MATH200-253 ST1 2015 FINAL EXAM INFORMATION: The final exam will be based on all the topics listed in the course outline. The exam will last for exactly 150 minutes (2.5 hours). Use of calculators, books, notes and formula sheets will NOT be allowed during the test. Formula sheets will not be provided. Review by looking over past final exams. The recent past final exams are a good indication of the length and level of difficulty of our final exam. Also review your notes, suggested problems from text, webwork problems, and our midterms. I. VECTORS, LINES, PLANES, QUADRIC SURFACES, PARTIAL DERIVATIVES (§12.1-12.6, 14.1, 14.3) For a summary of these sections, see the Midterm1 information sheet posted on the course website (link for the lazy http://www.math.ubc. ca/~mtalpo/stuff/math2002015/MT1_INFO.pdf). II. APPLICATIONS OF GRADIENT VECTOR, MAXIMA/MINIMA, LAGRANGE MULTIPLIERS (§14.4-14.8) For a summary of these sections, see the Midterm2 information sheet posted at (from last term’s course). III. MULTIPLE INTEGRATION (§15.1-15.9 (not including 15.6)) DOUBLE INTEGRAL RR D f dA over general regions D: -Know the basic idea behind the construction of the double integral in terms of a limit of double Riemann sums. -Know how, when possible, to express and calculate the double integral as an iterated integral either in Cartesian coordinates or polar coordinates. Know how, when possible, to switch the order of integration in an iterated intetgral in Cartesian cooridnates (using either dA = dxdy or dA = dydx). Recall that choosing such an order of integration corresponds to viewing D as either a type I or type II region in the plane. -You should be able to sketch a plane region D given a description of the functions bounding it (provided it is not too complicated). Given an iterated integral, you should know how to sketch the corresponding domain of integration D (provided it is not too complicated). -Given a mass density function ρ on D, know how to compute the total mass and the coordinates of the center of mass. You will be given the formulas for these in the exam, if they are needed. TRIPLE INTEGRAL RRR E f dV over general regions E: -Know the basic idea behind the construction of the triple integral in terms of a limit of triple Riemann sums. -Know how, when possible, to express and calculate the triple integral as an iterated integral either in Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, or spherical coordinates. Know how, when possible, to switch the order of integration in an iterated intetgral in Cartesian cooridnates (using either dV = dxdydz or dV = dydxdz, etc). Recall that choosing such an order of integration corresponds to viewing E as either a type 1, type 2, or type 3 region in the space. -You should be able to sketch a solid region E given a description of the functions bounding it (provided it is not too complicated). Given an iterated integral, you should know how to sketch the corresponding region of integration E (provided it is not too complicated). -Given a mass density function ρ on E, know how to compute the total mass and the coordinates of the center of mass. You will be given the formulas for these in the exam, if they are needed.