2016-2017 SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION Mail this form and fee to: University of South Alabama Department of Physician Assistant Studies Attn: Admissions Coordinator, 5721 USA Drive North, Room 3124, Mobile, AL 36688-0002 (251) 445-9345 pastudies@southalabama.edu www.southalabama.edu/alliedhealth/pa MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 1, 2016 _____________________________________________________________________________ Please print clearly CASPA ID# _______________________________ Jag No._____________________ (IF Current or Former USA Student) Full Name ___________________________ Last Name Male____ Female ____ _________________________________ ________________________________ First Name Middle Name Other name in which transcripts may be listed______________________________________________________________________ Current Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/P.O. Box City State Zip Code Preferred Telephone (H, C, W) ____________________________________ Birthdate (mm/dd/yy) _____ / ____ / ______ Email Address __________________________________________________________ Our main mode of communication with applicants is by email, and it is the applicant’s responsibility to maintain a functioning email account, to check it frequently, and to alert the department should any disruption in service occur. By checking this box you affirm that you have read and agree to the above statement. Yes ______ Have you ever applied to the USA PA Program? Yes No Have you ever matriculated into a PA program? Yes No If Yes, Name of School _______________________________ If Yes, why did you not complete the program?___________________________________________________________________ Have you ever applied to or are you a current applicant to Medical (MD) or Osteopathic (DO) School? Yes No If YES, Application Year(s)________Name of Medical/Osteopathic school?______________________________________________ Have you ever matriculated into Medical School? Yes No If Yes, why did you not complete the program?_____________________________________________________________________ Have you ever served in the military? Yes No Years of Active Duty_____________ Branch of Service____________________ Date of Entrance___________________ Date of Discharge_____________________ Type of Discharge________________________ Please describe your principal duties in the military__________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION INFORMATION List information below for each institution (post high school) you attended. Include college, business, trade, and military beginning with the one most recently attended. Institution City/State Dates Attended Curriculum/Major Degree Received PREREQUISITE COURSES COMPLETED List only one course for each. Choose a course with the highest grade. One semester of at least 3 credits is required for the courses below, except for Medical Terminology, which can be 2 credits. Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher are accepted. Course Prefix / No. Course Name Course Title Institution Grade Lecture/Lab Total Credit Hours Year Completed Biology Chemistry I Chemistry II Organic Chemistry Microbiology Anatomy OR A&P I * Physiology OR A&P II * Mathematics Statistics Psychology Medical Terminology+ * + Either separate courses in Anatomy and Physiology, OR courses in Anatomy & Physiology I and II can fulfill these. Mixing the sequences will not fulfill the prerequisites and will not be accepted. Medical Terminology courses must be at least 2 credits. BONUS COURSES COMPLETED List only one course for each. Choose the course with the highest grade. Bonus courses are not required, but if completed, applicants will receive extra points. Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher are accepted. Course Prefix / No. Course Name Course Title Institution Grade Credit Hrs. Year Completed Immunology Genetics Biochemistry Physics Pathophysiology Pharmacology PREREQUISITE COURSES NOT YET COMPLETED List only one course for each. Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher are accepted. Courses can be in progress as long as they are completed before matriculation in mid-May. Course Name Course Prefix / No. Course Title Institution Grade Credit Year Planning Hrs. to Complete IP IP IP IP IP I certify that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith. I know and understand that any or all items contained herein may be subject to verification and I consent to the full release of all information concerning my capacity and fitness for the educational program by employers, educational institutions and other agencies. Furthermore, by submitting this application I agree to abide by the policies and procedures as established by the University. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Date UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA Department of Physician Assistant Studies SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATION PAYMENT FORM 2016-2017 Complete and mail payment with Supplemental Application. Please keep a copy for your records. Please Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Personal checks, money orders and cashier’s checks are accepted, please do not send cash. Please make payable to “University of South Alabama PA Program”. All application fees are non-refundable. Payment must be included with Supplemental Application. Payment and Supplemental Application must be postmarked by October 1, 2016. Date ___________________ Applicant Name: CASPA ID Number: __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Payment: Check or Money Order No.:________________________________________ Amount: $110.00 By initialing, I understand that no submitted fees will be returned. _______________