Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 01 July 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Alison Webster (AW – item 3) Chief Transformation Officer (item 3) TNA Emma Allen (EA – item 3) TNA Engagement Manager (item 4) Peter Brooker (PB – item 5) Head of Financial Accounting (item 5) Writer / Researcher (item 6) Marketing Officer ( item 6) David Sawyer (DS – item 8) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP - Item 8) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 June 2015 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 CT registered a potential conflict of interest relating to item 7 – Public Task. 2.0 The National Archives / British Library annual meeting 2.1 The Executive Team discussed the annual The National Archives / British Library meeting which occurred on the morning of 01 July 2015. 2.2 JJ noted that the meeting had been positive. 3.0 Agile project management 3.1 MG advised that the Executive Team was asked to note the work done on Page 1 of 11 developing the use of Agile project management techniques for delivery of projects. 3.2 EA stated that the approach developed as a software development methodology and was now used more widely. 3.3 MG noted that the team had visited a number of organisations in order to learn how the methodology worked in practice. 3.4 EA said that an important aspect of Agile was to maintain the optimal ratio of projects in development to resource available. 3.5 CT noted that Agile project management was and would continue to be a useful tool beyond digital projects. 3.6 Action: EA to set up a physical space in order to show people the techniques used and to explore the potential redesign of physical space. 3.7 JJ stated that the language used in promoting the methodology was of great importance to ensure ‘buy-in’. 3.8 The Executive Team noted the work to date and supported plans to roll out. 4.0 The National Archives and Research Libraries UK 4.1 The Executive Team was asked to note an update on the relationship between The National Archives and Research Libraries UK (RLUK). 4.1 The Engagement Manager presented on the background to the relationship, the state of the current relationship and future plans. 4.3 The Engagement Manager noted the benefits of the access available to the RLUK board and the numerous potential partners. 4.4 The Engagement Manager advised on plans for the, Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities’ conference: Exploring new digital destinations for heritage and academia in the autumn. 4.5 Action: The Engagement Manager to provide a biography of David Prosser. 4.6 The Executive Team noted the current position and future plans. 5.0 Revised 2015-16 internal audit plan 5.1 Executive Team is asked to review and approve the revised Annual Internal Audit Plan for 2015-16. 5.2 PB outlined the suggested alterations. Most issues raised on individual audits can be ironed out at the scoping stage (particularly for the Sector Leadership audit) but the more substantive ones were: Page 2 of 11 EA The Engagement Manager 5.3 HR Recruitment – JJ suggested 10 days was excessive and queried how the number of audit days was arrived at. Same issue was raised at the May Audit Committee. 5.4 Data Sharing Agreements – Needs some clarification as there was a question over whether this intended to cover things like data created through digitisation projects. 5.5 20Year Rule Support Fund – CT approved this as long as it was understood that this is more of a readiness for service review as there would be no worked examples to assess by Q3. 5.6 Archive Loans - Needs some clarification as there was some concern that this might cover return of documents to originating departments which is BAU. I Focus was to be on loans for non-BAU purposes: exhibitions etc. 5.7 Record Copying – After some debate Executive Team agreed for this to be pushed back to Q2 of 2016-17. This would allow 4 days contingency for the current year. 5.8 Action: PB to liaise with directors on any actions in section 5. 6.0 Business Plan 6.1 The Marketing Officer outlined plans for the launch of the new Business Plan. PB 6.2 Action: The Marketing Officer to produce a colour coded grid relating to each of the audiences. 6.3 Action: Directors to begin the process of producing a ‘strapline’. 6.4 Action: The Marketing Officer to discuss with Isobel Hunter the possibility of hosting an annual event for the Wider Archive sector at Kew. 7.0 Public Task 7.1 The Executive Team was asked to approve the draft statement of Public Task ahead of publication. 7.2 The Executive Team discussed the draft document. 7.3 Executive Team requested greater clarity on regulations relating to our role as the official publisher of all UK legislation and the mechanisms available for commenting on the statement. 7.4 Action: SW to incorporate suggested changes and publish in accordance with The National Archives Publication scheme. 7.5 The Executive Team approved the draft statement of Public Task subject to the agreed changes being incorporated. Page 3 of 11 The Marketing Officer All The Marketing Officer SW 8.0 Vacancy Management 8.1 Executive Team agreed the job proposal for the Head of MEMLEX. 9.0 Any Other Business 9.1 VJ requested that each director send her a research priority by noon on Friday 10 July 2015. 9.2 ET agreed VJ could inform people on the planned structure of the directorate. 9.3 JJ stated that if directors did not attend an Executive Team meeting an agreed director should provide a cascade for their team. 9.4 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 07 July 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Carol Tullo (CT) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP – item 4) David Sawyer (DS – item 4) Isobel Hunter (IH – item 5) Senior Advisor (Private Archives) (item 5) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Action 1.0 Minutes and Declarations of conflicts of interest 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 01 July 2015 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 No conflicts of interest were declared. Page 4 of 11 2.0 Future agenda discussion ahead of July Board 2.1 The Executive Team reviewed the 12 month forward planner ahead of review at the July Management Board. 2.2 Action – JJ suggested the possibility of an offline discussion with Non Exec Directors focusing on the forthcoming CSR. 3.0 aob / diary review 3.1 Directors discussed upcoming diary engagements. 3.2 Action: JCP – to clarify the timetable of Future Engage Deliver (FED) leadership sessions over the coming months. 3.3 Action: JJ to send agenda / focus out for Wednesday’s FED follow up session. 3.4 COS advised that the recent press release had resulted in good levels of media coverage. 3.5 Action: The Media Manager and Rachael Corver to present a paper at a future Executive Team meeting on press releases. 3.6 Action: JCP to send the Executive Team outline of timetable for NED recruitment. 4.0 Corporate vacancy management 4.1 Executive Team reviewed and agreed a number of recruitment requests. 4.2 CORE1 – Internal & Stakeholder Comms Officer - Approved 4.3 CORE2 – Security Officer - Approved 4.4 CORE3 – FOI Manager - Approved 4.5 CORE4 – FOI Assessor - Approved 4.6 CORE5 – FOI Researcher - Approved 4.7 CORE6 – Head of Digital Preservation - Approved 4.8 EBC1 – Guidance Manager - To be resubmitted as CORE and reconsidered as not covered by EBC. 4.9 EBC2 – Subject Matter Expert (technical assistance for digital Tech Transformation) - Approved 4.10 FUND1 – Project Conservator - Approved 4.11 FUND2 – Project Conservator - Approved Page 5 of 11 JJ / PJM JCP JJ The Media Manager / RC JCP 4.12 FUND3 – Project Manager - Approved 5.0 Closure report form the Religious Archives Project 5.1 The Senior Advisor (Private Archives) explained that the Executive Team was being asked to note this report on work done as Senior Adviser: Religious Archives in taking forward recommendations of the Religious Archives Survey and implementing objectives of the Religious Archives Support Plan, October 2012 - March 2015. 5.2 The Senior Advisor (Private Archives) took the Executive Team through the key aspects of the survey, the support plan and the implementation of the support plan. 5.3 JJ noted that the RAG action plan did not feature on our website and suggested this should be rectified. 5.4 JJ requested that the report be redrafted to reflect more inclusivity and to show that this is the product of part of an organisation and not an individual. 5.5 The Senior Advisor (Private Archives) noted that access to archives could, on occasion, prove challenging. 5.6 Action: The Senior Advisor (Private Archives) to produce an appendix, in the style of a Red, Amber, Green (RAG) report, to show the status of each of the objectives of the support plan. Strategic Projects to provide advice. CB to agree on behalf of Executive Team. 5.7 The Executive Team noted the report. JJ thanked The Senior Advisor (Private Archives) for all the hard work invested in this project. Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 22 July 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA Trish Humphries (TH – Minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) TNA Paul Davies (PD – item 2) Page 6 of 11 TNA TNA TNA The Senior Advisor (Private Archives) / CB Mary Gledhill (MG) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA Darren Austin (DA – item 2) TNA Malcolm Todd (MT – item 3) Resource, Finance & Admin Manager (item 4) David Sawyer (DS – item 4) HR Manager (item 4) FWW Programme Manager (item 6) Data Protection Officer (item 7) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies for Absence – Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Action 1.0 Minutes of Previous Meeting 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 7th July 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no outstanding actions. 1.3 No conflicts of interest were declared. 2.0 Procurement 2.1 Facilities Management and Catering Contracts 2.2 A presentation regarding the current situation on contract negotiations for facilities management and catering was given by PD. 2.3 Executive Team discussed the proposal in some detail. . 2.4 Executive Team agreed that the recommendations be put to Audit Committee for approval. 2.5 Managed Service Contract Negotiations 2.6 DA outlined the current position of the negotiations relating to the procurement of a managed network service. 2.7 Executive Team requested more detailed information about the services which would actually be included in the contract, but acknowledged the progress being made. Page 7 of 11 PD PD/DA 3.0 Information Commissioner’s Office 3.1 MT joined the meeting to discuss a proposal to amend the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Information Commissioner to take account of the new Public Sector Information regulations. 3.2 MT advised that the transition process had resulted in a number of opportunities for joint working with the ICO and support would continue. 3.3 Executive Team commended MT on the well written MOU, but queried the continued references to the Office for Public Sector Information (OPSI) and Information Fair Traders Scheme (IFTS). CT explained that OPSI was still regularly used with regard to licensing and delegation of authority and referenced on a number of websites. 3.4 It was acknowledged that consideration should be given to the substitution of references to OPSI with TNA, but that it was not appropriate to do so at this time. However, a review should be undertaken within the next six months. Action: CT/MT/SW to discuss and review this issue. CT/MT/SW 4.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 4.1 DSD Headcount 4.2 The Resource, Finance & Administration Manager joined the meeting to present the monthly report on DSD recruitment and headcount. 4.3 Executive Team noted the report and commended the department on the way it was managing staff resources. 4.4 Corporate Vacancy Management 4.5 Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests 4.6 EBC 1 – Operation War Diaries Manager - more information requested 4.7 EBC 2 – Digital Transfer Advisor – Approved 4.8 EBC 3 – QA Specialist – Approved 4.9 CORE 1 – Strategic Communications Manager – Approved HR Manager 4.10 CORE 2 – Senior Government relations and Policy Manager – Approved HR Manager 4.11 CORE 3 – Guidance Manager - more information requested 5.0 Agenda Item 6 – Diversity Bursaries 5.1 The FWW Programme Manager introduced two former recipients of TNA bursaries, who gave a brief presentation on their study subjects and how the Page 8 of 11 bursaries had helped them. Both felt that the funding had given them the opportunity to take full advantage of all aspects of their courses. 5.2 They were very grateful to TNA for the bursaries and Executive Team were pleased to note their achievements. 5.3 Executive Team discussed the bursary process in some detail and felt that there were a number of opportunities which could be explored, such as establishing closer relationships with bursary recipients to provide support and advice, and setting up an alumni group. 5.4 Action: JJ to discuss further with COS and JCP. 6.0 Agenda Item 7 - HO 334 – DPA / FOI issues 6.1 The Data Protection Officer joined the meeting to update Executive Team on a request from an academic research team to received anonymised data derived from open public records in the HO 334 series. 6.2 Executive Team discussed the request and were advised of the processes which were being adopted to address any potential data protection risks. 6.3 It was agreed that providing appropriate written assurances around the handling of the data were provided, Executive Team would be happy to approve the project. 7.0 Agenda Item 5 – Any Other Business 7.1 VJ advised Executive Team of a conference being held in November on ‘Threats to Openness in the Digital World’. The conference was being organized by former Advisory Council and TNA members, and it was agreed that TNA should have representation. JJ/COS/JCP Action: VJ to circulate details to Directors 7.2 VJ VJ advised that a number of staff were interested in attending the ‘Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities’ Conference. It was agreed that all expressions of interest be directed to a single point of contact, following which Directors would make the final decision on who should attend. Action: VJ to confirm point of contact and ensure all interested staff were aware There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Page 9 of 11 VJ Minutes Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 29 July 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB - Chair) Mary Gledhill (MG) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) TNA David Sawyer (DS) HR Manager - Systems & Operations TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ), Carol Tullo (CT), Valerie Johnson (VJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 22 July 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 1.3 22/09/15: VJ advised that a number of staff were interested in attending the ‘Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities’ Conference. It was agreed that all expressions of interest be directed to a single point of contact, following which Directors would make the final decision on who should attend. 1.4 Action: VJ to confirm point of contact and ensure all interested staff were aware. VJ 1.5 PJM to check status of the above action. PJM 2.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 2.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 2.2 The Executive Team noted the outcomes of the Reclosure Panel held on 21 July 2015. 2.3 CB advised that the deadline for the CSR submission was 4 September 2015. 2.4 COS highlighted the upcoming Advice and Records Knowledge (ARK) Showcase Day on Monday 24 August, a day of events, tours and workshops showcasing the work of the department. Directors to cascade to teams. 2.5 COS noted that a 24-hour tube strike is planned to begin on the evening of 5 Page 10 of 11 August, Strike Contingency meetings are planned. 3.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 3.1 Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 3.2 CORE 1 – Team Leader, Defence, Maritime & Environment Team, ARK – approved. 3.3 CORE 2 – Head of Audiences, ARK - approved. 3.4 CORE 3 – Engagement Manager, ASD – approved. 3.5 CORE 4 – Head of Engagement, ASD – deferred. 3.6 QA Specialist – 2 month LPA extension – approved. Page 11 of 11