i,:ep Functions .3 iLEMS .In o-^L .,:;,, ^r n .,,i, I through (r, skctch l.; g(l) ::':." = trt(t) l2Lr.t(t) _ r.tttr(t) g(r) = f (t -5. - l)tt2(t). u,here.l.(t) rhe gr.aph of the -qiven funcrion on the ilnIeIVal 2. gt,t) = (t - erc f = I (.t) 2/ - Jlll _ L)ut(t) _2(t _ 2)th(t)t (/ _ -3)u,(r) 6. g(l ) = (t In each of problenrs 7 through i2: (a) Sketch the gr.aph of thcr given function. (b) Explessl (/) in ter.nts of the unir step function 0. [) <r f t- 7. f rt7 f r. 0<r<1, <3. l-2, 3<r < (I z. .5<r <7. 8 rft):l ; t-j' .5, = { t. t>7. q. t'1t = 11' (t 2r' lc I o 5 t<1. l> 2. < l, 11. .f r). r/, -1 .? (t) = ,=1.;, 'o lo. 1i1v=[t,2' o<t<2' "-=j 11, t>2. oar<2' t2 ,,,,: fl' ll _, :: l. ; 1,,. ,., In each of problems J 3 through lB. find the Laplace transfor.m of the given lunction. 13. rrr) = r <2 /o' (a\ I-5, t<1 r+.i6t=/0. +2. >l I It'-2t [(r-2)r. r>2 ltl=Jr-| t^ [''. /.:r "' ' :l<2t 16. t 7 2n 17. f(t) : (t -3)Ltzft.) - 1t). F(.s)- (t fO= rrr (r) -r 2utlrJ - _2)14(r) bule) 1g. .f(/) = t _ ttt(r)(r_ l), I>0 ln each of problems 19 through 24,find, the inverse Laplace transform of the given function. 3l (s _ 20. Fk) 2)o 1,., rl ', -i,1lC -tr/tr,.'),=__;_-_ -,. .i"_/.!*2 23. Fr,r) _ l.t-2)e' ,r'. - 4.r t- 3 25. Suppose that F(s) (a) - -2.t __'=_- .i,rJ-,2 It ._. r-(.lt = __ .i.-4 --;---- 2"i. f'1r1 = L{.f (r.1} exists for.s Shorv that if c is u positirc.o,lrto,.,t. >n> : e +e.!\-C-1r-(,.1\ (J. th"n' L{r(ct)t:Irf:) , ,>cLt > 0. 3)ttz(t) _ (t _ 2.)Lt1(t) / 334 Chapter 6. The Laplace Trat (b) Shorv tl.rat if /r is a positive constant, then t' = lFrk.:,, (c) Shou, that if c and b are constants with n L-11Flas + b)l = ( I, > O) 0, then t;rr",, (i,) In each of Problems 26 through 29, use the results of Problem trirnsforrn oI the given lunction 1n*) yl F(, = 4{/rrl 4u r..\'r/ 9e 26, 1 +J In each of Problems 30 through )'7 Fr, r ?O Fi.r-'- 2-5 to find the ipvcr.. ?t I -, 1 '-1f+.4i+5 ,'2 o-4s 2s-1 12s 33, find the Laplace transfor.m of the given fu:.-._ Ploblem 33, assunte that term-by-term integration of the infinite series is permissib,.: [l o:l :u '" l,rr: "'-lo.l1' r>1 ' t r,,,: .|u' ,1. '''"':1,. o<t<l t <r <2 2sr<3 Io' r>3 rrrrr 32 t''@ =1-ur(r)+..,!Lt2,,G)-u2n+t (r)= L+f (-1)klr(/) 33 f (tl: 1 * I (-i)trrr(/). See Frgule 6.3,7 FIGURE 6.3.7 The function.l (r) in Problem 33; a square wave. 34 Letl satisfy t( +T):11r) for all r > 0 and for some fixed positive number z to be periodic rvith period 7 on 0 < r < co. Show that [1' at f ,,, L\.i tt tl In each of Problems 35 through of the given function. -1,), /(/)- I { l. 'r- 1 < l. [,,. I-r-2: .f tt +21 - 1,,, Compare rvith Ploblem 33. 38. use the l Jt) e-', f dt (t1 | - e-'T result of Problem 34 to find the Lapiace tr: .16, rrr,: I l-1. (- | . t . I |(t-rz1:t14 See Figure 6.3.8. 335 ,Srsr Funcfions FIGURE 6.3.8 'I'he iunction f (r) in Problem 31.1(():r. 0<1<11 3ii..ltt) 36: a square wave =sinl, 0 .f(t+L):fO. f (r Seo Figure 6.3,9. See Figure 6.3.10. + r'1 = </ <;r; 1111. v I FIGURE 6.3.9 -fhe function./ t) FIC;URE 6.3.10 ]he function.l u) in in Plohlern 38; a rectifiecl sine rvavc. Problem 37: a sarvtooth rvave. If /(r): \,:.f (t). 39. (a) (b) Let B(/) : 1 I' I J,t uq(r), find comparc with Problent 30. Skctch the graph ot I{frr)} /te trtt. where the functio' 1, : gtr) ), : h(t) and frnd L{h(t)\. / is definccl in part (a), Sketch the graph of l{g(t)}. (c) Letl(1):g(rl *u)tt)g(t --1).wheregisdelineclinpart(b) Sketchthegraphof ancl hnd 40. Consicler the functionp defined by (t. o < t P,,,:1r_, f ., I I, t(a) Sketch the graph sf -u : p(r). (b) Fincl L\ptt)l b1'noting rhzrt 7.r +2): p(t) is the perodic cxtcusion of the flrnctron lt Problcnr .lt)(c) and then using thc result of Prol..lenl (c) Find L\p(rt1 pu 3'1. by noting that t' 1.r1t- Ja| lrltrlt. rvltcre ./ is the f unction in Ploblenr 36, and then using Theoretlt 6.2.I . in 340 Chapter 6. The Laplace Trz li ' i, r FIGURE 6.4.3 Solution o1 the initial value ploblem (16), (17) r: Note that in this exanrple. the forci's function g is continuous but g, is discor. -5 and r = r0. It follows that the solutior.r q) ancl its flrsr trvo evervwhere. but @"' has discontinuities at r g' at those points. : 5 and at, : derivatives are , 10 that match the discor:: ( PROBLEMS In each of Problems I through L3: (a) Find the solution of the given inrtial value pt.oblent, (b) Drari'the graphs ol the solution ancl of the forcr'g funcrion; explain ho*, ther --rry!*=:es3 6'Z 7,y"+-v=/(r); -y(0):0, l,(0):r; t,r :l],' 01t<3n [u. rn:r<\ 6e {a +2y:7111' 2. )"' +21,' 3. 1"'*,1_r,: sirrl + 4.\'= sini 6a' 6a5 4. .)," {a6 t"*3r,' +21' * /(0) :0, *2r): rr"(r)sin(r - r)l trz,(/)sin(.t = l'(r1: r'(0) :0. -y'(0) = 1. :61. 1,(0t :0 .),(0) :0. ),,(t)) : u y,(i)) :0; 6aE dt) ,"1.1':,g(1): 6aj e * (r <i < 1(l fi,l : ft l(1, r'l() 1 .i(0) =(1. ,u',(01 =1; .r,,(0) (^ g(r):l:,, t- d? ro )r'T,\,'-r- J.r,=g(r)t :0, =0; 6), tt v" + 4l : un(t) * hft(.t); y(0) : 0, ]'(0) : r:,;i.fi, : It, n < | < 2t [U. U<r<:r ani l(0) 3r" +2t - the). .1,(0) = 0. ),,(0) : : * rr:.(t); : l, .1"' 1, l,'(0) : 0 r,(0) r'''+,!"+ lt,=l -rr":(i)(/ - :rl2): .v(0) =0, ,)," 1,t,, l,(0) 1'(0) *,r, 0 :11 :'r=j'o : ft"t'. [u. t) < | < t | > tr l: Lf qyg49 " t -!t hp con tin u o u s Fo rc in g Fu n c t io n s 341 * ), : Ltt() - u2(j); y(0) : 0, .t'(0):0. .y"(0) :0, )""(0) = 0 5J'"*4y * : l u.(t); l(0) : 0. ,r,'(0) = 0. ,r,'(O) : 0^ 1,"'(Q) = 0 )i4r f 12. ),1t) |' l-1. t' is 14. Frnd an expression inr.'olvir-rg u. (t) for'a function.f that rantps up from zero at I value /r at / : to * k. l -5. f lnct an expression involving ti.(t) for a function g that ranrps up 1r.om zero at valuc /r at t : tu* k and then ranrps back clou,n to zero at t : tt 2k. * 16. 1 : = to to the 1o to the A certarn spring-ntass svsterr satrsfies the initial value problent 11 n'here s(r) : r13,2(.t)' (0) = 0' r.,,lll;.' ,),.',',,,,;':;,if (a) Sketch the graph of g(ll. Observe that ':, it One ltrne unit. is a pulse of unit magnitude extelding oyer. (b) Solve the initiai value problerr. (c) Plot the solution for /< : 112,lt = l. and k : solution and horv they depend on k. 2. Describe the principal featur.es of the (d) Find. to trvo decimal places. the smallest value of k for rvhich the solution u(l) reaches the value 2, i' (e) Suppose /r : 2, Fincl lhc tirre r afreru,hich Iu(l)l < 0,1 for all r > r, 17. Modify'the ploblem in Example 2 of this sectton by, replacing the given forcing function g(I.) by l(/) : [15(r)(r -.5) - rr5*1(1)(.t ,5 - b] lk. (a) Sketch the graph of f (tl anc.l descrrbe horv it depends on k. For rvhat yalue of k is (l) f identical to g(l) in the exantple? (b) Solve the initial valuc problent ,v, 1{1, -.1'(r), _t,(0) :0. }'(0) ,-i :0. (c) The solutiorl in part (b) depends on k. but tor sufficientlv large r the solution is airvavs a simple harntonic oscillation about,r,= 1/,{. Tr},,to decicje hctrv the amplitude of this evelltual osciliation depends on /r. Then confirr.n your conclusion by plotting the solution tor t' a ferv different values oi'/t. i 18. Consider the initiai value problerr :. y(0) )"'+1.r''+4Y:/1111 :0. t'(0t: l), ,:i til rvh cre ,ri I t' nt4:l1.i2k 4-lL' l).r, -l [,,. :/ 1._t< /i l1.j rrJ*I .... :,i and0</t<4. (a) Skctchthegraphof lr(rl.f)bselvethattheareaunderthcgraphisindependentofA. If il(r) represents a force. this me:rns that the product of the magnitucle o1'the force ancl thc tinre interval durins rvhich it acts cloes not depend on k. (b) Write /rttt in tcnls of tlrc unit stcp function ancl thcn solve the given rnitial r,alue problcnt. (c) Plot thc solution lor. I: 2. /i : l, n11i1 7, = *. Dcscribe horv the solutior-r depends on A ./ri i,.{ .;,*a .. J:il ,.i* $ ,& :?1,$ .1'',S tr'il :tdl il"{ .silt rl*l .ri! .t:* 348 Chapter 6, The Laplace Tr Hon'eveL. if the actual excitation exlends o'er a short, but nonzero. tinrt then an error will be introducecl by mocleling tire excitation as taking pla;: :.i taneously, This error rlay be negligible, but in a practical problem it shoi:__ :, dismissed wrthout consicleration, In problem 16 vou ale iskecl to invesi::,__ issue for a sirnple harrnonic clsciliator. 6'{ PROBLEMS ln each of Ploblems 1 through 12: (a) Fincl the solution of the given initial value problem. (b) Drau' a graph of the solution. 6e 8L {. 6,2 6Q d.2 6a {L {L {. 6a Ct"c 64, * 2),' +2),:5(r -:r)l .1,(0) = 1, ],'(0) = 0 4l: a(r - tr1- 3(t -2r).. l(0) :0. f,(0) :0 3. .t," + 3y' +2y: d(r - 5) * uro(/); )(0) = 0, y,(01 : tlZ 4. )/' - l: -20d(t - 3); .i.(0) = 1, l'(0): ,5. )," * 2.y'-r 3_r,: sint * d(r - 3.zl; l,(0) :0, l,(01 : g 6, .)," + 4y: 3(t -,1:z); ),(0) : L,/2, f,'(0) = 0 7. y" +.r, : 3(r - 2:z) cos ri .y(0) : 0, 1'(0) : 6. l" + 11t:1511 - nl4)., 1:(0) :0, 1,,(0) = e 9. )/' I )':./,,,2(r) * 36(l - 3rl2) - Lrz,Q); y(O) :0, .y'(0) :0 10. 2y" * .v' + ,11, : ri(r - 116) sinr; ),(.0) 0, = l,(0) : 0 Il. y" +2)t +2.v:cosr* 3(t -rl2): .v(0)=0, l,(0) =i) 12. .l:(cr -.y : d(r * 1r; _1,(0) : O. 1"(0) = 0, ),,,(0) = 0. .y,,,(0) : 0 l3 Clonsicier again the st'stem itt Example 1 of this section. in rvhich an oscillation 1. .y" 2. )/' + 1 ., : i- b1'a unit impulse at r : .5. Suppose that it rs desired to br.ing the sl,stem to resr;:., exactly one cycle-tliat is. rvhen thc response llrs1 r.eturns to equilibrium rno\.:. pt'sitit e tlile ctrun. (ii) Determine rhe impulse /ra^(r - /0) that shonld be appliecl to the svstem rn ,-: accornplish this objective. Note that k is tl.re rnagnitude olthe in.rpulse ald rx i. ::., of its application. (b) Solve the resulting initral value problem, and plot its solution to confir:. behaves in the specilied ntanner. 6a 14. Consider the initial value probleur \"11t1"+r:d(I-L). )'(0) : 0, y'(0) = () where y rs the clantpinq coelficient (or t.e srstunct,). (a) Let y: ;. Find the solution of the initiar value probrem ancl plot its graph. (b) Find tl'rc time /t at whicll the solution attains its maximum value. Also :.: rnaxlmurn value 1,r of the solution. (c) Let y : j and repeat parts (a) and (b). (d) Detelnrine horv I, and .y, varv as y decleases. what ru e$2 t.S : 0'l 1r.e the values of /1 and Consider the initial value proble nr \' + )i.\' +_I : /id(/ - l), t't01 : g, 1"1{t1 : !. . _:, 349 ,.funatrse Functions r.vhere k is the magnitude of an intpulse at I : resrstance ). (a) Let : value 1' 1. ancl y rs the damping cocfficient (or t-. {. Firrd the value of /r for u,hich the fesponse has a peak value of 2t call this /c1. (b) Repeat part (a) for y : t. (c) Determine horv /<1 varies as 7 decreases. What 62 rc, Consrder is tl.re value of /ci when ), : 0? the initial r'alue problem +) :.fi(r). = 0, tta-1,(t)li2k rvith 0 < k < 1. )" _i,(0) -r,'(0) = 0, li(t) : [aa-r(t) (a) Find tlie solution )) : O(.t, k t ol the initral value problem. (b) Calculatc p,,. k r flonr tlrc. solution found in palt (a). wherc *l-Tr_ (c) problern firn frl:3(t - 4). Find the solulion O0(t) of the given \\'ith fi(t) replaced hv 6(r - 4).Is it tfue that QoU) : kllli d(/,k)? Observe that (d) Plot 0ft,112), O0,Il4), and dro(t) on the same rl(t,k) and 0a(t). Problems 17 through 22 deal rvith the eifect oscillator'. Suppose that r,'' + r, : l'6). .r initial value axes. Describe the relation betrveen of a sequence ol irnpulses on an undamped (0) : 0. l,'(0) = 0 For each of the lbllon,ing chorccs for f (t): (a) Trl to predict the nalurc of tl.re solution',vithout solving the problem. (b) Test 1"our prediction b-v linding the solution and cirarving its graph. (c) Detelmine rvhat happens aftel the sequcnce ol irnpulses ends, 2t) 5;L tt. tttt :lArr_ lrrt L' d(.-. '.'. lR ,i,rr: ,,qtQ )t) 6Q- |e. fQ) :L6(/-lirl2| {t, : zt. /trt 0, Zl t5 Eutr - (2k t0 f r-ir'-.5.t-knr (1,' -, t(l CQ 20. f ,r,: 6L zz lo) : I(-1)i+16(r l',-lr( ar1 * l<tr,2t - 11kl4) .1(l - rttrl The position of a ccrtaiu lightlv damped oscillator satisfles the initial valuc problettt -1,,,:0.1-r,,+ v: ft-Dr*,;i, - Lrt, r(0):0. C)bserve that. except for tl.re danrpirlg te ,1,'(0):0 nlt, this problem is thc same as Pr oblem l 8. (a) Try to predict the nature of the solution rvithout solving the problem (b) Test your prediction b1' finding the solution and drarving its graph. (c) Determine what l.rappens 6a- Z+ Ploceecl as after the sequence of iupulses etrcls. in Problenr 23 for the oscillator satisf-ving li j"'*0.1,v'+t':It1r-tl/r- lr.rl. -r(0) :tl. l'(0) :i) Observe that. except tor the damping term. this ploblern is tllc same as Probletn 21. Chapter 6. The Laplace 354 rvhere ry'(I): I-i{Q(.i)} ancl Tt V/(t):4-L1V1r;}. Obsen'e that r/(r) is the: the rnrtial value problem o1," a 6l r c).' : Q. ,y(0) : y9, y'(0) : y'i,, obtained fron-r Eqs. (20) and (21) by setting g(r) equal to zero. Similarlr. solution of st/' + b)i 1cy = g(t), : 0. y(0) 1;'(0) : 0. rn rvhich the initial values )6 ancl _vi, are each replacecl by zero. Once specilic values of a, b. and.' are given. we can frnd rb(.t) : t-L{Ots .' Table 6.2. 1 . possibl-v in conjunction rvith a translation or a paltierl h'actio n t . : --: ftr find tttl: t '{q(.r)).it is convenient to write Wis) as W(s) : : H(s)Gts), bs * c)-1. The fr.rnction H is known as the transfer and depends only on the propelties of the systeln under consideration; that :, determined entirel-v by the coefficients a,b.and c. On the other hand, Gt-r only on the external excitation g(l) that is applied to the system. By the ccr:. theorem we can u'rite rvhere 11(s) (cs2 + t-\IH(s'tG(s,] : h(t 1,, - r)g(r) dr, rvhere h(.t) : t r{t1(s)}, and g(r) is the given forcing function. To obtain a better understanding of the signiticance of h(t), we consider t:- = which G(s) : 1:consequentlv,g(t) : E(t) ancl V(s) : 1/(s). This means tha. is the solr.rtion of the initial value problem utt'+by'+c]':r(Il, .l'(0) : 0, ),'(0) : 0, obtained fron-r Eq. (26) bv replacing g(t) b,v 3(r). Thus /r1r; is the respor:. svstelr to a unit inpulse applied at /:0, and it rs natural to call lr(t) the response ol the system, Equation (28) then says that dr(t) is the convolutrr: inrpulse lespolrstr and the forcing I'urtction. Referring to Example 2, rve note that in that case, the transfer iur-;, response is h(t1: (.sin2t)12. Also, the .-terms on the right side of Eq, (19) constitute the function d(t), the solutic, corresponding homogeneous equation that satisfies the given initial condit: - : H(s): Il$2 + 4) and the impulse eh PROBLEMS l. Establish the comnrulative, distributive, ancl associrtn,e propertic-s ol the cc': integral. (a)./'iB:g*t (b) I * (gj +g:) : l *gr - f (c) l*@*h1:(f *g)'+h * g, )'fhis terminologl, alises lrorr tire fact that H(s) is the ratio of the transforms of the oLrtlul on: of the problem (26). 355 ialr,tolution Integtal 2.Findanexampledifferentfrol-r-rtheoneinthetextshowingthat(fx1)(t)neednotbe equalto/tt). -1. Show. by means of the exampl e -f (t) : sin r' that f + 'f is not necessarilv nonnegatlve' of the given function' In each of Problems 4 through T, find the Laplace transform 1, f (t) = 6. f Q) : ln' t' - ,;' coslt tlr {' - 1,,' /(r) = Io ,-u-n 5. '1. ,)r' n, .f(t') =/' sin r dz - t) cost tlt sinil Laplace transform of the given function by 1n each of Problems 8 through 1 1. find the inverse .rsing the convolution theorem. S. F-1t) : O 1 -r.). F(.r) .1. 11, F(s) (s+1)2(.s2+4) (a) If /(1) s F, "\ 7 r\Jr I --,-;---:; s"{s'+ rJ = l"' and g(l) : 1", rvhere n't and (s+1rts2+4) G(s) = -;-:1 s-+r n are positive integers' show that I * g- = Y'*"' Jo[' u"'(I - u)" dtt' (b) Llse the convolution theorem to show that 1i Jo LL,,{1. _ tt)" du = ft1t tt'. 6 +;T|).. (c)Exteridthelesultofpart(b)tothecasewheremandnarepositivenumbersbutnot necessarilv rntegers, in each of Problems 13 through 20, express the solution of the given initial vaiue problem in :erms of a convolution integral' g(t); y(0) : 0, )'(0) : 0 ,J. -\"'+ 21/ +2V: sincv/; y(0) = 0, l'(0) = i:. ,1r," *4.y'* 17.y = g(l); .v(0) = 0, )'(0) = 0 .6. ,v'' +i'+;y - 1 - uo(I); .v(0) = 1' )'(0) = -1 l,i. y" +,1y' * 4-v : g(1)l )'(0) = 2, "1"(0) = -3 i8, 1," + 3y" + 2.r' : cosa/i -v(0) = i, y'(0) = u 0' y"'(0) = 0 19. y(a, - -'- : g(I); .r-(0) = 0, )"(0) = 0. 1"'(0) = 0, )"(0) :0, )"'(0) = 0 10. ,v(a) + 5.v,'+ 41, : g(r)l y(0) = l, 1,'(0) = ,-r. -y" * a21, 1 = 11. Consider the equatlon oa') + ll Ja k(t - {)d(6) dE = f ft), inwhlchfandkareknownfuncttons,arrd@istobedetermined.sincetheunknown called an integra| equation; given equation is function @ appears uno., un integral sign. the known asVolterra integral equations' eqiations integral of a class in particular. it belongs to and obtain an expression for -t-ake the Laplace tr-Jnsform of the girien integral equation given functions / and k' The the of Lto(/]\in terms of rhe transforms c{l (r)} unic{tr,li the original integral equatlon inverse rransform oi C{,lfrl) is the soiution of