P rojectO ne V elocityFields inR ectangularand P olarCoordinates M any° uid° ows andcurrents inoceanography(orgeophysical° uiddynamics)have a predominantly circularcharacterto them. H urricanes, tornadoes and streams,suchas theG ulfStream,areexamples of° ows whosestructureis dominated byavortexoragyre.W hen the° owis two-dimensional,itis often mathematically more economicaltorepresentthese ° ows in polarcoordinates ratherthaninrectangularcoordinates.T hepurposeofthisprojectistodevelop themathematicalrepresentations ofvelocityinthesetwocoordinatesystems. L et v(x;y)be a velocity ¯eld. W e represent this velocity in rectangular coordinates as v= v1 i+ v2 j where i and j are unitvectors in the horizontaland verticaldirections.W ith (x(t);y(t))denotingthepath ofa° uid particle,wehavethesystem ofcoupled di®erentialequationsthatrelatethepositionofaparticleattimettoitsvelocity: dx dy = v1 (x;y;t); = v2 (x;y;t): dt dt (1 ) W hentheoriginalpositionoftheparticleisknown(suchasx(0 )= 1 ;y(0 )= ¡2, say), one solves the system ofdi®erentialequations in (1 )to getthe particle path. W erepresentthevelocityofaparticlein polarcoordinates by v= vrer + vµeµ (2) where er and eµ are unitvectors in the directions ofincreasing r and µ, see Figure1 .T hegoalofthis projectis to¯nd theanalogueof(1 )interms ofr(t) and µ(t),thepolarcoordinates of(x(t);y(t)). 1 .R ecallthepolar{ rectangularrelations x= rcosµ; y = rsinµ: (3) U setheserelations toshowthat er = cosµi + sinµj; eµ = ¡sinµi + cosµj: (4) j= sinµer + cosµeµ: (5) U setheserelations toshow i = cosµer ¡sinµeµ; M oreover,showthat der = eµ; dµ 1 deµ = ¡er: dµ R emark1 :N otethatthesubscripts randµ iner andeµ donotdenote partialdi®erentiations! R emark2:Itis importanttonote thattheunitvectors i and j donot @i @i dependonxandy,thepositionatwhichtheyapply.H ence, @x = @y =0 , with similarrelations holdingforj.O n the otherhand,the unitvectors er and eµ depend onµ oftheposition atwhich theyapply. 2.L et(x(t);y(t))and (r(t);µ(t))denote theparametrization ofthepath of a particle, the formerin rectangularcoordinates and the latterin polar coordinates.Itfollows form (3)that x(t)= r(t)cosµ(t); y(t)= r(t)sinµ(t): (6) R eturningto(1 ),wehavethefollowingrelation between vand xand y: v= dx dy i+ j: dt dt U sethis relation and (6)toshowthat v= dr dµ er + r eµ: dt dt (7) Compare(7)and (2)toconcludethat dr = vr; dt dµ 1 = vµ: dt r (8) Systems (1 )and (8)are two representations of the same ° uid ° ow.B ecausevr andvµ arefunctions ofrandtheta,system (8)de¯nes a system ofdi®erentialequations inr(t)andµ(t)that,whencombinedwith (6),leads tothesamepath (x(t);y(t))thatonewould getfrom (1 ). 3. (a)ConsidertheM erry-go-roundvelocity¯eldv= yi¡xj.Showthat v= ¡reµ.(H int:U se(5). (b)L etP = (¡1 ;0 )betheposition occupied bya° uid particleattime t= 0 .Find the path ofthis particleundervtwice,onceby solving (1 )and nextby solving(8).P lotthe twoparticle paths.Colorthe pathinrectangularcoordinates redandtheoneinpolarcoordinates blue.Combinethetwographs toseethattheyareidentical. 4. (a)Considerthe O seen vortex v = p 2y 2 i ¡ p 2x 2 j. Show that x +y x +y v= ¡eµ. (b)P lotthepathoftheparticlelocated at(1 ;0 )attime0 fort2 (0 ;3), ¯rstusingthe rectangularrepresentation and nextthe polarrepresentation. 2 5. (a)Considerthe L ine vortex v = ¡1reµ. y x x2 + y2 i ¡ x2 + y2 j. Show thatv = (b)P lotthepathoftheparticlelocated at(1 ;0 )attime0 fort2 (0 ;3), ¯rstusingthe rectangularrepresentation and nextthe polarrepresentation. 6. (a)U singtheM erry-go-round velocity¯eld,plotthepaths oftheparticles located at(¡1 ;0 ),(¡2;0 ),(¡3;0 ),and (¡4;0 )attimezerofor t 2 (0 ;3). Colorthe particle paths red and combine them on the samescreen. (b)R epeattheaboveproblem fortheO seen and L inevortices,coloring theparticlepaths green and blue,respectively. 7.W hatisthequalitativedi®erencebetweenthethreevorticeswehavestudied? In particular, whathappens toastringofdyethatis positioned at timezeroin each° owalongtheinterval(¡4;¡1 )as times evolves? 3