St. Ignatius Faith Formation Director's Guidelines Faith Formation at St. Ignatius is understood as a three-tiered relationship of family, faith formation and liturgy. What children and parents experience in their daily lives as a family influences and directs their lives. What children and parents experience and learn in our Faith Formation programs expands and deepens their relationship with God, and Jesus, and hopefully also influences and directs their lives. They bring both of those experiences to our weekly liturgy, Family Mass, where we deepen our sense of God, and Jesus, in our communal awareness of the sacredness of our daily lives through the celebration of the Eucharist. As director, my desire is for the Faith Formation Team to function as a collaborative, communicative group focused on the mission of serving the faith formation needs of our families (children and parents) by supporting all three tiers of their faith experience. The Faith Formation program operates as a spiraling continuum with the goal of lifelong faith formation. No one program is more critical than other; no one liturgy is more important than another; no one family is more important than another. Each are parts of a whole; each are valued and critical to the mission. As director, I believe that all individuals bring with them unique hopes, aspirations, and experiences. In addition, because St. Ignatius is blessed to be an intentional community, we welcome a range of non-traditional families and families of mixed faith. We strive to respond to these differences by creating an open and welcoming environment for all; by offering a variety of approaches to faith formation to fit a broad range of needs expressed by members of our community; and by drawing on our broader community, including that of Boston College, to resource our programs. Each member has a specific focus within that mission to fulfill to the best of their ability, utilizing their unique gifts and talents. Though each team member may focus on one individual program or function within the program, they, and their role, remain an integral part of the whole program. What is happening for one member effects the whole team, and the program. What is happening in one program also effects the whole team, and the program. Therefore, collaboration and communication is vital to the overall mission of the program. This collaboration and communication is fostered and enlivened through four means: Weekly Faith Formation Team meetings are an important component and vehicle for our collaboration and communication. It is where we share our experiences, our desires, our hopes, where we have been and where we hope to go with our program. It is where the individual parts come together as a whole. Weekly Staff Meetings are an important component of the overall mission of the pastoral staff. It is where we collaborate and communicate with the pastoral and administrative staff on where we have been and where we are headed in our parish mission to spread the joy of the gospel to others. Monthly Faith Formation Commission meetings are an important component on the specifics of our Faith Formation Program and how it is received and perceived by our families and participants. Monthly meetings focused on individual components of the program with a view toward how each interacts and supports the whole. Commission members are comprised of representatives of our different Faith Formation programs with the hope of having “all voices at the table.” Periodic Parish Pastoral Council meetings and retreats are an important component of the overall parish as it relates to the hopes, dreams and desires of the voices of those called forth to represent the parish as a whole as it tries to live out the mission of the parish and the larger Church. These hopes, dreams and desires of the parish as a whole cycle back to inform, and potentially transform, our Faith Formation Program. The most important component of our Faith Formation Program is its participants. If we are not meeting their needs, desires, hopes and dreams, we need to make any necessary adjustments to do so. We are here to serve you, our parishioners, our families, and our children. If you ever feel we are not fulfilling our mission of service, kindly make us aware of any issues or concerns you may have.