Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 03 February 2016 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Carol Tullo (CT) John Sheridan (JS) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) TNA David Sawyer (DS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Sam Whaley (SW) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 February 2016 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Resourcing discussion 2.1 Executive Team discussed how the organisation needed to think and organise itself differently to meet the needs of its audiences and its single biggest challenge, digital and the various options to align its resources to meet the opportunities set out in Archives Inspire. Executive Team discussed the appetite and pace of change. 2.2 Action: CT requested the ‘mind map’ of the planned budget spend across the organisation be re-distributed. DS 2.3 Action: JJ requested that Executive Directors speak with their direct reports and outline today’s discussion. All Page 1 of 9 2.4 Action: Further discussion to follow at the Executive Team with, potentially, a meeting PJM of the Senior Leadership team to discuss plans. 2.5 JJ noted the importance of the involvement of the Board and the fresh perspective and experience they bring. 3.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 3.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 3.2 CORE1 - Recruitment Advisor - Approved 3.3 CORE2 - Senior Digital Archivist – Approved in principle. 3.4 Action: JCP to check details ahead of confirmation. 3.5 CORE3 - FOI Assessor - Approved 3.6 CORE4 - Academic Engagement Manager – Approved 4.0 Any Other Business 4.1 There being no other business the meeting closed. JCP Page 2 of 9 Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 10 February 2016 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Jeff James (JJ – Chair, items 3 – 9) Clem Brohier (CB – Chair, items 1 3) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) TNA Sam Whaley (SW) TNA TNA TNA Paul Davies (PD) TNA Corporate Performance and Transparency Manager RSM Tenon representative Alison Webster (AW) Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) Chris Mumby (CM) Publishing Co-ordinator David Sawyer (DS) TNA TNA RSM Tenon TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Apologies: Carol Tullo (CT), John Sheridan (JS) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 February 2016 were reviewed and approved. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 Board work plan 2016 2.1 The Executive Team was asked to note the proposed items on the Board work plan 2016 and to suggest any other items that could be added ahead of review by The National Archives Board. 2.2 The Executive Team discussed items on the planner. 2.3 COS suggested an item on how our site space is used be added to the May or June Board agenda. 2.4 COS proposed a possible item on talent and succession be added to a future Board agenda. 2.5 The Executive Team noted the Board work plan 2016. Page 3 of 9 3.0 Internal audit recommendations progress report 3.1 Executive Team was asked to consider and note the Outstanding internal audit recommendations report ahead of presentation to Audit Committee. 3.2 Action: JJ requested that a covering paper be drafted to outline to our Audit and Risk Committee the history of the recommendations in order to be fully transparent. Corpor ate Perfor mance and Transp arency Manag er 3.3 Action: JJ requested that the report be updated to reflect that the Executive Team had discussed DRI issues and had approved the provision of permanent resource. 3.4 Action: JJ asked that future reports show completed recommendations ‘greyed out’ in order to improve clarity. 3.5 Action: JJ advised that the title ‘Audit and Risk Committee’ replace ‘Audit Committee’ in order to reflect the changes made as recommended by the governance review. 3.6 JJ noted the responsibilities The National Archives had in looking after and monitoring documents we hold when on loan to other Government departments and the need to have clear deadlines for the return of documents. 3.7 Action: JJ and COS to discuss issues around transfer of government documents. 3.8 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 4.0 RSM progress reports 4.1 The Executive Team was asked to note and approve the report. 4.2 The RSM Tenon representative took the Executive Team through the reports. 4.3 Internal Audit Strategy 4.4 Action: The creation of new directorates to be outlined in 1.1 – the background – page 2. RSM Tenon 4.5 Action: The phrase ‘some uncertainty over funding in future years…’ be removed Strategy – page2. RSM Tenon 4.6 Action: The word ‘replace’ to be removed and ‘improve the current CRM system’ to be used in Internal Audit Strategy – page2. RSM Tenon 4.7 Action: A bullet relating to Government needed to be added to the Objectives – page 2. RSM Tenon 4.8 Action: A footnote explaining why Risk 1 is not featured on page 4 to be added. 4.9 Action: The pages numbering be made clearer. 4.10 Action: CB to arrange that Chris Cooper and Julian Muller discuss the number of days allocated to Cyber Security with the aim of reducing the allocated time. RSM Tenon RSM Tenon RSM Tenon Page 4 of 9 JJ / COS 4.11 Action: Clem Brohier to discuss the timing of a possible Commercial activity audit in 2018/19 with CM. 4.12 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 5.0 Draft business priorities 2016/17 5.1 The Executive Team was asked to review and approve the draft business priorities for 2016/17 relating to each of our four audiences, digital and supporting priorities. 5.2 PD noted that the format used was the same as Archives Inspire. 5.3 The Executive Team reviewed and the draft business priorities 2016/17 were updated accordingly after feedback. 5.4 JJ requested the Board cover summary clearly outline that this was the first attempt to set out priorities for 2016/17. Key dates and milestones to be set out. 5.5 Action: PD to meet with directors and prepare a paper for approval by The National Archives’ Board. 5.6 The Executive Team approved the draft priorities and next steps. 6.0 Staff Survey - further analysis 6.1 The Civil Service People Survey took place during October 2015 and involved 96 organisations across the Civil Service. A key element of the survey is the ‘Employee Engagement Index’. The National Archives’ Employee Engagement Index was calculated at 70% this year. This classes The National Archives as a Civil Service High Performer. 6.2 The Executive Team was being asked to note progress with survey analysis and future plans. 6.3 JCP noted that key themes had been highlighted in the results. 6.4 Action: JJ requested an options paper be brought to the Executive Team looking how we could respond to the results. 7.0 Publishing 7.1 CM explained that following an issue with content proposed for a forthcoming title it was felt that Directors do not have enough forward visibility of the Publishing agenda. This update is to provide an overview of current titles in progress and an understanding of the timeline for each. 7.2 The Executive Team was asked to note the current schedule and flag any potentially sensitive content. 7.3 CM and the Publishing Co-ordinator provided a verbal update of forthcoming titles. Page 5 of 9 CB PD JCP 7.4 CM advised that there were two models for partnering with publishers, either a percentage of the royalties or an advanced payment. 7.5 CM updated on the current range and recent successes. 7.6 CM stated that there was a document outlining guidelines around staff writing books. 7.7 JJ requested quarterly updates. 7.8 The Executive Team was asked to noted the current schedule; no potentially sensitive content was evident. 8.0 Any Other Business 8.1 There being no other business the meeting closed. 9.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 9.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 9.2 EBC1 - Collections Knowledge Officer (Discovery: Finding Archives) - Approved. 9.3 CORE1 - Collections Knowledge Officer (Data Analysis) - Approved. 9.4 CORE2 - Legal Editor - Approved. 9.5 CORE3, 4 & 5 - Legal Editors - Approved. 9.6 CORE6 - Media Officer - Approved. 9.7 CORE7 - Special Collections Transfer Team Leader – Approved. Page 6 of 9 Title: Executive Team Meeting Date of Meeting: 24 February 2016 Location: Blue Room, 1st Floor, Kew Attendees: Carol Tullo (CT - Chair) Clem Brohier (CB) Caroline Ottaway-Searle (COS) Valerie Johnson (VJ) John Sheridan (JS) Paul Davies (PD – from item 4 onwards) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Patrick Mallett (PJM - minutes) Partnership and Programme Manager Caroline Pegden (CP) Digital Transfer Manager Digital Transfer Advisor David Sawyer (DS) TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA TNA Corporate Performance and Transparency Manager Jane Craigie-Payne (JCP) TNA TNA Apologies: Jeff James (JJ) Action 1.0 Minutes and Matters Arising 1.1 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 10 February 2016 were reviewed and approved subject to a number of minor amendments. 1.2 There were no conflicts of interest declared. 2.0 The Poppies tour 2017 2.1 The Executive Team was asked to approve an expression of interest be submitted to 14-18 NOW to host the poppy sculpture, Wave, in 2017. 2.2 JC explained to the Executive Team the various criteria applications would be judged on and suggested that we would stand a good chance of success. The process was two staged and if the expression of interest was successful then Executive Team support would be requested for a more detailed application in stage two. 2.3 JC advised that this was an opportunity to partner with other institutions and provided an opportunity to engage with new visitors and bring them on a journey into the building making use of our holdings and possibly providing a digital exhibition. 2.4 COS said that there was a great opportunity to work with local organisation in partnership. Page 7 of 9 2.5 CB noted that the vista would be fantastic and this as a great opportunity, there should be time to thoroughly prepare for such an event. 2.6 Action: CT suggested that details of the proposal be placed on the staff intranet. 2.7 The Executive Team supported the proposal. 3.0 Digital transfers - update 3.1 Executive Team was asked to note an update on the progress of the Digital Transfer Project that was requested at the time of the previous update in November 2015. 3.2 The Digital Transfer Manager outlined progress made towards business-as-usual transfers. 3.3 Digital Transfer Advisor described the work being done in producing a master listing of all departments subject to the Public Records Act. 3.4 CT advised that rebalancing resource was required to offer government departments appropriate level of support. 3.5 JS noted the huge amount of progress made and the big step in moving from pilots to BAU. 3.6 JS highlighted two important remaining challenges: 1) the question of description of the records, and what is necessary for preservation vs. presentation purposes, 2) the question of providing access to open records vs. publishing records. 3.7 The Executive Team noted good progress made and future plans. 4.0 Budget 2016/17 - first draft 4.1 The Executive Team was asked to note and approve the first draft Budget 2016/17 report and to note an additional paper that outlined where savings may need to be made in both staff and non staff costs in order to balance the budget. 4.2 CT advised that at the forthcoming resource discussion next week we would have to make clear decisions about what we choose to do and what we choose not to do as an organisation 4.3 Action: DS to make compensating adjustments by directorate so we have a final line. DS 4.4 Action: COS requested DS discuss DSD recruitment with JCP. DS 4.5 The Executive Team noted and approved the report. 5.0 January 2016 Dashboard 5.1 The Dashboard provides an easy reference of how the Performance Indicators for The National Archives have performed in the month and alerts the Executive Team to those where achievement is under threat and where some remedial action may be Page 8 of 9 JC necessary. 5.2 The Executive Team reviewed the metrics of the January report by exception. 5.3 Action: JS stated a Legislation.co.uk survey would be run in March 2016. 5.4 The Executive Team noted the Dashboard. 6.0 Corporate Vacancy Management 6.1 The Executive Team reviewed a number of recruitment requests. 6.2 CORE1 - Lead front-end developer – Deferred. 6.3 CORE2 - Estates Customer Services Manager – Approved. 6.4 CORE3 & 4 - Senior Project Manager x 2 - Deferred. 6.5 CORE5 - Information Management Consultant – Approved. 6.6 CORE6 - Information Management Consultant (Info. Assurance and Cyber Security) – Approved. 6.7 CORE7 - Information Management Consultant – Approved. 6.8 EBC1 - Information Management Consultant – Approved. 6.9 Action: Posts 5 – 7 and EBC1 to form part of a collective campaign. The final number available to be confirmed at a later date. 6.10 CORE8 - Trainee Technical Support Administrator – Approved. 6.11 CORE9 & 10 - Infrastructure Analyst x 2 - Deferred. 6.12 CORE11 - E-Learning Development Manager– Approved Page 9 of 9 JS JCP