WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, PARK AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION WEEKLY INTERNSHIP REPORT #2 Electronic submissions should be labeled week#.lastname.firstname.semester.year Student Name: Faculty Supervisor’s Ratings of Report CONTENT PRESENTATION Excellent Excellent Good Good Acceptable Acceptable Unacceptable (redo) Unacceptable (redo) 1. Activity log. Give a brief description of activities completed this week. (3500 Character Limit) Example: Monday-staff meeting, facility tour. Tuesday-Program research Wednesday-Program planning, meeting with maintenance and so on. WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, PARK AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION WEEKLY INTERNSHIP REPORT #2 (Continued) Student Name: 2. Weekly Essay: Write a professional report of at least 500 words on what you found particularly significant in this week’s experience. All reports should be typed and single-spaced with one-inch margins. A heavy emphasis in the reports is to be on student reactions to experiences, especially as they relate to identified goals. The student should reflect, analyze and apply. This may include actual events, previous coursework or work experience that proved helpful and/or goals and objectives you have realized. (6500 Character Limit) Interview your supervisor to develop a brief biographical sketch of your internship supervisor. Explore why your supervisor is involved in the field, who are their mentors and what significant experiences they have beyond their resume. WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, PARK AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION WEEKLY INTERNSHIP REPORT #2 (Continued) Student Name: 3. Attach a preliminary schedule of your projected weekly involvements for the 12 week internship experience. Identify a major project or special program to be completed in your emphasis/specialty area. (7500 Character Limit) WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, PARK AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION WEEKLY INTERNSHIP REPORT #2 (Continued) Student Name: 4. Attach an organizational chart that clearly identifies the area of the organization at which the majority of your experience will take place. If the organization does not have one, your assignment is to develop one and include it with this report. (7500 Character Limit)