C H U R C H O F q S A I N T I G N A T I U S O F L O Y O L A J U N Eq M USIC S ELECTIONS FOR M ASSES WITH O RGAN Dedication Alleluia-Hurd Land of Rest Eucharistic Acclamations MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (vs. 1,3,4) You are a Priest forever (Ps. 110) Sequence: Ecce Panis Angelorum Take and Eat I am the Bread of Life ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME I Heard the Voice of Jesus I turn to You, O Lord (Ps. 32) In Christ there is a Table The Kingdom of God TWELFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Gather us In *My Soul is Thirsting (Ps. 63) One Bread, One Body *God Has Chosen Me THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Here I am Lord *Center of my Life (Ps. 16) Only this I want *We are Called JUNE 6 737 G 92 chant G 614 738 JUNE 13 607 Burgo G 542 615 JUNE 20 G 539 G 57 G 599 G 488 JUNE 27 G 492 G 422 G 499 G 518 q J U N Eq M USIC S ELECTIONS FOR L ITURGY AT 5:30 Dedication Alleluia-Hurd Land of Rest Eucharistic Acclamations MOST HOLY BODY & BLOOD OF CHRIST All who Hunger You are a Priest forever (Ps. 110) Sequence: Ecce Panis Angelorum Take and Eat At Evening ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Sing of the Lord’s Goodness I turn to You, O Lord (Ps. 32) In Christ there is a Table Voices that Challenge TWELFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Gather us In My Soul is Thirsting (Ps. 63) One Bread, One Body God Has Chosen Me THIRTEENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Here I am Lord Center of my Life (Ps. 16) Only this I want We are Called JUNE 6 589 92 chant 614 549 JUNE 13 373 Burgo 542 519 JUNE 20 G 539 G 57 G 599 G 488 JUNE 27 492 422 499 518