A HOUSING SYSTEM: A STUDY BASED ON THE PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE MOBILE HOME INDUSTRY. By: DUANE A. KELL Bachelor of Architecture, University of Minnesota (1969) CRAIG E. RAFFERTY Bachelor of Arts, University of Minnesota (1970) Bachelor of Architecture, University of Minnesota (1970) Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE, ADVANCED STUDIES At the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, 1972 Al / 1/I Authors .. . A .. r . 10 r........................ Departmepkof Architecture . . Deparjment of Architecp4re Certified by Thesis Advisor Accepted by Chairman J1epartmental Committee on Graduate Students Arcnives E NSs. srST. JUN 2 7 1972 I 9 )ES May 26, 1972 Institute Archivist Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dear Sir: This is to acknowledge that the drawings of this thesis do not conform to the standard format set by the Institute. The authors assume all responsibility for any damages occurring during the binding process. Re ectfully, Duane A. Kpil Craig Ej afferty Eduardo Catalano, Thesis Advisor May 26, 1972 Dean William Porter School of Architecture and Planning Massachusetts Institute of Technology Dear Dean Porter: In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture, Advanced Studies, we hereby submit this thesis entitled: A HOUSING SYSTEM: A STUDY BASED ON THE PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE MOBILE HOME INDUSTRY. Respetfully, Duane A. K91l1 Craig E. Rafferty f 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the following people who assisted in the development of this thesis: Professor Eduardo Catalano, Thesis Advisor Department of Architecture Professor Arthur D. Bernhardt Department of Architecture Professor Waclaw P. Zalewski Department of Architecture This thesis is dedicated to Callie and Kathy. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Letter of submittal Acknowledgements Table of contents 1 2 3 4 Abstract Introduction Areas of Concern and Design Constraints 6 8 10 COMPONENTS AND DESIGN MODULES Interior Components Exterior Components Design Modules Modular Unit Framing Expansion Unit Framing Entry / Storage Expansion Framing Unit Sections 13 DESIGN MODULE COMBINATIONS UNIT VARIATIONS 56' Unit Variations 56' Unit Plans Unit Description 63' and 70' Unit Variations 63' Unit Plan 70' Unit Plans 31 35 Split Unit Variations Split Unit Plans Split Unit Description EXPANSION TECHNOLOGY DETAILS AND UNIT ELEVATION STUDY Detail Key Unit Sections Expansion Module Details Entry / Storage Expansion Details Module Connection Details Elevations 79 SITE PLANNING 91 MODEL PHOTOGRAPHS 105 Bibliography 112 AT rlia USK IUTAA 47 Al 1 ' M 6 ABSTRACT A HOUSING SYSTEM: A STUDY BASED ON THE PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE MOBILE HOME INDUSTRY By Duane A. Kell Craig E. Rafferty Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 26, 1972 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture, Advanced Studies. This thesis is intended to develop within the mobile home industry an increased responsiveness to user needs through an understanding of the elements necessary for improved design quality within a living unit. The written section provides a brief overview of the mobile home industry, establishes areas of concern, long range potentials, and the constraints within which the design proposal is made. The design proposal demonstrates how modular coordination of basic living elements and a simple expansion technology can generate many combinations called modules. Using eighteen sample modules and varying exterior components, the proposal illustrates the many unit variations possible, and demonstrates new site planning concepts generated by these units. Thesis Supervisor: Eduardo F. Catalano Title: Professor of Architecture I'l' I Ai Existing technology and production capabilities of the mobile home industry 7 I Modular coordination and organization of existing product I . I I Capabilities of expansion of basic shipping module Combination of modular coordination and capabilities of expansion based on user needs w F7 Emphasis on exterior components based on user needs Development of unit planning Development of site planning SCHEMATIC ABSTRACT LeII 11 8 INTRODUCTION The housing industry is composed of three sections: the traditional building industry, the manufactured building industry, and the mobile home industry. They differ primarily in their organizational structures and their production techniques. They are similar in their end product, a dwelling unit. Of the total number of new dwelling units produced each year, the mobile home industry produces roughly half. Clearly it is the mobile home industry that has the largest impact on the housing market. The underlying reasons for this success as a producer of housing are briefly as follows: - Cost performance and production efficiency - Managerial structure, organization as industrial process - Procurement capabilities, bulk purchasing, etc. - Efficiency in use of time and materials, factory control, repetition, etc. - Uniform performance code (nationally accepted) - Distribution networks, producer - distributor - dealer - consumer - Political structure and lobbying strength The industry has a product that has grown out of a need for low cost single-family dwellings in a nation that is confronting an increasing housing crisis and continuing inflation. Unfortunately, the stigma associated with thoughts of "low cost and low income" has affected broad public acceptance. This low public acceptance level 9 reflects itself in public policy towards taxation, building codes, zoning, and highway regulations that limit further growth of the industry. Zoning, for example, usually places the mobile home in undesirable and isolated areas that are far removed from urban problems and that produce sub-optimum sociological conditions. This, in turn, simply serves to lower the public acceptance level. It seems obvious that improved public acceptance and creation of an image of the mobile home asa viable living alternative is needed. Of the many steps necessary to achieve a higher level of public acceptance, improved design quality is one of the first. It is the area dealt with in this thesis. 10 AREAS OF CONCERN AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS There are three overriding areas that are important in evaluating the implications of improved design quality. They are: the factors that affect user needs; the factors that affect quality; and, the factors that affect visual aesthetics. Analysis of all of the factors such as circulation, mechanical systems, size of spaces, natural light, etc., must generate a design that concentrates on establishing relationships between the exterior of the mobile home and its surroundings, the functional interior of the mobile home and a variety of user needs, and the interior and exterior spatially. These areas of concern are inherently in conflict with highway regulations that limit weight, height, length and width. Weight is a minor factor due to lightweight construction, 13'-6" has remained constant as the maximum height, and lengths over 70' require excorts in most states. Regulations that originally limited width to 8' were changed to 10' in the 1950's, 12' in the 1960's, and the 1970's will see national acceptance of 14'. Despite any of the constraints the mobile home industry is working under, one must think realistically of its potential as a tremendous national resource for housing due to its excellent technological, managerial, and political skills. The industry is presently recognizing the inherent conflict between the limitations of transportation and the need for larger living areas. Its attempts have incorporated elements that pull, fold, and telescope as well as units that are made in sections or can split into sections at the site. 11 Further speculation on the long range potentials of the mobile home industry need not be limited to the mobile home per se, but to a full range of housing types, densities, and site situations ranging from the single family detached to the multi-story, multifamily attached. In view of the extensive range available, the following basic constraints have been established to facilitate the design study and to yield a basis for comparison. UNIT TYPE Individually shipped manufactured units that incorporate minimum volumes of shipped air and maximum use of existing technology UNIT SIZE a. 14'-0" maximum shipping width b. 56'-70', minimum to maximum shipping lengths c. 13'-6" maximum shipped height UNIT CONSTRUCTION a. Standard mobile home steel framing b. Standard mobile home wood framing c. Standard mobile home expansion technology UNIT ERECTION Two or three men, two days using standard erection procedures (excluding foundations which can vary in sophistication). Efficient use of these givens yields a system of organization that produces a maximum number of plan variations with a minimum number of assembly line changes. 12 56' 63' 70' SHIPPING MODULES 13 COMPONENTS AND DESIGN MODULES Demonstration of the repetitive design elements of the living unit and their structural composition. 14 cli BATHROOM COMPONENTS INTERIOR COMPONENTS 15 -0-0 00 v-rn -! 0 E-I--:- E10 CLOSET COMPONENTS H KITCHEN COMPONENTS 2 16 DECK STORAGE I I II D u STEPS FENCING 1 I ~ ROOF EXPANSION EXTERIOR COMPONENTS 17 b1 Ill I b2 b3 BATHROOM CONFIGURATIONS DESIGN MODULES 0 Ii L .. 18 II Elb4 b5 BATHROOM CONFIGURATIONS 2 19 II I I II I I II II I I III KD1 IL KD2 KITCHEN CONFIGURATIONS 3 20 KD3 |II olo1 KD4 KITCHEN CONFIGURATIONS 4 21 B1 B2,B2a BEDROOM CONFIGURATIONS 5 22 B3 B4 BEDROOM L _ _ _ CONFIGURATIONS 6 23 L r Ex EXPANSION CONFIGURATION L1,L2 LIVING CONFIGURATIONS 7 24 ES1 IE ES2 ENTRY / STORAGE CONFIGUR ATIONS 8 25 I ES4 I I 9 26 WALL FRAMING ________H_ H LII Li_________ H Li_________ Ii' ________ ________ ________ LI_________ ________LI Li________ ________LI III i ________ ________ FLOOR FRAMING MODULAR UNIT FRAMING 27 WALL FRAMING I3 I I I I II1_ I II I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ FLOOR FRAMING EXPANSION UNIT FRAMING _ _ 28 WALL FRAMING FLOOR FRAMING ENTRY/STORAGE EXPANSION FRAMING 29 m ~:~i EZZI TYPICAL ROOM EXPANSION ENTRY / STORAGE EXPANSION UNIT SECTIONS 30 CLERESTORY ROOF EXPANSION SHED ROOF EXPANSION 2 31 DESIGN MODULE COMBINATIONS Demonstration of 18 alternative combinations of the design modules. Letters identify the design module arrangement. 32 -v1rf B3 MODULE 1 ~v 7 ] fl- 2 Ex,B1 j = 3 Ex, B1, Ex 4 b1, B2 or B2a bl, B3 4a bl,B4 4b 6 5 b2, B2 or B2a 5a b2,B 1 3 ----- b2,B4 - bJ 5b L -_2, Ex,b2, B4 - 6a DESIGN MODULE COMBINATIONS 33 MODULE 7 b4 Ex,b4 8 L~ 7a b4,B2orB2a b5 L--- -- --- b5, B2 or B2a KD1 --- Ex,b4,B2 9 Ex,b5 -J L----------- 9a 11 Ex,b5, B2 KD2 or KD3,Ex 8a 10 1,0 a 12 34 KD 4 MODULE 13 14 KD4 ,Ex Ii-II -- _ -- -- ___ I1 II 1 Li L1, L2 K4, b3 K4, b3,Ex L,Ex 15a 17 Li,L2,Ex B4 16 16a 18 17a 3 35 UNIT VARIATIONS Demonstration of potential living unit plans based on variations of module combinations. Numbers indicate specific module location in a living unit on a 14' modular increment. 36 MODULE UNIT 1 1 2 4 6,8,or 10 11 11 15 UNIT 5 3 5,7,or 9 5,7, or 9 11 11 15 6 2 4 5,7,or 9 12 12 15 7 5,7,or9 11 16 15 2 4 56' UNIT 15 1 1 4 15 2 2 3 MODULE 11 8 16 OPTIONAL ENTRY ES1, ES2,or ES3 56' UNIT VARIATIONS 37 MODULE UNIT MODULE 1 9 10 11 12 3 4 5, 7,or9 12 12 16 UNIT 13 15 3 3 6, 8, orO10 5, 7, or 9 11 11 15 14 16 2 2 6, 8, or10 5, 7, or9 12 12 15 15 16 2 2 6, 8,or10 5, 7, or9 11 12 16 16 16 38 MODULE UNIT 17 3 3 5, 7,or9 6, 8, orl0 12 12 16 3 6, 8, or 10 12 18 MODULE 15 UNIT 19 16 39 MODULE UNIT 20 21 22 23 1 MODULE 2 4 6,8,or 10 11 or 15 IIor15 l3or15 UNIT 24 13or15 2 3 5,7, or 9 5,7, or 9 11 or 15 11 or 15 13 or 15 25 13or 15 1 2 4 5,7,or 9 12 or16 12 or 16 13or 15 26 13 or 15 1 2 4 5,7, or 9 11 or 15 IIor 15 14or 16 27 14 or 16 4 40 MODULE MODULE UNIT 28 29 30 31 3 4 5, 7,or 9 12 or 16 12 or 16 14or 16 UNIT 32 13or 15 3 3 6, 8,or 10 5, 7,or 9 lIor 15 1lor15 13 or 15 33 14 or 16 2 2 6, 8,or 10 5,7,or 9 12 or 16 12 or 16 13 or 15 34 14 or 16 2 2 6, 8,or 10 6,8,or 10 II or 15 12 or 16 14 or 16 35 14 or 16 5 41 MODULE UNIT 36 3 3 5,7, or 9 6,8,or 10 12 or 16 12or 16 14 or 16 3 6, 8, or 10 12 or 16 37 MODULE 13 or 15 UNIT 38 14 or 16 42 MODULE UNIT 39 40 MODULE 2 4 6, 8,or 10 15 15 13 UNIT 43 13 2 3 5, 7, or 9 5, 7, or 9 15 15 13 44 13 2 41 4 5, 7or9 16 16 13 45 13 2 42 4 5, 7, or 9 15 15 14 46 14 7 43 MODULE UNIT 47 48 49 50 MODULE 3 4 5,7, or 9 16 16 14 UNIT 51 13 3 3 6,8,or 10 5,7,or 9 15 15 13 52 14 2 2 6,8,or 10 5,7,or 9 16 16 13 53 14 2 2 6, 8,or 10 6,8,or 10 15 16 14 54 14 8 44 MODULE UNIT 55 3 MODULE 3 5, 7,or 9 6, 8, or 10 16 16 14 UNIT 57 14 3 6, 8, or 10 16 56 13 9 45 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 944 351 1382 UNIT VARIATION 8 UNIT PLANS 46 I NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 1073 309 1469 UNIT VARIATION II 2 47 FD L H FD I-J ___________________LW ( L 1 ±2 0 a D ~-NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 1205 393 1685 UNIT VARIATION -- 'f II 11 II 19 3 48 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 899 219 1163 UNIT VARIATION 21 4 49 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 857 174 1118 UNIT VARIATION 22 5 50 NET AREA 1031 DECK AREA 391 GROSS AREA 1509 UNIT VARIATION 32 51 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 1118 261 1466 UNIT VARIATION 37 7 52 I NET AREA 944 DECK AREA 306 GROSS AREA 1337 UNIT VARIATION 45 8 53 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 944 306 1337 UNIT VARIATION 46 9 54 I NET AREA DECK AREA 1118 313 GROSS AREA 1518 UNIT VARIATION 54 10 55 BALCONY EXPANSION Wbom----U momml EXPANSION MODULE COMPONENTS IN SHIPPING POSITION ROOF PANEL FLOOR PANEL SIDE WALLS LI END WALL FURNITURE STORAGE ENTRY WALL IN SHIPPING LOCATION EXPANSION MODULE COMPONENTS IN SHIPPING POSITION ENTRY ROOF IN SHIPPING POSITION STORAGE UNIT IN SHIPPING POSITIONII FURNITURE STORAGE I -1 7i - SHIPPING CONFIGURATION - 14'x 56' UNIT VARIATION 45 UNIT DESCRIPTION 56 UNIT VARIATION 45 2 57 STEEL WING REMOVABLE WHEEL ASSEMBLY E MOVABLE TOWING WELDED STEEL HI FRAME 3 58 FLOOR OF Ex MODULE IN FOLDED-OUT POSITION 4x4 WOOD POST BEARING ON WING MEMBER BELOW t. PRIMARY WF MEMBER I 2 x 6 WOOD JOISTS at 16 "O.C. ~~~1 DECK STRUCTURE IN SHIPPING POSITION xzzz~ DECK STRUCTURE ERECTED WOOD FLOOR FRAME 4 59 ROOF OF Ex MODULE IN FOLDED-OUT POSITION ------ 2-2x6 HEADER TO CARRY FOLDING ROOF L~ --- 7 m~~1 BUILT-UP WOOD ROOF TRUSSES at 2' O.C. // I WOOD ROOF FRAME 5 60 SECONDARY DUCTS HVAC SUPPLY SOURCE H VAC DIAGRAM 6 61 MODULE MODULE 1, 2,or 3 4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 4 b ,5b, 6 a, 7a, 8a,9a, or 10a ~~1 I,2, or 3 4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 4b,5b,6a,7a 8a,9a,or 10a 18 II or 12 15,15a, 16, or 16a LUI -.. 1lor 12 D ~~1 ----1 ~~1 15,15a, 16,orl6a __J1 same L_ same same L. same 11,12,15, 15a,16,orl6a D 18 -i 11,12,15, 15 a,16,or16a 13,14,15, 13,14,15, 15a,16, or 16 a 15 a,16,or 16a same --- I same same same L_ --- I 15,15 a, 16,or 16a 18 ~~1 ----I 13,1 4 ,17, or 17a 15,15a 16,or 16a ~~~1 13,14,17, or 17a OPTIONAL ENTRY 63' UNIT - ES1,ES2,orES3 70' UNIT 63' AND 70' UNIT VARIATIONS 62 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 63' 1106 393 1586 UNIT 63' UNIT PLAN 63 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 1415 425 1917 70' UNIT 70' UNIT PLAN 64 I NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 70' UNIT 70' UNIT PLAN 65 MODULE UNIT I 1 MODULE 4 4a 1 1or 15 I I or15 13or 15 UNIT 5 14 2 2 5 4 1 1or 15 11 or I5a 13or 15 6 13, 15a;or 17 LII Er 2 3 4a 5a,7a,9a II or 15 II or 15 |or 4 15 7 IK 2 5 12 or 16 12 or 16 4 13 or 15 56', 63, and 70' SPLIT UNIT 13 or 15 8 13or 15 ENTRY ES4 SPLIT UNIT VARIATIONS 66 MODULE UNIT 2 9 MODULE I 5 4a 1 1 or 15 IIorl5a 14 or 16 UNIT 13 I3,15a,or 17 2 10 | 5 4 II or 15a 12 or 16 13,15a,orI7 14or 16 4a 4 I2or 16 12 or 16a 13 oIr 15 12 14 15 13,15, orl17a 4a 4 II or 15 15a 14or16 16 17a 2 67 MODULE UNIT 2 17 MODULE 2 5a,7a,or 9a 5 12 or 16 12or 16 a 13or 15 UNIT 21 13,15a,orl7 2 18 5a,7a,or 9a 4a I I or 15 12 or 16 14 or 16 22 14 or 16 2 19 5a,7a,or 9a 4a I I or 15a 12 or 16a 13,15a,or17 23 13,15a,or 17 2 20 5 4 12 or 16 16a 13 or 15 24 17 a 3 68 2 MODULE UNIT 25 26 27 28 MODULE 2 5 5a, 7a,or 9a 15a 12,or 16a 17a UNIT 29 13 ,15, or 17 4a 4a 15a 16 a 17 a 30. 17a 2 2 5 5a,7 16 a 15 a 17 a 31 17a 2 2 5a,7a,or 9a 5a,7a,or 9a 12 or 16 16a 14 or 16 32 17 a 4 69 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA UNIT VARIATION 866 305 1258 3 SPLIT UNIT PLANS 70 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA UNIT VARIATION 944 327 1278 9 2 71 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 1040 348 1475 UNIT VARIATION 21 3 72 NET AREA DECK AREA GROSS AREA 1127 348 1562 UN I T VARIATION 28 4 73 EXPANSION MODULE COMPONENTS IN SHIPPING POSITION ROOF PANEL SHIPPING CONFIGURATION- 2-14'x28' UNIT VARIATION 9 SPLIT UNIT DESCRIPTION 74 UNIT VARIATION 9 2 75 Fl II'I Fr IT II II I! V BUILT-UP STEEL STIFFENERS TAPERED STEEL WING MEMBER PRIMARY WF REMOVABLE ii II IIU D ~i.. -fI *1___________ [I 31 II x7 MEMBERS TOWING HITCH WELDED STEEL FRAME 3 WF MEMBER 4x4 WOOD POST BEARING ON WING MEMBER BELOW 2 x 6 JO'STS FLOOR OF Ex MODULE IN FOLDED-OUT POSITION DECK STRUCTURE IN SHIPPING POSITION DECK STRUCTURE ERECTED 2 x 6 JOISTS WF MEMBER WOOD FLOOR FRAME 4 77 ~~~~1 BUILT-UP WOOD ROOF TRUSSES at 2'O.C. ~~~~1 WOOD ROOF FRAME 5 78 HVAC SUPPLY SOURCE HVAC DIAGRAM 6 79 EXPANSION TECHNOLOGY UNIT ELEVATION STUDY DETAILS AND Demonstration of proposed assembly for expandable units and elevational study for window options. 80 7- I I II ~ -II I -71 __ L~D 7-7 171 EiZ~J EZJ I ~ 'U TYPICAL ROOM EXPANSION [ I A' 11~N I'll ENTRY / STORAGE EXPANSION DETAIL KEY UNIT SECTIONS I a 81 ) EZI~J L81 CLERESTORY ROOF EXPANSION SHED ROOF EXPANSION 2 82 2-2x6 HEADER WITH CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE AND COMPRESSIBLE GASKET, BEARING ON 2 x4 TAPERED ROOF IN SHIPPING POSITION 2x4 FLOOR IN SHIPPING POSITION 2 x4 FLOOR WITH HVAC DUCT IN SHIPPING POSITION, ATTACHED TO 2x6 STRINGER WITH CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE WITH COMPRESSIBLE GASKET SECONDARY HVAC DUCT FROM PRIMARY FEEDER 2x6 WOOD FLOOR JOIST 4 x 4 WOOD POST, BEARING ON TAPERED STRUCTURAL STEEL WING MEMBER, WELDED TO 'I/ A WF PRIMARY STRUCTURAL MEMBER 1/2" ASPHALT IMPREGNATED BUILDING BOARD WITH 2" FIBERGLASS INSULATION -il I II SECTION AT FLOOR N I' I! V EXPANSION MODULE DETAILS 83 CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE WITH COMPRESSIBLE GASKET WEATHER SEAL 2 x 4 TAPERED ROOF IN FOLDED-OUT POSITION CANT STRIP ATTACHED TO FACIA, APPLIED TO EXTERIOR WALL AT SITE CONTINUOUS COMPRESSIBLE GASKET FACTORY INSTALLED THREADED SLEEVE TO RECEIVE SITE APPLIED BOLT SITE APPLIED FACIA PANEL END WALL OF Ex MODULE IN SITE POSITION SECTION AT ROOF thru EDGE of MH UNIT thru EXTERIOR WALL ot Ex UNIT CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE WITH COMPRESSIBLE GASKET WEATHER SEAL 2 x 4 FLOOR IN FOLDED-OUT SITE POSITION HVAC DUCT iIi~II / END OF TAPERED STEEL WING MEMBER CONTINUOUS COMPRESSIBLE GASKET I , ,,, 71~ I _. FACTORY INSTALLED THREADED SLEEVE TO RECEIVE SITE APPLIED BOLT SECTION AT FLOOR thru EDGE of MH UNIT thru EXTERIOR WALL of Ex UNIT 2 84 4-x 4_WOOD POST 2 x 4 STUDS CONTINUOUS COMPRESSIBLE GASKET CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE WITH COMPRESSIBLE GASKET SIDE WALLS IN SHIPPING POSITION PLAN AT EXPANSION MODULE CANT STRIP ATTACHED TO FACIA, APPLIED TO EXTERIOR WALL AT SITE CONTINUOUS COMPRESSIBLE GASKET SECTION AT SIDE WALL 85 2-2x6 HEADER WITH CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE AND COMPRESSIBLE GASKET 11111 -1 F1 - I- - II I STORAGE UNIT UNIT II STORAGE ENTRY WALL POSITION IN SITE SITE BOLTED CONNECTION 2x6 STRINGER SECURED TO JOISTS AT SITE IT =Z=:4 2 x 4 DECK STRUCTURE WITH 1x4 DECKING 2x4 BEARING LEDGER BOLTED TO TAPERED STEEL WING MEMBER FOUNDATION SUPPORT SECTION (ERECTED) thru MH UNIT/ENTRY DECK thru ENTRY DECK /STOR UNIT STORAGE UNIT IN SHIPPING POSITION 2x4 DECK STRUCTURE ALUMINUM ANGLES IN ON SHIPPING POSITION SLIDES OUT AT SITE ERECTION 2.x2 ALUMINUM ANGLES FASTENED TO 2x6 JOISTS ENTRY/STORAGE MODULE DETAILS 86 BUILT-UP WOOD ROOF TRUSSES WITH PLYWOOD GUSSET PLATES SITE BOLTED CONNECTION WITH 2x4 SPACER 1/2"ASPHALT IMPREGNATED BUILDING BOARD WITH 2" FIBERGLASS INSULATION SECT ION thru M H UNIT long/MH UN'T lat thru Ex UNIT/ MH UNIT lateral L 2x4 CLERESTORY WALL 2- 2x6 HEADER CUT-DOWN, BEARING ON SIDE WALLS TYPICAL ROOF TRUSSES :1-4 2" FIBERGLASS INSULATION SECTION AT SHED ROOF CONTINUOUS STEEL PIANO HINGE WITH COMPRESSIBLE GASKET MODULE CONNECTION DETAILS 87 ELEVATIONS 88 2 89 LThTh -- *1 .llL~. 3 - ~%L ij A, Ni 1/ A 91 SITE PLANNING Site arrangements based on proposed units demonstrating concept of public entry area versus private lot area. Statistics indicate varying proportions of public common area to private lot area. 92 INDIVIDUAL LOT PARKING r- - - I U 41 COMMON I PARKING DENSITY 7 UNITS /ACRE 6220 GROSS AREA / UNIT NET AREA / UNIT 5000 90 LOT ARRANGEMENT SITE PLANNING 93 INDIVIDUAL LOT PARKING COMMON DENSITY PARKING 7 UNITS /ACRE GROSS AREA / UNIT 6220 NET AREA 5000 UNIT 900 LOT ARRANGEMENT-OFFSET 2 94 4- L 7 UNITS /ACRE 6220 GROSS AREA / UNIT 5000 NET AREA I UNIT DENSITY 900 LOT ARRANGEMENT WITH ES MODULE 95 7 UNITS /ACRE DENSITY 6220 GROSS AREA / UNIT 5000 NET AREA / UNIT 450 LOT ARRANGEMENT 4 96 DENSITY 6 UNITS/ ACRE GROSS AREA / UNIT 7300 NET AREA / UNIT 5000 450 LOT ARRANGEMENT 5 97 6 UNITS/ACRE DENSITY GROSS AREA / UNIT 7300 NET AREA / UNIT 5000 450 LOT ARRANGEMENT 6 98 6 UNITS/ACRE DENSITY GROSS AREA / UNIT 7300 NET AREA / UNIT 3750 450 LOT ARRANGEMENT- TWO UNIT CLUSTER 7 99 DENSITY 6 UNITS /ACRE GROSS AREA / UNIT NET AREA / UNIT 7130 6070 TWO UNIT CLUSTER 8 100 q~~~~~~ ----------- _______________________________ [I- ~]] I K- I I K ELI - 1 lc-77-- -- DENSITY 6.5 UNITS/ ACRE GROSS AREA/ UNIT NET AREA / UNIT 6660 5610 THREE UNIT CLUSTER K 101 DENSITY 5.75 UNITS/ACRE GROSS AREA / UNIT NET AREA / UNIT 7580 6660 THREE UNIT CLUSTER 102 DENSITY 5 U ITS/ACR GROSS AREA/ UMIT 867 NET AREA / UNIT' 783 THREE UNIT ____ ___ ) C-USTEF ___ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___11 103 DENSITY 6 UNITS /ACRE GROSS AREA I UNIT 7130 NET AREA / UNIT 6070 FOUR UNIT CLUSTER 12 4.' I 105 MODEL PHOTOGRAPHS I I t71 A36 ho paK // 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bulbulian, Francis A. and Goodman, Joel H., "A Multi-Story industrialized Housing System", unpublished master's thesis, M.I.T., April, 1968. 2. Cornell University, "The New Building Block", Ithaca, New York: Cornell Press, 1969. 3. Mobile Home Manufacturers Association, American Standard A119.1 for Mobile Homes, Chicago, Illinois: MHMA, 1971. 4. M.I.T. 1971 Department of Architecture Master's Class with Professor Eduardo Catalano, "Housing Systems: Seven Studies for Factory Produced Concrete and Steel Modular Units", Limited published master's thesis, M.I.T. 5. Rowland, Norman, Low Income Housing Demonstration Program,Reston Virginia, April, 1969. 6. Safdie, Moshe, Beyond Habitat, Cambridge, Massachusetts, M.I.T. Press, 1970. 7. Sparer, Fred, How to Build a Mobile Home Park, Beverly Hills, California: Trail-R-Club of America, 1965. 8. Vacation Homes, Architectural Record, ed., New York: American Heritage Press, 1970. 9. "Record Houses", Architectural Record, Mid-May issue (1968, 1969, 1970, 1971). 10. "The Mobile Home is the 20th Century Brick", Architectural Record, Volume CIVili, No. 4, (1968), pp. 137-143.