S UN DAY , A PRIL 5, 2015 – EAST ER SUNDAY OF T HE RESSURECT ION OF T HE LORD THE READINGS FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER: 1 JN. 5: 1 - 6 JN. 20: 19 - 31 ACTS. 4: 32 - 35 Please Pray for Monday, April 6, 2015 12:15 Marybeth LoBello Tuesday, April 7, 2015 12:15 Katherine Maloney Wednesday, April 8, 2015 12:15 Florinda Iantosca 5:30 Mary Kirby MacDonald and Adrean Taylor Thursday, April 9, 2015 5:30 Mary Lawless Friday, April 10, 2015 5:30 Capobianco & Casaletto Family Saturday, April 11 2015 4:00 Anniv. – Henry Wilson Dear Parishioners, This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad! On this Easter day, we have reason to rejoice. We remember in a special way the great mystery of Christ’s triumph over death. The Risen One comes to each of us saying: “Peace! I am with you now and forever”. Today, we celebrate in a special way what we remember each Sunday as we gather for Eucharist. The Lord is in our midst as a saving, life-giving presence. All of our Sundays during the year are reflected in the light of this Easter Sunday. But, Easter is not just a day. It is not simply an “event’. It is a season of fifty days. This Easter “seasoning” gives us the opportunity to savor the rich experience of the paschal feast, tasting and seeing the goodness of God, revealed in Christ’s dying and rising. This Easter season is filled with stories and symbols that speak of new light and new life. Can we open our ears and our eyes to let the Risen One come again into our lives, offering us the promise of peace, joy and love? May this Easter Season be filled with encounters with the Risen Lord who will open our eyes to the wonders that our gracious God has done for us! I also want to thank you for the many expressions of sympathy you have shared with me on the death of my mother. I am sure she is reunited with my father, sharing in the joy and the love of the Risen Christ. In the Love of Christ, Fr. Bob 1 ST. I GNATIUS JOYFULLY WELCOMES INTO THE CHURCH AND FULL COMMUNION THIS EASTER JENNA FRANKEL COLBE DELISLE WHITNEY WOODMANSEE ERIK DANG WARM THANKS TO THEIR SPONSORS AND ALL OTHERS WHO HAVE ACCOMPANIED THEM ON THEIR JOURNEY TO THE EASTER SACRAMENTS. OUTREACH MINISTRIES THANK YOU for your donations of socks and flip-flops for Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. Your generosity adds up to more than three hundred pairs of socks and more than fifty pairs of flip-flops! RICE BOWL RETURNS: Please bring your returns on the weekend of April 11th/12th – just drop it in the large rice bowl by the Outreach table or on the table in the Lannon Chapel. The sooner the returns come in, the sooner we can get them to CRS! Checks can be made out to St. Ignatius or to Catholic Relief Services. You can also make a direct donation by going to www.crsricebowl.org/give. What you did for Lent will change lives! PINE STREET INN SHATTUCK SHELTER SPRINGTIME MEAL: This year’s Meal is on Saturday, April 25th. Sign-ups will be on two weekends only, April 11th/12th and 18th/19th. As in the past, we’ll need food donations and donations of time (kitchen prep here, serving there). Sign-up materials will be on the Outreach table. JUST 27 DAYS UNTIL THE WALK FOR HUNGER – MAY 3RD! Over forty-six years, the Walk has generated more than a hundred million dollars. WALK registration materials, for walking and volunteering, are on the Outreach table and on entrance bulletin boards. Or, you can go to www.projectbread.org, find the Walk link and register, as an individual or a member of TEAM IGNATIUS. If you won’t be walking or volunteering, you can sponsor a walker/team. SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE FOR ST. FRANCIS HOUSE DAY SHELTER: The drive will take place on Saturday/Sunday, May 2nd/3rd. Wall posters and bulletin articles will specify what is most needed at this time; keep an eye out for them. 2 La Página Hispana Queridos Parroquianos, ¡Éste es el día en que actuó el Señor: sean nuestra alegría y nuestro gozo¡ Este día Pascual nos da muchas razones para regocijarnos. Recordamos de una manera muy especial el gran misterio del triunfo de Cristo sobre la muerte. El Resucitado viene a cada uno de nosotros diciendo “La paz esté con ustedes. Estoy con ustedes ahora y para siempre.” Hoy celebramos la esencia de la Eucaristía, aquello que nos reúne cada semana: que el Señor está entre nosotros para salvar y darnos la vida. Cada domingo del año comparte la luz de este domingo Pascual. Pero la Pascua no dura sólo un día. La Pascua dura 50 días. En verdad es una temporada que la Iglesia nos da para entrar más profundamente en la alegría que el Cristo Resucitado nos ha ofrecido. Nos da la oportunidad de gustar y ver la bondad del Señor que quiere que experimentemos su amor eterno por el amor sacrificial de su Hijo, Jesucristo. Durante esta temporada Pascual escucharemos las historias que nos cuentan de los primeros discípulos que se encontraron al Cristo Resucitado en el cenáculo, en el camino a Emaús, en la playa del lago de Galilea, en el jardín donde se colocó la tumba donde sepultaron a Jesús. Como aquellos discípulos, tendremos la oportunidad de ver y oír a Jesucristo. ¿Estamos dispuestos a verlo con ojos abiertos y oírlo con oídos abiertos? ¿Dejaremos recibir en nosotros su promesa de la paz, la alegría y del amor eterno? Les deseo que tengan una temporada Pascual llena de toda la alegría y de todas las bendiciones de nuestro Señor, el Resucitado. También les agradezco por todas las expresiones de simpatía que me han compartido a causa del fallecimiento de mi madre. Estoy seguro de que ella, reunida con mi padre comparte la alegría y el amor de Jesucristo Resucitado En el amor de Cristo, Padre Bob MARK YOUR CALENDARS! - SPECIAL TAIZE PRAYER St. Ignatius with Boston College will host a very special TAIZE PRAYER on Monday April 13th at 7:15pm. Three brothers from the Taizé Community in France will be with us to celebrate and meet for an informal presentation afterward in the Friary Room. All are invited to join us for a unique opportunity to encounter members of the Taizé community. 3 THE IGNATIAN WAY: FROM GRATITUDE TO JOY - MAY 1ST - 3RD Join us for the St. Ignatius Spring Retreat at the Connors Retreat Center in Dover. The retreat begins Friday, May 1st at 6:00pm and concludes Sunday at 11:00am. To register, please contact Katherine.Maher@bc.edu or call the Parish Office at 617-552-6102. CONTEMPLATIVE LEADERS IN ACTION Contemplative Leaders in Action (CLA), a two-year Ignatian leadership and faith formation program for young professionals, is currently accepting applications. If you are a professional in your late 20s or 30s interested in engaging and forming your leadership and faith within a supportive community, CLA is the program for you! Cohort members meet monthly and grow in self-awareness, leadership and professional skills, as they dialogue about the intersections of their career, family, faith and leadership. Participants must commit to reading and reflection, attendance at monthly meetings, an annual weekend retreat, and a capstone project. For information about CLA including costs and application details, please visit www.jesuitcollaborative.org/cla BOOK DISCUSSION On April 19th at 11:15 am, in the Parish Office, there will be a discussion of the book Oscar Romero: Love Must Win Out by Kevin Clark. This biography of Archbishop Romero is an in-depth look at this pastor-defender of the poor who will be beatified on May 23rd in San Salvador. The book traces events leading up to the assassination of Archbishop Romero at a chapel altar in San Salvador and the reverberations of that day. The author offers a Catholic understanding of liberation and how to be a church of the poor, for the poor, as Pope Francis reminds us we are called to be. Please mark your calendar and join us on April 19th for the discussion. THE WOMEN’S TABLE The Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston will host a five week series entitled, “Crossroads and Thresholds: Embracing the Second Half of Life”. This will be held on five consecutive Tuesday evenings in April and early May. We will meet at 637 Cambridge St., Brighton, MA from 7:00-8:30 P.M. and specific dates include: April 7, 14, 21, 28 and May 5. Sister Kathleen Hagerty, CSJ will facilitate the series. A sampling of topics include: Stages of Life, Spirituality and Psychology of Mid-life and the Mature years, Exploring Personal Values, Owning One’s Story, Generativity and Integrity in the Second Half of Life. There is no charge for the series, but a free will donation is gratefully accepted. To register, please contact Mary Rita Weschler at The Women’s Table 617-746-2056 or via email : maryrita.weschler@csjboston.org IGNATIAN VOLUNTEER CORPS Father Dave Gill, S.J., will be honored by the Ignatian Volunteer Corps and will receive the Madonna Della Strada Award at ceremonies at Boston College High School on Sunday, April 26 (4-7pm). Father Gill is being recognized for his lifetime commitment to social justice - as a professor and mentor at Boston College, a pastor at St. Mary of the Angels in Roxbury, and as chaplain to the Agape Community, a group in Central Massachusetts focused on the Gospel message of non-violence. Others being honored by the Ignatian Volunteer Corps on April 26 are former Jesuit Volunteers, Patti and Tom Ryan of Worcester, and Founder and Head of School Dan Corley of Community Prep in Providence. For more 4 information about the Madonna Della Strada ceremony contact IVC New England (newengland@ivcusa.org), or Diana Gaillardetz in the Parish Office. SAINT JUDE SCHOOL ~ OPEN HOUSE On Sunday afternoon, April 12th, Saint Jude School, 175 Main Street, Waltham will be hosting an open house from 2-3:30pm. Saint Jude School provides an affordable, rigorous and comprehensive curriculum grounded in the Catholic faith and Christian values for students in grades kindergarten, 1—8, as well as a full day program for 4 year olds. We are focused on preparing students to succeed as life-long learners with 21st century skills. Saint Jude School is where faith, family and academics thrive. We look forward to sharing our school with you! SAINT IGNATIUS OF LOYOLA 28 COMMONWEALTH AVENUE – CHESTNUT HILL, MA 02467 PHONE 617-552-6100 E-MAIL IGNATIUS@BC.EDU FAX: 617-552-6101 WEB: HTTP://BC.EDU/ST -IGNATIUS THE PARISH STAFF REV. ROBERT F. VER EECKE, SJ, PASTOR REV. JOHN ALLAN LOFTUS, SJ, ASSOCIATE PAUL MELLEY, ASST TO THE PASTOR, BC LIAISON FRVEREEC@BC.EDU JA.LOFTUS@BC.EDU MELLEYPA@BC. EDU 617-552-6100 617-552-6100 617-552-6113 MICHAEL BURGO, DIR. OF MUSIC MINISTRY TIMOTHY ZIMMERMAN, ASSOCIATE DIR. OF MUSIC SR. DIANE VALLERIO, MFIC, DIR. OF OUTREACH SUSAN STUART, DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION KATHY MAHER, FAITH FORMATION MIDDLE SCHOOL JONATHAN GALO, FAITH FORMATION ADMIN. ERNESTO REYES, CONFIRMATION COORDINATOR DIANA GAILLARDETZ, ADULT FAITH FORM./ RCIA BURGO@BC.EDU ZIMMERTA@BC.EDU VALLERIO@BC.EDU LANGINST@BC.EDU KATHERINE MAHER @BC.EDU GALO@BC.EDU REYESHEE@BC.EDU GAILLADI@BC.EDU 617-552-6108 617-552-6114 617-552-6107 617-552-6105 617-552-6112 617-552-6112 617-552-6103 617-552-6103 RICHARD MOYNIHAN, BUSINESS MANAGER REENIE MURPHY, ADM. ASSISTANT MOYNIHAR@BC.EDU IGNATIUS@BC.EDU 617-552-6117 617-552-6102 KATHY MAHER, CAP TEAM MEMBER, CHAIR REV. JOHN ALLAN LOFTUS, SJ, CAP TEAM MEMBER MARC GERVAIS, CAP TEAM MEMBER MARY SANTAPAULA, CAP TEAM MEMBER KATHERINE MAHER @BC.EDU JA.LOFTUS@BC.EDU MJG@GERVAISDAVENPORT .COM THE CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST SUNDAY WEEKDAY SATURDAY UPPER CHURCH 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 NOON, 5:30 PM LOWER CHURCH 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, FAMILY LITURGY 12:00 MISA EN ESPAÑOL EN LA CAPILLA LANNON 12:15 PM - 5:30 PM – LOWER CHURCH – 12:45 PM FRIDAY, ADORATION LOWER CHURCH 9:00 AM, UPPER CHURCH 4:00 PM (Vigil) THE SACRAMENTS 5 BAPTISM Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults. Infant and child baptisms are by arrangement. FIRST EUCHARIST Preparation begins in Grade 1 and includes classes, retreats and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in 2nd grade. CONFIRMATION Our Confirmation program begins in the 9th grade. Students are confirmed in the Spring of the 10th grade. Young adults who have been catechized but are not yet confirmed should contact the Parish Office for an alternative program . MATRIMONY Must be registered as a parishioner six months prior to beginning Marriage arrangements . RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:15 – 3:45 PM Upper Church or by arrangement ANOINTING OF THE SICK by arrangement. 6