Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 06 January 2016 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Carol Tullo (CT) John Sheridan (JS) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Isobel Hunter (IH) Strategic Engagement Manager HR Manager - Systems & Operations Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) David Sawyer (DS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 23 December 2015 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 The National Archives / Arts Council England Memorandum of Understanding 2.1 The Executive Team was asked to approve the refreshed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The National Archives and Arts Council England (ACE) 2016-2019. 2.2 The Strategic Engagement Manager explained that this was a refreshed MoU between The National Archives and ACE. The refreshed MoU and The Action Plan consolidates the existing work between the two organisations and provides a stronger framework to articulate the role of the archives sector within the wider cultural and cultural learning landscape. 2.3 JC advised that the refreshed MoU has been approved by ACE. 2.4 Action: JJ requested clarification of a number of phrases used in the MoU via email. 2.5 JS noted the potential to work together with ACE and explore the methodology they Page 1 of 10 IH use around data collection and analysis. 2.6 The Executive Team approved the MoU. 3.0 Policies 3.1 The Executive Team were asked to review and approve two policies. 3.2 The Executive Team discussed. 3.3 The policies were approved by the Executive Team. 4.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 4.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 4.2 There being no other business the meeting closed. 5.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 5.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 5.2 CORE1 - Security Officer LPA - approved. 5.3 CORE2 - Security Officer LPA - approved. 5.4 CORE3 - FOI Manager – approved. 5.5 CORE4 - Customer Research Manager - deferred. 5.6 JS noted that while there were areas of overlap between digital research and audience research the disciplines were different and required different skill sets. 5.7 Action: As a result of two vacancies now presenting themselves in these areas JJ requested that the relevant user / customer research managers discuss the best approach in order to ensure minimum duplication and the maximum efficient use of our limited resources. 5.8 EBC 1 - Online Editor – approved. Page 2 of 10 Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 20 January 2016 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB - Chair) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Carol Tullo (CT) John Sheridan (JS) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Simon Lovett (SL) Marcia Jackson (MJ) Jane Craigie – Payne (JCP) Finance Business Partner TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 6 January 2016 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Information Assurance & Cyber Security Training and Engagement 2.1 The National Archives’ Information Assurance and Cyber Security Engagement Programme (IACSEP) has been funded as part of the National Cyber Security Programme (NCSP) to deliver training and engagement across the public sector. The next 5-year NCSP programme starts in April 2016 and is framed around new transformational activity. 2.2 Part of the final year funding requires The National Archives to demonstrate how we have embedded the programme as business as usual as Cabinet Office instructed us to deliver information assurance and cyber security training to the public sector. 2.3 Executive Team was asked to agree the principle that this is core to The National Archives’ offer to government, and that we should explore the minimum credible level of resourcing to achieve this. 2.3 SL took the Executive Team through the key points outlined in the accompanying paper. 2.4 SL said that there should not be a false split between information security and cyber security – essentially the programme looked at the risks we faced in an increasingly Page 3 of 10 networked world. 2.5 COS stated that this as a key area and would be central to what we did as a digital organisation. 2.6 CT noted that the team’s visibility had grown over time and that the programme had been ambitious and the impact had increased, traction was good and our reputation was respected, if training ceased we would rapidly lose our standing in this area. 2.7 SL explained that while much of the training required individuals with generic skills it was necessary for the team to have the specialist knowledge in order to be able to advise with authority. 2.8 SL said that as well as the expertise, of key importance was engagement and getting in front of operational managers. 2.9 CB noted that there would need to be a robust budgeting exercise to balance resources, prioritise appropriately and to enable this to be taken forward in the first instance in a minimal affordable level. 2.10 Action: SL to explore options and return to the Executive Team with proposals. 2.11 The Executive Team agreed in principle that IA and cyber security is core to The National Archives’ offering to government and for proposals to return to the Executive Team for discussion and agreement. 3.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 3.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 3.2 SW advised that here was a planned visit by the Secretary of State to The National Archives on Monday 25 January. 3.3 VJ confirmed that AHRC had agreed funding for a Collaborative doctorate studentship. 3.4 The Executive Team noted ongoing work with DCMS. 3.5 There being no other business the meeting closed. 4.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 4.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 4.2 CORE1 - Academic Programmes Manager - approved. 4.3 CORE2 - Research & Academic Liaison Advisor Extension of FTA contract – approved. 4.4 CORE3 - Manager of Information Management Consultants – approved. SL Page 4 of 10 4.5 CORE4 - Conservator - Research & Development - deferred. 4.6 CORE5 - Resourcing Manager - approved. 4.7 CORE6 - Death, Dirt & Disease Project Cataloguer – approved. 4.8 CORE7 - Project Manager – approved. 4.9 CORE8 - HR Adviser – approved. 4.10 CORE9 - Customer Research Manager – approved. 4.11 CORE10 - Interim Head of Programmes – approved. Page 5 of 10 Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 27 January 2016 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) John Sheridan (JS) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) TNA HR Manager - OD & Business Partnering TNA Information Manager TNA Strategic Business Change Manager AOC representative Corporate Performance and Transparency manager Procurement Co-ordinator Corporate Performance manager David Sawyer (DS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA AOC TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Valerie Johnson (VJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 January 2016 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 ICA congress proposals review 2.1 The Executive Team was asked to review and approve two proposals that had been submitted as potential papers to be delivered at the 2016 International Council on Archives (ICA) Congress. 2.2 Action: JJ to consult VJ on proposals ahead of the Monday 1 February deadline for proposals. JJ / VJ 2.3 Action: SW to review draft proposals ahead of submission. SW 2.4 JJ advised that expectations needed to be realistic around staff attendance due to the distance of the conference. 2.5 Post meeting note: Deadline for submissions has been extended to 15/02/16. 2.6 The Executive Team agreed on a proposal in principle. Page 6 of 10 3.0 Review Clore Fellowship applications 3.1 The Executive Team was asked to review and approve two applications to the Clore Leadership Programme 2016-17. The programme aims to shape emerging creative leaders from across the cultural sector through in-depth learning tailored to individual needs, aspirations and circumstances. 3.2 The HR Manager - OD & Business Partnering advised that there was no issue with supporting more than one application. 3.3 The Executive Team discussed the applications. 3.4 The Executive Team supported the two applications. 4.0 Email policy 4.1 Executive Team approval was sought for a change to email policy. 4.2 The Executive Team discussed the policy noting that suggestions had been incorporated since the policy was last discussed at the Executive Team meeting on 16 December 2015. 4.3 The Executive Team agreed the policy. 5.0 AOC update 5.1 COS introduced our Design Partner Lead from AOC who updated on progress and presented proposals for the public restaurant area. 5.2 JJ advised that care was required to maintain clean, non jarring lines when exposing the original structure and the various finishes that had been used. 5.3 JJ said that this was an exciting time and we must devote thought and effort into how we utilise the space we have in order to best meet the needs of our current and developing audiences. 5.4 JJ stated that it was important not to lose momentum with this project and the work done already had demonstrated change and this needed to be built on or the opportunity may be lost. 5.5 JS advocated the installation of a customer research station complete with the necessary permanently laid out equipment. 5.6 The Executive Team noted progress and the proposals. 6.0 Dashboard 6.1 The Dashboard provides an easy reference of how the Performance Indicators for The National Archives have performed in the month and alerts the Executive Team to those where achievement is under threat and where some remedial action may be Page 7 of 10 necessary. 6.2 The Executive Team reviewed the metrics of the November report by exception. 6.3 The Corporate Performance manager advised that minimum and maximum levels would be assigned to each metric so as to flag any significant movement. 6.4 JJ stated that there needed to be a robust discussion on what metrics were required and the aim should be to be left with a dashboard that would fit on to one side of A4 paper. The visual design should support the context of use. 6.5 Action: The Executive Team to discuss and agree a selection of metrics. PJM schedule a specific meeting to discuss.. 6.6 The Executive Team noted the continued poor Online customer satisfaction score. 6.7 Action: JS to produce a paper outlining the short, medium and long term plans for addressing this issue. 6.8 JJ advised that the Grants measure needed to show the value of awards in monetary terms. 6.9 JJ stated that the Docs online metric needed to report the figure for the income received rather than number of downloads. 6.10 The Executive Team noted the December Dashboard. 7.0 Business Priorities and EBC update 7.1 The Executive Team was asked to review, amend and agree the Q3 update ahead of review at the February Board. The report provides details of progress in quarter 3 against our published business priorities and the progress of our Expenditure Business Case (EBC) programme 2015-16. 7.2 The Executive Team reviewed the report by exception. 7.3 REF 13 (engage with audience): JJ said that there was a need to clearly state the baseline figures in order to show increases in social media followers and directly contactable users. 7.4 Ref 28 (Unknown Treasures): Cataloguing work completed but not ingested into Discovery. 7.5 Action: JS to investigate issues and advise on timeframe for completion. 7.6 REF 30 (Academic Liaison): 7.7 Action: DS to check on progress with VJ. 7.8 REF 48 (ICT server): Commentary to state that there had been improvements made in other areas that resulted in some of the planned work being superseded as it may CB / Corpor ate Perfor mance manag er JS JS DS Page 8 of 10 no longer represent VFM. 7.9 The Executive Team noted the reports. 8.1 Financials and 9+3 Forecast 8.2 Executive Team considered the December Finance Report. DS then took the Executive Team through the 9+3 Forecast. 8.3 DS noted that we are making excellent progress towards achieving our financial goals for this year, and to the end of the current settlement period (March 2016). 8.4 DS noted that the management of vacancies in a corporate manner had been a useful approach and had worked well resulting in us being on track to achieve the budget targets set. 8.5 CT advised that there had been a request from a Non-executive Board Member for up to date financial information at Board. 8.6 The Executive Team noted the December Finance Report and the 6+6 Forecast. 9.0 Strategic Risk Register 9.1 The Executive Team was asked to note the Strategic Risk Register that had been updated following review by the Audit Committee on 11 Dec 2015. 9.2 CB took the Executive Team through the 9 strategic risks. 9.3 A number of minor changes were requested. 9.4 Action: CB to ask Paul Davies to update the Risk Register. 9.5 The Executive Team noted the Strategic Risk Register and approved pending updates. 10.0 Diary Review / Any Other Business 10.1 Directors reviewed engagements of note in their diaries. 10.2 The Executive Team agreed in principle to support the Friends of The National Archives Funding Policy. The preference would be to build on past successes and provide support for education and learning projects. 10.3 JJ advised that the next ‘Catch up’ with the Executive Team should not be delayed to facilitate a digital focus as there was benefit to be had to look at a variety of topics. 10.4 There being no other business the meeting closed. 11.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 11.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. CB / PD Page 9 of 10 11.2 CORE1 - Security Officer - Approved 11.3 CORE2 - Security Officer - Approved 11.4 CORE3 - Head of Research - Approved 11.5 EBC1 - Digital Solutions Strategy Lead – Approved Page 10 of 10