Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 3 June 2014 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) David Thomas (DLT) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM) TNA Jackie Marfleet (JM) TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Carol Tullo (CT), Mary Gledhill (MG) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meetings held on the 28 May were reviewed and approved subject to some minor changes. 2.0 GASP – Family Archives 2.1 DLT introduced JM. 2.2 The Research Team act as Chair and Secretariat for the Grants and Academic Support Panel (GASP) which meets twice a month to evaluate projects for which The National Archives (or its partners) wish to apply for grant funding or where we will be potentially endorsing the project. Once proposals are passed by GASP the Executive Team are asked to approve. 2.3 JM explained that this project explores the concept of the ‘family archive’ through time, considering what, how and why families have archived specific items for private purposes. Making use of historical case studies and contemporary focus groups, the project team will investigate how the family unit makes conscious use of curated possessions - including documents, images, objects and other materials - in order to develop a familial identity based on past and present generations. 2.4 JM advised that we already do a great deal of work with family historians and this project would cement our role as a key provider and improve links to other stakeholders. 2.5 JM advise that there were issues around the criteria with which proposals must be tabled at the Executive Team in order to be approved. The principles involved and not only costs should be considered. 2.6 The Executive Team supported the project. CB advised that a degree judgement should be given to GASP when considering if a proposal needed Executive Team approval. 3.0 Any Other Business 3.1 COS updated on pay negotiations with the Trades Union side. 3.2 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 18 June 2014 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) David Thomas (DLT) Mary Gledhill (MG) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Trish Humphries (TH) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Research and Grants Adviser Marcia Jackson (MJ) Standards & Information Policy Manager Standards Manager x 2 Suzy Espley (SE) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: There were none. Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meetings held on the 3rd June were reviewed and approved. 2. Priority Projects 2.1 VJ advised that, following discussion with directors and department heads, a number of priority research projects had now been identified and Executive Team was asked to review and approve the proposed approach, which would include working with the relevant teams to develop outlines, identify potential funders and ensure the relevant processes are in place. 2.2 A guide and formal tool kit have been produced and are available on Narnia to assist staff in the process of developing research projects and bids. 2.3 Executive Team acknowledged the importance of having potential projects identified as calls for bids are often published with very short timescales for application. 2.4 The Grants Panel will continue to retain responsibility for dealing with bids and new calls. 2.5 COS queried whether it would be possible to promote the research aspect more widely and the Research and Grants Adviser agreed that it might be useful to pull together a more coherent piece to illustrate the breadth of research projects being considered and undertaken. MG advised that Marketing would be happy to provide help and advice. 2.6 Details of the current and possible projects will be published on the website in a more generalised manner. Management of capacity and workload will need to be considered once it is established how many of the projects can be taken forward. 2.7 Executive Team approved the approach and priorities listed but asked that those projects already being taken forward be highlighted in the list. 3. IMA Update 3.1 Executive Team had requested a six monthly update on progress on the IMA programme and MJ advised that it was hoped to have IMAs completed on all the major departments by the end of the financial year. The team were also considering the future shape and direction of the programme, to ensure that departments continued to be supported and how a reassessment process can be developed. 3.2 One of the Standards Managers advised that a good practice report was being drawn up now that a good overview of departments had been achieved. It was hoped to make this a working document on the website. 3.3 Two full IMAs had recently been completed, with UK Export Finance and the Welsh Government. 3.4 The team will soon be going into FCO for its first formal re-assessment, to be followed later in the year by the Department of Health, with DWP early in 2015. 3.5 Staff resource for the team was briefly discussed and Executive Team was pleased to note the positive impact that the process was having in the sector. 4. PSI Consultation 4.1 MJ and one of the Standards Manager gave a short update on the current position. 4.2 It is anticipated that the public consultation will commence in early August and run until late September. The questions to be asked are currently being finalised and it has been decided that the questionnaire will be published on the Gov.uk website. Sectors to be contacted have been identified and ALBs will also be encouraged to comment. 4.3 Executive Team thanked the team for the update. 5. Agenda Item 5 – Simon Hughes Visit 5.1 Executive Team briefly discussed the forthcoming visit by our Minister, Simon Hughes. 6. Any Other Business 6.1 Executive Team noted that the Library staff will be holding an open day for all staff on Monday 23rd June. 6.2 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 25 June 2014 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) David Thomas (DLT) Mary Gledhill (MG) TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Research and Grants Adviser Amanda White (AW) TNA TNA TNA TNA Carol Tullo (CT) TNA Peter Brooker (PB) TNA Media Manager Press Officer Julie Lennard (JL) TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: There were none. Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meetings held on the 18 June were reviewed and approved subject to minor changes 2. Academic Engagement Report 2.1 DLT introduced VJ and the Research and Grants Adviser to the Executive Team. 2.2 VJ explained that the Executive Team was been asked to note and approve the Academic Engagement Report ahead of publication. 2.3 The paper outlines The National Archives current relationships with the academic sector and highlights continuing commitment and recommended new initiatives. The current strategy was published in 2010 and was in need of a review. 2.4 VJ advised that key stakeholders had been consulted and comments had been incorporated and the paper had been endorsed by the Grants Panel. VJ took the Executive Team through the paper. 2.5 MG commented that the paper provided a good overview of the work being done and asked if we had the capacity to add to what we were already committed to do. 2.6 VJ said that we had a good sense of what the academic sector wanted and there was considerable and sustained interest from the academic sector. 2.7 DLT stated this network could provide useful allies in the future if we needed assistance. 2.8 MG noted the importance of matching academic proposals to our strategic priorities and putting energy into areas that will provide the biggest impact. 2.9 COS suggested it may be beneficial to look at a broader overview including the work the Education team carry out with academic institutions. 2.10 CB noted that the paper read well and highlighted the importance of maintaining contacts with the academic sector and sharing this information across the organisation for the benefit of all. 2.11 The Executive Team noted and approved the Academic Engagement Report and its publication. 3. May Financial report 3.1 AW presented the May financial report. 3.2 AW highlighted the importance of phasing as it is a driver for cash flow over the year. With the continued funding cuts from Treasury and the increased reliance on generated income the importance of managing our cash had increased. 3.3 AW advised that we were now approaching the first forecasting exercise of the year and this would impact on what we as an organisation can deliver over the year. The Executive Team were asked to cascade that this will require working closely together with budget holders while preparing the forecast. 3.4 The Executive Team noted and agreed the May 2014 Finance Report. 4. Dashboard for May 4.1 PB presented this item to the Executive Team. 4.2 The Dashboard is a monthly reporting and monitoring mechanism for the Executive Team. 4.3 The Dashboard is tabled for the Executive Team to review performance against published and internal Performance Indicators and acts as a prompt for action where performance is of concern. Performance indicators can be found in the 2011 – 2015 Corporate Business Plan. 4.4 PB took the Executive Team through the various metrics covering the different areas of the organisation. 4.5 MG to check when the next online survey is planned to take place. MG 4.6 PB to confirm the accuracy of the Staff turnover year end figure. PB 4.7 COS to bring analysis of staff turnover to the Executive Team at future date. 4.8 PB to check the layout of the dashboard to ensure that all information is easily viewable. PB 4.9 Commentary to be edited down further where needed. All 4.10 The Executive Team noted the May Dashboard. 5. Review of Strategic risk register 5.1 The Strategic Risk register (SRR) is maintained by the Corporate Planning team on behalf of The National Archive's Executive Team. Contents of the SRR are formally reviewed on a quarterly basis by the Executive Team, Audit Committee and Management Board. Each strategic risk is owned by a member of the Executive Team. These high-level risks are taken into account in judgements about our medium to long-term goals, objectives and vision. COS 5.2 5.3 PB reviewed each of the risks in turn and the changes that had been requested were highlighted. The Executive Team discussed. 5.4 PB to bring the updated register back for review prior to it being issued as a paper for the 9 July Management Board 5.5 It was agreed that when the SRR is tabled for Executive Team in future it will be accompanied by a summary of all out-of-appetite directorate risks in order to inform discussions. 5.6 It was agreed that for future quarterly reviews of the SRR at Executive Team meetings one of the directorate risk registers will be also tabled for sharing/review/comment. It was agreed that the Finance & Corporate Services Directorate risk register would be the first to be reviewed in this way. 5.7 CB thanked PB for taking the team through the review. 6. BBC proposal 6.1 MG introduced SL and RS and explained that negotiations had been going on with the BBC regarding their proposal to film a ten part documentary series at The National Archives. The Executive Team were being asked to support the plans for the proposal. 6.2 SL and RS presented the paper to the Executive Team and outlined the proposal, timings, benefits and impacts on The National Archives. 6.3 RS assured the Executive Team that documents that were planned to be used would be ordered well in advance. 6.4 The Executive Team discussed the proposal. 6.5 The Executive Team supported the proposal. 7. Any Other Business 7.1 Reclosure Panel: The Executive Team noted the decision of the Reclosure Panel (June 2014) to recommend reclosure of cases. 7.2 COS circulated guidance on Civil Service Fast Streamers. Other Directors to let COS know if they are interested in participating in the scheme. 7.3 COS shared a table of activities that The Friends of the National Archives had produced demonstrating the various activities they are involved in. The Executive Team agreed this provided a very useful overview. 7.4 COS stated strike contingency plans were in place in response to the potential strike on Thursday 10 July. 7.5 CT noted plans were now in place for regular biannual meetings with the British All Library. 7.6 CT advised that the third Record Transfer Report was ready to be published. 7.7 There being no further business, the meeting was closed.