working paper department of economics The Theory of Wage Differentials: Production Response and Fact« jr Price Equalisation by Jagdi sh N. Bhagwati and T. N. Srinivasan Number 51 February 1970 massachusetts institute of technology MAS? : MAR 10 1970 DEWEY The Theory of Wage Differentials: Production Response and Factor Price Equalisation Jagdish N. Bhagwati and T. N. Srinivasan Number 51 February 1970 *The views expressed in this paper are the authors' responsibility and do not reflect those of the Department of Economics nor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lll R, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries The Theory of Wage Differentials: Production Response and Facto r Price Equalisation Previous analyses of the case where there is a distortionary wage differential between different activities, by writers such as Fishlow and David [2], Hagen [3], Bhagwati and Ramaswami [1], and Johnson [4], have led to the discovery of the following pathologies: (i) the production possibility curve may become convex to the origin, instead of concave [1] (ii) [2 J [4] the feasible production possibility curve will shrink inside the "best" production possibility curve [3]; and (iii) the commodity price-ratio will not be tangential (at points of incomplete specialisation in production) to the feasible pro- duction possibility curve. However, this is not the end of the story* It can be further shown that (i) the shift in the production of a commodity, as its relative price changes, may be either positive or negative; and that the shift is not necessarily predictable from the convexity or concavity of the feasible production possibility curve; and (ii) given the commodity price-ratio, we cannot necessarily have unique capital- lab our ratios in the two activities or unique factor price-ratios: an important and interesting implication of which result is that the factor price-equilisation theorem breaks down, despite all the Samuelson conditions being met, even if there is an identical wage differential in the same sector in both countries. * We would like to note that research in this field is independently being conducted by Steve Magee, P. J. Lloyd, and by Murray Kemp and Horst Herberg. -3- 1 Ql - Lf *2 = (l-L)f (R (R 1 (1) ) 2 LR f {f l 1 + (1-L)R X ( 2 V - R x factor allocations , . (2) ) - R (3) - P f^(R ) 2 (4) fJ(R 1 )}y = P (f Equations (1) 2 (2) , 2 - R 2 f 2 (R )> 2 (5) and (3) represent the production functions and Equation (4) states that the reward of the first factor (i.e. its marginal value product) is the same in the production of either commodity. Equation (5) states that the reward of the second factor in the production of the second commodity is Y times its reward in the production of the first. II: The Comparative Statics of Equilibrium Outputs In order now to investigate the response of output of either of the as two commodities. the commodity price-ratio changes, it is convenient to work in terms of the variable w representing the ratio of the reward of the second factor to that of the first in the production of the first commodity. we can write: w yw <1 (6) Then -4- 1 Given our concavity assumptions we can solve to obtain (6) and (7) uniquely and R_ as functions R.(w) and R-(w) of w. R.. that R, (w) is an increasing function of w. X It is easily seen Given R, let w (R) be the unique A solution of R. (w) interval [w , Then the relevant ramge of values for w is the R. •» w] where w(w) is the smaller (larger) of w. (R) and w_(R) (see Figure 1) The value of L corresponding to any given w in this . interval is obtained from equation (3). The equilibrium value (or values) of w corresponding to a given p is (are) obtained from equation (4). Let us examine this equation more closely » (R f i D — -5— f Let us first rewrite it as! i ( - P V (8) The left-hand side of equation (8) is a function of w alone. Denoting function by p(w) we get: p'(w) p(w) f d P (w) =n 1 _ dw p(w) ll<*l> d V 11 f (R.) ii is V 2 £ j2fi(R.) jr— . f f2 ( ll dw l f where w) dR (w > 2 " ( dw } From (6) and (7) we get: . dR ( V fl(R i dR (w) ) l d" 2 = 1 (9) = y (10) 4<v} L t 2 n »2> f 2 (R 2 <1R ) 2 (») dw {4«2>} If we wish to ensure that a solution exists for all non-negative values of w, we have to assume the Inada conditions: f^R, f*(R Lim R-K>(«) L ] f*(R ± ) X ) = 0(~) -5- Hence mD .!W ^) p(w) f + !pV 1 ~+ w+R 2 f (R w Jp yw+R 2 ) [using (6) and (7)] (11) (wf R x ) (yw+R 2 ) Equation (11) points at once to an interesting set of possibilities. First, if in the relevant interval [w [yR, (w) - R (w)] [w , w] of values of w, changes sign, then p(w) also changes sign s since w+R. and yw+R (w) are both non-negative. function of w. , In other words, p(w) is not a montonic Thus equation (8) can have more than one value of w in w] as a solution. This means that the same commodity price ratio p can be consistent with more than one equilibrium combination of the outputs of the two commodities. Second, consider two countries with identical production functions and the same type and degree of distortion (i.e. the second factor in the production of the second commodity receives y times its reward in the production of the first commodity in both countries). same commodity price-ratio p. Suppose they face the If yR- (w) - R„(w) changes sign in both coun- tries within the respective interval of values of w, then one country's equilibrium value w could be different from that of the other. words, factor price equalisation will fail to take place. In other It is important to note that this failure could take place, even though there is no factor- intensity reversal in the usual sense: even though [R.(w) - R„(w)] has the same sign for all relevant values of w, for both countries, [yR^w) - R 2 (w)| can still change its sign. 2 It should of course be kept in mind that R 2 (w) is the factor intensity in the production of the second commodity when the factor price-ratio faced by producers of this commodity is yw. -6- The precise conditions under which such multiple-equilibria will arise can be readily derived and related to the conditions defining the nature of To do this, we proceed now to derive first output response to price change. the slope of the production possibility curve 9 given y. and (3) we get: , dQ Using (1), (2), l dw dLl Tf l dw ——2 dw l dw 1 dL-2 2 ,. ,.,2 + (1-L)f 1 dw 1 dw ' = - -j-f ( dL dw dR V dR R) dR (R- R dw- + l>dw(R -R 2 2 1 ) Hence dR , fa {(R2" R) f dR. dw^ + (R "V *T dw dR. . + } f <V l R)(R 2- R 1> 1 dw (R^) {(f 1 -^) + R 2 (R -R) f [} 2 (R 1 ^ -$± + dR + *2 > 1 dR, -R (R dw x 2~V f -*-.*} t(~ f (V R> 1+ dw *1 f dR l 3 < R" R 1> 1 dw 1 (R^)' ^ dR dR . {(w+R )(R -R) 2 2 ^± + (w+R^R-R^ ^-} a2-\r [using (6) and 2 dQ_ 2 dw f 1 dR 1 {(>W+R )(R -R) 2 2 ^+ dR (yw+R^ (R- Rl ) 2 (R - Rl ) 2 ^ ? } -7- Now: dR -(fj) dw 1 f f 11 2 dR and 1 -(f 2 dw 2 2 Y ) 2 f 2 f 11 Next, let a(R.) denote the elasticity of substitution of the factors in the production of the ith commodity. i i i 1 qcf -^ a(R t f p ) Using (6) and (7) therefore we can write: . h dQ_3 f± f ll afa + fj {(w+R )(R -R) 2 2 dw w(R dQ 2 -t 2 - R 2 (w+R 2 x ) (R-R 1 afa} ) (12) 2 x ) afa + {(yw+R )(R -R) 1 It is well known that (yw+Rj^) (R-R x afa) ) (13) dw w^-R^' Hence (w+R | 2 ) (yw+R f x 2 ( (R -R) 2 ) (R -R) 2 (w+R )(R -R) 2 2 - p (yw+R a^ + 1 afa + afa (w+R )(R-R (yw+R x ) + (w+R )(R-R 1 1 ) a R 2 2 (R-R-^ a R 2 2 1 afa ) (14) (R -R) a 2 2 fa + (yw+R 1 )(R-R 1 )a 2 R 2 ) It is seen from (14) that if there is no distortion, i.e. if y 1, dQ x -dQi then -r~— = - p, showing that the domestic rate of transformation ( Q ) , equals the commodity price ratio p. However, if y + 1, we see from (1A) that: r -dQ (R -R) a n p - (- --jq-) = p(Y-Dw 2 \ fa + (R-R x ) (yw+R )(R -R)a R 2 2 1 1 cr 2 R 2 + (yw+R.^ (R-R^ ofa (14a) The expression in the square parenthesis is always positive; hence > p - - dQ l -rpr— according as y - 1. This means that the commodity price-ratio -8- will not equal and will indeed exceed (fall short of) the domestic rate -dQ 1 according as the degree of distortion in the factor of transformation ( ) p, , price ratio faced by the producers of the second commodity as compared to those of the first, i.e. y» exceeds (falls short of) unity. Note further that, in generals the degree of divergence between the commodity price-ratio and the marginal rate of transformation can be expected to vary with the equilibrium point on the production possibility curve at which this divergence is being measured (although this is not inevitable) 3 It is also clear that this variation in the degree of divergence can obtain under CES production functions (where a., and a_ are constant) and even under Cobb-Douglas production functions (where a. - a = 1) . Furthermore, the possibility of multiple equilibria, which we have already noted, also implies that, corresponding to the same commodity price-ratio, there could be different divergences between the price-ratio and the marginal rate of trans- formation at alternative equilibrium points on the production possibility curve. We are now in a position to examine the response of the equilibrium output Q- of the second commodity to change in the international price-ratio p. — From (13), it is clear that - - according as R„(w) ^ R. (w) definition (except in the trivial case where w = w, either R„(w) R„(w) < R n (w) for all w in [w , w] . also uniquely determined. By > Ri(w) or w] is determined dQ 2 the sign of -r— is Since the interval [w uniquely once the aggregate factor endowment is known, . , To get the response of Q 2 with respect to p we This can be seen readily by dividing (14a) on both sides by 'p' , which yields the formula for -p/dQ../dQ~, the relative degree of divergence. Note also that, except for the multiple-equilibrium possibility discussed in the text, any movement along the production possibility curve in equilibrium will require a change in the commodity price-ratio. -9- have to evaluate — -: = dp -— dw " Remember also that T"~ • dp sign as p'(w) in equation (11); and that p'(w) | Using these arguments , — will have dp the same according as [yR. - R„] | 0, we can now proceed to analyse the following six cases (excluding the degenerate case of w = w) Case Given I R. (w) R (w) > R„(w) and ; > R (w) , yR-i (w) > R~(w) for all w in [w w , ] this case will arise when either y - 1 or when y is less than unity but not sufficiently less than unity to make yR-j(w) less than R„(w) for some w in [w , w]. case, dQ dw specialisation i n this -r— > 0. Hence — -= 2 > 0. -: — and assuming incomplete > Thus, if we compare the equilibrium output Q_ corresponding to two different international price ratios, the one associated with the higher price of the second commodity in terms of the first will be larger. Thus the (comparative static) response of equilibrium output to a price change is 'normal'. Case II Given R.,(w) R.(w) < R (w) and yR (w) < R (w) for all w in [w : < ? w] , R»(w), this case will arise when either Y - 1 or when Y is greater than unity but not sufficiently greater to make YR,(w) exceed R (w) 2 dQ 2 < for some w in [w , w]. and again assuming incomplete In this case dQ_ < 0. > 0. specialisation Thus the output response is again Hence - — — — , dp normal 1 . Case III Given R.. : R (w) > R„(w) but y R n w ) < R (w) for all w in [w 2 , w] R_(w) this can happen only when y is sufficiently less than dQ dw 2 , , ,, n In this case > and, assuming incomplete specialisation, -j- < U. dW (w) > — unity. dQ Hence dp -= — 2 < 0. Thus if we compare the equilibrium outputs corresponding to two different international prices for the second commodity in terms of the -10- first, then the output corresponding to a higher price will be smaller Case IV s R.(w) but yR-(w) > R (w) for all w in [w ? , w] this can arise only when Y is sufficiently greater than 'perverse' — —— Case — V w in [w < R.,(w) In this case also the output response in a comparative-static sense unity. is ; < R_(w) R, (w) This 'perverse' comparative-static response. is a case of Given . , [w w] , w] R„(w) but yR (w) - R„(w) changes sign at one or more R, (w) > x : Z 1 We saw earlier than when . z yR.. (w) - R~(w) changes sign in the same international price ratio p may correspond to more than one , equilibrium value for w and hence for the outputs Q, and Q„. l Thus the 1 dw — will be different depending on the particular equilibrium dQ 2 will depend on value of w at which it is evaluated. Hence the sign of -z derivative — dp the particular equilibrium point at which it is evaluated. It is easy to see that if we order the equilibrium points in increasing order of the value of dQ 2 will alternate in sign as we move from one equilibrium point to Q„ then Z dp — the next. is Thus if at one equilibrium point the comparative static response 'normal', then at the next it will be 'perverse'. Case VI w in [w , w]. : R (w) < R (w) but yR (w) - R_(w) changes sign at one or more Here again the possibility of multiple equilibria arises and the conclusions in Case V apply to this case also. A 4 We may note that the possibility of multiple w-values corresponding to a single p-value can be readily illustrated, using the well-known Larner technique. Figure 2 shows how, consistent with commodity 1 remaining intensive in the use of factor 2 in two alternative equilibria (i.e. OM 2 is steeper than OM 1 , and so is ON 2 steeper than ON 1 ), two alternative values of the factor-price ratio are possible (at AC and DF respectively for commodity 1 and at AB and DE for commodity 2 which has to pay more for its use of factor 2 than commodity 1 has to) when the commodity price-ratio involves exchange of T for 1 units of the two commodities. -11- III: Relationship of Output Response to Shape of the Production Possibility Curve The possibility of "perverse" production response to change in the commodity price-ratio , in the presence of the wage differential, raises in turn the question as to whether the "perverse" response will arise if and ortly if the production possibility curve is convex to the origin. Such an inference is implicit in the earlier literature [1] [4] s in the way the diagrams are drawn, for example, to show that the output of a commodity increases with its relative price when the production possibility However, such an inference is logically curve is concave to the origin. valid only when there is no wage differential*. In the absence of such a differential the commodity price-ratio will be tangential to the production possibility curve and hence the output response to price change depends entirely on the curvature of this curve. But, once the differential is presents, the commodity price-ratio no longer equals the domestic rate of transformation and hence there is no a priori reason to expect any necessary connection bet- ween output response and the curvature of the production possibility curve. Our numerical example in Section IV does in fact show that there is no such However it is nevertheless of interest to derive analytically connection. To this we now turn. the curvature of the production possibility curve. We showed [equation (14)] that: (w+R )(R -R) a dQ 2 £i f2i " " t\ 2 (YW+R d We can then derive dQ . -rr- = 1/- dQ 2 (13) — dw . \ . 2 r d( 2 2 *2 ) _R ] (R -R) 2 1 + (w+R )(R-R 1 1 OjR^Cyw+RjKR-R^ a fa d by using the relation \ r = dQ . a^ ) d -j— / j 2 for We have already r y derived the expression * dQ dw l\ "nr"! 2) • ~Ifr~ dQ " 2 -r— dw Let us denote the numerator of the detailed expression for 2 in equation dQ rjg-, wi£h -12- the negative sign, by N(w) and the denominator by D(w). d_ «± dw dQ. Then - dN dD „, „, D <»> - N(w) . . g = 2 Now dN dw si dR — f.1 • l (w+R dw 11 dR - f + dw~ (1 V )( 2 *r i ) (R~R 2 } ) x dN dw g R l l f w - ft i l °i d^ + } (1 + )(M i djr 2 2 i i = 2 >< R 2" R) } °2 R 2 dR 1 ) we get: w ° 2 (R -R) 2 da + (w+R a R ofa + (w+R )(R -R) 11 W+R a R — dw -: ( dR. (-™) dR Using the relations a^ ) °1 R 1 + d* -dR + (wfR 1 dR , + + (wfR + (W+R R) °1 R 1 do (R OR (R -R) ) 2 o^ 2 + (R-Rp a R 2 2 h} — °2 R2 a ? R2 4- a R {(R -R) l l 2 + 2 )a R +-^-i^ (w+R )(R -R) +(R-R ) a * + a (wfR )(R-R ai 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 )J do do (w+R x (a R ) 2 2 )V+ (w+R )(R -R) 2 2 R^~ + (w+R^ (R-R^ dw Therefore dN dw Wll w (w+R )(R -R) 2 2 OR + (w+RjXR-Rj^) R 2 2 a-KJ - f! (R -R) 2 R 1 1 + (R-R x ) a R 2 2 + (—^») (continued) l l -13- a^ (w+R )(R -R) 2 2 + (w+R )(R-R 1 O ) 1 oo + do - w R.-wR) M(R.12 1 (R_-R. - v 2 do + R (irt.R 2 1 + ) )(R-R ) 1 R, (w+R„) v /v(R„-R)' l 2 2 dw 2 dw Therefore dN dw 2 1 O^ (w+R )(R -R) c 2 + (w+R^KR-R^ 2 R G R f. f l l ll —i-ii 2 + (0i a R (R -R) X X 2 + (R-R 1 R ) 2 2 + l°2 -—= do (R -R ) 2 1 (R^-wR) do —^ + Rl (w+R )(R -R) --± + R (w+R )(R-R ) 2 2 2 1 1 Next, i°dw 2 f ^i (Yw+R 11 dw 2 ) (R -R) 2 O^ + (Yw+Rj^) (R-R^ dR dR + f + (Y dw"> + (YwfR (R 2" R) a R i l dR f + (Yw+R )(R -R) 2 0l 2 R dw~ °1 1 d(J -~ 1 2 ) + R l lSr dR + ( Y + R 2 2 -dR., ^XM R > 2 2 + (VrfR dR (YwfR )(R-R 1 1 <o ) - 2iw )(-_) o R 2 2 dO + R 2 ^- Therefore R f dD m °2 2 ll dw w + f Y (yw+R { 2 ) 2 (R _R) a R 2 o^ + (R -R) i i + ( R- R x) (yw+R^ (R-R^ a R 2 2 a R 2 2 (continued) + a 2 , -14- °2 R 2 + f ~w~~ \ (R 2~ R) CT + (YwfR R 1 1 2 ) °l R l + <Yw+R ) 1 (R-R^ O ^ I a R + i l f "IT" |(Yw+R 2 ) (R -R) a 2 ~ + (r-r x x ) a R 2 do + R (YwfR 2 )(R 1 ~R) 2 (Yw+R^ a R\ - 2 2 da + R (Y^R )(R-R 1 2 1 )^£ ] Therefore 2 f dD dw a R li 2 2 (YwfR w + f Y <R 2- R) L { l a ) (R -R) 2 a^ + Vl+^V (yw+R 1 a R 2 ) (R-R^ a R 2 2 2 } -kj ('—) + 2 ^(YwfR )(R -R) 2 CJjRj + (Yw+R^ (R-R^ a R 2 2 2 } a °i dC7 2 M 12 (Ro-R-, v ) 2 1 w (R,R -YwR) + R. (Yw+Rj XI /x(R -R) **2 1 2 ' l dw da, + R (YvH-R 2 1 )(R-R 1 )^ Therefore 2 dD dw (Yw+R 2 ) (R -R) o R 2 1 1 + (Yw+Rj^) (R-R^ a R 2 £> 2 _„2 ~ G R f h 2 2 a a (R -r.) fj y((R -R) a R 2 i 1 + R (yw+R (R -R) + (R-R x a R ) 2 l Z + w 2 2 ) 2 1 2 da da x (R R -wR) -£± + R (Yw+R )(R-R 1 2 1 ) ^~ Kence _. D dN dw — dw DN „ dD = N "lVii °2 R 2 £ n w «i l - 1 (continued) 15- Df + YNf I «R 2 -R) V I R V — — — w a a R R ( l Z X 2 2 l Z 1 l - ~ A a + (R- Rl ) a R - Ra a (R -R ) 2 2 i 2 2 1 11 ) 1 (Df ; 2 + Nff) da - R (R -R) 1 2 |(w+R )Df 2 da ( + (y-DRjRjfJfJ ^(Rjj-R) (R -R) 2 a^ + (Y-l)f Jf J 2 - - dQ 1 - ! 2 ' 1 +a 2 (R-R1 )| (R-R^ a R 2 2 I(R -R) 2 a^ - R0 O (R -R 1 2 + l l> -D dW 2 w(R - Rl ) 2 2 ^2^ 1 1 dQ, using 2 d Q 2 + (yw+R,)Nf 1' (Y-l)(R -R )w(R»R )(R 2 »R)R 1 R 2 fJf J - Hence + (yi^-R^Nf yw yw+R 2 -w w-HL DN w 1 2 1(w+R,)Df:r i— ^-y»1 dw V R (R-. -RJ 2 J 1 ) "l^WV*- jg^ - a^ we get: J -w^-R^ 2 as > -— .. „ 2 D 2 - - - 2 Z .1,2 N(yR,-R,) (m+R ± ) (y-DRnRjf^f, /r D \i< + (yw+R 2 ) R 2~ R) a R l l + (R" R 1 } a R 2 2 A. T - R a,a«(R--R,)L )a,(R -R) + a,(R-R,),\ 2 2 2 12V ri l^V/ (continued) -16- (R _R a i 2 2 ) l 1 (R 2" R) °1 R + (R 1 ~V 2 R 2 da w (R - Rl ) (R -R) (R- Rl ) 2 2 ^ ^ a 2 It should be obvious from (15) - a (15) 1 ciw that it is difficult in general to 2 d Q x determine the sign of j . One has therefore to consider special cases. d ^2 ,2 f d /Q If there is no differential (i.e. y = 1) (1) , < dQ 2 lengthy right-hand-side is always positive. 1 then since the ' bracket in (15) cancels out and (R 1 -R«)N terra in the Thus we get the standard result that the production possibility curve is concave to the origin* Where, however, Y J 1» we can show that the production possibility (2) curve may have both convex and concave stretches. We can do this by evaluating 2 d Q, 2 at two extreme points: complete specialisation in Q. (so that R. R) dQ 2 and in Q_ (so that R» = R) and showing that the production possibility curve do i is we 11is concave at one end and convex at the other. Assuming that -j dw , — behaved for i = 1, 2, we can see from (15) that, quite generally: d 2 2 -w(R -R)' Q = R) = (given R 2 2 r D dQ, N( Y R-R 2 ( ) _(w+R) (yw+R 2 Y-l)R 2 f^f 2 olR a-2a 2 ) i<V R)2 ) 2 \ (given R " iKyRj-R) (w+R ) (yw+R. = R) = ~ w(R" R l } (y-DR^Jf^R-R^ ) ~ D 2 2 a 2 R (l-2 o ± ) -17- Suppose now that R (w) R (w) for all > 2 and R (w) > R > R (w) for all w in ( 2 w , w) . win [w w) , . Then R (w)=R=R (w) In this case, it follows that I and D < 0. Assume further the specific values: Y > 1 and a., (w) - -r-. d2Q l Then clearly s- < when R„ » R (i.e. w = w) . If it so happens that when dQ 2 d2q i ~ > 0. Thus the R. * R (i.e. w « w) YR < R (w) and a (w) ^ y, then 2 dQ 2 production possibility curve will be convex in the neighbourhood of one N > , specialisation point and concave in the neighbourhood of the other. We may finally consider the case where o = a equals a constant, can showing that this * lead to a production possibility curve which is smoothly (3) convex (to the origin) throughout. 5 In this case of CES production func- tions, with identical elasticities for both industries, (15) reduces to: 2„ d q dQ „ N(yR -R » ,[a. . R. f i / ^l \ R (w) = (t^-) 1 w° " -e" 2 1/e , (where a s , . — rr) £+1 then we get This means that R = nR, 2 /ex •: 1 1 2 D ) Y0t \° / 2 R (w) = hr^-J w and 1 2 + i i and 6 = , ) + (1-a. )] ot where n = (By) 2 (w+R.^ (Yw+R D^ we write 2, „ v „ „ „,„ „ ,2,1,2. a'(Y-l)R R R(R -R ) f^fj(l-2a) „ ; 1 2 2 If r„, „ ,„ „ ^2 -wd^-y x 2 Z a /l -. 2/ Since a . > 0, n ^ 1 according as 1 1 It can be shown that N = -f^"(n-l) OR (wR+nR By j 1. ) and D = d2Q 2 aR.(YwR+r|R Substituting these into the expression for ). 1 l j t (n-1) we get: dQ 2 2 d Q dQ. x - wRi 2 4 ( n -l) D 2 5 2 3 fj (n-YXwR+n (w+R 1"'"™ 1 )(yw+n - R. ) RJ "V + (Y-D(i-2a)nRR ] 2 /_,„^ D R.') (ywR+n *'" 1 (16) J Kemp and Herberg have independently arrived at this conclusion for CES production functions. -18- It is clear from (16) a„ and that if a. -r - a - 1 (i.e. when 6 1) d2Q - > dQ The reason is that, in this case, either for all y ^ !• 1 > n > Y 2 Thus the production possibility curve is convex throughout. or Y > 1 > !• IV: A Numerical Example The following numerical example demonstrates the possibilities of (a) multiple equilibria corresponding to a given commodity price-ratio, (b) perverse comparative-static response to changes in this price ratio and (c) 'normal response being associated with 'perverse' curvature of the pro- 1 duction possibility curve. Let f R =» 4. 1 = £ 1. R _1 l -1 + ± and f 2 I RK 9 2 1/2 + 8 2 Let Y 9 2 8 and It is easy to deduce 5 using equations (6) and (7), that R.(w) = w R (w) = w 2 2 , w = is positive in and w = 16. 2 w = 2 5 w < 4, Hence r "1 YR,(w) - R <w) 1/2 , = 8w 1/2 - w 2 and thus 2 zero when w « 4 aad raegative in 4 < w - 16 » i. The resulting production Of course R (w) > R (w) for all w in (2, 16). ? possibility curve is presented in Figure 3. This curve is convex throughout, as can be verified also by algebraic analysis. In Figure 4, the function p(w) is plotted. As was proved earlier (recall equation (11)) and as is evident from the figure, p(w) increases with w when YR,(w) as > R (w), i.e. when w is in the interval (2, 4) and decreases 2 w increases when yRAw) < R (w), i.e. when w is in the interval (4, 16). 2 Thus p(w) starts from a value of about 5.56 when w - 2, reaches a maximum of 6 when w = 4,' and declines steadily to a value of 4.32 when w » 16„ Thus it follows that if the commodity price-ratio happens to be anywhare in the range 5.56 < p < 6, there are two equilibrium values of w corresponding to each -19- such p, one in the interval (2, 4) and the other in the interval (4, 7.81). If either 4.32 < p < 5.56 or p 6, there is one and only one equilibrium value of w. dQ Next, note that with R_(w) > R. (w) for all w in (2, 16), / Suppose we now increase p from p l 4.32 upto p = 5.56. — -; dw < 0. Then the equilibrium value of w decreases steadily from w = 16 to w = 7.81 (approximately) and Q_ increases steadily from Q to Q 0.66 (approximately). Thus the response is 'normal,' i.e. the equilibrium output of the second com- modity is larger when its relative price is higher, even though the production possibility curve is convex to the origin. References [1] Bhagwati, J. and V. K. Ramaswarai. "Domestic Distortions, Tariffs and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy,"" Journal of Political Economy February 1963. [2] Fishlow, A. and P. David. "Optimal Resource Allocation in an Imperfect Market Setting," Journal of Political Economy , December 1961. [3] Hagen, E. [4] Johnson, H. "Factor Market Distortions and the Shape of the Transformation Curve," Econometrics s July 1966. "An Economic Justification of Protectionism," Quarterly Journal of Economics , November 1958. , YR (w) 1 FIGURE 1 Factor 1 v\ M 1 A* \ \\ V ^ ^^"^^^^w w E C FIGURE 2 Comm. 1 Coram. 2 ^^Sfc. , — >> Factor 2 w OS CCM o o fM o o • o • CJ> o • oo o O • • r>- vO U"> • O O • «tf o o c» CN • « o O in o o O O o o o 00 o o O <n O o o -v^tA-^O <e o o o o 00 O O vO o o o o c- vO in i/"t o o o m o o oo o o o o -* o o CM — MtO"U^B ' «JANOfr'82 APR 8EP24*f^ 17 '82 #:. HWH*-38 DEC SSAR 3 f 5 19*1 'If s.i 41 ty*- i|0N X'ffk Mil EEC 2 KVf Jfff 2 9 7 2 1*82 r &m 79 1 #***-^ Lib-26- -67 MfT LIBRARIES 3 TDflD 003 TS'n S22 MIT LIBRARIES TDflD 3 DD3 T5T 3M0 3056 TDfiD 003 S5T 530 TDfiD 003 T2fi 511 MIT LIBRARIES 3 TOAD DD3 TST SO MIT LIBRARIES 3 3 003 TST 3bS TOflO TOfiO 003 TST MTS Mn 3 LIBRARIES 1060 003 7i b 07E