ENERGY LABORATORY PRIMER FOR GMIS Information System Generalized Management with the Energy Laboratory in Association Management Alfred P. Sloan School of 2 WP Working Paper No. MIT-EL-75-01 September 1975 Commission by the New England Regional This research was supported oint sudy, and M.I.T. Internal Contract No. 10530680, The MJi.T./BM -. route Funds. Ar, ,,C 75 GMIS PRIMER Table of Contents Acknowledgement Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Overview System Architecture 3. Procedure for logging onto XVM 4. Procedure for entry to TRANSACT a) Single user b) Multi user 5. Use of TRANSACT/SEQUEL 6. Use of Bulk Loader 7. Procedure for entry to APL 8. Use ofAPL 9. Use of EPLAN 10. Use of TSP 11. Log out procedure 12. References Appendix (1)SEQUEL Syntax (2) TRANSACT 1. Syntax 2. Explanation of commands (3) Bulk Loader ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Many people have played a critical note in the development of GMIS; Faculty, Staff and Students of MIT, personnel of New England Regional Commission and IBM Staff members. This document was prepared with the assistance of George Berry, NEEMIS Project Coordinator, Bryan Mau, Louis Gutentag and John Donovan. John J. Donovan, Principal Investigator Associate Professor, MIT Sloan School Cambridge, Massachusetts A BSTRACT GMIS (Generalized Management Information System) is a set of tools for building information systems. These tools include a flexible data management capability, various modeling and analytical capabilities. Facilities for on line queries and execution as well as facilities for multiuser access to a data base. These tools have been applied to produce a facility (NEEMIS, New England Energy Management Information System) for energy planning and analysis within New England. This manual's purpose is to be a primer for using GMIS and the NEEMIS facility. For motivation and overview of the research involved in GMIS, see "TGMIS - An Ex-perimental System for Data Management and Analysis", by J. Donoran and H. acoby. the facility, see GMISUser's Gui de. For a complete description of 1. Introduction GMIS (Generalized Management Information System) is a software capability that facilitates the construction of management information systems, models, and user interfaces. The tools are particularly applicable to systems with the following characteristics: - several classes of users, each of which has a different degree of sophistication - complex and changing security requirements - data that exhibits complex and changing interrelationships - changing needs to be met by the information system - need for quick and inexpensive implementation - complex data validation requirements - complex models to be built that access data Information systems to assist in public and corporate policy making have the above characteristics. These policy making areas fall into three categories: (1) areas where the problems keep changing due to changing concerns, perceptions, and availability of data, or (2) which are one-time problems, or (3) where the problems addresses are ill-defined and where the system, therefore, after being built, usually needs major modifications. Commercial systems, while adequate for well-defined applications, e.g., inventory control, accounting, etc., have focused on problems associated with such applications (e.g., low variable costs); these systems are not adequate for the demands of the market for systems for public and corporate policy makers, and have not focused on the problems associated rith these systems (e.g., high fixed costs, interactive operations, etc.). The major technologies which have made GMIS possible have been the application and extension of research in virtual machines, the hierarchical approach and relational implementation of data. The approach is hierarchical in implementation because this technique provides for ease of debugging, independence of hardware, and a basis for investigating properties of completeness, integrity, correctness, and performance. It is hierarchical in its presentation to the user to take cognizance of the fact that levels of user sophistication demand appropriate command environments. As such, the casual system user has powerful, high-level commands at his disposal, while the sophisticated (perhaps also the more mathmatically inclined) user has more detailed and basic commands, but with a low tolerance for error. Existing modeling facilities do not provide capabilities to meet the needs of systems with the above characteristics. Existing data manage- ment systems do not fulfill the requirements above; some are lacking the statistical and modeling packages, most are not interactive, and most do not allow multiple users to access the same data base and most important, none were designed for a changing environment. Using the GMIS facility, it is possible to construct an information system in a matter of days. For example, we have applied GMIS to building a New England Energy Manage- ment Information System, NEEMIS, (Donovan, Jacoby, 1975), for assisting in regional energy policy making. We reconstructed the entire data base of NEEMIS five times in one month during the summer of 1975 -- once to incorporate additional data of a data series, twice to restructure for efficiency reasons, and twice because the users wanted data and models for which we had not originally planned. 2. OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Currently GMISis implemented on a IBM 370 computer. It uses the virtual machine concept extensively. The VM concept is presented in several places (Parmelee, 1972; Madnick and Donovan, 1974 , and Goldberg 1973), and many of its advantages are articulated elsewhere (Madnick, 1974 and Buzen, 1973). The concept of "virtual machines" has been developed by IBM to the point of a production system release, VM/370 (IBM, 1972). A virtual machine may be defined as a replica of a real computer system simulated by a combination of a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM)software program and appropriate hardware support. For example, the VM/370 system enables a single IBM System/370 to appear functionally as though it were multiple independent System/370's (i.e., multiple "virtual machines"). Thus, a VMMcan make one computer system function as though it were multiple, physically isolated systems. A configuration of virtual machines used in GMIS is depicted in Figure 1, where each box denotes a separate virtual machine. Those virtual machines across the top of the Figure are executing programs that provide user interfaces, whether they be analytical facilities, existing models, or data base systems. All these programs can access data managed by the general data management facility running on the virtual machine depicted in the center of the page. of this architecture as follows. the EPLAN/APL machine. A scenario of a user A user activates a model, say in That model from the general data base machine (called the Transaction Virtual Machine, or TVM), which responds - TRANSACT | HIGH, LEVEL LANGUAGE INTERFACE, e.g., PL/I, FORTRAN APL/EPLAN INTERFACE INTERFACE I - - - S - - - - \ - _ I I - TSP CUSTO7MIZE INTERFACE INTEF rACE WRITTEN IN - PL/I - Analytical II Machine I i I/ I M - Transacti on . Virtual Machine o/ Figure : Overview of the Architecture of GMIS A\ Virtual I / by passing back the requested data. Note that all the analytical facilities may be incompatible with each other, in that they may run under different operating systems. The communications facility between virtual machines in GMISis described in (Gutentag 1975). Extensions to this architecture to allow interfaces to other data base systems and other computer systems are discussed in (Donovan and Jacoby 1975). The user views all data stored in the general data base system in simple constructs called relations. A relation can be thought of as a two dimensional table with rows and columns. Entries in a column come from sets called domains. An example of a relation named CARSALESis depected in Figure 2 where names of the columns are: MODEL, DATE, SALES and MPG. CARSALES MODEL DATE SALES MPG VEGA PINTO COLT 7401 7401 7401 38455 38000 24000 30.2 30.0 30 FIGURE 2 - EXAMPLE OF A RE LATiON 2.2 SEQUEL We needed an interactive query data definition language, and we proceeded with an implementation of an MIT relational system (Smith, 1974). The current version of GMIS, whose data management capability is based on a language known as SEQUEL, evolved through the vehicle of an IBM/MIT Joint Study Agreement. SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) is an ex- perimental relational query and data definition language developed at the IBM San Jose Research Laboratory (Chamberlain, 1974). In cooperation with the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center, we have extended this experimental system by easing restrictions of numeric data types to small integers, and relaxing contraints on the number of columns allowed in a table, and by increasing the allowable lengths of identifiers and character strings. We also designed mechanisms for security and for handling missing data, expanded the bulk loading facilities, and added additional syntax, and made several changes to improve performance. 2.3 Multi-User Transaction Interface Two requirements of GMISare that multiple users be able to access the same data base and that different analytical and modeling facilities be able to access the data base all at the same time. For example, one user may want to build an econometric model using TSP while another user will request the system to generate a standard report. Still a third user may want to query the data base from an APL (A Programming Language) environment. These requirements have been met with the design and implementation of the Multi-User Transaction Interface (Gutentag 1975). Each GMISuser operates in his on virtual rMachine with a copy of the user interface he requires. Each user transaction to the data base is written into a transaction file, and that user's request for processing is sent to the data base machine (Transaction Virtual Machine). The Multi-User Interface processes each request in a firstin/first-out (FIFO) order, by reading the selected user's transaction file, and writing the results to a reply file that belongs to the user. Each user interface reads the reply file as if the reply had been passed directly from the data base management system. For some user interfaces e.g., APL, EPLAN, TSP, we have written routines callable from the user interface which makes this communication transparent to the user. 2.4 User Interfaces GMISprovides the capability for users to write their own interfaces to communicate with the data base sytetm. TRANSACT is interface typwriters that is a general user designed to process transactions from most tele- and CRT terminals. It allows the user to direct transaction output to any virtual device on the VM/370. Interfaces to APL, TSP, and PL/I are operational and enable users to communicate with the Transaction Virtual Machine (Figure 1) simultaneously with all other users. An interface to the TROLL econometric modeling facility is in the design stage. The architecture depicted in Figure 1 also allows the use of any of these modeling or analytical facilities independent of the transaction virtual machine. For example, functions may be written in APL to operate on data stored in the APL's work space. TSP reporting capabilities can operate on data stored in base. modeling and TSP's data FORTRAN or PL/I can operate on data stored in their own machine. It should be noted, however, that not using the general data base facility seriously inhibits flexibility and makes the algorithms dependent on the physical organization of the data community of users as ut more importantly inhibits the they cannot conveniently access the common data base. 2.5 A User Interface - TRANSACT As depicted in Figure 1, one of the user interfaces to GMISis called TRANSACT. TRANSACTis primarily a data base editing and retrieval interface. It performs the following functions: 1. It accepts input from the terminal. 2. It operates directly on commands which specify output formats. 3. It passes data management commands to SEQUEL, which is the primary data management program running in the Transaction Virtual Machine. 4. It transmits returned data to the device selected by the operator in the format specified by the operator through TRANSACTcommands. 3. PROCEDURE FOR LOGGING ONTO VM In the remainder of this primer, items that the user should type in at his terminal are shaded, and computer responses are capitalized. Shaded items in quotations indicate places when names furnished by the user are to be inserted -the user should replace the quoted item (and the quotes) by the furnished name. The following steps should be executed in order to use GMISfrom a 2741 or CDI terminal: 1. Turn on power at the terminal. 2. With a CDI terminal a normal telephone can be used. Insert the telephone hand set into the coupler on the terminal, and be sure that the terminal is set for 15 cps half-duplex. With the 2741, a data set telephone must be used. Push the "talk" button on the data set and pick up the handset. 3. Dial the telephone number for the computer: (617) 868-2981. 4. Within thirty seconds after dialing, the establishment of telephone contact with the computer is indicated as follows: - with the CDI: the "online" light comes on - with the 2741: the handset will emit a high-pitched tone - the user should now press the "data"button on the data set. 5. If telephone contact is not established within one minute, hang up, then redial. 6. A few seconds after contact is established, the computer will respond by printing: VM/370 ONLINE 7. The user should now press the ATTN key. The user is now ready to begin entering commands to the computer. He should keep in mind the following conventions when typing on the console: - Each command line is ended with a carriage return. - A character may be changed before keying carriage return by keying erase one character at a time or the proper characters. The user now logs on as follows: to to erase a line at a time, then retyping ENTER PASSWORD where the user replaced the name "acc tname" with the name of his account and the name "password" with his user password; the 'm' requests the computer to mask the password. Now the user has a bare machine assigned to him. He must now load an operating system. To load the interactive operating system CMS, the user types: CMS ..... VERSION x.x (DATE) This command loads and activates the CMS operating system. The computer terminology for this action is some times called IPL or initial program load. CMSis the operating system that many of our user interfaces run under. If you were executing a model in a language which requires a different operating system, you would activate that other operating system at this point, rather than CMS (See IBM 1972'). 8. Enter a carriage return. several lines of messages. This will initialize your operating system and print 4. PROCEDURE FOR ENTRY TO TRANSACT Once a user has logged into VM and has loaded the CMS operating system he may now go into the TRANSACT environment. user can use TRANSACT: The single-user There are two different modes in which the mode and the multi-user mode. The logon procedure is slightly different for each case. 3.1 Single User The user types the command 'TRANSACT', which loads into his computer the program TRANSACT and the SEQUEL processor: TRANSACT VERSION xx (DATE) Your virtual computer is now ready to accept and act on TRANSACT/SEQUEL commands to work on the data base in your computer. 3.2 Multi-user The user types the command 'transact', followed by an argument which is the name of the virtual computer where the database he wishes to use and a SEQUEL processor are located (the Transaction Virtual Machine - TVM). TRANSACT VERSION xx (DATE) 'acctname2' is the ID for the second virtual computer, which is furnished by the operations branch of the NEEMISProject (617-253-5945). A common transaction virtual machine which contains much of the NEEMISdata base is named NEEMIS. Your virtual computer, 'acctname', is now ready to accept and execute TRANSACT commands; the virtual computer 'acctname2' will execute the SEQUEL commands which your virtual computer. will send it. Note: If your virtual computer does not receive any response from the TVM, you should check with the Operations Branch Manager of the NEEMIS Project at MIT -(617) 253-5945 5. USE OF TRANSACT/SEQUEL After logging into VM and establishing a TRANSACT environment, the user, by using SEQUEL, can create tables, input data and access data. Appendix (1) gives a complete syntax of all SEQUELcommands. Here we give a sample session, using the MIT/IBM version of SEQUEL. In this example, the user wishes to construct a table similar to that depicted in Figure 2. He must first define the domains he wishes to use for his columns. A domain is a set of data which all have the same attributes - for example, the data items may all be character strings representing fuel types, or all numbers representing populationtotals. Entries in a column in a table are drawn from a domain. several columns in a table may come from the same domain. Note - entries in In fact, columns from different tables may come from the same domain (one table, for example, might have a column of population totals for the United States, and another might have a column of population totals for Canada, where entries in both columns come from the same domain consisting of a set of numbers). The user wishes to create four domains, one to hold sales volume data, one for miles per gallon figures, one to represent dates and one to hold the names of car models. Note: Three of these domain contains numbers and one, character strings - denoted by "num" and "char", respectively. DOMAIN DEFINITION WAS SUCCESSFUL READY; DOMAIN DEFINITION WAS SUCCESSFUL READY; -ermate icai M ( DOMAIN DE FINTION ; WAS SUCCESSFUL READY; DOMAIN DEFINITION WAS SUCCESSFUL READY; He types: Nowthe user is ready to define the table. He wishes to create a table with four columns: model, date, sales and mpg. Note that entries in these columns come from the four domains model, date, vol and mpg. He also informs the system that he will most likely access the table by denoting entries in the columns model or date. He types: .:: ':::::'' .....-... ........ :i.: TABLE :..::'i :iii:::i EFINITION WAS SUCCESSFUL READY; Now the table has been created but it does not contain any data yet. One way the user may enter data, is by using the "insert" command, For example, the following command enters one entire row into the table "cars". INSERTION WAS SUCCESSFUL RE ADY; The user may query the data by using the "select" command, which has the following general form: SELECT "column-list" FROM "table-name"; The complete format of the SELECT command is found in Appendix I. Note to CDI terminal users: part of the regular character set. The CDI does not have the ' < ' and ' > ' characters as To use the "insert" command, the TRANSACT user should follow these two steps: (1) Enter the following TRANSACT command: This tells the system to translate the $ character into a ' < ' character. (2) Use a '± ' character (upshift 1) in place of the ' > ' character, in place of a ' < ' character. anda '$' character To query all of the data in the table just created, the user types: MODE L DATE SALE S MPG VEGA 7401 38455 32 READY; (The "*" means "all columns") A user can change an entry in a table using the "update" command. For example, to change the volume of sales for the entry 'vega', the user types: UPDATE WAS SUCCESSFUL READY; For more examples of SELECT commands, see 'GMIS ' An Experimental System for Data Management and Analysis' or 'NEEMIS Applications'. The complete Syntax of SEQUEL is found in Appendix I. GMIS users may use one of several commands nich report information about the structure of the data base. These are illustrated below. The user may type; -LIST OF TABLES ITTEGRTY DOMCAT CATALOG CARS This command lists the names of all the tables that have been created. Note that the system creates three tables (INTEGRTY, DOMCATand CATALOG)for its own use, although the user may query these three tables as if they were user created. To obtain a description of a particular :;:?. .' t/.. . iIe: . DESCRIPTION table (e.g., CARS), the user types: ::,:': OF TABTLE CAR S 'NAME DOMAN' TYPE C KEY MODE L DATE SALES IPG MODEL DATE VOL MPG CHAR NUM NUM NUM. i 0 0 0 YES YES NO NO V NO NO NO NO0 READY: The response of the system lists the name of each column, the domain from which are taken the entries for that column, the data type of each column, (either "char" or "num"), whether a column is part of the "key", and whether or not it is inverted for performance. The user may also request a list of all the domains that have been created, with some information about each of them, by typing: LIST OF DOMAINS NAME TYPE USE LLE RELNAME CNAME COLNAME DOMNAME CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR 2 1 1 2 8 0 7 7 SYSCHAR SYSNUM CHAR NUM 4 4 4 DATE NUM 1 MODEL CHAR 1 VOL NUM 1 MPG NUM 1 4 The response of the system liststhe names of all domains thathave been created, the data type of each domain (either "num" or "char"), the number of columns in the data base that are drawn from each domain (indicated by the "use" entry), and if the domain is of type "char", the system indicates under "LLE" -- Largest Length Entry -- The numbers of characters in the largest entry present in the domain. Note that the first six domains are created by the system, for use in the three tables mentioned above; the last four were user-created. 6. USE OF THE BULK LOADER For all but small amounts of data, entering data using the "insert" command is extremely time consuming. GMIShas a facility for easily entering large volumes of data which are in machine-readable form into a relation data base: The Bulk Loader A user wishing to use the bulk loader facility must first create a file containing the data he wishes to load. This can be done in serval ways; for example, the data can first be punched on cards, then loaded from the cards into the file. This of the NEEMIS Operations Branch, with involves giving the cards to a representative an indication of which account the user wants the cards loaded onto. (For further assistance in loading the cards, contact the Operations Manager of NEEMI). Alternatively, the file may be created using the CS editor (refer to the IBM Virtual Machine Facilit/370; EDIT Guide -- available from the Operations Branch.) After the data has been put into a file, the user must place as a preamble to the data certain control commands to tell the bulk loader what the data looks like, and where to put it. The user can do this using the CMS editor. If he had a data file named, " sample data", for example, and he wanted to insert the character string "LOADTAB TABLENAME" into the file, he would type: ( -d- eitSEDIT: - . . ( -- ---- ' L - -TB ' ' " AiY '.:.insert mie- <store ' activate the CMS editor - 2 '"--editor command string toinsertcharacter the canged file The bulk loader facility, in addition to loading data, can interpret the CREATE TABLE and CREATE DOMAIN-commands. These commands may be inserted into the bulk loader file the user wishes to load. A bulk loader file for defining domains, creating a table, describing the formats of the ensuing data and the data itself is depicted in the Figure 3. Note this is a CMS file created by edit commands. The file was given the name "sample data" The bulk loader will read the file, interpret data into the newly created tables. loader to do this The following comm and would activate the bulk - - T'he user tvpes: ioaddb~ ~awp7~Edi t h-e SEQUEL commands and load the MODEL CH AR NU $DEFDOM VOL r PG $DEFDOM $DEFTAB DAT E CAS A E S NUM MODEL MODEI $DEFDOM $DEFDOM DATEf, DATE VOLUME VOL MPG M PG $PRIKEY MODEL $LOADTAB CARSALE S MODEL DATE f~ 1 I ',5 20 1 23 28 17 1 1 1 DATE VOLUME 1 MPG $SENDCOL 331 08 CHEVROLET 12147401 CORV ETTE 1 54740 1 2078 C HEVELLE 17971401 1877 40 1 21175 21464 1370 15668 8787 38455 10170 CHEVY NOVA SPORTV AN 1527401 MONTE CARLO 149740 1 797401 1 CAMARO VEGA 3027401 PONTIAC 1387 4 01 GRAND 1 03740 PRIX 40 42 1 FIREBI RD 17971401 VENTURA OLDSMOBILE 1217401 1107401 3666 4890 1 0533 SENDLOAD SENDINP FIGURE AN EXAMPLE 3 BULK LOADER FILE 34 19 2DESCREBE FORIAT OF DATA The above command will cause the bulk loader to process the file "sample data", and to load the data in it into the data base. Note that the bulk loading facility can only be used to load data onto a user's personal account; that is, he cannot load data onto a remote TWVIby using the bulk loader. To load large quantities of data into a TVrMto which he does not have direct (i.e., logon) access, the user should contact the Operations Manager. For a more complete description of the bulk loader, and the syntax of the various loader control commands that can be inserted into a bulk loader file, see Appendix 3. 7. PROCEDURE FOR ENTERING APL After a user has logged on to AVM as described in Section 3, he may enter an APL environment as follows: The user types: A P L / C M S CLEAR WS He is now in the APL environment. APL character In order to change his terminal to use he set, he should: -- with the CDI: Set ??mode" switch (under the top cover) to "APL" -- with the 2741: Change the typeball to an APL ball 8. USING APL After a user has entered the APL environment, he may wish to access a data base from APL. He may access a data base that is stored in another virtual computer (a TVIM)- provided that the TVMhas been previously prepared (as with multi-user TRANSACT). Accessing the data base machine The follovwingis the procedure a user will follow to access the disconnected data base machine (The TVM), to retrieve or store data. The user types: This loads into his workspace certain APL functions we have written that are necessary to establish the proper link to the TVM. Nowto identify the particular virtual computer which has the data base he intends to access, the user types: where 'acctname2' is the name of that virtual computer (supplied by Operations Branch). 'EEMIS' is the name of one account that contains many of the important NEEMIS data bases. Note: With this command, the name must be actually surrounded by quotes. That is, an example of an actual seqopen command would be: . To access the data base, the user should use the 'query' function, which has the general form: QUERY 'sequel-command' This function will send the sequel command to the T1 Vho If the command is a SELECT command, the TVM will return to the user's virtual computer a set of vectors, one for each column that was asked for in the SELECT command. user's machine will print out the names of these vectors. The For example, in the following APL statement, the user asks for 1975 miles per gallon figures from the table MILEAGE: q Y1 .E.............................. ,.,CT 0DE ... MODE L ) MPGCITY MPGhWTY M~a_ # 4 .. .. ..MP-GC Y . .. : :. - : RETURNED VECT ORS CONTAINING INFORMATION ON MILES PER GALLON _ Y FROM > The user may now handle the selected data (in the APL vectors), using any of the facilities available in APL. E XAMPLE : This example session is intended for execution by an operator who is familiar The session begins with consideration with the APL computer language. of two tables CARSALES and MILEAGE, both of which have been preloaded into a TVM. It uill be seen that the table MILEAGE contains a finer breakdown of mileage data than table CARSALES. An APL program is used to aggregate the data in MILEAGE so that it can be compared with the data in CARSALES. The data in these tables are depict- d in Figure 4. MI LEAGE: MODEL YER MPGCITY MPGHWcY uRE,4 L I N 1975 19 24 i-HORNET tATADOR 1975 1' 75 1 14 24 19 APOLLO 1 75 16 2i O 0 SKYH iA'JiK 1 i 75 19 25 0 CENTURY 175 1 24 MPGVG 0 LESABRE 112 16 0 ELECTRA RIVIERA CADILLAC 1975 1975 1975 11 12 15 1 16 u ELDORADO VEGA 1975 1975 11 '9 1 28 CARSALES: 0ODEL DATE SALES .PG VEGA 7 01 33600 30 CEEVROLET CORVETTE 74 t0 7401 33 10 2078 12 15 CHEVY NO7 7401 21 4 SPORT MONTE AN 74C1 CLO 74 1 CEV=LFL4 CA ARO PO ThC D~,X ·-^N GRAND GA, ,701 21175 8 1370 15 7401 15668 8787 14 17 701 10170 13 7'01 i 74 4042g42 40 10 0 FIGURE 4 * 17 AZ AGE . DATA N'TA-BLES AN . CARSALES First, the user enters the APL environment (as outlined in Section 7) and accesses the appropriate data base as shown above - for assitance in accessing the data base used in this example, contact the Operations Manager. Then, the user must ex- tract the data he wishes to use from the SEQUELtables where they are stored. To do this, he types (as above): MODE L MPGCITY MPGHWY The user now has, in the three APL vectors MODEL, MPGCITY and MPGHWY the 1975 data from the table MILEAGE. Nowthe user wishes to calculate, using the data in those vectors, a single milesper-gallon figure for each car model, so that he may compare it with the figures found in the table CARSALES. To do this, he wishes to use the following formula: AVG MPG = .45 MPGhWMY . .55 MPGCITY The following APL function, called CHANGE,implements this formula; it is used to update the column MPGAVG in the table MILEAGE. To do this, the function creates a SEQUEL "update" command, and passes it to the TVM using the QUERY function. The user should enter the following . . ..... .... ... .. . . . ~~~~~~~~~.:.......~[.:. . . . . -. [13 i2] [3j [4] [51 [7] la] L9J L 103 [131 [15 IsI To execute the function, the'user types: The function will then update the MILEAGE table. commands to compare the MPGAVG column The user can then use SEQUEL in the table CARSALES, either by staying in the APL environment (using the QUERY function) or by returning to CMS (as outlined in Section 1 I) and entering TRANSACT. (Ncte: TRUNCis an APL function that eliminates leading and trailing blanks from its character string argument. A simple version of the function is available from the Operations Manager at NEETEIS (617-253-5945). 9. USE OF EPLAN EPLAN is a collection of APL functions that can be accessed from the APL environment. The functions are useful for performing econometric modelling and statistical analysis of data, as well as plotting functions. For a description of the capabilities and use of EPLAN functions, refer to EPLAN-an-APL - Based Language for Econometric Modelling and Forecasting by F. Schober. (Available from the Operations Manager) A user may use these functions to operate on data from a SEQUELtable by loading the data into APL vectors (See section 8), and then applying these functions to those vectors. To use EPLAN, the user should: -- log on to VM, following the procedures outlined in Section 3 -- enter the APL environment (Section 7). -- type in the following command (to load the EPLAN functions): The EPLAN functions are now loaded into t:::heuser's workspace.: The EPLAN functions are now loaded into the user's workspace. 10. USE OF TSP TSP (Time Series Processor) is an econometric modeling facility (Hall 1975). A GMIS user may use this facility by using the following procedure: -- log on to VM, following the procedure outlined in Section 3. -- create a CMS file containing the TSP program you wish to run. done using the CS This can be Editor (IBM, 1975). To invoke the editor, the user types: whe-* "filename" is replaced by an arbitary name, which the user wishes to call his TSP program. To begin inputting his program, he should type: This command puts the CMS Editor into the INPUT mode; so that whatever the user types in goes directly into his file. He may now begin entering his program. When he has finished entering the program, he should store his file by doing two things: first, entering a null line (i.e., just entering a carriage return) and second, using the "file" command as follows - The user types: The file is now ready for processing by the TSP processor. l-lich follows, is an example session In Figure 5, where te user is creating a TSP file called test. -- invoke the TSP processor, as follows - The user types: where "filename" is replaced by the name of the user's TSP file. The TSP processor will now begin processing the file, printing out results (or error messages) at the user's terminal. NEW FILE: EDIT: INPUT: USER TYPES IN PROGRAM ! - 7 EDIT: USER ONLY ENTERS CARRIAGE RETURN i FIGURE 5 ELAMPLE SESSION WITH CMS EDITOR TO CREATE TSP FILE 1' LOGOT PROCEDURE Prom TRANSACT If the user is using TRANSACT and wishes to log off, he should first return to the CMS environment by typing the TRANSACT "QUIT" command: R; His virtual computer is now in the same environment (the CMS environment) in which it was immediately after the logon procedure outlined in Section 3. To log off, the user types: N.. The computer will print a final message and log off. If the keyboard is locked, that is, if the user cannot enter the "quit" command, there is an alternate way of returning to the CMSenvironment: The user should strike the ATTN key once, and then type This will interrupt the TRANSACTprogram and return to the CMSenvironment. The use may then type the "log" command as above. The CMS Environment Instead of entering the "log" command, the user may, when he has returned to the CMS environment, use any of the GMIS facilities that run under the CMS operating system, such as X'APL, EPLAN, the bulk loader or the CMSEditor. He may also enter TRANSACTagain, perhaps to use multiuser TRANSACTwith another TM. From APL If the user is in the APL environment and wishes to log off, he should type The virtual computer will print some final messages and log out. If the user wishes only to return to the CMSenvironment (if, for example, he wishes to start using TRANSACT.-- see the above section on the CMS flNironment), R; The user's Niraalcompuer isretarnmedto theCS enironme . he REFERENCES Buzen, J. P., Chen, Peter P. and Goldberg, Robert P., "Virtual Machine Techniques for Improving Sstem Reliability", Proceedings of the ACMWorkshop on Virtual Computer Systems, March 26-27, 1973. Chamberlain, D. D. and Boyce, R. F., "SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Lang- age", Proceedings 1974 ACM/SIGFIDE T Workshop. Codd, E. F., "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", Communicaof the ACM, Vol. 13, No. 6, June 1970, pp. 377-387. Dijkstra, E., "T.H.E. Multiprogramming System", Communications of the ACM, May 1968. Donovan, J. and Jacoby, H., "GMIS - An Experimental System for Data Management and Analysis", Donovan, John J. and Jacoby, Henry D., "A Hierarchical Approach to Information System Design", Report CISR-5, MIT, Sloan School Working Paper 762-75, January 1975. Gutentag, Louis M., "GMIS: Generalized Management Information System -- an Implementation Description", M. S. Thesis, MIT, Sloan School of Management, June 1975. Hall, R. E., TSP-Time Series Processor, Technical Paper #12, Harvard UniveritY of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass. July 1975. IBM, "Edit Guide", Form Number GC70-i805-3, White Plains, New York 1975. IBM,"IBM Virtual Machine Facility/3 70: Introduction", Form Number GC20-1800, White Plains, New York, July 1972. Jacoby, Henry D. and Donovan, John J., ment and Analysis", "Final Report, New England Energy Manage- August, 1975. Madnick, S. E., "Design Strategies for File Systems", MIT Project MAC TR-78, October 1970. Madnick, Stuart E., and Donovan, John J., "Operatin¢ Systems", New York, 1974. McGraw-H1ii "NEEMIS Applications", NERCOM/MIT Workshop, MIT Energy Laborat ory, September 1975. Parmelee, R. P., Peterson, T. I., Sullivan, C. C., and Hatfield, D. S., "Virtual Storage and Virtual Machine Concepts", IBM Systems Journal, vol. 11, no. 2, 1972, pp. 99-13 0. Smith, Grant N., "Internal Intermediate Language, Version 2", MIT, Sloan School Management Science Group, November 1974. APP.tA!NDIX iI: Sx Uz, Lk'Y 'A i hz v 'L S _. t -c- U ri v , YN'hAY .- . " -1 , L C J L- tail - na nle' LbUT ciie* IN .1 k 1- t t , L var-ln .r'1U tj X 2 , .. EA'- : L [kt:E sel- exIpr rI a V r-r.a:e J I -eXt - r-- :cue ' :ry £:LLCT -I I CUNT IAV&, I .?iI t tOI .1 Fi, C)M [ v -- r :: I ) - IN I E(.-i - C ( i[U;IQUb'EI col-na I I a e * s ta;le-name [ WhE' Ni I o se-tems exresFion 1 -eXr; j using .ND oh ( ) -- k Vai-e@xjpBru Va-e.i r dvai-expr s-c uery t: col-n anie N K ciu - a x ~ , - -~- It-query I (literal,...) <coil-namlle,. . .> l i jt- uery II -n I I((literl, .,... rr )-1 bETEN va--expr At;Mvai-x- r t __ V-C C: :-eL I_teral I f : - -- IC. _ -< >_ > > }~~~~~ _ ; 1 1. ,:L I, : LYNTAX Sr,',UL . LLiA i (conti fnue ) uii' AL; VaL-Lamie IN j table--namer- ;E. col= I vai-ex ' I, . . . S--query [_ _ L HiEL ' "' tl-e p r 3 I J ; r- - ... >; tbli-rame [ (col-name,...) tIt-<ltceral, IINSihINTO "I . r -u ery I ___I L 'TL Lvar-ilna e 1LN taDle-nanie l W, hREsel-expr ne; TABLEA t abie - lnam .tf'iY " m _Y'I'.. T A table-Lname ' Col -Ila ul IKZYS AE L_ DOrjtiIlN DofAL1. "'";LA:t V f ,, 0 ' )L , .. (coi-narme,. -.. ) I __ 'TABLIL table-name; Cr- 'z .. Dit(P (aoru-nrame) I; IKEi 15 co i-iae DfOP ; dwo-naie 6oir-na (CA', I); L I e; ON a-ie-nlaiie -V;;' - S ; (coi-:ame,...) j ,r7; aCCt-na ON '. _ taXie-; ame: se--er ; -I r- --I I : ',S ~'Ll Y I APPENDI X I: 1. 2. TiANS Syrt. ax i CO1hANDS Expianation o Cmass APi Tr NSAC T CrnD . -- .U i I Ij , I n Itml II; I It I I'Th I I I 1 L-j --- L---j - 11 I - z. ,,,,UTp. [ i' ]U I TEkinal I NESIL I £; I I Ci'i,' n 1 -J I II I I -- I I I -- I r- I I -,I1 - I I - I I I I I --. I I I I P iter i I I L - I i - fLiNi Si Ziotlonnnl · I i._.i I I frtomf. tICP IS I | Co O l'a I -j f -- ' i I II --- 1 I I a I - I J I I I .- (, I r I . I I I SI I 11,P ) hT I I I I IIOOrUJ L I I r I -I I I I I I sn I I ,iSVL E I I C A SEE I I UF?.'IO ILJ r I I I I UFPL I I I LuWi I I I I I I Lr .I IJ I L I -II 4 I r L LF ' I ON I I '<title1>' OF?' /,<tit I oULI' ;u t ~~~ut~~~~~~ry~~~ S- atics ; C AS TI T L ! .¥ <coi,Land > I -JI I -I IeZ'-.>'/[ J L I r- I -I J ; 7 i 7. . firy LLJL (Ui1P; trii,:,ciction. 6 - EXTPLArATIN OF ThAC 1. CtihanDSl i5UN :;xecut-s; ttlhe trLarnsdcti ons in r:.:. Only the t;ansactions th-' f iI dcribeu ·LQ.:L : 0 Sd''TA Should be includeu wri± DL LoCeSc I. sec.uen tially w.1tr the nl.wsae trja;.:cL. xn ha'; ieen particular error sectite Lr t D on the agtes laDried in a run rile. Transactiouis n6d the syste;u, wiii respond TRANhSACTIO C&OiPLLrED aiI tr the la st rocessed. Errors may O mtay nrot. cause proces :..iig to terminatt-, oepending on the i,volved. varidble it .tCrjh ECecords Directs all output hun 'iles (iri Cii$S DIT except nature o must consist ype 1i"ECPFV). ior messages the of tCo the de v1ce sptcil. led (.jPTi Oi;:S Tihe u er may inrai.cate ptrinter aS lorg dS it _inesize ior termuinal, alsis, a conzorfs outL.ut device. Unless otherwise values will be i etiect: to the imitatiors or of ttit- set the fol'owing LINSiZE for temina l - LINESIZE 0 '-£or ' 'Ta is k - LTN "SE rxoFrlnter TE - ,INSIZ.E 130 AL .Alloutput will be displayed at the termi'aal. If the CTi option s not spccified output tables will be oiao. ChT 'Thisoption wiil enaiLe the re-sultant tabiiie,:LEC ror! the cormmani a the to be uispla ayed catalog ueries LIST DOMAINS, DESCRIBE TABL .n "w Window" format.. umar.E£ wnich De used with the window are: £i, iA t ,-inT L J .r- - L -- :,-: . i r Ijridin 1vr j CUM I C bl., £ii1 c tex s;r . L a corre3 n ay SEir, n, ill ii.w th L u Ci~ n L il odi the s nI a t.e ui sa wil Cle aeipt type to (uNU u 2Ui e use ouext'n t or . l.niiSAte terlaman - ii c oill e lir uutuc ected ts the tise arlnicatri ny rt te ea;. i' i\;.s TE:: [Gt}.)atwh'l i_~ 'J dzirezct(~0 with Ct SPhecPT L co,tras- i-,t to AIny arguetlls cVaman may e usei to modion th Stao LOar a Cal LOOll L sieaultgs wil orions. r[oni e spoling e asese. il. ( th i ~I,' in u 6lagnC.tiC ai e:t Ti;na , sytr.- tLaC~Oi a-l routines -2i _ .'] _"'CS type s ot onhey are tyea ente-ed. is,ON, the Syste~. keeps tattiiC rocesin. ase harestacterstics arto ith the currenrt SEUEL s 1- plrnter'. the tatement in.a a o.. tile be cori nverted on the 52APri t ohe LISTING e. CASE 2-< set to LOW directly .o "'CUE;L without FlY, '~.....';.'_ L .i~wiiw all q uote convrsion enaie str-ins ii e to uziner case ~i iiteral pa ssci hu, '; .,ga' to be corvertea to a SLC co:anc uut- ut charctr en.ere6.,t th? te rmxina to remaln as they are tyeo i... CAtSE -Ut p U?,e r ca;e. Wiill cause character strings S ~' i;OWU , , '.t- _ i--z nu;li: ere6 Zu-u ~ .',& U,, r -(cr -thte ZOWs b iierttec b>thn tt.o ded and "iw" wiL ae a Trli, :rCovioes an OptaOt, ?,,i- tht Cik:). .i. tie u oltional iI', Iit 1. '.CLi 1 Wi Iaculty ort it Ct Lt'-LOeit all output t abe* (excepttoset ou tut. t t S;I I'iTL' Or ctuops the? kjrlnting oi the currt-4it t itl, tot, ot iut dliL)W'. the t.itie t li''LL uN caLuses the outpout tales I:axin,unl ot iai ri.nqieS Es described y 2pecilieu usin lines cuotec iD(, 1;sed i iay ie rL`tdineld current title ao.Dve. In thet to _LE'1i TITLE '(title1>'/'<title2>'/... is allowed. iT1 ;ySt-l,. . De printeu with tiihe Lines o a titie i ay . Each line must e eI.close d and separated by slsdheS. A ingle quote text oi a title Dy entering it as two the siI9 1e quotes.. Li.S[ldys tte. ot.ion. OUTPi'T ani SET which re currrently in. etrect for tne commans. S. C} liow CP environment. conimaiiLs to be executed in the TEANSA I u. Cfi Aiows the oillowi.nq sufset o CS commands to De executod in the TANSAC'ienvironment: ACCE CiD SK LISTTPFIL P hINT PUNCH RENAME hiLTUR SET L L.A 5 L QO ? E isY STATE ttEDCA E r,) TY P 1J E. C"'S co3mands other ,, i:ssatge will tnhan hiose listeu ar- i'Sued, an e typed and the commandwill De rejected. erL S;tUSL ESe ,NI' for valid iueries. 7. ' l. s the ses.ion. ) ll cii ' m' a-s us- b -oowea by a semicioi, (nes=- C .I1,"O -1 1( 1 I') rlr.nac·tiunsri tL';~I; ;·;c' J' t" , i lIIIC ey ruire .ure than £se (1e.iAt -u by ty -i. rav .' ule a a rctnt ;.g,, eter . ('%) oRe ir.put (%) * rJU line. WJ ih A LO ) fi '-C'j LtIse - . ert o a tL ansact lu i the ii x.t charc ct r : terer o a on a Liie is a IetcoliWCOlOn. Tf'c'l. eIoCre,to avidi re atu: tertirnation Dy riNE.SACr. o t ansact. on iI. ut, makesure that a smiccOon within a comrUari (e.g. a . U"V1'clause) i rot the ast chara cte entered on a lille , ¶L cfrL L) L,AiL L1N4Lb.Z TiLkNi,,AL ilNt-i.t er ter te :) 'lu ty.e : ynidwait ,) I vo (iscuTnetlct watrt aI: is to i i hrkAN $AT, T'iAN' bACi' envi.orunment iAEADY; use Trl'a:sctJiu caiyeci Ci cha.rn9o, slngle-us:er ror the ;or e-ixa: ip e 'pe:' t tra ll.act ii aso :rou, Chn et-ssage. TEANLC SA.T w.ocomnmunicate with a Viritual ltachine. with an I o TVIV:, tV'I wait Ioz the f ;EDY; Rtessa ge. CI~~~~~~~~~~~~ hAPUXJbi. ill: BELI LOAD.1 ACI'.'i'iY 14 LGGE b6LKAU:10AL..Lh6 r A D.'lLt, L 'crr and 4LiDb: Loua ih,-qr)3 La~ Ii . -I ~" ]j .E ,. UVL)Ct.dL -i £T a uiata j LUc%4d-'t 1i.c:--2.·ec ii1e-d t.(lornat rL(,L the ulatda LrfCoId. htdiC ac ileuar*, uL dI TaDitfLiLy 4 ,\(),Z~Chr dilfa -2L tt)t-I O1: U1 StCin t Cany Ime (ut cUr~t·r te ' _t.1 Its not it-eXE' it() .eie.rc) wItL il .. Ue t a. , ln Ju I i y ua t u ['.is ir.n the ui'iL (Jt i, At.. ' :I; it C'£' W '. "L/':Fs LuJ: Wd L l,;i.I,,'II; cor )', A. A . .oayto *:ay L *t.t.,£i;{ :tLe.Ž F_ A.. i u L' llOWs :or mut t!i CnFL L); '. in exa ple, iinKx C(r,t-i. ccard is D- t''._Cd Dy L ;.,U: ' L Cc;tc " iN'Ui' tne LLo to loaer. 5'S.) w".ihoUL t,-&-.-t ;;XLC COLacnus. 2IL tlhedtit&r ar - v 'l e ' is a regular iYS f} . 'l'ho CUL aer om CL.. t the INiCUTDATA fi-". Each co:UrAL lri. d tri£'iori each aUiiei. mutst I0 L. A- &ar . Kl.S &O-Le h C±L 'L,-, L£i£ ~; 2Ct r (CC, rS tr .ev' Zri net: IL L t D't' ire a ;ej 0 L _r C(.Ir;T dhL.u£ iLt~ 'TA "OSiLE, Zlia VeL. L. _~'£-l' tnte to bla (P'{h) of the e o£ 1s urg Ely a.; iOlow.: . UDA. 'r. ou-cnia£cteircor&.z (n~F. Cil (,I ; u£r i.or- eCO' cS in LL U tteL to cata as it I 't. 1 " A hiiVOke- onre touL i; th i& ;- L;, -. , a.a wilDl he:i DnvoKx L'Db au umticaliy. -r_ ·. * ilCLii .riiI' ip;ut /-disk ' A.SK tht .;ct nre C-:££-y'thial the L.;,UtIfile Dt-eo tl*e A- el 'i I e e .rLidhelldderL..y, ccrii te.j, i O.i.y us1IY uze oripersoi the ioader. itC''L~ii~DA~li, ,, y llea.c eans oO a2 ''ILEDE: fL T (e£ atf-. r I LSt .. . b iUt tile nT FIL D t:f ieavi Lg the ' ti i tL' a' e'Lloins L te he 1'.,-U'1 TI utaDase, - Jl siL9 SEQULL, KT ,.o T', b>iI ::. tire. (tiilatri.UnF Iroqrau-..ieI, 1r ir L'TbLb LJ,.L ,t.-,Jrlty l"klc1E Luay ,e -"cai(ATe m dUI.±.Le rl'h V Cdn auLil n a ',ANACi' or J LQUE. ruuL. T1Le IJirai^ acid te L is,. dLu L'L b s;, t£il t bolt. e t,t er. lO W tVi, 't ldie r.--t nL: t . : I iec iLera I Urna. tectec. It ore tEC£i(e to load a tablie ak. iA~txjis *iln tDise, A o CrTOZ coitlon i 1.-1-erTEceie betWeei T'ir.2 a a LCL J.1.: hte dac aii cidly i, the o t.uSe Itw tc; cx':.: tiL.. ...Dle: etype, a,e ;rru C ult ILi; i; O ____T. C hre are iVe r.a i t.G t1,, ,{ALt:) NLO'2. (k' C.tB Ot. tyVEe'> S.',obiaid Kthi;o1I.I typ;>i 1!(al- ;.1-. () ,'. [..i% V;'.)L-t 15 L (: oij I crLaCIracte) . LICI, ,. Lefi~. iakle -on;oin . or1man0 c(.tlaI;d i hii. oICe: Z. ineL, d (.;Olin~dn0 tar dcifine t.ii be, Dotht culuu,in thetable, it iaentitlies ca)IL .r 0ol,ainl ac l tatr and columIl nae 41ile o : (rLat ' Lr'IAL i at2e <t'aI*e tne columns zThe oridt.r oi (1t,.£t Fdlte a.' .he ,rd or i' tl.- t"> <(1:1alL.1. ria <CJAB.1IU II to riz) · the in table i the <column namie> ieia. in 'coiLn-anl muI.t Table Letine Dlne . Sfh oenScriptin trihe i a by be followed izmLedid dtely Pri.ary Key C O l;iL. a : d . 3. ~eint: ,ri,;;ary ai,~ ey oul Tlhis, comniiaid must itaied .e.Ly commaild.The ornmat is: ,ii;lEY <col.unn naaie>i... a Deftie iOilw 'iabie LE;NDKi it is not nect-ssarv Zr a tamit that though to have a primar y key, it is neceL,;ary to iclude d aLter comEmand iediateiy a iefine Primary K Note iei1e A. i tht-re i Tlable command in iNPULDA'i r i.m ar} key, Dotween vJIIY ) l¢o :;t e: the :etuize.,,,enL Ioaice *rirK_ tne tihat ' hL;Kl . is .tje t only syntax aarner u aaers imupos;e ed incoLpa ti Ie .ouader~ --the o I s.ace least n iziDKE¥. and lil ioLnJ:d ;. iu=it be at there Lat;s a L tA the oiaer vrsion o o0C1ler loaders dL; the (, wer) the;e with "Lu t AreU L.e LinLl u 'alE" Co:lmano 'hi 0:at , Lr. u; t he "-stem , orat O the iup;>f_.2-thE- oata com acn tles an iC wnat it thtat the ta i; : _ev i.ou Sc y The cui.ard Wa :U ncat iCated (le _ in e c. has two kiha ata tc in tLaDee i 'oudtd O L:7 _orTlat. tGt ii:rtnhe con;lmaia must haye t:. t.-: .% L;,e Lt al scre.' ul ::4 ;ote .. IT Llt- (iiC ; CG.1'C f'Ori'a (L6COrUiCT . jLC}. / lTiO.N IAlam cul C>uii ;L.ADTiU. <(tciLt pCi-itun> <1st card <st (> <last caLd#> <lat :ach CUiu[in to ' toker.s na.e > [Sltin> si. .. !-aiOace a gr¢,up of £live ll the. I'oi T, t oe associate W1tnh it description: C(;oIUL;. ist e ta aru t -- tht i:itltx (t.ilatiee to the iext ata cad( the iuewer will process) of thte rrt ca£cl with Loutato (thi- Ss odaaea if;'t.O thi e noroally 1--that EitLirt readrinq daT. or 1te rt Iir it . i;--iaI eUh te xt ore). Ist poC)LiO i -- the lettiost car d C colui (In thri (<st care to bte i.nsertea laCt curd t-h (that is, ard' <st is ddta to be the saLe cata cara elat ve) > carO where data for ti.s last position-- the rightmst on this last card where 'The irect o each ioaaeGr :inserts set O: i=no l e. ut.ta DetweeIn <1st oSi1io I O. L)> he tuoeir.: 1i column r (column %ion> (<laG.tCd to Ihiat ol coiumrn I.s located caLu culun data or this coiuLn is locate . t coluu L -- tlhe irdie:, I relatvi e t0 the nxt uata card <s lofa;de Gaata cari twhereth >tn card) into coluIna is5 the tnC-Lt e name> on <cst card > ail an >. Th.,orlor o t(ie coCum:.sis i iLmaterial. 1f ou.' co..uL-n ' in the table ... :.c I. t he.. amsolenL a or ma bei. g e.-; scr I.tioI ; ioaoed do rnut t he y SteC- ei ault valu o zero or thact coizL. otertia i probDie sI.ce . cu1u&n£ iaVe Lti::t.ilyin ]oailr oC t yp*e Ci,. _o, it I ad viseu tha all 1 columns in tn= table have. an -ntrv in ,he decritiorn. ~ ''hi.s i 'Laz aS: recr dr- tltV apea, z an a er:-ro e prct ss, a iDer DePTDA' a:" ore ha;; onfCei- coinditio n wi ..erina te. wili oe t.e. resut v one or a an r in -he ote - co lmr.. cars u tne cr lTa.or., r'rozrm jl r& 'r. I C' .ia rcd,.f1iL Coa ai , 0() lbyt Ca£'t llbldq4- ' ['JrlcOU Wilc I.C)`) W t!lf- I L .'F 'C v It is nl t Cz+', ' i tl; l t LOr:-ato;i- *,~;cii recoruG l. .ietcul %;t-' 1Li;,,r ;,ytlhie i' 'tfcrtotiu. rt S 01 aata recordt: ,llt1 l ko or a t.uit t.uI.*-) o a table ay requi e ;ore tha, a t F thf d td s rJirce o;i oiei row sin gle 66-byt.- I-+cutr iueddfS All.1oW .fcil iipLt over 1h 0atd Lcor o. 0 the ir},ut a.c aign¢d ;iltl uer, re.lativte iu.BDe-b.r'. ci'r uSi <iiL-t CdLL > inicatt t coIU;i. _or a thi Tl;ee .rt. assumi: a an NUZ, 1,. _, .. ,n. ii the<' <]- careai a Tbr,t tci.u *.cr cuiu.r or tnh- thtt Iormat 1e itio nro dfnld pOnt'. o d iven o (;teI coluzrr, L caru (s) , corntaiI. loaderL tyj.e startlnt It i. ;niq1e cita data tu iIA, row Of tble to e't.tJd 'Thoe GCata recoras ur'- :'ffaut U NKNO WN bl to nave .h edata oVe v Li'ore t-hai, Oie iteTr l"thllig u: oi; iU o rt cua,5;s e:a1, 'iea L Lut DIraS, coiuns o? u ta i:"ol; tlje data ty e. i-LoOd tarker: The i:t ata caro must e olloweo iy iiLL uX L \-u". - I ut om . and ±r~. lasE.record, o IuNPUTDA T;bt b. Di anu-an-oi.put cT0c' whnose :UI-rat i: