DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS THE DESIGN PROCESS 1.08 1.08 PROJECT CLOSEOUT SCOPE: Successful Closeout of a major project requires close cooperation of the Architect, Contractor, and the University of South Alabama. It is the responsibility of the Architect to take a leading role in the process to ensure that appropriate requirements are included in the Contract Documents; that submittals and record documents are transmitted and organized; and that the following tasks are initiated. RECORD DOCUMENT SUBMITTALS The Architect and Contractor shall share responsibility for production of the following record documents: AS-BUILT DRAWINGS and DISKS Provide a reproducible set of Contract Drawings on Mylar of minimum 3 mil thickness, in a clean, undamaged condition, with mark-up of actual installations which vary substantially from the work as originally shown. Contractor is responsible for marking-up of new information which is recognized to be of importance to the University. Give particular attention to concealed work, which would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. Note related change order numbers where applicable. Provide Computer files on Compact Disk of drawing set in current release of AutoCADD and Project Manual in Word format. This information will be required to be turned over to owner before final payment can be made. AS BUILT LINE DRAWINGS Provide one reproducible set of simplified floor plans that indicate all “as-built” walls and structure, Universityapproved room numbers, gross square footage per floor, north arrow, and graphic scale. Final product is to adhere in format and style to existing “Line Drawings” presently maintained by the University. All questions as to proper scale of drawings, etc. to be directed to the Project Manager. PRODUCT DATA SUBMITTALS Provide one (1) copy of each Shop Drawing and product data submittal and mark-up significant variations in actual work in comparison with submitted information. Shop drawings are to be organized and collated using standard CSI format. OPERATING & MAINTENANCE MANUALS Provide organized and comprehensive Operating-and-Maintenance Manuals. Include emergency instructions, spare parts listing, wiring diagrams, recommended “turn-around” cycles, inspection procedures, shop drawings, product data and similar applicable information. Bind each manual of each set in a heavy-duty 3-ring vinyl covered binder, and include pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark identification on both front and spine of each binder. The manual shall include copies of all warranties, bonds, final certificates, and other similar documents. Furnish an index which outlines all work covered by specific warranties identifying the item, the length of the warranty, and the contractor responsible for the warranty. FINISHES MANUAL For new buildings and major renovations, the Architect shall provide a Finishes Manual which outlines the brand name, manufacturer’s number, color, and finishes for the building, such as carpeting, paint, wall finishes, ceilings, casework, light fixtures, hardware, etc. Sufficient information should be provided to serve as a reference source to order similar products for future renovations or replacements. OPERATING & MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTION For new building and major renovations the Architect and Contractor shall share responsibilities for coordinating the initial operating demonstrations. UPDATED - JULY 23, 2009 Page 1 of 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS THE DESIGN PROCESS 1.08 The Architect and Contractor shall arrange for training sessions with the University of South Alabama for each major installation of work requiring training in operation and maintenance procedures. These training sessions shall include: 1. Review of manufacturer’s instructions, operating and maintenance manuals, control sequences, hazards, and other similar procedures. 2. Demonstrate equipment start-up, shutdown, emergency operations, noise and vibration adjustments, safety features, economy/efficiency adjustments, and similar operations. 3. Review applicable warranties, bonds, maintenance agreements, and other similar commitments as they relate to ongoing maintenance. DISTRIBUTION OF CLOSE OUT DOCUMENTS The following list of required close out documentation is in addition to any required by the ABC contract between the owner and architect. 1. As-Built Drawings and Disks: Provide 1 copy to be kept in the Archives of the Facilities Planning and Construction Department. 2. As-Built line drawings: Provide 1 copy to be kept in the Archives of the USA Facilities Planning and Construction Department. 3. Product Data submittals: Provide 1 copy to be kept in the Archives of the USA Facilities Planning and Construction Department 3. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Provide 3 copies. Provide 1 copy to be kept in the Archives of the USA Facilities Planning and Construction Department Provide 1 copy to be distributed to USA Central Utilities. Provide 1 copy to be distributed to USA Maintenance department. 4. Fire Alarm Certification, Sprinkler Certification, Kitchen Hood Certification: (Provide 2 Copies) Provide 1 copy to be kept in the Archives of the USA Facilities Planning and Construction Department Provide 1 copy to be distributed to USA Safety and Environmental Compliance. FINAL CLEAN-UP The Contractor shall at completion of each contract prior to final inspection, thoroughly clean the project, the site(s) occupied, leaving interior spaces broom clean and exterior areas fine graded, clean and free of all debris, papers, discarded or broken glass, materials, tools, and equipment. UPDATED - JULY 23, 2009 Page 2 of 2