand or the mechanics of cartel behavior. Several analytical approaches are in existence or under development, and any further work should be based on some set of models of the behavior of the key participants in this market. In effect, the study appears to have devoted the great bulk of its resources to the domestic aspects of the problem, and applied only a fraction to the international phenomena that are the cause of the current problems and the driving force behind their evolution. The key estimates of net imports of oil under various price conditions are subject to greater uncertainty than the PIR suggests. To the extent a net bias can be identified, it appears that thY-models and procedures used by the FEA tend to overstate the net imports under various assumed price conditions. This judgement is due to the combined effects of - failure to take account of the effect of energy price on GNP growth; - problems in the demand model; - judgements about likely sources of bias in the supply estimates. On the other hand, to the extent that the price decontrol assumed in the analysis does not come about, or the assumed growth or generating capacity does not occur, or the level of development of synthetic fuels is not realized, there are countervailing influences not accounted for in the analysis. Finally, the analysis overstates the economic impact on the U.S. of disruption in world oil markets, such as production cuts or specific embargoes. This bias would tend to overweight the economic costs of dependence on imported oil. To the extent that this overweighting has a significant influence on policy, it tends to lead the U.S. in the direction a permanent embargo to minimize the effects of a potential one. of imposing BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Martin Baughman, L., and Joskow, Paul L. "A Regionalized Model." MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. 75-005. December, 1974. 2. Conference Board. Mass.: 3. Ballinger Energy Consumption in Manufacturing. Publishing Data Resources, Inc. 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