Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/timeconsistentopOOsmit HB31 .M415 ju.11'5 working paper department of economics TIME CONSISTENT OPTIMAL STOPPING Lones Smith No. 97-5 March, 1997 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 WORKING PAPER DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS TIME CONSISTENT OPTIMAL STOPPING Lones Smith No. 97-5 March, 1997 MASSACHUSEHS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 021329 50 ;.;;,3SAC!-".!"crT3 yuu • ^ X. INSTITUTE j997 Time-Consistent Optimal Stopping Lones Smith^ Department of Economics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, March JEL MA 17, Classification 02139 1997 Number: C44 Keywords: time-consistent, von Neumann Morgenstern utility, affine, time preference Abstract This paper investigates time consistent preferences where the strategy space consists of a stopping time, and the decision-maker Despite the requirement of identical vNM also acts preferences, it is under uncertainty. shown that in addi- tion to the exponential discounting class identified by Strotz (1956), negative affine discounting also yields time consistent behavior. *e-mail address: lones@lones.init.edu tl thank David Laibson for a clarifying conversation, sci econ. research. . and acknowledge useful feedback from INTRODUCTION 1. There The is a rich literature starting with Strotz (1956) examining time-consistent planning.' insight here that even in a world of perfect certainty, time preference in a dynamic is environment must assume a very form specific functional if individuals are to have an incentive to carry out their previously-conceived optimal plans. In a nutshell, current how future 'selves' might well disagree on The cited literature is the wisest course of action for the future time t Strotz' > of future consumption at time t t main finding some optimal stopping under uncertainty. /3 consistent preferences > is must meet a sharper show that discounting may be is weighted by 7 — /3(r — know the full — t, The This paper asks this same question 0. test: gamut is Individuals must enjoy the identical von as their future selves. In other words, a harsher in Strotz context. either exponential or negatively affine t) There are two reasons to care about to the discounting exponential discounting: standard must be met by a smaller class of payoff functions than consumption if But because of the stochastic environment, time- Neumann-Morgenstern (vNM) preferences I that Here, identical preferences alone, or sooner preferred to later, has no cutting power. balance, — space and payoff structure that arises in a microeconomics context for a simpler action — e~^^'^~^\ for is is only depends on the horizon length t then preferences are time-consistent exactly when there consumption weight self. interested in behavior described by a very rich action space often infinite-horizon consumption paths. at and as of time (i.e. On time-r t). this result. First, of possible time-consistent it is useful for economic theorists dynamic objective functions under uncertainty. Second, the precise functional equations required by time-consistency can be easily understood in the simple optimal stopping context, and qualitatively differs from the deterministic infinite horizon consumption framework. 2. A A. The Model. decision THE ANALYSIS maker has a choice set each non-stopping action a G ^, a stochastic signal y G be a list of places to look each period, the sought-for prize. signals, strategy Ut is As a function a choice of a new /i* in every period. After F is observed. and y the simple of the history A U {stop} For instance, fact that the process hasn't to time t of actions, A may found and observed (possibly stopping) action, which will stop the ^For a recent and quite encompassing bibliography, see Donoghue and Rabin (1996). process with chance stopping at time > t two assumptions: The 7r(/i*). goal is to stop the process as soon as possible. weighted by a factor w{t s is first strict — s) that is decreasing in time preference (stopping sooner is t. Also, This embeds preferred to later), and second time symmetry (since more generally one could envision weighting by w{s,t)). An optimal strategy at time Us{a) where the expectation having yet stopped. B. The Main < Lemma One's functions a > vNM and Thus, it is vNM given the strategy a, conditional on not exists that stops in finite expected time. necessary and sufficient that an individual at any preferences over actions at + t) = a{s)w{t) vNM w behaves + exist functions d > and b of (si, S2) w{t Since this must hold nonconstant in t, it Thus, a(si, = S2) if - si) we replace > Si. there exist (2) = it is a(s2 solving (2) ae"^* The + 7, necessary and sufficient that there such that a{si, S2)w{t (si, S2, s) by - (si S2) + + 6(si, S2) r, S2 + r, s — Si) (3) + r), and because w is = d(si + r, §2 + t) and 6(si S2) = b{si + r, S2 + r) and 6(si, 82) = b{s2 — Si). Equivalently, putting s = S2 — 5i, D (2) for w follows. , , Proposition (Time-Consistent Characterization) w vNM utility function. By the vNM preferences are constant iff a like follows that d(si S2) the characterizing equation Proof: iff S2 b{s) Expected Utility Theorem, these utilities are positively affinely related. Hence, = > Since separate stopping times are mutually exclusive states of the world, with uniqueness part of the w{t) t such that b a pyoff realized just once, the weight weights times all preferences over future stopping times are constant w{s Proof: (1) In every period, one's actions affect the evolution of the future have identical S2 (yt) assume that a strategy I lotteries over public signals. Si = £{Zr=s<t-sMh')W) over future signals is Result. two times one that maximizes s is and yielding a well-defined or negatively affine w{t) functional equation (2) is The only monotonic decreasing objective function (1) are exponential = — /?t + 7 in time, where a, generally solved in Corollary /? 1 in > 0. section 3.1.3 of Aczel (1966). That result also admits the possibility of a negatively exploding exponential function {a, a finite P < 0) for which the objective (1) will not be defined. Conversely, assuming expected stopping time, any vanishing exponential or negative afl&ne function will D yield a well-defined objective. C. Discussion of an Example. Suppose that one wishes to get 'as soon as possible' given partial information of its location.^ preferences describe this objective function? WLOG set = 7 in the Proposition an optimal search strategy e~^* or is —t. The is -t = is lim;3_o(e-^* It is for it time-consistent is is What tar- time-consistent just single payofi", iff we may the payoff" from discovery in period t is where the player seeks to minimize the most natural interpretation of the stated goal. the limit of the exponential weighting as the interest rate - moving clearly will not affect behavior. In this case, latter negative affine weighting, the expected discovery time, also be seen as — Since there find a /3 It can vanishes: l)//3. tempting to draw inferences about more general stopping stopping games such as price search or alternating oflfer bargaining. In those cases, where there general terminal payoff, or intermediate payoffs, the Lemma fails, is either a more as the negatively affine solution vanishes. This brings us back to the Strotz solution (but with uncertainty). References Aczel, J., Lectures on Functional Equations and their Applications, Academic New York: Press, 1966. Donoghue, Ted and Matthew Rabin, "Doing it Now or Later," 1996. Berkeley Mimeo. Smith, Lones, "Equilibrium and Efficiency in the Rendezvous Problem," 1994. MIT Mimeo. Strotz, R., "Myopia and Inconsistency in Dynamic Utility Maximization," Review of Economic Studies, 1956, 23, 165-180. ^This problem 3 08 is 9 quite relevant: See Smith (1994) for a compelling coordination i; 3 3 game with this flavor. Date Due MIT LIBRARIES DUPL 3 9080 02 63 2853