Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 01 April 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Mary Gledhill (MG) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Head of Procurement and Senior Project Manager (item 2) TNA Chris Cooper (CC – item 3) TNA Simon Lovett (SL – item 3)) TNA Principle Records Specialist, MEMLEX (item 4) TNA Principle Records Specialist, Public History (item 4) Nancy Bell (NB – item 4) Legislation Services Manager (item 4) Suzy Espley (SE – item 4) David Sawyer (DS – item 9) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: None Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 18 March 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 2014/2015 Project Status Report March 2015 2.1 The Head of Procurement and Senior Project Manager presented this report for the Executive Team to note and approve. 2.2 The Head of Procurement and Senior Project Manager looked at projects by exception where they had an amber or red RAG status. 2.3 Record Copying Review – JJ noted the importance of being alert to issues relating to the availability of developers. Page 1 of 12 2.4 MG advised that a workshop would be held relating to both Agile and Prince2 project management. 2.5 The Executive Team noted the report. 3.0 Cyber security awareness at Board level. 3.1 CB stated that this was a return for Cabinet Office and Executive Team agreement was being sought for the content of the return. 3.2 Action: PJM and SL to arrange cyber security training for all Non Executive Directors ahead of the May Management Board, where possible. PJM / SL 3.3 Action: CT requested the response to 5 include a form of words to explain that we are capable and experienced in the area of cyber security training. CC 3.4 Action: JJ requested CC to review responses to 7 and 11 to see if they actually do accord with the overall assessment and if not to change accordingly. CC 3.5 Action: JJ stated that the response to 14 needed to be expanded to make clear that this was not only the Executive Team, rather it related to the Management Board in its entirety. CC 3.6 The Executive Team approved the return subject to the actions above being completed and for further discussion and agreement at the next Management Board. 4.0 Grants Panel 4.1 VJ explained that support was being sought from the Executive Team for four proposals. 4.2 Public History 4.3 The Principle Records Specialist, Public History advised that this proposal included a number of areas where we were already delivering and would also open up new areas to widen our research in. 4.4 JJ advised that the proposal looked balanced, was costed well and should deliver clear benefits. 4.5 Action: The Principle Records Specialist, Public History to speak to the Head of ARK regarding the potential to appeal to international audiences. 4.6 The Executive Team supported the proposal. 4.7 Early Modern Studies 4.8 JJ advised there were a number of challenges relating to this proposal, in particular the fact that a policy document on MA collaboration was currently being developed. Page 2 of 12 The Principle Records Specialist, Public History 4.9 The Principle Records Specialist, MEMLEX noted that the institution had wanted to work with us for some time and we were seen as a natural partner. 4.10 CT advised of potential issues around co-branding and Crown Copyright. 4.11 Action: VJ to investigate whether an information policy representative should sit on the Grants Panel. Update 14/04/15: VJ advised form has now been amended. VJ The 4.12 Action: JJ requested that this proposal be brought back once our policy was Principle published. The proposal could therefore be aligned with that and be re drafted as a Records one year offer. Specialist, MEMLEX 4.13 The Executive Team deferred decision on the proposal. 4.14 European Visual Representations of Identity 4.15 The Executive Team discussed the proposal. 4.16 The Executive Team supported the proposal subject to clarification of resourcing arrangements. 4.17 Forging Legal Identities in Europe 4.18 VJ said this proposal had received a great deal of support at GASP. 4.19 JJ noted the proposal was interesting and exciting. 4.20 The Executive Team supported the proposal. 4.21 JJ highlighted the requirement that all documentation stands up to close scrutiny and has Directors sign off before being submitted for the Executive Team for consideration. 5.0 Business Plan – Final Review ahead of internal publication 5.1 The Executive Team are being asked to review and agree the Business Plan ready for publication on our intranet. 5.2 The Executive Team reviewed the Business Plan and a number of minor changes were suggested. 5.3 Action: SW to incorporate the changes and publish internally by close of play on 1 April 2015. 5.4 The Executive Team approved publication subject to agreed minor changes being incorporated. 6.0 Corporate Services and ASD structure 6.1 The Executive Team are being asked for their opinion on a proposal regarding Page 3 of 12 SW changes to the Corporate Services and ASD structure. 6.2 CB outlined the proposed changes. 6.3 VJ suggested this may need to be viewed / discussed corporately. 6.4 Action: JJ requested this be discussed further at the forthcoming talent discussion. 7.0 Legal Case 7.1 The Executive Team are being asked to note the current position and possible ways forward in relation to a case concerning the web archive. 7.2 SE outlined the current position. 7.3 JJ noted that the PRA obliged The National Archives capture the public record. 7.4 The Executive Team noted the position. 8.0 AOB 8.1 Action: CB to check on arrangements for the Value Chain Mapping event at The National Archives. 8.2 JJ advised that The National Archives was adopting a key recommendation of the recent internal Compliance Review; a Compliance Board would be set up with SW as Chair. 8.3 It was noted that attendance at the ‘Connecting the bits’ conference should not be limited to staff from the Commercial and Digital directorate. 8.4 Action: JJ asked for suggestions for the future use of the vacant executive office. 8.5 Management Board discussion 8.6 The Executive Team reviewed the Management Board ‘skeleton’ forward planner. 8.7 Action: PJM to distribute an electronic version. 8.8 Action: Monthly Financial Reports to be noted, this will be complemented by quarterly comprehensive discussions at Management Board. 8.9 Action: PJM to investigate the possibility of an ‘Away Day’ in August. CB CB All PJM 8.10 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. 8.11 Next meeting to be held on 14 April 2015. Page 4 of 12 CB / PJM PJM Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 14 April 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) TNA Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 2 and 5) TNA Strategic Business Change Manager (item 2) TNA Alison Webster (AW – item 2) Tom Gregan (TG - item 3) Julia Jones (JJo – item 3) Information Management Consultant (item 3) David Sawyer (DS – item 5) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Mary Gledhill (MG) Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 1 April 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Review of roles and resources across The National Archives 2.1 The Executive Team are being asked to note the results and agree the recommendations of the three reviews recently undertaken. 2.2 Resource planning 2.3 JCP advised that this was an interim report and was essentially a snapshot. 2.4 JCP advised that corporate vacancy management should prove a positive move. 2.5 JCP noted that new and different solutions were beginning to be explored. 2.6 Action: JCP to produce high level overview and return to the Executive Team. Page 5 of 12 JCP 2.7 Action: JJ to discuss visit to the Office of the Public Guardian and explore whether any insight can be gained from their one year in advance resource planning exercise. Also to discuss with JCP. 2.8 The Executive Team noted the report. 2.9 Administrative support JCP 2.10 The Executive Team agreed recommendation 1. 2.11 The Executive Team agreed recommendation 2 in principle but noted it needed to work in practice. 2.12 The Executive Team agreed recommendation 3 in principle subject to discussion with IPS BCU and Marketing and Communications. 2.13 Action: CT to discuss with IPS BCU. COS to discuss with Marketing and Communications. CT / COS 2.14 The Executive Team agreed recommendation 4. CT advised that in certain circumstances alternative approaches may be appropriate in order to nurture stakeholder relationships. 2.15 The Executive Team agreed recommendation 5 where practicable. 2.16 Recommendation 6 – JJ requested more information on how this was to be taken forward. 2.17 Action: The Strategic Business Change Manager to explore how this is to be taken forward. 2.18 Action: The Strategic Business Change Manager and SW to review PA support to Directors and bring back to the Executive Team in 6 to 12 months. 2.19 CB advised that the ratio of programme to administrative staff was in line with current guidance. 2.20 The Executive Team noted the report. 2.21 Decision making forums 2.22 AW advised that a review of decision making forums was commissioned following the announcement in early December 2014 of The National Archives’ new strategic objectives for the next four years and the high level re alignment to support these strategic objectives. 2.23 AW noted that she had taken MG through the full report. 2.24 AW took the Executive Team through a number of recommendations. Page 6 of 12 Strategic Business Change Manager / SW 2.25 JJ advised on the need to keep the structure of decision making forums simple and easy to understand. 2.26 CB advised on the need for maintaining strong governance arrangements during the current period of change. 2.27 JJ said that a balanced view needed to be made regarding the benefits of AGILE project management. 2.28 Action: AW to provide Executive Team with regular oversight of project governance. AW 2.29 Action: Recommendation 10 – title to be changed to Public Programme Board. AW, Strategic Business Change Manager, JCP 2.30 The Executive Team noted the report and approved the recommendations. 2.31 Action: AW, the Strategic Business Change Manager and JCP to consult Internal Communications regarding cascading results of all three reviews more widely. 3.0 Microfiche discussion 3.1 The Executive Team is asked for a decision regarding the preferred solution for the accessioning, preservation and making accessible microfilm and microfiche – possible options are set out in the accompanying paper. 3.2 Option 7 was recommended and accepted by the Executive Team. 3.3 JJ advised we remind Other Government Departments of our policy. 4.0 AOB 4.1 CT advised that a member of her team had become Secretary of the Information Records Management Society. 4.2 CT highlighted issues with the audio and video equipment in the conference rooms. CB advised that a refresh was planned for June 4.3 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. 4.4 Next meeting to be held on 22 April 2015. Page 7 of 12 Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 22 April 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Lee Oliver (LMO – item 2) Service Quality & Complaints Manager (item 2) TNA Alison Webster (AW – item 3) Deputy Corporate Planner and Transparency Manager (item 3) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 6) David Sawyer (DS – item 6) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 14 April 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Quarterly complaints update 2.1 LMO took the executive team through the outstanding complaints review recommendations. 2.2 The Executive Team noted the report. 3.0 2015/16 business planning process: Feedback 3.1 AW explained that the Executive Team were being asked to note this report and approval of the recommendations was sought. 3.2 The following was agreed: 3.3 Create an end-to-end timetable which allows sufficient time for each element of the process. Run workshops prior to starting the business planning process to take colleagues through each element and contextualize process in relation to our Page 8 of 12 Business Priorities. 3.4 Make paperwork as clear and simple as possible. 3.5 Forms to clearly state if new or existing staff are required. 3.6 A two stage process. 3.7 Recommend one funding option, with bid owners noting funding range estimates if costs are uncertain at that stage. 3.8 Executive Team were supportive of business owners in person presenting bids subject to logistical challenges. 3.9 Low cost EBC forms need not include as detailed information as those for larger bids. 3.10 JJ noted that any planning timetable for 2016/17 would be subject to the timing of the next CSR. 3.11 Action: AW to consider increasing the number of possible priority ratings of the bids. 3.12 JJ advised on the importance of making the key points of each bid extremely clear in the bids introduction. 3.13 The Executive Team noted the report and agreed the recommendations detailed above. 4.0 Governance review discussion. 4.1 SW advised that this was an opportunity for the Executive Team to discuss the initial review findings and recommendations ahead of the next iteration of the full report. 4.2 The Executive Team discussed. 4.3 A number of recommendations were agreed: 4.4 The Executive Team noted the draft summary of the findings of the report and agreed the recommendations noted above for further discussion at Management Board. 5.0 AOB 5.1 PJM to ensure directors diaries are presented in a Monday to Friday format. 5.2 CT confirmed BCU would continue to provide support to ASD. 5.3 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. Page 9 of 12 AW 5.4 Next meeting to be held on 29 April 2015. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 29 April 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Peter Brooker (PB – item 2 and 3) David Sawyer (DS – item 4 and 8) Tom Gregan (TG – item 6) Government and Remote Services Manager (MC item 6) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 8) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 22 April 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Dashboard 2.1 The Executive Team reviewed the March year end Dashboard. 2.2 JJ noted the very good ‘on site customer satisfaction’ metric. 2.3 JJ noted the disappointing fall in online satisfaction results. 2.4 Action: MG to investigate the detail of survey results and to advise Management Board at the May Board of proposed actions to address. Page 10 of 12 2.5 Action: MG to contrast our online satisfaction figures with .gov.uk MG 2.6 Action: PB to add in percentage increase to the digital data measurement. PB 2.7 The Executive Team noted the March Dashboard. 3.0 Year end Business priorities 3.1 Executive Team are asked to note and approve the Year end Business priorities report ahead of inclusion in the annual report presented to Management Board in May. 3.2 A number of changes were requested. 3.3 2.7 – Remove ‘Research potential’. 3.4 Action: JJ requested PB to review all milestones and measurements. 3.5 The Executive Team noted the report and agreed it subject to the changes outlined above being incorporated. 4.0 Financial report 4.1 DS presented the year end financial report for the Executive Team to note. 4.2 CB noted the huge amount of work done throughout the year by both his team and budget holders across the organisation. 4.3 Action: JJ asked that Directors thank all their teams for the contribution. 4.4 The Executive Team noted the report. 5.0 Review of Forward planner 'skeleton' ahead of the May Board 5.1 The Executive Team reviewed the 12 month forward planner ahead of review at the May Management Board. 5.2 Action: JJ requested a two hour strategic discussion on digital at the July Board. PJM 5.3 Action: VJ to present a Research piece at the July Board. VJ 5.4 Action: MG to present on the Target Operating Model in November. MG 5.5 Action: JJ to present a European and International Strategy item in October. PJM 5.6 Action: JJ requested regular audience updates at Management Boards, mirroring those in our Business Plan. All 6.0 Document Requisition issue PB Page 11 of 12 All 6.1 TG and MC presented a paper on a document requisition issue for the Executive Team to note and give a steer on. 6.2 The Executive Team noted the paper. 7.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 7.1 The Executive Team agreed a number of roles. 8.0 AOB 8.1 The Executive Team noted the outcomes of the Reclosure Panel held on 3 March 2015. 8.2 CT updated the Executive Team on a recent meeting with representatives of the Goddard inquiry. 8.3 CB noted that a permanent Head of Independent Archives had now been appointed. 8.4 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. Page 12 of 12