New Construction Report Millennium Hall Client:

New Construction Report
Millennium Hall
Drexel University
May 25, 2010
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Table of Contents
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Section A: Project Management
A.1 – Integrated Design Process
A.2 – Environmental Purchasing
A.3 – Commissioning Plan – Documentation
A.4 – Emergency Response Plan
Section B: Site
B.1 – Development Area
B.2 – Minimization of Ecological Impact
B.3 – Enhancement of Watershed Features
B.4 – Enhancement of site ecology
Section C: Energy
C.1 – Building Energy Performance
C.2 – Energy Demand Minimization
C.3 – Energy-efficient Systems
C.4 – Renewable Energy Sources
C.5 – Energy-efficient Transportation
Section D: Water
D.1 – Water Performance Target
D.2 – Water Conserving Features
Section E: Resources, Building Materials and Solid Waste
E.1 – Systems and Materials with Low Environmental Impact
E.2 – Materials that Minimize Consumption of Resources
E.3 – Re-use of Existing Building
E.4 – Building Durability, Adaptability and Disassembly
E.5 – Re-use and Recycling of Construction/Demolition Waste
E.6 – Facilities for Recycling and Composting
Section F: Emissions, Effluents and Other Impacts
F.1 – Minimization of Air Emissions
F.2 – Minimization of Ozone-depleting Refrigerants
F.3 – Control of Surface Run-off and Prevention of Sewer Contamination
F.4 – Pollution Reduction
Section G: Indoor Environment
G.1 – Effective Ventilation
G.2 – Source Control of Indoor Pollutants
G.3 – Lighting
G.4 – Thermal Comfort
G.5 – Acoustic Comfort
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Project Management
Integrated design process
Environmental purchasing (including energy-efficient products)
Emergency response plan
Areas and Sub-Areas of Assessment
Development area (site selection, development density, site remediation)
Ecological impacts (erosion control, reduced heat island effect, minimal light pollution)
Watershed features
Site ecology enhancement
Energy performance
Reduced demand (space optimization, microclimatic response to site, daylighting, envelope design,
Integration of energy-efficient systems
Renewable energy (on-site renewable energy technologies)
Energy-efficient transportation (public transportation, cycling facilities)
Water target
Water conservation strategies (sub-metering, devices, cooling towers, landscaping and irrigation
Reduction of off-site treatment of water (gray water system, on-site wastewater treatment)
Resources – Systems Options Analysis and Building Material Selection
Systems/materials life cycle impact (selection of building materials based on their low environmental
Minimal use of non-renewable resources (reused, recycled, local, low-maintenance materials, certified
Reuse of existing buildings
Building durability, adaptability and disassembly
Reuse and recycling of demolition waste
Recycling facilities
Emissions, Effluents & Other Impacts
Air emissions (low emission burners)
Ozone depletion
Prevention of surface run-off and sewer contamination
Pollution reduction strategies (storage tanks, PCBs, radon, asbestos, pest management, hazardous
Indoor Environment
Ventilation (intakes, ventilation rates, flushing, delivery, CO2 monitoring, controls, parking areas, ease of
Source control of pollutants (mold, AHU, humidification, Legionella cooling towers/hot water, building
materials, local exhaust)
Lighting (visual access, heights and depths of perimeter spaces, daylight factor, ballasts, glare, task lighting,
Thermal comfort (thermal conditions meet ASHRAE 55)
Acoustic comfort (zoning, transmission, vibration control, acoustic privacy, reverberation, mechanical noise)
Total Points Available
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Green Globes Rating System
The Green Globes rating program was designed to evaluate and rate the energy and environmental design of
buildings. The goals of the program are to guide environmental performance integration in the design of
buildings and identify opportunities to save energy and water, reduce waste and prevent water, air and land
pollution during their management and operation, based upon the key elements of eco-efficiency. The program
involves a graduated rating system designed to recognize buildings that have achieved various levels of
energy and environmental performance. In general, the designations reflect the following objectives for each
rating level:
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Millennium Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is a 17 story, 102,680 ft², Residence Hall/Dormitory building.
The client is Drexel University
The architect is EM architecture/ARUP AGU
The mechanical engineer is AKF Engineers
The electrical engineer is AKF Engineers
The structural engineer is The Harmon Group
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This assessment is based on a review of construction documentation (drawings and specifications) as well as
a post-construction site assessment.
Those who participated in this project should check that the descriptions contained in this report are an
accurate reflection of the information provided, and should inform the assessor if they are aware of any
inaccuracies or additional information that would affect the assessor’s decision to award or withhold a rating.
The Green Building Initiative (for itself and as agent for its staff) shall not be liable whether in contract, in tort or
otherwise for any loss or damage sustained as a result of using or relying on the information contained in this
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Percentage of points achieved for each module is as follows:
Percentage Scores
Percentage Scores
Millennium Hall achieved an overall score of 56%.
RATING: Two Green Globes
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Rating Earned: 60%
This section evaluates the extent to which an integrated design process and a team approach have been used to generate design
solutions that will meet the needs identified in previous stages of the project delivery process. It also addresses the purchasing policy
and development of commissioning documentation and an emergency response plan.
Millennium Hall achieved a score of 60% on the Green Globes™ rating scale for its integrated design process, integration of
environmental purchasing, a commissioning plan and emergency response plan.
Integrated design process
Summary of Your Achievements
An integrated design process has been partially implemented.
A team approach was used throughout the progressive stages of the design process. It involved collaboration of the
architect, engineers, consultants, and other stakeholders.
Green design facilitation was used to support integration of energy and environmental considerations throughout
the design stages.
Environmental Purchasing
Summary of Your Achievements
Aspects of green specifications have been incorporated (e.g. concrete, low voc paint rubber flooring recyled content, low flush fixture,
glazing high recylced content of metal panel skin ).
Environmental purchasing has been integrated, including the procurement of energy-saving, high-efficiency equipment
Commissioning Plan Documentation
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
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Engage a Commissioning Authority.
Review the “Design Intent” and “Basis of
Design” documentation.
Include Commissioning requirements in the
Construction Documentation.
Develop a Commissioning Plan.
Commissioning serves to verify the performance of completed systems
and determine whether or not they comply with the design concept and
the specified performance ratings. The commissioning process should
have begun during the early stages, where decisions would have been
made as to which systems would be commissioned. Later, the
performance requirements should have been established. At the
Construction Documents Stage, the commissioning plan, and
construction documents should be reviewed, preferably by someone
other than the Designer.
Emergency response
Summary of Your Achievements
Division 1 includes the project's environmental goals and procedures with regard to emergency response. The response plan
will be in place prior to project start-up to mitigate the likelihood of environmental emergencies occurring on-site during site
preparation or construction.
Rating Earned: 83%
This section evaluates the design strategies for optimal use of the site based on information about the site, and in response to the
requirements set out at the previous stages of the project delivery process.
Millennium Hall achieved a score of 83% on the Green Globes
minimize the building's impact on the site.
rating scale for the site design and enhancement measures to
Summary of Your Achievements
The building is constructed on an existing serviced site.
The building is constructed on land that is neither a wetland nor a wildlife corridor.
The design accommodates the building's functions while minimizing disturbance to the site's topography, soils and vegetation.
Minimization of ecological
Summary of Your Achievements
Erosion control measures are in place in accordance with best management practices (BMPs) to protect the site during
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construction as well as over the long term.
At least 30% of impervious surfaces will be shaded to avoid creating a heat island.
A combination of green roof and high albedo materials (reflectance of at least 0.65 and emissivity of at least 0.9) will help to
avoid creating a heat island.
Obtrusive aspects of exterior lighting such as, light trespass and sky glow will be avoided to preserve the nocturnal sky.
Enhancement of watershed
Summary of Your Achievements
Storm water run-off will be controlled to prevent damage to the building and vegetation, and to minimize run-off into waterways.
A storm water control plan will achieve a 25% decrease in storm water run-off.
A green roof will serve to absorb water and reduce storm water run-off from the roof.
Enhancement of site
Summary of Your Achievements
The site-planning documents specify a naturalized landscape using native trees, shrubs and ground cover, with minimal lawn.
Rating Earned: 56%
This section evaluates the design strategies to minimize the building's energy consumption using the site's features and microclimate,
space optimization, the integration of energy-efficient systems and renewable energy, and alternatives to automobile transportation.
Millennium Hall received a score of 56% based on the assessment of best-design practices and energy performance on the Green
Globes rating scale for energy efficiency.
Building energy
Millennium Hall achieved a sub-score of 0% for its energy consumption. Energy consumption target figures were not entered.
Summary of Your Achievements
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Energy targets are reportedly being met.
Energy demand
Summary of Your Achievements
Space optimization
The floor area has been optimized to efficiently fulfill the building's functional and spatial requirements while minimizing the
amount of space that needs to be heated and cooled (i.e. tight building, no extranious areas, simple shape not alot of service
areas to heat and cool all usable spaces, verticle cirrulation is kept lean. ).
Response to microclimate and topography
The building is located and oriented on the site to optimize the effect of microclimatic conditions for heating or cooling (i.e. long
face north and south facade take advantage of the daylighting, east and west all glass, will not get the lenghth. ).
Opportunities offered by the site topography, and design measures – including location and orientation – are optimized to
provide shelter against wind and snow deposition.
Integration of daylighting
The amount of daylighting is optimized through building orientation and window-to-wall size ratios (i.e. study room abd floor to
ceiling windows in each unit 100% glass in study space. ).
The indicated visible transmittance(VT) of the window glazing is 0.2.
Building envelope
The thermal resistance of the exterior enclosure meets Building Energy Code levels. The reported thermal resistance (R) of the
exterior wall is 20 and of the roof is 30.
Window glazing with a low U value and window treatments that enhance interior thermal comfort are specified. The indicated U
value of the window glazing is 0.15.
There are measures to prevent groundwater and/or rain penetration into the building.
The integrity of the building envelope is optimized, using best air/vapor barrier practices:
air barrier materials meet the requirements of local and national building
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drawings provide air barrier detailing between components of the building envelope and around
mock-ups and mock-up testing is required for air and vapor barrier
Energy metering
Major energy uses are being sub-metered (i.e. BAS system tracks energy use ).
Opportunities for improvement
Space Optimization
Supplementary Information
If possible, phase the construction process.
Buildings are often designed with additional space to accommodate potential
or future expansion, based on projections that may or may not prove
accurate. Resources can be spared if entire parts of a project are never built.
By planning to build in phases, only the parts of a project that are needed at a
given time will be constructed. Drawings should indicate the various potential
Response to microclimate and topography
Supplementary Information
Include measures to maximize natural ventilation
and cooling or to integrate hybrid ventilation.
These might include, operable windows, trickle
vents, openings located to catch prevailing
breezes, or horizontal pivot windows. Consider the
room depth and height ratios and the possibility of
open floor plans to optimize cross-ventilation.
Building form, occupied spaces and fenestration should be optimized so that,
site permitting, the building can benefit from natural or hybrid ventilation to
provide natural cooling during the time of the year when outdoor air is cooler
than indoor air.
Integration of daylighting
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Supplementary Information
Provide specifications for daylighting systems,
integrated electrical lighting and daylighting control
systems. An account of the daily and seasonal
variations should be included in the construction
documents. Provide the modeling results and
manufacturers' information on the lighting controls.
Develop an operating manual to ensure that
appropriate adjustments can be made to the
lighting systems to account for daily and seasonal
Natural light entering the building should be integrated with electrical light,
taking into account daily and seasonal variations. Zones with daylighting
potential should have light-sensing controls to adjust electric lighting in
response to available daylight. Failure to provide these can produce less than
optimal results. For example, on days when daylighting alone can provide
sufficient light for most office activities, occupants may experience eye strain
due to excessive light levels if electrical lights are not dimmed. Energy is also
wasted on unnecessary artificial lighting and the air-conditioning needed to
counter the heat from lights.
Daylight control systems can save up to 60% in lighting energy. They include
dimming and switching. Dimming controls vary the light output over a large
range to provide the desired light level, while switching controls turn individual
lamps off or on as required. Dimming systems require electronically dimmable
ballasts. Although they are more expensive than switching systems, they
achieve the largest savings and do not abruptly change light levels as do
switching systems.
Note that the use of daylight control systems is still relatively rare in America.
Care must be taken to ensure proper design and commissioning, otherwise
energy-savings may be minimal and the controls are likely to be de-activated.
Building envelope
Supplementary Information
Detail the continuous air/vapor barrier and show
how it will avoid thermal bridging, provide thermal
comfort to the occupants and prevent
condensation in the building. Include product data
on air/vapor barrier materials.
A continuous air barrier helps to ensure the integrity of the building envelope,
thereby eliminating thermal bridging and preventing condensation, avoiding
air leakage, reducing the energy needed for heating and cooling, and avoiding
water damage to the building envelope, interior walls and ceilings. Airtight
commercial construction involves a systematic approach to providing
continuity of an air barrier in the building envelope, including areas where
dissimilar materials meet. This is of particular significance to residential
Follow the best air/vapor barrier practices by:
Ensuring that drawings provide air barrier detailing of roof to wall air barrier
connection and other details such as between different wall types, air
barrier penetrations, and wall to glazing systems.
Considering the building occupancy requirements for relative humidity,
temperature, and interior pressures in the design of the air and vapor
barrier systems.
Considering material compatibility issues.
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Requiring mock-ups and mock-up testing for air and vapor barrier systems.
Requiring lab testing for air and vapor barrier systems.
Requiring field review and testing by a building envelope specialist.
Optimizing the mechanical systems been for designed building air leakage.
Review is required for the most likely areas for air leakage, such as joints
between the roof and wall air barriers, the area between the wall air barrier
and the windows and doors, and between the wall air barrier and the grade
beam, and, in residential buildings - balconies.
Other high risk areas are penetrations of the wall and roof air barriers by
electrical, plumbing, telecommunication services, trusses, beams, chimneys
and ventilation ducts; joints at the floor level in multi-story buildings; and poor
quality or poorly adjusted weather strips on doors and windows.
Supplementary Information
Include a detailed design of the lower and upper
parts of the building, including enclosed staircases
and any other vertical shafts, to ensure they are
sealed and avoid the “stack effect”.
Tests carried out by the National Research Council of Canada on high-rise
buildings have shown that typically, 30 - 50% of heat loss can be attributed to
air leakage. Air-leakage affects thermal comfort, causes imbalance of
mechanical systems and affects the building envelope through moisture
migration. Many buildings can greatly reduce their air leakage by sealing
following areas:At the top of the building, isolate and compartmentalize
mechanical rooms, weather-strip doors and fire-stop penetrations through
rated walls, and reduce the size of cable holes in the elevator shafts and other
electrical penetrations through the floor of the elevator rooms.At the bottom of
the building, parking, receiving dock and garbage compaction areas should be
isolated. Penetrations into the underground parking areas such as unsealed
cable conduit ducts, pipe penetrations and gaps between block infill and slabs
should be sealed. Doors should be weather-stripped.
Other areas needing attention include fire cabinets, garbage disposal rooms,
electrical rooms and other vertical service shafts.
Sealing of vertical shafts decouples floor to floor and reduces stack pressures.
Summary of Your Achievements
The building's energy efficiency is increased through the use of energy-efficient equipment. The design includes the following:
Energy-efficient lighting fixtures, lamps and
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Energy-efficient HVAC
High efficiency (modulating or condensing)
High efficiency
Energy-efficient hot water service
Building automation
Renewable sources of
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Consider integrating renewable energy sources.
Provide details of the complete system and
calculations that demonstrate the renewable
energy contribution.
The overall energy efficiency of the building can be vastly improved through
the use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass,
geothermal or photovoltaic energy. Detailed specification for the integration of
renewable or other on-site energy generation systems should be included in
the construction documents. Ensure that an operating manual for every
process is provided.
Summary of Your Achievements
Public transport/car-pooling
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Public transport is easily accessible, within 0.3 miles and with service at least every 15 minutes during rush hours.
Cycling facilities
Safe, covered storage areas with fixed mountings for securing bicycles against theft are included in the design.
Changing facilities for building tenants and staff are included in the design.
Opportunities for improvement
Public transport/car-pooling
Supplementary Information
Include features that will promote car/van pooling,
such as sheltered waiting areas and priority
Limit car-parking and provide priority parking for carpooling, and sheltered
waiting areas. During the operation of the building, incentives such as
developing an employee carpool database, subsidizing parking for
carpooling/vanpooling and providing priority parking, will motivate occupants
to share transportation.
Supplementary Information
Include provision for alternative-fuel re-fueling.
Alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, 85% ethanol (E85),
liquefied petroleum gas/propane (LPG), biodiesel (BD), electricity, hydrogen
or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Rating Earned: 40%
This section evaluates the design strategies to conserve treated water and minimize the need for off-site treatment of water.
Millennium Hall achieved a score of 40% on the Green Globes
rating scale for water consumption and measures to minimize its
Opportunities for improvement
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Supplementary Information
Ensure that the projected water consumption
meets the water-use targets.
The levels of water performance for the commercial building range from the
average of 5.0 gallons/ft²/year water usage in the private sector, through to
less than 1.6 gallons/ft²/year for some of the most water efficient buildings,
according to the data obtained from the Building Owners and Managers
Association (BOMA). The average amount of water used for facilities with
water savings initiatives is 2 gallons/ft²/year.
In multi-family buildings the range is between more than 70 gpcd (gallons per
capita) for water inefficient buildngs to less than 50 gpcd for most efficient
Summary of Your Achievements
Minimal consumption of potable water
The design includes the following of water-efficient equipment:
low flush toilets (less than 1.6
water-saving fixtures on faucets (less than 2.0 gallons/minute) and showerheads (less than 2.4
other water-saving
Minimal use of water for cooling towers
Cooling towers have features to minimize the consumption of make-up water.
Minimal use of water for irrigation
A water-efficient irrigation system is specified.
The specified landscaping uses plants that are able to withstand extreme local weather conditions, and that require minimal
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Opportunities for improvement
Minimal consumption of potable water
Supplementary Information
In addition to a water meter to measure the total
amount of water supplied to the building, major
water consumption operations such as boilers,
cooling tower make-up lines, water-cooled airconditioning units or special laboratory operations,
should also be individually monitored.
Metering provides continuous information of system efficiency and can give
early warnings of system problems such as leaks. When each tenancy is
accountable for water use, this can motivate occupants to cut back.
Minimal use of water for irrigation
Supplementary Information
Specify irrigation using non-potable water (i.e.
captured rainwater or recycled site water). If
rainwater will be used, ensure that there is a
system for catchment, storage and distribution.
Collected rainwater and graywater or treated wastewater can be reused for
irrigation. Rainwater can be collected with a cistern or in rain barrels at each
rainwater leader or downspout. Manufactured rain barrels range from 40 to 80
G. They should incorporate a “roof washer” or a “first flush” device, to avoid
contamination by bird droppings and dust, an inlet screen and an overflow
Most roofing materials are suitable for rainwater collection, except for
redwood, cedar or treated wood shingles and shakes and asphalt shingles,
which leach toxic materials when wet. Food-producing gardens should not be
watered with rainwater from roofs covered with these materials.
Consider graywater reuse technologies, if local codes permit, and if sufficient
water is generated from baths, showers, bathroom sinks and washing
machines. Wastewater can only be used after proper treatment to remove
solids and to meet predefined and/or regulated bacterial levels. Graywater
collection and irrigation systems must be considered early in the design
process, since they will affect landscaping design and the size and placement
of mechanical spaces.
Minimization of off-site treatment
Supplementary Information
Consider integrating a graywater collection,
Since the use of water-efficient appliances alone may not significantly reduce
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storage and distribution system. Provide design
drawings and specifications documentation for the
the need for costly, new infrastructure to treat and redistribute water, there is
a need to investigate low-cost, environmentally sound methods to recycle
water. While the present water supply is treated to a high level of purity, many
processes could be performed with non-potable and less-costly water. The
reuse of graywater through collection, storage, treatment and redistribution for
toilet flushing, irrigation, janitorial cleaning, cooling and laundry washing,
reduces water consumption and sewage charges.
Technologies exist which permit the recycling of a significant proportion of
domestically used water. For example, ex-bath water (light graywater) may
still be clean enough after simple treatment for reuse in processes such as
toilet flushing.
Software such as WATERSAVE, a new user-friendly computer program,
intended to facilitate the design of water reclamation systems, can be used to
further develop strategies in the building design.
Supplementary Information
Where feasible, integrate a biological waste
treatment system for the site and building such as
peat moss drain fields, constructed wetlands,
aerobic treatment systems, solar aquatic waste
systems (or living machines), and composting or
ecologically-based toilets. Another alternative to
conventional septic filtration is the Waterloo
There are several on-site wastewater treatment systems apart from
conventional septic filtration. The Waterloo Biofilter™ is a single-pass aerobic
system using ultraviolet light. The system reduces the need to import soil or
sand as filtrates and reduces the space required for septic tile beds. It
operates well in a wide variety of soil and climatic conditions. Other systems
include Composting (Clivus™) Toilets and “Living Machines” otherwise known
as Solar Aquatics Wastewater Treatment.
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment use microbes and plants to
break down waste. Two wetland options are: 1) surface-flow wetlands or
wastewater lagoons, which consist of a tiered system of ponds filled with
wetland plants to remove the waste; and 2) subsurface-flow wetlands, which
use a gravel medium to anchor plants instead of soil.
Rating Earned: 28%
This section evaluates the selection and specification of environmental requirements for construction materials. Documentation to
ascertain the environmental sourcing of materials such as timber and timber products, blocks, bricks, plasterboards, paints etc. used
on the project should be available.
Millennium Hall achieved a score of 28% on the Green Globes
site stewardship.
rating scale for managing resources through waste reduction and
Systems and materials with low environmental
Opportunities for improvement
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Supplementary Information
Specify materials with low embodied energy.
Provide evidence that the foundations, floor,
structural system (column and beam, or post and
beam combinations), roof and envelope (cladding,
windows etc.) assembly materials have undergone
a life cycle assessment. The specifications should
reflect the results of the “best run” life cycle
assessment of the building's materials. “Best run”
here means the specification with the lowest life
cycle impact out of the number of the alternatives
investigated. In Division 1, state the project's
environmental goals and the general
environmental procedures with regards to material
selection and specification.
A lifecycle assessment (LCA) is considered to be the most reliable way to
calculate and compare the cradle-to-grave environmental effects of common
building materials. Designers can use modeling tools such as Athena™ to
examine the lifecycle environmental effects of a complete structure or of
individual assemblies, and can experiment with alternative designs and
different material mixes to arrive at the best environmental footprint. The
objective of the simulation is to aid the Designer in selecting building
assemblies with the lowest reported impact in terms of energy consumption,
air and water toxicity index, global warming potential (GWP), ecologically
weighted resource use, and solid waste emissions.
Materials that minimize consumption
Summary of Your Achievements
Building materials with recycled content will be used in the construction (i.e. metal skin and concrete ).
Materials that come from renewable sources and/or are locally manufactured have been specified and have undergone lifecycle assessment (i.e. PA manufactured metal panel. ).
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Specify the reuse of building materials and
components such as, bricks, flooring, paneling,
hardware, doors and frames, fixtures, cabinetry,
and large-dimension structural lumber (beams and
posts) or steel. Highlight reused items in drawings
so that they receive special attention. Avoid older
components that may contain hazards such as
lead paint, older toilets and showerheads that do
not meet current water consumption standards,
and older windows that do not insulate well. In
Division 1, state the project's environmental goals
and the general environmental procedures that
address reused materials and re-manufactured
products. Identify reused and re-manufactured
items in appropriate CSI/Masterformatspecification
Reusing materials conserves resources that would be used to manufacture
new building components and avoids the need to dispose of old materials.
There are many architecturally valuable, durable items that can be reused
such as hardware and large-dimension structural lumber or steel, windows,
hollow metal doors and frames, wooden doors and frames, bathroom fixtures,
lighting fixtures, and demountable partitions.
The availability of used materials for new buildings has been limited due to
the low supply and demand of recycled products and the lack of information.
However, organizations such as the Used Building Materials
Association represent organizations that acquire and redistribute used
building materials.
Some older, used items may not be suitable for reuse. Examples are
components that contain hazards such as lead paint, older toilets and
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showerheads that do not meet current water use standards, and older
windows that do not insulate well.
Supplementary Information
Specify that only wood products from certified and
sustainable sources will be used. Provide
references to local, provincial, federal, and industry
certified wood standards, regulations, and
requirements. Provide a written confirmation from
suppliers regarding the composition of the woodbased panel products and/or certification ((SFI),
(FSC), (ATFS), (CSA-SFM)) that the wood
products have been monitored from origin to end
consumer. In Division 1, state the project's
environmental goals and the general
environmental procedures that address certified
sustainable wood. In Divisions 6, 9, and 12, list at
least three different suppliers of certified wood.
The use of tropical hardwoods should be avoided, as their preservation is
critical for maintaining the biodiversity and survival of some of the most varied
ecosystems on earth. Where structural/envelope systems require wood
products, these should be certified through sustainable forestry management
programs such as the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), the Forest
Stewardship Council (FSC), the American Tree Farm System (ATFS) and the
CSA International Sustainable Forest Management program (CSA-SFM). The
American forest industry actively supports the development of consensusbased sustainable forestry certification standards to help ensure that wood
used in products is derived from environmentally sound and sustainable
forestry operations. Under these programs, forests or woodlands are
inspected to see if they are being managed according to criteria with regard to
the scale and intensity of forest management operations, taking into account
their uniqueness and ecological fragility.
Reuse of existing
Building durability, adaptability and
Summary of Your Achievements
Building assemblies and materials have been specified for their durability and low maintenance (i.e. concrete low maintenance,
vinyl rubber durable high impact drywall ).
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Specify structural, cladding and detailing building
assemblies, mechanical systems, and components
that will maximize building adaptability and
flexibility. Provide the rationale that shows how
these promote building adaptability.
There are several design strategies to accommodate future growth and
expansion. The zoning, footprint, window modules and façade, as well as the
floor-to-floor height and column spacing should be adaptable to future
alterations and changes. Space should be planned and zoned for adaptability
and flexibility. Use structural and spatial definition and mechanical systems
that maximize flexibility and minimize the time and expense for future
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upgrades. Select finishes, systems and components that can be easily altered
with time.
Supplementary Information
Specify structural, cladding and detailing materials,
mechanical systems, and components that
facilitate building disassembly. Where possible,
use standard sized construction materials. The use
of adhesives should be minimized and reversible
mechanical fasteners used wherever practical.
Show evidence in the design report, design
drawings and specifications documentation that the
building design allows for easy disassembly.
There are many design strategies to accommodate building disassembly for
reuse and recycling. Modular structural systems, cladding systems and nonload bearing wall systems should be selected that facilitate disassembly.
Components should be used that can be assembled or fastened in a manner
that reduces deconstruction waste and facilitates reassembly into new
construction. Snap-release connectors, friction joints, bolts, screws and clips
are preferable, as they do not require sealants. Homogeneous materials such
as concrete are easier to separate and recycle rather than composite
materials such as reinforced plastics, carpets, fibers and backings.
Reuse and recycling of construction/demolition
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Provide a waste management/reduction plan and
strategy, including a waste audit and a waste
diversion strategy report. In Division 1, state the
project's environmental goals and procedures that
address the development of a Construction Waste
Recycling Program to recycle as much of the
construction waste building material as possible.
Include demolition and construction waste reuse
and recycling in Division 1 and 2 of the
specifications. Include the reuse, recycling and
recovery of demolition materials in Division 2 of the
specifications. The specifications should either
identify a separate contractor to remove reusable
items, or require the demolition contractor to
remove items for recycling and recovery. Schedule
a walk-through with a deconstruction company to
identify items that are valuable. Allow sufficient
time in the construction schedule for the careful
separation of reusable and recyclable items from
Waste can be reduced during construction by:
Drafting specifications that emphasize waste reduction and other
environmentally sound construction procedures;
Incorporating contract clauses dealing with these issues and make the
contractor aware that they will be enforced;
Discussing on-site waste and recycling issues with contractor.
Where the site has an existing building or space slated for demolition, the
following strategies should be implemented:
Carry out a waste audit and identify the materials and equipment within the
building that can be dismantled, sold, reused in the renovation or recycled.
List construction materials that are to be source-separated at the
construction site for reuse and recycling such as ferrous and non-ferrous
metals, doors, demountable partitions, cabinets, tracks and blinds, carpets,
windows, limestone, brick, speed tile (crushed or filled), and mechanical
items such as wiring, receptacles, switches, power poles, conduits and
Millennium Hall pg. 22
Propose contractual means of ensuring that all recyclable materials and
equipment are diverted from landfill. Items to be salvaged can be removed
by the Demolition Contractor or another firm.
Review the condition and potential for exposure to dangerous substances
and lead-base paint, and make recommendations. Develop a hazardous
materials survey and removal plan.
Review the scope and alternatives for asbestos removal and develop an
Asbestos Management Plan. An asbestos specialist should supervise.
Facilities for recycling and
Summary of Your Achievements
The construction documents indicate that there will be 300 ft² of space designated for the storage of recyclable waste.
Rating Earned: 86%
This section evaluates the strategies to avoid or minimize air emissions, ozone-depleting substances, effluents, pesticides, and
hazardous materials. Note that it is assumed that halon-containing materials will not be introduced into the building.
Millennium Hall achieved a score of 86% on the Green Globes
rating scale for emissions, effluents and other environmental
Minimization of air
Summary of Your Achievements
Low-NOx boilers and furnaces are specified.
Minimization of ozonedepletion
Summary of Your Achievements
A refrigeration system has been specified that avoids ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and potent industrial greenhouse
gases (PIGG) (i.e. r-410a).
Opportunities for improvement
Millennium Hall pg. 23
Supplementary Information
Provide details of the cooling system, HVAC
components, type of refrigerant and provisions to
prevent the release of refrigerants into the
atmosphere. Comply with the ASHRAE 15 1994 standard by specifying safety measures in
the design, construction, installation and operation
of the refrigerating systems.
Where ozone-depleting refrigerants are to be used, there should be an
automatic leak detection system that includes all chillers. Leak detection is
important because 80% of refrigerant emissions occur during servicing of the
equipment and through leakage while in normal use, and only 20% during
manufacture and disposal. The American Refrigeration Institute warns that
even well maintained, negative-pressure chillers can lose 15% of their
refrigerant charge annually. Refer to ASHRAE 15-1994, Safety Code for
Mechanical Refrigeration. Refrigerant sensors should be provided in
machinery rooms where refrigerant vapor from a leak may be concentrated. In
well-ventilated areas, refrigerant leak detection should consist of air-sampling
lines connected to specific parts of the refrigeration system, such as the
compressor housing.
The refrigerant recovery system should be capable of pumping down the
entire refrigerant charge into a suitable vessel, then isolating it from the
remainder of the equipment by means of a suitable isolation valve.
Additionally, if the chillers are using CFC 11, CFC 113, or HCFC 123, there
should be a high efficiency purge.
Control of surface run-off and prevention of sewer
Summary of Your Achievements
There are measures to intercept and/or treat contaminated water to prevent pollutants including toxic materials, oils, and
suspended materials from entering sewers or waterways (i.e. Infiltration system ).
Summary of Your Achievements
Compliant storage tanks
The construction documents indicate that soil and surface water contamination will be prevented.
Control of other pollutants (PCBs, asbestos, radon)
All PCBs present in the building meet applicable regulatory requirements.
Millennium Hall pg. 24
There will be measures appropriate to the region to prevent the accumulation of harmful chemicals and gases such as radon or
methane in spaces below the substructure, and their penetration into the building.
Integrated pest management
Components, materials and the protection of structural openings are specified to avoid infestation by pests.
Storage and control of hazardous materials
There will be secure, appropriately-ventilated storage areas for occupants to store hazardous and flammable materials.
Rating Earned: 47%
This section evaluates the implementation of strategies used to ensure that the indoor environment is healthy and comfortable, in
terms of providing a high level of indoor air quality, effective lighting, thermal comfort and suitable acoustic conditions.
Millennium Hall achieved a score of 47% on the Green Globes
comfortable environment.
rating scale for measures to provide a healthy, productive and
Effective ventilation
Summary of Your Achievements
Vent openings will be suitably protected.
The mechanical systems will provide effective air exchange (i.e. Designed per International Mechanical Code ).
The mechanical ventilation system will have the capability of flushing-out the building with 100% outside air at ambient
temperatures above 0°C.
The construction documents specify personal control over ventilation (i.e. One or two Apartments per floor has personal
control of operable windows. The remainder are provided with fresh air 24/7 year round. ).
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
To avoid re-entrainment, position air intakes and
outlets at least 33 ft apart, and ensure that inlets
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is primarily related to the quality of the outside air.
If the site is located relatively distant from heavy urban and industrial
Millennium Hall pg. 25
will not be downwind of outlets.
Locate air intakes at least 66 ft from major
sources of pollution (and/or for naturally
ventilated buildings, the windows must be at
least 33 ft from major sources of pollution), and
at least the minimum recommended distances
from lesser sources of pollution.
Specify systems and components that avoid the
release of pollution and fibers into the ventilation
air path.
pollution, the outdoor air should contain no more than 350-400 ppm of
CO2. However, even in locations where the outdoor air is of relatively high
quality, the building can be contaminated by localized sources of pollution.
One way to avoid some of these problems is to place outdoor air intakes
high up, where there may be less pollution than at ground level, although
even at higher elevations, care must be taken to prevent contamination by
insects or bird droppings. Prevailing winds and airflow patterns created by
the building can have a considerable impact on the air that actually
reaches the air intakes. When air intakes are unavoidably located close to
sources of pollution, or where the airflow is obstructed, additional
measures to remove pollutants from the supply air will be required. Air
intakes should be separated from potential sources of pollution by the
following minimum separation distances:
Property line
Areas where vehicles are standing and
Driveway or street
Limited access highway
Mantles or ledges
Landscaped grade
Roof or grade
Source: Santa Monica Building Design & Construction
Guidelines; Separate Outdoor Air Intakes from Air Pollutant Sources
Supplementary Information
Provide sufficient ventilation to obtain
Provide sufficient ventilation to obtain acceptable IAQ, as determined
acceptable IAQ, using either the Ventilation Rate using either theVentilation Rate Procedure or the Indoor Air Quality
Procedure or theIndoor Air Quality
Procedure of ANSI/ASHRAE 62.1-2004. The design documentation must
Procedure of ANSI/ASHRAE 62.1-2004.
clearly state which method and assumptions (based on occupancy and
contaminants) were used in the design so that future changes to building
operation and usage do not have unexpected and undesirable IAQ
If the Ventilation Rate Procedure is used, the design documentation
should clearly state what assumptions were made with respect
to ventilation rates and air distribution. Specify digital electronic airflow
measurement products for airflow monitoring.
If the Indoor Air Quality Procedure is used, the design documentation
should clearly state what assumptions were made with respect to
Millennium Hall pg. 26
the contaminants levels and their monitoring.
Supplementary Information
Specify an indoor air quality monitoring system
either as an independent system or as a function
of the BAS. Locate the CO2 monitors in areas
with high occupant densities and at the ends of
the longest runs of the distribution ductwork.
Install indoor air quality monitoring as an independent system or as a
function of the BAS, preferably with feedback on space ventilation
performance and the operation of the air intake vents. Identify designated
exhaust systems for special sources of contamination and where
appropriate, specify CO2 monitoring. Check that the monitoring locations
are situated in areas with high occupant densities and at the ends of the
longest runs of the distribution ductwork.
Supplementary Information
Specify that the air distributed to occupied
spaces will be filtered through filters complying
with Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value
(MERV) of at least 13 as determined by
ASHRAE 52.2-1999 (80-90% Dust Spot
Efficiency), and that filter racks shall minimize
the bypass of air around the filter media or the
filter cartridge frames. Provide specifications and
filtration media information with the minimum
efficiency reporting values (MERV) highlighted.
Select filters complying with Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV)
of at least 13 as determined by ASHRAE 52.2-1999 (80-90% Dust Spot
Efficiency). Design filter racks to minimize the bypass off air around the
filter media or the filter cartridge frames. Provide good access to the AHU
so that regular cleaning and maintenance checks are feasible. It is
important to be able to conduct a visual inspection of filters in order to
evaluate whether air could bypass the filter due to loose filter supports, or
if filters are overloaded, wrong-sized or need cleaning.
Source control of indoor
Summary of Your Achievements
There are measures to minimize the accumulation of moisture within the building and prevent the growth of fungus, mold, and
bacteria on building surfaces and in concealed spaces (i.e. anti mirobial carpet ).
There will be easy access to the air-handling units (AHUs) to facilitate their maintenance and drainage and avoid the
accumulation of debris.
Interior materials are specified that are low-VOC emitting, non-toxic, and chemically inert (i.e. paints sealants, adheavive, carpet
Millennium Hall pg. 27
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Specify the use of humidifiers that are designed to
avoid the growth of microorganisms. Steam
humidification is preferable. Steam humidification
from an independent source rather than from
boilers is preferable.
Although the use of steam humidifiers increases total energy consumption
and CO2emissions, steam humidification has been associated with a lower
risk of SBS than spray systems. It also provides better control of relative
humidity. Free water droplets are rarely present unless condensation takes
place downstream of the injection point. Ideally, steam humidification should
be provided from an independent source rather than from boilers, as there are
some concerns about air contamination from boiler additives, used to control
scale and corrosion in steam systems, and from biocides used in cold water
systems. This risk however, seems to be less than the risk of microbial
contamination from spray humidification.
In situations where both simultaneous cooling and humidification are required
such as in computer rooms and cleaning rooms, it is possible to use
ultrasonic humidifiers. These are also recommended in applications where
cleanliness is a high priority.
Supplementary Information
The construction documents should indicate
measures to avoid pollution at-source such as
separate ventilation and isolation.
Include in the construction documents, measures to prevent unpleasant,
dangerous or noxious pollution such as from smoking, cooking smells and
chemical vapors or office equipment and materials such as printers,
photocopiers and fax machines. These could include the physical isolation of
spaces, separate ventilation, or a combination of isolation and ventilation.
Supplementary Information
The construction documents should indicate that
wet cooling towers are designed and located in
such as way as to avoid the risk of Legionella (i.e.
to avoid spray entering the ventilation intakes and
with draft eliminators).
If wet cooling towers are to be used, ensure that their design and location will
avoid the risk of Legionella.
The relationship of ventilation intakes to cooling tower drift and the prevailing
wind direction should be observed and modified if necessary. Install drift
eliminators on cooling towers. This will save water and reduce the risk of
down draft of a spray that could contain Legionella.
Millennium Hall pg. 28
Supplementary Information
Indicate on the construction documents that the
domestic hot water system is designed in such as
way as to prevent the occurrence of Legionella.
Bacteria tend to accumulate in the bottom of hot water heaters. Installing
destratification pumps in large heaters will mix water and kill bacteria. For cold
water systems pipes should be segregated or insulated to avoid temperatures
above 68°F. Avoid conditions that allow water to stagnate. Large water
storage tanks exposed to sunlight can produce warm conditions favorable to
high levels of Legionella. Avoid deadlegs in pipework.
The construction documents should specify measures in compliance with the
requirements of ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000 Minimizing the Risk of
Legionellosis Associated with Building Water Systems to prevent Legionella.
Provide specifications and design drawings documentation showing the hot
water system design.
Summary of Your Achievements
The construction documents indicate that the building provides direct ambient daylight to 80% of the primary spaces.
The building will provide ambient natural lighting, achieving a daylight factor of 0.2 for work places and or living/dining areas
requiring moderate daylighting, and 0.5 for well day-lit work areas.
The construction documents indicate that there will be views to the building exterior, or to atria from all primary interior spaces.
Solar shading devices are specified to enable occupants to control brightness and glare from direct daylighting.
Lighting design
The building design integrates local lighting controls related to room occupancy, circulation space, daylighting and the number
of workstations in office areas.
Opportunities for improvement
Lighting design
Millennium Hall pg. 29
Supplementary Information
Specify appropriate daylighting and electric lighting
systems to ensure that ambient illuminance values
for various activities will be within the ranges
specified in the Illuminating Engineering Society
(IESNA) Lighting Handbook, 2000 for all spaces,
based on the primary visual tasks. The light quality
and color should complement the functions and the
character of the space as well as the
characteristics of the interior finish. Include details
of material assemblies and specified material
reflectance. Provide engineering calculations of
illuminance levels and/or evidence of a software
analysis (i.e. using Radiance or Building Design
Advisor (BDA) or similar software) for
representative spaces.
Different occupancies and different types of buildings require different lighting
levels. The luminance levels should be calculated based on the occupants'
needs and the activities that will take place in the building. On average, there
should be 300 to 500 lux of ambient light, supplemented with user controlled
task lighting. Refer to the ANSI/IES Office Lighting, and
IESNA Recommended Practice for Office Lighting (RP1) general
Supplementary Information
In office occupancies ensure that the ambient
natural light in primary spaces does not produce
excessive direct or reflected glare, as defined
in IESNA RP-5, 1999, Recommended Practice of
Daylighting. Provide the design report and
engineering calculations.
Glare affects visual comfort. Glare and reflections are distracting, even when
they do not mask the work, and the added stress they cause generally results
in the need for longer rest pauses. Internal or external blinds are a first line of
defense against glare. Lights can also be angled to prevent glare at visual
display terminals. Solar control blinds should be on all windows oriented more
southerly than NE or NW. Guidance can be obtained from the IES-VDT
Lighting Standards to Avoid Glare for Visual Display Terminals.
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Specify appropriate mechanical, glazing and
shading systems to provide thermal comfort and
control excessive heat gain and heat loss. Provide
a mechanical engineering submission of summer
and winter design conditions, and the results of a
thermal assessment testifying the achievement of
comfort conditions. Ensure that the building design
conforms toASHRAE 55-2004.
A comfort analysis of a building can be done by calculations or modeling,
using various software packages such as the Thermal Analysis Software
(TAS) simulation package for assessing the energy consumption, thermal
comfort conditions and air flow in a new building. Such analyses are
particularly useful in the design of naturally ventilated buildings. The goal is to
explore and optimize internal temperatures and IAQ, and minimize overall
energy consumption. The TAS simulation package allows natural ventilation
conditions to be modeled quickly, ensures good quality data output and can
easily be revised and run again. Focus on critical spaces which may
experience high solar gain or which may be cooler.
Millennium Hall pg. 30
Summary of Your Achievements
The construction documents specify the sound level transmission through the building envelope. The sound transmission class
(STC) rating of the exterior walls is 53.
The design provides acoustic controls to meet the acoustic privacy requirements (i.e. Partitions with a STC rating of 50 are
provided ).
There are measures to mitigate acoustic problems associated with mechanical equipment noise and vibration, and plumbing
Opportunities for improvement
Supplementary Information
Locate and orient the building, and zone the noisesensitive spaces within the building so as to
provide optimum protection from undesirable
outside noise, and fall within acceptable noise
criteria (NC) ranges.
Indicate the acoustic zoning of exterior spaces, such as areas of vehicular
access, with regards to the ambient sound levels of noise-sensitive
occupancies. Review the construction documents to check that the location of
rooms, building entries, stairways and windows have been considered from
an acoustical perspective. Provide engineering design calculations and
drawings by a licensed acoustical engineer.
Supplementary Information
Provide noise attenuation of the structural systems,
and include measures to insulate primary spaces
from impact noise.
Provide noise attenuation throughout the building envelope by reducing the
transmission of externally generated noise. Specify appropriate floor and wall
assemblies, materials and glazing systems to minimize inappropriate sound
transmission from the outside and between rooms and floors, and to insulate
primary spaces from undesirable impact noise when adjacent spaces are fully
occupied and are being used normally. Specify appropriate field impact
insulation class (FIIC) values. Provide engineering design calculations and
drawings finalized by a licensed acoustical engineer.
Supplementary Information
Ensure that the interior design meets speech
Specify interior surfaces that will provide appropriate sound reverberation
Millennium Hall pg. 31
intelligibility requirements for various spaces and
activities such as individual work, face-to-face
communication and conferences.
levels, background sound levels, sound rendition, and speech interference
levels. Specify resilient flooring (carpeting and tiles), ceiling (suspended
ceiling tiles, absorbent ceiling geometry), and sound absorbing or reflecting
partitions and furniture (chairs, desks, and shelves). In an open-concept office
space, offset workstations and maximize the distances between workstations
and general office equipment. Use partial-height, freestanding walls between
workstations or work groups. Specify walls with solid core construction and
sound absorbing panels on both sides. Provide engineering design
calculations and drawings by a licensed acoustical engineer and provide the
articulation index (AI), which gives a measure of the intelligibility of hearing
speech in a given noise environment. Provide engineering design calculations
and drawings by a licensed acoustical engineer.
Millennium Hall pg. 32