Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 2 December 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB - Chair) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ – from item 6 onwards) John Sheridan (JS) TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Media Manager Ian Cross (IC) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Matt Greenhall (MG) Corporate Performance and Transparency Manager RSM representative TNA TNA Lee Oliver (LMO) FOI Centre Manager FOI Manager David Sawyer (DS) Resourcing Manager TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA RSM Apologies: Jeff James (JJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 November 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 CO release - update 2.1 The Executive Team was asked to note plans regarding file releases. 2.2 The Executive Team discussed the plans. 2.3 IC informed the Executive Team that a task force would be set up in order to prepare for file release programmes. 2.4 The Media Manager said that we would be committed once the media statement was published. Page 1 of 10 2.5 Action: CB requested The Media Manager prepare internal communications to outline plans to staff. 2.6 The Executive Team noted the position and approved and the plans. 3.0 Options paper The National Archives / Research Libraries UK (RLUK) joint events 3.1 The National Archives and RLUK have publically stated their desire to hold an annual collaborative conference. DCDC15 was the third and largest collaborative conference to date and brought together 443 delegates and 82 speakers across its panels, workshops and keynote presentations. 3.2 MG explained that the Executive Team was asked to give a steer on a number of options laid out in a paper on the future of the DCDC series. The planning and delivery of the event was proving a strain on both The National Archives and RLUK 3.3 MG outlined the options. 3.4 MG advised that the feedback from the funders of DCDC15 was good and they had stated funding might be possible for future events. 3.5 CT noted that the proposed charge would result in a modest income yield. 3.6 JS said that it would be important to investigate the elasticity of demand to altered price levels, ceteris paribus. 3.7 MG advised that the option of working with a delivery partner was to be explored. 3.8 CB noted that JJ had raised concern around charging and had said that scalability was an important attribute. 3.9 CT said that there may be other methods that could reduce attrition such as a loyalty bonus. 3.10 Action: CB requested MG further investigate charging options and levels. 3.11 CB noted that the Executive Team supported option 6 in principle. 4.0 Outstanding internal audit recommendations 4.1 Executive Team was asked to consider and note the Outstanding internal audit recommendations report ahead of presentation to Audit Committee. 4.3 Ref: 6.13 / 14 (Implementation of MyHR) – The Corporate Performance and Transparency Manager advised RSM concurred with our proposal to close. 4.4 Ref: 18.13 / 14 (Business Priorities) – The Corporate Performance and Transparency Manager noted this item, with the agreement of RSM, was agreed to be closed. Page 2 of 10 The Media Manag er MG 4.5 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 5.0 RSM progress report 5.1 The Executive Team is being asked to note and approve the report. 5.2 The RSM representative took the Executive Team through the newly redesigned report noting that they were essentially half way through the work. 5.3 The RSM representative advised that the audit programme was on scheduled and completed on time. 5.4 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 6.0 Quarterly complaints report 6.1 LMO took the executive team through the outstanding complaints review report. 6.2 LMO advised that there were no outstanding recommendations at the time of the reports publication. 6.3 The Executive Team noted the report and the requested amends. 7.1 Reclosure paper 7.2 The Executive Team was asked to note the paper outlining the case for permanent reclosure resource and to agree to remain cognisant of these issues in forthcoming Expenditure Business Case (EBC) discussions. 7.3 He FOI Centre Manager outlined the key points in the paper. 7.4 CT stated that the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) may result in issues such as these becoming more prominent. 7.5 JS advised that it was important to develop a map of the collections and have a view of risk and its scale. 7.6 CT agreed that it was very important to have a thorough process in place if we were challenged in this area. 7.7 CB thanked the FOI Centre Manager and the FOI Manager noting that the paper had been very useful in setting out the issues and proposed solution and this was useful intelligence to have ahead of the EBC discussions. 7.8 7.9 FOI Action: Executive Team agreed the provision of additional resource, the FOI Centre Centre Manager to action. Manag er The Executive Team noted the paper, the compliance risk and the need to address it. Page 3 of 10 8.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 8.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 8.2 COS explained that we would soon be making an announcement on our plans to join the celebration of 400 years of Shakespeare’s legacy. 8.3 SW updated the Executive Team on the current recruitment campaign to our Board and Audit and Risk Committee. 8.4 There being no other business the meeting closed. 9.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 9.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 9.2 CORE1 Interim Head of Web – Agreed 9.3 CORE2 Interim Head of Sys Dev – Agreed 9.4 CORE3 User Experience Manager - Deferred 9.5 CORE4 - CORE10 Security LPA – Agreed 9.6 CORE11 Project Conservator - Agreed 9.7 CORE12 Engagement Manager West – Agreed 9.8 CORE13 Engagement Manager East – Agreed 9.9 CORE14 Head of Programmes – Deferred 9.10 CORE15 Senior Adviser, Independent Archives – Deferred 9.11 CORE16 Collections Knowledge Manager – Deferred 9.12 CORE17 Collections Knowledge Officer – Deferred 9.13 CORE18 Academic Programmes Manager – Deferred 9.14 CORE19 Government Relations Manager – Agreed 9.15 EBC01 Traces through time Researcher – Agreed 9.16 EBC02 Online Editor - Agreed 9.17 EBC03 Collections Knowledge Manager (Finding Archives) – Agreed Page 4 of 10 Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 16 December 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) John Sheridan (JS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Senior Business Analyst Chief Transformation Officer Methods Digital representative Strategic Business Change Manager Marketing Manager Head of Public History TNA TNA TNA TNA Methods Digital TNA TNA TNA Information Manager David Sawyer (DS) Resourcing Manager TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Valerie Johnson (VJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 2 December 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Digital Strategy – report 2.1 JS introduced the report, ‘Collaborative by nature; digital by design’ to the Executive Team noting that engagement levels had been very good across the organisation. 2.2 The Executive Team was asked to note and approve the report’s findings and recommendations. 2.3 COS said that it was important to be aware that there was already a large quantity of our holdings already accessioned that will not be digitised and it was important that this be protected and access be provided. Page 5 of 10 2.4 JS noted that there was now a new and increasing need to store the digital record and make it available. 2.5 CT advocated that getting our digital strategy correct was important and we, as a mature organisation, needed to use a standardised language and work with others to achieve our goals. 2.6 Action: Methods Digital representative to share details of work on Target Operating model with CB. 2.7 JS advised that there should be continual assessment of what solutions were available to buy in and when we needed to do so. 2.8 CB noted that The National Archives had taken the initiative with this work and this needed to be communicated to new members of our Board. 2.9 JJ said that engagement with our audiences was extremely important and we should not lose sight of the importance of our rich physical collection that we hold. We would however need to change as an organisation in order to meet the digital challenge. 2.10 Action: JJ requested that this topic be discussed at the January 2016 Board as well as with the senior leadership team followed by a wider update to all staff. 2.11 The Executive Team noted the report and agreed the recommendations ahead of further discussion at Board in January. 3.0 PA support 3.1 The Executive Team was asked to decide on a number of proposals in the paper. 3.2 The Executive Team reviewed the paper and its recommendations. 4.0 What’s on 4.1 The Marketing Manager and the Head of Public History talked through some of the highlights contained in the January to March 2016 edition of the What’s On publication. 4.3 The Marketing Manager noted that there was a clear focus on diversity. 4.4 COS advised that we were currently in an experimental phase where a number of ideas were being tested in order to better gain an insight into what events were the most popular. It was envisaged that we would end up with a simplified programme that resulted in the maximum amount of engagement for a finite amount of resource. 4.5 JJ stated that it was a useful process to ‘push the light around’ and consider non traditional audiences / topics. For example there may be an appetite from stakeholders in the wider archives sector to be involved in talks and or events. Page 6 of 10 Methods Digital represent ative JJ / PJM 4.6 JJ suggested that directors needed to be proactively encouraged to attend events if required. 4.7 The Executive Team noted the content. 5.0 Email Policy 5.1 Executive Team approval was sought for a change to our email policy. 5.2 The Information Manager outlined the key points of the proposed changes. 5.3 The Executive Team discussed the policy. 5.4 JJ suggested that behaviours could be changed by the provision of email managing tools to help people take responsibility. 5.5 Action: The Information Manager to discuss with CB and CT and bring back a revised paper to Executive Team at a future date. 5.6 The Executive Team did not support any changes to be made to the policy at this time. 6.0 Board forward planner – skeleton review 6.1 The Executive Team discussed proposed future agenda items for Boards. 6.2 A Digital Strategy item to be added to the January Board. 6.3 A Tech transformation update for the January Board. 6.4 JJ requested a Government Audience Update - Information Management item at the January Board. 6.5 Action: PJM to add items to forward planner. 7.1 Diary Review / Any Other Business 7.2 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 7.3 There being no other business the meeting closed. 8.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 8.1 The Executive Team reviewed one recruitment request. 8.2 CORE1 Deputy Head of IT Operations – Approved but with revised title. The Informati on Manager PJM Page 7 of 10 Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 23 December 2015 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Carol Tullo (CT) John Sheridan (JS) Paul Davies (PD) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Clem Brohier (CB), Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS), Sam Whaley (SW) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 December 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 November Finance Report 2.1 Action: PD was requested to share the visual design for the public restaurant with directors. 2.2 The Executive Team noted the report. 3.0 Dashboard 3.1 The Dashboard is a monthly reporting and monitoring mechanism for the Executive Team. The Executive Team is being asked to note and approve the November Dashboard ahead of publication on our intranet. 3.2 The Dashboard provides an easy reference of how the Performance Indicators for The National Archives have performed in the month and alerts the Executive Team to those where achievement is under threat and where some remedial action may be necessary. 3.3 The Executive Team reviewed the metrics of the November report by exception. 3.4 JJ noted that part of the feedback from our successful CSE application was that there Page 8 of 10 PD were a number of metrics that should be published on our website. 3.5 Action: PD to discuss with COS and the Public Service Development Department in the New Year. 3.6 JJ noted that we needed to explore what we would want from our web archive. 3.7 Action: JS to discuss options with the web archiving team regarding what a meaningful measure might be and what expectations we should have going forward. 3.8 CT said that a recent review of the information management personas highlighted the fact that they could be refreshed to better describe our stakeholders’ needs, particularly in terms of digital requirements. 3.9 Action: JJ requested the personas be reviewed, particularly at this time when two key members of the customer research team where leaving the organisation. 3.10 The Executive Team noted the November dashboard. 4.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 4.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 4.2 CT advised that a report had been published that looked at a recent MoJ data breach and this could result in our published guidance needing to be updated. 4.3 CT updated on a recent meeting with the Royal Household. 4.4 Action: CT and VJ to discuss issues around the Royal Collections and storage. 4.5 Action: JJ requested PD and JCP to escalate MyHr login issues to the Head of IT operations. 4.6 Action: PD to raise issues regarding uploading documents with the Head of IT operations and seek a solution. 4.7 JJ said that there was no ability to view streamed content via certain partner’s websites. 4.8 Action: PD to discus the use of streamed video on our systems with the Head of IT operations. 4.9 JS advised that there was a question as to where the correct point was for the balance between risk and productivity. 4.10 There being no other business the meeting closed. 5.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 5.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. Page 9 of 10 PD / COS JS CT / JJ CT / VJ PD PD PD 5.2 CORE1 - Head of Legislation Services - approved. 5.3 CORE2 - HCA Project Support – approved. 5.4 CORE3 - Senior Researcher, Prize Papers – approved for 1 year. 5.5 CORE4 - Online Editor – approved. 5.6 CORE5 - Death, Dirt & Disease Cataloguer – approved. 5.7 FUND1, 2 & 3 - Death, Dirt & Disease Cataloguers – approved. Page 10 of 10