Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/technologyunemplOOacem HB31 .M415 no. % -3G working paper department of economics TECHNOLOGY, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EFFICIENCY Daron Acemoglu 96-26 September, 1996 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 TECHNOLOGY, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EFFICIENCY Daron Acemoglu 96-26 September, 1996 iV;. . _ EB21199/ Technology, Unemployment and Efficiency' Daron Acemoglu^ September 1996 ABSTRACT This paper analyzes technology choices and unemployment in search equilibrium. In contrast to standard search models, the presence of technology choices too httle investment in inefficient; there equilibria. The paper is where job tenure is too little job creation and there can be multiple also shows that technological progress is likely to be slower in labor markets low. 1 Throughout recent increase in wages skills, makes the decentralized equilibrium Introduction history, technological progress has and employment, and perhaps it is been the main factor ensuring a steady no coincidence that the past twenty years, which have witnessed below average productivity growth, have also been the period of unusuhigh tmemployment. ally This paper is prepared However, the link between technical change and the labor market for the Papers and Proceedings of the 1996 Congress of the European Ek;onomic As- sociation. Financial support from the National Science Foundation * is Department of Economics, Massachusetts Grant SBR-9602116 Institute of Technology, e-mail: is gratefully acknowledged. daronSmit edu. . not unidimensional. major deterrent to complementary to Many firms cite labor market conditions new their adoption of skills (see and lack of adequate skills as a when technologies, especially these technologies are Northcott and Vickrey, 1993, Haskel and Martin, 1993). Recent papers by Aghion and Howitt (1995), Mortensen and Pissarides (1995) and Saint-Paul (1991, 1994) discuss the relation between technological progress these papers do not include the choices. How skills skills and unemployment. However, of the workforce as a variable interacting with technology influence the direction of technological change literature, for instance is discussed in another recent Acemoglu, (1994, 1996a, b), but these papers do not contain a careful unemployment determination. The current paper proposes a simple extension of the analysis of standard search model of Diamond-Mortensen-Pissarides which enables a synthesis of the links between skills the other. and technological change on the one hand and unemployment and technology on The standard and labor market policy attention is search model has been a very useful framework to analyze (see Pissarides, 1990), and one of its main implications is unemployment that as long as limited to constant returns to scale matching technologies, the efficient allocation can be decentralized without any policy intervention (see Hosios, 1990). I show that this conclusion does not apply to an economy with endogenous technology choice, and neither the unemployment level nor the choice of technology of equilibria, and in is in general efficient. In particular, there one of the equilibria firms do not invest in skills can be a multiplicity because they expect their future workers to be unskilled.-' In addition to normative conclusions, the framework Ukely to discourage the adoption of new I introduce implies that high turnover technologies. This is an interesting finding since both is in the U.K. and the U.S. there has been an increase in low tenure jobs in the past two decades and the imphcations of this trend for technological choice have not yet been discussed. 'Multiplicity of equilibria can also arise in Acemoglu (1994,1996a), and Redding (1996) has recently extended these models to show the possibility of "low-skiU" trap 1 when there are technology ladders. Instead in this paper use the framework developed in Acemoglu (i995a) which enables the simultaneous analysis of technology and employment. Pissarides (1992), Acemoglu (1994) and Robinson (1996) also investigate a related multiplicity of equilibria whereby firms do not create enough jobs when workers are workers do not invest in skills, making different unemployment unskilled, levels consistent and when unemployment with equUibrium. is high The Model 2 The Environment There a continuum of workers normalized to is and maximize the present discoimted value infinitely lived, rate Each firm can decide r. and a larger continuum of firms. 1 to All agents are of their income stream with discount be inactive at zero return or can open a vacancy at flow cost 7. Each vacancy can only employ one worker. Two normalized to ciates. new 0. The second technology requires a and the and the investment 'firm-specific', the machine a worker can use these Employment of equal to As its in the it needs to acquire new machine of the skills are not skills with any firm that has the same machine. Further new machine by y -|- a, I denote the flow rate of and without either the skills or y. the is number of vacancies standard search analysis, two arguments, is I and M(u, v) assimie that M(., v) is .) where u is the the flow rate of exhibits constant continuous and differentiable, and that M., .) < 00. I ^ as a measure of the tightness of the labor market (see Pissarides, 1990). Then, the flow rate of match for for an unfilled vacancy will be equal to q{6) where an unemployed worker search models, in this economy there or unskilled, this Both the adoption formed through a matching technology M(u, unemployed workers, v returns to scale in match is relations are matches formed. = will operate not 'firm-specific' either and can be sold to other firms. is the machine, productivity number c. who and never depre- costs 6 can be made at any point in time. Note also that the productivity of a skilled worker with the of a new machine which acquisition of these skills costs in skills the existing technology with cost first is However, for the new machine to be used the worker skills, define The technologies can be used for production. is is Q{9) = dq{0) with Q'{-) > 0. type of models, that the matching technology of skilled workers in the unemployment pool with a vacancy is skilled < and the flow rate In contrast to the standard potential heterogeneity because workers are either skilled and flrms may or may not possess the new technology. is q'{.) is p, is random I assiime, as in the sense that if is standard in the proportion then the probability that a worker matching also p. Once formed, employment relations come to an end at the exogenous flow rate s. After . new match while termination, the worker looks for a vacancy. The important assumption am making I the job enters the state of an unfilled here that the probability of separation is is independent from the productivity of the relation. Analysis The equilibrium be characterized through a will V^ when use J° and I t when = we the system is in steady state. i > and an unskilled worker can be trained J^ = 0. the asset may be more involved. + a > w^ A which unemployment viable options unemployment is pool). and lost vacancy is it filled The It is J^ ; however, u is = p and any time. at s+e^ (e ) Since at '^here ^o a standard Bellman equation, vacancy with the technology + a — w'^ , and replaced by the value of is matched with probability is is to the be the With probabiUty case; recall 1 — p, p is plus the expected value of the capital unfilled vacancy. q{9). The The second equation probability that the worker is unskilled. The wiU choose whichever has higher present discounted (as long as firm has then three value. The first is to gets the value of a filled vacancy with a skilled will also incur the training cost c.^ assumed that the worker does not pay worker the proportion of skilled workers in the the worker it states that it equal to the instantaneous in this case the firm will definitely accept the assumed it adopt the new (1) first is accept the worker and train him, in which case worker, level to Next: plus the per period dividend y , possesses the skills y t briefly explain these equations. capital gain is I at time a-w" + siV^ -J^) + y the per period value of being a loss as is filled, new technology Each firm or vacancy can decide are in steady state, the equilibrium rJ^-j^ = me the job under the assumption that the new technology becomes available tightness of the labor market at Let denote the I V'=' technology at any time t equations. in the state of imiilled vacancy. Similarly, for a firm without the start the analysis = BeUman new technology by J^ when (net present discounted) value of a firm with the and series of The second for the cost of training, credit-constrained and binding contracts cannot be written. alternative which would be the case Acemoglu (1995a) analyzes a is if to employ workers are similar setting allowing the worker without the necessary skills the value of a filled vacancy with the may the firm down decide to turn to utilize the new technology, in this case the firm will get new machine but without a worker, difference it gets the value worker - + y;0 J^° I (note that as: _ jO) (2) I (l) is (3 that if the firm decides to employ a trained have not written the recursions for assume that wages are equal to a proportion is 5(l/0 between these equations and order to save space). Next, of a y Finally, -V^ = g(0)((l-p)max(j°-K°)+pmax{j^°-T/^,o}). rV° The only = . the worker and continue as an unfilled vacancy. Value equations for firms without the new technology can be written rJ°~j'' J^^ skilled worker, set by J°^ and J^^ such that the wage static bargaining wage bargaining of his current output (other in rules woiild not change the results). To characterize the equiUbriima, the evolution of p (the proportion of skilled workers in the unemployment pool) needs to be determined. vacancies which adopt the technology, m For this I define as the proportion of active (p who as the proportion of skilled workers are employed by firms without the new technology and n as the proportion of unskilled workers who are employed by firms with the new technology. Then; p = s{l-u)W-n) + {l-4>)m]-peq{e)u ^ u ^^^^^ ^^^^ In words, the change in the proportion of skilled workers in the by entry and exit of skilled workers into the pool comes from employed workers {1 —u) unemployment at the rate s workers are \ — (j) are employed at firms without the skilled. Finally, „) + - 0)m - p] (1 unemployment pool pool. Entry into the and a proportion ^ employed at firms with the new technology and a proportion a proportion - 1 —n is (3) determined miemployment of these workers are of these are skilled. Similarly, new technology and a proportion m and n are determined from the BeUman equations m of these given above by seeing whether firms are willing to hire different types of workers. Since there is an infinite supply of firms able to open a vacancy, never open a loss making vacancy, equiUbrimn and since a firm will workers to pay and the quahtative for their training, V'-' results are not changed. > V° < is not consistent with is also not possible, V° = thus 0. Similarly, V'^ willing to invest in the — price ^ > machine so that the firm can e for e arbitrarily small. Thus, Given these no-arbitrage conditions, when (2) r I J^ and and this ensured via V'^ -5 = V^ = 0m is When is + c. a J'-' firms wilhng to invest V^ = firms at the 6. immediately imply: +s s are independent of time. However, clearly p (1) and a < vacancy creation is 0=1 be adopted by will > J'^ a > ai{9o) t = = the firm gets all + 6 + C, J^ qi(0o), at time r6 and n= \. if a > is: + + until all workers are trained. {r J'^, incurs if and only the if: s)c • is not adopted, then the profitability of at ^O; and ai{9o), then all active firms As p but loses YZTp the innovation This implies from J^ firms employing a worker that unchanged and 9 remains constant never gets adopted. In contrast and we have potentially time-dependent (2). new technology adopted? By adopting if is the tightness of the labor market depending on time in order to satisfy 0, Thus, the technology Note that 1, i.e. we need new have explicitly introduced time-dependence to emphasize that in equilibrium (due to free-entry) cost 6 + 5 machine to one of these firms new there are and (1) sell its r where V^ < 6 can be ruled out, but to nile out (3) that p therefore, the new technology buy the new machine will increase over time until at it t = reaches increases, (1) implies that expected returns of unfilled vacancies will also increase, and to satisfy the zero-profit condition 9 needs to increase imtil reaches some higher value rate of imemployment Result 1 : If Q > 9i. Since the job-finding rate, 9q{9), is increasing in will also fall after the new technology ai(0o), there exists an equiUbrium in this equilibrimn, firms train all unskilled workers workers, p, asymptotically tends to 9\ and unemployment falls. 0, 1, is 9, it the equilibrium adopted. Therefore: which the new technology is adopted. In immediately and the proportion of trained the tightness of the labor market increases from 9o to The analysis firms that enter that we up to this point was conducted under the assumption that there are always and want to buy the a firm to do Is it still profitable for A a > are in a situation where existing machines which keeps V^ — the worker separates, it have to keep will = solved under the assumption that p unskilled) together with obtain that the 7 = g(l jN ^ ^ cost of adopt the new technology. Then, will when differently, until (from the machine because no other firm iimovates so (1)) V^ — and without be adopted if and only jr + s + qje)) ^ = ^r + #))(l-/3)' + , be workers are Simple algebra yields: 6. + qi9)){l-P){y + a)-s^-sq{e)c r{r + q{e) + s) will all 6 when finds a worker, therefore (1) needs to it /fl^_ > sell V^ ^ ^^^ if: {r + s)c -TT ^'^ «i(^o), since the coefficient in front of 5 firms believe others will not adopt the new is larger in ao{9o). technology, the effective adoption increases. Thus: Result 2 : If a G is adopted and is in the other it is not. In the first equilibrium, unemployment lower. When workers. two pure strategy symmetric equiUbria. In one {ai{9o), 00(60)), there exist the innovation all firms adopt the innovation, the future workforce As a result, even if some firm willing to new machine, workforce is V wiU be able to make high buy the new machine, and , is skilled because firms train their the current employment relation comes to an end, a relation with a skilled worker the {r it (this is /3)y "°('°^ easy to see that ao(^o) Expressed — new technology " ^ is technology. coordination failure because there are no new firms to buy the machine. Since the firm cannot It new alone? In other words, can a coordination failure arise? Suppose the firm expects that no other firm We Suppose instead 6. ai but no firm contemplates adopting the it new never falls below 6. this why it and therefore, there will be the value of an unfilled vacancy with However, when no other firm innovates, the future untrained, and a firm which adopts the training of the imskilled workers profits, new productive new technology will recruit in the future. The will have to pay for the anticipation of these costs reduces the profitability of the investment. Because of these considerations, no other firm wants to buy the machine from the current owner, and new technology the result in new The less profitable. is Acemoglu (1995a) where when technologies result of this is paper therefore V^ below falls intuition for this multiplicity the future workforce As a S. result, adopting an extension of the is untrained, the profitability of is reduced. However, instead of a two period model of Acemoglu (1995a), the derived in an infinite horizon model, and the matching aspect is is explicitly modelled, firms are allowed to choose the timing of their innovation and training, and to machine when they have no use of firms and The Is for it, and there is the sell a free-entry condition to determine the nimiber vacancies. efficient allocation one of these equiUbria efficient? To answer this question, I write surplus from adopting the technology and training the worker by value of a trained worker is denoted by T-^.'^ rS^-S^ = rT^ = Intuitively, the social planner is y S^ and the additional social the additional social Then, we have: + a + s{5 + T^-S^) eq{G) (c also affected down (7) - T^) by the search frictions, but like the decentralized market, she can transfer the machine from a destroyed job to a new one; this explains 6 in the equation for S^ The the society c when he matches with The . social planner equation for T^ can be explained by noting that a trained worker saves a firm because the training costs can be avoided. wiU adopt the new technology .>...r* + Result 3 : as(0) < ai{e) < (r if and only if S^ > 6 +c which implies: + »)c-«j. (8) aQ{9). This result states that both of the decentralized equilibria characterized above have too weak ^And I hold the tightness of the market at some 6s. the social planner would like to increase technology, thus as(d) I derive is 6, It is straightforward to see that if she adopts the technology, thus she would generate even more surplus from adopting the an upper bound on the Therefore, the difference between the decentralized cut-off level of the productivity of the economy and the constrained optimal new allocation is new innovation. even larger. new incentives to adopt the technology. The Firms are discounting the future at the rate r end at the rate and s, intuition +s is partly given by the above discussion. because their employment relation comes to an after this point they receive no benefit from the worker's additional skills. Instead, his future employer gets the higher return (see also Acemoglu, 1995b for a discussion Also firms are discoiiraged from investing because for of a similar result). all /3 > 0, part of the additional returns will be captured by the worker. However, the qualitative results are not affected when /? = as it can be seen by comparing a-[{9) and oio{6) to as{d) for /3 = 0, therefore, the distortions caused to rent-sharing are not the only source of inefficiency (see Acemoglu, 1995a, for discussion). Moreover, as the decentralized economy invests too to the efficient allocation, unemployment its rate is is efficient as show here that no value of /? long as /3 is the new technology compared too high because there creation. This result contrasts with the standard search and unemployment little in is not enough job models where the amount of job creation chosen correctly to regulate the entry of ffims. restores efficiency, thus the decentralized I equiUbrium does not do a good job of internalizing the externalities that arise because of the productivity differences of workers (see also Acemoglu, 1996a). A simple comparative static The framework also provides Result 4 more : have proposed is not only useful in showing the potential inefficiencies, but an interesting prediction related to the The higher is 5, links between turnover and new technologies. the weaker are the incentives to adopt new noted above, ffims discount the future at the rate r + less willing to invest. technologies and also the s, thus when 5 increases, Moreover, because the social planner discounts the future at a lower rate, an increase in s also makes the inefficiencies more severe. to a it distorted are the innovation decisions. Intuitively, as they are I A high level of s corresponds market with high turnover and low tenure. Thus, labor markets with low tenure are not conducive to the adoption of new technologies. It is also worth noting that since all human and physical capital are general, in the absence of matching and credit market imperfections, there would be no this link between s and innovation in this economy, the innovation would be adopted This result is interesting in two respects: if first, economy and only change in Japan (e.g. if a > in the competitive r(S is scholars suggest that an important factor contributing Hashimoto, 1991). 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