Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/whatdowelearnfroOOquah working paper department of economics WHAT DO WE LEARN FROM UNIT ROOTS IN MACROECONOMIC TIME SERIES? by Danny Quah Number 469 October 198 7 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WHAT DO WE LEARN FROM UNIT ROOTS IN MACROECONOMIC TIME SERIES? by Danny Qa ah Niimber 469 October 1987 i'5,s. sfiSf. MP^ 23 1988 LIBRARIES What Do We Learn from in Unit Roots Macroeconomic Time Series? Danny Quah* MIT October 1987. Economics Department and NBER. Department of Economics, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139. I thank Olivier Blanchard, Stanley Fischer, James Poterba and Julio Rotemberg for useful comments on earlier versions of this paper. I also thank John Taylor, Mark Watson and an anonymous referee for suggestions and criticisms that have helped to focus the * discussion. The hospitality of the MIT Statistics ,C Center is 008618 gratefully acknowledged. Abstract It is oRen asgued tba,t 'business cycle': the the presence of a unit root in hggregaXe output implies that there economy does not return to trend following b disturbance. This this notion precise, but then develops a simple aggregative model where this relation is is no paper makes contradicted. Id the model, output both has a unit root, and displays repeated short-run fluctuations around a deterministic trend. Some summary described in the paper is statistical evidence is presented that suggests the not without empirical basis. phenomena 1 Much macroeconomic research has focused on the evidence for and the implicatione of unit roots in aggre- gate output. Well-known examples of this work include the contributions of John Campbell and N. Gregory Mankiw (1987), Peter Clark (1987), John Cochrane (1987), Steven Durlauf and Peter Phillips (1986), Charles Nelson and Charles Plosser (1982), and Mark Watson (1986). view that business Many have cycles, relative to secular changes, are small and taken away from this discussion the insignificant: output does not fluctuate around trend. This paper has two main objectives. The first is pedagogical; between the presence of unit roots and the phenomenon of than explicit is it makes technically (lack of) cycle currently available in the macroeconomic literature. around trend Most studies almost the key characteristic to be the implied path of an impulse response function. and Mankiw, 1987. In the empirical 1987.) literature, a notable exception The impulse response may be The reason is a property of the sample path behavior of a time is at best a conditional expectation, is a precise sense about trend: average cycle length The first is in in general not We when (See for instance purposes, but not of its it is ill-suited impulse response function. The latter is inconsistent with fluctuations what exactly are important is are the implications of a illustrated by the second goal construct a simple model of employment growth and leaming-by-doing. is Campbell a linear time series process has a unit root. In the model, at least as explosive as that for a unit root process; sample path for output aJways displays well-behaved are instinctually take even that, but only a linear least-squares predictor. That the points made here the conditional expectation of output estimated many which the presence of unit roots infinite way more that the presence of fluctuations about trend objective therefore serves to sharpen discussion on process having a unit root. of the paper. and series, is in a Francis Diebold and Glenn Rudebusch, a sensible statistic to examine for to represent the absence of cycle about trend. Nevertheless, there is precise the relation finite length cycles about trend. Thus the however the finding that ARMA representations for output have a unit root should not be identified with a view that there no business cycles about trend. Some summary also presented that suggests that the distinction here The plan of the paper is as follows. Section I is to observable sample path behavior. This contains statistical evidence for is aggregate output in the US is not empirically irrelevant. a technical section that relates the presence of unit roots arguments that would normally be omitted, except for 2 the fact that impulse responBe functions have been so convincing to so many. Section economic model where unit roots are consistent with well-behaved necessary technical results are also developed here. Section III suggest some empirical basis for the main message of Section II. finite 11 presents a simple length cycles about trend. Further reports informal summary The paper concludes with statbtics that a brief Section IV. Technical proofs are presented in an Appendix. I. Unit Roots and Sample Paths. For the most part, pure random walk with this section will formally consider a carry over to where the first difi'erence is the reader should keep in mind the drift. a serially correlated stationary sequence. distinction between difference stationary The main Throughout the conclusions discussion, and trend stationary sequences emphasized by Nelson and Ploaser (1982) and Campbell and Mankiw (1987). For >1, t let Y(t) be an observed sequence generated by r(i) where £ is sequence a zero Y is For any mean = /s + r(f-i) + £(f), covariance stationary sequence, with spectral density bounded away from zero. therefore difference-stationary, in the terminology of Nelson and Plosser The (1982). tiine trend coefficient a, the deviations process f W{t; a) rem.aiiiE = Y{t) -at = Y{D] + (^ - a) • f + [^ e(t) a difference stationary sequence: W{0-a] = Y{0). Thus, removing any deterministic time trend from a difference stationary sequence only produces yet another difference stationary sequence. unchanged, except possibly with, there is in The probability law for the first-differenced sequence remains completely mean. The a presumption tha.t some first lesson can therefore be stated as follows: difference sta.tionasy sequence should display cycUcaJity, arbitrary linear detrending cannot induce spurious cyclica.lity. continually being re-chosen when unJess to begin a given finite sample (This is may of course fail growing through time.) if the "trend" coefficient is Next, write f Y{t) = fit + ^cU) + Y(0). The Notice that the right hand side contains terms of different asymptotic order. ^ different from zero, is of mean square asymptotic order 0{n^) whereas the stochastic component more mean square asymptotic order 0{n), where n from cyclical behavior the dominant deterministic trend part. However, this is by trend-stationary sequences (data that this part in the is the sample size. Thus, the likely ^ is for t, only of avenue for deviation component covariance stationary about a linear trend). is shared as well Thus we will ignore subsequent discussion, and concentrate on the purely stochastic component. But then this exactly a rero drift unit root sequence. To 1 is is deterministic part and fix -1 ideas and to simplifj' the calculations, with equal probability. suppose that it once the origin in one step. sequence, which takes the values sum gets sufSciently distant from an takes a special sequence of events for the process to return to to have infinite support (such as for a normally distributed its iid anything, one would imagine that this assumption severely restricts If the possible cyclical behavior of the accumulation J3^(y)' arbitrary starting point, an e is The assumption of serial random its origin. If e were variable), X^£(y) can always return to independence makes the calculations easier; relaxing it would change none of the conclusions. Let W[t; P) We study its = W{t] = y^^-i £(y): this may be interpreted as the deviation of the economy from trend. sample path properties through the following behavior of the sequence of conditional expectations the economy has deviated from what is trend, the probability that at time set of questions. First, for E [W[t -f m] | ^''(t)] what are expectations regarding t -r m, the economj' , its for m> W[t] = what 0, is 1? In words, given that future path? Next, for W{t) will return to trend, W[t the -i- m) = 0? What = is 0, the average waiting time untD such a return to trend? The average cycle length would then be twice this average waiting time. For the process here, the conditional expectation E\W{i-r m) W{t)] \ to the point, forever. when W[t] =^ 0, the conditional expectation of future If c is serially correlated, somewhat. However, provided e is just W[t), for all W[t+ m) is m> 1. More bounded away from zero the exact pattern for the conditional expectations of future W changes does not have a spectral density that vanishes at frequency zero, the main 4 conclusion that the process in this expectation sense, only sequence serially correlated. is has to do with whether this probability to trend at time i W[t + 2n) = W[t) is of different, ^) ( = is not has a unit root, not whether the fijst-difference interpret this to mean that there should be no natural rate. difficult to calculate. + m=f+2nif W[t + m) = (1/2)" from the distribution coefficient its reversion, or trend reversion, the likelihood that the economy does return to trend at some future time t-'rTnl For the simple is example here, number W Campbell and Mankiw (1987) presumption that an economy should return to What Mean never expected to return to trend holds. is of e. • is and therefore mutually (2n!)/(n!)^. The when there are n +l's and n = more than one such path where W[t-\- 2n) exclusive, paths with = • a return 2n independent draws -I's in W[t + 2n) = W[t) probability of a return to trend in 2n periods P2„ is W[t), The probability of each possible sample path with (1/2)": this happens However there Starting on trend at W[t) say, there (1/2)=", for n > is is W[t). The total simply the binomial therefore: 1. (^J") = Defining Pq 1, the probability generating function for a return to trend p[s) is: = f; P2„.^ n=0 where f is William a dummy Feller, 1968, variable. (The reader who Ch. But then by Newton's binomial formula, 13.) is unfamiliar with these kinds of calculations is referred to ^w=i:Cr)-(i/2)=^"-^"'=(i-^')"'^'This function diverges to infinity as the variable can now often witi probabilirj- probability But why this Even state the following: is 1. In > in the presence of a vnit root, the any time period, no matter how we turn weak sense in far the is significant because economy returns we to trend infinitely economy has wandered from trend, the which shocks to a unit root economy are not permanent. To to the final question posed above. Let the probability of a {Qzn, « tends to unity. This divergence always positive of a return to trend some time in the future. this is a relatively is, s first What is the average time between returns to trend? return to trend in 2n periods be denoted Q^n- 1} satisfies: n P2n = 53 Q2:P2{n-j), see for n > 1. Then the sequence . 5 'XL* right hand side is representative term Qay P2(n-}) return in 2(n — j) Bum Bimply the periods. of probabilities of n mutualiy exclusive events. 'he probability of a >* Taken together, first this collection of disjoint events tions, the by e^", summing over n > 1, j, the return to trend in j periods, followed by another a return to trend in 2n periods, the probability of which has been Multiplj'ing both sides For each is simply the event that there is computed above. and utOizing a fundamental property of convolu- equation above becomes: P{a)-l=Q{s)P{s), where Q{s) has been defined as Q2nS^"- The average waiting time l^^j for a return to trend is then OO E \2n \W[i + 2n) = W(t) = W{t + 0, ;) 7^ 0, 1 < ; < 2n] = X] 2n • Qzn n=l = But, we lim —— »— 1 ds also have: (?(.) = l-P(.)-^ = l-(l-.^)^/=, which implies ^= s(l - «2)-^/= - +00 as a 1. ds Thus, tie averag-e length of a cycie Therefore, if in a unit root economy is infinite. business cycles are defined to be fluctuations about trend, a unit root economy will not have business cycles of average length equal to the 50 months given by conventional wisdom. In summarj', this section has be %'iewed as inconsistent. As made far as I precise the sense in know, this is the first which unit roots and business cycles may discussion where these difi'erent notions of persistence and business cycles have been explicitly related to the presence of unit roots. (Although again, in the empirical literature, it is is Diebold and Rudebusch, 19S7, have taken steps in this direction.) Typicallj', taken for granted that the conditional expectation, or more accurately, the impulse response function a sufficient measure for persistence. That the distinction between sample path behavior and that of the conditional expectation sequence is important is highlighted in the analysis of the next section. 6 n. A Model with Unit Roots and (Finite Length) BusineeB Cycles. This section develops a simple model where aggregate output is linearly represented by a unit (or explosive) root process, but nevertheless output fluctuations about a deterministic trend have finite average length. The model that may itself not complicated; however is be unfamiliar. Thus we first its dynamic properties empirical investigation of stochastic nonlinearities in Technically, this paper, although we will in section. James Hamilton (1987) presents a careful aggregate output. His model both share the feature that there show below that a random sequence can be average length, even need to be studied by using ideas analyze a sequence of examples to build intuition. There are two papers related to the discussion of this from that will is is substantively different a discreteness in output growth. strictly stationary with fluctuations of finite has the conditional expectations behavior of a unit root process. Daniel Nelson if it (1987), in a different context, has also constructed strictly stationary unit root sequences. The mechanism that produces stationarity in his work are quite different from that used here. Taken together however, this suggests that there remain may be other examples of stochastic sequences that have a unit root but nevertheless strictly stationarj'. The examples here draw on a by Olivier Blanchard (1979). generalization of a process that He does not any properties establish first appeared (as far as for the special case; I we do know) so generalization. A. Some TechDica.! Results. Let X{t) evolve as X{t) where [-i,rj) is iid, with t independent of tj, = n{t)X{t-i)~v[t) E') = T, Er] = = 0. 0) > 0. [(7(i) - r) Pr(7(l) Suppose also that |r| This can be revkTitten as follows: X[t) =>A'(t) = YX{t = 1) rA'(f-i) + + £(t) X[t - 1) + r?(t)] > 1, while now in work for the 7 Notice that while not independent, €{t) turns out to be uncorrelated with X{t— l), to all lagged A"8. This fact allows us to conclude that the equation immediately that r is when r Thus X(t) the population regression coefficient. = 1, When in fact, above is is orthogonal a regression, and a stochastic process that has explosive roots; is A' has a unit root. Pr(7(l) reason for this Theorem and 1 is = > 0) 0, that no matter (Stationarit>'). we assume as how A here, it will be convenient to small this probability clinging process is is, we have X call a clinging process. The the following property: strictly stationary, and has mean zero and inBnite variance. Proof: Appendix. While X has a linear regression representation that appears explosive ARM A does not have a stationarj' X displays mean its inside the unit circle). and 7(i), lag, A' Thus a sample path X{t The X, where the resulting -f 1) is clear from the arguments lag distribution is is again strictly stationary, clinging sequence well. displays analysis much may effects of initial conditions vanish eventually, sharper returns to its mean, than movements away from uncover evidence of asymjnetry. However, conditional on X[t) rj is symmetrically distributed. provided that the accumulated sequence in t? is Since the dominant, have a symmetric distribution. Next, a clinging sequence will display cycles sense of returns to a neighborhood of its mean) persistently and cycles turn out to have finite average length. If a time trend would reconcile a number in the stable (Le., the lag But now the transformed sj'mmetrically distributed provided that will also unconditionally it joint unconditional distributions random sequence 'explosive' linear autoregressive representation. Without a distributed is Box-Jenkins terminology, that have finite average length. lag function of wiU display much richer dynamics as the mean. its fluctuations about no ceroes and again, has an actually stable: of initial conditions. Further, as Next consider any distributed distribution has it is and are independent are time-invariant Proof, representation), (in is infinitely often. added of seemingly contradictor}' findings: J. (in the As mentioned above, to a clinging sequence, this X these example Bradford DeLong and LavTence Summers (1985) find that after detrending, business cycles are actually 'symmetric' in unconditional distribution. In 8 opposition to this, Salih Neft(i (1984) concludes that certain features of economic fluctuations do display a kind of asymmetry. Campbell and Mankiw in linear representations for output; recurring events. the clinging If The conclusion from well-behaved (1987) and Nelson and Plosser (1982) find evidence for a unit root however model is correct, these statements are not inconsistent. this discussion that the presence of unit roots alone is of initial conditions, disturbances The question that remains is do not the following: B. A of labor comprises skiDed We Skilled labor A^o and is there a plausible economic mechanism that will is turn to this next. of production: capital K and labor N. In any time period Output t, is the measured stock and unskilled employees: = No{t] + Ni{t). labor that has been employed for at least one period. We make produce Simple Economic Model. Nit) training Is to be described here relates employment, learning-by-doing, and output growth. produced with two factors entrants. not evidence against persist indefinitely even in the presence of unit roots. a clinging sequence for output in equilibrium? new is length business cycles. Further, in the sense that the joint distributions are independent finite The model also a wide-spread belief that fluctuations are persistently it the extreme assumption that only skilled labor completely unproductive in is Unskilled labor Ni comprises productive; unskilled labor is in the apprenticeship period. Skilled labor evolves as follows: A'o(f)=minlA-(J-l}-A2(;), where N^it] of is market-wide the labor withdrawn in period skills This would include factors such as retirements, a reduction due to the introduction of new technologj', or possibly sectoral so that the average skill level last t. Oj, falls. shifts This equation states that skilled labor this period is period minus any decumulation due to labor withdrawals; at worst, skilled labor For simplicitj', we assume K^ and Ni have entrants just equals the number between equal to skilled labor falls to zero. the same expectation, so that on average, the of withdrawals. Also assume that both A'2 and industries, number A^i are serially of new independent 9 and to rule out uninteresting degeneracies, arguments below become a conclusions can be We > = No{t) A'j and more complicated and subtle A'^i have strictly positive variances. main substantive these don't hold, but the if (The to remain intact.) then have the following result: Theorem No[0) made little we assume 2 (Eventual Lobs of all Skilled Labor). For an &Tbitr&ry initial quantity of skiUed labor tJie 0, probability some period positive that at is t > 0, there is a totai loss of skilled labor: 0. Proof: Appendix. Thb is is not a deep result: it says that it will be unusual to come upon situations where the stock of labor always productive. One suspects that small deviations from the assumptions here will leave the major conclusion unmodified. Notice that the result allows the variation in withdrawals ^'2 to be arbitrarily small. If labor entrants on average exceed withdrawals, then the result maj' not hold, as there the stock of labor. However for population growth rate not too different from zero, the difference drift in must be small, so that equality of the two means aggregate demographic factors cannot be too labor force The output is is rest of the model economy = described by Y{t) is trivial. No[t) K[t) however there Thus the model force, is much a good approximation. Further, most would agree that related to economic fluctuations. Thus a nongrowing probably the natural assumption to use here. after one period; work then a positive is is Let the production function be such that (the logarithm -r T7(t), where no consumption, and rj all displays high persistence in output is a technology shock. Capital decays completely output when is invested, so that K[t) A*o(t) exceeds 1. output evolves as a highly positively correlated sequence. output this period, > Tj[t) 0, tend to increase output persistently from the labor force, at the accumulated capital By Theorem some is stage, the I'(i — Given a technicaUy is near future. 1). skilled Increased output transmitted to increased output 2 however, no matter how small the fluctuations economy sure to lose is = Productivity shocks that increase in the implies a higher capital stock; with skilled labor, this increase in output in future periods as well. of) all its skilled labor. "useless", except to train labor for the next period. in When withdrawals this happens, In this case, the effects of 10 productivity shocks are completely transitory. The model The therefore quite easily produces a process for output that random crucial property that the coefficient is (close to) a clinging sequence. on lagged output periodically realizes as tero is borne by our assumptions on the process followed by skilled labor. The model has quite reasonable assumptions; we no very special feature see that needed to produce persistently recurring short-lived fluctuations despite is the possible existence of a unit root linear representation. Slight variations in the assumptions on capital decay can be accommodated by the fact that distributed lag transformations of a clinging sequence leave key properties unchanged. The fact that the loss of in all of the skilled labor force producing the result should not detract from the plausibility of the smaUer and the that loss field occurs only for a short period of time, that the loss In Eummarj", we is felt it may if (As an example on a he or she sufficiently slow the flow of is one among a few graduate students in for several generations hence.) Productivity shocks both deEcribe again informally the characteristics of the model. have a persistent long-run technically a key factor effects here. a department's loss of a senior econometrician. Even scale, consider is effect (on average), and also an eventuaUy transitory effect. The comes from a feedback between capital and output. Increased output leads to a high capital a highly skilled labor force, this produces even higher output in the next period. from the its fact that the slight (exogenous) variation in labor The persistence stock. With transitoriness comes withdrawals and entrants leads periodically to a completely unskilled labor force that needs some length of time to become re-trained. Given an economy-wide low-skilled labor force, no output. amount of beneficial productivity shocks Under these circumstances, productivity shocks have a again only temporary for the skiDed labor force low output period, the capital stock for subsequent periods. economic setting: The next we is come immediately persistent transitorj" effect. online again only apparently unproductive; sometime it Of in increased course, this effect in the future. serves to tool is Thiis in a up the labor force This example has therefore embedded the djTiamics of a clinging sequence in an see that section is v.-ill is it is in fact quite plausible to empirical: it model output as a clinging sequence. attempts to obtain some evidence on whether the kinds described here are present in actual aggregate measures of output. of effects 11 TTT. Some The clinging sequence above produces a meaningful distinction between 'hard' first kind of unit root describes the processes of Section Empirical Evidence. present some summary statistical evidence Let Y(t) be (the natural logarithm Y of) and the second describes those of Section I; The unit roots. 'soft' II. We now on distinguishing the two. some measure The of aggregate output. null hypothesis is that contains a hard unit root: Y(t+1) = fi-\-Y[t)+A{L)-\(t + ' where rj Ud is A'(0,o-^). Defining W{t] l'(0],^) W{t+1; Y{0)J) = Next, let X[t) = A[L)W{t), so alternative hj'pothesis that the definition of W, Y{t) - Y(0) W(t- Y{Q),fi) 7, r; Y and can be rewritten: + A(Lr'r,{t+ contains a soft unit root substitute ^o ui place of y(0), where are pairwise this 1) = X{t-l;Y{0),P)-^v{t). ;So is X{t)='j{t)X{t-l) where - ^ t, that: X{t;Y[0),^) The = fort>0, l), independent, serially rj is most concisely expressed is a free parameter. Then as follows. In write + v{t), A'(0, r^), E'l = 1, = Pr(7 0) = p > 0, and X is denned exactly as above. — In woroE. a filtered version of deviations from trend Y{D) a pure random walk with no drift. Under the alternative, the ;?t is same hj-pothesized to be a clinging sequence with a soft unit root. The hj-pothesized under the null to be filtered version of trend deviations difference stationary model is is strictly nested within the clinging alternative: that null hypothesis model obtains by setting the variajice of 7 to zero and ^60 to Y{0). Estimation under the null proceeds as follows. First difference (the log of) observed output, and estimate the regression Y{i) - Y{t - 1) = fiA{l) - [L-'A{L)] [Y{t - 1) - Y[t - 2)) + v[t). 12 The model is Under our assumptions, ordinary just identified. likelihood. Estimation under the alternative is a little least squares and pairwise independent Bernoulli and normal random of serially We more complicated. equivalent to is maximum parametrize 7 as the product variables: 'y(t)=fc(t).c(i), where Bernoulli with probability p of equalling unity, b is recovers the property implied by the null hypothesis that 7 alternative model can be written in a vector of parameters in the model 6 ; way close to that of M[p~^, c^). Setting e is = 1 for all The t. trf to eero and p to unity likelihood function for this an unobserved switching regression model Call the X[t— the likelihood of the i—th observation on X[t) conditional on 1) is t{X(t)\X{t-l);e)=p-J where (f> the density of a standard is ^^l'^-i'f^'-% normal The likelihood of the entire to be simply the product of these conditional likelihoods. Since the impact of the initial condition nuU A''(0) are used as starting points for the Tables 1 and A[L) = maximum is always 1982 dollars and industrial production is is seen stationary under the alternative, two measures for 1 and k for varies of aggregate output, quarterly A[L) chosen from 1 to be Erst through 3. The GNP and through third order; that GNP measured in Thus, twice the difierence in series is seasonally adjusted. There are three restrictions under the log-likelihoods is strictlj' A''(0) is likelihood observation. model 2 display estimates of the y^ _o ajL' where ao X sample conditional on vanishes asymptotically. Parameter estimates obtained under the monthly industrial production. Results are presented is, ]+{l-p).4>[X[t)/a,.). null: ^0 asymptotically distributed x^ = '*'i*'^ 5'(0), p = 1, and rf = 0. three degrees of freedom. For GNP, this test-statistic takes values 2.614, 3.S42, and 1.532 with marginal significance levels of 0.46, 0.28, and 0.67, respective!}', when A is set to first, second, difi'erence stationarj', and third order rather than trend stationary cannot be rejected. Turning to the industrial production data to be soundly rejected. For second 50, lag polynomials. Therefore, the in Table 2, the GNP nuD hypothesis and third order polynomials, the nuU hypothesis that GNP is has a hard unit root. of a hard unit root is differences in log-likelihoods with associated marginal significance levels well below the standard cutoff points. now is seen around Table (In, 1 ^0 6962.7 * B 7.909 (0.61) P ^.' 1.0 ^^ 0.0 109.29 • Mag 2-la2 OLS . MLE OLS 6963.64 (21.27) 6962.7 • 6980.22 (22.84) 6962.7 8.784 0.991 (034) 7.946 (0.47) 7.886 1.0 7.884 0.990 (0.27) (0.11) (0.12) 1.0 100.07 (121) 107.70 9438 (1.20) 105.56 0.0 (0.09) 0.0 0.00 (0.14) 0.0 -0.408 (0.07) » • • (0.72) W » 696337 (21.34) 8.795 (035) 0.991 (0.11) 97.21 (120) 0.00 (0.10) -0315 (0.08) -0369 (0.08) -0338 (0.08) -0376 (0.08) -0.138 (O.OS) -0.113 (0.08) -0.189 (0.08) -0.176 (O.OS) - 4-0.161 (0.08) +0.140 (O.OS) ^32.548 ^30.104 ^3 — - - InL ^38.439 -437.132 -434.469 • Fixed in the Rcsnictcd Estimadon. MLE OLS MLE ^366 (0.08) — — — °7 1947,1 to 1986,1 X 103) Mag °\ GKP82. Numbers Tabb in Parentheses are 2 -429338 numerical standard eiron. 19E63 Induscial Producdon, 1947,1 to X 10^) (In, OLS hC-E 33534.C £ 31.12 P 1.0 ^^ 11032 C.^ 0.0 °1 -0.437 ^ - InL -241220 3-l2£ 2-las 1-lag 1 (0.40) * nis MLE 33534.0 • 35141.8 (2413) 33534.0 • 30.94 30.13 0.990 (0.99) 31.57 1.0 29.80 0.9E9 (053) (0.72) 6171.0 (7.14) 0.01 (O.W) -0.497 (0.04) (036) 1.0 ^ - (034) KG-E 35278.0 (237) (0.73) 6272.9 (72S) 10904 0.01 (0.03) 0.0 » -0397 (0.05) -0.499 (0.O4) -0393 (0.C5) -0.093 (0.05) -0.099 (0.04) -0.075 (0.05) -0.073 (O.W) -0.W6 (0.05) -0.071 (0.O4) 0.0 (0.&4) . » 10909 » OLS - — -24&4.^ -235325 • Fixed in the RssrirtscEsdriadon. Niimbsrs in Par-entheses t Un-h gged frszi Rssrictrd Essnaas. ; >.x/ ru errors. ;.7o 13 Examining the from 1, and that resulte cr^ is more closely, we see that individually the probability the individual f-statistics may not significantly different p and a^ parameters are correlated and so for these three be misleading. Testing for the significance of to examining the likelihood-ratio statistic, which — is not significantly different from «ero. Thus the reason for rejection appears to come mainly from the ^o intercept term. However, the estimates possibility that 1 p may But it is line changes for every different differ from is is what we have done sufficient to pin down three all here. is Evidently, allowing for the the intercept term quite precisely. one of the important implications of the hard unit root hj^pothesis that the intercept initial condition. More precisely, OLS that, contrary to this, for our line, is in fact weD Our results indicate quite precisely estimated. in p at 0.99. This implies a realization of 7(i) approximately twice the consensus length of a business for cyclical "trend" sample of industrial production data, the intercept, and consequently the trend plot of the likelihood function for industrial production (not presented here) unique peak in the estimates for this intercept diverge as the sample size grows arbitrarily large (see for example Durlauf and Phillips, 1986). A essentially equivalent cycle. = everj' 91 shows a distinct months on average. However, notice that A{L) is and This is a further source dynamics. In the second order case, this polynomial has roots of 0.65 and 0.16. These roots are inside the unit circle, and serve to enrich the estimated cyclicality. rV. Conclufiion This paper has undertaken two tasks. The first and pedagogical objective in Section I makes clear why root processes and the notion of persistently recurring business cycles are at odds with each other. analysis in terms of the relation between sample path behavior to have been That made it is explicit thus far in the important to make macroeconomic this connection becomes and the presence unit The of unit roots appears not literature. clear in Section 11 where a simple model is con- structed that displays persistently recurring fluctuations in the sample paths of output despite the presence of a unit root. the model Summarj" statistical evidence presented in Section III suggests that the effects described in are not without empirical basis for measures of aggregate output in the US. 1 14 Appendix. This appendix proves the technical resultB Proof of Theorem Fork > shifts. We We 1. 1, Jet ti, <2, wish to show that for • • verify that the joint distribution o/ subsequences of • all , tfc F estabL'sii M> X{m) = 'i(m)X{m — (m ')[]') case, -i-anishes for X[m] m. Setting l) 0< j From r7{m), i{j)\ = m-rl-M and + fi < M, we have 7(fi — \ — M we = = 0), '^(tl -r s > witi p (7, — /) = = 0, 1 ^rn.r. to ) show that EX be this conditional expectation: product of random variables. Since 7 \ n Yi iWjvu). \k=}-^-l J X[m — and M and m. A'(ti More M). m+ partial sequence between epochs tj) + 1 In that — M and s) are identical, explicitly, if for some tien for — and some y between (1 is zero, — p^)^. write for But r. > is iid it is a well-de£ned M — 1} this tends to 1 as m > f DeEne rn I F[X[t,^s),X[t,-rs),...,X(i^~s)). occurs with probability bounded from below by establishing strict stationarity. To be integer with Tie condizioning event 0. 7(^1 M Let m, s). suffices to it iiave some j between m-rl — 0, — y) = 0). and m, X[m) becomes independent of ~*~y = {^(-i + see that the distributions 0/ A''(ti) F{X{t,],X{i^],...,Xit,)) Let p denote Pr(-r[0) and X(ti j=m + l-M m~ turn, s in ;) we J some j between to tj A''(ti) m— can be written entirely in terms of the m invariant across time the form of the clinging sequence, x{m-M)+vH+ conditional on a zero realisation for 7(y), for J, + + s], X{t, + s),..., X{t, + F{X{t, \ n If = X[t,)) ..., equaiity of the unconditional distributions of j is integer a: denotes the joint d'lstribution function. Iterating on 1. X ^e some collection of integers, assumed increasing without loss of generality. F{Xit,),X{t2), wJiere paper. in the random M —• oc, hence 0; " ^ -vBxiabie as and places positive probability on 0, it is for fixed simply a m the finite random 15 sequence {fm.m i ^ rn) converges almost Burely to the degenerate ra.ndom variable at itera.ted expectations, property is obvious. Proof of Theorem then N is a tero drift £(lim„_oo lm,n) = uniformly in m which implies E{X[t)) = 0. 0. The By the iaw of infinite variance QED 2. Suppose random tha.t contrary to the conclusion of the theorem, N{t) walk. Thus, from inEnitely often with probability 1. This is any starting point, a contradiction as N is N will take > for all t. But on arbitrarily negative values restricted to be always nonnegative. QED 16 FOOTNOTES. ^ Department of Economics, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139. Poterba and Julio Rotemberg for useful comments on Taylor, Mark Watson and an anonymous discussion. 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