` Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 2 September 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – Chair) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Mary Gledhill (MG) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) from item 5 onwards TNA Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) TNA David Sawyer (DS) TNA Darren Austin (DA) TNA Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager Government Relations Manager TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: None Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 26 August 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 Action: JJ requested CB and Paul Davies bring an options paper to the Executive Team regarding the public restaurant ceiling project. 1.3 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 2.1 Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 2.2 EBC 1 – Software Tester – approved. 2.3 JJ noted that this opportunity was limited to DSD staff only owing to the requirement to understand Record Copying. 2.4 EBC 2 – Systems and Process Analyst – approved. 2.5 MG advised that there had been some discussion in the Systems Development team around exploring software testing options around resourcing. 2.6 Action: DS to confirm that there was an 18 month provision for this post in the Page 1 of 10 CB DS budget. 2.7 Core 1 – Online Managing Editor – agreed. 2.8 JJ noted that the above decision was taken cognisent that there may be an impact on EBC project deliverables. 2.9 Core 3 – Head of ASD – approved. 2.10 JJ advised that as this was a sector facing role it would be important to test the external market for potential applicants. 2.11 Core 2 – Security Officer – deferred until 9 September 2015 in order to review alongside other vacancies. 2.12 Action: JJ requested DS provide details of the net effect of overtime levels in Security. 3.0 First quarter Expenditure Business Case (EBC) report 3.1 DA reported on the progress of nineteen projects using the traffic light reporting system otherwise known as the RAG report. The Executive Team was asked to note the report. 3.2 JJ advised that this report would, from the half year point onwards, be merged with the Business Priorities report to avoid duplication. 3.3 DA noted that of the nineteen EBCs twelve were green and seven were amber. 3.4 DA looked at projects by exception where they had an amber RAG status. 3.5 The Executive Team noted the report. 4.0 Dashboard 4.1 The Dashboard is a monthly reporting and monitoring mechanism for the Executive Team. The Executive Team is being asked to note and approve ahead of publication on our intranet. 4.2 The Dashboard provides an easy reference of how the Performance Indicators for The National Archives have performed in the month and alerts the Executive Team to those where achievement is under threat and where some remedial action may be necessary. 4.3 The Executive Team reviewed the metrics. 4.4 The Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager noted that Documents Delivered Onsite was down 8.1% (YTD) on this time last year, but this is moving in the right direction (it was an 11.6% YTD drop last month). As mentioned in last month’s Dashboard, the difference is mainly due to a reduction in staff orders. Page 2 of 10 DS 4.5 The Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager noted the downward trend of visits to the UK Govt Web Archive; this is likely to be related to content transitioning to GOV.UK and users being redirected to GOV.UK rather than the web archive. 4.6 MG said that we are investigating the changes in behaviour that brought about his trend. 4.7 The Executive Team noted and approved the June Dashboard. 5.0 July Financials 5.1 Executive Team considered the July Finance Report. 5.2 DS noted that no new risks had been identified. 5.3 CT stated that it was pleasing that we were meeting the forecast. 5.4 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 6.0 Police, Inquiry and Coroner Access to Public Records 6.1 The Executive Team where asked to consider the coordination of requests by CEO’s Office and whether a standard letter would be appropriate from the office of the Keeper to investigating bodies seeking to obtain public records. To agree to further work to set out some basic principles for The National Archives, government departments and places of deposit to follow. 6.2 The Executive Team discussed the proposals. 6.3 CT advised that it was important that letter was sent by the Keeper. It was agreed that the letter should be sent by the CEO. 6.4 Action: The Government Relations Manager to consult with Mandy GoldsmithUmney, Marcia Jackson and Sonia Ranade regarding drafting of the letter to ensure a unified approach. 6.5 The Executive Team agreed the proposals in the paper and thanked The Government Relations Manager and all involved. 7.0 CSR Update 7.1 CB and DS updated the Executive Team on progress to date on The National Archives CSR submission. 8.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 8.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 8.2 CT noted changes to a number of website addresses relating to Scottish Page 3 of 10 Government Relations Manager Government. 8.3 CT advised that the inability to be issued with a MoJ pass could prove problematic. 8.4 COS noted a successful Volunteers Day that was well supported. 8.5 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 9 September 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – present and Chair item 1a and 1b) Caroline Ottaway-Searle present from item 1a to item 5 (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Mary Gledhill (MG) Clem Brohier (CB – Chair from item 1c onwards) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA TNA Sam Whaley (SW) present from item 1b onwards TNA Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) TNA David Sawyer (DS) TNA TNA TNA AOC Architecture Ltd representative AOC Architecture Ltd TNA TNA Paul Davies (PD) Deputy Corporate Planner and Transformation Manager Susan Martin (SM) Baker Tilly Partner Rob Burton (RB) TNA TNA TNA TNA Baker Tilly Partner TNA Apologies: None Action 1.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 1.1 Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 1.2 CORE1 - Exhibitions Manager – approved subject to low cost options being explored first. 1.3 JJ stated that all areas of the business must actively take part in the uncomfortable Page 4 of 10 yet necessary process of managing down headcount, this process would need to continue into the next CSR. 1.4 VJ suggested that investigating the Student Placement Scheme may provide a low cost solution. 1.5 CORE 2 - Training & Engagement Manager – approved. 1.6 Security Recruitment – 2 of 3 posts approved. 1.7 DS advised that one post would effectively be covered by the reduction in overtime. 2.0 Space Programme – presentation 2.1 COS introduced the AOC Architecture Ltd representative and explained that AOC Architecture Ltd had been tasked with investigating how our Public Space Programme could meet the goals of our strategic priority relating to our public audience. 2.2 Executive Team was being asked to provide a steer and comment on the initial findings of how we could refresh both our online and onsite offer. 2.3 The AOC Architecture Ltd representative presented the report to Executive Team. 2.4 The presentation looked at how the space was currently used and how this current layout was perceived by both staff and public. A number of options around using the space in new ways were outlined along with an exploration of what our offer of public access may be in the future alongside a reimagined use of the space. 2.5 CB said that this was an impressive review of what we have and it suggested that options to change the nature of the building for a modest investment were potentially exciting. 2.6 CT advised that it was refreshing to hear the Q1 building being perceived as having drama. 2.7 JJ agreed with the suggestion in the presentation that the use of the central light well in Q1 was an interesting proposition as it was a great space and provided the possibility of visitors seeing the repositories in operation. 2.8 JJ stated that it was important to have education spaces that were visible and that celebrated the opening up of our history in order to inspire a new generation. 2.9 JJ noted funding may be required for parts of the work and that it was easier to gain funding for new buildings rather than refurbishing old buildings and this may prove a challenge. 2.10 Action: PJM to distribute the report to the Executive Team. 2.11 The Executive Team noted the report and thanked those involved in its production. PJM Page 5 of 10 3.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 3.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 2 September 2015 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor corrections. 4.0 Board skeleton review 4.1 Executive Team discussed proposed future agenda items ahead of the planned review at the September Management Board. 4.2 Action: PJM to highlight all changes in red on the skeleton ahead of distribution to Management Board. 4.3 COS requested the succession planning item move back to the December Board. 4.4 COS asked that ‘Update on Campus Kew’ be re-titled ‘Public Space Programme’. 4.5 Action: PJM to provide lead directors with estimated time slots for the October Board in order to aid the planning of the items. 5.0 Outstanding Internal Audit Recommendations 5.1 PD presented this report to the Executive Team seeking sign off ahead of tabling at Audit Committee. 5.2 PD noted that 5.14/15 recommendations 1.11, 1.12 and 1.13 an extension was requested for completion on 18/09/15. 5.3 MG stated that 7.14/15 recommendation 2, this has a process in place and the argument should be made to Audit Committee that it has effectively been completed. 5.4 CB noted that an established process was in place and therefore supported this position. 5.5 The Executive Team approved the report ahead of tabling at Audit Committee. 6.0 Internal Audit Progress Report 6.1 The Baker Tilly Partner presented this report for the Executive Team to note and approve. 6.2 The Baker Tilly Partner noted the redesigned report and advised that they would, subject to any other requests, work to the agreed timings. 6.3 The Baker Tilly Partner stated that other clients often choose that an executive summary of any reports be included in the main progress report. 6.4 CB said that it would indeed be useful to include a modified executive summary of any reports in the main progress report at Audit Committee. Page 6 of 10 PJM PJM 6.5 The report was noted and approved. 7.0 CCTV – options 7.1 PD advised that on 12 August 2015 the recommendations from the CPNI Security Review Report were presented to the Executive Team. JJ requested RB and PD draft a CCTV options paper for review by the Executive Team. 7.2 RB presented the options to the Executive Team noting the vastly improved quality of the preferred digital option. The current system was at maximum capacity. 7.3 The Executive Team discussed the options. 7.4 PD advised that this work had been included in the budget. 7.5 PD assured the Executive Team that there were options to reposition and re-sight cameras if required. 7.6 The Executive Team agreed the preferred option. 8.1 Executive Team - TOR 8.2 SW advised that in response to an Internal Audit recommendation the Executive Team was being asked to review and approve the Executive Team Terms of Reference. 8.3 The Executive Team reviewed the Executive Team Terms of Reference. 8.4 VJ suggested bullet 8 (executive decision making) on page one be moved higher up the list to reflect its importance. 8.5 CT advised that a degree of flex should be included to allow the Chair to invite other Senior Leadership Team members to attend Executive Team in the absence of a particular director(s). 8.6 Action: SW to explore the possibility of including reference to the accountability of the Executive Team and how this would work regarding the CEO’s Accounting Officer responsibilities. SW 8.7 Action: PJM to circulate the updated document for final approval. PJM 9.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 9.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 9.2 Action: MG to present a short paper updating on plans around MDR to the Executive Team on 24 September 2015. 9.3 VJ advised that TNA would receive part of the AHRC grant won earlier in the year by the IRO Group to run the 'Curating the Nation' debate. TNA put resource from Page 7 of 10 MG the Research and Marketing teams into organising the event. 9.4 VJ asked if members of teams were attending the Digital Threats to Openness conference. 9.5 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 24 September 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB – Chair) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Mary Gledhill (MG) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Kristen Dilworth (KD - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) David Sawyer (DS) Stuart Abraham (SA) Caroline Pegden (CP) Andrew Payne (AP) Isobel Hunter (IH) Paul Davies (PD) Collections Knowledge Manager Marketing Manager Engagement Manager TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 9 September 2015 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor corrections. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse : MOU 2.1 SA and CP presented the draft MOU for consideration. 2.2 CP is leading a working group which has begun to plan and co-ordinate for such Page 8 of 10 work with colleagues from IMD, ASD, ARK, DSD and the CEO’s Office. 2.3 The Executive Team agreed the draft MOU, noting that further work between the two bodies would be needed ahead of a final signed version. 3.0 Magna Carta report 3.1 AP presented the project closure report to the Executive Team. 3.2 AP informed the Executive Team that the new web resource was formally launched at The House of Lords on Thursday 5th March. 3.3 AP drew the Executive Teams attention to the key lessons learnt from the project including processes for engaging with Parliament and the difficulties the project encountered in using the CCS digital services framework. 3.4 AP explained that schools will use this resource year on year and we should expect a peak around the Christmas period. AP said this is being promoted through exam boards. 3.5 The Executive Team noted the comments in the discussion. 4.0 Integration of MDR into Discovery 4.1 SL informed the Executive Team that we are planning to integrate the old Manorial Documents Register (MDR) online resource into Discovery at the end of October. 4.2 Marketing Manager presented the proposed communications plan for closing the resource. 4.3 Collections Knowledge Manager explained that feedback was sought from various user groups, including representatives from our User Advisory Group and a number of key users. A number of enhancements have been implemented into Discovery to ensure we continue to offer the same level of high service, and that previous users are able to access the data. 4.4 COS suggested there should be one message for all users. 4.5 The Executive Team noted the report and thanked those involved in its production. 5.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 5.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 5.2 COS noted a Shakespeare kick-off meeting took place today. This is to look at the overall marketing and PR strategy, branding and visuals for the exhibition, marketing, website, etc. 5.3 CB will be attending the ICA annual conference in Reykjavik next week. Page 9 of 10 5.4 CT is attending the SASSIG event at TNA on Friday 25th September. 5.5 Engagement Manager sought advice from the Executive Team regarding the high level of interest amongst colleagues from across The National Archives in attending the Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities event. Registration has now closed and a large number of colleagues have requested to attend. It was agreed that no extra staff should go, beyond those already agreed. 5.6 VJ informed the Executive Team that a paper on the work at TNA to support the Home Office Access to Police Records Working Group will be coming to the Executive Team meeting on 7 October. 5.7 CT notified the Executive Team of the BFI 'showcase' being planned for 14 December so TNA staffs are more aware of our work with BFI. 5.8 PD talked through necessary service interruptions scheduled for the 26, 30 Sept and 5 October. There will also be a full day of disruption to systems including Discovery, towards the end of October. 6.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 6.1 Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 6.2 CORE1 – Digital Support Conservator– approved 6.3 CORE 2 – Conservator: Research and Development – approved. 6.4 CORE 3 – Interim PA to Research & Public Services – approved 6.5 FUND 1 – Training & Research Officer – approved 6.6 FUND 2 & 3 – Giving Value Fundraising Learning Consultant (2x part time posts) – approved 6.7 FUND 4 – Training & Research Officer - approved 6.8 There being no further business, the meeting was closed. Page 10 of 10