Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 03 June 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Project Manager (item 2) Rachael Corver (RC – item 2) David Sawyer (DS – item 2 and 7) Head of MEMLEX (item 2) Government Relations Manager (item 3) Peter Brooker (PB item 4) Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager (IG item 4) Chris Cooper (CC – item 5) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 7) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 27 May 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Shakespeare 400 2.1 The Executive Team are being asked to support a high impact programme of events to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death. 2.2 The Head of MEMLEX presented the proposed programme of activity for Executive Team consideration. 2.3 The Head of MEMLEX said that we were working with other key institutions in order to avoid replication. Page 1 of 10 2.4 The Head of MEMLEX advised that our contribution to the cost of the exhibition gave us a degree of control and input into the planning. 2.5 JJ noted the need to focus on deliverables and potential outcomes as planning continues. 2.6 JJ stated that it would be advantageous to aim for cost recovery dependant on actual visitor numbers. 2.7 Action: MG to assist with contract negotiations, as appropriate. MG 2.8 Action: DS to note plans in the 9 + 3 Forecast DS 2.9 The Executive Team gave support to the plans. 3.0 MoJ Arms Length Bodies Legal Services Questionnaire 3.1 Executive Team is asked to agree the content of The National Archives’ return to the ALB Legal Services Questionnaire at Annex A. 3.2 The Executive Team reviewed the content and requested a number of clarifications / alterations. 3.3 Executive Team agreed the content of The National Archives’ return subject to the changes discussed. 4.0 Risk Discussion 4.1 The Executive Team is being asked to review the outputs of the discussion on risk at the May Management Board. 4.2 The Executive Team discussed and a number of changes were requested. 4.3 New version with changes to be reviewed by Executive Team 10 June 2015. 5.0 Departmental Security Health Check 2014-15 5.1 The Executive Team is being asked to approve the content of the return. 5.2 Action: CC to refresh the formatting on page 4. CC 5.3 Action: CC to change ‘exceptional’ to ‘novel’ and replace substantially with ‘we had a good system.’ CC 5.4 Executive Team agreed the return subject to the agreed changes above. 6.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 6.1 Action: JCP to send the short Document Services Department paper to the team. 6.2 DS advised that we had already achieved a reduction of 8 of the 18 posts targeted Page 2 of 10 and the system was progressing well. 6.3 Action: JCP to send a note to Executive Reports recognising the hard work and commitment being put in to the corporate vacancy management and that good progress was being made. JCP 6.4 The Executive Team agreed that paperwork must be sent in within three weeks of the decision being made at the meeting. JCP 6.5 The Executive Team discussed a number of vacancies. 7.0 AOB 7.1 JJ reminded the team that Management Board pre meet notes had to be sent in by noon Thursday. 7.2 Action: CT to discuss the Enterprise Bill with SW. CT / SW 7.3 Action: JJ to hold a pre meet ahead of Riga visit. SW 7.4 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 10 June 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) TNA Learning & Engagement Advisor (Item 2) TNA HR Manager - Organisational Development & Business Partnering (Item 2) TNA Media Manager (Item 3) Media Officer (Item 3) Peter Brooker (PB – Item 4) Page 3 of 10 TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager (Item 4) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP - Item 7) David Sawyer (DS – Item 7) TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Carol Tullo (CT) Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 3 June 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 VJ declared an interest in one of the vacancies to be considered, so would not participate in the discussion. 1.b Management Board Skeleton 2015 1.3 Executive Team discussed proposed future agenda items ahead of the planned review at the June Management Board. 1.4 Action: PJM to highlight all changes in red on the skeleton PJM 1.5 Action: JJ to inform Non-Executive Directors of his and VJ’s absence at the next Board JJ 1.6 Action: PJM to check with COS the timing of the autumn update on the Shakespeare project. PJM/COS 2.0 Annual Awards 2.1 The Learning & Engagement Advisor outlined the plans for the forthcoming staff annual awards and advised that she was seeking Executive Team support. 2.2 The proposals were discussed and agreed. 2.3 Action: JJ to chair the shortlisting panel JJ 2.4 Action: The Learning & Engagement Advisor to use the final Staff Forum as an opportunity for forming the Shortlisting Panel 2.5 Action: The Learning & Engagement Advisor and the HR Manager Organisational Development & Business Partnering to update CT on the plans Learning & Engagement Advisor / HR Manager Organisational Development & Business Partnering 3.0 Portillo’s State Secrets Page 4 of 10 3.1 The Media Manager and the Media Officer outlined the recent evaluation of the series and next steps. 3.2 The Media Officer noted the popularity of the programme on the i-player, partly explained by the commuting time slot. 3.3 RC advised that the filming had been some of the most challenging to date, with the team and wider organisation really helping to complete it successfully. 3.4 RC noted that going forward there would be a mix of reactive, proactive and cyclical projects. MG advised that language used, such as ‘secrets’, might mistakenly imply that we were not an open and welcoming visitor destination. 3.5 Action: JJ requested that RC adapt the paper for inclusion at the next Management Board meeting. 4.0 Risk 4.1 CB explained that at the previous Executive Team meeting, the outputs from the May Board had been reviewed and advised that this was an opportunity for further review and nominating of ownership. 4.2 Action: Executive Team to review on 3 July. Management Board on 17 July. 5.0 GASP Update 5.1 VJ updated Executive Team on progress with a large scale grant application relating to Prize Papers 5.2 Action: There will be a meeting at Kew to clarify the position. Executive Team gave authority for a formal letter to be written if necessary. 5.3 VJ then took Executive Team through the proposed structure of the Research and Collections directorate. 6.0 Vacancy Management 6.1 Executive Team reviewed a number of proposals. 7.0 AOB 7.1 VJ asked if any directors might be interested in judging a forthcoming Pecha Kucha event. 7.2 MG and JJ had recently met with Tim Ellis. 7.3 SW updated Executive Team on PSI progress. 7.4 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Page 5 of 10 RC ALL VJ Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 24 June 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Carol Tullo (CT) Trish Humphries (TH - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) TNA Rachael Corver (RC – item 2) TNA Customer Research Manager (item 2) TNA Caroline Kimbell (CK – item 3) TNA Head of MEMLEX (item 3) TNA Principal Records Specialist Manager (item 3) TNA Beth Micakovic (BM – item 4) Nancy Bell (NB – item 5) TNA Conservation Manager (item 5) TNA Peter Brooker (PB – item 6) Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager (item 7) David Sawyer (DS – item 7,11) Lee Oliver (LO – item 8, 9) Paul Davies (PD – item 9) Strategic Business Change Manager (item 9) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP - item 11) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 June 2015 were reviewed and approved with the following amendment: 1.2 Minute 5.4 Should read ‘There will be a meeting at Kew to clarify the position. Executive Team gave authority for a formal letter to be written if necessary’. 1.3 CB declared an interest in one of the vacancies to be considered, so would not participate in the discussion. 2.0 Customer Research at TNA 2.1 RC introduced the Customer Research Manager, who outlined the work undertaken in the six months she had been in post, which included meetings with teams across the organisation and the commencement of a review of the research Page 6 of 10 carried out. 2.2 A customer research network within the organisation had been implemented and staff were being consulted on ways to communicate results. 2.3 A number of new surveys were being considered, to learn more about how the brand is perceived and how best we can engage with a wider audience. 2.4 Executive Team was pleased to note the work being undertaken and requested that the Customer Research Manager attend team meetings and meet with Directors as necessary for more detailed discussions and updates. 3.0 GASP 3.1 Further to a request at the last meeting, the updated application proposal in relation to the Prize Papers bid was presented for additional consideration. 3.2 Executive Team acknowledged the unique richness of the collection and potential benefits of an international project to digitise the records, but expressed concern about the uncertainty of timings and the estimated financial commitment required. 3.3 VJ advised that the proposal had been discussed at Grants Panel again and received support, although there had been some challenge regarding funding. 3.4 Following discussion, JJ requested a clearer proposal regarding the financial implications to TNA. 3.5 Executive Team agreed to the extension of the cataloguer position until the end of March 2016. After a robust discussion, it was agreed to provide a Letter of Support to the project under consideration, because of the importance of the collection and the opportunities the bid affords. If the bid is successful, further efforts will be made by TNA to find additional external funding to provide further resource to support the project, or to prioritise or reallocate staffing resource within ARK. 3.6 Action: CK to provide a letter of support to the project. COS and EM to explore opportunities for funding. 4.0 MA Feasibility Study 4.1 BM joined the meeting to update Executive Team on the recent feasibility study into possible future involvement in postgraduate taught programmes. TNA had recently received a number of enquiries and there are currently two one-year commitments to deliver guest lectures and workshops. 4.2 The feasibility study recommended that there should be a scoping study and review of the two current projects in 2016, and that no further collaborations should be agreed until then. Clear objectives and better cohesion between initiatives were required to ensure continuity. 4.3 Executive Team acknowledged the aspiration to establish further collaborations, but agreed that a firm resource and training plan would be required, which could be Page 7 of 10 COS/EM considered during the study and review. 4.4 The recommendations of the feasibility study were supported by Executive Team, and VJ and BM were asked to consider how best to communicate the decision to staff. 4.5 Action: VJ and BM to consider the best method of communicating the decision to staff. 5.0 Shakespeare’s Will 5.1 NB outlined the background to the proposal to undertake remedial works to Shakespeare’s Will and advised that this was an ideal opportunity to engage Executive Team, to give them a more detailed understanding of work proposed by the Collection Care Department. 5.2 It was acknowledged that there is a degree of risk attached to treating such an iconic document, but Executive Team was satisfied that the paper detailing the works was measured and reassuring. 5.3 The proposal was noted and supported and Executive Team was keen to have the opportunity to see how the work progressed. 6.0 May Dashboard and May Finance Report 6.1 CB advised that following discussion about developing the Dashboard, a revised format was presented in order to ensure that Executive Team was kept up to date. 6.2 PB highlighted three points in particular: 6.3 Documents delivered on site and online were down, although the benchmark figure was still expected to be achieved. 6.4 Slight drop in the number of visits to the Government web archive. 6.5 Slight rise in staff turnover. 6.6 Executive Team discussed these results, and although there were a number of possible reasons for the downturn, it was agreed that the situation be closely monitored. 6.7 Executive Team found the new format very clear and easy to follow, but requested that some indicators show a comparison with the last three years. 6.8 DS advised that there was currently a lower spend than forecast, but that this was almost all due to timing difference with no full year underspend expected. It was agreed that the upcoming 3+9 forecast would be a good opportunity to both review the phasing of all activities, and ensure any real underspends are released by budget holders. 7.0 Deaccession of FO 605 (Microform) Page 8 of 10 VJ/BM 7.1 LO spoke to a paper which outlined the background to the proposal to deaccession these series of microfilm records, as the paper records are now available to view at TNA. 7.2 Exec Team discussed the options and recommendations contained in the paper. 7.3 JJ suggested that as TNA had recently commissioned guidance for the sector on deaccessioning and disposal, LO might find it helpful to discuss the issue with the colleagues working on the guidance. In addition, it was agreed that if a firm proposal was to be considered it would need to be presented to the Lord Chancellor’s Advisory Council. The next meeting of the Council would be in November and LO agreed to review the proposal in the meantime. 7.4 Action: LO to review the proposal. 8.0 Public Space Programme 8.1 LO, PD and DS took Executive Team through the work undertaken since the programme proposals had last been discussed. 8.2 A number of site visits had provided inspiration and initial ideas were being considered. A tendering exercise to appoint an architect/designer to develop the scope of any proposal was about to commence, and Executive Team would be informed of the outcome. 8.3 PD outlined the plans agreed with Taylor Wimpey regarding the development on adjacent land, and advised that works to improve the entry to TNA would be improved, with new gates and walling. Initial plans were reviewed and broadly approved by Executive Team. 8.4 New banners for the external walls of the building were being commissioned, following the granting of planning permission for another year. Executive Team reviewed the proposed images, but felt they were not striking enough, and requested that the artwork be reconsidered. 8.5 Following discussion, Executive Team felt that a wider branding review should be considered before any further detailed proposals be considered with regard to redesign of external spaces. RC 8.6 Action: PD to discuss review of proposed banner artwork with Marketing. PD / RC LO 10.0 Vacancy Management 10.1 Executive Team reviewed a number of proposals for core and funded posts, all of which were approved. 10.2 CLORE Application – Executive Team reviewed an application for a CLORE short course. The application was approved, but it was suggested that the supporting statement should be signed by the new Head of ARK to give continuity. Page 9 of 10 11.0 Any Other Business 11.1 CT advised that the PSI transposition was likely to be successfully achieved, following a huge amount of work in the final stages and commended the team. 11.2 The Home Office IMA is about to commence. 11.3 CT updated the Executive Team on a recent IRO meeting she had attended. 11.4 CB advised that the Infrastructure and Data Centre project that was originally due to complete at the end of June would have to continue for a short period for two reasons. We took the decision to delay some of the migration exercises as they were close to high profile public events and secondly, some of the migration exercises have been much more complex than originally anticipated. 11.5 MG advised that the Welsh Government and TNA digital records were now in Discovery. 11.6 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Page 10 of 10