Study of Low-Temperature-Combustion Diesel Engines As an On-Board Reformer for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Vehicles by Tairin Hahn Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Seoul National University, Republic of Korea, 2003 Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JN Ae L 2006 0 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved Signature of Author: Department of Mechanical Engineering May 02, 2006 Certified by: Wai K. Cheng AQ Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by: Lallit Anand MASSACHUSES INS E Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students OF TECHNOLOGY JUL 1 4 2006 LIBRARIES BARKER 2 To Z 3 g atherand mother 4 Study of Low-Temperature-Combustion Diesel Engines As an On-Board Reformer for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Vehicles by Tairin Hahn Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on MAY 02, 2006 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Fuel cells have been recognized as a feasible alternative to current IC engines. A significant technical problem yet to be resolved is the on bound fuel supply before fuel cells can be practically used for vehicles. Use of an on-board fuel reformer can mitigate the fuel supply issue. In particular, using a diesel engine as on-board fuel reformer, combined with a fuel cell, is a strong candidate for the next generation power plant for vehicles. This study investigates feasibility of using a diesel engine as a fuel reformer. To supply the hydrogen and carbon monoxide for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), a primary Low-Temperature-Combustion (LTC) technology diesel engine using will burn fuel-rich mixture to provide the high temperature combustion products necessary for SOFC. This study models the ignition properties of the fuel-rich mixture, and then applies the model to estimate operation map of a LTC diesel engine. This research provides useful design for the combined cycle prove plant. Thesis Supervisor: Wai K. Cheng Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering 5 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to thank Professor Wai K. Cheng for the best guidance that any graduate student would expect from an advisor. During the numerous short meetings, he has not only taught me about researches but also showed me a way to think when problems came on me. I am looking forward to continuing my researches and experiments with him over the next few years. I am grateful to many other people in the Sloan Automotive Laboratory for their supports over the past one year. However, there have been numerous of people who deserve my special thanks. When things went wrong, I used to run to Morgan as well as Tony, our alumni. Thanks for Morgan's patient and help. For me, because the Sloan Lab has been always a friendly, amusing, and cozy place, I could enjoy my research more. I appreciate my dear office mates: Steve, Francois, Yong, and another Yong (Jeff). Generous tips of Michael and Dong-kun on researching and surviving in Sloan Lab are appreciated, too. Beside the Sloan Lab, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Leslie for her immense practical help. I also would like to thank Dr.Hu of Eaton Co.; my project sponsor, and John of Numerica Technology. I would like to thank my S&P girls who made MIT as an awesome place to live and work. Many thanks to KGSA members, especially the KGSAME members. Last but not least, I would like to give my gratitude to my praiseworthy father, Gi-Chuk Han, who has been always there for me, and my mother, So-Youn Park, the best and the one in the world to me. Also, I appreciate my precious sister, Serin, and bother in law, Seungwon. My gratitude to my family is beyond description. Without them, I couldn't be here to follow my dreams. Tairin Hahn Cambridge, MA, May, 2006 7 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS A B ST RA C T ........................................................................................................... 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...................................................................................7 TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................9 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES.........................................................................11 NOMENCLENTURE.......................................................................................15 CHATER 1: INTRIDUCTION..............................................................................17 1.1 Motivation for the Present Research...........................................17 1.2 Backgrounds of the Research......................................................19 21 1.3 Objectives of the Research........................................................ 23 CHATER 2: RICH COMBUSTION AT LOW TEMPERATURES ........... 23 2.1 Introduction................................................................................. 2.2 Analysis of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms.................................26 2.3 Modification of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms..........................30 CHATER 3: IGNITION DELAY STUDY............................................................... 3.1 Introduction................................................................................. 3.2 Simulation Model........................................................................ 3.3 Stationary Ignition Delay Results............................................... 39 39 42 44 CHATER 4: ENGINE OPERATION WINDOW STUDY.................51 51 4 .1 Introduction ................................................................................... 52 4.2 Simulation Model Setup for LTC Engines.................................. 59 4.3 Engine Operation Maps and Results........................................... 9 CHATER 5: SUMMERY AND CONCLUSIONS..................................................67 5.1 Overview ...................................................................................... 5.2 Fuel-Rich Combustion.................................................................. 5.3 Ignition D elay in Engines.............................................................. 5.4 Conclusions.................................................................................. 67 67 69 70 REFEREN CES..................................................................................................... 71 10 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES FIGURES CHATER 1 Figure 1.1 Schematic of power generating reformer and ITSOFC powerplant.............19 CHATER 2 Figure 2.1 Main hydrocarbon oxidation pathways.....................................................26 Figure 2.2 Difference between experimental data and predictions from the original LLNL 32 kinetic m odel for n-butane..................................................................... Figure 2.3 Schematic of the applied modification....................................................35 Figure 2.4 Agreement after modification in our present study....................................36 CHATER 3 Figure 3.1 Definition of ignition delay with NTC behavior............................................40 Figure 3.2 Agreements of simulation results from the different batch reactor model according to the various pressure where T=900K, Xr=O.15, and phi= 2.5..............43 Figure 3.3 Effect of equivalence ratio and pressure on ignition delay under T= 700K and X r = 0.3........................................................................................................---44 Figure 3.4 Effect of pressure and initial temperature on ignition delay under phi=1.5 and 45 Xr = 0 .3 ................................................................................................................. Figure 3.5 Changing the NTC behavior region related to a fuel-equivalence ratio as a function of initial temperature at P=40atm and Xr =0.3......................................45 Figure 3.6 Effect of residual gas fraction on ignition delay as a function of initial tempera46 ture at P=40atm and phi=1.5 ......................................................................... Figure 3.7 Effect of residual gas fraction on ignition delay at P=40atm........................47 Figure 3.8 Effect of residual gas fraction on ignition delay at phi = 2.0........................48 11 CHATER 4 Figure 4.1 Schematic of the system configuration......................................................... Figure 4.2 Convergence of solution after cycle-by-cycle variation............................... 53 54 Figure 4.3 Convergence of solutions in terms of ignition delay [ms] and ignition timing [d eg] .................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 4.4 Convergence of solutions in terms of pressure, temperature, and gas compositions in engines............................................................................................ 55 Figure 4.5 Sensitivity of ignition delay with bum duration ........................................... 57 Figure 4.6 Heat release rate profile of the engine......................................................... 58 Figure 4.7 Engine operation window: data points with 10 % EGR.............................. 59 Figure 4.8 Ignition points as function of EGR at different phi..................................... Figure 4.9 Effect of equivalence ratio on ignition timing.............................................. 60 Figure 4.10 Temperature Profile in the Cylinder............................................................ Figure 4.11 Engine operation map..................................................................................62 61 61 Figure 4.12 Indicated mean effective pressure, indicated specific fuel consumption, and indicated thermal efficiency of an engine as a function of fuel equivalence ratio ...................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 4.13 Speed effects on the break thermal efficiency............................................. 64 Figure 4.14 Exhaust gas temperatures under 1500rpm .................................................. 65 12 TABLE CHATER 2 Table 2.1 Characters of rich hydrocarbon chemical reaction, where RH, A, and B is hydrocarbon species, X and X' is oxidizer, and M is 3 rd body.................................24 13 14 NOMENCLENTURE ACRONYMS ATDC After Top Dead Center CAD Crank Angle Degree CI Compression Ignition EGR External Gas Recirculation HCCI Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition IC Internal Combustion ID Ignition Delay IMEP Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption ISFC Indicated Mean Effective Pressure ITSOFC Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell IVC Intake Valve Closing LTC Low Temperature Combustion NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient PM Particulate Matters RPM Revolutions Per Minute SI Spark Ignition Xr Residual Gas Fraction SYMBOLS Indicated thermal efficiency (D Fuel air equivalence ratio, phi 15 16 Chapter 1 INTRIDUCTION 1.1 Motivation for the Present Research For more than a hundred years, fossil fuels have been the most significant energy source for transportation. However, fossil fuels have two major problems. One is the fossil fuel shortage, which we will encounter in a few decades. The other is emissions from fossil fuels such as NOx, CO, C0 2 , and Particulate Matters (PM). Because of fuel economy and low emission of C0 2 , diesel engines have been considered as the most efficient internal combustion engines in common use [1]. Even though there have been remarkable improvements in the conventional internal combustion (IC) engine, new power generators and energy sources are required upon the fossil fuel shortage problem and the environmental issue. Fuel cells have been recognized as the most feasible alternative to current IC engines. They produce electrical energy directly from chemical reactions. If hydrogen is used for fuel cells, water is the only by-product from the overall power generation process. Current 17 thermodynamic efficiency of fuel cells is about 60%, based on the heating value of the hydrogen supplied [2]. Many researchers believe that IC engines will eventually be replaced with fuel cells in a few decades. Nevertheless, there are still various technical problems in fuel cells applications. For example, a power to weight (or volume) ratio of fuel cells is not as high as that of the IC engines. The substantially high price of the hydrogen gas and lack of hydrogen-stations also limit their early adaptation. For the above reasons, on-board fuel reformer using liquid fuels is attractive. First, the fuel reformer does not need high pressurized storages of gaseous fuel, hence the energy needed for compression is avoided [3]. Much work is necessary to put hydrogen, which is the lightest gas, into a pressurized tank, and the fuel storage means causes a low power to weight ratio of the overall fuel cell system. As a result, the overall system efficiency increases if automobiles use a liquid fuel such as gasoline, methanol, or methane and convert these fuels into the feed stream appropriate for the fuel cell. Second, the fuel reformers allow the use of conventional automotive fuels in a vehicle [3]. Therefore, the logistic problem of supplying the fuel is alleviated. 18 Fuel flow F Exhaust " enthalpy F flow Gearbox and motor F L Figure 1.2 Schematic of power generating reformer and ITSOFC powerplant from 141 1.2 Background of the Research The power plants combining an intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (ITSOFC) with an IC engine is a strongly candidate of the next generation power plant for vehicles. Figure 1.2 describes the schematic of this system. The IC engine acts as a power generating reformer, and the mechanical output of the system is provided both by the engine and by an electric motor driven by the fuel cell. The proposed configuration will substantially improved the efficiency of the fuel reforming process. Since the bestial oxidation of the fuel is CO and H2, and the main gas shift reaction of converting CO and H20 to CO 2 and H2 are both exothermic, the released energy 19 is usually wasted. The engine as a reformer would recover this energy as useful work. Moreover, the ITSOFC has higher energy conversion efficiency (45% to 65%) than a conventional IC engine (33% to 37%). Therefore, the overall powertrain energy conversion efficiency of this system will be higher than that of an IC engine. To maximize the overall efficiency of this system and to minimize NOx and PM emissions, which adversely affect the latter fuel cell operation, the engine will operate in the fuel-rich LTC mode using compression ignition of the diesel fuel. Because the high fuel conversion efficiency of a diesel engine originates from the essential characters of its fuellean operable cycles [1], many diesel engine researches have been focused on only fuellean operating regions. However, many essential concepts have not been adequately addressed under the fuel rich condition. Therefore, evaluating basic combustion behavior and operable condition of the LTC diesel engine as a power generating reformer is necessary. 20 1.3 Objectives of the Research This project aims to theoretically assess two main points: the ignitability of a fuel rich, heavily diluted mixture; and the operating parameters for a power-generating reformer using a LTC diesel engine. The research steps can be summarized as follows: 0 Using chemical kinetics calculations of n-heptane chemistry [5], the ignition delay of the fuel-air mixture is tabulated as a function of a fuel-air equivalence ratio(CD) under the rich condition, temperature (T), pressure (P), and residual gas fraction (Xr). * The tabulated ignition delay is incorporated into a cycle simulation software, WAVE [6], to define the LTC operating region. The scope of the study is limited to steady state operation at each load speed point; dynamic issues in the load/speed trajectory of the driving cycle are left for future study. Furthermore, it is assumed that the powerplant is a stand-alone unit without any energy storage device, and the overall driving cycle optimization via energy storages is not considered. Despite significant uncertainty in the real LTC fuel rich diesel engine's operating characteristics, it is still useful to establish the operating characteristics for the LTC engine / 21 ITSOFC combined powerplant based on the theoretical assessment of the LTC engine. Therefore, the output of this research will be used as guidance for further development of the concept in terms of testing hardware and obtaining real data for product optimization. 22 Chapter 2 RICH COMBUSTION AT LOW TEMPERATURES (650-1000K) 2.1 Introduction We consider the combustion of a homogenous mixture at a rich-fuel equivalence ratio (between 1.5 and 3), at low temperatures (between 650 K and 1000 K), and at high pressures (between 20 atm and 60 atm). Ignition delay is used to access the ignitability of the charge. However, the hydrocarbon ignition chemistry has not been well established for fuelrich condition. Even the commonly used detailed n-heptane mechanism developed by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is established only within an equivalence ratio between 0.3 and 1.5 [5]. Thus, we need to adjust this mechanism to use it for our study. To modify this mechanism, we must understand the basic chemical reaction mechanism for hydrocarbon ignition. In particular, because of negative temperature coefficient (NTC) behavior, ignition delay at low temperatures (T < 900 K) must be carefully defined [8]. Briefly, the reaction mechanism depends on temperature and pressure due to the differ- 23 ent path of oxidation. Oxidation generally occurs through three steps; initiation, propagation, and termination. Table 2.1 shows a simple expression for hydrocarbon fuel reaction mechanism. Two main different pathways are selected by initial temperature of the mixture. At high T, the reaction rate of hydrocarbon with H radical is much faster than reaction rate of H- + 02->O- + OH. Reactions that produce H radical are most important reaction because these reactions dominate the over all reaction rate involving chain reactions. The presence of hydrocarbon provides an effective competitor to oxygen for available H atoms, reducing chain branching rate as well as slowing the overall combustion rate. Therefore, At high Temperature (>1000K) initiation RH -+ A+B At low Temperature (r 10001K) RH + X -+ R + X' with elevated high P ( >20 atm) main reaction H- + 0 2 -O+ Reaction rate of A relation -+ OH H- +0 2 +M--*HO 2+ M Followed by of B+ H- - R +H20 2 H0,+H much faster inhibit the iydrogen oxidation RH +HO2 2 -+H H202 - + 2+ 02 R + H202 M - OH + OH + M Richer mixture reacts slower. Richer mixture reacts faster. with cD Table 2.1 Characters of Rich Hydrocarbon Chemical Reaction, where RH, A, and B is hydrocarbon species, X and X' is oxidizer, and M is 3rd body. 24 little increase hydrocarbon amount can inhibit the hydrogen oxidation. In particular, because the fuel does not react as rapidly or completely under fuel rich condition, fuel consumption reaction plays a larger role than for lean or stoichiometric. Therefore, we need to carefully modify mechanism under rich region. 25 2.2 Analysis of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms Hydrocarbon ignition is governed mainly by chain initiation, propagation, reaction, and degenerated branching which leads to rapid multiplication of radicals. Like other chemical reactions, these processes generally show strong dependence on temperature. The overall hydrocarbon oxidation pathways, having more than three carbon atoms, can be described schematically as shown in Figure 2.1 [9]. The hydrocarbon oxidation rate is dominated by the following reaction, regardless of temperature: H + 02 = 0+ OH Still, there are locally governing reactions when we consider a specific temperature. At decomposition I oxygenated intermediate + OH f -scission at high T 02 RH-> R OH, H02 02 02 '1- ROO0 QOOH Ir p-scission + H02 02 OOQOOH O=R'OOH+OH Branching alkene + H02 at low T intermediate molecular products + OH Figure 2.1 The main hydrocarbon oxidation pathways 26 high temperatures (above 1100 K at 1 atm), the reaction rate is governed mainly by P- scission decomposition of alkyl radicals (R). At intermediate temperatures (between 850 K and 1100 K), the chain branching of alkanes (RH) with OH or HO 2 begins to act as a major oxidation pathway [10]. Lastly, at low temperatures (below 850 K), the chain branching of ketohydropreoxide (ROO) dominates the reaction rate [11]. The hydrocarbon oxidation at low temperatures must be studied more carefully due to its complexities. Below 800 K, ROO cannot be decomposed into R. Therefore, instead of decomposition, QOOH isomerization occurs. Since QOOH isomerization leads to complex chain propagation involving OH/HOO, there is a range of temperature in which the reaction rate decrease rather then increase with temperature; such a response is called NTC behavior. As a result of such different chemical pathways at high temperatures and low temperatures, the reaction rate of the whole system also depends on the fuel-air equivalence ratio [12, 13]. Due to the import relationship of H radical pool with reaction rate, any reaction which consumes H radicals will decelerate the reaction rate. On the other hand, any reaction which produces H radicals will accelerate the whole reaction rate. Particularly for fuel rich combustion, because hydrocarbon does not ignite rapidly or completely, the initial 27 amount of fuel plays a large role than lean or stoichiometric combustion. At relatively high temperatures (T>1000 K), the main reaction of H+02 = O+OH initiates all the oxidization reactions. Therefore, as the fuel-air equivalence ratio decreases, which means the system has more oxygen, the system ignites faster due to the higher energy levels. Moreover, because the reaction rate of hydrocarbon and H atoms is much faster then that of hydrogen and oxygen reaction, the hydrocarbon is good competitor of oxygen to hydrogen atoms. Therefore, the small increasing amount of hydrocarbon is able to inhibit the whole system reactivity. In contrast, at low temperatures (T <1000K) with elevated pressures (P>20 atm), because the reaction of Fuel +HOO = R + H20 2 dominates the reactivity of the whole system, the increasing fuel-air equivalence ratio accelerates the overall reaction of the system. Because this is not strong exothermic reaction, temperature could not have comprehensive effect on reaction rate. Therefore, though temperature is increased in this region, the reac- tion rate will remain same or even slower, which is NTC behavior. However, if the fuel- air equivalence ratio increases at lower pressures (P<20atm), H-atom abstraction provides inhibiting effects by competing with the main reaction (H+0 2 = 0+0H) [14]. Therefore, the equivalence ratio does not have a large effect on the rate of reaction under the low pressure, 28 even though the fuel-air equivalence ratio is high. The dominant reactions in the operating region of interest can be summarized as follows: At low temperatures: ROO = QOOH (QOOH isomerization) Under fuel-rich conditions: RH + HOO = R + H 2 0 29 2 (H-atom abstraction) 2.3 Modification of Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms A detailed n-heptane chemical kinetic mechanism developed by LLNL describes 2450 elementary reactions involving 550 different species [7]. Our planned operation window is beyond the established range of this mechanism: pressures between 1 and 42 atm, temperatures between 550 and 1700 K, and an equivalence ratio between 0.3 and 1.5. It is much broader operation conditions than where the Curran mechanism addressed on. Considerable research has been conducted in order to achieve better agreement in extended application regions for the butane mechanism proposed by LLNL [7, 15]. Fur- thermore, since one of our objectives for this study is to assess the guidelines for the reasonable operation range for the LTC fuel-rich combustion region, the actual experimental data for n-heptane combustion is insufficient. As butane combustion behavior shows generally good agreement with n-heptane, and the butane mechanism developed by LLNL was built on the same algorithm as n-heptane, it means the butane mechanism has comprehensive analogy with heptane. So, we modified the butane mechanism based on the experimental data of Kitsopanidis. Therefore, because the initial process of H atom abstraction from the fuel does not strongly depend on the fuel structure larger than butane, firstly, our modification is performed based on butane experimental data. Then, we applied the same modi- 30 fication to n-heptane. The LLNL inhibition mechanism is based on the reaction rate equation: - Ea k= Ax T"xe RT where k is a reaction rate constant, A-factor is a constant, Ea is the activation energy, R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature, and n is the stoichiometric coefficient, which is determined by the fuel. In the LLNL mechanism, the reaction rate is decided by estimated values of n, A-factor and Ea, based on the previous studies and their correlation with the actual experimental data [14, 16-19] Many empirical reactions rate equations are represented based on Arrhenius rate expressed as k = AT" exp(-Ea/ R T)[Fue]a[Oxidizer]b, with the assumption that the overall reaction is generally the first order as regards both fuel and oxidizer (a=l, b =1). Therefore, reaction rate naturally depends on the reaction rate constant. However, this reaction constant, k = AT" exp(-Ea/ R T), is not a real constant. It is the function of temperature, activation energy, A factor, and n. R and T are given by the system, but n, A factor, or Ea is decided based on empirical data. However, as the reaction rate strongly depends on the initial condition, the different initial condition affect a lot to the decision. Therefore, these coeffi- 31 cients could not grantee the generality [5, 20]. We modified the mechanism reaction rate by changing these coefficients in the particular activation energy. Figure 2.2 describes the difference between the LLNL mechanism prediction and the experimental data of Kitsopanidis for butane ignition delay under fuel-rich condition. As shown in Figure 2.2, the predicted ignition is generally earlier than the real ignition regardless of temperature, and especially the prediction of the delay in the NTC region does not agree with the experimental data. This discrepancy in the n-butane mechanism is mainly I * - U Experimental Data Original LLN L model U P =14.6 atm .4=3.0 U 10 - C 1 IflO I. I 1.05 I 1.10 1.15 I 120 125 1.30 1.35 1.40 ' I 1.45 I 1.50 1000OIT [1 IK] Figure 2.2 Difference between experimental data and predictions from the original LLNL kinetic model for n-butane. 32 due to the fuel-rich combustion condition. Moreover, this LLNL mechanism is only addressed between 0.3 and 1.5. Therefore, it could not predict the ignition delay in this region In the previous study of Kitsopanidis, a better agreement is achieved by a model that 1 modifies two reaction groups (H-atom abstraction from RH by HOO: R2 and OOQOOH isomerization: R23). In later version of LLNL model, it assumed that the activation energy of R23 set same as that of R12. Even it does not seem physically sound, the computational results showed better agreement than original results. In our study, we made three adjustments over three reaction groups. First, to make the better prediction regardless of temperature, we modified the main initiate reaction pathway that is the root of the whole reaction in the fuel-rich region (RH + HOO = R + H2 0 2 ). Second, to improve agreement in the NTC region, we selected a low temperature submechanism, which initiates the NTC behaviors. As we can see from the schematic of hydrocarbon oxidation pathways in Figure 2.1, two main pathways exist relatively independent of other restraints except for temperature: QOOH isomerization (R12), and OOQOOH isomerization with release of OH radicals (R23). As the reaction equations clearly show, Hatom transfer occurs within these reactions, except that OOQOOH isomerization produces 'Reaction group notation such as R2, RI 2, and R23 followed by Curran, the author of original model. 33 OH radicals at the end of isomerization. Therefore, even though the activation energy of OOQOOH will be lower than that of QOOH, the activation energies of R12 are strongly analogous to those of R23, because the both activation energies caused by the H atoms abstraction, which are bound to the carbon atoms. The original LLNL kinetic mechanism assumed the difference in the activation energy between these two reactions to be 3 kcal/mol. However, in a later version of a reduced nbutane mechanism, the activation energy is given the same value for these two reaction groups. Even though it seems physically unreasonable, this modified mechanism shows better agreement with the experimental data in the fuel-rich regions. Similarly, in Kitsopanidis' mechanism, the activation energy difference between the two reaction groups is assumed to be 1.5 kcal/mol. These modifications change only the activation energy of OOQOOH isomerization (R23). However, when the estimated activation energy of QOOH isomerization (R12) is lower than the actual activation energy of R12, the computation rate of autoignition is always less than the observed rate of that [5]. Therefore, we also reduced the activation energy of R12. In our study, we achieved better agreement by adjusting not only the activation energy of OOQOOH isomerization but also that of QOOH isomerization. Our schematic mechanism 34 for the applied modification is described in Figure 2.3. To retard the ignition at high temperatures within the fuel-rich condition, the activation energy of R2 was increased to 1 kcal/mol. Since H-atom attraction has small impact at low temperatures, the difference between the activation energy of R12 and that of R23 set to 2 kcal/mol instead of 3 kcal/mol used in the original mechanism. Furthermore, to retard feedback on the reaction rate from temperature, the activation energy of R12 was increased by 1 kcal/mol. As shown in Figure 2.4, the prediction of our modified mechanism for butane and the experimental data showed better agreement than previous studied mechanisms. When we consider the heat transfer effect at low temperatures due to longer ignition delay, the faster Ea k Ea' +1 Ea.R1 1+4 2 3 E8.R2 Ea.R23 Original model Original model Modified model Figure 2.3 Schematic of the applied modification. 35 :: + Modified model ignition predictions at low temperatures and slower ignition predictions at high temperatures are understandable and meet our expectation well. Because the initial process of H atom abstraction from the fuel does not strongly depend on the fuel structure larger than butane, the butane kinetic mechanism has comprehensive analogy with the n-heptane kinetic mechanism [5, 7, 21]. Therefore, we applied the same modification to three reaction groups of the LLNL n-heptane mechanism. This validated modified mechanism is used for development of the operating window of the engine, which * -- I-, 0 ~1o- Experlmental Data use d mech anism in pros ant study Khopanidis's modfied mechanism ...modifed LLNL meohanism P = 145 atm. =3.0 a *15 .2 C 1- 0.95 1.00 10 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 Figure 2.4 Agreement after modification in our present study. 36 135 1.40 1.45 1.0 is presented in the next chapter. 37 38 Chapter 3 IGNITION DELAY STUDY 3.1 Introduction In our study, the ignition occurred through the reaction of a mixture of fuel and oxidizer without any ignition source after some residence time. The ignition delay time can be defined as the period between the creation of a combustible mixture by some means (such as a step change in temperature from a very low temperature), and the onset of the rapid reaction phase leading to the heat release. Ignition delay times can also be indicated by either a fixed temperature increase or the evolution of a certain chemical species. In our study, ignition delay was defined as the time duration from the creation of the combustible mixture up to the point at 10% of total heat released. As shown in the Figure 3.1, the ignition occurred with two distinguishable stages, which were demonstrated by NTC behavior dominated by not strong exothermic reaction. 39 1.1 -. - / 160 II 1.0 140 C 0.90.8- 120 0.1 100 04 60 C,, (D 0.3- 75 220. 0.2- 12-1.,26 E 3 U.1I -- - - 127 12 1. 20 0.0 0.0 12.4 12.5 I'd 3 - - - 0 I TIK 12.6 12.7 12 129 131) time [ms] Figure 3.1 Definition of ignition delay with NTC behavior We need to apply the ignition delay data, which is based on a fixed initial temperature and pressure, to the ignition problem in engine. Because the combustion environments in diesel engines change continuously due to the temperature change produced by the piston motion during the ignition delay, to estimate the ignition delay is more complicate than stationary condition. Generally, the ignition delay is defined as a function of mixture pressure, temperature, fuel equivalence ratio, and fuel properties [1]. The following empirical integral equation used to reflect the changing effect of pressure and temperature for the engine: 40 f t 0 where t is stationary ignition delay of the reactor under the same conditions as the engine at time t, and ti. is the ignition delay of the engine. Therefore, to estimate the ignition delay of a diesel engine, we first calculated stationary delay. 41 3.2 Simulation Model To estimate stationary ignition delay, we built a batch reactor for the modified nheptane mechanism using OpenChem Pro and Jacobian. Jacobian is a dynamic modeling and optimization software program that can solve problems by synchronizing with OpenChem Pro, which can build and apply chemical kinetic mechanisms. Our batch reactor could be run at constant volume or constant pressure. It is a closed system that requires initial temperature, pressure, a fuel equivalence ratio and a residual gas fraction. We assumed that the residual gas would have a burned gas equilibrium composition consistent with an equivalence ratio at 1740K, which would contain only hydrogen, water vapor, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. Since there is very little heat release in the pre-ignition chemistry [1, 5], the ignition delays found by the constant pressure or the constant volume reactor would be the same. In our simulations, this fact is confined in Figure 3.2; the ignition delay does not depend on the combustor type. 42 W a a U-O E 0 a) E 4 4 0 20 60 40 80 100 Percentage of total released heat (%) with constant pressure reactor with constant pressure reactor with constant pressure reactor with constant volume reactor P=50atm, with constant volume reactor P=60atm, with constant volume reactor where T= 900K, Xr-0.15, 4k = 2.5 , * P=40atm, P=50atm, P=60atm, P=40atm, e e> o o A Figure 3.2 Agreement of Simulation results from the different batch reactor model according to the various pressure where T=900K, Xr=0.15, and Phi= 2.5 43 3.3 Stationary Ignition Delay Results In the present work, the full ignition simulation was run for 900 points on T(600K1000K), P (20 atm- 60atm), Xr(0.0-0.6), and Phi(l.0-2.5). The fuel-rich combustion in those tests showed the same tendency in regard to pressures and fuel-equivalence ratio as the fuel-lean combustion did. As shown Figure 3.3, a richer air-fuel mixture extends ignition delay. Also, as shown Figure 3.4, an increase of pressure reduces the ignition delay. However, the Figure 3.5 clearly shows NTC behavior. The temperature region of the NTC behavior depends on a fuel-equivalence ratio. While the fuel-air mixture is richer, the temperature range representing NTC behavior becomes wider and lower. 0 0 A 0 10 M I. 1.0 1.2 I I 1.4 1.6 P=30atm * P=40atm A P=50atm I I 1.6 2.0 . Fuel Equivalence Ratio, m cD Figure 3.3 Effect of Equivalence Ratio and Pressure on Ignition Delay at T= 700K, Xr =0.3 44 100- 'A E 10 A. .1 U U A A. U >1 A 0 4~ C U C A .2 C 1 0) SP=30atm * P=40atm A P=50atm 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.5 1000fT Figure 3.4 Effect of Pressure and Initial Temperature on Ignition Delay at phi=1.5 and Xr =0.3 S 100- .4 E U 0 I 10 U U I 2. 1.0 o=1.5 * * U (D=2.0 o=2.5 A 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1000 Figure 3.5 Changing the NTC behavior region related to a fuel-equivalence ratio as function of initial temperature at P=40atm and Xr =0.3 45 Figure 3.6 shows that the ignition delay strongly depends on residual gas fraction particularly at low initial temperature combustion. Generally, as we expect, the larger residual gas fraction produces the longer ignition delay. However, under the high temperature condition, the residual gas fraction does not have significant effects on the ignition delay because the initial temperature is maintained in our model regardless residual gas fraction. In the real engine, because increasing residual gas fraction also increases the initial temperature at the start of a compression stroke, the combustion characteristic is more sensitive to the residual gas fraction. 0 100U U * A 10 I--i a 0 is A A SXr=0.6 1 SXr=0.3 Xr=O & I I 1.0 1.1 I I 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.6 1000/T Figure 3.6 Effect of Residual Gas Fraction on Ignition Delay as function of Initial Temperature at P=40atm and phi=1.5 46 Figure 3.7 shows the dependency of temperature regardless an equivalence ratio. However, under high temperature, the ignition delay does not increase even though residual gas fraction is increased due to the different ignition initiation pathway between high temperature and low temperature as mentioned in chapter 2. In particular, before NTC region, the ignition delay depends on the equivalence ratio. On the other hand, in NTC region, the equivalence ratio is not in charge of the ignition delay. P 0 U) E 10- .0 1) - <t=1.5 0 0 >=2.0 c+=2.5 where T=850 K :6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 <D 0.5 0 0 0 0.6 0 0 0 E 0.4 0 0 40 30 o <=1.5 o 4=2.0 2- 4>=2.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Residual Gas Fraction, Xr Figure 3.7 Effect of Residual gas fraction on Ignition delay at P=40atm 47 0.5 where T=950 K 0.6 Figure 3.8 clearly shows that the same dependency is reflected by pressure. Because the NTC behavior region complexly depends on temperature and equivalence ratio, the ignition delay around NTC region is hard to be predicted. Thus, these stationary results are used for interpolation of each ignition delay in given engine conditions and integration to find out the actual engine ignition delay in the next chapter. I U 40 30 A 20 10 0 4 3 2 (0 C U 0 I 0 * & 0.1 7 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.1 P=30atm P=40atm P=50atm where T=850 K 0.4 M U N .A. C C 0 *~2 SP=30atm * P=40atm P=50atm A 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 R esidual Gas Fraction, Xr Figure 3.8 Effect of Residual gas fraction on Ignition delay at Phi = 2.0 48 0.5 where T=950 K 0.6 Consequently, due to these complicated dependencies on reaction conditions, such as pressure, temperature, and gas compositions, the ignition delay in the engine is hard to be predicted in particular with the fuel-rich mixtures. Therefore, we interpolated previous results and estimated an instant ignition delay during the compression stroke, and then find a ignition delay point in an engine in stead of inferring a general equation of ignition delay in the engine from these results in this chapter. 49 50 Chapter 4 ENGINE OPERATION WINDOW STUDY 4.1 Introduction The purpose of the study is to define the operating boundary for a LTC engine operating in the fuel rich mode. The approach was to incorporate the ignition delay would into a cycle simulation program. A simple Wiebe function was applied to calculating a cumulative burned mass fraction. Then the engine cycle was complicated to find the residual gas fraction and temperature to define the change for the next cycle. The pressure was unpacted to see if the cycles converged to a stable LTC operating point. 51 4.2 Simulation Model Setup for LTC Engines In the engine combustion modeling, we made a dynamic link library between Fortran and WAVE, which is commercial engine simulation package. The WAVE calculates thermal environments in an engine and gives the internal engine conditions to user combustion model at each time step, 0.5 crank angles, such as temperature, pressure, and chemical compositions in the engine. The user combustion model will estimate the starting point of the ignition by using a following equation: 9ign 1 f - dO - N=1; Olvc T(TP,) 360N where, N is speed of the engine, 0 N=Rev/sec ign is the starting point of the ignition, and this equation starts to be calculated the right after intake valve closed, Oj,. After starting ignition, the cumulative burned mass fraction is represented as a function of crank angles (CA) using the Wiebe correlation: W I - EXP AWOI M- B WEXP ~BDUR) where, AO is CA past start of combustion, BDUR is the 10-90% burn duration in CA, WEXP is the Wiebe exponent(=2.0), and AWI(= 1.67) is a internally calculated parameter. 52 Because the burn duration of HCCI is shorter than that of SI, the burn duration of HCCI are generally assumed as 10 CA [28]. This Wiebe function is generally used for the combustion modeling of the SI engine or the heat release modeling of the typical HCCI engine. However, because we addressed only the exhaust temperature and enveloped the operating conditions, we simplified the combustion period. Figure 4.1 shows the schematic of our engine configuration. This engine inhaled and exhaled ambient temperature air, and an injector located right after an intake port to make homogeneity mixture. The cylinder is a CI combustor. It means this engine has the same configuration with a HCCI engine. A simple EGR system is used with a valve actuator and a PI controller to control the residual gas fraction. The external EGR works well due to its &A Figure 4.1 Schematic of the system configuration 53 Oiuct 1i tvtf4 du .da simplicity, but its thermal effect is limited due to heat loss in the EGR system and slow response during the transient time [22]. As a result of this simulation, we can take exhaust gas temperatures, peak pressures, indicated mean effective pressures, and thermal heat efficiencies. As we can see Figure 4.2, the start of ignition timing is various during the first 15 cycles. However, after 15 th cycle, cycle variation is negligible and the solutions are converged. Therefore, to decide the start of ignition regardless cycle variation, we assumed this system is always stabilized after 100 cycles. If the system has one more misfire cycle before 15th cycle, we consider it as a misfired case even if the system is stable after 100 cycles. If the 20 Is - -10 - =2.0. Xr =15% - =1.6, X r = 16% Xr = 16% ---15----4=1.2, S 10 a 20 ~ 30 ~ i ~a ~ to ~ = 7| 1r i s30 Cycle Figure 4.2 Convergence of solution after cycle-by-cycle variation 54 70 so 90 -r--1ie 1GO 30 14 13 28 - I--Ignition delay -0-Ig n itio n t im in g 4- = 1.5, 1500 rpm. WOT 12 11 26 24 10 9 E 22 w (3 a in '0 C -o0 20 E '-*-----k- *-k-k-*-*-* -- -*-0-0-k-k-k-- - - 18 6 5 16 3 0 0 2--- . 14 -o-a3--o- -a - -c-a -- - -a- -a -a -a -o-o- -a -o -oo 12 - - - , , . I 15 10 5 . 20 - 25 30 cycle Figure 4.3 Convergence of solutions in terms of Ignition delay [ms] and Ignition timing[deg] 820 I - 0 -0 - 0 - -0 to I I I -0 -0 -0-0-0 -0 -0-0 -0 -0-0 -0-0-0 -0-0 0-0-0 -0 800 38 180 36 160 34 a) a) 740 32 C: 120 30 (D C) E E -0p 0 -Mu u- - --- n-- -- -- -- - - --- Co u- -0u-0 On' 0 03 Co OD2 0.03 -0- 02 012 Co Ono Pressure ---- Temperature ----- Risidual gas fraction .=15, 1500 rpm. WO T (C - 0 - - 5 10 15 20 25 30 Cycle Figure 4.4 Convergence of solutions in terms of Pressure, Temperature, and Engine compositions 55 engine has misfire cycles, it exerts a bad influence on engine reliability by increasing thermal gradients. Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 also represent system stabilization of system properties such as ignition delay, temperature, pressure, and residual gas fraction. As we discussed earlier, Wiebe function is used to determine combustion profile. Other constant properties in Wiebe function are easily defined for HCCI combustion except burn duration. Burn duration is defined by number of CAD, which takes the engine to complete 10-90% of heat release. Burn duration can be used as a basis to determine the speed of combustion. Longer burn duration provides a smoother and quieter operation. For HCCI combustion, the burn duration is shorter than SI combustion and it is suggested generally between 10 and 20 CAD [23, 24]. Also, it should be noted that burn duration is high dependent on an EGR ratio. Because higher EGR ratio make inlet temperature increase and outlet temperature decrease, the EGR ratio increase the burn duration even the burn duration does not change much with different inlet temperature. As a result, burn duration can be increased by as much as 12 CAD with 40% of EGR [22]. 56 Figure 4.5, however, depicts that the ignition delay does not strongly depend on the burn duration. Thus, we can choose burn duration as 20 CAD regardless engine operating conditions. Still, this averaging of the combustion duration over cycles is one of the potential sources of discrepancies with experiments [22, 25-27]. Figure 4.6 shows a sample engine combustion simulation result. 28 - - 24 20 E 16- C 12- 0 a I 6 a I 10 I2 .1 12 14 . 1I 16 15 Burn d uratio n [CA] Figure 4.5 Sensitivity of Ignition delay with Burn duration 57 20 22 24 26 0025- * burned ftl In cylinder Heat release rate~ **Cum. 0.020- 018 7- 0.015- E 0 0.010- 0.2 0 z 41 01105 - 0.0004 I- I1 -30 -20 -10 1 1 0 10 1 1 1 20 I I,- 1Ir 30 40 ATDC(CAJ Figure 4.6 Heat release rate profile of the engine 58 50 60 I 70 nn IIu~.u ' 80 90 100 4.3 Engine Operation Maps In present work, the integrated full cycle model was run for 3240 points corresponding to each specific fuel equivalence ratio, EGR, and speed. As depicted in Figure 4.7, the operation window is bounded by three regions: misfired region, unstable combustion region, and stable combustion region. Misfire occurs when the engine cannot sustain stable operation or when substantial number of the engine cycles fails to ignite. Unstable combustion occurs when the engine has the boundary condition between misfire and stable combustion, causing less than 1% of the engine cycles failing to ignite after the initial period. 17 11 '1 V - Missfired region -.. 22- * * .... ............. Y. *y 2.0 - I.y Unstable combustion region 1B : Stable combustion region 1 1.2 Y ~ Wr Sao 1000 1500 speed [rpm] Figure 4.7 Engine operation window: Data points with 10 % EGR 59 2000 2500 Figure 4.8 depicts the calculated ignition starting points as a function of EGR at different equivalence ratio. The EGR effect gets bigger as the fuel is richer. Also, Figure 4.9 shows that the NTC behavior is stronger when the fuel is richer and the EGR ratio is higher. Such NTC behavior is caused by the temperature in the engine during the compression stroke as shown in Figure 4.10. The inlet temperature, which strongly depends on the EGR ratio, is a convenient and efficient way to control the ignition timing and combustion phasing [28, 29]. The high intake temperature speeds up the onset of low-temperature chemistry with NTC behavior, in turns reducing the main stage ignition delay. Therefore, the ignition 1.5 16 14 12 10 -l 4 E$OR(%) Figure 4.8 Ignition points as function of EGR at different <D 60 20 - 1510< 5 C 0 0-5 -5 -10 - EGR -15. 1 1 *' ' 1 I . " I ' * I 10% * 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 = Figure 4.9 Effect of Equivalence Ratio on Ignition Timing n lb 0A^ TEMPERATURE v& CRANK ANGLE eq.rafo:1.0 eq.ralo:1.8 900 850 Bo 2500- 10 700 2000 450 No w 860 00 1500- 00 400 00 -80-70 -60 -80 -to -30 -20 -10 Crang angle [ATDC] 1000- .2 500- 7VC (I iei COMPRESSION IVO EI II VD T4 EXPANSION CRANK ANGLE Figure 4.10 Temperature Profile in the Cylinder 61 E~C NO . I EXHAUST [deg] INTAKE 0 to timing will be advanced or maintained though the EGR ratio is increased as shown in Figure 4.8. Figure 4.11 well represents the ignition points with regard to various fuel-air equivalence ratio and EGR ratio. This Figure 4.11 also provides an insight into misfire phenomenon and a possible way that could be accounted for while modeling and experimenting with an engine. The misfire was denoted by considering a multiple cycle simulation where the intake charge failed to bum during some of the cycles. Around the boundary near the misfire conditions, the ignition timing is later than suggested ignition timing for the engine Start of Ignition [ATDC] 25 20 W0 - - 80 4 0 0 12 0 -4. 0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1-4 1.5 Figure 4.11 Engine operation map 62 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 which is less than about Ims ( 9 CAD with 1500 rpm) [1]. Therefore, it is not recommendable to operate the engine in this region. Also, Figure 4.12 depicts that this boundary region was denoted by a low Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP) and a high Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption (ISFC). As a result, it has a very low indicated thermal efficiency (ru). Indicated thermal efficiency and indicated specific fuel consumption are generally used to express the efficiency of an engine. Therefore, Figure 4.11 represents the effective operation windows in terms of an overall engine efficiency as well. When a engine system 30 9W0 .0 3 1100- - -200 150 E24 E24 ?60 90022 7000 850, 20 400 $300-$ 300- 260- 2S0_ _ - "00 In 12 1.4 1A 1 350 16 350 20 500 V In 20 12 1.6 1.4 4 EGRuO% 12 I2 100 I y 1.8 1.8 2.0 22 EGRa10% Figure 4.12 Indicated Mean Effective Pressure, Indicated Specific Fuel Consumption, and Indicated Thermal Efficiency of an engine as a function of Fuel Equivalence ratio 63 2400 30 2200 2000 27 1800 C- 1600 25 2 19 1400 23 2 0) Ca 1200 1000 800 600 Break thermal efficiency with EGR = 10 % 14 'I. 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Figure 4.13 Speed effects on the break thermal efficiency is operated under an appropriate EGR ratio, the engine can be utilized with richer fuel mixture without an efficiency penalty. Figure 4.13 also depicts the operating potential of the engine with richer mixture without a penalty of efficiency under appropriate speed. In summery, the ignition points and the engine parameters are predicted by the model over the entire rich operating range based on calculated stationary delay data with the modified n-heptane mechanism in this study. In consequence, for developing an operating window of an engine, the Ricardo-WAVE based engine simulator offers a time and cost effec- 64 tive tool. Also, as shown in Figure 4.14, the exhaust gas temperature of this system can supply enough thermal energy to operate and maintain the latter intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell. Exhaust gas temperature [K] 0 100 207 79 725 70 70 00 0 Figure 4.14 Exhaust Gas Temperature under 1500rpm 65 66 Chapter 5 SUMMERY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Overview The purpose of this research was to investigate stable engine operation windows and exhaust gas temperature of Low-Temperature-Combustion Diesel Engines with fuel rich mixtures to build the guidance for future studies of LTC Diesel Engines as on-board fuel reformers for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Vehicles. This study will assist testing hardware and obtaining experimental data for real products optimization. In this chapter, the findings of the research will be summarized, and conclusions will be drawn. 5.2 Fuel-rich combustion This research investigated the oxidation characteristics of hydrocarbon fuels under high pressure and fuel-rich conditions using detailed chemical kinetic mechanism model. Because of the discrepancies with experimental data and predicted data, which are obtained from conventional chemical kinetic mechanisms, especially under fuel-rich condition, we 67 developed the modified chemical kinetic mechanisms, which provide more accurate predictions of ignition delays. In this study, the main oxidation pathways of fuel-rich mixtures, which are mainly adjusted as shown in chapter 2, are selected by the comprehensive analysis of chemical oxidation. The stationary ignition delays, which are used for interpolations to find the ignition starting points in engines, are calculated based on this modified chemical mechanism of n-heptane. The findings are summarized as followings: . Richer mixture can react faster in particular under high pressure, and low temperature. Moreover, because the combustion cannot be completed under fuelrich condition, the rate of reaction under fuel-rich condition depends on the fuelair equivalence ratio heavier than that under fuel-lean conditions,. . The temperature range of interest coincides with the negative temperature coefficient region of the ignition delay curve. Thus, the ignition delay is not a strong function of temperature. 68 5.3 Ignition Delay in Engines In engines, because pressure and temperature are changing, method needs to be devised to connect the ignition calculations done at fixed condition to the engine environment. The method need was by integrating the inverse of the stationary ignition delay value. To utilize CO and H2 in exhaust gas, the engine should be run under fuel-rich condition, and to minimize NOx and PM, which adverse effect on latter fuel cell operation, the engine will be better to use under Low Temperature Combustion. To achieve the operation stability of the engine under these conditions: fuel-rich and LTC, which extend ignition delays, the engine will be operated with external gas recirculation system that affect burned gas temperature as well the ignition delays. Because thermal energy in the burned gas will use a source of maintaining operation temperature for ITSOFC, the burned gas temperature should be examined into details. The findings are summarized as following: . According to operation maps in chapter 4, engines can be run as rich as a 2.0 fuel-air equivalence ratio under 10% EGR. . Generally, exhaust gas temperatures are between 700 C and 900 C so that the energy in the exhaust gas are enough to heat up fuel cell system during cold start periods and can maintain the appropriate operation temperature for ITSOFC. 69 * Indicated thermal efficiencies are between 20-30%. By using EGR system, the engine can be run under richer condition with maintaining same efficiency with leaner condition. 5.4 Conclusions From this study, the fuel-rich LTC engines were established as on-board reformers for ITSOFC. By using this configuration, not only the thermal energy for maintaining and operating the fuel reforming process, which is exceedingly required by conventional fuelreformers, are reduced, but also there is no start up dead time, which is necessary for warming up the conventional SOFC system. Besides, under certain conditions from chapter 4, engines can be operated without the penalty of thermal efficiency with the fuel-richer mixture. Therefore, the implementation of a LTC diesel engine as an on-board fuel reformer for ITSOFC vehicle is expected a promising alternative power plant for future vehicles and the results from the study will be used as guideline for future developments of real products. 70 References 1. 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