Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 4 March 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB - Chair) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Rachel Murphy (RM) TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SM) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 2) HR Manager - Organisational Development & Business Partnering ( item 2) TNA IT Service Delivery (Strategy) (item 3) Alec Mulinder (AM – item 3) Peter Brooker (PB – item 4, 5 and 8) David Sawyer (DS – item 6 and 7) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ), Mary Gledhill (MG) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 26 February 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Engagement Survey – Key themes 2.1 Comments from the Civil Service Staff Survey were sent to the Executive Team in January 2015. The Chief Executive and Keeper had requested a discussion on a number of key themes. 2.2 The Executive Team discussed the key themes. 2.3 VJ advised that a clear response, outlining the reasons why The National Archives employees did not receive London Weighting, would help reduce concern around this issue. 2.4 Action: JCP and COS to investigate issue and put out comms. JCP / Page 1 of 9 COS 2.5 JCP said that good communication across the organisation was important in reducing concerns of silo working. 2.6 The HR Manager - Organisational Development & Business Partnering noted that the current work being undertaken regarding re-alignment provided opportunities to reduce silo working. 2.7 JCP noted that there was an introduction thread on Narnia which proved useful for those new to the organisation. 2.8 COS said that a number of departments had very little flexibility in working location and patterns and needed to be at Kew. This point should be remembered in relation to requests to work from home. 2.9 The Executive Team noted the key themes of the Engagement Survey. 3.0 Network Support 3.1 CB explained that approval was being sought to go ahead with a project. 3.2 The Executive Team discussed the paper which clarified the implications of the project and the ongoing, transitional and existing costs. 3.3 Action: The Executive Team agreed the IT Service Delivery (Strategy) staff member to explore options and bring back to Executive Team ahead of making a final decision. 4.0 Strategic Risk Register 4.1 Action: Risk 2 - PB to change ‘connections’ to ‘reporting’ in supplementary description. PB Action: Risk 4 - PB to add KIM leaders’ network. PB CO 4.2 4.3 5.0 The Executive Team noted the Strategic Risk Register January Dashboard 5.1 The Executive Team reviewed the January Dashboard. 5.2 Action: PB to add in customer satisfaction data. 5.3 The Executive Team noted the January Dashboard. 6.0 January Financials 6.1 DS took the Executive Team through the January finance report explaining that the Executive Team were being asked to note and approve. 6.2 We remain on track to deliver against our financial targets. For the 10 months to January non ring-fenced expenditure was lower than forecast, but this was PB Page 2 of 9 primarily driven by timing for income and expenditure and spread over several areas. 6.3 The Executive team discussed. 6.4 Executive Team noted and approved the report. 7.0 2015-16 Draft Budget 7.1 The Executive Team were being asked to note the draft Budget. 7.2 DS stated that we were over our controls total for non-ring fenced expenditure and this gap needed to be closed in order to balance the budget. 7.3 CB noted revenue spend needed to be reduced. 7.4 Action: PJM to arrange separate the Executive Team meeting focusing on the Budget. 7.5 Action: Any proposals for classification of capital spend to be sent through to DS for testing. 7.6 The draft Budget 2015-2016 was noted 8.0 Draft Business Priorities 2015/16 8.1 The Executive Team reviewed the draft Business Priorities 2015/16. 8.2 Action: PB to ensure consistency of language across all stated completion dates. PB 8.3 Action: SW to investigate guidance relating to the use of certain templates. SW 9.0 AOB 9.1 COS noted plans to hold a ‘Magna Carta Day’ at Kew involving local schoolchildren. 9.2 CB reminded the team that Management Board pre meet bullet points need to be sent in by noon on Tuesday. 9.3 VJ congratulated The National Archives colleagues who spoke very well at the recent Aylmer Seminar. 9.4 RM noted that ‘Tech Week’ had been very successful and received strong levels of engagement. 9.5 SW informed the Executive Team on developments regarding the Public Bodies Act. 9.6 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. Page 3 of 9 PJM All Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 11 March 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB - Chair) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Rachel Murphy (RM) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Senior Project Manager 1 (item 2) Senior Project Manager 2 (item 3) Alec Mulinder (AM – item 3) Peter Brooker (PB – item 4 and 5) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ), Rachel Murphy (RM) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 4 March 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 ICT contracts update 2.1 The Executive Team were being asked note a paper that illustrated key procurement activities. 2.2 The Senior Project Manager 1advised that the increased use of CCS framework agreements ensured greater compliance to Cabinet Office guidance and should provide increased leverage with suppliers in the event of sub standard performance. 2.3 The Senior Project Manager 1 took the Executive Team through the paper. 2.4 MG requested written guidance on what operations can now be performed remotely as this was a change in policy. 2.5 Action: Senior Project Manager 1to speak to RM and provide this information to the Executive Team. 2.6 CB noted the need to focus on quality as well as price when choosing suppliers. 2.7 Senior Project Manager 1 advised that while many of the big savings had now been made there would still be opportunities to make savings. Page 4 of 9 Senior Project Manager 1 2.8 The Executive Team noted the paper. 3.0 Closure report - Windows 7 3.1 The Executive Team were being asked to note the benefits and success factors from the Project Closure Report and to agree the recommendations set out in the Lesson Learnt Report. 3.2 The Senior Project Manager 2 took The Executive Team through the two reports. 3.3 AM said that there was greater business engagement and testing. Governance structures were now in place to thoroughly oversee future projects. 3.4 The Senior Project Manager 2 noted that colleagues from non technology areas of the business now sat on technology projects governance boards. 3.5 Action: Senior Project Manager 2 to investigate how this project was reported to The Executive Team. 3.6 The Executive Team noted the Project Closure Report and agreed the recommendations set out in the Lesson Learnt Report. 4.0 January Business Priorities report 4.1 PB took the Executive Team through the 29 Business Priorities and their RAG status. 4.2 PB advised that this report is published, with commentary, on our website 4.3 Priority 19 and Priority 28: CT noted these were now green RAG status. 4.4 Action: PB to add Deferred to the Performance RAG scale. 4.5 The Executive Team noted the report. 5.0 Review of Dashboard measures 2015/16 5.1 The Executive Team were being asked to review the proposed dashboard metrics for 2015/16. 5.2 The Executive Team reviewed the proposed Dashboard measures and the following was requested: 5.3 Action: CT to review any additional metrics to fall within the Government area. CT 5.4 Action: UK Govt web archives metric – MG to speak to Suzy Espley regarding which of these metrics should come off (there are currently 2 – visitors and visits). MG 5.5 Action: Metric on availability of key internal systems to be removed for 2015-16. IG Senior Project Manager 1 PB Page 5 of 9 5.6 Suggested new metrics for 2015/16: Born Digital Records Accessioned Number of hits/views for TNA/non TNA catalogue items Records accessioned to DRI – in terms of the time it takes Number of catalogue grants projects each year Number of IMAs Number of accredited archives Number of grant applications made each year (against our target) Funding success for those grant applications (against our target) 6.0 AOB 6.1 MG advised that there were potential issues around volumes of photography of documents in the Document Reading Rooms. Action: COS to discuss with Tom Gregan. 6.2 VJ noted that there had been a request from BIS for a response to the Nurse Review. VJ to consult CEO’s Office and ASD ahead of drafting response. 6.3 CT noted concern around the Treasury Solicitors team being disbanded and ongoing support for her directorate. 6.4 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 18 March 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Rachel Murphy (RM) Mary Gledhill (MG) Sam Whaley (SW – item 8, 9) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Trish Humphries (TH - minutes) Programme Manager (Item 2 and 7) Information Manager (Item 2) Records Manager (Item 2) IT Security Architect (Item 2) Chris Cooper (CC – item 2) David Sawyer (DS – item 3,4, 6) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 3, 11) Deputy Corporate Planner and Transitional Change Manager (Item 5) Page 6 of 9 TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Principle Records Specialist Manager Medieval & Early Modern (Item 7) Alison Webster (AW – item 8) Andrew Payne (AP – item 7 TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Carol Tullo (CT) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th March 2015 were reviewed. 1.2 2.4 ICT Contracts Update: Executive Team was advised that the guidance information was being prepared and will be circulated. 1.3 The minutes of the meeting were approved. 2.0 Information Security Risk Appetite 2.1 2.2 CB introduced a paper outlining the current position regarding risk to assure Executive Team that there is a system of collecting indicators to ensure risk is managed effectively within The National Archives. He confirmed that a system of reporting has been developed to satisfy him as SIRO. 2.3 Executive Team welcomed the clear and informative paper. 2.4 Executive Team agreed that the reputational issue is important and discussed a number of possible measures which could be introduced to keep the risk appetite acceptable and staff awareness at a high level. 2.5 JJ advised that he would be happy to produce a blog on the subject and be the first to undertake the new e-learning training being produced. 3.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 3.1 Executive Team was asked to consider a proposal to revise the corporate vacancy management process. This will ensure vacancies are considered at a corporate level in advance of the commencement of the recruitment process and streamline the procedure. 3.2 There was some concern about a proposed freeze on recruitment until April, when the new process will come into effect. JJ advised that this was so that all Directors could be given an opportunity to review the paper. 3.3 The paper included a chart illustrating the new process and JJ requested that an additional box be included to show that on occasion applications may be refused. JCP 3.4 Executive Team agreed with the proposal but requested consideration be given to JCP Page 7 of 9 how the change was communicated to staff. 3.5 The current Business Cases were considered and all were approved. 4.0 February Financials 4.1 Executive Team considered the February financial report and DS advised that although there was still a slight underspend, this was being managed and will be reflected in the report for the forthcoming Management Board. 5.0 Agenda Item 6. Budget 2015/16 5.1 Executive Team reviewed the Budget paper and noted that the final proposed figures were still slightly over the Budget. A number of possible solutions were discussed and Executive Team agreed to discuss the issue in more detail in the Business Plan item. 6.0 Agenda Item 5. February Dashboard 6.1 Executive Team reviewed the February dashboard paper and noted that some figures were down on the previous year, including sickness. The recent customer satisfaction survey results will be collated for April, but indications were that the onsite results were approximately 95%. 6.2 It was noted that Sustainability had met and exceeded the Government target, although failing The National Archives internal target which, it was acknowledged, had been very ambitious. 6.3 This excellent performance against the Government requirements will be reported in the Annual Report, and JJ commended the team for their impressive efforts. 7.0 Grants Panel 7.1 Executive Team was advised that three applications had been passed by the recent Grants Panel and were being presented to the meeting for consideration. 7.2 Support was being requested for a seven year project on the Tudors. Outcomes would include a conference, academic journal and online platform. 7.3 Executive Team agreed that the project was a very valuable one, but expressed disappointment that there was unlikely to be any education focus. They also felt that measures will need to be taken to ensure the longevity impact survives after the funding period. 7.4 The application was approved. 7.5 Support was requested for a project with participation from the Education Department, to provide education and outreach events in connection with the role of women during the First World War. The project will include the development of an online lesson and onsite lesson package, and school outreach workshop. Page 8 of 9 7.6 The application was approved. 7.7 It was suggested that there may be an opportunity for media coverage and the Media team should be kept informed. Executive Team also suggested that the Head of Marketing be invited to attend Grants Panel meetings to ensure that a media and communication view was given to all applications. 7.8 Support was requested for a project to conduct research into the digital sensitivity review of records. The National Archives has previously been involved in this work, and it was agreed that the project is in line with the strategic priorities. 7.9 The application was approved, but Executive Team agreed that involvement by The National Archives would need to be carefully managed. 8. Business Plan 8.1 The revised version of the Strategic Plan was presented to Executive Team for consideration and comment. 8.2 JJ advised that the Strategic Plan has been reviewed by the Minister, who had made a number of comments which had been incorporated. 8.3 The Plan was discussed and a number of minor amendments made, which will be implemented in advance of the Management Board meeting. 8.4 At this point, Executive Team returned to the budget issue. 8.5 An alternative suggestion was considered. CB confirmed that although this would cause some issues, he was satisfied that it was a viable solution. Consideration could also be given to the possible phasing of some of the projects. 9. Governance Review 9.1 Executive Team was advised that a paper was being prepared for Management Board. SW advised that he had sought the views of the non-executive Directors. The results of the review would be more widely discussed at the Board meeting. 10. Any Other Business There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Page 9 of 9