J Plan your strategy for 2013 with the BCCWF Global Work/Life...

Plan your strategy for 2013 with the BCCWF Global Work/Life Toolkit
Now available for $2500--50% off
ust in time for the holidays, and hopefully just in time for next year’s budget, we at
the Center for Work & Family have decided to reduce the cost of our Global Work/Life
Toolkit by 50%. As a member of our National Roundtable you can now purchase a
lifetime Toolkit license for $2500. Members who have used the toolkit have found it to
be extremely useful in helping them successfully assess, develop, and launch work-life
initiatives in their organizations.
The Global Work/Life Toolkit is an easy-to-use web-based resource to help you develop
and implement effective work/life initiatives. It provides process steps and a set of more
than 25 documented tools to assist your efforts.
The Toolkit is designed to assist human resource professionals in crafting and
implementing work/life and other HR initiatives in countries around the globe, including
the U.S. It provides you and others with the knowledge and tools necessary to develop
culturally sensitive and effective work/life solutions based on the organization's business
priorities, employee needs, and country cultural and legal requirements. As you develop
and implement your talent management strategy for 2013, consider adding the Global
Work/Life Toolkit as a resource for your Human Resources colleagues around the globe.
If you are interested in learning more about the Toolkit or seeing a demonstration,
please contact Fred Van Deusen at vandeus@bc.edu or 617-552-9145.
“Not only is the Toolkit a valuable resource for my HR colleagues around the world, but it has also been useful for business leaders, colleagues who work internally and externally, and employees interested in work-­life and flexibility-­it suits all levels of the organization.” Senior Manager, Global Work-­‐Life Global Workforce Roundtable Member “I had a need to share knowledge around the globe. The Toolkit is a universal, easy to understand, user-­friendly, up-­to-­date, meaningful tool to assist in the pursuit of our ultimate goal to attract and retain the highest caliber talent that we can.” Director, Work-­‐Life Programs Global Workforce Roundtable Member Process Steps and Selected Tools
Introduction – general information about the five steps as well as customized company-­‐specific work/life information Step 1: Assess the Organizational Situation – determine the current state of the work/life programs, assess employee needs and competitive offerings, and identify what needs to be done to advance the work/life agenda Legal Assessment by Country Work/Life Self-­‐Assessment Tool Overview of Employee Needs Assessment Conducting Employee Surveys Conducting Employee Interviews Conducting Focus Group Sessions Analyzing and Integrating Results Benchmarking Evaluating Potential Strategies Step 2: Gain Preliminary Support – assess overall support for the planned initiative and how to best move this forward within the organization Assessing Current Business Reality Determine Areas of Support/Resistance Methods for Overcoming Resistance Step 3: Design and Gain Approval – define the key components of the initiative and make a proposal to the management team Designing a Work/Life Initiative Recommendation Templates Step 4: Implement – do the work necessary to make the initiative successful Implementation Tips and Guidance Communications Tips and Ideas Training Tools Implementation Planning Template Step 5: Monitor and Improve – check the effectiveness of the initiative and make any needed improvements Measuring Utilization and Results Suggested Review Process Review Form Template Useful References – additional sources of information including leadership development, multi-­‐generational workforce, diversity and international references 