Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 03 March 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 12.35 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Clem Brohier (CB – Chair) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) Jeff James (JJ – from item 3 onwards) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) Matt Greenhall (MG) DJS representative 1 DJS representative 2 Archive Consultant Strategic Communications Manager Chris Mumby (CM) Cathy Williams (CW) TNA TNA TNA DJS DJS Archive Consultant TNA TNA TNA Apologies: None Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 February 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Academic Landscape Scoping Study - presentation of key findings 2.1 In July 2015 The National Archives commissioned DJS Research to undertake an “Academic Landscape Scoping Study”. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes occurring within the research and academic landscapes, our position and reputation within these, and the ways in which we can enhance our collaboration with academic and research partners in support of our strategic aims (as outlined in Archives Inspire). 2.2 The Executive team was asked to comment on the findings and recommendations of the Academic Scoping Study, before the delivery of the final report. A decision was Page 1 of 14 requested regarding the dissemination of its findings, within and beyond The National Archives, and their presentation to colleagues on 4 April 2016. 2.3 The DJS representatives presented an overview of the study, its key findings and results, and its recommendations. 2.4 DJS representative 1 noted that there was a general sense of being in a ‘state of flux’ within the research community but there was optimism for the future. 2.5 JS said that there was an interesting question around what researchers expectations were of The National Archives in terms of digitisation and the digital offer. 2.6 DJS representative 2 stated that while it was the case that academics had a desire for large quantities of digitised content there was still an understanding that original documents may still need to be accessed when research is being carried out. 2.7 VJ noted that if access to digital content increases there could be an increase in demand for paper too as interest in particular areas is sparked. 2.8 DJS representative 1 advised that generally born-digital content did not feature in academics thinking. 2.9 VJ highlighted potential gaps in knowledge that researchers might have to overcome to work with born-digital material. 2.10 CB advised that JJ had noted that the slides on ‘Important areas to research and Areas to improve our offer to the academic and research community’ seemed a particularly good alignment with Archives Inspire. 2.11 The Archive Consultant stated that internationally there was an appetite for The National Archives to conduct research into archival functions and there was much interest in this report from the international community. 2.12 CB said that this report was an interesting and useful piece of work that was in line with expectations. It was good to note where the sector expects us to be. 2.13 CB noted that we had four audiences and the balance needed to be correct. 2.14 Action: MG to share the report with The National Archives’ Board ahead of further distribution. 2.15 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 3.0 International strategy 3.1 The Executive Team was asked to comment on and approve the draft International strategy document. 3.2 SW explained that we see Archives Inspire as an international strategy. The draft document would work as our invitation to potential collaborators around the world and it would be developed into a web based resource which could include case study Page 2 of 14 MG elements. 3.3 The Executive Team discussed. 3.4 COS said that the wording could be tweaked to be more balanced. 3.5 SW noted that we needed to be clear to those who would potentially collaborate about what our requirements are. 3.6 SW advised that it was likely to be published after the referendum set to be held on Thursday 23 June 2016. 3.7 CB said the draft was very concise and gave a benchmark of what we want to do and it was a clear invitation to potential collaborators thus the tone needed to be carefully considered. 3.8 JJ stated that we needed to be clear about what the benefits of collaboration would be to us and potential collaborators. 3.9 Action: SW to distribute a revised version to the Senior Leadership Team. 3.10 The Executive Team approved the draft International strategy document. 4.0 New UNESCO Recommendation 4.1 Two years ago, the General Conference of UNESCO invited the Director-General to prepare and submit to its 38th session, in November 2015, a draft Recommendation on the preservation of, and access to documentary heritage, including digital heritage. In order to finalize the new normative instrument, an Intergovernmental Special Committee met at UNESCO Headquarters on 1 and 2 July 2015. As a result of this comprehensive consultative process a new normative text that covers not only heritage aspects but legal and intellectual property related aspects was elaborated. 4.2 CW explained that the Executive Team agreement was sought to continue to help implement the recommendations in the normative instrument and at national and international levels help build partnerships for identifying appropriate solutions to threats so that valuable collections and records may never be lost. 4.3 Action: CW to circulate the original recommendations to the Executive Team. 4.4 JJ noted that DCMS own the relationship with UNESCO and must be kept fully informed of developments and future progress. 4.5 CW advised that a policy brief would be drafted. 4.6 Action: CW to work closely with SW in order to keep DCMS informed. CW 4.7 Action: CW to distribute the draft policy brief to the Executive Team. CW 4.8 The Executive Team noted progress and supported future plans. Page 3 of 14 SW CW 4.9 Action: JS to bring a paper on the Archives Portal Europe to the Executive Team. 4.10 The Executive Team noted progress and supported continued work. 5.0 AOB 5.1 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 03 March 2016 - afternoon Time of Meeting: 15.30 – 17.00 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew JS Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Sam Whaley (SW) David Sawyer (DS) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) Paul Davies (PD) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: None Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 24 February 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments at the morning meeting of the Executive Team 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Resourcing discussion Page 4 of 14 2.1 Executive Team continued discussion on how the organisation needed to think and organise itself differently to meet the needs of its audiences and its single biggest challenge, digital and the various options to align its resources to meet the opportunities set out in Archives Inspire. 2.2 DS provided a new draft Budget with the changes agreed at the previous review incorporated. 2.3 JS noted the importance of differentiating those things that we needed to purchase, commodities, and those things where we could benefit from having specialist knowledge and deliver ourselves. 2.4 JJ advised that splitting up into audience groups discussing and planning the way forward then bringing outputs back together could be a useful methodology. 2.5 Action: PJM to set up a meeting with the Senior Leadership Team for further discussion after the forthcoming FED training day. PJM 2.6 Action: JCP to distribute job vacancies to the Executive Team via email for review. JCP 2.7 JJ said that a very good realistic and open discussion had been had about how we deliver the right resource in the right areas to deliver Archives Inspire. 2.8 The Executive Team agreed to deal with resourcing in a corporate and holistic manner. 2.9 The Budget 2016/17 was agreed ahead of sign off at The National Archives’ Board in March with EBCs as agreed. 3.0 AOB 3.1 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 09 March 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 11.50 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) Page 5 of 14 TNA TNA Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) TNA David Sawyer (DS) TNA Paul Davies (PD) TNA Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Carol Tullo (CT) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous two meetings held on 02 March 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 PA support 2.1 At its meeting of 16 December 2016, the Executive Team agreed in principle to Directors PA support, with PAs moving towards providing value added support. SW explained that approval was sought for the configuration laid out in the updated accompanying paper. 2.2 CB advised that there was a need to provide cover at peak workloads and for those providing support to work together. 2.3 JJ noted that increased support could be considered at a future point if it was thought necessary and the message of shared working needed to be sent out. 2.4 The Executive Team approved the recruitment of 2 FTE PAs to replace current temporary incumbents. 3.0 The Budget 2016/17 3.1 Executive Team approval was sought for the draft Budget 2016/17 ahead of seeking Board sign off. 3.2 DS took the Executive Team through the main components of the 2016/17 Budget noting that the top level pages would be prepared for the Board as the detailed analysis was not required. 3.3 The Executive Team discussed. 3.4 The Executive Team approved the draft 2016/17 Budget. 4.0 Senior Information Risk Officer (SIRO) update Page 6 of 14 4.1 CB asked the Executive Team to approve proposals relating to the role of SIRO. 4.2 CB explained that the SIRO role should be delivered by the new Director of Operations as they would be close to a number of relevant areas. 4.3 Action: PD and CT to discuss issues around the management of the KIM team and reporting lines. 4.4 The Executive Team noted and approved plans. 5.0 Power outage 5.1 PD reported that on Thursday 3 March 2016 we invoked our Major Incident Management plan as The National Archives was affected by a complete power outage. The decision was made to close the building to staff and the public when it became apparent that the outage could last for several hours. Plans proved effective. 5.2 PD debriefed the Executive Team on the incident and on a number of lessons learned. 5.3 JJ thanked PD and all those involved on the day for the very professional way in which the incident was managed. 5.4 JS advised that it was clear that our back up plans worked well in enabling us to continue to deliver an important part of our Legislation work on the day. 5.5 PD said that issues around DRI location and resilience will need to be investigated. 5.6 Action: PD / DS to add update to Board pre meet notes. 5.7 The Executive Team noted the report. 6.0 AOB 6.1 JJ, on behalf of The National Archives and Executive Team colleagues, thanked CB (who was leaving the organisation) for all his hard work over the last six years and wished him well in his new role. 6.2 CB stated that it had been a tremendous journey and the organisation had achieved so much more than the sum of its parts. 6.3 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. 7.0 Vacancy Management 7.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 7.2 CORE1, 2 & 3 - Security Officer Request - Approved PD / CT PD / DS Page 7 of 14 7.3 CORE4 - PA x 2 - Approved 7.4 EBC1 - FWW Diverse Histories Researcher – Approved 7.5 EBC2 - e-Learning Manager - Approved 7.6 EBC3 - Partnership & Programme Manager – Approved 7.7 EBC4 - FWW Digital & Marketing Officer - Approved 7.8 EBC5 - Partnerships & Engagement Assistant - Approved Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 16 March 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 13.00 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – Chair) Carol Tullo (CT) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) David Sawyer (DS) Paul Davies (PD) Research and Academic Liaison Advisor Caroline Pegden (CP) E Learning Manager Project and Procurement Manager Isobel Hunter (IH) HR Manager – Organisational Development Strategic Business Change Manager Lee Oliver (LMO) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Sam Whaley (SW) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 09 March 2016 were reviewed and Page 8 of 14 approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 February Financials 2.1 DS presented the report to the Executive Team. 2.2 JJ noted the importance of budget holders keeping open lines of communication with the finance team as year end approached. 2.3 The Executive Team noted the report. 3.0 Business Priorities 3.1 The Executive Team was asked to review, amend and agree The National Archives’ Business Priorities for 2016-17 ahead of discussion and sign off at the next Board meeting. 3.2 JJ advised that while drafting the aim had been to use plain English, have a consistent style and for priorities to be measurable. 3.3 The Executive Team discussed and a number of changes were requested. 3.4 The Executive Team agreed the Business Priorities 2016-17. 4.0 Digital scoping study recommendations and next steps 4.1 The Executive Team was asked to note the recommendations in the report, approve follow-up plans and the proposed timetable. 4.2 The National Archives recently commissioned a digital research scoping study from contractor Darryl Mead. The resulting report, completed in early February 2016, contains a number of recommendations. 4.3 The Research and Academic Liaison Advisor outlined the key findings and recommendations. 4.4 VJ said that this report fitted well with the ongoing work in the digital directorate and provides us with what will be a good benchmark from which we can measure progress. 4.5 JS noted that digital preservation needed to be a priority area to research. 4.6 JJ advised we should differentiate between that which can be achieved in the short, medium and long term. 4.7 JJ flagged up the need to engage with stakeholders, including members of The National Archives’ Board. Thought needed to be put into how this, the Academic Scoping Study and the Methods digital report were disseminated and it would be Page 9 of 14 beneficial to consider all three separate parts as a programme of work. 4.8 Action: VJ and JS to discuss stakeholder communication. VJ / JS 4.9 The Executive Team was asked to note the recommendations in the report, approve follow-up plans and the proposed timetable. 5.0 e learning update 5.1 The Executive Team was asked to note the objectives of the IPS e-learning project. View a demonstration and receive an update on plans for 2016/17. 5.2 The E Learning Manager took the Executive Team through the objectives of the project, demonstrated the package, it’s operation and future plans. 5.3 The E Learning Manager advised that the team had been working with a number of other government departments while testing this product. 5.4 JJ said that after completing a number of different online training modules it was clear that thought needed to be given to how they were perceived by the end user, what made for an optimal experience? 5.5 CP noted that as an organisation there were a number of ‘hotspots’ of e learning and there was a question around where they should sit. 5.6 Executive Team noted progress to date and opportunities for further roll out across the organisation. 6.0 Organisational development of Archives Sector Development (ASD) 6.1 The Executive Team was asked to approve proposals. 6.2 IH took the Executive Team through the key points in the accompanying paper. 6.3 The HR Manager – Organisational Development advised that the process had been collaborative. 6.4 IH noted that proposals were designed in order to work with the wider archive sector landscape and current logistical challenges. 6.5 The Executive Team supported the proposals in principle. 7.0 AOB 7.1 PD updated on the two recent power cuts at The National Archives. 7.2 Action: PD to update the Board on power cuts. PD 7.3 Action: COS to speak to Marketing and provide the Executive Team with an update on proposals to promote our business plan. COS Page 10 of 14 7.4 There being no further business the meeting was brought to a close. 8.0 Vacancy Management 8.1 The Executive Team reviewed a recruitment request. 8.2 CORE1 - Senior Developer – Approved. Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 30 March 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 11.25 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – Chair) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) David Sawyer (DS) Paul Davies (PD) Sam Whaley (SW) Strategic Business Change Manager (SBCM) Corporate Performance and Transparency manager Finance Business Partner HR Manager – Organisational Development TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Carol Tullo (CT) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 March 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. Page 11 of 14 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 February Dashboard 2.1 The Dashboard provides an easy reference of how the Performance Indicators for The National Archives have performed in the month and alerts the Executive Team to those where achievement is under threat and where some remedial action may be necessary. 2.2 The Executive Team reviewed the metrics of the February report by exception. 2.3 JJ noted the ratio of documents delivered online to onsite continued to be around 300:1. 2.4 Action: The Strategic Business Change Manager (SBCM) to add the ratio of documents delivered online to onsite to future accompanying notes. 2.5 JJ commented that the drop in customer compliments of nearly 40% warranted further investigation. 2.6 Action: SBCM to speak to The Service Quality & Complaints Manager about why the compliments have dropped against last year. SBCM 2.7 Action: SBCM to re-word the text around the sustainability metric on the accompanying notes to be in plain English and therefore easier to understand. SBCM 2.8 Action: SBCM to speak to Lee Oliver about the historic rationale for publishing the most recent survey results for customer satisfaction, rather than the average. Any change will have implications for the annual report. SBCM 2.9 The Executive Team note the February Dashboard. 3.0 New Corporate Dashboard 3.1 The Executive Team was asked to review, amend and agree the new Corporate Dashboard in order to deliver a clearer more transparent reporting tool for 2016-17. 3.2 The Executive Team reviewed and discussed the revised format. 3.3 A number of changes were requested: 3.4 Dashboard to be laid out on one sheet of A3. 3.5 Re-order the metrics – document delivery, income, staff. 3.6 Born digital and digitised to be shown on one graph, if possible. 3.7 A ‘burst’ line to be added on the income graph to show treasury limits and therefore over performance potential. Page 12 of 14 SBCM 3.8 For consistency all graphs to be in line form. 3.9 Show actuals, YTD and targets (where appropriate) in all metrics. 3.10 Where action was required the text to be red. Where no action was required the text to be black/green. 3.11 Action: SBCM to incorporate changes as stated above. 3.12 Action: SBCM to discuss the use of a rolling digital accessions figure in order to show SBCM the direction of travel. 3.13 JJ thanked all involved for their efforts in producing the new and improved Dashboard. 3.14 The Executive Team agreed the new Corporate Dashboard subject to the requested changes being incorporated. 4.0 AOB 4.1 The Executive Team noted the outcomes of the Reclosure Panel held in March 2016 relating to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions under Section 38 (health and safety) and Section 40 (personal information). 4.2 JS updated the Executive Team on potential changes to the income received from the Gazettes. 4.3 VJ informed the team of two successful grant applications. 4.4 PD updated on the recent power cuts. 4.5 Action: PD to inform the Senior Leadership Team of any potential Sunday power down dates that may be required for maintenance work (once agreed). 4.6 PD advised that our Fire Risk Assessment had been agreed and noted the work done by the Health and Safety Advisor. 4.7 COS said that a positive conversation had been had with a production company regarding potential programmes. 4.8 Action: JJ requested members of the Executive Team send through any planned partnering with NEBMs ahead of him discussing their objectives on Friday with the lead NEBM. 4.9 JJ noted that resource alignment work was moving ahead and we were looking to resource this work stream. 4.10 There being no other business the meeting was brought to a close. 5.0 Vacancy Management SBCM Page 13 of 14 PD All 5.1 The Executive Team reviewed recruitment requests. 5.2 CORE1 - Information Assurance Architect – Approved. 5.3 CORE2 – Internal and Stakeholder Communications Officer (see 5.7). 5.4 COS said that while work in this area was being managed it was useful to consider the implications of decisions not to recruit to certain roles. 5.5 VJ asked COS for further clarification regarding what the role covered. 5.6 COS explained that this position would provide communications support relating to our government audience, the digital programme and internal staff communications. 5.7 Approved for 12 months with a view to being made permanent. 5.8 CORE3 – Strategic Engagement Manager – Approved. 5.9 FUNDED1 – Transforming Archives Trainee x12 – Approved. 5.10 CORE4 – QA Specialist and CORE5 – Imaging Operator. 5.11 Action: DS to seek clarification and inform the Executive Team via email before any decision made. 5.12 Post meeting note 30/03/16 - summary of the position on the 2 ATRs within Reprographics sent via email by DS – Both posts approved by the Executive Team via email. Page 14 of 14 DS