HYDRODYNAMIC APPROXIMATIONS TO TIME-DEPENDENT HARTREE - FOCK by Steven E. Koonin California Institute of Technology (B.S.) (1972) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May, 1975 Signature of Author Signature redacted Signature redacted - -- - - - Certified by . . . . .- - - - - Department of Physics, May 9, 1975 Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Signature redacted Chairman, Departmental Cobittee on Graduate Students ARCH VES JUN 9 1975 2 HYDRODYNAMIC APPROXIMATIONS TO TIME-DEPENDENT HARTREE - FOCK by Steven E. Koonin Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 9, 1975 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT By means of a Wigner transformation of the onebody density matrix, the Time Dependent HartreeFock equations are expressed as a quantal Vlasovlike equation describing the dynamics of a phasespace distribution function. Moments of this equation result in an infinite hierarchy of nonlocal equations which yield to a hydrodynamic interpretation. The assumptions of an effective two-body interaction of the Skyrme type and of certain semi-classical properties of the distribution function allow a closed set of (almost) local equations for the density, velocity, and pressure fields. These equations are applied to small oscillations about the static Hartree-Fock solution (RPA) for both infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei. The kinematics of the nonlinear solutions corresponding to shock waves in nuclear matter is also discussed. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Arthur Kerman Professor of Physics 3 Acknowledgement Several people deserve thanks for help and support during the cause of this work. Primary among these is Arthur Kerman, to whom I am grateful for exposing me to a most enjoyable style of doing physics and for many hours of enlightening conversation. Economic support has been provided in part by the National Science Foundation, the balance, and a good deal of moral support being provided by my parents. Finally, I want to thank my fiance, Laurie Card for understanding and tolerating the needs of an often demanding physicist. 4. ABSTRACT------------------------------------------------ 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS---------------------------------------- 3 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. INTRODUCTION------------------------------------THE TIME DEPENDENT HARTREE-FOCK EQUATIONS-------- 11 TIME DEPENDENT HARTREE-FOCK IN THE WIGNER REPRESENTATION----------------------------------- 32 TIME DEPENDENT HARTREE-FOCK WITH THE SKYRME FORCE------------------------------------- 53 TRUNCATION 77 OF THE HYDRODYNAMIC HIERARCHY----------- A. Thomas-Fermi Approximation-------------------- 78 B. The Classical Approximation------------------ 81 C. The Isotropic Approximation------------------ 83 D. The Irrotational Approximation---------------- 84 ENERGY CONSERVATION------------------------------ 91 Thomas-Fermi Approximation-------------------- 96 B. The Isotropic Approximation------------------ 99 A. C. The Classical and Irrotational Approximations------------------------------VII. 6 SOUND IN NUCLEAR MATTER-------------------------- 100 103 A. Thomas-Fermi Approximation----------------- 106 B. Isotropic Approximation-------------------- 112 C. The Classical Approximation---------------- 114 D. The Irrotational Approximation--------------- 118 VIII. SIMPLE MODES OF A FINITE NUCLEUS------------------- 123 5 IX. ISO-SCALAR SHOCKS IN NUCLEAR MATTER--------------148 A. The Thomas-Fermi Approximation-------------154 B. The Isotropic Approximation----------------156 C. The Classical Approximation----------------161 D. The Irrotational Approximation-------------164 X. SUMMARY------------------------------------------170 REFERENCES----------------------------------------------173 FIGURES-------------------------------------------------176 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE--------------------------------------- 6 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION From almost the beginnings of our understanding of the nucleus, a fundamental contradiction has existed. 1 As nuclei are composed of individual nucleons, they naturally show many properties characteristic of this particulate nature, such as behavior in accordance with the predictions of the shell model. However, certain aspects of nuclear structure, and more recently many features of heavy ion reactions, require descriptions in terms of a nuclear fluid whose properties are characterized by such classical notions as surface tension, pressure, and viscosity. While it is possible for calculations treating individual nucleons to exhibit "collective" behavior,2 the connection between the "collectivity" expressed in the appropriate quantum mechanical variable, the wave function, and that implicit in a hydrodynamic description in terms of density and velocity fields remains obscure at best. In this work, we seek to bridge the gap between these two very different ways of describing nuclear physics. The reduction of an "exact" quantum mechanical manybody theory to a hydrodynamical description is desirable for several reasons. complexity. Most important among these is a question of The nuclear wave function contains far more 7 information than we may ever hope, or need, to use, and indeed most of the interesting questions a physicist might ask about a nucleus can be answered in terms of the one or two body density matrices. Hence, a theory dealing directly with such physical observables as the density and velocity fields is a substantial simplification and results in a tremendous computational savings. For example, even with a particularly simple (and possibly inadequate) approximation to the quantum theory, such as the Hartree-Fock approximation,3 a calculation describing the head-on collision of as light a system as Ca + Ar would require tracing the time evolution of approximately 30 complex fields (the single particle wave functions) defined over all space, whereas the corresponding macroscopic calculation might involve as few as 8 real fields (the density, two velocity components, and the pressure for both protons and neutrons). Of course, the savings become even more substantial for heavier systems. Thus, while the microscopic calculation strains at the limits of the present computing capabilities and has yet to be carried out in a realistic situation, the hydrodynamic calculation may offer the same physics at a fraction of the effort. Apart from the prosaic questions of computational tractability, there is a more fundamental need for establish- 8 ing the macroscopic-microscopic connection. Current hydro- dynamical calculations of nuclear dynamics are entirely classical in nature. They generally treat the dynamics of a sharp surface, viscous liquid drop moving under the influence of surface tension and Coulomb forces in accordance with the classical equations of fluid mechanics. quantum effects are absent. Thus, However, it may be possible to improve these calculations by establishing the connection with quantum mechanics and realizing quantal corrections to the classical equations. In addition, the properties of the nuclear fluid which are input for these classical calculations are not derived from first principles, but rather are phenomenologically determined by nuclear properties over a wide mass range.5 The establishment of the quantum connection will elucidate the relationship between these properties and the underlying inter-nucleon interaction. A final motivation for understanding nuclear hydrodynamics in quantum mechanical terms rests upon the notunlikely situation of the tail wagging the dog, in the following sense: It may be that the approximations used to solve the quantum many-body theory are inadequate to describe the actual physical situation (whether this is or is not the case must be decided by actual computation, of course). The hydrodynamics derived from this approximation will then, of course, be correspondingly inadequate. However, by classical- 9 ly motivated modifications of the macroscopic equations, we might obtain a closer description of the physics, and even see our way clear to working backwards, making analogous corrections to the approximate quantum theory. This work is an investigation of the hydrodynamic transcription of an approximation to the quantum many-body theory. Throughout, it is assumed that the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation is a valid description of nuclear motion, though as discussed above, such an assumption need not necessarily be satisfied in order to arrive at a viable hydrodynamic theory. Chapter II presents an exposition of the TDHF formalism, and establishes notation for succeeding chapters. Chapter III recasts TDHF in the language of the Wigner function, resulting in a quantal Vlasow equation for the motion of a distribution function in phase space, the moments of which result in the hydrodynamic equations. Chapter IV utilizes the phenomenological Skyrme interaction to reduce these equations to an almost local form, though also briefly indicates how the transcription may be extended to arbitrary two-body forces. Chapter V treats the approxi- mation necessary to truncate the quantum mechanical hierarchy of hydrodynamic equations, presenting four possible alternative prescriptions for specifying higher moments of the Wigner function in terms of the lower ones, while Chapter VI treats the conservation of energy in each of these approximations. 10 The remaining Chapters, VII-IX, deal with applications of the hydrodynamic transcription. the normal modes (sound waves) Chapter VII discusses in nuclear matter. Chapter VIII treats the normal modes of 160, deriving expressions for the isoscalar 2+ and giant dipole excitation energies. Finally, Chapter IX treats non-linear isoscalar hydrodynamics in one dimension, discussing the kinematics of shock waves. 11 Chapter 2 THE TIME DEPENDENT HARTREE-FOCK EQUATIONS In this chapter, we derive the Time Dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) equations for an arbitrary two-body interaction, and establish notation for succeeding chapters. A brief derivation of the Random Phase Approximation (RPA) equations is also included, in anticipation of a linearization of the hydrodynamic equations. The TDHF approximation furnishes a computationally manageable scheme for treating a system of interacting fermions, reducing the many-body problem to a set of coupled one-body problems. TDHF may be "derived" by several different methods, such as finding the time-dependent Slater determinant which minimizes the classical action, 6 or in the limit of small amplitude motion, by means of a boson treatment of particle-hole excitations7 The treatment here follows Reference 8. To treat the quantum mechanics of a many-body systems, it is convenient to use the techniques of second quantization.3 a and a We define annihilation and creation operators which destroy or create nucleons in the particular quantum states denoted by a or 6 (these letters may label such quantum numbers as the spatial, spin, and iso-spin wave 12 functions). The a and a+, which are adjoints of one another, satisfy the anti-commutation relations e& (2.1) States of the many-body system are defined with respect to a particle vacuum, 10>, which has the property that it is annihilated by all the a : Qj =0 Io) i.e. it contains no particles. (2.2) In particular, a state of the nucleus may be represented as a linear combination of Slater determinant kets of the form: tcttlo where there occur (2.3) A different creation operators, A being the number of nucleons in the system. It is also useful to define the number operator (2.4) whose eigenvalues are the possible numbers of particles in the system. 13 To begin the discussion of the dynamics of the system, we hypothesize a many-body hamiltonian of the form: H= T+V 2 .5 ) c a. The one body operator T 2( is the kinetic energy, given by -- (Note: (2.6) We henceforth work in units with h = m = 1, where m is the nucleon mass, unless these quantities are explicitly included in the formulae. For numerical evaluation, we take h 2 /m = 41.57 MeV-fm 2 , and hc = 197 MeV-fm, so that Mc 2 934 MeV), while the two-body interaction is defined as (2.7) with V the two-body potential. a> and In these expressions, |aS> denote the corresponding one and two-body states, i.e. ja> =a jo> A complete treatment of the dynamics of the manybody system would solve for the state of the nucleus, 14 satisfying the Schroedinger equation a generally impossible task. However, the full many-body wave contains more information than is useful. We are usually interested in the time dependent expectation value of one-body operators, such as the density and velocity. Such expectation values are conveniently given in terms of the one-body density matrix, p .9 any one-body operator. O Let 0 denote Then, in second quantized notation, Qrj (2.9) *(A3CkwUf with O Z<CwJOI > (2.10) Then the expectation value of 0 is given by ) 0,3 +r (Qy)1b (2.11a) 15 where p, which may be considered a matrix, is defined as = <1()a1 3 ( Ea I I W(2.12) and equation (2.11b) is written as the trace of a matrix product. From the above discussion, it seems desirable to avoid treating the full dynamics embodied in IP(t)>, and in- stead attempt to write an equation for the time evolution of p. Indeed, from equation (2.12) (2.13) where the dot denotes the time derivative. the Schroedinger equation, and realizing that H (2.8) , Utilizing and its adjoint, is hermitian, Equation (2.13) becomes H] )(2.14) Using the relations [+ ] (2.15a) 16 [ct~ct~)c4 dc~ g a 01c4ac~~ (2.15b) aga~a~cL)~+ ~a;a~a~a,~which may be simply derived from the anti-commutation relations for the a's, Equation (2.5) (2.1), Equation (2.14), together with becomes 0 - F( ) +( (2.16) where Ckt4 GC-fS CLCr Cj A f FA) is the two-body density matrix. (2.17) In deriving Equation (2.16), we have used the symmetry and hermiticity of the two-body - Vol 'a. P'M( ' interaction 6 iV' OPV W(2.18) ScIP Thus, as is evident from Equation (2.16), it is not possible, in general, to obtain an equation involving the one-body 17 density only, for the two-body force couples the time evolution of p to that of p write an equation for p 2 . If an attempt is made to by using the Schroedinger equation in a manner analogous to Equations (2.13-2.14), the threebody density must be introduced. An infinite hierarchy of dynamical equations results (analogous to the Martin-Schwinger hierarchy in the many-body Green's function formalism,0 or to the BBKGY hierarchy in statistical mechanics 1 ,and so a meaningful treatment is impossible. The TDHF approximation assumes that the following approximation to p (2)is valid (2.19) - (Note: The actual approximation necessary is that where W is given by Equation (2.22). This is a weaker con- dition than (2.19), requiring the two-body density matrix factorize into the product of two one-body density matrices only when taking the expectation value of the potential. discussed below, (2.19) implies that p As describes a Slater determinant, while the weaker condition does not. When only this weaker condition is satisfied, interpretation of the TDHF equations becomes difficult, as the derivation based upon 18 finding a Slater determinant which makes the action an extremum is no longer valid. 6 Nonetheless, such a situation may arise in the final state of an actual TDHF solution 12). This approximation implies several properties of the system which p describes, which we reserve for discussion below. However, if (2.19) is valid, (2.16) becomes * (2.20) with the Hartree-Fock hamiltonian, h , given by (2.21) where the Hartree-Fock potential, W, is o (2.22) (\4pa jvatp )- Note that the effective Hartree-Fock hamiltonian governing the time evolution of the one-body density matrix is a onebody operator. Equation (2.20), the TDHF equation, is thus first-order in time, though non-linear in p. There are three quantities conserved by Equation (2.20), and hence three corresponding constants of motion. These are: 1) Particle number: By taking the trace of (2.12), 19 we find &r pA where we have used the definition of the number operator, Equation (2.4). The trace of Equation (2.20) yields L r = r E-,)f (2.23) 0 where we have used the cyclic property of the trace to set the trace of the commutator equal to zero. do' = Thus, 0 and the number of nucleons in the system is conserved. 2) Energy conservation: With the hamiltonian (2.5) and the factorization (2.14), the total energy of the system is E= I) ~. p+Y (2.24a) Py{t~z I Z236 r -Y*Y2. rf- W (2.24c) The time derivative of this equation is k~ ~3 (2.24b) 20 (2.25) But from the definition of W, Equation (2.22), and the symmetry properties of V, Equation (2.18), so that (2.25) becomes V Inserting Equation (2.20) for r(2.26) p, (2.27) = Hence, the total energy of the system is conserved. 3) Conservation of "Slater determinant-ness": If at time t=0 the density matrix p describes a Slater determinant state of the many-body system, and if p is evolved in time according to Equation (2.20), then at all times later, p will describe a Slater determinant. To see this property, we must utilize the property that p possesses if property is IT> is a determinant. As discussed below, this 21 (2.28) i.e. - the density matrix is a projector. From Equation (2.20), (yC9Lp-cPZJtpLf Hence (2.29) --- Ot Thus, if p 2 - p= 0 is inserted as an initial condition into (2.29), p2- p will be zero at all succeeding times. While Equation (2.20) succinctly expresses the TDHF equations, it is often more convenient to consider the time evolution of the Slater determinant which p describes. To this end, we consider the relationship between p and the single particle orbitals which make up jI(t)>. Imagine A single particle wave functions {Ji(r)>, i=l,... ,A}, with r a generalized particle coordinate including spin and isospin labels). $ i> (i.e. Furthermore, let the be orthonormal (2.30) 22 Then a Slater determinant formed from these wave-functions has the form A )O> CLr(2.31)f L=i where a+ is the creation operator for a particle in state i, given by With the form (2.31) for the many-body wave-function, it is simply shown that Z<cc{> 1 9 > (2.32) IKpl We are now in a position to prove (2.28) is a necessary and sufficient condition for p to describe a Slater determinant. To show that it is necessary, from (2.32) we have (2.33) 23 where we have used the completeness of the states y, and the orthonormality of the |i > 's, Equation (2.30). Equation (2.28) sufficient, To show realize that Equation (2.12) implies that p is a hermitian matrix. As such, it is diagon- alizable, with real eigenvalues and orthogonal eigenvectors. Furthermore, (2.28) requires that all eigenvalues of p are either 0 or 1, and in fact, there are A eigenvalues which are 1, as can be seen from Equation (2.21). Thus, if we identify the eigenvectors having eigenvalue 1 with the A occupied states I*i>, Equation (2.32) is manifestly satisfied. We may now prove that the TDHF approximation, Equation (2.19), implies p is a Slater determinant. the definition of p (2), Take Equation (2.17), set 6 equal to a, and sum over all states a. Then . t XJT (2. 34) where we have used the definition of the number operator, (2.4). Using the anti-commutation relations for the a+ and a, Equation (2.1), it can be shown that [~ (2.35a) (2.35b) 24 Thus, Equation (2.34) may be written as W~(.2.36a) = (2.36b) where we have used the fact that number of nucleons, A. Equation IT> contains a definite Evaluating this same sum from (2.19), -- .... where we have used (2.21) for trp. (2.36b) and that )(2.37a) 4(2.37b) Comparing Equations (2.37b), we see that (2.19) implies p 2 = p, or IT> is a Slater determinant. The TDHF equations may also be written for the single-particle wave-functions .>. If p has the form specified by Equation (2.32), it is easily seen that the TDHF equation, (2.20), may be satisfied if each time according to A(2.38) IiP> evolves in 25 Thus, each wave-function satisfies a time-dependent Schroedinger equation involving the dependent lip HF hamiltonian, h. (non-local) time Because h is hermitian, the > remain orthonormal at all times. Equation (2.20), the TDHF approximation, is what we shall be concerned with in the following. This dynamical equation is non-linear in the density matrix p (recall h is proportional to p through Equations (2.21) and (2.22)), and, when written in terms of the single particle wave functions jip >, Equation (2.38), is also non-linear in these variables. To date, the precise behavior of the solutions to the TDHF equations for a given initial Slater determinant is unknown. With a little thought, can be raised. several serious questions For example, how does TDHF "decide" upon a final channel in a reaction situation. It is, after all, a deterministic theory in the sense that a given initial condition gives rise to a specific final state. On the other hand, the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics assures that, in the actual situation, the final state is spread over many different reaction channels. Does TDHF then select the "most probable" channel, or will the solution spread out over all space in an effort to approximate a coherent superposition of many reaction channels by one Slater determinant? If the latter is true, how are the reaction amplitudes to be projected out? A whole host of questions may 26 also be raised concerning the compound nucleus. Does TDHF contain enough flexibility to describe a compound nucleus? If so, how will it decay, i.e. is neutron emission accounted for? the possibility of fission? While the speculations outlined above will ultimately be answered only by actual calculations, they do point out the difficulty of understanding and interpreting the TDHF solutions. Hence, even a small amount of insight is welcome, such as can be obtained by examining the linearized version of the TDHF equations, the so-called Random Phase Approximation . (RPA) Let us imagine that the static Hartree-Fock problem has been solved. We then have a density matrix p (0) and attendant Hartree-Fock hamiltonian h (0) satisfying (o) ( where h(u) is defined by Equations p=p (0) . (2.21) and (2.39) (2.22) with and p c commute, they may be simultaneous- Letting i,j denote occupied orbitals of p Since h(O) ly diagonalized. -- 0 mn unoccupied orbitals, h( 0 ) assumes the form (2.40a) ' 11h A(2.40b) 27 (o) (o) (2.40c) where the real E are the single particle energies, while p(O) is given by (2.40d) (2.40 e) (2.40f) We now seek a solution to Equation (2.20) by linearizing in small excursions of p about the equilibrium point p (). Thus, we put (o) with the Lw'.t ( e LW (2.41) (complex) frequency 6 and the small transition densities 6 p to be determined as an eigenvalue problem. Note that the condition that p be hermitian at all times requires that t (2.42) while the condition p2 =p to lowest order in small quantities requires that 28 (2.43) Due to the unique diagonal structure of p (Q) zeros),Equation (2.43) requires 6p (all l's or to have only particle- hole matrix elements, i.e. (2.44a) Q ( 9P (2.44b) Inserting Equation (2.41) into Equation (2.20), linearizing on 6p and extracting that component with an eiot time dependence, we obtain 4- S and the adjoint 9 L+ equation for 6p~. J(2.45) Taking the (i,n) element of this equation, and using the fact that p (O) is diagonal and vanishes for any subscript an unoccupied orbital, we obtain A, s t ( A similar treatment of the (ni)element of + (2.45) yields (2.46a) 29 &P-c (xi ( S ') + (C -E, ) - (2.46b) Using Equation (2.21-2.22) to evaluate , we obtain the RPA equations ---!UJ <Zllh ',1'60. 4 Lv ~v v .X* f (2.47) YC elvi with x. i'll P4. Y; and the anti-symmetrized potential, V,given by v~el = <a6VIcCE >- <a.vlc) (2.48) -- v CLbd 60 =V. =-\/ b0. C Equations (2.47) may be succinctly written in matrix form by defining A t-A =( ;)&S +v (.T1 (2.49a) 30 . (2.49b) . in which case we have, in matrix notation, X A X \ (2.50) Equations (2.50) provide an eigenvalue problem for the normal modes, 6p, and normal frequencies, w, characterizing the motion of the Slater determinant about the stationary point p 0 . If all eigenvalues w are real, the determinant is stable with respect to small perturbations about this point, as there is then no term in Equation (2.41) which grows exponentially in time. 1 7 The solutions to Equation (2.50) also possess a number of well-known but interesting properties. First, if (w,X,Y) is a solution to Equation (2.50), the transformation * 31 + Y Y + Z * X also results in a solution. There are, then, pairs of time reversed solutions, which, for real w, simply correspond to the positive and negative frequency solutions. Second, because of the non-vanishing of B (the presence of ground state correlations), the eigenvalues are non-linear in the two-body force. Finally, as Equation (2.50) is linear, any (small) amplitude for the vector (X,Y) furnishes a solution, so that the (conserved) energy of the time-dependent Slater determinant of Equation (2.41) may be made arbitrarily close to that of p (0) The previous paragraph suggests the interpretation that the diagonalization in Equation (2.50) is equivalent to solving the problem of coupled oscillators to find the normal modes in the space of particle-hole excitations. Only when these modes are quantized does the RPA furnish the excitation energies and wave functions for the excited states built upon p(0) Several models have been proposed18 to describe low lying collective states in terms of shape oscillations of the ground state density, though with the RPA equations cast in the abstract basis of the two is obscure. ing chapter. (2.50), the connection between We furnish this connection in the follow- 32 Chapter 3 TIME DEPENDENT HARTREE FOCK IN THE WIGNER REPRESENTATION In this chapter, we explore a special representation for the TDHF equations, i.e., that corresponding to a Wigner transformation of the coordinate space one-body density matrix. We show that in this representation, the TDHF equations reduce to a form easily recognizable as a quantal version of the Vlasov equation, which approaches the expected classical result in the limit that h + 0. In the following, we restrict ourselves to a special class of nuclei: those that are spin saturated even-even nuclei. also neglect the spin-orbit force. density matrix p We For such a system, the is diagonal in the spin projections as- sociated with the labels a and S. The generalization of the following discussion to account for the presence of the spin orbit force is straightforward, though adds nothing to the concepts to be presented. As far as a quantitative cal- culation is concerned, it has been found that this particular feature of the interaction may be safely neglected in certain types of dynamical calculations.13 In addition to spin saturation, we assume the wavefunction to represent a state of definite (even) number of both protons and neutrons, so that the density matrix is also diagonal in the iso-spin 33 labels associated with a and F. The density matrix then assumes the form: (3.1) -T)t or in terms of the single particle wavefunctions: (3.2) -- & where the labels a and T denote the spin and iso-spin coordinates respectively. Note that the assumption of spin- saturation and the neglect of the spin-orbit force implies that (3.3) C)--P In 1930, Wigner suggested the following transformation of p in order to provide a semi-classical interpretation for its dynamics. He defined a "phase space distribution function" f(R,k;a,T) given by where the "center of mass" and "relative" coordinates are defined by 34 R = /(r I r (3-5a) (3. 5b) respectively. Equation (3.4) simply defines f(R,k) as the kth component of the fourier transform of p(r,r') with re- spect to the relative variable s at position R. The density matrix is, of course, given in terms of the phase-space distribution function by inverting (3.4) '-__- (3.6) While the uncertainty prohibits the simultaneous, precise specification of a particle's position and momentum, 5 the Wigner function has many of the properties one would expect of a classical phase space distribution function,16 which gives the probability density for finding a nucleon at position R, with momentum k and spin-isospin labels aT. The function f is real, due to the hermiticity of the density matrix, as can be seen from the conjugate of Equation (3.4) (we henceforth drop the spin-isospin labels whenever notationally convenient): Y1 (3.7) 35 where the third line follows from a change of variable 5+ -s. Note that though f is real, it is not necessarily positive definite. Various one-body observables are also given in terms of f by their expected classical forms. For a one body operator 0 given by 0 (,)r)rO > (3.8) we have, from Equation (2.11) <ljlC E> {( z5d"3c rO Y )ar (3.9a) (3.9b) d R AO( R- R+ )e{(4) b (3.9c) where the operator expressed in the Wigner representation is 36 Thus, from Equation (3.9c), we see that O(R,k) provides the appropriate weighting for the distribution function in phase space needed to compute the required expectation value. The operator corresponding to the total nuclear density at the point 0 S is given by ( -- S) s,)s W )(3.11) > O'ii (-R,"&)= which, when expressed in the Wigner representation is O(R)A)= Thus, (3.12) from (3.10) CO 3 _X (.3.13) %-4 16 which is the classical result, i.e. - the total density at any point in coordinate space is the integral of the distribution function over all momenta. Similarly, the operator corresponding to the quantum-mechanical current at 1 15 the point S th e is 37 - (3.14) which, when expressed in the Wigner representation is O(R (3.15) so that the q uantum-mechanical current becomes (3.16) again, the expected classical result. The Wigner function also has the expected form for simple wave-functions. momentum q, For example, for a plane wave of p is given by -- (3.17) so that f is Tr independent of R. (3.'18) Again, an expected classical result, is obtained, i.e. that f is non-vanishing only at k=q, and is independent of R. 38 Encouraged by the classical analogies presented above, we may ask how the various features of p The most elementary is the total number of particles in the system: - which becomes (cf. (Equation (2.23) ) themselves as properties of f. express A(3.19) Equation (3.13)) 3R S(i ; -1 (3.20) The condition that p represent a determinant is a bit more complicated. In coordinate space isospin labels) , this condition is 3 (dropping spin- (cf. Equatin(2.28)) f(3.21) or, in terms of f: (3.22a) /f 39 3 -3 d3* -LA- 1 -- / - // /2+ ki Jdor"4 - (3.22b) 9/ 012-Y fee)3 e e 3.22c) where the second line follows from Equation (3.4), and in the third, we have introduced the spatial and momentum shift operators (3.23a) * 1t -ii (3.23b) In (3.22c), the superscripts (1) and (2) indicate which dis- tribution function the shift operators apply to. All in- 40 tegrals in (3.22c) are exponentials and so may be conveniently done with 6-functions to yield: iD D. ) (3.24) Upon taking the real part we have 4(~>&)) c6L( 4. . )- (3.25) where the cosine of the operator is to be interpreted as its power series expansion. Thus, when expressed in terms of f, the condition for Slater determinantness, p2 =p, is a nonlocal, global restriction on f relating f to all derivatives of itself at a given point. It is interesting to see how Equation (3.25) is fulfilled in nuclear matter. system, as can be seen by summing Eqn. such that iqt- In this (3.18) over all q kf , where kf is the fermi momentum RR, (3.26) Thus, all spatial derivatives of f are zero, so that (3.25) becomes 41 (3.27) a condition manifestly satisfied by (3.26). We now recast the TDHF equation in coordinate space in the Wigner representation. In coordinate space, Equation (3.20) becomes (we again drop the spin-isospin labels for notional convenience) (3.28) Introducing f for the p's via Equation (3.6), and defining, in analogy with Equation (3.10) (3.29) we have (3.30a) 42 C Ot Oct 3 if r 3 e dp gg L10 eCtr~ 7'~~/z4 4#rR, r' cg~ - 2..& (3.30b) with the shift operators defined by Equations (3.23), we have -t Is d3~ .- 6) .- d3 cI#r 4 C e M4fZDI~ er L 1:.4 Lteiuiz,- i')e e A I -Zb (A-* 4 -34- -A ) LJ 1 eLDR-LW.. .A j -b % qr,j#; 43 The integrals are all elementary exponentials, and may be done with the aid of 6-functions to obtain L DbLO (D) (3.31) R"A ir, .14) taking the imaginary part, (R ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( 4) (3 .32) For the hamiltonian (2.5), h is given by Equation (2..21) as (3.33) or, using (2.6) for the kinetic energy operator, we have YZ -A2 + W -ARI -AA (3.34) ) .,A ( R)"I AA so that (3.32) becomes (only the first term in the expansion 44 )+0j) + for the sin works on the kinetic energy operator) (3.35) Note the similarity between this expression and the collisionless Boltzmann equation for a system in an external potential U(R)6 (3.36) __)k Indeed, if W is a local potential (e.g. - if we had only made the Hartree approximation, dropping the second term on the right side of Equation (2.19) ), (3.37) ")USC ( r-%- "- ) VV-hi.'& so that and so (3.38) the expansion of the sin in Equation (3.35) yields 45 V) which, within terms of O(t),.is Equation (3.36). (3.39) - Once again, we find f is ripe for interpretation as a classical distribution function, in that it satisfies, in the classical limit (Mi+), the equation governing the motion of that classical distribution function. For completeness in this chapter, we give the Wigner representation expression for the total energy of the system. From Equation (2.24c) and Equation (3.9) (3.40) I YZ Thus, W may be thought of as functioning as a type of generalized potential, which, due to it's non-locality, depends not only upon the position, but also the momentum of the particle. 46 To summarize what has been accomplished to this point, we have succeeded in obtaining an exact equation of motion (i.e. exact within the TDHF formalism) space distribution function. for a phase This distribution function possesses many of the properties of a classical distribution function, and it's equation of motion, which involves a momentum dependent potential, reduces to the collision-less Vlasov equation in the classical limit. We now consider more explicitly the relationship between the non-local HF potential W, defined by Equation (2.22) and the fundamental two-body interaction. We shall show that for a general two-body force, the resultant dynamical equation for the distribution function f, Equation (3.35) is non-local in both the spatial and momentum variables, leading to similar difficulties of physical interpretation as those encountered in the abstract representation of the TDHF Equations (2.20). However, it will be seen that the introduction of an effective, short range expansion of the two-body force of the Skyrme form 21 reduces the Wigner representation of TDHF to an almost local form, amenable to treatment and approximations in the classical hydrodynamic spirit. We begin by expressing Bkguation (2.22) in coordinate space. We again restrict the discussion to spin saturated systems with central forces, as in the previous chapter. 47 In addition, we also momentarily assume the two body force to be spin independent, as well as iso-spin independent. In this situation, the HF potential is diagonal in both spin and isospin labels, and independent of the former. The co- ordinate version of (2.22) then reads 'e -AX V('r'r (3.41) with the anti-symmetrized matrix element of V defined by Equation (2.48), and in an obvious notation for the spin-isospin labels. The symbol a denotes an arbitrary spin index. The spin-iso-spin independence of V and Gallilean invariance imply that V must have the following form: "C T (3.42) ~r where v is the (non-local) two-body potential, and the overall 6-function insures that the total momentum of the interacting nucleus is conserved. (3.41) becomes With Equation (3.42), 48 (3.43) A 7S~~3..r ~ .(%? L pJh i-Crx- rjagfrrI - where we have used S ("X/Z) =:Sg9(9) (3.44) and have defined JP-C (3.45) T- T. rM , Introducing the Wigner transformation as in Equation (3.29) and defining Eqn. (3.46) . 0o-% (3.43) becomes -- :V cpr (1770-) 49 ~+ e. J -- O(Q S (-r~ _ a *K .C -x r _ e4/Z C -% + _41 04 t . .- C t (3.47) With the use of the spatial shift operator, DR , we can write t L/7t + i) (3.48) R so that all integrals in (3.47) become elementary exponentials. The result for W is then found to be fd4 9tWi .Mftf t (3.49) t-A) -~ -~ L,~) 50 While the form of (3.49) is, in general, nontransparent, several important points can be gained by examining its force. behavior in the case of a local two-body If the two-body force is of the local form ) (3.50) then, from (3.46) -- 51) 3(3. so that, from Equation (3.49) The first integral (direct) may be reduced, by means of the convolution theorem for Fourier transforms,20 to c 3 r' -LrG') (3.53) Thus, the direct term depends only upon the density, the zeroth moment of f in momentuM, as per Equation (3.13), at all points in coordinate space, so that all properties of f need not be known in order to compute this integral. How- 51 ever, the second (exchange) integral in (3.52) may be expressed by expanding the potential in a Taylor series as (3.54) mom t3 where v(n) (k) is a schematic representation for the expansion coefficients. The exchange integral then involves all moments of f in momentum space (i.e. current, density, etc.), and all powers of k appear in W. From (3.52-3.54), it is apparent that a solution to the dynamical problem expressed in terms of the Wigner representation involves as much complexity, and therefore as much information, as does a solution in the more abstract representation, (2.20). However, in an actual calculation, the quantities of direct physical interest are generally the few lowest moments of the Wigner function in momentum space, i.e. the density and current fields. Hence it is reasonable to attempt to generate a dynamical equation involving the few lowest moments. In the classical regime, these equations, - formed by taking moments of the Vlasov equation, (3.36), in 16 momentum space, yield classical hydrodynamics, i.e. equations for the conservation of mass (the continuity equation), the conservation of momentum (Euler's equation), 52 and the conservation of energy. Certain, physically plausible assumptions concerning the form of the distribution function (e.g. a local Maxwellian distribution characterized by a temperature field varying on a spatial scale slow compared to the mean force path of the particles involved) close this set of classical equations, and directly provide for the dynamical treatment of the fields of interest. As can be seen from the form of Equation (3.52), any long-ranged two-body force involving many powers of Q or ZL will negate an attempt to deal only with the lowest moments of f, due to the non-locality of the Hartree-Fock potential caused by the exchange term. There is, however, a particular form for the two-body force which handles this problem,and is discussed in the following chapter. 53 Chapter 4 TIME DEPENDENT HARTREE FOCK WITH THE SKYRME FORCE The Skyrme f orce proposed in 1956,21 is specifical- ly designed for self-consistent field calculations in finite nuclei. This force consists of two terms: three-body force. The a two-body and a two-body force is taken to be of the form 2 2 o ((:r~ +Q (4.lb) 4In this expression, x , t , ti, and t2 are constants, while P is the nucleon spin-exchange operator.23 Consistent with our previous restriction to spin-saturated systems with central forces, we have omitted the usual spin-orbit term. Using the definition (4.1) (3.46), a fourier transform of reveals that, when expressed in co-ordinate space, the Skyrme force consists of 6-functions and derivatives of 6functions in the relative nucleon co-ordinate. The t (6-function) acts in relative S-waves, the only partial piece 54 wave which does not vanish at the origin, of the relative coordinate, with effective strength t (1-x ) in spin singlet states and 't (l+x ) in spin triplet states. The tj piece acts in relative P waves only (the only partial wave whose derivative does not vanishes at the origin), while the t2 piece acts in both relative S and D waves, where the second derivative does not vanish. Note that for a local Skyrme force (independent of 2), t1 =-t 2 . When first proposed, the form (4.1) was believed to represent in lowest order terms of an expansion of the nucleon-nucleon force in momentum space. However, recent work has shown that, actually it represents, in an average sense, the folding of the relative wave-function with a more realistic two-body interaction (see the discussion at the end of this chapter). The three body term in the Skyrme interaction is taken to be of the form (4.2) t -~ where t 3 is yet another constant. r. Note that this three- body force is equivalent to a two-body force whose strength is linearly dependent upon the density. As such, it is providing for the density dependence of the effective twonucleon interaction well known from microscopic calculations with realistic forces. 2 4 55 With the force (4.1) and (4.2), it is straightforward to express the Hartree-Fock potential, W(R,k) (3.49) in terms of the two-body force. using Some extra care must be taken in handling the spin exchange force and the threebody force, but the final expression is obtained by a simple extension of the arguments used for the two body force (the detailed treatment for static systems has been worked out in Ref. 25). The Hartree-Fock potential for the force of Equations (4.1-4.2) may be expressed as tR)(4.3) 4Q where 2 (4.4b) + - (4.4b) In these equations, T' denotes the iso-spin index not equal to T. The moments of the distribution function, T are defined as p, J, and 56 3 0(3t ,(ZTT)5 .. " -A '7t ( R) IO 5 T4 (1 Tr . 0-4 -4) 1R)-t ~ (9)~ L P2 Pi tj (density) (4.5a) (current) (4.5b) (kinetic energy "-4y1 (4.5c) tensor) T"C In terms of the single particle wave functions, these quantities may be written as 4L (i~t) .C T. T (4.6a) Y-~'(t~LI (4.6b) ( -L L - -J (v V) Re As promised, aL (F C (4.6c) - % t l -. L iLV~'(0I;C) V0 only the three lowest moments of f appear in 57 Equation (4.4). Furthermore, the quantity C (R) may be viewed as being related to an effective mass, since the coefficient of k. in h,(R,k) is given by (see Equation (3.34) and Equation (4.3) + (4.7) This leads to the identification of the effective mass as Y-c if we write the k ~ 2 L*C~( contribution to W as k /2m*. (4.8) From Equation (4.4c), we see that the inverse of the effective mass is linearly related to the proton and neutron densities. For completeness here, we also give several other expressions relevant for use with the Skyrme parameters. The Schroedinger equation for the single particle wavefunctions, Equation (2.38), is with RC 'C(2- J3(4.10) 7T) 58 obtained by inverting Equation (3.10). With Equation (4.3) for W, we have (4.11) so that (4.9) becomes 0a (4.12) Note that despite the appearance of the i in Equation (4.12), the Hartree-Fock hamiltonian is still hermitian, as (4.13) 13+ B- P +1. 59 where the hermitian momentum operator P - is, as usual, .. (4.14) The total energy of the system is also simply expressed for the Skyrme force. Equation In particular, from (3.40) and Equations (4.3-4.34), we find (Note that the three-body tone requires a factor of 1/3! rather than the 1/2 in front of W in =1/6 (3.40) ): (4.15) where the energy density I(r) ( ) '/2 Tr given by /t 71f a[0+ XO/ ) P2 (X. 4 1~P~iz is 4. (4.16) 60 where the moments subscripted n and p denote isospin labels neutron and proton respectively, while those without any subscript denote total values, i.e. Th (4.17) For isoscalar systems (protons and neutrons identical), Equation (4.16) simplifies to I Ork =V Tri +JP7r 3 /8+ (4.18a) - /9V)+ p3 /16 t 2 -T with 9'= (3-,sY/ (4.18b) (S0I 9bxV 6 (4.18c) (4.18d) 61 Having seen that the Skyrme form of the internucleon interaction leads to a particularly simple form for the Hartree-Fock potential in phase space, we are now in a position to recast TDHF in terms of an infinite hierarchy of hydrodynamic-like equations by the process of taking moments on the momentum. The zeroth moment of the Wigner function in the momentum variable (i.e. - the integral over all momenta) yields the density (cf. Equation (3.13)). The time evolu- tion of this field may be found by integrating Equation (3.35) over all momenta and using the definitions (4.3): (4.19) 4 Len (a IV (74)} (AtA -.&+t Y The first two terms integrate directly to yield ve J."c(4.20) The sin term, however, required a bit more work. Consider, first, the lowest order term in the power series expansion of the sin: 62 ~~ d fj-8t 2Cei -VAi(Ac 4a '4) - J~2 T)3Lvft~2Ct~Rt(4.21) =. Integrating the last 3 terms by parts, we obtain 9 +2 c.- (v#,)+ If, r V6) +2.T-VC, T or B. (+-2 C ) (4.22) It is easily verified that all higher order terms in the expansion of the sin give no contribution, so that the combination of Equations (4.20) and (4.22) yields the final continuity equation where we have used Equation (4 . 7 ) f or the ef f ective mass, 1/m* . 63 Equation (4.23) expresses a generalized form of current conservation. For a system in which the HF poten- tial is local, i.e. if B = C = 0, so that W(Rk) is dependent only upon R, then (4.23) would read -0- Q which is what is expected classically. (4.24) However, the failure of local current conservation indicated by (4.23) is not surprising, as it is well known that current is not conserved locally for a non-local potential.26 The total number of nucleons of a given iso-spin type is, of course, conservedas seen by integrating over all space and dropping surface terms ~ CLe Q~C (4.25) which is the analogue of Equation (2.23). Equation (4.23) also possesses the surprising property of conserving the total (iso-scalar) nucleon density locally. Indeed, by reference to the definitions (4.4b-c), the continuity equation may be written as 64 + V- - (4.26) The sum of Equation (4.26) for both charge types results in i"+OW ) (4 .2 7 Thus, the non-locality of the current conservation is directly related to the non-isoscalar behavior of the system. The equation resulting in conservation of momentum is found by taking the first moment of by k (3.35). Multiplying and integrating over all momenta, we find only the two lowest terms in the expansion of the sin contribute, so that (4.28) After several integrations by parts, and a judicious rearrangement of terms, we obtain, in component notation 65 +rTjA 4 Equation (4.29) is written with the summation convention for repeated indices. There is no distinction between super- and sub-scripted indices, which we used only for notational convenience. + In a tensor notation, Eqn. ~~ 4T. (4.29) becomes ?cVAt+ Y2.Tr(4irJ)'7(_;) (4.30) Equation (4.30) reveals that nucleons move under the influence of two types of forces: a "pressure" associated with the divergence of the kinetic energy tensor, and interparticle forces of both the static (VA) and velocity dependent type. Note also the term V 2 (pVc) arising from the higher order terms in the expansion of the sin, which is 66 explicitly of a quantal nature. Lastly, note that the integral of (4.29) over all space does not yield zero, as the momenta of protons and neutrons are not separately conserved. However, when (4.29) is summed on charge states and integrated, the result is, of course (4.31) 3rJ( so that the total momentum is conserved, as expected (see Chapter 9 below for an explicit demonstration of this in a special case). The equation describing the dynamics of the third moment of the distribution function, the kinetic energy tensor, is obtained by multiplying (3.35) by k k] and integrating over, all momenta. Again, only terms to third order (second term) in the expansion of the sin contribute, and the resultant equation is AA 67 () -L 1y-~ 4V/ ~ Ak 4 ~ xZ4 ~ 0 41 -tK A ~xJ (I ) 2 -T, , 3x L-'~) ;x& z e ) 'WI -4. ;jX4k D~ m x Ilk C r (I. ) I ;' + & +1 24. 7A o the heat flow tensor ~~aA , In Equation (4.32) we have introduced the third moment of f J3'A FT-r)3 , (4.32) defined as (4.33) 68 In tensor notation, +(v (4.32) becomes -t + o vd)>Tr Q, (+ 34 + ) t {vT-cl (4.34) 4~~7~?(B) (V0~ )v v~ where the symmetric tensor product of two vectors is defined as A) 3 = ABJ 4 (4.35) the symmetric tensor product of two tensors is SoT -A T Aj. Ti A (4.36) ( Trt (Try) ' and the trace of the third-rank tensor Q is (4.37) (4.37) 69 Equations (4.34) and (4.32) are written in a form so that the quantal correction terms arising from the expansion of the sin past the lowest order are enclosed in the final set of large square brackets. In contrast to the two lower moments, the integral Equation (4.34) over all space does not yield a conservation law, even when summed over iso-spin labels and traced on spatial indices. This is because kinetic energy alone is not conserved, but rather the total energy kinetic plus potential, is. Thus, to obtain the third conservation law, (4.34) must be used to examine the energy balance in greater detail, which will be done in Chapter 6. The three Equations (4.23, 4.30, and 4.34) can be expressed in more useful and transparent form by defining velocity and pressure tensor fields in the following manner (4.38a) and the reduced third moment, Q-, as ÷u-k (4.39) 70 The velocity field U is analogous to the classical definition, while the fields T and a are the kinetic energy tensor and heat flow tensor as seen in a frame moving locally with the fluid, i.e. U C) (4.40) and -CU (4.41) It is also useful to define a convective velocity field, 7 , given by U Mm Li(4.42) as will be seen shortly, U is the velocity field appearing in the convection derivatives of the hydrodynamic equations. Note that if the dynamics are iso-scalar in the sense that Up = Un=U, then UT finitions is i, as is easily seen from the de- (4.4). With these definitions of the velocity and pressure fields, the continuity equation, (4.23) becomes 71 Ut U t.-F while the momentum conservation equation, It at LAt (4.30), becomes 7r R vj~.) -. 4 V) (4.43) 'P-C -j- IV 'k- +- I )C. (4.44) Finally, the equation for the pressure field, using (4.34), becomes Q+t t V) If %I ".Oft WOM 7T-c Lit -2 /\ ) Equation Z." + v4) xI-1 t (4.45) 172 !V(I') V Pr 'P I V (::' 'tt )) -U,I ) - ' )Try 'Ut + V Vil'. VIRC + V. (PA vvu97 + (VW YIA 'V (V X) 72 where the symmetric tensor A is given by V2 (i (L~1)L (446 (4.46) and the cross product of a vector and a tensor is defined as (Vx T)~ (Tx V E1V- T- = T AVA T ( 4 . 4 7a) (4.47b) where cijk is the usual alternating symbol, 1(-l) if ijk is an even (odd) p ermutation of indices, and zero otherwise. 73 Equations (4.43-4.45) are the set of hydrodynamic- like equations we shall deal with in the following. It is, of course, possible to extend the moment treatment further, and generate the whole hierarchy of equations for all moments of the distribution function, but as such a procedure adds little in terms of insight or utility we stop at three. The static HF solutions passes several interesting properties when considered in terms of the moments dealt with in the hydrodynamic equations. Equations As is seen from (4.6), successive moments of the distribution function in the Wigner representation are equivalent to derivatives of the density matrix in coordinate space, evaluated along the diagonal (r=r'). Hence the restriction of the hydrodynamic treatment to the lowest moments is an expression of the belief that the dynamics of the density matrix may be adequately described by it's near-diagonal behavior. All odd (i.e. - odd under time reversal) moments of the distribution function, such as the current and heat flow tensor, depend upon the non-vanishing of the imaginary part of the single-particle wave-functions. Hence, in a static system, for which the wave functions may be chosen to be real, such moments vanish, implying that the distribution function is invariant under the transformation k- -L Equations (4.43) and (4.47) then become automatic- ally satisfied when all odd-moments are set to zero, while 74 (4.26) becomes _0(4.49) This is the quantal analogue of the condition ofr hydrostatic equilibrium, expressing a balancing of "pressure" and two-body forces.27 However, in the usual classical treatments (e.g. in the case of stellar equilibrium), H is assumed to be diagonal (isotopic) and specified uniquely in terms of the density through an equation of state so that 7T 7TF (o) (4.50) Static HF solutions, on the other hand, satisfy Equation (4.49) under the constraint p2 =p, which, as is seen from Equation (3.25), is not simply implemented in terms of these low moments. If an ansatz such as (4.50) is inserted into (4.49), we immediately obtain a differential equation describing the density distribution in a static system. The hydrodynamic equations also retain the property of Gallilean invariance, as they ought to, since the original TDHF theory possessed this property. pT (R), T (R) If is a solution to the static problem,satisfy- 75 ing Equation (4.49), then the transformation -V+-(4.51a) -* RV (4.51b) which describes, classically, the translation of the system at a uniform velocity V, leaves Equations (4.34-4.35) unchanged. While the above features are certainly desirable ones for a theory which purports to be a hydrodynamical description of nulcei, there is still a problem in the 4ctual implementation of the theory. Equations In particular, (4.43-4.45) are three equations dealing with four moments, and are therefore not a closed set of equations. Hence, some specification of one of these moments, most naturally a-, in terms of the other three, is required. Had the full hierarchy of moment equations been dealt with, , of course, would have been allowed to be an independent variable, and such a specification would have been unnecessary. Thus, the question we must address in the next chapter is whether or not a meaningful closure of the hydrodynamic equations can be performed. 76 Before concluding this chapter, we briefly discuss the possibility of the extension of the hydrodynamic transcription to forces more realistic than those of the Skyrme type. Equation As was seen in the discussion following (3.54), any finite range two body force foils an attempt to restrict discussion to the lowest moments of the Wigner function due to the non-locality of the HF potential in co-ordinate space momentum dependence). (or equivalently, its A way of by-passing this obstacle would be to parameterize the k dependence of distribution function, f(R,k"),in terms of a few spatially varying parameters. (A physically sensible parameterization of this type, in which f may be given in terms of p and H has been given for the static system28 under the assumption of isotropy for H. The extension to deal with time dependent systems and the anisotropy of HI is straightforward.). Under such a parameterization, all moments in k of f are given in terms of these parameters, so that the non-locality of W may be handled. Such a procedure would be entirely analogous to the classical assumption that the distribution function is a local maxwellian, parameterized by a local density, mean velocity, and temperature. 1 6 77 Chapter 5 TRUNCATION OF THE HYDRODYNAMIC HIERARCHY In this chapter, we discuss several semi-classical truncation prescriptions for the hierarchy of moment equations derived in the previous chapter. In particular, four different prescriptions are discussed, the ThomasFermi, Classical, Isotropic, and Irrotational. We discuss the motivation for each type of truncation, as well as the approximations to the many-body wave function inherent in each. As is the case in classical hydrodynamics, the ultimate test of any type of truncation is the physical plausibility of the solutions the resultant equations generate, or a comparison with the exact TDHF solutions, questions we address in the following chapters. Hence, it should be born in mind that the exact validity or applicability of these prescriptions, in so far as they yield solutions which behave as "exact" solutions to the TDHF equations, remains an open question in the absence of such exact solutions. Of course, as discussed in the intro- duction, it may be the case that TDHF itself is not an adequate description of collective nuclear dynamics, and by the judicious choice of a truncation procedure, the missing features necessary to reproduce realistic results 78 may be supplied. A. Thomas-Fermi Approximation We begin with the simplest possible approximation, which is within the spirit of the Thomas-Fermi approximation to the many-body system29 (more accurately, it is closer to a Slater-type approximation, as is discussed below). In this approximation, we limit discussion to only the continuity and momentum balance equations, and attempt, as was hinted at in Equation (4.50), to specify the pressure field in terms of the density. This is ac- complished by assuming that the distribution function looks like that of nuclear matter, moving with the local velocity U4R) and having the local density pT(i_). By referring to Equation (3.26), it can be seen that this approximation supposes the distribution function to be unity inside a sphere in the momentum variable of radius k (R), the local Fermi momentum, and centered about U (R), the local velocity field, while zero elsewhere. The Fermi momentum is given in terms of the density by __0-_ (5.1) where the extra factor of 2 arises from the spin degree of freedom. From the definition of the pressure field, 79 Equation (4.40) of the previous chapter, it is clear R is isotropic (proportional to the unit tensor) and given by (5.2a) (5.2b) Equation (4.26) furnishes the "equation of state" necessary to truncate the hydrodynamic hierarchy. The nuclear fluid behaves as a perfect gas under adiabatic compression or expansion, the polytropic exponent,27 or ratio of specific heats being 5/3. The validity of the Thomas-Fermi approximation for static systems has been discussed by several authors previously. 2 9 Briefly, it is expected to hold in situations where the spatial scale of variation of the self-consistent potential is large enough so that the single-particle wavefunctions in this well may adjust themselves so as to locally mimic plane waves. The characteristic length for density (and hence potential, due to the short range nature of the nuclear force) fluctuations is given by IVpI/p while the scale on which the wave-functions change is given 80 by kf. Thus, from (5.1), the condition of validity for the Thomas-Fermi approximation is 1/3 (5.3) _____ This condition is manifestly not satisfied in realistic nuclei, where the surface thickness is approximately 2.5 fm and the fermi momentum -1.3 fmn. Nonetheless, the hydro- dynamic equations with this Thomas-Fermi truncation describe the compressible hydrodynamics of the nuclear fluid, and, as is the case classically, are expected to show a rich variety of phenomena. Hence, the Thomas-Fermi truncation is not entirely trivial in its consequences, and, in some situations may aid in understanding the behavior of the We remark that for consistency in hydrodynamic equations. regard to the conservation of energy, the quantal correction term in Equation (4.44) must be discarded when using the Thomas-Fermi truncation, as will be discussed in the followBefore turning to more sophisticated ap- ing chapter. proximations, we remark upon a seeming ambiguity in the specification of R in terms of p. the Skyrme force, 22 In previous work with the quantity H has been given in terms of the "kinetic energy density", T, defined by T T =T T + 1/4VVp T 81 or in terms of the single particle wave functions S =120 V n ,) (,)Vin While T possesses a particularly simple form in terms of the single particle wave-functions, its usage has been purely ad-hoc. To the extent that we wish to make state- ments concerning the one-body density matrix, it is T, the second moment of this function, which should be approximated by its nuclear matter value, not '", as has been done in a previous calculation. 3 0 B. The Classical Approximation We now turn to the classical method of truncating. In this case, the essential approximation is to set the reduced heat flow tensor, Eqn. a.., to zero. By reference to (4.41) it can be seen that this implies that in a frame moving locally with the fluid (i.e. with velocity U (R)) the distribution function is invariant under the transformation k+-k. This approximation is thus analogous to the classical truncation prescription which describes the distribution function in the momentum variable as a maxwellion, characterized by a local temperature. However, in contrast to the classical situation, we may still retain the tensor character of H. Thus, in the classical trunca- 82 tion of the TDHF equations, all terms in Q arise solely from convection. In contrast to the Thomas-Fermi approximation, the classical truncation prescription permits the nuclear fluid to get "hot" in the following sense: In the Thomas- Fermi truncation, the distribution function is "close packed" in that at any point, the lowest orbitals be local plane waves) (assumed to are taken to be occupied. Therefore, R becomes a unique function of p, with the kinetic energy density, -Tr H , being the smallest value possible for a given p, consistent with the Pauli principle requiring no more than one nucleon in a given state. The classical prescription, however, turns the kinetic energy density loose, so that it becomes independent of p and hence capable of describing random (i.e. - non-organized) heat motion of the nucleons. In this approximation, Equations (4.43-4.45) describe the compressible, non-isothermal flow of the nuclear fluid, or more specifically, flow which is adiabatic in the classical sense, i.e. no heat flow. 1 6 Note that the classical truncation procedure also possess the property that the HF stationary solutions remain stationary solutions, as discussed in the previous chapter. It may not be implausible, then, to utilize these solutions as initial conditions for the truncated hydrodynamic equations, so that quantum mechanical effects like 83 shell fluctuations in the density are automatically included in the initial conditions. It is important to re- member that through this truncation procedure, all hope of satisfying p2 =p in the time dependent solution has been lost, though of course, it is not at all clear that this is a physically important constraint on the wavefunction. C. The Isotropic Approximation The isotropic approximation is a form of the classical approximation in which the pressure tensor, , is taken to be isotropic. This is usually done classically, on the grounds that intermolecular collisions occur rapidly enough so that any anisotropies in this tensor are smoothed out on a time scale much shorter than the scale of collective motion. Of course, this may or may not be the case in a quantal system, though it should be remarked that for a static HF solution for Pb, for example, even in a region as anisotropic as the surface, the tensor H computed from the single particle wave-functions is very . . 28 nearly isotropic. As will be shown in the following chapter, the classical, or even isotropic truncation respects energy conservation, and soEquatiors(4.43-4.45) cation except, of course, setting require no modifi- QL to zero. 84 D. The Irrotational Approximation We now turn to the final truncation prescription, the irrotational approximation. As a motivation, we first consider the dynamics of a single particle under the influence of a local hamiltonian.31 wave function $(r,t) The time-dependent satisfies the Schroedinger equation ~H Y(5.4) with the hamiltonian H given by =~ (5.5) ~ ~/zV'V(re) where V is a local (possibly time dependent) potential. The wavefunction $ may always be written in the form /,( (5.6) where the real functions p and S are the density and velocity potential fields associated with i. From Equation (2.32) (Y; fop(5.7) 85 If the Schroedinger equation is now recast in the form (cf. Equaticn2.20) L d- (5.8) [ H?]j a Wigner transformation in the manner of Chapter 3 yields the following moment equations (5.9a) jc' r A-vt*T- (+ V T (5.9b) (5.9c) where the velocity field U is given by (cf. Equations (4.6a) and (4.38a)) (5.10) H is defined by Equations (4.6b) and (4.38b) and A (cf. Equation (4.46) ) defined as is 86 (5.11) -- 2 S plays the role of the velocity potential 3 2 for the irrotational velocity field U, i.e. 7KL . (5.12) As might be suspected, Equations what redundant. (5.9) are some- The original Schroedinger equation (5.4) was an equation for one complex (or two real) (or Re* and Im$), while Equations real fields. (5.4) fields i deal with the In fact, by reference to Equations (4.6b) and (4.38b), it can be seen that the "equation of state" relating the pressure tensor to the density is ft- -.).4L. 4-p (5.13) ;Pc)X so that only Equations C3i (5.9a,b), together with (5.13) are all that is actually necessary to describe the dynamics. In the case of single particle motion, it is also possible to exactly express the reduced heat flow tensor, 87 in terms of the lower moments of the distribution function. shows that Reference to Equation (4.33) and (4.39) L is given by 2___A (5.14) Q.is)of course, symmetric in its indices, as (5.10) implies (5.15) -- which is manifestly symmetric. With the realization that may be exactly ex- pressed in terms of the lower moments in the case of the dynamics of a single particle, we now consider TDHF for the dynamics of many particles. the following situation to hold: In particular, we assume that the phases of the single-particle wave functions for nucleons of a given isospin label are all describable by a common function, i.e. E? L (5.16) where ST is the velocity potential for isospin T and is assumed independent of the wavefunction label i. If the condition (5.16) holds, the density matrix is then given by 88 Equation (2.32) as P ((5.17) i.e. the phase assumes a factorizable form. The velocity field is then found to be QzR~?-&C~* (5.18) while, in analogy with the single-particle case, the reduced heat flow tensor is A -+ (5.19) t" -x Note that (5.18) implies, as previously, that the velocity field U is irrotational. The form (5.16) for the single- particle wave-functions is certainly a sufficient condition for irrotationality, but its necessity is an unproven conjecture. We also note the connection between the form (5.17) and the adiabatic TDHF theory of Baranger and Veneroni, in which the density matrix is written in the form X (P) -'x (5.20) 89 with p a time-even Slater determinant density matrix, and X a one body operator having only particle-hole matrix elements with respect to p local, . For the operator X (5.20) reduces to (5.17). The irrotational assumption expressed by (5.16) implies a different physical situation than does the corresponding assumption in classical hydrodynamics. In that situation, Kelvin's theorem32 states that irrotation flow remains irrotational, i.e. ( c O GO7~E.) + V VFW M) 0 (5.21) which holds under the assumptions that (vTT)o V x C V47.- (5.22a) (5.22b) Equations (5.22) are manifestly satisfied for situations in which R is isotropic and uniquely related to the density e.g. in the Thomas-Fermi truncation discussed above. However, no such analogous theorem exists quantally, and, as is seen from (5.16), vorticity in the velocity field is generated by a loss of coherence in the individual velocity fields of the nuclear fluid described by each single 90 particle wave function. Nonetheless, as (5.16) furnishes the only quantaly rigorous truncation procedure available, and as irrotation flow has long been used as a condition in classical treatment of nuclear hydrodynamics, the insight offerred by this procedure into the connection between the classical assumptions and corresponding statement concerning the single particle wave function of TDHF is not inconsiderable. In summary then, we have presented four procedures by which the moment expansion of the TDHF equations may be truncated to result in a closed set of equations. The Thomas-Fermi procedure assumed the nuclear fluid to behave locally as uniformly translating infinite nuclear matter, while the classical and isotropic approximations were classically motivated. Finally, the irrotational approxi- mation provides an exact truncation under the assumption that the velocity fields for each single particle wave function are coherent. 91 Chapter 6 ENERGY CONSERVATION In this chapter, we discuss the conservation of energy as embodied in each of the truncation prescriptions presented in the previous chapter. Rankine-Hugoniot In preparation for the relations needed in the treatment of shock solutions of the hydrodynamic equations, are derived for the energy flux vector. 34 expressions For simplicity of treatment, we restrict the discussion to one dimensional iso-scalar dynamics, although the results are applicable to more complex situations in a straightforward way. fields All (density, velocity, and pressure tensor) then become functions of one coordinate, z , only, and are.identical for both protons and neutrons. only a non-vanishing Furthermore, the velocity has z component, while only the diagonal elements of the pressure tensor are assumed to be non-zero, this following from the symmetry of the problem. As can be seen from Equation (4.38a), for isoscalar dynamics, the convective velocity field U is identical with the real velocity field, so that the hydrodynamic Equations (4.43-4.45) simplify to P f+f (6.1) 92 U/// -(6.3) - TT + Lt 77w Th 63 (6.4) T YrYY where the dot and prime indicate time and spatial derivatives respectively. p and V are the total (neutron plus proton) density and pressure tensor, while u and B are the components of the respective vectors in the direction. The component zz is abbreviated by Q, while the functions A,B, and m* are given by (see Equations (4.4)) A3 o~/ 3 3 /6f 'Kt tyr (6.6a) 93 (6.6b) '- 1I+2C. (Note: (6.6c) In general, symmetry considerations do not rule out a vanishing of <zxx or azyy . However, in anticipation of the use of the irr6tational truncation procedure, for which these quantities do vanish, we only retain the component zz The total energy of the system, which is conserved in the TDHF approximation, is given by (cf. Equations (4.15-4.16) J'TrT +3 A 2. (6.7a) 16 JcLTr lT +ypA + e+ -LC -,T~~3(6b (6.7c) Here fd 2 x denotes integration over the two non-participating spatial directions. As can be seen from (6.7c), the total 94 energy may be written as the volume integral of an energy density I(z). Note that (6.7b) is the explicit reali- zation of Equation (3.40) in the case of a Skyrme force, with a correction to effect proper treatment of the threebody force. As the three-body force is concerned with the interaction of triplets of particles, the 1/2 in front of W(R,k) in Equation (3.40), which avoids the over-counting of pairs of particles for the two body force, is not sufficient to avoid over-counting of these triplets. In order to maintain energy conservation for a given truncation procedure, the time derivative of the energy density, I, must be of the form (6.8) where q is the energy flux. If Equation (6.8) holds, where we have assumed q vanishes at = <x> in order to neglect surface terms. In order to evaluate I, it is not most convenient to directly take the time derivative of Equation (6.7b). Rather, using (2.26), we may obtain 95 T 4 A+Tf' E~dkL TrS+(6.10) (even in the presence of a three-body force!) so that, comparing with the time derivative of Equation (6.7c), -0 TrT + T& (6.11) From the definitions of H and U, we have (6.12a) TA T + (' TW (6.12b) so that (6.11) may be written as - Tr (I- pp)/z + ( A +(A (6.13a) +p) 12 (6.13b) Inserting p and ii from Equations (6.1) and (6.2), we have 96 I TTr ( pp)/2 ~ ( 4 3 u'+t C (Pu)'LA+ (lf,>p// TTk/a A'- p (Tr'1u (puD'/ tJ3p/ or, upon rearranging terms / (6.14) Equation (6.14) is the expression we shall use in the subsequent analysis of the various truncation procedures. A. The Thomas-Fermi Approximation We begin with the Thomas-Fermi approximation, for which 97 TT XY , IT YY = -P-Z* - Tr f (6.15a) 3P (6.15b) with, as per Equation (5.1) V,/ P T13 53 (6.16) 3oIP fP It then follows that / 7r P/A e Tr- lz 3,p -S /1 Z ,l 0)~~~~~~P/P=--j6(U (6.17) (6.18) so that (6.14) becomes Li-p ~ r j'),3P , (PtOI (1-9f) - U U. (6.19) / + 3/a or, upon rearranging terms K (Af (1y3 I/ - -r(p4' (6.20) z_6.22) 3ifr )P+ f~- 98 Equation (6.20) is not of the form (6.8), due to the presence of the last term. leading to An aalysis of the manipulations (6.20) reveals that this term is due to higher order terms in the expansion of the sin of derivative operators appearing in Equation (3.35), and is concerned solely with the spatial variation of the effective mass. Energy conservation in the Thomas-Fermi approximation demands the neglect of this term in the treatment of the dynamics, a step not completely unjustified. The essence of the Thomas-Fermi approximation is that such variations may be neglected, so that the dropping of this term results in a consistency of approach. The energy flux then becomes OU L- ( S'P/12*÷p./ (6.21) or, explicitly in terms of the Skyrme parameters as 3 'I.. Thus, energy flows with the local fluid velocity u, with an effective energy density composed of intrinsic kinetic (through P), collective kinetic (pu 2 ) and potential energies. 99 B. The Isotropic Approximation In the case of the isotropic truncation pro- cedure, energy conservation must be explored using equation giving the time variation of the pressure field, which is assumed to be an independent dynamical quantity. In this approximation, we have P while, setting the reduced heat flow summing equations (6.3) and (6.23) to zero, and (6.5) Tr TflS u TrW NF-(Trfrt) Inserting (6.16) into (6.14) and rearranging, we obtain for the energy flux +U 4 "/ (6.25) 100 Equation (6.25) is similar to that obtained in the Thomas- Fermi approximation, though with several crucial differences: First, the pressure P now appears as an in- dependent variable, not explicitly given in terms of p. Secondly, additional terms, non-linear in the Skyrme parameters, and involving high derivatives of the density and velocity fields appear. These terms are due to the presence of an effective mass different from unity (i.e. 1/m* = 1 if S=0). of shocks in Chapter 9, As will be seen in the discussion such terms certainly affect the detailed dynamics, but not overall conservation laws. C. The Classical and Irrotational Approximations We now treat the classical and irrotational trunca- tion prescriptions. Equations (6.3-6.5) are still utilized to compute Tr, but the possibility of anisotropy in H and a non-vanishing is included. rI + Thus 1 (6.26) r 7) T (77 / (2 (6.27) 101 Inserting (6.27) for Tr and (6.5) for H into (6.14), we obtain, after some rearrangement i-=.[u (LW9 +37. 32!t 21* y "- + 4- (6.28) In the classical case, c~=0, so that W=U 3 T-t+271( (6.29) which is seen to be similar to (6.25), and identical if Hzz _ xx _ For the irrotational case, <. is given by Equation (5.19) as -pu" /4, so that (6.28) becomes (6.30) + p LL~jp'-~V)/S 102 In summary, we have shown energy to be conserved one-dimensional isoscalar flow by the hydrodynamic equations in the classical, isotropic, and irrotational truncation approximations,equations (6.25, 6.29, and 6.30) giving q, so that (6.9) holds in each of these cases. The Thomas- Fermi approximation, however, required the neglect of qnantal terms concerned with the spatial variation of the effective mass in the Euler equation in order to conserve energy, equation (6.22) giving the energy flux. Thus, we have shown that the proposed truncations of the moment expansion of the TDHF equations do not destroy energy conservation. 103 Chapter 7 SOUND IN NUCLEAR MATTER We now begin a study of the solutions to the equations derived and discussed in Chapter 4. Of course, becuase these equations resemble those of classical hydrodynamics, analytical solutions can be found only in situations of very simple geometry and under often radical simplifying assumptions. Nonetheless, the results that can be obtained in such situations indicate the implications of the various truncations proposed in Chapter 5, and may be useful in answering questions concerning the validity of the TDHF approximation itself. In this chapter, we treat the de- scription of sound waves (small amplitude oscillations) in nuclear matter. Nuclear matter is a hypothetical system of equal (infinite) numbers of protons and neutrons in equal spin populations. It fills all space with a uniform density of nucleons, p 0 and a binding energy per nucleon, s 0 , given by the volume term in the semi-empirical mass formula as about 16 MeV. Many calculations of nuclear matter properties have been performed in recent years,35 as this type of system provides a laboratory for testing both the nucleon-nucleon potential and many-body techniques. 104 The calculation of nuclear matter with a force of the Skyrme type is particularly simple.25 In Equation (4.18a) we take an infinite, uniform, static system with pn = p = p/2, p , In T p = T/2, so that the energy density is given by .. T4_3 2-rT 4_17~ ttyd (7.1) The density is simply related to the Fermi momentum, kf , by (recall that all single particle orbitals are plane waves, and all spatial orbitals with kII kf are occupied by 4 nuc- leons, one in each spin-isospin state) 33 (7.2) while the trace of the kinetic energy tensor is given by (cf. Eqn. (4.5c) s t s ndt so that as a function of the density only T 3 +~ fT 1" Z. + (7.4) 11b 105 The relevant intensive property, the energy per nucleon, which is minimized in equilibrium, is given by (7.5) A plot of e(p) is shown in Figure 1 for the SKM III parameters listed in Table I. The combination of the attractive 6- force (t ) with the repulsive 3-body force (t3 ) and kinetic energy with effective mass (t), combine to produce a minimum in e(p) at the saturation density p0 . This occurs at (7.6) Another physically important property of the curve, as will be seen later on, is the adiabatic compressibility, KAD' directly related to the curvature of e(p) at p = p0 : 106 3,. (7.7) 8 Note that this is actually 1/9 the compressibility, Kusually defined in treatments of nuclear matter35 X 26 where we have used Eqn. (7.8) C (7.2) to relate kf to p. The state of nuclear matter described above, a Slater determinant of plane waves, with orbitals having kl k filled, is the HF ground state. What we wish to investigate now is the stability and oscillations of this state about the equilibrium point, using Equations (4.45) in the same spirit as the RPA equations, A. (4.43)- (2.47). The Thomas-Fermi Approximation We begin with the simplest form of truncation, Thomas-Fermi, and assume the following forms for the moments of the density matrix, following Equation (2.41) 107 (7.9a) '79b) (7.9c) - Here, all quantities labeled with a 6 are position and time independent and assumed small so as to be treated only in first order. k is an arbitrary vector in the direction k, and we seek a dispersion relation between w and k. Thomas-Fermi approximation, Tr Jr from Equation In the (S. 2.) (7.10) 9r- Inserting forms (7.9) into the hydrodynamic equations (4.43-4.45) and linearizing in small quantities we obtain ( A/ -. '+a c) O (7.lla) .... (73.11b) 108 where we have used Equatin (4.8) to identify the effective mass and have eliminated the quantal correction term in Euler's equation, consistent with the discussion of the previous From Equation (4.4) we have *N A EA _C t=r Ar ?z + 3A-V (7.12a) p-C pe T + #, gT.Tt -aTrT + chapter. - rTT-/ (7.12b) (7.12c) 3 bEt with + D2 DAt -.1 "Now . -t- (7.13a) INO-MMMO )DT 4 (7.13b) (7.13c) / (7.13d) / S7rTr/..0STr'T' +M-- E) (7.13e) (7.13f) 109 -r/ 3...:= 6 Xf X -t./g t /.+ 00 (7-.13g) (7 .13h) Equations (7.11) may then be rearranged to yield (7.14a) H2 + gT a r-MW s -C T7r + +zo Lot) IMMMMMW T A Equations 6P ,, 6J1 T 4. 4'A -'N -rrT r Opr. .r.. ( ;14, (7.14b) ap DTrTr -f p A (7.14) furnish an eigenvalue condition for 6pT, 6JT,, with w being related to the eigenvalue. Note that (7.14) is actually two sets of equations, one for each species of charge. 110 By the symmetry of the problem, two solutions of (7.14) exist with the following properties: the isoscalar solution has protons and neutrons oscillating in phase, so that / gPI S isoscalar 'C (7.15a) while the isovector solution has the two charge types oscillating 7 out of phase ~4 5?j ~J~= I isovector (7.15b) Inserting the isoscalar condition (7.15a) into Equations (7.14), the eigenvalue condition is immediately obtained as W 1-" ? (7. 16a) CVZ 77 (Off13 3 t3Uv2f2.f ( 1b bI ill where c+ is the isoscalar speed of sound. Using the condi- tion (7.6), (7.16b) may be rewritten as +X _Y b yt~ (7.17) Equation (7.17) has several interesting features. From (7.16a), both +w and -w are solutions, as is expected from more general considerations of the RPA discussed in Chapter 2. In this case, of course, these are solutions corresponding to waves running in both directions along k. Secondly, for k<<kf, c value, K ,16 reduces to the expected classical though for larger k, (7.17) becomes dispersive. Lastly, note that for a non-interacting system (all t parameters zero, m*=l), Equations (7.16b) reduces to 132 (7.18) a well known result for Fermi systems at zero temperature.3 Upon inserting the isovector condition, Equation (7.15b), into Equations (7.14) a similar eigenvalue condition yields the isovector speed of sound, c_, as 112 t3 0, Pt+ z(7.19) Note that in contrast to c2, C1 is non-linear in the inter- action parameters, as is to be expected of a general solution Equations (2.47). c2 = CZ = k Furthermore, for a non-interacting system, / 3 , again as expected. With the set of Skyrme III parameters listed in Table I, Equations (7.17) and (7.19) may be evaluated numerical- ly to yield the dispersion curves shown in Figures 2 and 3. Note that the iso-scalar mode propagates at all wave numbers, with a long wavelength speed smaller than that of the isovector. The isovector mode cuts off at k ~ 4.4 kf and is much less sensitive to variations in k. B. The Isotropic Approximation As discussed in Chapter 5, the isotropic truncation, assumes that 77c (7.20) 113 Taking the trace of Equatimc(4.45) in order to obtain an equation for TrH ,we obtain, with a similar travelling wave space-time variation -- Tr 7T Ur A TrTo_- :& D 2. 8 8. (7.21) while a variation of Equation (2.44) yields 3P 3% .(7.22) or, using Equations (7.12) 2:: .! r trt 4..4 aZi trT. c z (7.23) 2ftrTc 3P5-J Equations (7.lla,7.21, 7.23) form a eigenvalue system similar to Equations (7.14). Upon inserting the iso-scalar condition, Equation (7.15a), we obtain C /D AD g _---+ (7.24) (7 114 while the isovector condition results in (7.25) .1464 Note that Equations (7.24-7.25) are identical with the Thomas-Fermi results, except for the dispersive terms. numerical evaluation of Btuiation (7.24) and (7.25) A with the SKM. III parameters results in the dispersion curves shown in Figures 2 and 3. C. The Classical Approximation We continue in the hierarchy of increasingly more sophisticated truncations, now assuming the classical truncation, i.e. Q= 0. For such a case, the variation of the pressure H zz differs from that of H xx and H y, the former being parallel to the direction of propagation, the latter equal and two transverse to this direction. A linear- ization of the pressure equation in this approximation yields TT. 6 XX - . u g fYY I(7.26a) Tr ' 12 (7.26b) 115 while the momentum equation becomes ru . t . rz 'P T. (7.27) Tr T . -. 3& - S where, in evaluating 6AT from Equation (7.12a) we must use 9\ r 71,.w -f- _._ PO A 3 Bt /0 Tr T. as is found from Equations (7.26). tinuity equations, Equations (7.28) Together with the con- (7.26-7.28) form an eigenvalue condition for the frequency w. For the isoscalar case, the speed of sound is readily found to be 5-. "'. A z "W"ft z -A + o+ 3 - 3 (4g) 1 which, using (7.6-7.7), may be rewritten as (7.29) 116 -1 -}P- - ?%t (7.30) Similarly, for the isovector case, we obtain z z A" .1 k (7.31) A comparison of (7.29-7.30) with Bauations(7.17-7.19 and 7.24-7.25) which have been derived under less sophisticated truncation procedures indicates that the general form of the dispersion relation remains, although the precise value of the numerical coefficients changes. for a non-interacting system, In particular, (7.29) gives for the isoscalar mode (7.32) which is greater than the thermodynamic (Thomas-Fermi) value given by a factor of 3/Y5-. This difference is due to the underlying difference in the assumptions of dynamics implicit in the two truncation methods. The Thomas-Fermi method assumes the pressure tensor isotropic at all times, 117 a condition expected to hold in a classical gas when intermolecular collisions occur at a rapid enough rate,(i.e. far greater than the frequency) so as to keep the local isotropy of the distribution function, and hence pressure tensor. In the TDHF theory, such collisions are absent, so that the more sophisticated approximation is called for. Indeed, for a density disturbance dependent only upon distance along a wave vector k, it is seen from Equations (4.3-4.4) that the corresponding changes in the self-consistent (Hartree-Fock) potential W are also functions of only this distance. As a result, the single particle wave functions, which are initially plane waves in the directions transverse to k remain so at all times. However, the wavefunctions in the direction parallel to k*, also initially plane waves, must change in time due to the changes in W. Hence the tensor N is expected to be invariant under rotations mixing directions transverse to k, but anisotropic in the sense that k-H-k is different from components of H transverse to k. This statement is also true for forces more realistic than those of the Skyrme form, and is a special case of a more general property that the TDHF equations possess, i.e. - that a Slater determinant having a symmetry conserved by the many-body hamiltonian (such as parity or isospin invariance) retains that symmetry when evolved with the TDHF equations. The symmetry in the case of sound waves is that of rotations about k. The dis- tinction between the isotropy of the pressure tensor in the 118 Thomas-Fermi theory, and the anisotropy built into the more exact approach (i.e. close to TDHF) is analogous to the distinction between zero and first sound found in liquid 3He which has been discussed by many authors.3 The former is a density wave dependent upon the many randomizing intermolecular collisions for its propagation, while the latter is an oscillation sustained through the self-consistent potential, and hence much closer to the solutions expected to arise out of a TDHF treatment. The numerical evaluation of (7.30) and (7.31) in the case of the SKM III force is straightforward, in the curves shown in Figures 2 and 3. and results As before, (7.30) and (7.31) are non-linear in the Skyrme parameters, as is expected of the RPA solutions, but not of the more naive semi-classical arguments. 36 D. The Irrotational Approximation As a final calculation in this chapter, we consider the irrotational truncation defined by Equations (5.19) By reference to Equation (4.45), this is seen to add a factor of (7.33) tOnd to the right side of Bguation (7. 26b) and (7. 28) . The disper- 119 sion relations are then simply found as before to be +- (7.34a) and 21 Z. 34 b) Pat+(0. Thus, the only effect of the irrotational truncation upon, the dispersion relation obtained in the classical approximation is to modify the k 2 term. Equations (7.34) computed with the Skyrme III parameters are shown in Figures 2 and 3. Equations (7.34) admit to a physical interpretation in the limits of very large and very small k, frequencies). For k small, Equations (high and low (7.34) describe a zero-sound type of mode with constant speed,as have all the other truncated versions of the linearized TDHF equations we have been considering. However, in the limit of very large k, this isoscalar mode approaches (7.35) 120 i.e. the frequency goes quadratically as the wave number. This is expected to be a property of the exact RPA modes of the nuclear matter system for the following reason. first a non-interacting system. Consider In such a case, the normal modes (excited states) of the system with wave number k may be formed by promoting a particle from a plane wave of momentum q Ik"+q 4i>kf. (IqI: +kf) to the plane wave orbital kfq, provided In such a case, the excitation energy (frequency) is given by the difference between the single particle energies involved as (7.36) Thus, in the limit of very short wavelength excitations, the normal modes of a non-interacting system have a singleparticle spectrum, i.e. for a free particle. (7.36) is just the energy expected It is gratifying to see that (7.35) also approaches this limit for the non-interacting system, i.e. the "graininess" or particulate nature of the nuclear fluid, becomes apparent at short wavelengths. In the case of an interacting system, the failure of k2 (7.35) to approach the expected 2m* , in analogy to (7.36) may be traced to the fundamental form of the Skyrme force. As seen from (4.1) , at larger momenta, particles interact 121 more strongly with one another, so that there is no reason to expect decoupling of the single particle modes as the wave number increases. For all physically plausible potentials of finite range, the force falls off with increasing momentum, so that an approach to (7.36) would be expected with a more realistic interaction of this type. In summary, this chapter has considered small amplitude perturbations of infinite nuclear matter about the Hartree-Fock ground state. Four truncation procedures have been considered (Thomas-Fermi, Isotropic, Classical, and Irrotational). All lead to a dispersion relation of the form ) W2 = k 2 (a, + alk 2 where a, and a 2 are constants non-linear in the Skyrme parameters and dependent upon both the truncation procedure and the mode of oscillation. The Thomas-Fermi truncation led to the classical expression relating the low frequency isoscalar modes to the adiabatic compressibility. The iso, tropic truncation retained this property, but modified a 2 the dispersive term. The classical truncation, which retains an anisotropy in the pressure tensor, was argued to be closer in form and spirit to the exact RPA solutions, and was shown to lead to a substantially different expression and interpretation for the isoscalar modes. Finally, the ir- rotational truncation was shown to lead to the correct 122 collective behavior at small wavenumber and single particle behavior at high wavenumbers in the case of a non-interacting nuclear matter, but failed to do so in the case of the Skyrme force due to the unphysical behavior of this force at high momentum. 123 Chapter 8 SIMPLE MODES OF A FINITE NUCLEUS In this chapter, we demonstrate the application of the linearized version of the hydrodynamic equations to the small amplitude motion of a finite nucleus. Irrotational and incompressible flow patterns are assumed, so that the irrotational truncation procedure of Chapter 5 is utilized. Formulas for the isoscalar quadrupole and giant dipole oscillations of a spherical N=Z nucleus are derived in terms of the ground state properties of the system. Numerical results are presented for 160, using harmon- ic oscillator single-particle wave functions. We begin by assuming knowledge of the HF solution for an N=Z nucleus possessing spherical symmetry. For such a system (in the absence of Coulomb forces), the density and pressure tensor a functions of the radius only a r)(8.1) In general, radial symmetry implies that II possesses only the property that it must be invariant under rotations about 124 the radial direction, that is, that the two directions perpendicular to the radius vector at any point equivalent. are However, as is found to be very nearly the case in actual Hartree-Fock calculations,24 and as will be seen to be true in the harmonic oscillator model of 160 discussed below, we assume H to be isotropic 0(8.3) where 1 is the unit tensor, given by ij- 6 and P0 a function of ij Irl only. To treat the isoscalar quadrupole oscillations, we assume that the protons and neutrons move together in an irrotational, incompressible flow pattern given by -6 ) ( -(Ae,(-The velocity potential, $, =; .64 V % (8.4) is given by (8.5) and a is a small time dependent quantity, independent of position, in which the hydrodynamic equations are to be linearized. While the validity of such an assumption may be 125 questioned, for it is known that nuclear inertias are not given by their irrotational values,37 it has been shown that irrotational flow provides an upper estimate of the true RPA frequency. 1 3 ,38 Note that the velocity field v(r) is given by C?*) VO V y)(8.6) and is irrotational (8.7) and incompressible (8.8) implying - Q (8.9) From Equation (4.42) for the convective velocity field u (r), we have - U(8.10) Following the form of the assumed wave function in the RPA equations (2.47), we put O ( /2 (8.11) 126 (6p is independent of T, as protons and neutrons move together) and linearize the continuity equation to obtain - . 0" 4-- (8.12) which is satisfied by n ) A linearization of the momentum equation a&r+ (8.13) j V. Vs_+ (4.44), results in . v;A.,+ VA (8.14) 4~Trh 77St V(t rf N where, since protons and neutrons move together, the subscript T is superfluous, and will henceforth be dropped. Taking the inner product of (8.14) with the velocity field and integrating over all space, we obtain, after several integrations by parts (8.15) 2/Y (mTr A)g7 ~r7C-) rrTF7 Moo 127 where the tensor A is defined as 41 0 -- 01(16 (8.16) and the quadrupole mass, M2, is defined as t~8 4 Trfl(8.17) - A<rl> The mean-square radius is defined as fr, rL p (r) and A = (8.18) N+Z=2N is the number of nucleons. From the definitions of A p (4 Gu so that (8.15) becomes and C T 2i: , we have p (8.19) (8.20) 128 - dr Tr SV -1 4t +A /aP 1) ) - f Vg-2 ) '4if --- - WcV-"O V ) Vp'f-' --- 1 + Maa t -a . V )Tr (8.21) oet or, after rearrangement, Maz ) 4- -. J (8.22) - rvp~ir SV From (8.13) we have V 2.( Iro Vro ) ubm ) f OtIr dw=W Cal 3 100 while, using (8.6) (V6rp V1L(L 7) 4 .23) (8 129 )Y p ( ' (8.25) where the prime denotes differentiation with respect to rI, so that (8.23) becomes (8.26) Z Vrr) AL2 (8.22) becomes d + - r +rpt (8.27) ) Using the fact that trA=O, We now turn to evaluating the variation of the pressure tensor. As all second derivatives of v tion (5,,i9), the irrotational truncation) demands tion (4.45). C> . are zero,Equa=0 in Equa- Furthermore, it is clear that 6H is linear in Indeed, linearizing Equation (4.45) gives IMMvP0 )I SIT 4 Puw~ + 130 (8.28) vz VC)) ( 22 -& lv ( 40.4& A so that . P,,, 4J A 0 / taw as 4M (8.29) ~1i% Pv. ) -. (vp'+ From (4.4c) (8.30) so that ^2 mnow fr r.. T r 41 %mom t r ' -A Cer P q (1 0 f L&)( Vol/ qlp ) . (7A%(.8.31) 131 where we have integrated by parts (one or twice) all terms in the square brackets, and have used = 424 M .0" (8.32) Simplifying (8.31), we obtain ~ rx1 mofm'own4 f 062 Gal pv (.8.33) We now treat more explicitly the brackets in Equation (8.33). The second integral is p, ak 1% mom rawY ay ) roj ( X OMMOM ZT Jtr3r (8.34) 132 But (8.35) so that (8.34) becomes (8.36) where we have defined the cosine of the polar angle (8.37) The angular integral is easily done, to give 167r/5, so that (8.36) becomes (.8.38) or integrating by parts, we obtain CO CO r)j a 0 o (8.39) 133 Similarly, the first integral may be done to give (8.40) f Combining (8.40) with (8.34), (8.33) becomes (8.41) +V Inserting (8.41) into (8.27), we obtain co (8.42) Equation (8.42) describes the equation of motion for a simple harmonic oscillator with coordinate a, and frequency of quadrupole oscillation, W 2 , given by <L 3 f &0+rpip) O d' r)p4(8.43) 0 0 0 134 The quadrupole frequency has thus been found in terms of the properties of the ground state HF solution. The terms in (8.43) may naturally be associated with the pressure and effective mass, ground state correlations, and a surface term. Before explicitly evaluating (8.43) for 160, we treat the case of iso-vector dipole (giant dipole) lations. oscil- In this mode, the protons are imagined to oscil- late ff radians out of phase with the neutrons, with a flow pattern given by a dipole velocity field. Thus, for spheri- cal N=Z nucleus, (r t 4,-e eVc ~(8.44) where the velocity potential $ is given by I Tr (8.45) and the velocity field is (8.46) The convective velocity field for protons is given by (4.42) as (8 .47) 135 or using (4.46) (8.48) ( +t".-' Using the fact that v is incompressible and irrotational, we have, from Equation (8.48) V VP (LAt (8.49) (8.50) - As in the quadrupole case, we now proceed to linearize the hydrodynamic equations. The continuity equation reads, for protons ~ (8.51) or, when linearized, with (8.48) gives ((8.53) The momentum equation may also be linearized to give for protons 136 :P. V + v2 6A AV + Le 2 7? p 7AO (8.54) +/a Tr Th Using c,+(Tr 7T)V =po (8.52) and the fact that (8.55) ~77 we have, from the definitions of A 6 and Cp, P ~(8.56) (8.57) Dotting the velocity field into (8.54), integrating over all space, and integrating by parts, we obtain M [6-tAp ,Py -V4,(.5 )Ap f ONE y CQ3Vsr7>/ (8.58) ( P)TrsY"7T o 137 or, using (8.56) ;14 J43r - tt ~v +0x-VZ.)SP Tr9Y Iy, 2. O1-V P "9 Tr lT ) M, -Ulm= Vylvpo) SP -. .6 - Pp m Simplifying, we obtain j Mr. VP.) + POA ) ( + fsir (8.59) , C'V)/ 'P. 4. Tr Si P(-p> 'P O") 0 . where tie fd3r 5t- From (4.45), we have, upon linearizing (8.60) 138 r 1, 2. N L --ftC P. 4.~ ( -"V)*r-Te frTC V-,Vcp) g 4f VA (~) a + 4%WA Vd, (f 0 v.) (8.61) 72-(p ) t , *Vr I or 2.. 9% !..P CO, vp ) ,p V 0 ) ( -oktr ) P Using Equations (8.47-8.50), -6r 8" P@Y + Cl r1 .8.62) v)(AV ) (i00P -6 (8.62) becomes CA (j+-tPWZ)CiA-eo) -f a t jv(- 11 (8.63) ( ID) +.WON* , ,1~ (itv)(fV) (4 Inserting (8.63) into (8.60) and using (8.53) we obtain 139 ) 4tj eO/Z) M 0 5 It T N VP +5a+ are (8.64) I ScL'* 9P, I i-m/4 p V done ogP) The angular integrals are simply done to give ft ( (+ me+)) P"f r (v~a)7~ $t3+ Po p 1um Equation P. Ljt C1 . +m /*,4) OD I' r1k)v o( 43t4p (8.65) ) 410%,2t OvY7 (8.65) describes the harmonic motion of the ampli- tude a(t). = M Lid1 (Ot C I +>V 1 ) +tPO ) The frequency of oscillation is given by 0 '~A PO'Ig '(qumim3t TA 14T+P)POI % r Muma ) I -t it I P. r 7- 4 )rI R' (r/ (8.66) 140 The frequency of the dipole mode has thus been reduced to an evaluation of the ground state properties of the nucleus. Note that W 2 is non-linear in the Skyrme parameters, as is expected of a general solution to the RPA equations. We now turn to an evaluation of Equations (8.43) and (8.66) in the case of 160. As is known to be the case from actual HF calculations,25 the single particle wave functions in the interior of this closed shell nucleus are accurately described by eigenfunctions of an isotropic harmonic oscillator, so that the single particle HF hainiltonian may be taken to be . -++r (8.67) 2. 160 has 4 nucleons (2 protons and 2 neutrons) in the OS1/2 orbital, 4 in the OP orbital, and 8 (4 protons and 4 neutrons) in the OP 3 / 2 orbital. The normalized spatial wave-functions are given by 3 9 (1) - rz (8.68a) 141 with the square of the oscillator length, y, given by It with m the nucleon mass. /(8.69) Note that there are, of course, 3 spatial wave functions for the p-shell (each containing 4 nucleons), denoted by P ,P ,Pz. From the wave functions (8.68), the ground state density may be constructed )~ ~ +I (/p(PIi 1Gpjn I~(~I (I*% ~~~o 3/Trgr 1~ (8.70) as may be the pressure tensor, HQ tropic which is found to be iso- (consistent with the assumption at the beginning of this chapter) and given by () & (8.71a) We will choose the oscillator length, y, so as to minimize the energy of 16 0. 21 The resultant 142 ground state must then be very nearly the HF solution. From (8.70), the mean-square radius of 160 is given by rl-> 6 (8.72) (8.73) A minimization of the energy gives a value of y of =~Oe332 S-> From Equations (8.74) (8.70-8.71), the integrals required for the evaluation of W 2 from Equation (8.43) may now be calculated 0D (8.75a) fdL,,gPoo 0 51 vNET (V7 (8.75b) 143 (8.75c) (8.75d) so that (8.43) becomes zs,z -d 3*6 ---f- 2-6 Tr "-Now" -v-Z Zr I.Ir ( A)[ VL-T (8.76) -M + to T, z Vrz- 7 T VS" where we have used, from (8.17) and (8.70) (8.77) ML Equation (8.76) may be simplified to yield a ?.J[.f 77T, Evaluating (8.78) with the SKM III parameters listed in (8.78) 144 Table I and using Equation (8.74), for y, we have (8.79) An equation similar to (8.78) has been obtained previously under the assumption that the quadrupole oscillations of the nucleus were due to a scale transformation 40 of the wave functions. However, the term non-linear in the Skyrme parameters (t2 ) was not obtained. This term, however, is a small shift in the frequency, and omitting it yields Equaticr (8-79) to 3 places. The final result is in excellent agreement with generator coordinate calculations and the experimental value.4 1 We turn now to the evaluation of the giant dipole oscillations. The integrals required for the evaluation of (8.66) are (IPpA (8.80a) (8.80b) 'PfJ ap 04rJb ~~/ 7g'03 (8.80c) 145 a*~ (UI0S 2 v '?~' r~cb~ (8.80d) ,2"2 Tr CO (8.80e) w 91? (8.80f) 4S Tr (7r(,)74 a vv 00 -wZ s-z8r , (V-POL)v ( 8 . 8 0g) (8.80h) 0l ~ so that (8.66) becomes 1331Tr (4)75 (8.80i) 146 T L'r.' (T 4 (1 ) S~4)] 1,bVI An evaluation of (8.81) with the SKM III parameters of Table I yields I4 2t AeJ (8.82) This value is considerably larger than the accepted . experimental value of 23 MeV7 Equations (8.79) and (8.82) provide estimates for the isoscalar quadrupole and giant dipole frequencies of 160. They were derived under specific assumptions for the nuclear velocity fields, and the extent to which they are a valid approximation to the exact RPA solutions depends upon the validity of those assumptions. Of course, it is also possible to directly seek solutions to the eigenvalue problem obtained by linearizing Equations (4.43-4.45) about the HF ground state, thus obtaining a more precise solution to the truncated problem. It is encouraging to note that the giant 147 dipole frequency lies above the experimental result for, as discussed above, the value (8.82) must be considered an upper bound. 148 Cha pter 9 ISO-SCALAR SHOCKS IN NUCLEAR MATTER The preceeding chapters have dealt with the solutions of the truncated TDHF equations in cases in which the equations were linearized about a static HF solution. However, for situations of interest in heavy ion reactions and fission, large amplitude dynamics must be dealt with, requiring the retention of the full non-linearity of the equations. This chapter presents an example of such a treatment. We consider the case of one-dimensional iso- scalar hydrodynamics treated in Chapter 6, and so discuss reactions between slabs of nuclear matter. Such reactions involve the formation of shock waves, whose kinematics we treat analytically in each of the four truncation approximations discussed in Chapter 5. While one-dimensional hydrodynamics may seem somewhat removed from situations actually encountered in heavy-ion physics, such a system actually bears upon two questions of interest. First, it might be expected to approximate the dynamics in head-on collisions of very large nuclei, indicating the maximum densities attainable in such collisions, and so having direct bearing upon the possibility of the formation of abnormal nuclear matter. 42 Second, the TDHF equations have 149 recently been solved for Skyrme type forces in the case of colliding slabs.12 A comparison of such solutions with the hydrodynamic calculations presented here will demonstrate the range of validity of the various truncation procedures proposed and possibly indicate new ones. The type of initial conditions we shall consider are shown in Figure 4a. Two very thick slabs of nuclear matter, with the characteristic diffuse surface, initially move toward one another with relative velocity 2U0, the left hand side at velocity +U0, the right at -U0 . As the slabs come into contact, center. matter begins to pile up in the After a long time, the situation will be similar to that shown in Figure 4b. reached a density pc The central region, will have rpo dependent upon U0 , and the fluid in this region will then have zero velocity. Larger values of U0 will, of course, produce larger values of r. Some distance to the right (and left) of this central region will be a transition region, in which the density falls from p to P , and the velocity changes from U=O to U=-U. 0 0 velocity changes to +U (The at the left hand shock, of course.) The exact density profile in this region, which translates outward from the origin at shock speed s', depends, as will be seen below, upon the nature of the two-body force. classical calculation, such a profile is related to the viscosity.34 Adjacent to the transition region is an In a 150 asymptotic region, in which the fluid moves leftward, as yet unperturbed. The shock speed s' need not be equal to the fluid speed U0 , but is instead related to U0 and pc by the need to conserve matter as it streams into the central region. In the subsequent treatment, it will be convenient to work in a different frame of motion, i.e. that moving with velocity U0 to the left. The central region now moves with velocity U0 to the right, while the shock speed s=s'-U . The matter in the rightward asymptotic region now appears to be at rest, as is shown in Figure 4c. We begin our discussion of the kinematics with the equations governing the motion of the density and velocity fields. From Equations (6.1 ) and (6.2) we have (9.1) h (9.2) where the notation has been introduced in Chapter 6. the special case being considered For 151 = yf A ta (9.3) - Z (9.5) In addition, as discussed in Chapter 6, we have 7 (9.6a) 70 7(9.6b) (9.6c) so that (9.2) may be rearranged to give (9.7) Y Noting that the left side is a perfect differential, we can see that (9.7) simply expresses the conservation of momentum, since, if the density and H vanish at z = -o (to allow dropping surface terms), an integration of (9.7) over all space gives 152 (9.8) In order to proceed further, it is simplest to In particular, assume a specific form for the solution. if a steady state has been reached, in the frame moving leftward at speed u0 , the shock profile, velocity, and pressure fields will be functions of a single variable w = z-st, i.e. the shock translates rightward at speed s. Hence, we have the transcriptions (g) (9.9a) yaw (9.9b) so that Equations (9.1) and (9.7) may be readily integrated to yield + 41L 7T* 7T + My/ %p ?U (9.10) C -t pt CLo (9.11) Here, CCp and Cu are integration constants, and as all fields 153 are now functions of w, primes denote differentiation with respect to this variable. To evaluate CP, we consider W-+ +M, . where, in the frame we are working in, U=0, p=p0 Thus, from (9.10) so that OA ~ (9.12) Equation (9.12) gives the relation between s and u due to mass conservation mentioned at the beginning of the chapter. Cu may also be evaluated by considering w-++o. Since in this region we have unperturbed nuclear matter, the pressure tensor is given by (cf. 1 Equation (7.3)) -I (9.13) so that for large w, where the derivatives of all fields vanish, Equation (9.11) gives which, by comparing with Equation (7.7) is found to be 154 For the case of colliding slabs of nuclear matter, C u =0. Substituting (9.12) into (9.11) and rearranging gives (9.15) 8 r2. With a given truncation procedure, hence a specification of fI, (9.15) yields two pieces of information. W+-o, Evaluated at (actually a value of w corresponding to the central region) where p=pc, U=U , and all derivatives are zero, we may solve for s as a function of pc and hence use (9.12) to find UO as a function of pc. known, In addition, once s is (9.15) may be used to furnish a differential equation determining the shock profile p as a function of w. We first proceed through the four truncation procedures discussed in previous chapters, evaluating the shock parameters not only for nuclear matter with the Skyrme force, but also for the case of a non-interacting system. A. The Thomas-Fermi Approximation We begin with the Thomas-Fermi approximation, for which 155 so that (9.15) becomes (9.16) where we have identified pz-s/Dp for nuclear matter from Equation (7.7), and have dropped the last term involving derivatives, consistent with the discussion of energy conservation in Chapter 6. For the central region, (9.16) gives 4- PrP, (9.17) PC Note that for weak shocks, p c -MAW"j) P0 , and (9.17) becomes Ab(9.18) i.e. the shock speed approaches the long wavelength sound speed computed in the same approximation (cf. (7.17). Equation 156 For the non-interacting system so that (9.17) becomes rr/ and from (9.12) Figures 5 and 6 shows s and u as functions of r for the noninteracting system in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. B. The Isotropic Approximation In the case of the isotropic truncation procedure, we have (9.18) Tr3P 157 so that (9.15) becomes f2f- P /> fi)+ +2 *y 0 3((9.19) - & + P/S ( p') + ( -- In order to evaluate P, it is most convenient to use the equation for energy conservation, Equation (6.Z) S yAP +44 P/y) (9.20) D3 where . YaTTTVOjp)+tpUt (9.21) When (9.2U) is integrated with respect to w, we have 42 @/& (, L + U P/ )+.. >A + Cf (9.22) 158 C , the constant of integration,imay easily be evaluated by taking w-*+ resulting in -t = ot Inserting the explicit form of A, (9.23) (9.5), into (9.22), and using (9.12) for U, we may solve for P, to obtain LO LID) (p)+ D,JPa+ p3(ppo ', 4, ' 9 . 2 4) with (9.25a) +tZP3 -3-01 101P) /(0 (Z (9.25b) ) - I fO>lp 5, 1), fF) A (I - ZP)z 4t?) Ch- With It (9 .24 ), Equat ion (9.25c) (9.25d) (9.25e) ) P I tP P PC ( D3jy?) 1) LP~) SC f -Pr/I - Pur )) (9.19) may be rearranged to give 159 , 3 9 (_ -E + ; WBr(I + 4Do (r) Q - 54 f ) (9.26) ) +g3 -0-IrPIP) a ic (P) I + P In order to compute the shock speed, we evaluate (9.26) in the central region to obtain D0,9) (9.27) In contrast to the Thomas-Fermi approximation, the variation of the pressure is independent of that of p, so that it is useful to define a "heat" energy per nucleon, 6, 160 given by 43 3u(9.28) i.e. we have subtracted the "cold" energy from the total energy. As in the Thomas-Fermi case, it is helpful to consider the non-interacting system. From (9.25), we have -c (9.29a) (9.25b) ((9.29c) (6 0 (9.29d) so that (9.27) becomes 4 $,. For weak shocks, r+l and s+kf/vI approximation. (9.30) 4- r , as in the Thomas-Fermi Thus, for weak shocks, at least, the iso- tropic and Thomas-Fermi approximations agree. interesting that at pc = 4p 0 It is also , the shock speed becomes infin- ite, as does the fluid velocity, given by Equation (9.12) as 161 -r (9.31) j As is a well-known result in classical physics43 for the adiabatic shock of a perfect gas, no matter how violent the collision, the maximum density attainable is four times the initial density. (9.28), Equations The heating is also calculable from (9.24), and (9.30), and is given by L-/3 (9.32) This is positive definite for r1l and approaches w as r+4. Figures 5-7 show s,u, and G as functions of r for the noninteracting system with the isotropic truncation. C. The Classical Approximation We now turn to the classical truncation procedure. Because this differs from the isotropic one only in the treatment of the pressure tensor, we expect D 1 and D Equation (9.24) of (which now becomes an equation for H zz) to be different, but D 2 'D3 'D 4 remain as given by Equations (9.25c-e). results in A treatment similar to the isotropic case 162 IF =(9.33) +-D~ (p/] with I AfF/2. Qf) D+ fj) tT (9.34a) (. / (9.34b) The transverse component of the pressure tensor, Hl" must be evaluated from the equation governing its dynamics, Equation (6. 3 ) ,which may be integrated in the present case to yield PO _(9.35) or, using (9.12) (9.36) Thus, in thisapproximation, the transverse pressure is tied to the density, flowing along with it. given by (9.27) with D The shock speed is and D1 replaced by D' and D given by an equation similar to (9.27), and the heat energy is replaced by 163 =JT4 +-TA a.q-~ -oL (_is 5f/ (9.37) zP-'o In the case of the non-interacting system, we have (9 .38a) (9.38b) // D? (PL)zf" -gPO/(r)2 (9.38c) so that (9.27) gives + r ,-~- (9.39) 2.+_ and so (r (A , 7T~ 1) 'h 2r-J 2~r and Vs-T_?U - 0"0'"1 (%C) (9.40) (9.41) 164 ..oft0( () i --al3 rr (9.42) Again, as can be seen from (9.39), as r-l, s approaches the speed of sound, /3/5 kf, computed in this approximation. In contrast to the isotropic case, however, the maximum density attainable is now only twice the initial density. D. The Irrotational Approximation The irrotational truncation is essentially the same as the classical, though the coefficients D3 and D4 will change due to the assumption that As these coefficients are not necessary for the computation of s and u as functions of r, the irrotational truncation results in shock parameters identical to those of the classical truncation, though due to a modification of the derivative terms, the shock profile is expectedto be different. As can be seen from Figures 5-6, for the noninteracting system, the various truncations of the TDHF equations result in very different shock kinematics. The isotropic and Thomas-Fermi truncations give similar parameters for weak shocks, but for strong shocks, rt2, the 165 isotropic truncation pumps energy into heating the gas than compressing it further. Thus, for a given initial velocity, the isotropic truncation has a lower central density. The classical truncation "heats" much more rapidly than either of the others, and so attains a far lower maximum density. For the interacting system, the shock parameters computed with the SKM II force are shown in Figures 7-9. The basic trends evident in the non-interacting system remain, though there are, of course, quantitative differences. The maximum density attainable in the isotropic truncation is 1.92p value is 1.59p . , while the classical or irrotational Note also that at p = 1.51p :in the iso- tropic and at pc = 1.41 in the classical and irrotational (corresponding to bombarding energies of 10.4 and 14.4 MeV/ nucleon respectively in the center of mass system) the nuclei in the central region become unbound. The classical and irrotational discussions given above for the interacting system contain somewhat more information than might be obvious at first glance, for the following reason. Note that as far as the shock kinematics are concerned, the specification of the reduced heat flow tensor, Q-, was irrelevant. It might be argued that, as discussed in Chapter 6, by allowing only zzz to be non- 166 zxx and zero, we have neglected the influence of ing the results dependent upon the truncation. zyy, mak- However, the inclusion of these moments does not affect the diszxx zy cussion above for, by symmetry, Q" and :)y must vanish in the central region, while they are certainly zero in the asymptotic region. As the relations above were derived by a comparison between these two regions, they are exact. Thus, provided the system being considered is large enough to exhibit shock-like behavior, Equations(9.27, 9.34) are exact expressions for the shock speed and central density in terms of the initial velocity. With the SKM III force, will never give a central density larger than 1.59p . then, a 1-dimensional TDHF calculation of isoscalar nuclei As a final topic in this chapter, we consider shock profiles in the Thomas-Fermi approximation. From Equation (9.16) we have, with Cu=0 0 PF p(9.44) where s 2 is to be computed in terms of pc from Equation (9.17). Using the identity w "000 a(9.45) where p' is ce is considered a function of p, (9.44) may be 167 integrated on p to give (9.46) 2.+- where X is an integration constant. To determine the integration constant, consistent with the discussions in the previous chapters we require the right hand side of (9.46) to be zero (at least a single zero) at both p=p 0 and p=p C. However, with a single parameter available, ., this is impossible. We may force (9.46) to vanish only at p0 or pc, but not both. (9.44), at both p=p In addition, from (9.17) and and p=pc we have Hence, if p' = 0 at either of these points, the right hand side of (9.46) will have a double root at the same point and the density will approach that value as an exponential in w. In summary then, we are forced to choose between a shock profile exponentially approaching p0 as , with a dis- ing pc as w+-0- with a discontinuity in derivative at p=p . continuity in derivative at p=p c, or exponentially approach- Neither choice is necessarily physical, and the failure to obtain solutions continuous in both value and first derivative may signal the fact that a stable shock profile does not exist.44 Nonetheless, it is still interesting to examine 168 the form of the solutions. To this end, we choose the solution exponentially approaching p so that A in (9.46) is chosen to be (9.47) Equation (9.46) may then be integrated by standard techniques 45 to find p as a function of w (we choose p=p 0 at w=0). The resultant shock profiles are shown in Figures 8 and 9. Note that the shock becomes steeper as the strength becomes larger, and that the 10%-90% rise distance is typically 1-2 fm. In summary, we have investigated shock solutions to the truncated TDHF equations in the case of one-dimensional iso-scalar flow. The kinematics were investigated in all truncation procedures and found to yield markedly different results. The irrotational and classical approximations were shown to yield exact (in the sense of reproducing the TDHF results) relations for the shock speed and impact velocity in terms of the central density. The shock profile was investigated in the Thomas-Fermi approximation and no continuous solution found, possibly indicating no stable shock profile exists. For the most physical discontinuous solution, the shock front was found to be 1-2 fm in thickness, with the 169 thickness larger for weaker shocks. 170 Chapter 10 SUMMARY This work has explored the meaning and interpretation of the Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock equations. It was &OAn that the Wigner function satisfies a non-local Vlasov-like equation governing its motion in phase space. For zero- range two-body forces of the Skyrme form, the equation becomes local, and successive moments in the momentum variable satisfy hydrodynamic-like equations. The problem of truncation the hydrodynamic hierarchy of equations was considered, and four prescriptions presented for specifying higher moments of the Wigner function in terms of the lower ones. These prescriptions were shown to be consistent with almost all quantities conserved by the original TDHF equations, except that the Wigner function does not necessarily remain one which describes a Slater determinant. The various forms of truncation were then tested in a number of physical situations utilizing the Skyrme III force. Expressions were derived for the dispersion relations for both isoscalar and isovector sound waves in nuclear matter, and interpretations given for the physical meaning of the several truncations. Both isoscalar quadrupole and giant 171 dipole resonances of spherical N=Z nuclei were treated and expressions derived, under the assumption of incompressible irrotational flow, for the frequencies of these modes in terms of the ground state nuclear properties. These expressions were then applied to 160 using harmonic oscillator single-particle wave functions. Excellent re- sults were obtained for the isoscalar quadrupole excited frequency, and a result consistent with an upper bound for the giant dipole frequency was obtained. As a final application, the kinematics of shock waves expected to occur in heavy ion reactions was discussed for colliding slabs of nuclear matter. Expressions were derived for the maximum density attainable and the shock speed as a function of bombarding energy, and it was shown that two of the truncations lead to an exact description of the expected TDHF results. The matter of the shock profile in the Thomas-Fermi approximation was also considered, and it was shown that no continuous profile existed. For a physically reasonable discontinuous profile, it was shown that the shock front extends over a region of 1-2 fermi, the profile becoming steeper at higher bombarding energies. As stated in the introduction, verification and extension of the ideas presented in this work must come from two sources. lations. The first, is, of course, actual TDHF calcu- The formalism and insights presented here offer 172 the possibility of an interpretation of these calculations. At the same time, it will be important to ascertain to what extent the hydrodynamic description presented here is compatible with the actual behavior of the TDHF solutions. The second source will be the actual physical situations amenable to a hydrodynamic interpretation, such as fission and heavy ion reactions, and whether or not the equations presented here offer the possibility of an accurate description of such processes. The few analytical cal- culations presented here offer some hope that these equations describe sensible physical phenomena, but the final arbitermust, of course, be the experimental results. 173 References 1. A. Bohr and B. Mottleson, The Many Facets of Nuclear Structure in Annual Review of Nuclear Science, Vol. 23, E. Segre, ed., (Annual Reviews, Inc., 1973)p. 363. 2. G.E. Brown, Unified Theory of Nuclear Models and Forces, (North-Holland, 1971), Chapter 4. 3. A.L. Fetter and J.D. Walecka, Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems, (McGraw Hill, 1971). 4. A.J. Sierk and J.R. 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Figure 2 The isoscalar dispersion relations for sound in nuclear matter calculated with the SKM III force. The various ap- Figure 3 The isovector dispersion relations for sound in nuclear matter with the SKM III force. The curves are labelled as in Figure 2. Figure 4 . a) The initial conditions in the center of mass frame corresponding to two very thick colliding slabs of nuclear matter. b) The expected configuration at times long after the collision has taken place. c) Figure 4b as seen in a frame moving leftward at speed U Figure 5 The shock speed and fluid velocity for the non-interacting system as a function of the density in the central region. The labelling of the curves is as in Figure 2. The irrotational result is identical with the classical result. Figure 6 The internal energy per nucleon and heating in the region behind the shock for non-interacting nuclear matter as a function of the central density. The curves labelled e give the internal energy, with the various approximations indicated as in Figure 2. Those labelled e give the heat energy per nucleon in the central region. Energies are measured in units of 6%, the internal energy per nucleon in the region preceeding the shock. 177 Figure 7 The shock velocity, in units of the speed of light, as a function of central density for nuclear matter with the SKM III force. The coding of the curves is as in Figure 2. The irrotational approximation gives results identical to those of the classical approximation. The maximum central density attainable in the isotropic approximation is 1.92PO, while in the classical approximation, it is 1.59PO. The curves have a value at p=po of the isoscalar sound speed computed in the corresponding approximation. Figure 8 Same as Figure 7, but for the fluid velocity. The righthand ordinate indicates the center of mass kinetic energy per nucleon corresponding to the fluid velocity. Figure 9 Same as Figure 6, but for nuclear matter with the SKM III force. The curves labelled e now indicate binding energy per nucleon. Note that the isotropic approximation predicts the nucleons behind the shock will become unbound at a density of 1.51PO while the classical trunction gives 1.41PO. Figure 10 Shock profiles for various shock strengths in'the ThomasFermi approximation for the SKM III force. The curves are labelled by r, the ratio of the central density to the equilibrium density. Figure 11 The 10%-90% rise distance of the shock profile as a function of shock strength for the SKM III force. 178 Table I SKM III FORCE PARAMETERS2 2 = -1128.75 MeV -fm 3 x = .45 t = 14000.0 MeV -fm 6 t = 395.0 MeV -fm 5 t = -95.0 MeV -fm 5 t+ = t 1 + t 2 = 300.0 MeV -fm 5 t = t.-. t2 = 490.0 MeV -fm5 t = (3t1 + 5t 2 )/16 = 44.38 MeV -fm 5 t = (3t1 - 5t 2)/16 = 103.8 MeV -fm 5 t 0 179 - 15 0 (MeV) -5- -IC -15 -~ .05 .10 r F*M15 L .15 .20.25.3 p (IWJueois/;.?) 180 I I I I I I U. I I I I I S 0 4 S p a a 3 e a x, Is C' * 0 *ole eOl 01 C I I I I I I I I~~~~ I I Fig re I 2. I I I I 3 I I 181 -*; e io. -4b . * * ---- S 4/S Figure 3 182 a.)0 P0 icc Cetr&j I trct'nSdgAIO AY rejtjv% repIo reluuiv C)RI %P F/IYtr e 4- Gilebp .1 183 I I I I S / I I I I ,iLL I 0I / / 3'- 1 I I I IS I 0 00 "401 I / 00 0 I PC. /Po 3 F/gure 5- +- 184 r low z/e 185 100101 F'oS 08 /s .L1 I r t /y-/ /, t 186 I 1 I 4-00 I ~/10 p 1-/ /000 I 1.0 12. --- AI 1.4lo Fip&re 8 16 1 -4 187 i I I i I I 9 18h"- I' it I I I I. i i I 0 ill lli ill lli ljllI III III II III III~ iilI I '4 I!, MEM seam\ ME NU won& SI wow W411 swoop 01101010" 4 "/lAw 2 WOO 00/0- .6 1'4 Io r P. f ciC~ Cf li.s 188 3.6 - .... Fl urC /0 189 - I3 Fguce 1) 190 Biographical Note The author was born on December 12, 1951 in Brooklyn, New York. He attended Stuyvesant High School in New York City, graduating in June, 1968. The following September, he entered Cal Tech where he is undoubtably remembered by his peers mor for his performances as a rock organist than for his physics. A memor- able senior year included an experimental thesis under Borje Persson on radiative electron capture, a theoretical project in nuclear astrophysics with Tom Tombrello, teaching a section of freshman physics, and the courting of his future wife, Laurie Card. He received the Bachelor of Science degree in June, 1972, winning the George Green Memorial Award for creative scholarship. In September, 1972, he entered the graduate school at M.I.T. as a National Science Foundation Gratuate Fellow. Interspersed with idyllic summers in the New Mexico mountains of Los Alamos, his work here with Arthur Kerman has included such topics as a formal description of the quasi-equilibrium reaction mechanism and various formulations of dissipation in nuclear collective motion. He leaves M.I.T. expecting to divide the next two years between Cal Tech and the Niels Bohr Institute.