Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 6 April 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 11.40 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – Chair) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Paul Davies (PD) Sam Whaley (SW) Rachael Corver (RC) Strategic Communications Manager Marketing Officer Alison Webster (AW) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) Julian Muller (JM) Finance Business Partner TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: David Sawyer (DS) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 30 March 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Video version of Archives Inspire 2.1 We are at the mid-way point of a project to create a video version of Archives Inspire, which forms a part of our overall communications strategy. The Executive Team is being updated on progress to date, the approach and key examples highlighted for use in the film. 2.2 The Marketing Officer noted that filming would take place predominantly at Kew. However plans were also being explored around using another location. 2.3 The team updated on progress noting that the launch was planned for the summer. 2.4 The Marketing Officer advised that the team was liaising with Audience leads from Page 1 of 7 across the organisation. 2.5 CT stated that any material aimed at a government audience needed to clearly show that we are an organisation that can be trusted and one that leads. 2.6 RC said that the ideal outcome may be a ‘library’ of clips of differing lengths edited to meet the requirements of different audiences. 2.7 VJ highlighted the importance of ensuring that the messages in the video(s) were the correct ones. 2.8 COS noted the benefits gained from allowing the creative partners the space to develop a coherent piece of work. 2.9 JJ advised that scoping work should progress, with the partner looking at the potential to produce a suite of videos while work on the ‘rough cut’ continued. If, after review by the Executive Team, the project warranted further development, momentum would not be lost as scoping work would have already been carried out. 2.10 Action: RC to bring a ‘rough cut’ of the video to the Executive Team when ready for review. 2.11 JJ thanked the team and stated the Executive Team looked forward to seeing the video. 2.12 The Executive Team noted the update. 3.0 'Taking forward the agile journey' 3.1 Agile is an alternative to the traditional project management we generally practiced at The National Archives. Embedding Agile is a core part of implementing our digital transformation. 3.2 AW took the Executive Team through the key points in the accompanying paper that outlined progress so far and set out future plans to embed Agile, Executive Team support was sought. 3.3 JS stated that there was still much to do, and we were at the beginning of the embedding process. 3.4 COS said that the Record Copying project had been a good example of Agile working, and had involved many individuals that were new to agile yet had supported the approach. 3.5 Action: AW to bring back more detailed proposals for further discussion. 3.6 The Executive Team supported further coaching for those in IT and Digital. Work with the wider business was subject to future approval of detailed proposals by the Executive Team. Page 2 of 7 RC AW 4.0 IT Strategy 4.1 Action: JM and PD to bring IT Strategy to the Executive Team. 4.2 The Executive Team agreed the paper in principle. 5.0 AOB 5.1 COS advised on initial meetings relating to potential TV programmes. 5.2 PD outlined the position with the phone masts. 5.3 There being no other business the meeting was brought to a close. 6.0 Vacancy Management 6.1 The Executive Team reviewed a recruitment request. 6.2 CORE 1 – Media Officer: Approved a 2 year FTA with the view to permanency. Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 13 April 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 11.40 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew JM, PD Attendees: Valerie Johnson (VJ - Chair) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) John Sheridan (JS) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) David Sawyer (DS) Sam Whaley (SW) Julian Muller (JM) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) Finance Business Partner TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ), Paul Davies (PD) Action Page 3 of 7 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 06 April 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 AOB 2.1 COS noted recent increased levels of media coverage. 2.2 COS advised that the first walk through of our space usage plans with staff had been well received. The next steps were an all staff discussion in May followed by further walk and talk events. 2.3 COS said that a positive meeting had been had with colleagues at the National Maritime Museum. 2.4 CT advised of recent logistical issues when hosting colleagues from OGDs and asked for thought to be given to the possibility we could align with pass issuing procedures used at OGDs. 2.5 Action: PD to investigate the issue and update the Executive Team. 2.6 SW updated on his attendance at a meeting at Cabinet Office on 11/04/15 attended by the Minister for Cabinet Office and the Minister of State for Culture and the Digital Economy. 2.7 There being no other business the meeting was brought to a close. 3.0 Vacancy Management 3.1 The Executive Team reviewed three recruitment requests. 3.2 CORE1 - FOI Researcher - Approved 3.3 CORE2 - FOI Assessor- Approved 3.4 CORE3 - Collections Knowledge Manager (systems) – Approved Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 27 April 2016 Time of meeting: 10.00 – 11.40 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Page 4 of 7 PD Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Valerie Johnson (VJ) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) John Sheridan (JS) Carol Tullo (CT) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) David Sawyer (DS) Paul Davies (PD) Sam Whaley (SW) Government Relations Manager Corporate Performance and Transparency Manager (CPTM) Corporate Performance Manager (CPM) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) HR Manager Finance Business Partner TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 April 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 Update: Vacancy Management - CORE 3 and 4 Project Conservators approved via email (19/04/16) 1.3 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Year end Finance Report 2.1 The Executive Team was asked to note and consider the Year end Finance Report. 2.2 JJ thanked DS and the team for all their hard work. 2.3 3.0 The Executive Team noted the Year end financial report. Q4 / End of year dashboard 3.1 The Dashboard provides an easy reference of how the Performance Indicators for The National Archives have performed in the month and alerts the Executive Team to those where achievement is under threat and where some remedial action may be necessary. 3.2 The Executive Team reviewed the metrics of the Q4 / End of year dashboard report by exception. 3.3 JJ noted the importance of clearly showing what was being reported, why it was so and what was being done. 3.4 Action: JJ requested PD check the narrative ahead of review at Board. Page 5 of 7 PD 3.5 Action: JJ requested further investigation into the 5% drop in documents delivered as it could not be fully explained by the loss of 1.5 working days of production. CPTM 3.6 Action: UK Government Web Archive visits – drop to be explained in narrative. JS 3.7 Action: JS to provide explanatory narrative on the Visits to Discovery metric in relation to record descriptions held by The National Archives and those held by other archives. JS 3.8 Action: CPM to show in the Diversity metric commentary that following a recommendation coming out of the recent internal audit review of TNA’s Business Priorities, Executive Team has approved a change in the way diversity metrics are measured and published in the Annual Report. CPTM 3.9 JJ suggested that there were certain metrics where movement within a defined bandwidth should not be cause for concern and change should only be flagged where it exceeded either the minimum or maximum values. 3.10 The Executive Team noted the Q4 / End of year dashboard. 4.0 Business Priorities / Project report 4.1 The Executive Team was asked to review, amend and agree the end year report. 4.2 JJ noted that this was the first occasion the present Board was going to be asked to sign off the 2015/16 Business Priorities / Project Report and it was important for a thorough examination of the content of the report in order to be prepared and open for challenge. 4.3 JJ advised that it was important to use Plain English. 4.4 JJ highlighted the need to clearly evidence the year end delivery position and the importance of providing suitable commentary. 4.5 The Executive Team reviewed the report line by line testing each of the stated Year End Delivery Positions. 4.6 Action: DH and PD to incorporate the agreed amendments. 4.7 JJ advised on the importance of teams setting business priorities that are clear and measurable in order to stand up to challenge at the year end. 4.8 The Executive Team agreed the report subject to amendments. 5.0 Staff survey : options paper on areas of concern 5.1 The Civil Service staff survey takes place annually during October and the results are received by December in the form of reports at the corporate, directorate and department levels where the number of responses are sufficient. CPM / PD Page 6 of 7 5.2 The Executive Team was asked to discuss priority areas for action arising from the corporate-level Staff Survey results and to agree next steps. 5.3 JJ advised that where pay comparisons were made they needed to be with similar organisations in the Civil Service such as NMGDs and certain Whitehall departments. 5.4 JJ stated that firm evidence needed to be provided showing relevant comparisons with other organisations pay and also what effect pay levels were having on recruitment. 5.5 JCP stated that work was ongoing on a paper on salary for discussion at a future Executive Team meeting. 5.6 JJ said that any change needed to be reasonable, achievable and fair and efforts to investigate pay issues needed to be targeted to where improvement could be made 5.7 The Executive Team noted the report and the next steps. 6.0 AOB 6.1 The Executive Team discussed issues around ASD. 6.2 Action: VJ and Isobel Hunter to bring an updated paper to the Executive Team for approval. 6.3 There being no other business the meeting was brought to a close. 7.0 Vacancy Management 7.1 CORE1 & 2 - Senior Project Manager x 2- Approved 1 year with a view to permanency. 7.2 CORE3 - User Experience Researcher – Deferred. 7.3 Action: JS to work with Rachael Corver and produce a paper on User Experience Research and Customer Research for the Executive Team to discuss. 7.4 CORE4 - Research & Academic Liaison Adviser – Approved. 7.5 CORE5 - Collections Knowledge Officer (Systems) – Approved. Page 7 of 7 VJ JS