lanARms) % o M.I.T UBRARiES - DEWEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries '(DBAfEYj working paper department of economics The Value Of Information In Monotone Decision Problems* Susan Athey Jonathan Levin No. 98-24 November, 1998 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS The Value Of Information In Monotone Decision Problems* Susan Athey Jonathan Levin No. 98-24 November, 1998 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 02142 The Value of Information in Siisan Monotone Decision Problems* Athey M.I.T. and Jonathan Levin NBER First Draft: M.I.T. September 1997 This Draft: November 1998 Abstract an A seminal theorem due to Blackwell (1951) shows that every Bayesian decision-maker prefers informative signal Y to another signal X if and only if Y is statistically sufficient for X. Sufficiency is an imduly strong requirement in most economic problems because incorporate any structure the model might impose. In this paper, we develop a it does not general the- ory of information that allows us to characterize the information preferences of decision-makers based on how their margiual returns to acting vary with the imderlyiug (unknown) state of the world. Our whereby analysis imposes one central restriction: all we consider "monotone decision problems," decision-makers in the relevant class choose higher actions the signal are realized. We show how this restriction when higher values of can be exploited to characterize infor- mation preferences using stochastic dominance orders over the distributions of posterior behefs generated by different signals. Of particular interest for appUed modeling, we identify condi- tions under which one decision-maker has a higher marginal value of information than another decision-maker, and thus will acquire more information. The results are appUed to oligopoly models, labor markets with adverse selection, hiring problems, and a coordination game. JEL Classification Numbers: 044, C60, D81. Keywords: Bayesian decision problem, value of information, stochastic dominance, stochastic orderings, decision-making imder uncertainty. *We would Lrhmann, like to thank Scott Ashworth, Kyle Bagwell, Glenn Ellison, John Geanakoplos, Bengt HolmstrOm, Eric as well as seminar participants at MIT, Yale, the 1998 Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society, and the Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences for helpful discussions. Athey thanks the Cowles Foundation at Yale University and NSF Grant SBR-9631760 for support. Introduction 1 who In a Bayesian decision problem, an agent is uncertain about the true state of the world must choose an action after observing an imperfectly informative signal. BlackweU (1951, 1953) proved the seminal result that every agent faced with such a decision problem will prefer (ex ante) an informative signal y to another signal of "better information" himself).^ For is useful no restrictions In this paper, intuitive, but y if it is — in sharp contrast to on the decision-maker's payoff we show is statistically sufficient for x. also quite demanding x by all noted by Blackwell far stronger than needed to most economic models, Blackwell's theorem function. and derive comparisons among a richer different classes of decision-makers, to another signal is (as This notion that by exploiting properties of the decision-maker's preferences, possible to relax sufficiency many and only if economic modeling, we might expect that sufficiency compare information structures places and x members we it is set of information structures. derive conditions under which a signal y is For preferred of the class. In most cases, the informativeness order can be represented as a stochastic dominance ordering over the distribution of posteriors that might arise from each information source. We also provide conditions under which one decision-maJcer wiU have a higher marginal value of information than another decision-maker, and thus information. The hiring problems, The results are apphed to oligopoly models, labor markets with adverse starting point of our analysis is to focus attention on on the state of the world H{uj), a admissable signals {£}. problems, in the state of the it is selection, The class of payoff functions is monotone decision problems, each class of payoff functions defined by how incremental returns to taking an action (a) vary with the state of the world many economic more and a coordination game. consisting of a prior belief set of will acquire world it is (i.e., U, and a the decision-meiker's {u>). For example, in assumed that the incremental returns to an action are nondecreasing the payoff function ti(a;,a) is supermodular). Given such a class, possible to (partially) order posterior beUefs about the state of the world so that "higher" beliefs induce higher actions for all decision-makers in the class. to a monotone decision problem, we require that from different realizations of the signal all For a signal to be admissable of the posteriors that might be generated can be ordered in this way. To illustrate, for the class of decision-makers with supermodular payoffs, higher posteriors in the sense of First Order Stochastic See Blackwell and Girshik (1954). For y to be sufficient for x, all of the posteriors, no matter generated by x must be in the convex hull of the set of posteriors generated by y. There are examples of distributions which cannot be ranked according to X cannot be more informative than a normally distributed further examples. sufficiency. signal Unless a signal x is hew many unlikely, unsatisfying normally distributed, y in the Blackwell order. See Lehmann (1988) for Dominance (FOSD) induce higher set of posteriors eictions, and the x signal is admissable only can be totally ordered by FOSD. In general, if the corresponding different classes of decision-makers induce different "stochastic dominance" orderings over posteriors (for instance, will returns to acting are concave in the state of the world, the relevant order is if the marginal Second Order Stochastic Dominance (SOSD)). We show that a natural information ordering over problems. We a signal y find that "more informative"), posteriors induced preferred to x a for is available for monotone decision class of decision-makers (and thus y is the "high" posteriors induced by y are (on average) higher than the "high" if by is signals and the "low" posteriors induced by y are (on average) lower than the x, "low" posteriors induced by x. The terms "high" and "low" refer to the stochastic dominance order induced by the restriction on the decision-maker's payoff function. To fix ideas, return again to the example of supermodular payoff functions. Recalling that the posteriors of the signal x are totally ordered, we can index them with a parameter FOSD) higher values of the index correspond to higher ordered (by be comparable across will signals, normahzed it is probability a^, a posterior lower (in the We x similarly index the posteriors for all supermodular payoff functions expression G{oj\ay > is conditions We also tpoSD is realized after observing x. signal y more informative than — ct fraction of the posteriors [0, 1], F{uj\ax more informative than x we will be relevant derive are sufficient for signal to another; they are necessary structure. a) this index > a). if high realizations of w are more likely posteriors are realized. For other classes of payoff functions, other stochastic dominance orders (such as SOSD) The > aG Then a y. a) represents the average over the highest 1 generated by y. Thus, a signal y when highly-ranked order) than F{ii)\ax) for all if, So that so that to have a uniform distribution ex ante: with G{u\ay) generated by G{uj\ay The FOSD posteriors. ctx, all for the comparison of average posteriors. decision-makers in a given class to prefer one when we compare small (differential) changes in the signal show that the theory can be generalized by considering orders based on single crossing properties rather than stochastic dominance. Our second objective is to derive conditions under which one decision-maker will have a higher marginal value for information than another, and thus will acquire more information mation is costly. We find that if u and v are in the same class of payoflF functions, when infor- and the two decision-makers consider purchasing signals ranked according to our criteria, then decision-maker u buys more information than v if «'s preferences over the distribution of posteriors optimal decision rule are "more sensitive" than u's. The meaning of "sensitive" is when using an determined by the class of payoff functions under consideration. Although our conditions depend on the optimal policies Our of many applications. by Lehmann (1988). He considered one specific class chosen by the agents, and thus are not primitive, they can be verified in work results are related to monotone decision problems property, and where the Lehmann (1988) derived a in statistics — those where the decision-maker's payoffs signals satisfy the monotone new information ordering that relaxes Blackwell's sufficiency criterion. 1997), principal-agent problems (Jewitt, 1997), on statistical and While our methods are quite Tirole, 1997). hypothesis testing - Lehmann's work related to likelihood ratio property. For such problems, effectiveness ordering has already entered economics in the context of auctions (Persico, Lehmann's and satisfy a single crossing is we obtain implicit incentive different models (Dewatripont, Jewitt - Lehmarm uses an approach based the eflPectiveness ordering as a special case. Closely that of Persico (1996), who studied the same specific class of decision problems. His paper develops an approach to ranking decision-makers in terms of their incentives to Our approach acquire information."^ to information acquisition builds directly on his, and provides a significant generalization to other classes of monotone decision problems. The paper develops as follows. In the next section we describe the model and briefly review the standard approach to information and some preliminary results on stochastic orderings. In Section 3, we introduce the classes of MDPs. characterizes the Section 4 includes ovu: economic appUcations 2.1 and and a for information. Section 6 gives some firms, adverse selection in labor markets, hiring problem. The last section discusses some and concludes. The Bayesian Decision Problem decision-maker after observing an structures, The Model 2 A terms of their marginal value uncertainty, some important for several classes of MDPs. Section 5 presents results — to information gathering by game under possible extensions in discuss main theorems on ordering information monotone information order on ordering payoff functions a coordination monotone decision problems (MDPs), and idea of interval. action a € (DM) who is an informative Let V A C R. uncertain about the true state of the world must take an action signal. denote the set of Her payoff u{u;, a) The all state of the world is probability distributions denoted on Cl. a; € The fi, where DM must depends on both her action and the true state; fi CR is choose an we assume u Persico (1997) further established that similar techniques can be used to rank the revenue to the auctioneer under different auction formats. is a bounded measurable function taking f2 x R ^ R. Throughout, we will maintain the following assumption about the set of available actions. (A) Either The A is finite, or yl We is a compact interval of R and u(cj, a) continuous in is o. DM has prior distribution H{uj). Before axiting, the DM observes some informative random variable x, with support Af {u, x) is C R, and forms a posterior distribution F{uj\x). The joint distribution of then written F{uj, x), while the marginal distributions are denoted F{x) and F{lo) will refer to F Observe that as = H(uj).^ an "information structure." many different information structures can be equivalent from the perspective of decision-making, since only the posterior generated by a signal realization affects behavior (the value of the signal does not). In particular, so long as F{u)\T{x)=T(x)) structure, F, can = F{co\x = x) it does not matter for all x. The if the DM observes x or some T{x), payofi'-relevant features of an information be uniquely characterized in terms of the probability measure induced on the space of posteriors V, which we write as fxp.^ of an information structure before We will begin by working with this abstract characterization mapping back to the formulation in terms of the joint first distribution F(uj,x). The decision-maker's problem, given a posterior distribution max f aeA to obtain an optimal action a*{P), of the decision and a The The classical 7-', is to solve u(aj,a)dP{aj) (1) realized payoff u(a;, a* (P)). We define the (ex ante) value problem as V*(F,u) 2.2 PG Classical = [ [ u{cv,a*{P))dPiu)dfxAP)JvJn (2) Approach to Information approach to information, due to Blackwell (1951, 1953), begins by writing V*{F,u) as V*{F,u) = f {max / u{u},a{P))dP{u})\dfip{P) = / u*{P)dnp{P). Jv <P) Jn Jv I 'Note that F{ui) = H{u!) is needed to ensure that the expectation of the posterior joint distribution of (w,x) as primitive is (3) J is the prior. Taking the a departure from the analyses of Blackwell (1951) and Lehmann (1988), which take as primitive the distribution of x|w. This means that their information orders are the same for distributions H. Our information rankings will be given relative to a fixed prior H. Thus, we may all prior sensibly consider averages over subsets of the posterior distributions. Endow V with the weak topology. = fx-piuMeB'^^^'''^' *Tliis construction is introduced in Blackwell's original article (Blackwell, 1951). Then F(w\x) is measurable with respect to the Borel o--algebra and /Xp.(JE) Using revealed preference, observe that for A € it is 1],P^,P'^£ V, [0, max \x f udP^ + °- V Now suppose (1 - Jo. G is < max A °- ) + max(l - A) udP^ / " Jo. / udP"^. and that ijlq stochastically dominates fip for convex functions, vex functions, then V*{G,u) (p V : -^ > V*{F,u) M.. for Cleaily, fiQ stochastically ^q over poste- J^ fdfiQ i.e. dominates any payoff function u and action G more valuable than F; decision-maker will find if (4) 7n an alternative information structure which induces a measure any convex function ipdfip for A) / udP'^ \ Jo. riors distributions, Jp straightforward to show that u*(P) will be convex in P. Simply fip for con- A, set > i.e. every Blackwell (1951) showed the converse via a sepa- ration argument. Thus, Blackwell's order can be thought of as a multivariate generahzation of the (perhaps more famiUar) mean- preserving spread of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1970). The geometric representation of a mean-preserving spread in multiple dimensions can be formalized using known is y to be as a "dilation," so that /j,q is a dilation of the set of posteriors generated by sufficient for x, can further be shown that fip.^ It x must lie in the what for a signal convex hull of those generated by y. Sufiiciency can be understood in the context of the following three state, Q, = {uii,U2,0J3}, signal that y that is is where wi < 0^2 < 0J3, and suppose the prior on cv is two signal example. Let imiform Consider a (5, 5, 5). equally hkely to induce posterior beliefe (|, ^, ^) and (0, ^, ^), and another signal equally likely to induce posterior beliefe (^j 5, ^) and (g) ^s ^)- As x illustrated in Figure 1, the posteriors generated by y are a mean-preserving spread of the posteriors generated by x. So y be will But sufficient for x. another signal z only The ranking will if this is clearly very special, since y can be sufficiency ranked relative to the posteriors generated by z lie on the line between This lack of robustness is possible). inferences. For instance, And (V3. (0, |, ^). Figure 1 also highhghts the fact imappealing.^ that no two-point information structiure can be sufficient for y (the prior is and be upset by even the sfightest perturbation of z leading to a potential posterior belief off of the fine. spreading (|, |, ^) In spite of this, y is clearly not uniquely suited to y provides no information at all as to the relative while y provides significant information as to whether point information structures might be is fixed, more informative on u is and so no further making all types of HkeUhood of 0^2 versus low or high, this question. Since it many other two- seems reasonable A dilation D P —* Dp is a mapping from V into the set of probability measures on V such that /_ QdDp{Q) = P. is, D associates with each P £P & non-degenerate probability measure on V with mean P. For our problem, : That Ha = S-pDpdfj,p(P). Strassen (1965) has shown that other stochastic dominance relations also have this sort of representation. Indeed, it has motivated work in statistics on "approximate sufficiency" see Le ; Cam (1964). to suppose that particular classes of decision-makers that appear in economic models suggests that it should be possible to derive other informativeness pose on the decision-maker's preferences. many economic r(u)) = u{uj,a^) u{a},a^), how — some critical level wq- for instance r(uj) Using the above approach payoff functions (r(a;) increasing in = and from that if might be increasing, or and only it is if the state variable is hard to see how to incorporate For example, suppose one restricted attention to the class of supermodular such a restriction. u*{cj,P) perspective, the returns to taking a higher action, concave, or polynomial in the state of the world, or positive greater than example criteria. Most important from our depend on the state inferences, the to exploiting any structure one might im- is ill-suited models, are assumptions about — classes of decision-makers — care only about making certain types of Unfortunately, the classical approach of — especially the cv). and second, even u{u!,a*{P)); First, it if it did, is not clear that this imphes anything about we would still need to connect this property with a meaningful characterization of "better" information. In the next few sections, we will show that by placing a total order over the posteriors (such as a stochastic dominance order), it is possible to overcome these difficulties. Monotone Decision Problems and Stochastic Orders 3 Preliminaries: Stochastic 3.1 Since we facts.^ will make Assume extensive use of stochastic orderings, that U is some set probabiUty distributions on R". written Dominance and P" ysD-u P^ we U is first We say that P^ R" —+ R, and stochastically dominates P^ let known P^, P^ be two with respect to U, if for the set of nondecreasing univariate functions, then Stochastic review a few definitions and of measurable functions taking f u{z)dP"{z) > fu{z)dP^{z) If Single Crossing Dominance (FOSD) relationship. If U is allueU. ysD-u is (SD) the standard First Order the set of concave univariate functions, then >~SD-u corresponds to Second Order Stochastic Dominance (SOSD). Any set of functions dominance orders U induces a stochastic dominance order. for our Some critical features of stochastic purposes can be understood using the notion of a closed convex cone, as follows. ^For further treatments of this material, see inter Border (1991) and Athey (1998a,1998b). alia, Karlin and Studden (1966), Karlin (1968), Jewitt (1986), Definition 1 > any a,j3 If 0, A U is a closed convex cone (ccc) if (a) (h) U is closed under the weak topology. and / udP^ > J udP^ for all u € U, then the same inequality closed convex cone generated by U A 1 U generates the same stochastic dominance order weaker notion than stochastic dominance P" ^sc-u P^ is U for hold for any function v in the will P^ and u(z) = —1 as ccc{U U P^ and are probability (denoted {1,-1}). Thus, {1, —1}).^ that of stochastic single crossing.^ We write if ^ fu{z)dP^{z)>0 If {1, = au + ^v E implies that (denoted ccc{U)). Further, since distributions, then (SD) holds for the functions «(z) the set U u,v E set fu{z)dP" {z)>0 —1} € U, then one can show (Athey, 1998a) that )^sc-u does not contain constant functions, however, )^sc-u some sets of payoff functions crossing payoff functions, which arise in auction is will we wish games and (SC) equivalent to )^sd-u-^^ The weaker than >^sD-u- is between stochastic dominance and stochastic single crossing of information orders, since foralluGC/. become If U distinction relevant in our analysis to consider (most notably, single portfolio problems) do not contain the constant functions. The stochastic single crossing order is used in our analysis because statics prediction Lemma 1 Let U\ he that for all P^ about monotonicity of the optimal a^ > some set of functions taking f) a^, u{oj,a^) ysc-Ui P^ implies — u{(jj,a^) policy. — loosely referred to as that there exists a selection a*(P) much smaller set implies a comparative ^^ = x R— E > and axgraayiaeA jQu{oj,a)dP{u>). Then R. Suppose that u{oj,a) G Ui. Let a*{P) In fact, just this insight allows us to characterize stochastic the order induced by a > it : Jl from a*{P) such that a*{P^) dominance orderings, since we can Eu (for the case of nondecreasing functions, a set bsU = ccc{Eu U {1, —1}). See Border (1991) or extreme points, so long > a*{P^). also consider a of indicator functions), Athey (1998a) for more strict inequalities) have discussion. ® Various definitions of single crossing properties (using different combinations of weaJc and been proposed by different authors in economics (Milgrom and Shannon, 1994; Shannon, 1995) and 1968). The definition in (SC) involves only weak is inequalities, statistics (Karlin, not the most natural variation for comparative statics theorems. (SC) is especially appropriate for working with closed convex cones However, as it and stochastic orders. P" and P^ are probability distributions. To simpUfy the notation and the statement of the result we consider only sufficiency '"This result hinges on the assumption that qualifications, the single crossing condition is in fact necessary for Shannon (1994) and Shannon (1995). comparative statics as here, but well. with minor See Milgrom and Proof. Define a function v{T,a) Then v{T,a) J^u{uj,a)dP^{u)). {0, 1} : is there exists a selection from a*(T) x R— weak bivariate = = R, with v{l,a) > single crossing in {T,a) argmaxae^i;(r, a) that is = J^u{iJ,a)dP^{oj) and v{0,a) and by Shannon (1995), D nondecreasing. Monotone Decision Problems 3.2 Our approach is to restrict attention to particular classes of decision problems. characterized by a restriction on the DM's Each class will be payoff function and a corresponding restriction on the set of admissable information structures. Definition 2 The pair {U2,T) constitutes a class of monotone decision problems prior H{ui) and (MDP-U) For moreover, Ui, then some all if uG (MDP-.F) For u set u G : fl Ui of bounded measurable functions taking U2, if xM. —^ a^,a^ G R and a" > all F eT, F{u)) satisfy this definition, U), implies that every state in some (MDP-T), into R, such that: a^, then u{u},a^) - u{u},a^) G Ui. And U2- = if(cj), And and further ifx^, x^ esupport(F) and x" > x^, then moreover, if F we refer to them an information structure with prior H{u}) is and posteriors completely ordered in x by >~sc-Ui {U21T) a some bounded measurable function with incremental returns in M. is F{uj\x^) '^sc-Ui F{uj\x^). If Q, if there exists > as an then F E T. MDP pair. The first condition, DM under consideration has incremental returns to acting that pre-specified way (for rely (MDPon the example, they might be nondecreasing or concave); the second, implies that for every admissable information structure, the induced posterior beliefs are completely ordered in the sense of stochastic single crossing. What do each these restrictions DM u E buy us? Let {U2,f^) be an U2 has an optimal poUcy a*{P) that by yui-sc- And (MDP-T) implies that be ordered in this way and indexed by x. if F G monotone is .F, MDP pair. in P By (MDP-U) and Lemma when posteriors are ordered then every posterior associated with Thus, each DM u € U2 1, takes higher actions F can when she receives higher realizations of the signal. In this way, the MDP restrictions think of the posteriors generated by the goal in this paper is to impose an ordinal structure, so that one can heuristically x going from low compare to high along a single dimension. However, different information structures. that the posteriors for a given signal can be totally ordered, compare the posteriors arising from different signals. 8 it While (MDP-T) implies provides no guidance as to how to Thus, we introduce a cardinal index for the by each posteriors generated from This different signals. that Tf{x) = signal, is a€ accomplished we may "match" so that [0,1], comparison posteriors a strictly increasing function vising Tp X : -^ so [0, 1], a. For an important set of cases, we will show that it is appropriate to match posteriors according to their percentile in the ex ante signal distribution. Formally, for with marginal distribution F{x), we F{LJ,F~^{a)) on f2 X [0, 1],^'^ = Tf{x) let so that F{oj\a) on of two signals, As illustrated in Figure [0, 1]. x and is F{(jj, x) F{u>,a) = The probabiUty of we can the "a-percentile posterior." is 2, an information structure F{x). Using this index, observing a posterior below F{uj\a) in the >^Ui-sc order distribution for given by a, so that F{a) is we can use such an index to compare the the imiform realizations y, according their a-percentile. Using this construction, we can represent a decision-maker's policy function a terms of the action let it [0,1] : —y A in PoHcy functions a{a) can then be prescribes for an a-indexed posterior. analyzed without reference to a particular information structure. Using this representation, for any probability distribution F onQx [0, 1] , we define the ex ante expected value from using the policy a by V{F,u,a)^ f f u{Lj,a{a))dF{u;,a). (5) J [0,1] J a An important consequence of (MDP-U) «(cj, a{a")) follows: for any nondecreasing a{a), - u{u}, a{a^)) € C/i for This in turn implies that u[uj,a{a)) viewed as a function of In words, whenever the DM uses a a^ > (a;, a^. a) can be extended to be in we assumed for the incremental returns of the primitive payoff function, and thus u{uj,a{a)) inherits the properties specified by discussion of this subsection can be formally Theorem 2 Suppose (C/2,^) T). Then for any Tj? Further, there exists '^We : Af — > o-tc [0, 1] an MDP pair summarized as and that (A) holds. C/2- follows. Consider any (u,F) G {U2, continuous and strictly increasing, F{uj, a) some nondecreasing a^ can, without loss of generality, take F{x) to : [0, 1] [xojXi] is and x* DM =x— be continuous and not compact). would experience no payoff (ii — xo). And F*(x*) Then F{x) A" — [0, 1] is a : » will be strictly increasing. loss (F is If from observing i* strictly increasing (one bijection = F(a;, Tp^{a)) G J^. ^ A s^lch that: provided a construction which shows that one can always take F[x) to be continuous. interval (xo,a;i], notice that the C/2. monotone poUcy, the incremental returns to having a higher a-indexed posterior retain the properties The (6) Lehmann F{x) = is (1988, p. 527) constant o /er some x on x < xo, x* = xo on needs a more involved construction continuous and strictly monotone), so if X F is well defined. (i) For all aG = (u) V{F,u,a^{-)) a" > (iii) For any (iv) There exists Proof, V*iF,u). For any a^ > So from Lemma a^{Q). (a) w^ : x A is R ^ R, u^ G U2, with u^{u},a) compax;t, for T all P G = u{u},a^{a)). jQu{u},a)dP{u>) attains a 7-*, maximum on A. and (MDP-T) implies that F{u}\a.^) ysC-Ui F{io\Q^). from > The a< = maxa^A jQu{uj,a)dF{u}\Tf^{a)). The result then the definitions of the distributions, (iii) Let a^ = a^{a^), a^ = a^(a^) But then u{b),oF{a^)) - u(a;,a^(a^)) = u{u^,a^) - u{uj,a^) G Ui by J^u{iv,a^{a))dF{uj\a) (i), and note that a^ Ui. there will exist a nondecreasing selection from the set of optimizers, denoted 1, follows immediately u{uj,a^{Qi)) for ^2 a^, monotonicity of By (iv) - u{oj,a^(a^)) G a^, u{u},a^{a")) Because (i) (MDP-U). a^{a) G argmaxa^A Jq u{uj,a)dF{u>\a). [0, 1], a^ . function u^(w,a) can be defined to equal u(a;,a^(a)) for 0, and to equal it(a;,a^(l)) for a> 1. It follows a G to equal [0, 1], from (MDP-U) that u^ G U2. D 3.3 Examples Our framework covers many problems classes of problems and then show Example 1. of economic interest. In this section, how briefly is Nmnerous economic appUcations take level of posteriors this form (see is Suppose Ui is the set of nondecreasing in the state of the world. Milgrom and Roberts FOSD, denoted we have P^ ^fosd P^ >~SC-Ui P^ if (1990)); for example, must be ranked by FOSD, which requires that F{uj\x) P^ ii F a^id only if P^- So (MDP-T) implies that corresponds to a higher probability that the state of the world FOSD u)). investment for a firm, where the marginal returns are indexed by Since Ui contains constant functions, according to common the set of functions u{u},a) that are supermodular in (w,a). In words, the incremental return to a higher action might represent the discuss four the theory can be applied to other cases. Supermodular (Incremental returns increasing in nondecreasing functions. Then U2 we is is is higher than a oj. P^ £ T, the induced decreasing in x: a higher signal high. Figure 3 illustrates the ordering over posteriors for a 3-state example. Exeunple 2. functions. Then U2 Concave returns (Incremental returns concave in w). Suppose Ui is the set of functions ti(a;, is the set of concave a) that have concave incremental returns. 10 Such a problems (a G arise naturally in binary decision can payoflF function decide whether or not to undertake some present a hiring problem of this type). More generally, as she raises her action.^^ For this case P^ SOSD {P^ ysosD is "less risky." X and in for So any if F € T, P^)'- the then F{uj\x^) J^^ F(u}\x)du oj, is DM where the must risky venture with concave payoff r{uj) (in Section 5 more risk averse according to {0, 1}) u E ii P^ U2, then the ysc-Ui P^ if DM we becomes strongly and only dominates if P-'^ DM takes a higher action when the posterior about ^SOSD F{lo\x^). This requires that F[a;|x] nonincreasing in x. Alternatively, for any x^ constant is < x^ uj F{uj\x^) , can be attained from F{uj\x^) by a sequence of mean-preserving spreads (Rothschild and Stightz, 1970). Example WSC(luo) (Incremental returns weak 3. functions r{aj) such that r{u}) zero from below at uq. arise in the context of on a risky We < for u; < a;o single crossing at uq). and r{u) > say such a function for a; > a;o, on a risk-free asset, a is the set of the functions that cross WSC(a;o). Payoff fimctions in this class satisfies investment imder uncertainty problems, where asset, cjq is the return i.e. Suppose Ui is uj might represent the return the portfolio weight on the risky asset, + (1 — a)wo)- In this case, if P^,P^ have densities p^ ,p^ with respect to Lebesgue measure, then P^ ^sc-Ui P^ if and only iip^(uj) — ^ iV^H p^iui) satisfies and investor WSC{uo) payoflFs are given by v{auj ino) (Athey, 1998b). Thus if FG .;^, this reduces to ^Hg^j < (>) ^^Ij w< as (>)a;o. A high signal means that it is more Ukely that the true state u is greater than uq. Since the class of WSC(uq) functions does not contain constant functions, a stronger condition is required to order posteriors by stochastic dominance. For convenience, define the set of functions WSC{(jJq) as the set of functions r(Lj) satisfying P^((jS) —p^{u)) is WSC{uq). WSC{ijJq) and r{u}Q) = 0. We have P^ ^SD-Ui P^ if and only if In particular, the densities must cross at wq, a restriction not imposed by >sc-Ui Example 4. Weak Single Crossing (Incremental returns single crossing in set of functions r((J) that cross zero of all from below at some point to). Suppose U\ In other words, Ui cjq- is is the the imion the WSC(a;o) sets. Payoflt functions u{u,a) with incremental returns that are single crossing — also arise throughout economics of single crossing functions, for instance in bidding we have P^ >-sc-wsc P^ if and pricing problems. ^^ For the and only Wo, which impUes that (where the densities exist) pP{u)/p^{lJ) '^Recall that r"{Lj) is strongly more risk averse than r^(w) if there is is if P^ >~sc-wsc(wo) nondecreasing in some A > u). such that r^(a;) P^ class ^^^ ^ This order — Ar^(a») is concave. See Ross (1981) or Jewitt (1986). ''See Milgrom and Shannon (1994) for an extensive discussion of the single crossing property, and Athey (1998b) for applications in stochastic problems. 11 has received a great deal of attention in economics and (MLR) Likelihood Ratio and if order (P^ ^mlr P^)- Then a density exists, f(uj\x^)/f{(jj\x^) Note that the class of payoff functions if F € ^, nondecreasing in is and statistics, it is known as the Monotone F{u\x) must be ordered by MLR, ijj}^ with single crossing incremental returns includes the class of supermodular payoff functions and the class of payoff functions with incremental returns that But expanding the are WSC(cjo)- of information structures that be ordered by This is comes set of payoff functions we can attempt at — we have to a cost limit the set to compare. For instance, requiring the posteriors to MLR is significantly stronger than requiring the posteriors to be ordered by FOSD.^^ illustrated in Figure 3. More generally, our theory applies if U\ is some arbitrary closed convex cone of functions, such as linear functions or quadratic functions or functions with positive n*'^ derivatives. For case, there is a rich theory of stochastic dominance that allows one to characterize the relation ysD-Ui and hence the relevant restriction ) of the cone any such We U\}^ on posterior beliefe, in terms of the "extreme points" leave this pursuit to the reader. Ordering Information Structures 4 This section contains our main results on ordering information structures. a sufficient condition for all DMs to another information structure (MIO) We for (f/2,^); it show that (MIO) with payoffs u G U2 to prefer an information structure F gT. We call this condition the is not just sufficient, when U\ is but also necessary, for small (differential) nondecreasing in tS) payoflF MDPs log-supermodnlar functions functions based on stochastic (where u is inelastic is price, and positive is smaller thsin the set of payoff functions with incremental returns (MDP- U), and thus our analy- below does not apply directly to this class of payoffs. To see an example where log-supermodular payoffs suppose that the action o firms maximize (o — c)D{a,iJ), arise, and higher states of the world correspond to more demand. '*In particular, assuming all changes in induce the same stochastic single crossing order, >~sc-Ui, despite the that are single crossing. However, the set of log-supermodular payoffs does not satisfy sis J^ a closed convex cone that contains the constant functions. ^'Athey (1998b) also shows that the set of log-supermodular fact that the set of G "monotone information order" Section 4.2 provides a general analysis of informativeness for classes of is G can be characterized using the stochastic dominance order induced by Ui. the information structure u{uj,a^)/u{ij,a^) We begin by identifying F is indexed by the MLR is equivalent to assuming the F(a;|i) is ordered by FOSD for prior distributions H{ui) (Milgrom, 1981). ^^That is, we check (SD) for some 1966; Border, 1991; Jewitt, 1986; set of functions Eu such that ccc{Eu Athey 1998a. 12 U {1, —1}) = U. See Karlin and Studden, ysc-Ui is when U\ does not contain the constant Recall from Section 3.1 that single crossing. Thus, the ordering based on stochastic single crossing can be weaker than >~SD-Ui- when Ui does not used to compare a greater variety of information structures functions. derive Lehmann's (1988) and effectiveness order as a corollary, contain constant relate our work to Examples are provided. his. Monotone Information Orders Using Stochastic Dominance 4.1 We We functions, begin by stating a sufficient condition for G to be more informative than F to a given class of decision-makers. Theorem 3 V*iG,u) > Let (U2,T) he and V*{F,u) for all MDP pair and suppose ueU2 if for all > G{cv\G{y) If the assumptions of greater than F returns in Ui. by G in the Theorem aG (A) holds. Consider any (MIO) The condition (MIO) (where "high" means G{y) (MIO) a). we obtains, > is easy to interpret. It write G >^miO-Ui F, i.e. F}^ This G axe lower: observe that aF(u3\F{x) < a) condition + (1 - a)F{cj\F{x) > < a) ysD-u^ G{u;\G{x) = a) also equivalent to saying is H{aj), is that for < a). (7) all a€ [0, 1], (8) Notice that in this condition, signals are implicitly indexed by their ex ante percentile. motivates us to use the index ax = Thus, throughout this subsection, we To see this, note that / (MIO) This F(x), as described in Section 3.2 and illustrated in Figure let An2ilogous to Blackwell, one can interpret F posteriors. is says that the high posteriors induced the prior. So an equivalent expression to (MIO) F{u\Fiy) ' G a) are on average higher (according to stochastic dominance) that the low posteriors induced by H{ijj) is > monotone information order induced by payoff functions with incremental than the corresponding high posteriors induced by where Then J^. (0, 1) a) ^sd-u, F{u;\F{x) 3 hold and F,G G is G(ij\G{y) F{u},a) = F{u,F~^{a)) (MIO) as saying that the = a)da let G{uJ,a) G posteriors are equivalent to saying that for all ^sD-Ui f F(cj\F{x) Jo and a€ = 2. G{cj,G~^{a)). "more spread out" than the [0, 1], = a)da Jo which can be interpreted in a manner similar to the second order stochastic dominance condition for comparing two distributions, F" and F^, on [0, 1], which requires that /^ F"{z)dz <.J^ F^(z)dz with equality when z 13 = \. Proof of Theorem imder (MIO), that G is We 3. any u G for C/2, show that (MIO) V{G,u,a) > V{F,u,a) more informative than F V*(G,u) A= {ai,...,an} is ri{u)) with Oi+i > Cj. < a„_i < q;„ = V{F,u,a) 1 = Cj such that a{a) =11 Jn imply see this, observe that V*{F,u). Define = u{u,ai+i) - u{uj,ai). Consider some arbitrary monotone increasing policy a ... To 3. will nondecreasing, and thus by revealed preference > ViG,u,a^) > V{F,u,a^) = is finite, namely that any a{a) nondecreasing. This for under the conditions of Theorem a^{a) € axgmaxa jQu{cv,a)dF{(jj\F{x)=a) Suppose that actually implies a stronger result, on [ai_i,Q:i]. : — > [0, 1] We A. = can find ao < ai < Then we have u{uj,a{a))dF{oj,a) J[Q,i] n . = J^u{uj,ai) \F{ai \u;) = E[u{u},a{)\ + I - F(ai_i |a;) IYI [«('^'«i+i) - w('^»ai)] n— = E[u{u},ai)] E[u{uj,ai)] equalities follow from (MIO) since, + V(l / ri{uj)dF{oj\ax The idea in the proof of action entails a / ri{uj)dG{uj\ay by algebraic manipulation and Bayes' argument and new is is > a,) > ai) for each i, rule. The ri{u) G = dF(a;) V{G,u,a). inequality follows directly Ui. The case of A compact D deferred imtil the next section. very simple. Starting from action ai, every (interim) i -f^ by (MDP-U), we know that follows via a limiting - F(ai|w)] - - Oi) i=i The 1 • + ^(1 - ai) n—l < dF{uj) gamble on cj, described by Formally, payoff's for a given action can be written as the sum ri{uj) = new increment u(w,aj+i) — to the choice u{ijj,ai) G Ui. over these incremental gambles: t-i u{uj, tti) = u{u}, ai) + Y^ rj{Lj). (9) 3=1 Jumping up to a higher action taking on the gamble for all (say, from Oj to Oi+i) at some posterior indexed by F{x) higher-ranked posteriors as well, since the 14 = a^ means DM uses a monotone policy. The on ex ante payoffs effect is are described by 'i^sD-Ui-, ri(Lo) G than under F. As is no possible way F instead of G. this for then given by E[ri{uj)\F(x) nondecreasing. Since ai\. Preferences over the gambles and (MIO) requires that every such gamble argument applies when the more favorable under is DM uses the optimal policy for signal 5, there a decision-maker in the class to do better, from an ex ante standpoint, using we showed that (MIO) In the proof, > V{G, u, a) > V{F, u, a) implies (MIO) has such powerful consequences, informativeness order. At a minimum, it it for any u € U2 and a{a) might seem to be "too strong" as an > V{F, u, a^) seems reasonable to compare V{G, u, a^) only for policies a^ which are optimal for information structure F. However, for important classes of monotone decision problems, we show that restricting the policy function in this way does not permit a weakening of (MIO). To why see this might be true, consider the simplest case of A= {0, 1} and some u EU2- The = Otoa = lata posterior indexed by F(x) = a^''^. Now consider utility functions of the form w{(j},a) = u{u},a) + aK, where is 7^ an arbitrary constant. There is no particular reason for the policy of jumping to a = 1 at a^'" to be optimal for w imder F; however, a DM with payoff w who does use a^'^ (suboptimally) will optimal policy for u (denoted a^'") entails jumping from o ii!" , prefer G to F if and only if the DM with payoff u does as well: V{G, u, a^'"") - V{F, u, a^'") - [V{G,w, a^-") - V{F, w, a^-")] = Similarly, a (1 - a) / KdGiu\G{y) > F{x) K, we >a G to F - (1 - a) / KdFiuj\F{x) > DM with payoff u who uses a^''^ (suboptimally) prefers G to F V{F,w,a^'^)}^ To extend varying a) this idea, suppose that for every some wk- And thus using their optimal response to F, it will = 0. (11) and only if V{G, w, a^''^) wk = u + aK G a = for F{x) < K, potentially can recover any policy of the form as the optimal policy of if a) (10) for all payoff functions {wk € be necessary that V{G, u, a) U2- a, a Then by = 1 for C/2} to prefer > V{F, u, a) for all monotone poUcies a{a). This heuristic argument can be made exact imder the following condition: (Ui-C)Ui = ccc{UiU{l,-l}). '^Note that this argviment turns critically on our decision (implicit in policy functions that functions a : [0, 1] depend on a — A based > for information structure posterior's {MIO)) to rank in the ex ante distribution, Oy compare = G{y). G to F using (fixed) Had we used policy on some other index (not the marginal), the policy of increasing the action at ay G would no longer correspond to choosing a higher action faa. 15 when G{y) > =a ai and (11) would - That r €. is, Ui is a closed convex cone, and Ui implies that r u + aK e The +K E Ui contains the constant functions. Under this condition, it any K. Thus - crucially ioT our purposes - for if it G U2, then U2. when {U\-C) following theorem establishes that, in the information structure, (MIO) is holds, then for small (differential) changes both necessary and sufficient for a ranking of information structures. Theorem 4 Let {U2,T) be an parametrized by 6, with F^ E MDP pair such that (U\-C) and (A) holds. T for Then ^V*{F^,u) > all 9. for LetF^{co,x) be smoothly u € all U2, if and only if F'^"" yMio-u, F'. We Proof. Sufficiency follows from above. V(G,u,a^) > V{F,u,a^), by assuming that (MIO) there is some a, A= fails G Then )f-MlO-Ux F. <a)> f f{uj)dF{u\F(x) < a). f{uj)dGiuj\Giy) = E[f{uj)\F{x) u{lo, a) By We proceed the optimal policy for information structure F. and constructing a contradiction. Suppose Then compute Ka {0,1}. is necessary for is and f £ Ui such that / Let where a^ prove a stronger result, that (MIO) (f/i-C), since f eUi, then u GU2. and zero otherwise. Then V{G,u,a^) An = a], and define = a (r(a;) — Ka) optimal poficy for this > V{F,u,a^), if f u{u,a^{a))dGiu>,G-\a))> f / J[o,i] (12) Jn and only DM is to set a^{a) = 1 if a>a if u(uj,a^{a))dF(uj,F-\a)) f (13) J[o,i] Jci f [f(w) - Ka]dG{uj\G{y) < a) < f [f{uj) - Ka]dF{u\F{x) > a) Ja (14) Jq But, the expected value of a constant function is simply that constant. So (13) and (14) contradict (12). For the case of small changes, consider F^, a smoothly parameterized family, and be the optimal policy. Then, by the envelope theorem, Then apply the above argument It is also possible to to compare F^'^^ ^ V{F^,u,a^)\g^a and F^ Hq : r(a;) > 16 a^{a) ^ V{F^,u,a^) D at the policy a^. view the necessity result through the lens of Consider testing the null hypothesis = let statistical hypothesis testing. against the alternative Hi : r{u)) < 0, for some G r(a;) 1 — f/i. That a. — is 1 However, we impose a constraint on the decision- maker: the test has an average size of the ex ante probability (over is, A decision-maker a. all would then facing this problem max f / a(x)G{0, solve: a{x)r(uj)dF{uj,x) =1—a a{x)dF{x) / s.t. possible signals) of accepting the null hypothesis Jx Assuming the conditions of Theorem 4 apply, an optimal policy a{x) = 1 if and only which, by (MIO), (1 — a) is if larger E[r{(v)\G{y) • F{x) > > a. The for this testing ex ante expected payoff will be (1 — a) problem will set > E[r(uj)\F{x) • a], than the payoff from solving the inference problem associated with G, a]. Thus, (MIO) can be interpreted as requiring that better information allows (on average) better inference about the returns to taking a higher action.^" Examples 4.1.1 We now revisit two of our examples from above. Example Supermodular (Incremental returns increasing in 1. decreasing functions, the relation ysD-Ui corresponds supermodular monotone information order (MIO-SPM) > "^FOSD F{u}\ax oc). That is, If G FOSD F yMlO-Ui as a if FOSD. Thus and only eictions increases. is aG So a higher signal is to relate {MIO-SPM) example. Recall the to sufficiency. G see why G bringing about To do this, we return y be a signal that put equal likelihood on posteriors MDPs > a) a better match to our earlier three- since (0,^,^) ypoSD (|, ^, < (J2 < £^^3. As i) (fj^)^)(0, this alternative approach is essentially equivalent to our necessity proof, let f, a + A). 17 (defined as in the proof). Then li and (0, \, \). Consider an |,|). supermodular MDPs. Further, from the discussion in Section multipUer on the constrained optimization problem for a{f{w) G{u}\ay than under F. Since DM has uniform prior over the three states ui admissable for supermodular also admissable for To (0, 1), in the "good news" about the state of the world. information structure z that puts equal likelihood on posteriors (§,5,0) and is F higher than and the true state of the world. illustrated in Figure 4, let Note that y is for all then high signals are (on average) "better news" imder It is interesting state, two-signal if G the set of non- is G lead on average to higher posterior beliefe than if F, G € !F, then F{ij}\a), G{ui\a) are increasing in high signals lead to high actions, one can think intuitively about between Since U\ high signals from high signals from F. Recall from above that the sense of to uj). Clearly z 3.3, y and z A be the Lagrange in the proof equals cannot be compared by Blackwell's sufficiency prefer z to y, according to z i.e. )~mio-SPM FOSD. When The reason V- However, criteria. is supermodular decision-makers all DM sees a low signal realization from f the more spread out 5's posteriors are simple: , her beliefs about the state are truly pessimistic, while the converse holds for high signal realizations. we Figure 5 illustrates this shift in a different way. For each signal, posterior L, and the higher posterior H. SPM) more probabihty weight on place stochastic dominance, way. it is We {u}2-,L), and F using a that y, z and consider the signal structure (0, |, 5). It follows easily yMlO-SPM perturb x so that it probability (where e G that x is — e,e -f > < 0, x that puts equal and only 77 > 0, and e -f 277 77, ^ — then we ^), 77) and still (e, | — e: is — x. 77, ^ Moreover, + 7/) if we with equal have y ^^mio-spm x, even though 4). So there fact that when there are three or more is a sense in which states of the world, there significant restriction in Blackwell's requirement that the posteriors of the "bad" signal must the convex hull of the "good" signal posteriors. If there are only two states of the world, is G robust. Our examples highhght the state of the world if on posteriors likelihood is sufficient for the two signals are not Blackwell comparable (illustrated in Figure is if admissable for supermodular decision problems and generates posteriors (| our information order F )~mio-spm Yet no two-point information structure X. be characterized this in general "marginal-preserving spread" of the form illustrated in Figure 3.^^ As a further comparison, (|,0, 5) (MIO- In fact, using ideas from bivariate {(jj^,H). Results from Meyer (1991) can be used to show that obtained from FOSD) see that signals that are higher according to show that (MIO-SPM) can possible to label the lower (by a "dichotomy"), then this restriction can be summarized in a single dimension. It is no longer |ri| = is lie a in 2 (the severe, since all posteriors can be shown that on dichotomies (MIO-SPM) is equivalent to sufiiciency. Example 2. Concave (Incremental returns concave in w). the relation ysD-Ui corresponds to becomes "less risky" >-SOSD F{uj\ax > (by a): SOSD) as SOSD. a When U\ Recall from above that So increases. G >-mio-CV is the set of concave functions, {MDP-T) impUes F if, for any a, high signals lead on average to less risky posteriors imder that F{u}\a) G{u:\b.y G > a) than under F. Since high signals lead to high actions and high actions lead to interim preferences that are more risk-averse, low risk will Interestingly one can see immediately that having a better match between high signals and be valuable to the (MIO-CV) DM. We give an example in Section 6 where such preferences arise. implies sufiiciency when there are only two or three possible states of the ^'See also Levy ajid Paroush (1974) and Shaked and Shantikumar (1997) for more discussion of the stochastic dominance order associated with supermodular functions. 18 world. we could Just as an find MDP pair (172,^) corresponding to any set of incremental return functions Ui that forms a closed convex cone, order condition. Once again, >^mjo-Ui says that dominate the average posteriors under mative than F for the class of relationship induced we can F if describe the relevant monotone information the average posteriors under (with respect to functions in Ui), then And we know problems in {U2,J^)- by a closed convex cone can be described G stochastically G is more infor- that any stochastic dominance terms of the extreme points of in the cone.^^ 4.2 Monotone Information Orders Using Stochastic In the previous section we indexed Single Crossing and then compared posteriors by their ex ante percentile infor- mation structures, finding that informativeness rankings could be derived using famiUar notions of be stochastic dominance. For this approach to negative constant functions. function f and its When we "tight," Ui does not contain the constants, but does contain some other — r, we can extend our additive inverse required Ui to contain the positive and results using stochastic single crossing in place of stochastic dominance. We introduce an additional pair of restrictions (jointly denoted (R)) in order for {U2,J^) to be admissable: (R-U) Ui is a closed convex cone, and there some (R-.F) For an r satisfying (R-U), for that jB[r(a;)|x] > b for all x F E T with > such that functions, then (R) holds with r containing We F —r G C/i. > such in support(x). = l{u,!»tjo} (that r is, is f(uj) = 1. If Ui is an indicator function the class of WSC(a;o) for a "small" interval uiq). begin with a Lemma r, associated signal x, there exists 6 Ui contains the constant functions, then (R) holds with If 5 Let U2 Lemma — G(cj), and continuous to observe in passing that can concatenate our conditions DM would be better (according to that generalizes a key step in the proof of sufficiency above. (MDP-U) and assume (A) satisfy and G, where F{u)) It is interesting a all f(a;) oflF fifter FOSD) and one — as is if the holds. Consider two information structures strictly increasing DM's marginal functions Tp : X ^^ [0,1], returns are both nondecreasing and concave, we often done for straightforward preferences over gambles. For example, such a sequence of two changes to F{ij\ax that reduces risk (according to 19 > SOSD). a), one that makes higher states more Ukely -^ Tc-.y [0, 1]. Define Tn(a;,a) = G{u},T°-\a)) - F{u},Tp^{a)). Then u{oj,a{a))dm(uj,a) // >0 (15) In J [0,1] for u EU2 and all all A a :[0,i\ -^ nondecreasing, if and only if for I Jo, An important thing to note when checking (16) = r{cv) E Ui only = and Tciv) When f, if Pr(rG(y) < = ct) a€ (0, 1), (16) < a) < choice of index in the last subsection can be immediately understood: for all r all not necessarily a probabiUty distribution on u; is checking that Pr(rG(y) 1 entails eUi and r{uj)d^m{co,a)<0. that m{-,a) is r all Pt{Tf(x) < a), which Ft{Tf{x) if < a). Thus, our {1,-1} € Ui, (16) holds — always true when Tf{x) is F{x) G(y). —f G C/i, then (16) requires that f = rd^m{uj,a) 0. (17) Jn This motivates our new choice of indexing functions, Tp, Tq: ^-(^)This choice of Tf,Tg guarantees that (17) will hold, meaning that condition under which (16) will hold for If Ui Tp : is r G C/i, r 7^ r. If r the class of WSC(a;o) functions, then Tf{x) X —^ [0, 1] is Theorem V*{G,u) > 6 Let {U2,T) be an V*{F,u) for Tf and To = = 1, it remains only to identify a = F{x) then Tf{x) as above. F{x\uq). In general, {R-J^) implies that strictly increasing.^^ all MDP ueU2 pair, if for all G{oj\TG{y) where all ^''^ -^^^^-wr- /,r(.)dF(.) > suppose (A) and (R) hold. ae Let F,G G Then J^. (0, 1), a) ysc-u, Fiu\TF{x) > (MIO') a) are defined by (18). {MIO') generaUzes {MIO) by requiring that the average posteriors be ordered using stochastic single crossing rather than the (stronger) stochastic dominance order. To interpret stochastic single crossing requirement can be restated as follows: for each a, E[r{uj)\TG{y) And > a] > => E[r{ui)\TF{x) > a] continuity can be ensured (without changing the information content) using 20 > 0. and for all r this, € the C/i, (19) Lehmann's (1988) construction. > This contrasts with stochastic dominance, which requires E[r{o:)\TG{y) If ot]> E[r{u>)\TF{x) > a]. Ui contains the constant functions, then stochastic dominance and stochastic single crossing To apply Theorem it 6, is useful to have checking only a single inequality: for E[r{uj)\TG{y) > Lemma Proof. only if It all first can be shown^"* that when Ui > G of (20) is > > > Pt{Tf{x) a] result is is > equal to Pr(rG(y) So, (20) G. and {MIO"), and implied by (MIO"). a closed convex cone, then each a, (19) holds for > - a] X{a)E[r{ij) \Tf{x) > a] > if 0. and (20) > a] > 0, and the left-hand — r, the minimized value of the objective). But, checking (20) for r and likewise for {MIO') a). establishing the equivalence of {MIO') subject to the constraint that E[r{uj)\TF{x) ci] {R-U), implies that A(a) (18)). E[r{u})\TF{x) (A(a) can be interpreted as the Lagrange multiplier in the problem of minimizing C/i- E[r{uj)\TG{y) and r eUi, such that E[r{Lj) \TG{y) for all r an (0, 1) > a) show that the 5 to there exists a X{a) a€ > Pr(TG(y) a] The proof of Theorem 6 proceeds by then applying G >^mio-Ui F even when appljang (MW). alternative condition for (MW) that requires we maintain the notation coincide. For this reason, is = E[f{u>)\TG{y) Q:)/Pr(ri?(x) > decision policies a [0,1] : a]/E[f{cj)\TF{x) > a]. But, the latter ratio is To complete the proof, let F{uj,a) equivalent to the following: for all mG > V{F,u,a{-)). So for all u G > V{G, u, a^) > V*{F, u). -^ A, V{G,u,a{-)) (monotone) poHcy for u under F, V*{G, u) We now show that (MW) is both in Ui by is in turn a) (simply substitute in from the definitions of Ti? and equivalent to {MIO"). By Lemma 5, {MIO") > tight for a larger class of decision = Tg in F{u},T^^{a)) and and f/2 U2, side if a^ all is monotone an optimal D problems than that identified in Theorem 4 above. Theorem 7 Let {U2,J^) be an parametrized by 6, vnth F^ £ MDP pair and suppose T for all 6. (A) and (R) hold. Let F^{oj,x) he smoothly Then ^V{F^,u) > for all u G U2, if and only if F'+'^ yMio-u, F'. Proof. As in Theorem V{F,u,a^), where a^ is 4, we prove a stronger result, that (MIO) is necessary for V{G,u,a^) the optimal policy for information structure F. Suppose *See Jewitt (1986), Collier and Kimball (1995), or Athey (1998a) for alternative proofs. 21 G )/-miO-Ui > F. Using the representation {MIO"), / this implies that there A= {0,1}. Then some and r E Ui such that a, > f f{u:)dF{u:,T^\a)). Jn fiu;)dG{uj,Ta\a)) Ju, Let is define Ka = E[riu)\TFix) = a]/E[f{u)\TF{x) = The denominator By (R-U), u G is DM optimal policy for this V{F,u,a^), and only if / Then non-negative by (R-J^). is = a{f{cj) — Kaf{uj)) E[f{uj) — to set a^{a) Kar{Lo)\TF{x) = f [f{uj) single crossing in a, so that is zero otherwise. > [ J [ [0,1] Tp and Tq So (23) contradicts n{^,a''{a))dF{co,T^\a)) (22) Ja (21). As so that J^f{u)d^G{uj,TQ^{a)) in Theorem 4, = (23) J^r{u))d^F{u},T^^{a)) for {U2,T) are an MDP pair corresponding to Ui, information structure are not required by unless Ui contains the constant functions. {MDP-T) If, all necessity for the case of a smoothly parameterized D distribution follows from an application of the Envelope Theorem. If an Then V{G,u,a^) > - Kafiu;)]dG{u,TaHa)) < f [f{uj) - K^f{ijj)]dF{u},Tp\a)) Jn But, we have defined a. a] if J [0,1] Jn JQ = a > a and 1 if u{oj,a''{a))dG{u:,T^Hc^)) / a]. define u{LJ,a) By (MDP-T), U2- (21) and F,G E J^, the posteriors induced by each to be totally ordered by stochastic dominance however, they do happen to be ordered by stochastic dominance, we can show that (MIO) and (MIO') are equivalent. (MDP-SD) For all F E T, if x", x^ EsuppoH(F) and an MDP x" > x^, then F{u\x") ysD-Ui F{uj\x^). Proposition 8 Let (f/2,^) F.GeT. Then (MIO) is be (MDP-SD) hold. Let equivalent to (MIO). Proof. Note that J fdF{uj\x) and that pair and suppose (A), (R), and j fdF{u}\x) = JfdF{u)) is — j rdF{ijj\x) constant in x. are both increasing in x, so And 22 likewise for it must be the case G. Simplifying the expressions from (18), Tf{x) = F{x), Tg{x) equivalent to (MIO')) The holds, is immediately that (MIO") (which we know It follows when the Tf{x) reduces immediately to F{x), our in x. It follows that posteriors are ordered by ysc-Ui, E[f\x] can vary with earlier x. Examples 4.2.1 We now interpret the monotone information orders corresponding to Examples 3 In the process Example we relate our information orders to < r{uj) (>)0 as Then (MIO') reduces < a; (>)0. So r = efficiency criteria. single crossing at u>q). l{o;«a;o}> and 4 from above. = and Tf{x) Recall that r if is F{x\ujo) using Bayes' to oj) < FT(F{x\uJo)>a Pr(G(y|a;o)>a;|t<;) > Pi{F{x\u}o)>a\oj) Pr(G(y|a;o)>a Alternatively, F{F-'^(a\uJo)\uj) interested in Lehmann's WSC(ujo) (Incremental returns weak 3. WSC(a;o), then Rule. is equivalent to (MIO). must be constant index. In contrast, G{x). because when posteriors are ordered by stochastic dominance and (R-U) result obtains £'[f|a;] = knowing whether - | G{G~'^{a\cJo)\uj) is \ < loq u> ojq for co u>) for WSC(ujo). Recall that the w is above or below uq — and (MDP-T) DM essentially is ensures that high signals are u being above uiq. The information condition implies that if the true state of the then the probability of receiving "good news" under G (defined asy > G~-^(a|c<Jo)) is "good news" about world u) > uJo, higher than under F. If y, f{u}o\x) = ^(wojy) = we impose the additional assumption h{u}Q) (the prior). (MDP-SD), is on a high states are low states are to F, while neither signal is less likely is WSC(u}q) is ujq) is more WSC(u>o) can also uq against the constrained to have a size of 1 — a: — a. Thus, we reject Hq when : F{x\aJo) equivalent to requiring that F{F~^{a\u)o)\u}) greater for G likely That under is, conditional G as opposed be interpreted in terms of hypothesis = have the following interpretation. < for all a. u} rejecting the null is 1 (w for Consider testing the null hypothesis However, the test and high WSC(u!o) informative about the state uq. The monotone information order testing. follows that for all x, Then, conditions (MIO) and (MIO') are equivalent, and we can simply check that g{Lu\G{y)>a) — f{u}\F{x)>a) posteriors, it The conditional > — a, and alternative : u < loq. on Hq, the probability of likewise for G. G{G~^{q.\u}q)\u}) probability of rejecting the null Hi when the if a; Since > MIO- (<)a;0) alternative is we true than F; and the probability of rejecting the null when the alternative 23 is false > (w powerful for a given which To will size. This is Gis uniformly more test using Lehmann exactly the interpretation given by example where problem discussed in Section F (1988) in his analysis, more informative than is 4. can be apphed, return to the portfolio allocation this order G if worthwhile. is Single Crossing (Incremental returns single crossing in Ukelihood has been derived by Lehmann problems (G )^l F) For this provides a more powerful inference about whether or it tion order for the case of single crossing payoff functions this class of = v{cujJ + (1 — a)ujQ). where payoffs axe given by u{u,a) 3.3, not investment in the risky asset Example than F. Thus, the hypothesis be discussed in more detail below. see a very simple problem, G smaller for ujo) is (1988). for all if G a; and signal distributions with monotone He showed A", that G is more informative than F for G~^{F{x\uj)\lj) We now (1997) has given further equivalent characterizations. The monotone informa- uj). is nondecreasing in uj?^ Jewitt show that Lehmann's order can be obtained as a special case of our result. we noted above that the Recall that some ijjQ was the union of all the WSC(a;o) sets. recover the information preferences of Theorem (Hi) By quantifying over all crossing points ujq, we can with singe crossing payoff functions. G >l (i) F; G (ii) >"Af/0-VKSC(i^o) ^ /'^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^' G ^MIO-SPM F for all prior distributions H{uj). then F{u}\x) is ordered by MLR.. priors G yMlO-wsc(u,o) ^- WSC{a}o) to hold and taking Now And is increasing in ysc-wsc(u}o) ^^^ similarly, if F{uj\x) and only if FOSD, we have F{F~^{a)\C: F{o}\F{x) < ui) < < - (i) and is and a) - by (ii) in cj. FOSD as as x is Letting is increases, x increases are equivalent. G-'^{F{x\ujo)\uo) Suppose WSC(uo). x = for For F~^{a\ujo), WSC{ujo). This exactly Lehmann's increasing in cj, which Suppose G )^mio-SPM F. Then using (iii). < G{G~^{a)\il) G{oj\G{y) < io)). < Letting is Applying Bayes' Rule, a). x = F~^{a) and taking (1988) also considered necessity, although his theorem formally answers a slightly diflFerent question. finds that the efficiency order is necessary and sufficient for one signal to return higher payoffs than another in every possible state (instead of on average, given the prior). The discussion following outline of ^^^ liJo G{G-'^ {a\uo)\uj) must be increasing G~^(F(x\u!)\lij) (ii) increasing show that each term, we have G-'^{F{x\oj)\cjj) ojq if this is equivalent to is This means that F(F-^(a|a;o)|a;) consider the equivalence of the definition of Lehmann F{uj\x) for every ljq, the expression G~'^{-\uj) of hold for every condition. if F is ordered by MLR.. We first H, then all He DMs 9 The following are equivalent: Proof. First note from above that will once from below at set of all functions that cross zero Lehmann's approach. 24 Example 3 above provides an G < ^{\Cb This see we of both sides, implied by is To Lo) G >-l F, how Lehmann's see this and quantifying over Of course, The order, z y, >-£, is none of the three are ordered by two-point priors, MLR, so positive only in Or < < uj)\ui it implies oj) < G~^{F{x)). D >-£,. is ^mio-spm ^. Using Lehmann's order does not apply to it. sufficiency. analysis can be extended to other payoflF classes. again yL. ^{F{x\Cj example, recall that z )^mio-spm V but x does not satisfy Athey (1998b) that when U2 order all G order can depart from the supermodular monotone information order in practice, return to Figure 4. In that Lehmarm's equivalent to is For instance, it follows from results in the set of log-supermodular functions the appropriate information in another example, consider the set of payoffs with incremental returns that some intermediate range between loq and lj'q, where cvq <uJq. This case works out similarly to single crossing at a point. 5 Ordering Payoff Functions We now provide conditions under which one decision-maker has a higher incremental return to im- proving her information than another decision-maker. Persico (1997) has investigated this question for the case of single crossing payoff functions is single-crossing in to, the mation than the second functions. We if §^u{uj, generalize this result. family of distributions which If is To do this, we first Umit our attention to marginal changes two signal distributions are linked by a smoothly parameterized information-ranked all along the way from compare the incremental return to increasing the signal strength from We need a small amount of notation: let 9 from J^u{(x},a)dF^{aj\a), and Suppose {U21T) parametrized on Q, with F^ ^ is an let u^(uj,a) By the T for all 6. envelope theorem, to G, we can then F to G. Let aP''^{a) 6 e : be a nondecreasing = «(w,a^'"(a)). MDP pair and that the family {F^{u>,x) lOeGjis smoothly Let u,v be bounded measurable payoff functions. somee, u^{u,a)-v^{u},a) E U2, then §gV{F^,u) Proof. F be a convex subset of R, and suppose {F^{u), x) 6} is a family of information structures smoothly parametrized by 9. Theorem 10 §^v{u}^ a^{a)) according to Lehmann's information order for single crossing payoflF in the information structure. selection a^ip))— decision-maker (u) benefits more from a small increase in infor- first {v), and has shown that > ^V{F^,v) If, for at 6. we have d -V{F',u)= f f u(a;,a^'"(a))d «/Sz •/[0,1J 25 i,F^i^,a) (24) So letting w{uj,a) = u{uj,a^'^{a)) — v{u),a^''"{a)) — and m(ui,a) -V{u-F')--^V{v;F')^ [ [ Oif J CI J de ^F^(a;,a), we have w{u,a)d^m{cv,a). (25) ' The assumption [0,1] F^ that increasing in is ^ increases implies that for any r{uj) ^miO-Ui^^ G Ui, a'e(0,i) r{uj)d^m{uj,a)>0. I (26) Jn Lemma 5 then implies that (25) evaluated at 6 Theorem 10 says that if — u^ v^ in U2, is is i.e. if u^ is maker with payoff function u has a higher marginal value The theorem function v. is does not require that u,v nonnegative for each agent, although this is not the case (since policies If u more is it is "more U2", than for information v^, then the decision- than the DM with payoff E U2, or that the marginal value of information somewhat hard to imagine applying the Theorem when might not be monotone) sensitive to information compare changes D nonnegative. than v in response to every signal in the family, we can Prom in information that are not marginal. this, we can derive comparative statics on the amount of amount of information acquired. Theorem 11 Suppose the conditions of Theorem 10 are U2 for every 6 € @, where let 6*{u) Proof. = Q is argmaxfige V{6;u) Let ^(7^;^) = a closed interval. Let — C{0). Then V{u;F^), and ^(7^;^) supermodular in (^,7), so V(6,'y) Theorem, A 0*{'y) is 9*{u) — C{6) is C satisfied, — R > : 6*{v) (in the strong set order). = V{v;F^). Applying Theorem supermodular in (^,7). is By Topkis' € and 10, V{e;-f) is (1978) Monotonicity nondecreasing in the strong set order. that the conditions on u and v the objective function evaluated at require {^,0() 6e the cost of information; > few words are in order about the results of this section. and 11 and thatu^ {uj,a)—v^ its A main drawback to Theorems 10 are not primitive, since they depend on the properties of optimum. In general, verifying the necessary condition may knowing something about the shape of the optimizer, or about the curvature of the payoff functions. To take an apparently simple example, suppose supermodular. One can where information that a^{a;u) > is verify that sufficient conditions for u{u},a) u = to acquire + g{a), where v is more information than v, v{u},a) ranked by the supermodular information order, are that a^{a;u) a^{a;v), and v^aa > 0, (i.e. marginal returns are supermodular). 26 > a^(a;v), The first condition will hold if g{a) last is (reasonably) transparent, the second condition requires significant assumptions on the curvature of u. linear, should we draw from this? While may be necessary to place a fair On the other hand, this area. we think but even What if g conclusion that these results hold promise for applied modehng, amount of structure on the model to make them is it operational. the existing hterature (prior to Persico (1997)) provides minimal guidance in For example, an increase in the Blackwell information order increases the ex ante expected value of any function which is ordered information than v is and the increasing,^^ is convex in the posterior if and only if - v*{P) = w*(P) Thus, agent u beliefs. will J^ [u(a;,a*'"(P)) buy more Blackwell- - v{a!,a*'''{P))] dP{u) convex in the posterior P{uj). While convexity of u*(P) and v*{P) follows as a simple consequence of optimality, convexity of the difference not at is all transparent. Checking the condition would almost certainly involve non-primitive assumptions similar to the ones described in this section. Applications 6 We now present several applications of the results developed above. The first two applications axe standard decision problems; the third examines adverse selection in a labor market equilibrium, The examples demonstrate both while the fourth studies a coordination game. weaknesses of the approach. strengths and In particular, while comparisons of information structures may be obtained immediately in a broad range of cases, comparative statics on information acquisition often require additional assumptions. Application: Cost Uncertainty for Producers 6.1 A growing literature in Industrial Organization considers the value of information to firms in oligopoly models (see for instance The methods outUned above Mirman, Samuelson, and Schlee (1994) and allow for some new Consider the problem faced by a producer jective. results in this general class of problems. who must choose quantity, We will compare the importance of information to firms However, we will restrict attention to covert of other agents fixed when we analyze the we will consider /3 social planner's total surplus. To see this, let u{ui,a,T) for every w, so The = i;(ai,a) to maximize diflterent some ob- market structures. we hold the strategies of gathering information. Write the firm's gross surplus as a general function, R{q; structure. In particular, under q, information gathering, whereby eflFects references therein). € {M,D,S}, /3), where (3 parameterizes the market representing monopoly, duopoly, and the firm faces imcertainty about its cost: the total cost of producing when t = 0, and v{uj,a) a*(a,T) will be increasing in (a,T). That is, 27 +g{a) when t o*(a;«) > = 1. Then u a'{a;v) for every a. is supermodulax in {a,T) q = given by C{q;uj). Thus, the firm's profits are given by Tr{q,uj;P) is R{q\P) consider a smoothly parameterized family of information structures, {F^{u},a) F^{a) = a denoted tt (g, for each 6 and a; P) = R{q; a e all Expected [0, 1]. — E[C{q, oj)\q]- Assume /?) profits given : — ^ C{q;uj). We € G}, where an a-percentile posterior are that each of these functions is differentiable in Under appropriate assumptions, the optimal choice of quantity is then determined by MR{q; P) q. j-^R{q;P) = = f^E[C{q,u)\a]=E[MC{q,u:)\a\. Suppose that 6 indexes F^(a;, a) according to {MIO-SPM), and that a indexes F^{ui\q) according to FOSD for this problem. If {q,(^). Since We first for all 6. apply our analysis from above to characterize increasing information we assume that MC{q; a;) {MDP-T) information (according to decreasing in cu, then 7r(g', uj; (MIO-SPM)) cording to SPM. FOSD. Assume Finally, higher for firm nondecreasing in w. nondecreasing in sider is 9, a^ indexes F^(a;|a^) ac- > is decreasing in w, increasing in q^{a) and q^'{a) > q^'{a). Then q, is ordered by MIO- and submodular in the marginal value of 6 is than firm P^. Proof. By Theorem MR{ql^{a); P) MC{q; u) assume that q^{a) p^ supermodular in under different market that the smoothly parameterized family {F^(a;,a)} In addition, assume that (uj,q). is model described above, where for each the is leads to higher ex ante expected payoff's. We now turn to consider how the marginal value of information changes conditions. We begin with the following result. Proposition 12 Consider P) the optimal choice, q^{a;6), will be nondecreasing in a. Better satisfied, is is 10, it suffices to If g^' (a) u > show that Kg{q^{a),uj;P^)q"'{a)-TTq{q^(a),u);P^)q^'{a) ^^'(q:), (since each terra — MC{q^{a),u) whether MC{q^{a),Lo) for then our result obtains is if 7rq(g^ (a), w;/3''^)—7rg(9^ (a), a;; ^^) separately nondecreasing). Recall that 'nq[q^(a),w,P) each firm. Since the — MC{q^{a),u)) is first is = term does not vary with w, we can con- nondecreasing in u, which follows since MC{q,cj) submodular. To To interpret the conditions interpret the conditions it is useful to consider Now it satisfied if C{q,u)) = q^/u). on the quantities chosen, which of course are not primitive conditions, some examples. of the social planner. Let R{q; As usual, on the cost function, note that they axe P^) First consider = P(g) follows directly that q^{a) q and R{q; p^) > q^(a), that is, consider the terms g^'(a) and q^'{a). «/,,_ = /'(a) • comparing a monopolist's problem with that The = J^ P{t)dt. the monopolist imderprovides quantity. implicit function theorem yields £E[MC{qP{a),u;)\a] ^^MR{qP{a);P) - ^^E[MC{qncc),u)\a\ 28 > Thus, q^'{a) P'(q^{a)) q^'{a) if MC{q,uj) submodular is > 2P'{q^{a))+q^{oL)P"{q^{a)). latter inequality is the If P is in (g,a;), if MC{q,oj) convex is in q, and if linear or convex, a sufficient condition for the commonly assumed requirement that the marginal revenue curve is steeper than the demand curve. We can also compare the value of information for a monopoUst and a duopolist. We suppose that both duopolists have the same initial signal structure as the monopolist, but only one duopoUst. has the opportunity to (covertly) purchase additional information information acquisition game, but assumptions, the result q^{oi) Further, q^'{a) > q^'{a) if 2P'{q^{a)) This condition is > we will (it is not consider that case here). With q^{oi) obtains so long as marginal revenue marginal cost is submodular, and + q^{a)P"iq^{a)) > study the also possible to is these symmetry downward sloping. if 2P'(2g^(a)) +g^(a)P"(2g^(a)). satisfied for the constant elasticity demand curve. Summarizing, we see that imder several reasonable conditions, the social planner has a larger centive to acquire information than the monopolist, but the monopolist may in- have a larger incentive to acquire information than the duopoUst. Application: Screening for a "TEu-get" Hire 6.2 An entrepreneur or manager needs to hire a worker or subcontractor to perform a very specific task. She interviews an interested party, who appears to have roughly the right The manager now has to gleaned from the interview. a large oflFer? make a What And what would To model such a it situation, single take-it-or-leave sort of signal mean it's co moves away in monetary from the interview we assume that there both directions. So r(w) is be more which achieves a which is increasing. effective? maximum The manager has a A a way that the manager shape of p and r, it will offer will —a]. In order more money following a "good" K the Hiring at uj*, and offer x about a cu will be (arising — a\x]. We can write for signals to be ordered in such signal, regardless of the exact must be the case that x orders the posteriors by Section 3.3 for interpretations). a^{x) = p{a)[r(oj) wage signal from an information structure F{u},x)), and chooses a to maximize p{a)E[r(u}) the payoff function u{u!,a) as u{u},a) co*. concave (but not necessarily symmetric not just the distance from perfection that matters, but the direction). ax:cepted with probability p{a), manager to make some optimal task outcome r{iv), is based on information offer will cause the for the screening process to the agent would result in outcome w, and a payoff of decreases as it characteristics. SOSD (see Example 2 in potential signals from the interview satisfy this condition, be monotone regardless of the exact shape of p and 29 r. Now for the question of what constitutes better information. Applying (MIO-CV), F if Va € more informative interview that G{oj\G{x) The intuition but there is is > [0, 1] a) residual uncertainty. the less risk she believes there informative screening process Fiuj\Fix) is, is if the agent is hired like this residual risk one where high signals (which are more 6.3 Application: Adverse Selection suggests a). is always how our in particular, likely to lead to hires) information orders can be applied to adverse selection mar- is unknown with prior H(uj), —a the top 1 if (u), x) is observed by the school, but not by the general labor market. Instead, only is fraction of the class "graduates," while the rest — the labor market observes do not a given worker graduated. Each firm has production function J{uj) increasing in u, and the , labor market is available to the competitive so that workers receive a wage £J[J(cj)|J], where 3 Now the information graduates will be E[J{u))\F{x) for > a], and for non-graduates E[J{uj)\F{x) < suppose that the schooling process becomes more informative about the worker's abiUty, in the sense that F increases to G in the supermodular monotone information order E[J{uj)\G{y) while the wage decreases for those interprets a failure to graduate as is economy (MIO-SPM). immediately that the wage for graduates will increase since It follows process is market about productivity. The market wage . first and schooling generates a noisy signal x about underlying ability. Suppose that the joint distribution of a] more and Labor Markets period training (in school). Each worker's productivity only A Consider the following stylized situation. Workers hve for two periods and spend the F{uj,x). This signal u)*, — the more aggressively she will pursue the candidate. less residual risk. Our next example > outcome The manager does not imply kets. ^sosD simple: after the interview the expected some G will be a more is revealing. constant at To extend this, are "skill-sensitive" >a]> E[J{u)\F{x) > a], who do not graduate. bad news about = is that the labor market and as worse news when the schooling is, 1 — /? of workers, have production function E\J{ijj)\ for the whole but inequality increases with information. suppose now that a fraction suppose that E[S{u!)\ point Note that the average wage (and average production) £'[J(a;)], — that ability, The 5(a;), < a can be hired into jobs that with S"(w) > J'{u>) for all u. And /? so that "on average" productivity 30 is the same at the two jobs. Assuming that each worker gets her expected marginal product as a wage, the equiUbrium two-job labor market has a fraction > jobs at a wage E[S{oj)\F{x) a], j3 of workers, all whom of in this graduated, going to "skill-sensitive" the remaining graduates taking less skill-sensitive jobs at a lower wage (they are rationed), and non-graduates receiving E[J{ij)\F{x) < a] as before. Consider an increase in the information generated by school screening in the sense of (MIO- SPM). This for graduates and decrease the wage for non-graduates. But it production of the economy by leading to better matching between high- will also increase the total skill wage will increase the workers and skill-sensitive jobs. Moreover, as the fraction of skill-sensitive jobs, /?, increases toward a, the social returns to better screening by the schools increase (assuming the planner cares only about gross production and not inequality). Similarly, supermodular S{(jj,t) is if in r, then the social returns to better screening will be increasing in r. Application: Coordination 6.4 Under Uncertainty The game This section considers a game where both players can choose to acquire information. involves signal two players with symmetric payoffs «(a;, Oi, aj) where ttj, = with joint distribution F^'{u},ai), where F^<(q:j) Assimie the ctj's and r restrict quality (^1,^2) are independent conditional on u. > 7 > 0. We let u(a;, their strategies (01,02). We aj i's and 01,02) action. Player i receives 6i reflects signal quality. = ai[a; + 702 + K] — make unobserved In this supermodular game, players and then choose player Gj is ^ral, choices of signal look for symmetric Nash equilibria. Conditional on the information structure, Player 1 maximizes + 'yE[a2\cL>; e]+K]- ai[cj Jn to find first question to ask = is be ordered according to -f-7£?[o2|ck:i;^] FOSD is sufiicient; The condition for In the unique (essentially) be monotone in all that is needed aj. Clearly requiring is that the posteriors moments. Since any two distributions can be ranked according {MDP-!F) is simply notational. are of the form Ua{u}) satisfying these restrictions forms a will actually The linearity of payoffs arises since = 73^(0; K], and so Ui{ai,u}) = a-:p^[u} K]. = c + duj, where d > 0. The set of marginal returns j plays her equilibriimi strategy, £^[aj|w] Thus marginal retioms + K]. + K]. when the optimal poUcy their first to their means, assimiing ^ [S[a;|ai;0] ^r^r [£^[a;|ai; Oi] that the posteriors are ordered by when = an optimal action ai(ai) symmetric equilibrium, ai{x) The -Taj dF^'{uj\ai) L -\- -I- convex cone, with corresponding monotonicity of the policy is that 31 £?[a;|at] (MDP) and (MIO) be increasing in Oj. conditions. The condition G is more informative than F for under which be derived immediately from Theorem Va G 3: is decision-makers with linear marginal returns can [0, 1], <a]> E[oj\G{y) < a]. E[uj\F{x) This all (MIO-LIN) the linear monotone information order. We now consider the information acquisition choice. {MIO-LIN). Expected payoffs to player i are Il.{6i,6j) metric equilibrium must also satisfy n,(^i,0i) —C'{6i) acquisition. Assume that 6i indexes Fi according to = E[u{uj,ai{ai),aj{aj))\9i,62], so the sym= 0, the first order condition for information We are also interested in how changes in the parameters alter the amount of information gathered in equilibrium. Straightforward algebra yields {u; Comparative statics follow known marginal + K)-^{E[uj\ai;ei]+K) immediately from an application of Theorem benefit to acting, has no A 10. change in K, the on the amount of information gathered. effect in the quadratic cost of action, r, decreases the amount of information gathered. And An increase as is intuitive, an increase in 7, the returns to coordination, increases information gathering. Similarly, agent's actions are increasing game reinforces K and decreasing in r. Endogenizing the information structure in this known complementarities. Conclusion 7 In this paper, We 7 and we have obtained a new set of results for the have provided a general analysis of when one signal is standard Bayesian decision problem. more valuable than another signal to a given class of decision-makers, and also provided conditions under which decision-makers within a given class will differ systematically in their marginal value for information. We general framework to several payoff classes of particular economic relevance, corresponding monotone information orders. section, the results what can be applied to a variety of economic sort of information about acquiring As we have attempted to is have applied and described this their point out in the previous settings, allowing characterizations of valuable in a given envirorunent, and which sorts of agents caxe most it. 32 An extremely interesting, but potentially extension of this research, difficult value of information in strategic settings. In such a setting, information to analyze the is may have both a direct strategic value. In standard incentive problems, information has only strategic value, while and a in Persico's (1997) study of auctions, information acquired secretly so there is is only a direct value. In the industrial organization literature discussed in Section 6.1, results combining both direct and strategic benefits are obtained, but they typically rely The examples from may this literatiure suggest that many not be available in results settings. restrictive functional unambiguous results about the value of information remains to be seen whether general characterization It can be obtained in game-theoretic models. Proof of Lemma 5. Assume first [q;j_i,q;j]. exist is finite, ao = < A= ai > {ai, ...,an} with Oj+i < ... < an-\ < ctn = 1 = ^^^u{uj,ai) [m{ai\u)) / Jn J[Q,l\ ^ , '" such that a{a) -1 I I -Z)r=i — u(lj , ai)m(0\u)) = -^2 ri(a;),...,r„_i(a)) with ri{uj) are zero a.e. with respect to Tn{u)). Moreover, suppose (16) = ai on = ai ^^ [0,6:) and a{a) The fails for = G On on C/j. J - u{uj,ai)] m{ai\uj) > dm{uj) ri{uj)dTn^{u},ai ) The third equality uses the fact that 7n(l|a;), m(0|a;) last step follows some a G [a, 1]. f ^ y~^ [u{uj,ai+i) a{a) any | [u{oJ,ai+i) -u(u},ai)]m{ai\uj) 'n-l (15). for — m{ai-i\uj)] dm{uj) u(u! an)'m(l\ui) I some Then Oj. Then u(LO,a{a))dm{u),a) / / Ju A that monotone nondecreasing a{a), there for form assumptions. Appendix 8 on on (0, 1), r € from (MDP-U). Then clearly (16) implies Ui. Then define u{u,a) By (MDP-U), u E U2, and a is = af{u)). And let clearly nondecreasing. Substituting into the derivation above, / / u(a;,a(Q:))dm(a;,a) = — (on — oi) Jn J[o,i] So (15) Now must imply suppose f{uj)dajm(u,&) <0. (16). A is compact. We know from above that a{a) step functions. / Ju We show that (16) is equivalent to (15) holding for (15) holds for all nondecreasing functions a{a) 33 if and only aU if it holds for all step functions. Let a{a) be some nondecreasing sequence of step functions converging to a{a). Then since u And since be converging to u{u},a{a)). Theorem to u{u),a) is and let a'-(a),a^{a),... be a continuous in a, then u(ui,a''{a)) will is bounded, we can apply the Lebesgue Convergence show u(u},a^(a))dm{uj,a) / — clearly, (15) will u{ij,a{a))dTn{uj,a). / > Jnx[o,i] Then function, JnxlQ,!] hold for all a nondecreasing if and only if it holds for all step functions. D References [1] Athey, Susan (1998a): "Characterizing Properties of Stochastic Objective Functions," MIT Working Paper 96-lR. [2] Athey, Susan (1998b): "Comparative Statics under Uncertainty: Single Crossing Properties and Log-Supermodularity," [3] Blackwell, David ley [4] Blackwell, David [6] (1953): "Ekjuivalent & Border, Kim Proceedings of the Second Berke- 93-102. Statistics, Comparisons of Experiments," Annals of Mathemat- 265-272. Blackwell, David and M. Girshik John Wiley Paper 97-llR. 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Figure 2: Indexing Posteriors by Ex Ante Percentile a=F(xJ,a = G(>'J. /- ^, y 3^ Figure 3: Illustration of Monotone Decision Problem States: Q. = {(Dy,C02,C0^}. yi: (MDP) Conditions. = {x';x"}. The posteriors generated by x are illustrated in the diagram. Case 1: f/2 is set of supennodular functions. F(co\ x) satisfies Given Case 2: U^ X ailx"> x*-. restriction. is is set admissable. of fiinctions with single crossing incremental Fi(0\x) satisfies (MDP) only if F((o\x") J>-^„ Given F{o)\x^) as satisfy Thus, F((Ol x^) for F(0)I x^) as illustrated in diagram, only posteriors within solid lines satisfy (MDP) Thus, (MDP) only if F(0)\x") >>05o 3c illustrated in diagram, returns. Fi,(0\x^) for all x" > x^. only posteriors within dotted lines (MDP) restriction. is not admissable. =^.0J CD. jr Figure 4; S upermodulai Monotone Information Order with 3 states and 2-point signal distributions. States: Q = {(O^,(O2,C0^}. Three signals, Assume 6), x,y,andz, where No two signals are ordered Each two (equally signal has Robustness: If F((0\x'') is <«2 <6>3- Prior: (j.j.j)- z yuio-spu 5' >-mio-spm ^ - by sufficiency. likely) possible realizations anywhere within the dotted which region, t4%i0} 5' satisfy MDP-SPM. >-mio-spu ^• =(o,-i,l) Figure 5: Illustration of the Supermodular Monotone Information Order. States: Q. = {0)^,0)2,(02}. Assume Two signals, y and z , where z o, < Oj < 6)3. >-mio-spm V- Moving from ^ to z moves probability weight onto (Low signal,a)^ and {High signal.O)^), and away from (High signal,0)^ and {Low signaUo)^). Change in Probability of event from j High Signal No Change — + No Change + — ffl. ©, Realization Low Signal Realization ©, 31 to z MIT LIBRARIES 3 9080 01444 2617 ^^879 012 Date Due Lib-26-67 '»' ^'f: v.. f. mm,' m t^< « m 'm. :ii ^' # ?! yf^ 6 If' If i 'f I- w I' ^ ii'?' p 1 f' i ^f # S' M % % f 6 7 8 W ''»'' ' ^"'^m 'f 'fw iiMi % Mi'^I p: » #' f^- f.- ^ ^rr ft" p W 1|;^ t:rf ^t-' ^' P^ n !t i ? r -^ t*' f' « 9 ^^ IV t ;*' f¥ ft '?r ^' it !f, # t ?r' W '^ F 10 ^ f ?* ?\ ^ i^ 11 V%. :|. ^^^, f# r;i%* , 4 ! ' i; ^ $' • - :'f""i?!V'-:t"'%" *"::„' f^.: 1 svtf'i^-'j' , fM - * !?i •:• }».- 'if- _ ^^ llllllll ^' ^^" f ^' P' W if' B^" ii )*: |l" S^" l|l|l|M|l|l|l lllllll \?'' "'ft' W' ^^ '^il 'f^ w' #' _JoREGON RULE CO. 1 U.S.A. 2 3 )'''. 'r^-"i^ t^' '^ 'S*