First Year Second Year Education Units EDF1303 Learning and educational inquiry 1 (6 pts) [5 days placement] EDF1120 Multicultures in Australian society (6 pts) EDF1124 Music fundamentals (6 pts EDF1121 Exploring science (6 pts) EDF1126 Information and computer technology in education (6 pts) 5 days EDF1305 Entering the profession 1 (6 pts) 5 days EDF1306 Spaces of difference (6 pts) 10 days EDF1308 Early literacy (6pts) [10 days placement] Education Elective (6 pts) 2 5 days EDF2302 Re-imagining children’s learning (6 pts) [5 days placement] Education Elective (6 pts) 1 — days EDF3301 Numeracy (6 pts) EDF2301 Multiliteracies: Mediating the world (6 pts) 2 15 days EDF2304 Early numeracy (6 pts) EDF3311 Understanding space and place (6 pts) [15 days placement] EDF2306 Global educational contexts: Policy, practice, and research (6 pts) 1 20 days EDF4311 Professional contexts 1 (6 pts) [20 days placement] EDF3022 Arts education in the primary years (6 pts) Education Elective (6 pts) EDF2033 Learning with children, their families and communities (6 pts) 2 20 days EDF4312 Professional contexts 2 (6 pts) [20 days placement] EDF3304 Integrating the curriculum 2: Different places (6 pts) EDF3306 Literacy (6 pts) EDF4314 Entering the profession 2 (6 pts) 1 2 1 Fourth Year Third Year Fieldwork Placements Semester Year Level COURSE MAP: Commencing students 2013 1514 BACHELOR OF PRIMARY EDUCATION — Peninsula campus EDF1304 Learning and educational inquiry 2 (6 pts) [5 days placement] EDF2123 Exploring mathematics (6 pts) EDF3125 Children’s literature: issues and analysis (6 pts) EDF2127 Art fundamentals (6 pts) EDF2125 Fitness leadership (6 pts) Education Elective (6 pts) EDF2120 Indigenous issues (6 pts) EDF1125 Sustainable futures (6 pts) Note: 1. To be eligible to graduate from the course students must have received a minimum of 80 days of satisfactory teaching assessment. 2. To receive the award of Bachelor of Primary Education, a student must successfully complete units totalling 192 points, as described above. This is a conceptual outline only. Any queries regarding the course structure should be directed to the Course Adviser or to the Student Services Office, at your relevant campus. Version 3 – updated October 2015