q O C T O B E Rq MUSIC SELECTIONS FOR MASSES WITH ORGAN Gloria-Burgo CUBANO Alleluia BLACK MOUNTAIN Eucharistic Acclamations NEW DEISS Lamb of God Antiphon- When the Lord Appears 27th Sunday O.T. For the Beauty of the Earth Blest are those who love you (Ps 128) One Bread, One Body Laudato Si (10am) All Creatures of our God and King 28th Sunday O.T. The Kingdom of God Fill us with Your love (Ps. 90) Only This I want If Ye Love Me (10am) What does the Lord Require 29th Sunday O.T. Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service Lord, Let Your mercy be on us (Ps 33) Our Blessing Cup Libera Nos / Lord, You are Merciful to All (10am) Lord, help us walk your Servant Way 30th Sunday O.T. Amazing Grace The Lord has done great things (Ps. 126) You are Mine Take, Lord, Receive (10am) He Healed the Darkness of My Mind Oct. 3-4 632 G 111 G 599 Melley 607 Oct. 10-11 615 Burgo 499 Tallis 748 Oct. 17-18 780 Burgo Burgo Whitaker 779 Oct. 24-25 650 Burgo G 461 Burgo 976 qO C T O B ERq MUSIC SELECTIONS FOR THE 5:30 LITURGY Gloria HISPANICA CUBANO Alleluia BLACK MOUNTAIN Eucharistic Acclamations Les Miserere Lamb of God 27th Sunday O.T. Canticle of the Sun Blest are those who love you (Ps 128) One Bread, One Body God has Chosen Me 28th Sunday O.T. All Who Hunger Fill us with Your love (Ps. 90) Only this I want We Shall Rise Again 29th Sunday O.T. Sing of the Lord’s Goodness Lord, Let Your mercy be on us (Ps 33) The Servant Song We are Called 30th Sunday O.T. Amazing Grace The Lord has done great things (Ps. 126) You are Mine Lead Me, Guide Me Oct. 4 342 111 599 488 Oct. 11 589 Burgo 499 558 Oct. 18 373 Burgo 476 518 Oct. 25 434 Burgo 461 400 qO C T U B R Eq MÚSICA PARA LA MISA EN ESPAÑOL 12:00 CAPILLA LANNON Gloria 46 Aleluya 47 Aclamacion 49 XXVII Domingo Ordinario Amore Es Vida Dichoso es que Teme el Señor (Salmo 127) Oración de San Francisco Si Yo No Tengo Amor Danos un Corazón XXVIII Domingo Ordinario Felicidad El Señor Es Mi Luz (Salmo 26) Bienaventurados Pescador de Hombres Amor Es Vida XXIX Domingo Ordinario Felicidad Que Tu Misericordia Señor (Salmo 32) Qué Detalle, Señor Canción del Profeta Vayan al Mundo XXX Domingo Ordinario Que Alegria El Señor Ha, Estado Grande (Salmo 125) Abre Mis Ojos Eres Tú, Jesús Vayan al Mundo Amen 50 Cordero 51 4 de Oct 404 267 682 652 686 11 de Oct 625 191 481 709 404 18 de Oct 625 199 500 695 707 25 de Oct 575 264 499 598 707