Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/simplemodelofoptOOshes Oewav working paper department of economics massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 "k Slrrple Model of Qprimum Life-Cvcle CoTnsuTr.-ption With Earnings Uncerrainrv Eyran ShestLinski Kunber A09 Januar\' 1986 January 1 9B6 A Simple Model of OptiTnum Life-Cycle Consumption ¥ith Earnings Uncertainty ty . Eytan Sheshinski* Massachusetts Institute of Technology and The Hebrew Tfrii versity, Jerusalem Support from USE Grant Ho. SES-8105184 is gratefully acknowledged. am indebted to Peter Diamond for a helpful discussion. I Abstract Ve analyze the optimuic conBucption path of an individual who maximizes expected discounted utility over an infinite horizon, when savings earn fixed return and wage earnings follow a two-state random process. It assumed that no insurance is available against earnings uncertainty. a is Ve show that optimum consumption always changes disco ntinuously with the level of earnings. The optimum consui:ption path is characterized for the case where the subjective discount rate is equal to the interest rate. Vhile under certainty' consumption is constant in this case, it is shown that here consumption strictly increases or decreases over time. Specifically, when the 'Hazard-Rate' non-decreases with time, consumption approaches infinity or zero, respectively. The discontinuity in consumption, smaller than the difference in earnings across states. however, is always Comparison to the full insurance case when earnings can be annuitized is also provided. These qualitative results may explain some recent findings (Hall (19S2)) concerning the volatility of consumption and point to the appropriate life-cycle modelling in the absence of earnings insurance (Diamond-Kirrlees (19S2)). . . 1 . Introduction We consider a consumer vho earns a wage income that may change stochastically over time vhile savings earn chooses a fixed return. The consumer consumption path that maximizes expected discounted utility over a an infinite horizon. Oar objective is to characterize the optimum consumption path, focusing on the dependence of consumption on future earnings and on the corresponding relation between changes in consumption and changes in actual earnings. Clearly, the relation between consumption and current earnings depends on the nature of the underlying stochastic nrocess Vhen earnings over-time are identicallj' distributed random variables (as assumed, for example, in laari (1976) and Schechtman (1576)) or, more generally, if earnings follow a stationary stochastic process (as in Bewley (1977)» (1980)), changes in earnings are regarded as transitory and hence do not convey information vith regard to fuxure earnings. asymptotic convergence results - of the expected optimum consumption path in the absence of discounting and, more generally, of expected marginal which were taken as the appropriate analogue of the 'permanenx- utilit;,— income' This explains the (Friedman (l957)) concept under stochastic conditions. we adopt a different approach. contain a large permanent component. disability ( Diamond -Kirrlees (19S2))— Changes in earnings are assumed xo Obvious applications are to cases of or occupational positions, events have significant long-term effects. In fact, we make the extreme assumption that once earnings change this change is permanent. quently, earning. where Conse- consumption changes discontinuouslj- (and non-negligibljO ^-'i'th , -2- In general, consumption at any point in time aepends on the level of assets and on expectations concerning future earnings. Thus, even when actual earnings do not change and the rate of interest is equal to the subjective rate of time preference (which, under certainty, yields a constant optimum consumption path), optimum consumption changes over time. Specifically, when earnings may fall at some future date, savings are positive and consumption rises over time until the occurance of the fall in earnings. Afterwards savings seize the consumption remains constant. opposite pattern is found when earnings are expected to rise. The Optimum consumptior in the initial state increases indefinitely in the former case and approaches zero in the latter case. interpretation of the At any time, ' permenent-income optimum consumption There is therefore no obvious ' m concept in this context. the initial state is bounded between total income - i.e., the return on assets plus wage earnings - when earnings are high and total income when earnings are low. Thus, the magnitude of the discontinuit3' in consumption as the level of earning changes is bounded by the difference in earnings. This, (and other aspects of the model) could provide a testable hypothesis to the volatility of consumption question 2. The analj'-zed 03' Hall (1978) and Hall and Mishkin (19S2). I'jodel An individual may earn a wage of w respectively. individual is Time, m t, state or w , labeled state is taken to be continuous. 0, earning v . For a At time t = 0, 1 the small dt, there is a probability of f(t)dt that in the interval (t,t+dt) occur. and state a switch to state 1 Once such a switch occurs the individual stays forever in state will 1. It is assumed that there is no pcssibilitj' for insurance against such event. Tnere is, however, a perfect capital market vith a fixed return, savings. r, on The individual's objective is to caxir-ize his expected discounted utility over an infinite hcrizon. Once state 1 occurs there is no further uncertainty. Hence, as in standard djiiamic programming, we solve the individual's problem backwards. Suppose that state 1 The individual's problem is then to occurs at time t. choose the consumption path in state 1, c (E,t) >_ 0, for all s > t, that maximizes / u(c^(s,t))e-'^^^-^^^ds (1) subject to the intertemporal budget constraint on assets, a(s). a(s) = ra(s) + v^ - c^(s,t) s , ^ t, (2) for a given initial a(t), where the utility function, u(c), is assumed to be strictly increasing and concave, bounded above, twice conti.nuously diff erentiable for all c > 0, with u'(0) = subjective time-preference rate, Tne boundedness of u ensures that 6, ==. The interest rate, r, and the are assumed to be positive constants. (l) is finite for any- feasible consumption path satisfying (2). The Euler first-order conditions for a narimum of (l) subject to (2) are (r-6) u'(c^(s,t)) ^1^^'"^=- u'Hc.ls,t)) ' ^^^ ^5) . . -4- and the transversality condition lim a(s;e = where C, c QS 1 integrating (2) and taking f c J . , (s,t)e s -r(s-t) I tne latter is equivalent to ", -* /^s ds = a(t) + v -r(s-t). r as e J , V (4) , t t i.e., the present discounted value of cons'usption equals the present discounted value of future wage earnings plus initial assets. (5) and determine the optinum (4) c denoted , 1 c" (B,t) = ^^(t) h(s-t), — as r - 6 where h(0) = c ^ , which can be written ( 1 by (3), and, for all v Optinum consumption at the onset of state 0. Conditions 1, c >_ 0, (t), h'(v) is determined by (4), ^M) =|{ra(t)-w 1 Uj (5) ) 1 CD vhere 4; = rj h(v-t)e " " dv is Denote by U(a(t)) the maxinized value of (')i .A U(a(t)) = / It is easy to verify that U'(a(t)) = , ^ N -6(s-t ) u(^^(s,t)e-"^^-^^ds (3) u'(^Jt)) . (6) implies that . (7) - Erpected discounted utility, V, is now given by V = where c (t) > / is consumption in state at time (s) and F(t) is the t Tne intertemporal budget constraint in cumulative distribution of f(t). state U(a(t))f(t)je"^*dt * (t))Tl-F(t)) [u(c is a(t) = ra(t) + v^ - c^(t) t , The individual's objective is to choose to (9)> a i"or given a(0) 3/ 0.— > c 2 (t) (9) . so as to maximize (8) subject The Euler first-order condition, using (7), IS >.'(*,(t)) - u'(c„(t)) (r-6) u'( = „(t)) where Q:(t) = f ( t)/( 1 probability of state -F( t) 1 ) , termed the ' Hazard Rate occuring at time t. xransversality condition Ixm a(t)e ^ = 0. ' , is the conditional in addition, we have the integrating (9), letting t - the latter is ecuivalent to / CQ(t)e"'^dt = a(0) + v^ / e"''dt , (ll) =°, -6- vhich equates the present discounted value of consuicption to tnat of wage earnings plus initial assets at time 2l the optinum consunption path Conditions (5),.00) and (ll) fully determine c\(t) for all by c\(t). t I>enote 0. 0. Uncertainty is spurious in two obvious cases, in both of which consuEption is equal to its level under certainty: (1) ^' ^'i~.~ the same . Observe that in this case conditions (4) and (11) are • and hence setting (at t=0), = (t) c for all (t) c also satisfies t conditions (3) and (10). F(t) (2) =0, t _< < in which the onset of state Rate', t 1 and F(t) , = 1, t <_ This is the case =>. < is certain to occur at time t is then identically zero for all Q:(t), t t Setting and (3) have the same functional form. The . 'Hazard- >_ C Hence, equations (10) c (t) = c (t) = c(t), is seen to solve (3) and (IO) subject to the budget constraint '0 -^4- / c(t)e"'''dt = V / e~' "dt + v / e"^ 'dt . (12) t^ Me shall henceforth assume that v„ ^ v\ 1 zero for all "We t > — and that aft) is not identically 0. can now address the question of discontinuous changes in the optimum cons;imption path when the state changes. we shall prove that, consumDtion is never continuous: Theorem -^ 1 : c (t) = c (t) for all t _> is impossible generically, By ccritradition Proof: c = (t) Suppose that . c (t) = where, by (5), c,(0) =-{ra(o)+w c^,(0)h(t), V I 1 substituting c^(0)h(t) for-^^(t) in is impossible since w * (11 ) C > 7ner. However, ). 1 yields c^^CG} -(ra(0) = v^), * whici the difference between the uncertainty and certainty case, we shall focus on tne case where (10), t '• ^% To further characterize known, for all (t) c r - 6 = C. the It is well- that under certainty optinuia consumption is constant in this case. 3. Optinun Consumption Vhen r h(t) = In this case, c = (t) ra(t) + w ft) c = , 1 for all - 5 = for all t _>_ C. and hence t = 1 . By (5)r differentiating, using (9), r(v -w.-^ (t)*c\(t)) 1 4; (13) . I Condition (IO) now becomes u"(^.(t)) • , c„(t) = ° - u'(c^^(t)) 2 ^ ( (u) ),(,) u"(^(x)) Equations (13)-(14) are two differential equations that, together with the transversality condition, (II), determine the o-c-imum Dath (c (t), we have not yet made any specific assumption concerning the it£te', ci(t), as a function of time. for the onset of state Formally, 1 'We c, (t)). 'Haiiard shall assume that the probability does not decrease the longer state prevails. -6- a(t) non-decreases for all > If for some t^ Q:(t) 0, > for all =• vith certainty before or at t t t t > 0. > (15) this means that state , occurs 1 The optinum path in this case can easily be . Condition (15) is satisfied by the inferred from the following analysis- most common distribution functions, such as the exponential (Poisson). Ve can now provide a characterization of the optimum consumption path. Theorem 2 Under (15), : if v^ _ v^ (a) then v^ - > strictly increase for all v^ with lim t, c^iz) - ^^(t) > ^^^ = C(-)(*) (t) c and > = c^(t)) (c'Q(t), =>; •^-*<o if v^ - v^ (b) then v^ < strictly decrease for all - v^ CQ(t) - c'^(t) < A , , A s with lim (c^(t) - t, (t)) c and ic^it) < = w ^^(t)) , - w •i--l.CS Proof Consider the case w : for all t 2. 0* which (t c (t <_ ) Then, by 0. for all t > t^. .asc, a(t) for all t > t In fact, E(t) . - c^0^(t) + w„ 0 - w\ -1 imtlies that 0. > 'We first show that -p,(~) Suppose, xo the contrary, that there exists - c ) - v c" c - (t) (t) < c^ (t) = for all t > and c^ <_ (t) t < > 0, 2 t , c^ Since 0. fact, lim c (t) = c 0, (t) > fcr >_ and c'^(t) < > c, (t) > which, by (13) and (14), (t) < (t ) thereafter. But 1 then there could not exist a time > (t) fcr if not. 0- 1 ^(t-) (t) c t a c ra(t) + w^- c^(t) = v^ - w^- c^Ct) + fcr some > (U), (13) and - t fcr which c is strictly decreasing with t, because, Dy (14) and (15), - c (t ) <_ 0. Thus, it has a lir:it. at any positive ^ (t). In . -y- c^ (t) IE bounded awav from 0. < - V (t) c A given that lie IJov, for all >_ t , , = (t; c >_ \. there exists a C, a(t)e-^^ -rt lim a(t)e > 0, we now prove that v - v > and a(t > ) C, the contrary, By (13) and (13), (w^-^^(s))e~^^ds / c (t) A , c.(t) decreases with t. A . - (tj c ^ t t^ (16; , . . for all (t) c t_^ 2. and c,(t) > a(t^)e * violating the transversality condition. that there exists some (u), such that t^, > Since . t = t there exists Hence, >_ Suppose, 0. ^ for which c_(t) - for all < t t > t (t) 2. ^V~''*'i * Furthermore, from . T(> a c to t ) such that 1 (T) = u'(0) = c This path, however, cannot be optimal because, by assumption, 0. Consider next the case v c (t) -c (t) for all t. < v - we first show that 0. < to the contrary, SurtJOse, that there exists a I t > c (t) such that c and (t) > c (t ) c,(t - ) for all t < It 0. >_ > t follows from (13) and (14) that Furthermore, from (13)t . (t) c is 1 1 Hence, there exists a T(> t.) such that c,(T) = 0, which decreasing with t. I cannot be optima.1 ijow we show that w there exists a t. U —> (14), c_(t) w < c (t) - c Ul — such that w. - • and - w^ > (tj for all OU t >_ c^(t^) - c,(t^). lO C Suppose that Then, by (15) • < and c (t) > for all t >_ t . Furthermore, . -10- lirc t (>_ and lie (t) = t such that a(t c ) °° = (t) c > ) G. Since c (t) and c (t) < w ra(t) = for all before, this violates the transversality condition to prove that lin Finallj', lim (c (t) - (t)) c w > - V , c (t) then c - c (t) + t w t >_ tnere exists a , As was shown . lim a(t)e v -rt = 0. observe that if (t) = < is bounded away from 0, - v , which t-«° inplies that there exists this cannot be optimal Theoren consumption finite T for which a m state = Since u'(0) C. = °°, li proves that consunption in state 2 (T) c A 1, c \ . (tj, A 0, c , , (t), and initial ere co-monotone, that there is always a jump in consumption in the direction of the change in earnings upon the onset of state and that the absolute size of tne jump is alwaj^s less than the 1 m difference earnings in the two states. Clearly, these are all empirically testable hypotheses. The phase diagram for (c v^ - v^ and in > lb Fig^iire (t), c (t)) is drawn in Figure fcr the case w^ - v, (O) c ^amnle: = ra(0) + w log Let u(c) = tiz) ^(t) c^Ct) c^(t) c Then equation (14) becomes l)cr(t) rhere is no explicit solution for (13) and w^ 1 that in both L'ote . 7^—= (7^- w^- 0. case 1 1 cases < 1e for the > 0, for large t (17) (17)' However, for the case we use Theorem 2 which imulies that - A c , V ,A (t)/c (t) 1 ~ 1 -1 Lenotmg x(t) c^(t) - = (t), c and (13) (17) 1. yield I x(t) (r+a(t))x°(t) = Further assuiLing that x(t) = ^ = i.e., z(t) 0, solution is (Figure A / \ c-(t) = = ct(t) (18) constant, the only feasible solution is a = X r(v^-w^) - (v- r+a -V' ) Hence the (approrinate) steadv-state j-j- . ' 1 . 2) \ ra(t} + r / V r+a c + r+a V 1 19. c, (t) In state 0, = ra(t) + V the relevant variable for consumption is a weighted average of the wages in state Rate', 3- 1. As expected, the higher the the higher is the weight of (the lower wage), w a., Fizll and in state 'Hazard- • Insurance Suppose that earnings can be insured on an actuarially fair basis. the switch from state to 1 occurs at time of earnings is given by - Hence, the [(1-e) ^'')^-Q ^ e " \^ ] 'human-capital' annuity value is t, If the present discounted value ) -12- I = where a(r) [(i_e-^^)wQ / / e * When f(t) = ,* cie = ra(0) . raO) point E in Figure 2. c*, while c e-'"'w^]f(t)dt f(t)dt is the consumption (for the case = ^ + 6 = r) ^ [(l-a(r))wQ ^ . a(r)vj 'Laplace transforiL' of f(t). is constant, (l-a(r))v^+ a(r)v^ Optimum and equal to: c*, (21 . Equation (21) is the same as (20) in (19). c .-I-w^.-^w^, Compared xo (19)> therefore, (22) c is always larger than is initially lower and then higher for large t. •13- Footnotes — The most general results on asjiiiptotic properties of opticum stochastic consunption are in Chamberlin and Wilson (1984). —2/ In fact, our two-state earnings nodel is based on the continuous time version of the Eiamond-Mirrlees (19S2) paper on social insurance. 3/ — Note that no non-negativity restriction is imposed on a(t, -u- References Bewley, T. "The Permanent (1977) Income Hypothesis Formulation," Journal of Economic Theory "The Permanent (1980) Bevley, T. V,'ilson 16, 252-292. Income Hypothesis and Long Run Economic Stability," Journal of Economic Theory Chamberlin, G. and C. , A Theoretical : (19S4) , 22 , 377-394-- "Optimal Intertemporal Consumption Under Uncertainty," C.V. Starr Center for Applied Economics, New York University, Research Report 84-15Diamond, P. and Kirrlees (1932) "Social Insurance with Variable J- Retirement and Private Savings," Department of Economics, K-I-T' Friedman, K- (1957) " A Theory of the Consumption Function ," of EconoEH-c Research, Hall, E- (National Bureau New York). "Stochastic Implications of the Life-Cycle Permanent income (1978) Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence," Journal of Political Economy , 86, 971-9S7. E. Ea.ll, and P. Jlishkin (1982) "The Sensitivitj- of Consumption to iTansitory Estimates from Panel Data on Households," Eccnometrica Income: , 50, 461-481. Schechxman, Theory, Yaari , K. J. (1976) _i_2, (1976) "An Income Fluctuation Problem," Journal of Economic 218-241"A Law of large Kumbers in Thecrj'' of Consumers' Under Uncertainty," Journal of Economic Thecr:>-, 12, 202-217- Choice ra(0)-HW| <> Figure la = Wq-W|>0 ra(0)+w, w, —w Figure lb= Wr>-W| < O ra(0)-h w, r -(- Figure 2 a r -i- a /iS53 06^^ w ^ "'1 A'^#*'u'C^^ Date Due Lib-26-67 3 TDaO ODM EbO 2D1